Sj V r i A POWDER PUREST STRHBEST SCSI do E Toronto IN its first rtica prompt Cherry to the later periods disease medicine have mod with but effect to practice- preparation com I had imjin Several doctors I in lht iboy but ftdrlsd fcs mAfotaj medWns two ox month cored o on from loliroxnin by wrT at cold iht for oni dm I confined to my pi I SeelT n4 my WW toon condition Suing i rnflOJi Gheny Pectoral fr1uiWiL Or J Mi Kit 5- the People it to Gold Liu Text- Lord Ihoy labor In it 1st The Jdviih people the foancJfcUoo of IWnjile of hope work to ficirwiily began wn td to bo encountered Jid it people whale were ppl bo hid from They wrote Babylon repeatedly after tin of Cyrai Ibclr id for At- of Eir a the Temple flfteQ aent for the the people to Item- Id to the ftooomplishracot the work tbey hid aadortekeii of and often follow of deep We to be on Atufcrd hui zeal to cool- God eends times to people prepares them to for glory Chritt all Nations For Him they are both and It to find in Him the of and to do can or the of His It announced Minister of Relocation for Ontario will from for Canada health flUKS ABOUT A despatch this week from Win- ftnijOTiirwa that Hoc A Smart secretary from to tbo of Mani toba at the Pair Tin entered upon the Daw year in a new It Is an and we are to Vernon- Its appreefstion by tha reading of county- Aim to Improve A5D Brand CI EfflD be to be Cue and reapcctfall that giro this a trial our will be verified to Quality Canadian Salt Combine The Secretary of Jut the Com- Owing coming it aa felt impossible to maintain rates- A despatch from Winnipeg in Mr Hugh J AT acdonali P baa decided to retain ml in Commons for another It is said his welt known view regarding to appeals being made by his friends not to him seat now that Hon- Mr- Daley become of the Interior IrwhatoeKtala papers state be true the approaching aesxfon of will warm on the part of the recently alerted ILK lor Mr Sir The he la prepared to naeetany charges that may be preferred end is of Is to be p rote- led wo Van Home ilia tell tlt denying the salt at hot he that action salt com biro was be immediate of works reported to be with Wheo malt combine went so far as to close the works at no the only salt works on the line of Canadian determin ed to try A in the interest of both company and the not properly fn enterprise aotne of look of It as a private matter and works at are Co nothing to do with these works although tboao who started them had benefit Chiefly in Ha adds that the works will hare nothing to do with any combination Board of banquet at on the in the Pa Hail was an in way The were laid for and when- the entered at oclock there not half a The hail was tastily decorated the being and buff and table ran the length of the platform was In a manner a model tnfn with Station semaphores telegraph poles complete and a nnmber of model yachts with apt tokens trade and being in tent At the rear of on a was the mot to CatiAda in preKLTheiaUerxfl with ladiea and their escort fanes and elaborate toilets greatly to the fascination of an brilliant scene- The Queens played scleclims daring lbs In a Hie issue of the we And this After making the most liberal forobsHtableand reformatory instill agriculture for loads hat million This is certainly very gratifying information to people of this and Is a record for the Bat them is another aide to If the has a lion dollars in its treasury wu the Adminitiraiioq and the Legist fled in the hook the Act of session estimated unto this Am between a and arm which siunni taken from the people without apparent If the needed money the Tax probably bear as lightly Many be raised with millions bead the need is not made dean if the large in is not uomediately lUe facts be so stated and not lead the astray- TvW own nutr Perfect with clear checks and floocgti to To get perfect health nee faith fully Pierced latea pi all the proper lions of woman hood improve enriohes use blood dispels and pun brings refreshing deep and restores health flesh aba For prolapsus and other displacements and female it is so effective that It can