I Supplement to the Newmarket Era Jaay Address by Mr Mulock P for North York Tariff Reform THE LOAD THE FARMERS NOW CARRYSPEECHES OF THE MINISTERS AT TORONTO CRITICISED- POSITION OF THE WORKWOMAN Sfttiat to GhU Bradford Jan Mr P for North York addressed a large meeting in the Town Hall here last night on the trade question- Leading men from long distances were in attendance whilst the pres ence of many ladies testified to the was by accident omitted How far think you such a government is qualified to deal with the affairs of our country when on such an occa sion and under such conditions tbc GREATEST OF AIL INDUSTRIES AGRICULTURE Seemed to have been forgotten deep interest being now taken the I admits that trade question by aU glasses of Mr James Dnffil occupied fifJI chair there being present on the are great- platform 1 Messrs I D Booth John manufactured E Sioddan Donald Person by far the Graham reeve of Bradford the etc while manufacturers When in the body of the hall were Mr Wilson Stoddart E Sioddatt S Rev Mr Smith Mr M A Robert Stoddart Mr Mel an XL A Robert Fraser Wm Sutherland Thomas and William therefore the farmers are not prosper ous manufacturers at once fee the effect The stream commerce through our country becomes checked sluggish almost and yet sir not of these Kilkenny Mr Mr Hock- J S Thomas Edmonson Robin- Canadian farmer at seeing son Matthew Fans James nm Campbell Samuel and When tal was embarked than could be satis factorily utilised by legitimate trade and hence various competitors enter ed into COMBINES TRUSTS regulating the supply and destroying competition among themselves The market being thus secured to them by a tariff they were thus enabled to fir the prices of goods which prices are greater by almost amount of the duty than they would otherwise be The excess in prices could not be exacted from the con sumers except from the circumstance that the consumers cannot belp them selves They must either buy the domestic article manufactured in this wasteful way or the imported article t6 the price of which must be added duty- In trade you must either have COMPETITION OR MONOPOLY Any tariff that enables a monopoly to be maintained destroys competi tion Our country is now full of I monopolies We have our own LET LABOR UK Applause Let the whether he works for another or for himself and sells the products of his bands let him I say be free to sell his labor to the highest bidder To day the wages of the artisan are doled out to htm by some as charity in stead of as a debt due an honest man for value received- The time was and not inginen almost unanimously joined with their employers in upholding protection but it is manifest that many of them have now discovered that protection towards labor means oppression The slaveholder felt it bis duty to protect bis staves The Government party at the meeting in question in citing evidences pros perity forgot allude to the price of lands It is a well recognized principle that in eras of prosperity farm lands command good prices whilst the opposite is the result in PERIODS OF COMMERCIAL But the severest assault ever make on limits Nevertheless the consumers have been obliged to pay for these domestic manufactures a sum their value legitimate profit thereon and the amount of money that it would cost the consumer were he to have to import them and pay the uses thereon in bringing cm into the country This as an a profit has gone to the favored classes I protest against a man who desires to be free si protest against a system en ables a government to deal out to some at the expense of ore can be NO LEGITIMATE TAXATION except for the benefit of the ate Applause Yet here we ltte ft premier that he will and by the present system In the name of patriotism loyalty ana British con nection may think assume it as a sound preposition that in creased and unjust taxation Is always followed by depression Just as m the United Stale as the tariff in MR Referring to trade quest to propose a monopolies ve nave our own severest assault ever make on mini in- fore Ihc premier again feebly repealed monopolies cotton monopolies salt the values of farm lands in Canada creased the prosperity the people himself as to knocking off monopolies sugar monopolies bind- has come from the That policy decreased and at list we witnessed ion a vex dead branches twine monopolies coal oil taxing the farmers and others for the there that mad species of Mr spoke as follows the J w how hopeless it is expect from him any relief to burdens to the most casual observer that Canadian trade was in an unsatis factory condition From all came the cry that times were hard and that a- spirit of unrest had seized me people These conditions best of those who wish well for couatry in order that the cause being discovered the proper remedy of people whereby our prosperity the may benefit of the few gave an undue stimulus for the time to manufactur ing industries The air was of and so on and yet we are told that the tariff is to the advantage of the consumer The Government that today tells us that they intend rumors of prizes in store for placed upon a sound and Mr man- P manufacturer- In many cases these em basis P short time ago to make were obtained and colossi Si r i if n suppress combines by fortunes were made in Canada I But v w J but this these fortune represent no created I the best econnmiS 5 r be inoperative but t served J the various consumers lake from him more than this is in tjtefr wfi just and oppressive and still known as the Mckinley bill followed by an intense depression in lure aid frith distress among the working class Can wo not take warning from ence or must we until tariff of per cent has raised a few more points THE ANSWER WITH THE it be on the mi thai their Government been compiled to for I greatly in excess of I Ore taxes shall be lhe Templed by thtse re- lhan and only young men become j rit imparting lite to trade and giving under the present system all its nocked Why sir fit of is by rf first says there is i discontented with the slower wealth ment be a few more years