lt WETVffXHKElTEHA- JAN jo Newmarket at Hall last 2 Mulcted by T 9- will 1 he annual meet- North ciely place Council Chamber vw r Cemetery Annual of Cemetery Co Id conn til Monday evening Some should bo take to Rim a alno them are two buying grounds within vicinity a i reflets The new Columbian The rain hoars Band at three six oclock wi of people The newly elected toiWrA It Master Master grille Marshall w At ti lbs member Cmurch Next To Dr will preach and Mr Irrf Toronto brother of choir- to the he Holy City and choral The h0 Seme of If there place Jack coold poke bis be did It tat h09e in tho rtre bat here the ho foood fioodeJ with ntc- billed r clean op the he drawing in toeaod tie comer the Sunday On Tuesday indicated the at At the cold to Wednesday it ran a below according to bioi town The tramr good except a afcire the roads hare been itmhue- Wo hare our a the level Them Is According to School Act it the last for sending to lis Terchip Clerk and Public School lnzcT the- names and of School trustee and for tte to tend their annual re- the of Education fttolsj a1 for regiBter- tiiih and deatba with the mnnjoiplitiea for lie ending Dec they tin thtir report to the that night North York S A meeting the of County Sabbath School it called for noil Tuesday afternoon in the Parlor the Methodist Church New- The principal before meeting to of organising Township of for It la hoped that there will be a representation from the crib at the meeting Hockev On Tuesday evening a rem Bradford with L waited upon fcrmnge which in t5kepUc t lug rink is id to be fine Oar team Will bo cboua from following fontfmcry F- E Cane Shop and riitr Lloyd- A will place at oclock sharp School- Tne final race Itft Board for took place on evening all eat except Principal tberoUs an during Dcmberof ft1 that during the bo had collected in from from the A of amounting to aboot SCO wfr a regretting She retirement of Mr from thoBoard When the lag Karoo was in ft belonging to Sir AB- Foe from ft boatboose Bradford bridge- Constable parage employed to find id whereabout and after an examination be teas quite who thief but find the man was to that he could neither make nor dispose of the it was relumed to the and Roe recovered property week TeaMeeting The annual Tea- Meeting in connection with Presby terian church will take on Monday evening Jan On the Sunday of Hamilton wilt preach morning and evening wilt be served from to Monday evening to be followed by ft by the gentle rasa the From Egypt to Preparations will be made for a large attendance and a profitable evening may be anticipated i The Female Orator Owing to the intense cold the in the Tnetlay and Wednesday evening were not nearly as large as antici pated bat the for a foil last night were very encouraging Mr- fa an earnest and speaker and seems to bold the attention of her audiences without any effort A school children is to be addressed by her in the Town Hall at afternoon and this evening she will deliver a fourth lecture in the aaitfe to adults on the temperance ques tion there la nothing but a silver collection the Hall should bo crowded Then You Wast tf He cheap Court rhe first Division Court for place in New- Wednesday His Honor There were on the docket and of any length Tke suit of Sweet Green- interest for a fall while at large krtf vilnctsts en but plaiu that Itwasa put- jo have him stand upon some Mnvaiif the whole through which he Hi the rdict was given for ENTERTAINMENT There was a splendid audience at the Tdtfn Hall last Friday night presided orer by Mr A Vica-Prrtt- dent- There great diversity of opinion recitals compared with those who have appeared here and though cordially those best fiedtojadge would only her with the average As usual Mr brooght down the and proved herself an excellent ac companist Miss Wash ington with scenic effect took tbo audience by surprise Four Mr John Christie who was at Roy last Saturday only purchased four the prices running from First All the newly Municipal Councils In Province at oclock Monday morning to nbaoribe to the declarations and antav upon duties for the current year noils the th at Pulpit The pul pit is always degraded when It is used as an advertising medium The the fact and at Us last meeting passed the following revelation That opin ion of this association anintiten ought not to be asked to announce Cram their on Babbath nplice of meet which bare do with work of churches and association that such notice be not tent to the pulpit I Ere the hand on the marked the hour of two on Friday Last messenger of death entered lbs horns of th adltor of this joornal and took from the fond cm brace of parents and friends tha youngest member of tbehoqso- bright and child of fire summers Garnet Roy Jackson after bat ten days Id that dark the light of a homo went when he moat death stamped bis brow and bore biro to the land Wheres no parting but sainted blest In and joy in realms shall rest with their God Thus it is with life The flowers are first to bloom and ever first to die Death is common heritage however messenger to tbo homes of earth more distressing than at others but Getbsemant also the garden of sorrow there seems to grow and flourish while Upas dews fall on its ten leaves and droop and fade away The bereaved however this home do not as those