be guaranteed If it benefit or yon have your money back Is anything that isnt sold this way likelv to bo as good way likely For every case of Catarrh cure proprietor of Dr Catarrh Remedy 1300 cash- oared iK iiajicrtics or Sound A fire broke out in the fine brick on the corner of- Terrace and occupied by Mr Arch Hay J A Hay of lie Bent Chair Company liekire it was gotten und- ml t the front a of the furniture removed and the loss wit be d lm and hi- of jrciT nd ISif more bO irtc fcdUdPiloixi of A PUNITIVE CUttft hs JruBliu or 154 In Toronto called the didnt has already ran milt saoff want of alter o two weeks Mr J will now hare to rani another trip to BosUnii and lad THE Recognised Standard Brands Mungo i to the latum on Friday hit in to fill Tenancy by the of Mr Chlsbolra- raialtoJ In retain of John of Liberal by a majority of 9QC opponent was Cook Independent Liberal The of Mr Smith was from faatnooDfl ch a decided tri umph Kicker Cable tfnlvcTMUr t7 refcUbl Si dnfdoaijirsloJ italt ue esOtd for of are S DAVIS SONS Montreal Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacture fa Canada Judicial Notice to IOS0 of tut i its Ao jrpbln lb TorOBtO iL or Hep wber Of w ih rt d- of Mnur7 sod JdnM foil Iblr ioiUJfiUltn it ibtTM tor It foots is Commissions fas of raceallf posted a to be ctowd at 10 pm Jos rtnolotion lor lis was Common Fleas Divisions jMicrdai Ibo not Hie power lion bring vested either Legist la the maofHpal touncil Tux has ben by ft number of Arms intended at Worlds Fair Chicago that they will enable to do to swing to the of their work- While it obi with orders sffordintf as dose evidence of irmU is to be that Provincial exhibits are to be coxtfttled Soma however sro about throwing oat a said to have made by Larks that the of the tioreroment and Canadian to do In indacnclng in their Cheap CtaumuLiction ox a travelling man Is not all sunshine Many these of grip have families at Lome and however faithful they axe to inesev thoughts f home and doubts as to the the inmates must perplex them much An exchange a drummer tells how he hears from home I write no letters nty wife when I am away and get none her nc by mail is too stow and ng cos much We have bit upon a plan that stamps graph tools and is Cli more No iu what part of the world I am in I home at ten oclock every night and half an hour sometimes long er How do I manage it enough At that hour my wife goes into the sitting room closes the placet chatrs vis a vis sits down in one her eyes and concentrates her thoughts me I go to my room at the hotel turn out the light close my eyes concen trate my thoughts upon my home and especially upon my wife and presto I I occupy the easy chair in our fitting room directly id front of her A perfectly intelligible conversation ensues between us al though not a word is spoken She tells me how things are going on at home whether the children ate well about her own health which has be delicate for trials and fears hue had this telegraph in successful opera tion fur two years past and the ser vice growing better and more satisfactory We have verified its accuracy a thousand times and rely upon It as as others do on the written pige Neither of us is a Spiritualist and we discovered our ability to communicate in this manner accident To A young J man living not far from Sutton who wanted to make himseli of some use in domestic af fair bought a live turkey for the family New Years dinner and under took to chop off his head Asthe weather was cold of killing the turkey out of doors he took it into the kitchen and with and hatchet heroically decapitated it household had then summoned to executioner No sooner was Us bead off than the decapitated turkey gave to the members of the family Out of the into the Kim and up on the table and into the sit ting- room and into the parlor and onto the and against the curtains and nut into the hall where in an exhaustive to the yielded to the inevit able on its back pave a few iast and died there wasnt a drop of left that body It had Med and literally pointed the of the house and a f and the