portion of the community rif imparting life to trade and giving w weaitn THE UNITED STATES people the tin a the effect of this system is now being needs therefore might he applied fr u i unwarranted when the excess those who should now apply ihe remedy declare there is no disease bu for ago Sr John son leader of Ihe aided by some of his cabinet ministers and united states r- r The time was when every farmer tab til itrna ait given under the auspices of manifested I are teen eat the board of trade in Toronto These wealth in the hands of a few the id- gentlemen declared to the country classes dissatisfied with their capital and labor with Ik i subject with its legitimate Mounums of figures re as our bene- and to more than cultural classes Thee is a on the public to confound tewn declares fil Other is attributable the fall in siguifica in their The upon all important question llt a i lt Partial and garbled extracts official figures were presented as resenting the whole stale of and the members of government resumed their seals satisfied that opinion had persuaded hearers that similarly out of harmony the views of the Canadian ions of Alliances everything was golden and sacred tariff tree should that the not be by a new life would be imparled to trade certainly is MOST TO lilt time the farmers had an inning would be the first in their own inter all remember how ihe farmers est to ask for a were made to believe the that he should as he now it beal cause active towns to spring IOWRRINC OF tbeir raw material enable to We all know th2t ns of the P and who have imD0lcd The monopolist i complete master he o remain in office forever no won- from the they so far removed consumer whilst in ihe real of life have failed lic manufactures the selling price is has no redress except to stand hot other to read aright the signs of the times by almoVune amount or abandon Canada Thus this centres Cheers Scarcely however had protective system also robs the manufactories could not the report of those speeches reached I i from the pockets of the the public ear when protests were buyers and given to others for their him drives many of heard from political friends as well private advantage Thus this boasted lhe country to great loss on a iiiad hrahmi the various states of the union man- as others and the premier who on policy is really means Canada and yet the Premier says or twig is in no sense pruning are being that appeared so satisfied thereby one class may for its ncr the the whole upas tree of lie in slates successfully with condition of affairs in Can- benefit levy tribute uKn rest w remove j cut down as speedily as is safe J competing with the old established came to the Auditorium on community No wonder then from the five years from to Re- ones The fact is that in order day night with an increased body f manv 0 oppressed have fled form government was in power at general prosperity all leading numbering twelve ministers Canada and left us with almost ntVin Ottawa Outing that lime they trie must thrive and all mutt to a run ami so pi wfcohaw j in value ntaimng a revenue only col- equal before the law ministers representing it is that their purchasing he found from average a year They assume the views of government not be found by their opponents lhat this was an excessive sum and should be No sooner however did suggest thai it was full deserts and lner attain loan wholly prosper rnr in Canada today begin ning 10 end you find but one idea dominating the cahinet namely that the people shall be continued to be taxed beyond the requirements of the country and that that fatse eco nomic policy called protection to which arc prisoners and which Let us therefore scale down tariff rashly but as rapidly a due regard for all interests wilt warrant Then agriculture will reap these taxes were increase to lis Just reward the working man niadMHcvVisTobe la abor commerce will re bine and monopoly prices jhr in government lias collected turn to a natural and safe basis hone to our national l flf growth but the uiiitish fiscal policy to our country and at the same time 175000000 in ihc way of will be imputed alt of government has most on which the people branches of will again prejudicial to the Lest interests of Canada have afterwards to pay enter upon an era prosperity the that industry I he frnm llv hl and which lo their own surplus population of other lands exceed by some will be to our countryan embarking in manufactures under the old British Tag If a year or over 0000000 era of development will impress our has brought Canada to her present thus preventing the people supplying condition shall be fully maintained j iheir wants by imp- Thereupon the Canadian by shutting out foreign lhc are true to that flag if they nil thai it is emblematic of let them fiee the majority of the thirteen cabinet ministers a rush was nrde into Canadian pic of Canada the consumer the to Toronto to doubtless preserve by all to by from the bandage which policy of the government in re- the opportunity The first fruits now holds them let them manifest the inlcresis of Canada were enormous made out of for British institutions Theirs were nol mere hasty speeches the people by those firs in the field and to all classes before the warranting excuse in rase of import- manufactories in of the law It is an to the British ant omissions but their utterances needs of the attracted by the lo suggest that it is tic used as were it is only fair to assume well golden prizes entered a means of slavery in in advance and nothing The More in all the legitimate of great natural resources and the country masses of our people gratitude 1111K in their hearts will view with favor ltd from the industrial lasses is one of the incidents of protection I tut this 75000000 by no means represents ihe of the I as a taxing By far larger of goods consumed n Canada does not come througn the custom house but own irg connection with mother applause At the conclusion a hearty vote thanks was given on motion Booth seconded by Mr- J- It Stoddard after winch three being Riven for the ihc