Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1893, p. 4

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mm a I A FOREST Toronto On IP not remedied In season become habitual and chronic Dim- by weakening the bowels confirm rather than core the AVers being mild and strengthening la their action are genet recommended by the faculty u Having been subject tax without being able much I at last tried Avert I deem both a and a to that I have great ben- from their use For two yean hive taken one of puis night before retiring I would not be them East Main St Carlisle Fa been taking and them in my family ana cheerfully recommend them to all In need of a but cathartic John For eight years I to afflicted which at last became bad that the doctor do do mora for me Then I begin to Cake Pills and soon the bowels reoorerea their and action ao thai now I tAa in excellent health I Bryan Texas Having used Pills with good resales I fully Indorse them for par- poses for which they are recommended iT Conner Centre Fa Ayers Pills JOT Dr J a Co Mats la We Live Age Jin IKS llfc Text- fcho Lord ths of of Bin About Jew cap a long the bad to toll slowly along on foot of to mila their to Old woman not it that it took tot people to reach joaracy- though vara to again their own land til sight thai met thou rcoaianoxs good Their flnt care for the the on its former fooDdatloD By being deprived of rolifTiocu the cap- tire had learned toraloethem re established in their midst the daQy poblic warship of God and praise they laid the new temple the ai He had appointed It be maintained ITS SUnStOUKWT PROGRESS- for mum WE Aim to Improve KOr DETEBI0BAT8- Our New Brand the CUD will foond to be exceptionally fine and we that give brand a trial when oar atateOtent will be folly verified SON ILEKONE Among the Bel lef tad a and Ittntfelt from It It ft merit and and hat wh It 19 A POSITIVE other to Ifirt J CI by on receipt Out THE Standard Brands Mungo Kicker Cable to any at b been fully by Ihe that or ihem en Incrcaaei over On lorfea fact We arc not cm Cigar S DAVIS SONS Montreal Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Mb in Canada Judicial Notice to Creditors OF Joan an n iLc Coon of raadaln the of of Ante las JoPnr ibofrs an open or Tided stars ibaraoO lb- jwf of flmilbl of x on Its Pint Any toasDdbypoprtpaWuivyu widdioid and bUrwn desert a lbs Mil ihair a of of lbs Ihr- In ncraoH Ibtrcof lby ill sxjefodad from the order In lb ltford mo i la j ih lh day of ft forenoon in lime dJrvdollonoolQiciijn Dated of Does mbsr Halt i a mistake suppose thai Chinese are in the sens in we understand he word an educat ed race This statement has been frequently made by a number of but it is none the less erroneous Education is worshipped in China but not possessed There are reasons for the anomaly and they are important enough to be considered In Ihe first place is no public school system and the rates of tuition are moderately high Now what is wage of the The coounon laborer receives about fire cents per day the skilled labor er ten cents and when employed in artistic trades twelve cents Obviously under these conditions it is wellnigh impossible for the father family to provide his with the most education especially as reading and writing in China are both means end There arc fony thousand characters in the language and the present method of education is not conducive to their speedy acquirement Even in the schools of Chinatown where everything is relatively more practical children who dare to put together rational connection the characters they are being taught are subjected to tortUTC of the inquisition of the Scotch Covenanters They are permitted to ponder over the essence of the character for dog character for bite bat are not allowed to them to gether until permitted by the teacher Pour or five must elapse before the student of Confucius even begins to read- chance then is there for a child of a parent who is making from five to ten cents a The Chinese Six Companies fre quently have occasion to paste up notices on the dead walls of China town These notices are intended to be are therefore couched in the simplest language It is a curious sight to watch these worshippers of learning collected about the bill boards The writer has counted as many as a hundred who without uttering a word have patiently wait ed for hours until the scholar hap pens to arrive wh shall read aloud to them an announcement which if written in English would be intelli gible to a tenyearold child It is pathetic thai a people literally worship education should be so illy debarred from it A reverence education is part of iheir religion One of the inter esting personages of Chinatown is the initerant paperscavenger employed by the Six Companies to patrol the entire quarter It is his duty to pick up every piece of paper bearing a written character These pieces of paper are taken to the josshouse and burned according to the rites Tradition fable custom and the oftrepealed ritual imperfectly supply the place of a popular education The ceremony of going through the door is interesting in this connec tion as it illustrates the solar sym bolism which is the essence of Chinese ritual Hie door or sungate is erected in the middle of the room On a table at the side