Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Dec 1892, p. 4

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ft -r- Sick H IS from vhlcb mails aoffer and few ire Its can and alogglsb core tor which Is tooofl la I lara faond trial to lick caused braduordi the atomacb Altar the Fill for In mm In WW V A- Co Bnraet Texas Pills its lb beat median for regulating tie bowels to a an rora headache In- null I bad no was and nervous boxes I ami a wn was for rear with lndl A bow Mil need to to lay tp prompt mod aBTecUr Ayers Pills Or a Atr ft CO IwA Mass 0ql ill firrrftfU xJ to Wad thy one of In with n own Ho an- to be ihu book Hwtbmr bis to htm of Bin and him with book of Old and alBO of Jenlab Jo fend in lbs of law Ho lived in Jenuaiam to advanoed ago book from which the Aral al ara area andoobtadlj by whoa Tradition both it to En of book facta aod tba ramaJader reoorda which daring tha of En a God it among tha nation Hit kingdom all God will not upon that may leam and obey HI troth God dca not In Their day of deb gt Aim to Improve I Our Sew will to bo fine and respectfully agot brand fully verioed a to quality S DAVIS SONS It w who op apirit of Kfng of Persia to do a good wort It from ova teaching tha intpiMioatow all and aarriocablo work for HU glory moat coma the week we received the Annual Report of the In spector of Legal Offices of Ontario being for the year which we make the following statistical ex tracts Why Mr Winchester re turn should be almost a behind hand in making an we do not know but one of the teach ers in the guessing school puis the on the Pi in mo nopoly Well no matter ft is now and as the ratepayers of a county arc always mora or less interested in financial statistics affect ing or relating to we- pre sent some of the collated and figures Mr Winchesters report furn ishes relating to York County Number iuoed letter of of Win bov and 100000- 10000 1 000 9a of personalty to be admin- really to be admin altered OF The next tabic furnishes respecting the incomes of of ficials except indeed the County Judgts in whose cases only tlie fees give and io their must be added to vr at the derived we aclciccs our raid ers old Father Time l in fhe New Vdsjand men ail form gnod r0uutirn and people generally will to live more economically and to lead a better We during Ihe coming twelve The passing away of an other land rank in the journey of life is one calculated to the most flippant and cause the uplifted cop to tremble in the hand In ikin a there is much reason for congratulation Canada has been spared many of those which have cursed the people in other countries many pestilence and internal national troubles have reused distress has been busy at bis grim work and many a vacant chair will greet the memories in thousands of families io other pans of the world In our own country we are glad to say it has been very although there are many whose voices arc cow twelve months ago wished us the greetings of the Yet Canada bis enjoyed a healthy peaceful and airly prosperous year for which her people With the hope that the coming year will prove more prosperous to our country we sincerely wish our readers and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year 1 L4 w j v r -P- tit and and dull Bunker dont mean that ft nua old Half the time they show that shes overworked or ferine To women to every woman who Is tired or afflicted Pierces Favorite Prescription safely and certainly brings back health aid fitrength a legitimate that and a tonio that and builds up a that soothes and slranonhena W all the irregnlantiea and weaknesses peculiar to women it is the only guaranteed remedy If It doesnt benefit or ouroy have your money bank A great medicines relieve Catarrh lie That hat its from the bead jplo the throat and Bat by mild soothing cleaning And healing properties Dr Sagos perfectly and cures only it tire ME put pp JrpntifjfilPBOuf f ffluje for l bo in Home the Year a Kyi j a big 1 cleat water of the slate of our Rater the a ind thought for every one You need not in the band lat smote a good ingraridUet the own find Sis connecting cur- hn where think than person jo it A is rtistr a J the in the home will be of the in turn will catty them the cuter often colors commercial The hearthstone is the coiner of the countingroom An unhappy wife a blue merchant As men live at home we work in the outer world Paying- ALWAYS f wages promptly never mak ing it necessary for