Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1893, p. 3

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I i NEWMARKET ERA FEB Tit Weeks OX a number of Quite a SM sphering is a short oar to be received A boet Band All members of I2lh But Band fcro to bo Tor the nd other Organ Recital One of those Recitals end of Bong will be given In Peals Church Feb itthat A action will taken for redaction of debt child Likewise wife having a and jlinotoyodX is node rel are C and Z IP AnniURC Smtft experience EN ftcodeoully ran into her broke off J3w embed in the rah to ft deep to piece It Speaking of the Sot- SbiTrtbftWntftfji Ho op a to bow the inslilotion pays Mr Sibbald during i fire months summer jsiii milk to Army Notes There will be a memorial service in A Barrack Sand afternoon for late Weal and 1to at night for the late Mr LEeftt load will go down to seat Wednesday evening to bear Mr Booth peak and and Staff Fry play and realized Deal Who say no Have Been very about it a loVt t a jacked box by J at a certain factory hit ls ha ionld by a to oar mind the old 2eVTbi Bow with It which ahonld be uci kind of A Atmosphere Man- r are Ufa of small town pretension of Park Co jtt daring tb month of Jaamrj and their pay roll tarn on boy that k Ton can pinytell when yon are near tan- sat w V it help materially to give Home A is being in tha heating and system something on in atifae A To ronto firm is doing the work which will occupy fonr or week It is hoped mora and sat isfactory than former system will The new officials appear to get along very nicely with the inmates til Tosacco to Minors- An ex following paragraph use of miner has been placed In of every school teacher com- We dont any asytbst the provisions of so effectively iobJished wo hope that tti of has this in we learn that School no oh instructions The messenger to the relief Mrs year being bar vat The Attributed to and ifriab fcfftfiiil much com tore with The faneml loci ftfternooQ ad was ttntJ in Vt HtinumiinCo apianos Bra on view a the of A extend to All Id to ctll WUk4 initrameote when two of Co Forbes And Trill be faAppj to their over other and quote Alio for old Id change Another Slkichride A fine turnout from comprising J- borw with flx end b4DDere about at- rireJ in Newmarket a little after three oclock on afternoon And got a TAnniDg at the Methodist Church which was made to receive them though little they to the ride ash added not a little to the the of The number Gitt to the opera a Factory in Newmarket and half of A meet- the patrons Dairy Company in afternoon at two electing to of the for Rule and By and any recommend may be considered urged to that a voice in electing the A fell attendance We are pleased to report a Very encouraging In hie wo owe Mr A Rod an apology for the statement In last weeks fume that her commenced with diphtheria This it what was reported town bat we been formed is not We regret to the report because it places the statements made by the family to prints friends and enquirers in a false trust this Applanation will set the matter right Very Sad A sad case of diph theria developed in boats on St which to result fatally Sirs a member of the Salvation Armyt in the march on Wednesday night of list week and on the following Monday night remains were laid in th grave the funeral fcoiog at- tended by the Army ill a thoogh no person was allowed to go into the house by order the Board of Health She leaves a and a baby months old for whom sympathy it ex- prened in the sulden bereavement Great Success The Social in St School House last Wednesday evening a very successful affair The place was packed and so were the provi sions Rev Mr presided in his usually affable manner over a good program which interspersed the parlor game solos by Miss Miller and Charlotte piano by Miss Miss Bbnpeand Howe mouth organ soles by Willie chorus by boys recitations by Jennie Mils Moore friends of Si- Pauls will be encour aged to try again The Weather This is always topic when other news a scarce Notwithstanding rain on Sunday Morning which very wel come to those who were short of water the sleighing continues good to two or light fails The readings of the thermometer have been as follows Friday morning 1 below zero- Saturday above High The first regular High School wt held en Wednesday 1st Mr was riveted Chair- and Mr J Robertson The Auditors Report on lbs aocts adopted a satisfao- The Chairman Secretary were appointed a to the county grant and see whether the turn usually given is the countys proper Board then adjourned till 1st Wednesday in May The Gospel meeting last Sunday afternoon con ducted by High School students was a Hall was packed to the gallery W6 to add best of order was observed in that quarter whiob Is no the