are heaped up seven piles of rice with a candle on each pile recalling the modern birthday cake with a candle for each year of the childs life The rice is in token of abund ance while the candles represent the seven stars of the or Mother Goddess When all is prepared a Taouist priest takes the child in bis arms and follow ed by father and rest of the family solemnly goes through the door a movable wooden frame placed first in the centre of the room at each of the four points of the compass This cere mony is repeated on each birthday until the child arrives at the age of sixteen and memory of it hangs over the Chinese man during his life For on his fortieth birthday it is customary to take a common bushel measure and to fill it with rice and such toys or implements as are signi ficant of his capacity the whole is surmounted by a huge candle indi cating perhaps that the seven of the Sevenstarred Goddess are fused into the individuality of one strong character At death there that final pass- through the door which leads to another life In former this was also acted out This ceremony strongly suggests the extinct ritual The body of a deceased emperor or high official was home through the streets on a catafalque Arriving at the temple the coffin was taken through the entrance but once enough bricks were removed from the aide of the temple to permit the coffin to pass out in an unusual manner thus symbolizing the ream- of the soul At childhood middle age and death the of a Chinese man are thus centered on his hope ol immortality The of consists of toarnihips as fuhuws- Scarborough York Whit- Vaughan King and The of Scarboro is situ ated at the comer of the county The ftoat of the township was surveyed in by Mr A Jones The rest was laid out in 1833 by Mr The first patents to land here were granted in York is by far the moat populous and important t0wship in the coun ty It borders on Lake Ontario with on the east on west and Mark bam and on north The work of the sur veying it was undertaken in 1791 by Mi A Jones it being called Dublin The wa shortly after- wards changed to York Toronto is situated in this township- To lying at the comer of the is with the exception of Gwiitimbury the smallest Tne etymology of the word is uncertain it is suppos ed hit the early settlers caught the word from the India is and called it Toby Cook for ease spelling The earliest settlers of obicoke were the United Empire Loyalist refugees The Township of Maikham com prises acres It is located east of Street which forms the boundary between it and It was first settled in by a num of Germans was part ly surveyed in Gov persuaded a number of people to come from the old world and settle in by sell ing them land for almost notfiing at all Vaughan is n western side of Street which divides it from Markham north of and south of King It has an of 510 acres Survey was commenced in by Surveyor and set tie is began to come in during the following year The first child born in the township of said to have been Susan Whitchurch lies east of St which divides it from King It was laid out 1800 by Mr further were by Survey or Whitchurch comprises acres fairly adapted for agri cultural purposes Settlers began to come into as early as King is the largest township in the county having an area of acres It is located noth of and on the west side of Street It was laid out in by Surveyor first patents to land in King were granted in the year North and East Gwillimbury were named after the wife of Governor whose family name was East Gwillimbury comprises about The first settle ments were made in Two years before the commencement of the work of survey by Surveyor Seg- East Gwillimbury contains schoolhouses and two unions with other townships North Gwillimbury It the smallest township in the county having an area of acres and according to the East a population of inhabitants The earliest patent is una dated Now I have town ship The name of the township was given in honor of George III- Ii was laid out by Mr I instructed by Thomrfs Ridout in It lies in the extreme northwest of the county and is bounded on north by Like Simcoe a favorite re sort for excursion parties to and other l lake It contains acres of fair agri cultural land The two earliest set tlers in Georgina were Mr J It and J Comer and J Com ers daughter was the first white child bom in Sutton is the principal village in the township It was originally called Mills and owes its origin to Mr J who did a great deal to wards building it up The early pioneers of Canada had many difficulties to overcome before they brought the land to the prosper ous ion in which we now sec it What would we think if we saw a man walking miles with a grist on his shoulders taking it to the nearest mill tobe ground or one go ing on foot to Toronto to buy his pro visions or if he did not walk he take his oxen and sled and have a pleasant ride over the bumpy cordu roy roads Ladies could not go out driving in their grand topbuggies be cause they had no time They were engaged alt day in washing carding weaving and fulling wool for the use of the They were terribly- in fested with bears and wolves and had to build great fences for the protec tion of the sheep If by chance a bear was killed the hams were con sidered a great