without Faith lands its light and through this mysterious pro ridenooot they have confidence in the declaration of Word that things work for good to them lore God and thai will loss it Garnets un doubted gain A sympalhiilng Saviour has only called our lovable child with voice to his arms in the Para dise of God born Where the wake ix gladness And the the joy prolong Where daylight dies in fragrance Mid the holy song Where no shall bewilder Where life vain Is Where the sleep of sin is broken Ah4 the dreamer dreams no more Whan the bond la never severed Parting sob and moan Midnight waking twilight weeping Heavy all are done Heaven is dearer to now than ever it was before- The foneraj obsequies took place on Saturday afternoonRev Mr Odoiy officiating when the other evan gelical ministers of the town Revs Boll and who were also present in service at the home previous to interment at Pleasant View Cemetery The evening cloud the morning dew The withering fading Of earthly hopes are emblems true The glory of the passing Among the from a distance who Vera present to extend their were Mr and Mrs Wright of Mr P Moore of Acton Mr and Mrs Barker of Toronto Mr and Mm Gra ham of and Mrs Garrett of Bradford To many of town and vicinity who expressed their sym pathy in ways and many at a distance who have written so affection ately words fail us to express our appre ciation thereof- but that the Master has transplanted tbo IHtla flower into the Paradise above for soma wise purpose Mr fad looked up the regard to cheese and hotter manufacture and gave valuable Hon In the direction forming The other subject or was opened by tho explaining that this one of tbo subjects on for the Central Fanners tote coming winter and that it was for Subordijiate Institutions to discuss these that delegates these to Central may In position to give of their corn muiity In these matter- Mr Haines was then called upon who said that a gnat manv did not about doing anything on our roads in Whit church A man spend a day in coming to Council to them to flxj some or hole in road when onefourth of the time with a shovel would do job He thought a commu tation tax of els would be liked by Freeholders but would be objected to by tenants Mr Rose aold many respectable men who love to honor Queen will do little as possible for her when working on the roads advantage of commute lion tax would be a uniformity of roods Mr Salter who has fceen pathmaster in his beat for a number of years has every man and team do as math for a day as his man and team can do Da the allotted time he had trouble with this at fitst but it now works well Every team must take a Of gravel and many take as much a yard and a quarter per load we were not doing our duty as citizens by not baring our roads in better condition and spending a little more and making them better Mr- Irwin blamed councils for not expending more money on main roads- and inaugurate a syatem of making roads instead of allowing each path master as bis turn come to put few loads of gravel in front of bis place Mr E claimed that Mir- Salter had struck key by forcing all to do their daty faithfully Mr J showed that by commutation at Whitchurch would have only to spend Fonr or five overseers which would be necessary under a new system would cat up a great portion of this amount By present system a great deal of the work was wasted by one paring a half milo or so of road for gravel one year and next year another put ting all the work by his own place in some other part of the beat Moved by Mr seconded by Mr Linton that delegate appointed by oar institute to attend the Central Institute be instructed to oppose any measure to introduce in our Legislature a bill to make the com mutation of Statute Labor compulsory Carried Meeting adjourned to meet in Aaron on thf of Jan RING IT OUT That Montgomery and Son are selling cheaper Bocts and Rubbers than any house in Any person showing they get a had pair will have them replaced fin nothing Wo sewing tips Wi continue to sell Boats for i TO BE CLEARED OUT AT jfi lilili iiii I rfv 11111 TnT 111111 lTiliTI TAILORING DEPARTMENT guarantee a Good Fit Good Workmanship and Low Prices- MONTGOMERY SON J 1 Hi AT THE MON SAVING OF ji ddbeHtsseiijeots a i QUEEN ST CHIT CHAT OFF since the Hat Band for i he weather to that they miht Jack hawing do the boys it or hit Tuesday night h5vir they a warm reception I J and Timothy a addition to dented treasury caw ei lit newly elected alderman for ft ue Mrs Itoche uitfljrfrl ao eiccllent topper which Then have li late the direction they keeping up credit of ilio or Team Delia ft to- town call Wore a ten a young man named ai atiitUnt fa ii im a be at Saginaw S Convention The an nual Convention of the Township Sabbath will take the and at on the Gib cod four mile West of A very inter est log program baa been circulated among all the in the Township and an enthusiastic gathering The for IBM will be elect at the Friday- be forwarded to Mr fiaml convener of local committee Every school In the Township should be represented Sacred Songs and Solos will be Ink Drop Beautiful wintry weather Long spell of intense cold Ice catting will commence Annual here Pay yoor water rates Only below zero yesterday morning fun at High School yesterday Why did the rise quick North