ease Mr Mills occupied the chair and splendid addresses were given by and Mr a solo and Miss Bolton presided at he organ A vote of thanks speakers was moved by Thompson Next Sunday the of the are to take charge Court or Assize Seven or eight belonging to Canes Factory went to Toronto on Wednesday to give evidence in connection with the case of Geo Dow son against firm The action is brought by the plaintiff for for in juries received by his son Charles a lad of from a circular saw in defendants factory whereby be lost bis arm The negligence and pleads the Compensation for Injuries Act is slated on behalf of the plain an of who had a contract with defendant was wheeling a barrow to the saw and through the act of an employe was thrown upon the saw upon there Was no guard and thereby the injuries for which damages claimed AH tho evidence was pot in counsel addressed the jury The judge delivered bis charge morning Up to two yesterday afternoon there was no word from the Ink Drops Pork is down and wheal is up Town Copncll Monday night Sep School Ijoard meets Tuesday tent week from Wed Good deal of sickness around is for town time Bell several minutes ahead of Toronto SCHOOL REPORTS r t J w or a IV Ethel Ira Millar Herbert Flewell Foster Them Miller Cell Eves Fetch Arnold Martha Arnold John Giles Jr Rogers Clara Cowia- Robert Fred Smith Jr III Clayton Foster Mary Arnold III Bertie Roger- Norman Smith ant ley Sr Roy John Huntley Jr Sarah Arnold EH Foster Norman Eves Smith Part Nelson Miliar Conie- Tablet Walter Foster Smith I Tablet Willie Arnold Present day Nellie Ethel Clara Bertie Clayton Foster Ell Arnold Cowieson Nelson Miller Walter Foster Average attendance MOUNT ALRKRT Miss of Toronto has been spending the past two weeks with her Mrs Tait Mrs and Low of Bailie are spending this week with Mrs- Motley Miller Bros have dissolved The business will be car ried on in future by Mr Abb Mfller Mr J Miller having gone out as a general agent for the Confederation Life Insurance Co Mr new factory is progressing towards completion and expects to be running in a week We notice Mr Motleys mill yard is filling lip with wood Will do ing ft rushing business Rev is holding revival services in the Methodist Church which are well attended The farmers have been busy im proving the roads Gravel- can now boast of the best macadamized roads in the township One of our young ladies who has been gathering old coins for some time received ten very ancient pieces one day last week Our worthy blacksmith seems to be one of the unfortunates While on his way down to an oyster supper at the other evening his horse got scared at some gravel by the wayside and threw him out It dragged Him about rods leaving him unconscious The horse was slopped by who suc ceeded with the assistance of a small boy in getting Joe into the cutter He did not become conscious how ever until he was within a few miles What the people would like to know Where the- bride and groom went last Wednesday What fine team of horses went past last Monday forenoon Money Maker Its as plain as the note on a man face that the bet boos of winter is not Id it to to even warped WCTU meets at Mrs Aye next was for but- i- on Market ItreUittutJay Tb power of use and bi ii snbjrtt for nest the Church sold Friday jio quite a til mini in Miss Mary hurt one Cooper Shop was cat sul 1 Smt day Is did not come bid by What is this It would seem that the In those wfc live In dime novel roatralo SMarday evening when market to his homo known as Pearson w the railway track Mr GcraVJ loams wu Mr od Irsld Main ho homo by shortly after the as met by an unknown no ill a lbs on hi person The ty wld arm as he as he resented by striking the highwayman left hand He fell npon VinvMi A Ill his knfe Into but for- ti y turn from it ioiis by In ia In pock- this by tvirGv Mow JitaajttU Will atei that churn bat few look back and saw the track friend fall aud he I to hi When within robber who wm over Mr arose led fioatb When Gerald was JJVfa he found had been emptied of J rendered wham home and re- FttUt had none the worse for the a few dollars of hog head These young men have reason lo doubt There no doe to the moCtbembUr think that It Intended scare bat Is loo sacred to pot In tb tears Is the dark or the a revolver and lb public should Hi not Monday Wednesday it above a bora 3 m below New Printing The great demand among the just to have goods put and ex Tor respective firms increased beyond the of steam pros at Canes Factory and thin week they have pot in one of the latevt inventions designed especially for rioting tbe pails and boxes Ill failed a Hot Press the type being upon an iron cylinder It and Is timed for a capacity of 2500 an boor The first copy was Wed nesday and the press gives