delicacy The wo men were proud indeed to carry their butter to market in butler bowls and it was just as good as some that is bough and sold to ii Qtal on of Afr ttitnBTKn of Will follow con into qcmrttfrsT tod lota to tin full moon or lb ftUfPttt SOW DO YOU BO you buy shoes or Dont you go to be if can find it where tali that may wear the out then if youre not theyll refund the money Why not do the when you tray Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis covery is sold on that It the only blood purifier certain and effective that it be ffuar to benefit or core in case or have your money bt Its not like the or All the year round It the If youre bilious ran down or or have any blood t4ini- nothing can it a remedy TlIC j enteral ill volomo Willi new vigor It one the tomtit yet printed with about forty The fitit article Egypt with recent wonder ful discoveries near Memphis the oldest city in the world The for with Tent Life io and fecplal reform article etc very Now it the time to a Toronto ASTRAY of lot cm a at labUjkuMc lo after will be pre- to a At Chicago Tuesday lour per- song killed and twice that injured by the collision of a sender train with a heavily loaded street car A man employed by Chaa of Virginia lost ihe little finger of his right hand on Monday hist The hungry cuttingbox Is for the amputation A heartrending shooting ac cident occurred near Mr mill on Monday the It appears that a young man the employ of Mr- was handling a loaded in a most careless at the residence of Mr Isaac Davit in family circle when the weapon was discharged shooting three of the children the oldest git Minnie aged years faulty the ball passing through her shoulder downward through her lungs and coming out underneath her ribs and then through her thigh and calf then striking her younger ijiter in the leg shattering the bone and finally lodging in a younger brothers leg Inflicting a serious wound Min nie died on Tuesday There arc too many arising from the wanton careless handling of firearms The wprst cases of ChrQniC Catarrh in the Head yield to Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy So certain is it that its mak ers offer reward for an incurable case Late Written for Ufa by rtquith It is our painful this week cent the death Abraham who died Dec lb the great month the oldest io township- Be was bora in Co Pa Nor and was the eldest son the late fiben- who to Canada in Jane Their joamey with great Jsbor wagons with covering They Ira veil l by and over the Alleghany mountains and halt by the way to cook their meals and at night where wood and were convenient They were one month the journey from Backs Co to where his father bought settled en farm now Mr Webb- will remember the two lime poplar trees that by gate entrance Id front of tho long yean ago- We hare heard Mr relate the following stance in couuectiou with trees He l My father cnt a litpb from one of our trees in Co- the ins started for Cauads to use doable purpose of a whip and cane We drove a cow along milked night and morning the Well when we got settled id oar new home on I asked to give me leave to plant whip tp pep it would He did not think it would bat I might dodo I did and in a short lime it begin to bad and grew nicely that torn- The next spring I took a branch from it and it the other of the bars that were there at that lime and that is the the trees came here- About the year moved from to a farm about one mile north of Sharon the subject of tbee remarks has lived in the from that time until his death In he was married to Elizabeth who still survives him They have had six children four sous and two daughters In politics Mr was a staunch Liberal never misted polling Ml vote from the time ho was SI to two years Since that time infirmi ties have been too to have his home The funeral largely attended Rev McKay of church olWciating and rendered a very acceptable was QaeeQEivlIlp I J Vansickle a young fwmcrj was killed by his horse away near Monday I find its always best keep cool said the snow- replied the sidewalk your drift Charles Dickey received the first instalment of his sjxteen lasses at the goal on Thursday in the presence of the Grand jury When the trying ordeal was through with he prayed that the remaining eight lc administered there and then as he would have them all at once His request was not with A County constableadrntnis the lashes with a birch gad On Sunday slapped a inmate in the face for fun and was punched by another prisoner Gov heard the racket and appeared scene and upon learning the the facts placed Dickey in a cell for five days and allowed him five meals bread and water during that time Iron Ham comes from Indianapolis State Attorney Holtzman has concluded to give the Iron Hall officials no further play with the legal line and that he lias ordered warrants be issued for the seven principal officials of the order including the supreme chairman Freeman D Someiby whom most of his victims esteem to be a supreme by his The men are charged with em and as they played confidence game all over the country and took Canada into the sphere of their operations consid erable interest will be fell in the pro gress of the legal proceedings Cash ier is already under arrest and is to be held to bail under a bond of