York Farmers on Friday following do- In dallies Mrs Fred of raan was mar- J Mi allied brother George Ar nnlcr ioHco a believed she more tban she Is Willing to tell At lie Mrs told story saying aha heard two in her bedroom and ran Into In tints to altoMB the third and flat she knew he had another name the brothers and heard io of their parents both having fJ London She was born In Her a here from Bay City wibitto4og she had JJlJUt An detail to stay at her further investigation Jury a verdict that wilfully hot Fred- a strtcken appearance to the of her Wsyby coroner and signed her to It at to correctness the accused the her husband be stood the rotation all eyes on- biting bis lips bat appearing Methodist Sunday School annual meeting took place in the on Thursday night of last week after usual secretary reported over BOO on roll With an average attendance The librarian reported a large in circulation of books and tbe treasur er reported a small balance on wrong aide of the account The following officers were elected for the current year J P Belfry Stewart Atkinson Hughes Librarian Treasurer K Miss J of McDonald SEW1HC The ltt Improved and for thirty at nd piece of burglary hat ever been reports In thU town look Tuesday or bed to from The took the and though till war rifled not a lock or ctcb of tool by door both wa with offered no together with every in with the Of Jtatf la about were abalrAOtod and III registered Utter not of the on office door turned borft- work of a expert and there no to hie Ideality Fortunately lor Mr alt were fltpotlted la the Bank oclock the except a little change and all day ho hid lamtQttng the worth of which detained in by a and came in by flrit from the morn- Inspector up In the to the matter You A Snow Shovel ny go Btore About thirtyfive farmer at the in the Council Chamber Saturday Mr opened the by giving an account his trip through one of the largeat king tlraanot the County of York hut embarking in has advanced ahead of York farther went on to that Canadian chelae in great demand in the market but not with our hatter The tor not liking our butter that there no uniformity in quality owing being very little made by the factory per after paying to Scotland more than the farm- era were getting in the market The Committee advise I A Joint Stock Company with a capital of to bo divided iuto 100 ahareaot Accepting the offer of a lite made by Mr 3 Allowing the Patron the firat chance lo bo J- en Mr further explanation the forming a Company after which Mr Webb reported that at flrat In kicked the agreement for the year but from what he had heard were now flora toward the and opening the book at once to tee what bo done i Mr thought the a good ono and the beat thing wo could do county In travelling ho had found that who were fifteen poverty poor were now In comfort able to their enter- In dairying Ho agreed with Mr Webb In getting to work at bar was here and if anything done It would be to have a supply of He would take a few It not readily taken up and supply a few Mr Salter advocated of a private well to water at an en Kino would bo required In the factory and It might well pump oar water Mr thought If a goodly number farmers were It would not be to have the foil but It a small Company of two or three would require a faithful of the milk from be fore anything towards parting lie compared many who bad been to supply as like the girl who when a propoisl was made If you would prove yourself a pretty fellow and get along well Ill take you Bo with of these If atari this thing agoing and tberi lots of money it well In then- the selecting of of oar beet business mtn and Mm In a factory district to obtain all In formation possible In tha matter I A question was asked Would a pig be on the site J to which was We understand that Mr- Ben of thia street ib suffering from an attack I of rheumatics Mr Henry Strasler is nursing nants of a finger In feeding tarnipsf to his hand came in contact Wit the knife and quick wink hie fipger was shipped off a cold year in Owen Sound We by the return that Jack John Frost ie elected Mayor of that town We hoar through dame rumor that one of our bachelor friends is to be married this week We shall to ait on all day and watch proceeding so as to be Able to report but then we dont believe old dame rumor To tell the truth she is the mother many lies Well is past and our widows and old maids are yet single Pshaw widows and old maids aint got no sand With the advent of the New our widowers are basiling round real spry The old sorrel may often seen tied near the blacksmith shop The owner evidently The widower By crackoy Its cold to make the must get some one to rout out and make for mo for goodness aako dont say I told you Ezra looks very cheerful though he didnt quite succeed In driving home tha Never mind good time coming a little longer The women around faithfully to you at the head of the poll One aunty in her to poll her vote lost her apron Rodney found one Whose Is it fiatarday on Queen wo met that good hearted friend Walt trudging along with a companion and leading a horse Ho should have ridden the horse- Perhaps ho remembered the story in the old school raiders about the old man and his donkey and of their fate Walt Is a Jolly good fellow which nobody can Toronto lights