and he and the wall- a tuikcy ioung man has a long life re htm and a loving wife to share it with hut lie has now this ter ror hinging over him John she slid again do such a stupid as to cut the head of a live turkey in the Ill IM- for more sensible man when marry it9 CI Sidney fir too Part Foster Irons Jiwalj Us Book Uy ChspmftD 4mud John Bo Marsh vans bejrapUa who passed late prompt exam finis J as OR WHAT IT of the season comes from Quebec Some last October of lie cpelie a young fcllow in search a suppled bear that was nightly visit ing the sheepfolds and off the finest lambs Some five miles back in the woods from the tillage named he was startled by hearing a loud croaking cry and up wards he saw circling high the air an creature that- fab at first to be a monster eagle- bird or whatever it was was is descending and who it a shet took careful fired lhc monster struck and badly wounded by the heavy rifle bullet and screaming with and rage it came tumbling to the earth as it landed he gave it the of the rifle and trill it was an ea rushed on to with his A battle I last for several moments then vie was with the mat and the lay dead at feet It had wings measuring e fee from tip to tip The head was fifteen inches in resembled that of a urge monkey The body was five feet long and the back was covered ftith fur or coarse hair The feet or claws legs of a and under the tail feathers was a long ap pendage with a tuft at the end lhat looked like the tail of a large calf Lying with wings extended on the the monster looked as as a horse and when weighed was found to turn the scales at lbs The monster has been purchased by a councillor of and will be and exhibited fcii We for out i Forgive a fulr- but We may waste time not Fin tune is kindest when she frowns Few things grow larger we draw near point Is al ways sharp to Do a rather than receive one if wou14 be free A despatch to the London from Warsaw says that the Polish painter while out rid in eras attacked by wolves car and both he and his horse were devoured I JftV Pi fell from a fence found him OIL Ho It freely all over bis saw next morning at work All the no spots rapidly leaving scar nor a wm IS ALL TJACOtl OIL IT J Tt CUT PLUG PLUG other brand of Tobacco fever en- jo an stale and popularity in Haute period as this brand of Cut Plug and Ploy Tobacco Oldest Out in Catwda In Arrears for Taxes In Comity of York w TQd J w lo rtara the ar ea of MB ma 1 Monday day of March fadeptitu Iff- IP Pop row St i IN CAN A tmiTiPii llNltgi fiTATtt ft itttti fe r2 A siefc si pArtaii a fa ffesaHK PS- ri i I J bw its fl at at- wei9i It 88 is lis ill its tr i a to inn 5M Ms I r wfi UfesftV 1 till NEWMARKET UMiM i a a a e J If I i A I I l J air sail I j ttt Iff amreTtiflrsltyBifM Hi ffywfc IWunel lilt lie SB flWiiJaaimtJ let i4ssifS4jSsiatStfiS a te I I r t9 A0t S3 It 3 m WINTER SEASON STOCK OF LEADING MAKES OF 9 a REMEDY CROSSCUT SAWS CHO AXES SAW AXE HANOlJs Si HORSE SHOES IT a a- ll Jt JVHl itirrtt4iti esatalsai OPT V si iHV iiintM Henry Eel pari ELI aata Hi 10 AId part Ma ft I IS s It- I fc I lia s hies TSDv I aj Si s in I an is Utl9 i4 If AND BLACKSMITHS SUNDRIES BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF la If lath en fa JleJ1baSV4roXV McLean ASTRAY- rota ik ftsn serin f rterf Xi lbUdi will I to the arraigned la Toronto on ft charge having Forged iho name Hot a Id of Hill to ft note which et bank In Aurora It appeared in evidence that took op the not before ting proceeding where upon the Jury re turn verdict of not guilty It did not make ihd ftdd it he wee not a party to it way retire from the action antfi cl eat to a charge of forgery and It reported that wee to prove that in some way was party to making the note A iatcrcatlng qoartal Jqat now way in Toronto Me Comenallfo for fork and manager of the so organ the Government pitching Iota Mr MK for Toronto on protection am Us at McCarthy and reading out of the party end the la camp Altogether it a kettle of fltU bit tba afferda to outtiite the circle the Cove raant organ deacribea McCarthy vain acting In bad lat conttaatoo