promise of very work Anniversary It was years to day since Registry Office for North York ws opened in Newmarket by J J Pearson that no leas instromente have been recorded which demonstrates the great advantage It ha to the people of the Hiding books were first opened In a on Prospect avenue near the Model School until the now used by ibeTowii Clerk was ready for Pncy Legal men and Inspector have always that It Is a pleasure to do at North York everything is kept so Mr Is of the oldest in tho Province HOLLAND Class Florence BheppocO Stanley Shappard and Mabel III Chapman Sidney and Artie Chapman Jr III John Hawser Kitdi- log and George Morton Harry Scott Rath and Garibaldi Thompson Ft William Willie 1st Book John Edward Morton and Dot Chapman Maude Flossie Scott and Joe Wright Willie Willie and Chappie Bark and Teacher A house full of Mr friends surprised him with their presence ton Monday evening and had a very pleasant time He moved to StoulT- ville on Thursday where he expects to soon Commence operation for a creamery But few have been so successful as Mr and his family in gaining the good will of the people On Tuesday evening a sleigh load of school children viited their previous teacher Mr at his new home in Good wood In their own language had a glorious time Chirks who been cultivating father farms at Vivian the past year has went and go c and got married and has decided to quit farming His father is Raiting of removing upn the farm We shall miss smiling counten ance if he leaves A circumstance happened in School Secuon No other day which proved fatal The teacher in leaching the tablet lesson to a small clas came lo the word I husband which they spelled out but could not To as sist teacher asked what she would have if she got married The answer carne so unexpectedly she sat down asked the scholars to raise the window and fetch her a of cold water An elderly man while warming over the cold flue the Sun day whispered to friends he did not think much of the plan of heating the new church for he believed his feet would freeze The Temperance League have de cided on mutual improvement by debates miheir meetings and the firs question for mutilation is Is it consistent with the profes sions of a prohibitionist to accept the office of License Commissioner 1 iJr TO BE CLEARED OUT AT J -4- the Tour Buys more goods now than in would a week ago in certain lines because Winter Goods must be sold And we are laying down everything in Heavy Weights at the ESTABLISHMENT To be found f J W STEPHENS a -v- AT A r a ir ii j SWEEPINGS REDUCTION OF ft Alt t RMS SPOT CASH PRICES v a 1l Call J Millard for cash He sella cbenp ink At the meeting of Council a of 1 1 lions were presented for grants on roads We hope that the people on the Town vfviufty of before the meeting andfvt their petition in before all money appropristeL will iito be help It should be In to mark until nub is obviate two bills approaching the The have partially committed ihinurhti to see pot through and the keep at It It Is done Everybody who has through Glen villa this winter praising the work last year III School The following pupils mora of the total of mark for HI Charlie Annie Marker Olive aul Cecil Frank Holler Delia Dennis Us Norton Lily Hunter Charlie Hughes Norman Gray Cell Foraur Herbert Vox and Willie Wright Ulna Sr Dennis Eva Hewitt Norman Vernon Jolly Flanagan Prank Fred Garnet Viva at Work Another da light robbery was at tempted Friday afternoon by four armed men at the Home Loan office on church street Toronto within a throw of police headquarters but in this case the pluck of the prevented the desperadoes from getting away with any money or valuables tit Major Mason left the as the days business was finished Four clerks and the office boy left behind to finish and close the dotrs Mr Wellington Wallace in his cage getting his cash ready to lock up in the vault On one side of him was Mr IS Street working at hooka and on the side of him was Mr James C Mason also entering up part of days About a well dressed young entered the door levelled a couple of revolvers at Mr Wallaces head and commanded him hod up his hands At the same moment A COUPLE OF OTHER MEN ENTERED all with revolvers One of them proceeded to climb over the counter to try door of the cave which was locked on the inside Mr Wallace snatched a chair and held the seat between himself and robber to prevent the from getting a good aim at any viul While ibis was on it truck Mr Mas it that- it was lime for action so he into the marl that had the counter There was a probability that one or more of the would be captured but THE THIRD INVADER struck the pluckyoung man a on the held with the butt of the re volver that laid him on the floor stunned and that cut his scalp