could be plainly seen on Saturday night list from Tory bill I say those who do business at the Ontario Bank noticed with pleasure what gentlemanly fellows officials are- No wonder there so many lady are told that Mr John has teased farm lately occupied by Mr If Martin Is marriage a failure Is a much dis curved problem me J know of who was a moat ill veterato smoker whoso you could detect in the darkest of room a by tho fumes of to li ceo- He a most charming young lady and for her take ho threw away the disagreeable and thus a belter mail In such cases the prominent cynic could not fail in answering the question In nog atlvc- postmaster at our attention to the fact that ho en titled to Esiue marriage Wore rather afraid yo a Wo once heard a man pay a high com pliment to tha attractiveness of his best girl who afterwards became wife by that he went to ace her every night the week night and ath and was sorry there were not eight nights In the week that he might go This is tha last of Chit Chat There to be no more Old Know All has dried and put his head iu soak Perhaps some day he may appear again In AT A FLANNELS AND FLANNELETTES Now time of year when people their of aod wo atoojc of them that yon trill be pleased both regard to price and see A Selection of Winter Goods and for yon to choose from J Perhaps didnt know we did anything in Ordered Clothing Well if Too suit or pants just call and see oar samples and get prices before going elsewhere It will pay yon to do so A Stock of Mens Underwear away down BLANKETS FROM CT8 TO GROCERIES We have now on baud all the New Fruits and Peels at this time of year and all ojr Groceries will be Fresh and Nothing but the Best Flavoring Extracts kept here TRY TEA AT BLENDED COFFEE BE BEAT SWEEPING REDUCTION V A TERMS SPOT CASH L v J DAVISON AT Sals an Kiteulre of vaIuWo firm on lUai hall er lots In ihs of Klir credit on snaii for hay roots and fowl or per per annom for dle at to oclock Lunch at ApvoOAYSs Out and iViiiisjjj fa out la a now Hereafter the AhocaU will be iisncd twice mouth Instead of once as heretofore The form lias boon some what changed size increased price is as heretofore per year A sample copy will bo sent to all applicants Address Ota Weld Co Ont GcutgC a student at Albeit Belleville whose livencar M tint died Sunday night from injuries received in a weeks ago He of age Notice to Creditors titan pursuant to no ihat all claims of Sanderson liioofthetownPhlD of in Din CUOHty of York fatmiirt who died on obtain ho LSilidayof v of Jnuarr deliver in V WldiUneld or Hum Of and description with their If any and the of held hy them and Li furlijor that alter date the will ot he Italia for any All Lho raid EUckman Ipthtir ftccouatt to SMITH Hit Solicitor North Yoik Fail 200 IN ieis RIZES lho foltoivloK planting fc of here are at ICO Eat con for sake of Ida Our Markets trees sti a Jan if 969 WOO 0E0 Wheat per bushel Goose per par Oats Peas per baihcl per ton Shorts do Boiler roll per Potatoes big Apples per bag per lbaaa per ton Chickm wr aa if itn I a OSS Oil II CO all CO aid Oil STONE Mill bo up day Jan Itemtoclf for Our Toronto Jan per per liuaaal- porbaibel a a llfM Ont Jan Mr J Ovens a farmer living about three miles east of here had a valuable mate stolen from his stable last night The animal was one which he had purchased tome three week ago from man living In Peas per She was a splendid trav eller in one of the best neighborhood Horse stealing is getting to be quite the rage around this part of the province as only bat week a horse stolen from a mans in Hope township during the night and has not yet been heard of Mill Ely a per bushel Eras per Potatoes per bag LOtti Pork per Cbatkenster pair Ducks par pair If a a ots 0 CO SCO TENDER CEDAR Fox ISO of Parties tendering for and they can At iho same wo l for A Rood sound as follows posts in at small end i 10 WORKS 11 the ft and will be rcoelrtd it ii it truss are lobe of lowlag rarlftle Northern Kin pi bo of W of County all WWBLAYTER Telephone Connection 62 Main St a I HERE v A Are you aware that GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Offers a better value in- Made Ordered Clothing Than any other establishment in Town THE LEADING not to i will take same varlaty to the forme lo bo by for a free of charge from rtullTree Anerjior a it anl aliv MORTGAGE SALE OK THE Old Jersey Hotel Property IN and by of power of sals In atulri a Will be produced will be aold by lo llot lo the tow York the All portion low the County bound fpllowlDg Hotel ME at lime of bore Ho aiioiIod by at North of lb fat or January larclvo Oclock lho part No accepted a LLOYD Clark MONEY TO At sis flntcUasfana aacuniy DAVID LLOYD Cewmtattoosr for taking The lAk flnlihivkhot ran moat Con decibt4 by flolKo9sInlbe3h1 wire to Thomas and Jddo and re- for St lbs Joraey Hotel of and Km- la a new and I at This I a pace for duHov as a lie ice Ac 1T4 sat of and tics OBoa comas ud fltr Hi applrioAAiioi cant S3 days 8A WDON woarlUff solicitor SHOE HOUSE la clearing out a lot of lines in Ladies and Mens Boots and Shoes at a Big Sacrifice Now is your tinw lor a bar- gain SIGN RED BOOT Custom Work A Speciality CO PHARMACY i BELOW COST I Power Co a OW io LARGE STOCK OF J Druggists and Smokers Sundries do day STANDARD REMEDIES DISPENSING A SPECIALTY CAMPBELL