of ablaas In Canada Tha will rile when is perfectly natural as every body knows for children to beg for lumps sugar from the when ihe baby first connects the sugar the years later when tie is allowed to help It is en tirely that they should have in moderation the sweets they crave and which in a large measure supply their bodies with needed heat enjoy wonderfully well having sweets made at home in whose mak ing they can assist and as it is not hard to indulge them let them oc casionally have molasses candy and pop corn balls The balls are easily made by bailing some molasses until wtl harden in cold water then over take it into cool room butler your hinds and roll the corn into the proper shape It is a simple matter also to make chocolate caramel all that is needed is one cup of milk one cup ol molasses half a cup of sugar half a cup of grated chocolate a piece of butler the sire of a walnut stir con stantly and let it boil until it Is thick then turn buttered plates when it begins to stiffen mark it in so thai it will break readily when cold caramels are made of two cups of grated one cup of sugar two of fl air the whites of three eggs beat n stiff on a buttered in a quick white candy is easily make Take one quart of granulated sugar one pint of two of iqases candy but Us not stir it you tell when is done by trying it in water Pull as if it molasses candy have a dish near by with some vanilla in It and work in enough lo flavor at you pull put in a cold room and the neat day you have a delicious candy and you Ml is not true as has often been that all sons go to bad It has been shown pretty clearly that very of the general in the assertion is refutation If it were the for sons of ministers to go wrong their doing so would no com ment It is because such things are really rate that remark It is also untrue that all defaulters are or Sunday school The same course of reasoning that releases the of clergymen from unmerited does the same service for the members and superintend of Sunday schools and we find that those persons instead of being likely to go wrong than the Un godly arc really less so just as we would naturally expect if the popular inutd had not been misled in the mailer Wilson Sfflr PI COMPETITION The mt if by CflcJdiau In IwifLiiffAilttil Ifrf Uiuatl l- 13 tw Wr juin iiaw lrufititc real jetted li l sI US It la I Iht l to st- J lor BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND STEEL NORTH OF TORONTO PROP ALL SIZES OF GLASS ON HAND Mil siSitJS Til w- all W pgoa AT A OliHa J pOR tea a Una J etite AND OX LOT too St it do t do I tatoM taw no in is con ax hawk ins sun i WT NO HI IN CON ST HAWKINS Mils UteolAl6aDIa Co York J Toronto Deo J Co VI say A J FARM FOR SALE WVOfas aire VERY TOWN PROPER A ad- tf I viilbti slDurdcrsxrilOi iU- ftLffivj Cart u 1 liXiUV to A liil lomHi a Wot A U4a fe rwifk4steiCCaf ito IhAW iw4 MM ftt rs Jalhi lo eaC I Aril priori P jr La fUa M n tij ellUIi fit Hlviyi I iwjnejs Ibc LUMB LATH SHINGLES ARK TO SUPPLY OUR WITH VAiKscorrixci sash and THANKFUL FOR TDK LIBERAL PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OP SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO UlsV ALLAN CO HARDWARE MAIN ST NEWMARKET CHRISTMAS GOOD ii 1 in 1 IT 9l Collar end Cofi Work Cases Smoking Set sad Travelling Companions SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE NfWMU LIQUOR STORE HOLIDAY GOODS IN STOCK Wines Gins Rum Ales and Porters in Quart and Pint also on draught and in small To those who require anything io this line for the holidays they will find quality and prices tight P J 0 ALLEY TELEPHONE CONNECTION MAIN STREET NORTH ASH Our Holiday stock of Groceries is arriving daily and will bo found TO NONE Everything new and suitable for the season Leave your early and have your cakes and puddings baked in good time P J 01ALLBT MAIN STREET Mil l0 THE yrm lbs or ut scree of Lot ID le or toe a WO loa sin 100 lui rot barn ah4 ai Alan Lot In ibe Tow mersel rttan FOR SALE Hen- sod ttmae of a FOR SALE Shropshire Rami AMD HO BoESsaVewiarket J DUNNSJ BAKIN P0WDE THECOWCSBESTFRII DR i a