open Mr Street took a part In the melee and received a severe cut In his hand It became evident to the robbers that the thing to do was to run for it and as soon as they- broke away oil three making off the door having been guarded by a fourth In office John and Peter two clerks had been engaged When the In truders made their intentions evident ran up the back stairway to the of Kelly where he telephoned to the detective office for Detective Cuddy rived within two minutes but the birds had departed They left no Rv J AT Those who had been idling and had not their winter supply of wood as yet felt like weeping with ntiire last night fearing that the sleighing was about to turn to soup and that were badly in it are flying around row and the blacksmiths are busy pounding iron shoes into greenbacks We congratulate Rev in the possession of a son The hotel is closed at present owing lo the disorder occasioned- by a of owners We sincerely pe the disorder may continue for ever Mr Will Draper eldest son of Mr Draper of Union St whose wife died recently after being some lime in the Toronto hospital died on Monday of diphtheria Another boy is seriously ill but it is to he hoped he will recover Willie was a prom ising young man of about tS years of age of steady habits and all lament bis early drath Union St school has been closed for two weeks on account of Song service in the Methodist church next Sunday evening of Newmarket organ ized a singing class here Saturday evening Regular work commences next Saturday night when no doubt a big class will be in attendance owing to the very reasonable terms of the competent leader I he first the Institute were- circulated Wednesday evening Much interest is shown by those of the neighborhood The library is conveniently situated in Geo Wights store Call and see the books and subscribe Miss Sarah Kavanagh was the guest of Miss Clara Hill on Sunday last On Wednesday of last week we had a marriage Mr Henry Mar tin and Mr Richard reckon Into a compact with their respective ladies We wont say any thing more about it because they both went away home to have the ceremony performed and we did not get a bid Wouldnt it be a glorious relief if the County Council could get a swift lefthander In on the settlement of the county roads some time in the near future say before the year The contest hasbeen going on for years and years and the are at present sadly disabled but still In the ring Strike men I Strike 1 or you wont be In it V PRINTS It early to talk Prints hut wo have all Cull early ho as to have first choice j As we wish to reduce our stock of Winter GootU much before stocktaking we will offer them at the lowest possible price Our stock of Gro- will be found Fresh and Well Assorted Our Blended Teas and Coffee ore still Telephone Connection Main St will Kxieoslra Credit stock inpin IBP KiUhalforiuiS to Sod Dun of I on over for hay roots and fowls I P for cash oclock sfarp Luoch at JT8lnoo Feb wilt sock Impifmsnts reeerrc credit on hay root firttoat one J And TuaaoaY will a sale fit etc- on lot U a rear of Sod Cod ist till 1ROod ex- cvptfor or per eat dlicount for cash ftiioat IS oclock If J Feb of a a LI iL a Kohls oclock of of Yonno Will tad Cod Mir of iiogtutiiMi or ISA on uini mm tor Ainptjc Robert Crawford of Owen Sound dropped dead of ftp on ihe street in that town Tuesday sJ DR WOODS s RING IT OUT That Montgomery and Son are selling cheaper Boots Shoes and Rubbers than any house in Any person showing get a bad will have them replaced for nothing charge tips We continue to sell Felt Boots for In our TAILORING DEPARTMENT guarantee a Good Fit Good Workmanship and Low Prices MONTGOMERY SON GAIN HOUSE GREAT REDUCTION FOR NEXT TWO WEEKS IN O V E R O A TS Our Uarkots Jackson Willie Osborne Nellie Lloyd Herman tt behind except a loaded Lamm Is cartridge calibre lav on ibe floor ihe worst years prevailed Tuesday at Port Arthur All Norway Pine 5 lav Flour barrel CO injnha Oil to iS IS 0 800 to ret 141 II III QaUerirolDprlba- Wool per lb Chick 063 DM a CO a ON D Q II a 10 a On Toronto 11141 iititt it li ft I I and A COUGHS AND COLDS TWtAVfclUoPtbUtS4Ttrot ecutJ4 jitW ftoo IT it 4 J I 0 an a BIS a Oil to til MONEY TO LOAN At on Antclats farm securer DAVID LLOYD for Aifldsylt of Mar fur follow rpiurjnre Quern unci KoifUitd liatrci Aliofor Hid iirltrAtloti AmucUHoDi Mid Lot ANTED i ADl in by We fui secure MAY ttl AI READYMADE CLOTHING NEWMARKET BOOK AND HEWS SALE OR TO LET The halt Lot No Ceo J el ihoCouDtyot York Ior terms apply to MATILDA J PO TO RENT Two Brick Stores ALLY the Town- of Newmarket is Co FINE At SCHOOL BOOKS AND W STARR i CENTRAL TELEPHONE TjRESiMAKINO from Is to do ifaklog ChllilrsnldreasM jr a aSK0S

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