though it appears to be doubtful whether will be able to obtain that amount of bail to Ex- I IKEGREJ SH1L0H5I CURE midnight and lint the morning A anct ft and it and 10 At 19 oclock noon and a Between a and p and G and a and Pair Cold Rain rmfo Very rainy Fair Rainy it or the wind ho or weal Rain Stormy Cold rata wind now oaiL Cold high wind Snow or tain Pair and mild Fair and frosty wind north or northcart Rain or mow KB or Ditto Fair and The nearer time the to noon or midnight morn nearly wtll result accord with prediction It also itu to be placed on the in winter thin id Hummer I1 rtnrrU a ft will qW lo Twcive hundred cans of trabarjd opium valued at The village of Sutton has a debenture debt of for school nd railway was by a de structive fire early Thursday morn ing The Coldwatcr street rint and several adjoining buddings At Thursday four persons were killed and twice that number by tbe collision of a passenger ham with a heavy loaded j street car KT Whan you sec a youth who will do any sort of work matter I how menial it may be rather than be idle you can make up your mind that that fellow amounts to thirg The young man who would starve before he would do anything beneath what he conceives to be his dignity is not made of the right kind of much of a figure in Any port in a is a good maxim Dont be afraid of any so of work so long as it is honorable CUT PLUG Tbe gent verdict of of Canada is that Myrtle Navy is the finest tobacco they have ever used There can be mistake upon point for It it prov ed by this tangible evidence large demand for this tobacco shows it to be true and the character of the demand gives further proof It has never been of the spasmodic kind up one month and the neat It has been a sustained and constantly increasing demand The unsurpass ed quality of the tobacco accounts for this OLD CHUM PLUG No other brand or Tobacco en joyed an immense sate nod popularity in tile name period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Cui farm in Canada GREAT BIBLE COMPETITION liars In Reward for Bible Readers Li J lift fcoX tfca abd ulkUaot nutsl sataJ MONTREAL fb nog I tt IS CANADA OLUBA MANITOBA srttiir ten Lit 11 wjiM I- will afleDoyfor Mat J tS tut MlMriasVtJ in JttliUfuyiviK it rjvJliuJ the Of to aif lg l aafni oof tar York u4 J ltiit vol Leialrt ml rrtifFr mot a Tut Uiajjjjijq ThoUBht fc com- plated or Mill now ftrprr tTKNCn alUAor North Institute 200 INPRIZE8 ibrot CAVEATS TRADE MsttiKa COPYRIGHTS lafiratloa CO- Ml nnwpwiT that liNiat Iho foOffar lhaffoUowJnjj for Mho Of frail lii I Id W J aacb I too lrMaralobf Ihafcil- Each Eacb moil of rtali bp TbODHLHrBiiidTniaK6ir or iboaoll bo he which form bj bo rat from Troll of A of Ota of J RANDALL mm m Lands ill In Arrears for Taxes in the of York B by iho or Two lo mo directed lib of ho of on tudi -i- bo MUlhaCnnloM bo I bIl on together wit Monday tho day of March 1893 l h dry ar or much 4 amid arrears of lute i Bad AH FOLLOWING LANDS PATaWTJtD oapUpi fttfrt- op 4Ba apdJPt9 Hi idpantfwssaa ii fta wl pair gwApWs iSospt a a JHoh fdtl r m J a it a W aoroiVV MS I iiil ihd JVm Brooke pert lit W -wpalof- saaa ill assai ai J S4 kill fi 551 porta S WW I of a f part Wait QJUoJIuidHlvrr 17 i 0 Si it S3 all is I S3 I i KM IS 5 ilika Pi I 3 J I flSO io io iitt 111 ass is III I IT I as A at As1 tt siM Vav If a a iff I lift ICO 11 31 IN 13 I Ili31 1 Jat k 4 a UlWYBtay I i lWaY8taM saaag mi sfflttiitfMI ft Society 3rd p A IrrfUoad A 3rd Uj In oh J L la ttlsbtaeriliaiiaeabMt tt4IU4lllMHl near iTI part 1 I 14 as JM sail- a I fc 1 sr Pati Of it It a U 149 Bit a us ii set I I SO HI SSI II JD lis lis ii Wart part- part i fssilVuss I J fa a a III rnif A III NI 69 aUHO IS is v lull tad 17 ll 4I litvB is ftii as in so agAi 154 34 4M- WW I Sf OR AT A tfijtfwtharljlli scm Lai ft a J SALE A Itouo QaoUuMbwlvr IsbadTt Of St- 4 til J I I Or AND OX LOT ST 11 I 4 49 I SI 7 13 13 fiUtl 13 is is l llll a I da do I IK ff 4 I a tl A- 1IAWK1N8 V I OS LOT HO Ill lit ST HAWKINS Wckaoa t IK 139 361 York I J K Toronto Dec Co York J FARM FOR SALE Coo A J TEH CO LATH SHINGLES CHRISTMAS Newest Designs Sals and SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE ARK NOW TO SUPPLY WITH FLOORING SIDING BOORS AKD THB BKBAI OF PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OP WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK LIQUOR STORE HOLIDAY GOODS IN STOCK Wines Brandies and Portera in Quart and Pint Bottles also on draught And in small kegs To those who require anything in this line for ihe holidays TELEPHONE CONNECTION they will find quality and prices right P J 0M ALLEY MAIN STREET AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO CASH GROCERY STORE Our Holiday stock of Groceries is arriving daily and will be found SECOND TO NONE Everything new and suitable for the season Leave your orders early and have your cakes And puddings VERY DESIRABLE TOWN FOR SALE ALMOST stales alio the old an wits Jay lOffl SALE and fioaoraofLM4lDtS Ha scras or Lot A id to Cob B aid a Wt 14 Mb last lot lfcrtOoto1i la a food f pad I it All lioda us tttba prUcnUniW WHOaSEn FOR SALE ALWAYS on FOR SALE f Shropshire Y0UN6 SHQRf HORN Witt P DUNNS BAKING POWDER TELEPHONE baked in good time P J ALLEY MAIN ihspJ Mais I A

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