ask me for money I pay i- in far wlwttt iU who TO By ft to by Anil fli whoo asnUTed Ah with lh jkoa I who oil Who the toil Or Or out body Ami every To fttl Mty belli bring mw bora rl I To who Anil oil Ibo Sow faintly A With alInavtion of May it mo him lra I WlTHdtJT AN EQtnAX afakaTW RHKUMAT18M I ri LUMBAGO SCIATICA Sprains Burns Swelling THCOHAftlHAyoatlER COMPANY Baltimore Md TORONTO Lands ton of Richard Cor- lias killed at on by felling in the raachin- Tear i BE to nana profiBii1r ppr of a gbtpKO In amy to Toronto the not bold a t bat will iuyilo Sir John Tbjmpa mat ing In lb week of a fcontia- of prayer on If ioc blplen at aridocean Mr Moody a loachlnE of it given in hia own Tbairday avanlog of tbo of Toronto Inatod Dr u party the thoOotaria oocattlojied by of Mr- Blgelov of a we but ch In Dr and noun jpnoan- a a i on MI I ft Up RtlUr fllU plff a remedy of l inarK frecilTo wlUNt bu ifamp iho of fa IB A CUKE otlur by mill on THE Recogflisfld Standard Brands FPasiffa fis1 ESI Sic a Mungo Kicker Cable to In Alwn M laid foe Huh Itjtnrja cot S DAVIS SONS Montreal Largest and Highest Grade Cigar in Canada Sgge Total Salary Earning SS ia I I 111 aod Amount for year revived lor I i CI DR aval U a- fc i Total KttaniBOntxocaivtd Potiwa lytmay I a at Ivi lnJuorf Blood by Hue I fad lit i wdoxIj ad I p ti of Mr Jatr Ml J lra brtnrt rttni mad tool the brat by aural pad cfcailne and clonal tot HUM It bad prerraltff luRalriPDdabooa of BUD InqnlHojc It tor and I want soma told aald aba In and to NotitbatniliDB tier I wool la o4 fanme bit It wo Indue her ft At ibna to li bar Anojhtr a It aocb a good for faaadaoba well Hi with I WILL get up and dress when I am called I will to be more thoughtful for my own com fort that others seeing me may also end- to be will not spend so much money liuesoflife will remcftil opor if have to roslie a rtierrtorandpru thai every morning I will r to impress upon my family the duty of greeting with cheerful voices and laughing faces the father of the family when he re turns home wearied with the de pressing cares and of a long business day I must be more selfish and take better care of myself that I may loog spared to be the joy and light of the home which it has pleased I ap preciative Providence to lj slow up on me will pay my pew rent this year if I have deny myself a new at and my children hare to without I feel we have not heretofore sufficiently dented ourselves in little luxuries for Ijie of in a go appearance S church I will be in all icings an affec tionate hurband a loving a ff and I will rear up a family that love and respect me and render me and cheer- In with pertecl to my and irtoughtllui regard for my will their ks mpL in Nome CUT PLUG of lias ever en att add jopularliy the as thld and Plug Cut in Canada rates ro ti Be A ill urnCsu do i forkMCibaifihaob Ti3a ITARRri REMEDY yoaCUaiTbTrytljljRcmJya iiiwlyralscvo avmsCurflycnt iUfUcful cheerfully malting them I do not them their earn- Vj Howe in a al arHcU The An of Keeping Servants the January r Journal When a new I fix her wattes at a cer tain per that es tablishes necessity length of time of of change each of us shall require Should a seivanti choose to leave suddenly without notice would forfeit pay for time and mid discharge 1 without notice I should pay her to her J inquire how lifthei aria have found that usually they prefer monthly pay ments bat I pay as desire Then I keep each ones In a book which show at pay ment so that there is 5 any con fusion as to the due or the time of the last payment When away fom tome if I leave my house in their care I pay ftil be cause care deserve pay- men as as manual labor close their services for I make a definite bargain with them to that effect It seems vary easy to make a to do what is is right widely be tween the and maid and a clear understate dii on both aides is the oaly correct way to plan The business of payments be tween housekeeper and servants should be well understood I am convinced that irregular and long- delayed payments of wages are among the most frequent the causes of dissatisfaction arid can be ntos ly prev by the Housekeep tea A fact Which even are apt is that a lureia of is the essential to success the aggregate fit at ihf end of the year is of far greater importance and this in most cases is greater out of a low rate of pofit than out of a high rale because the low price gives rise to Jit as on this principle thai Messrs Tuckett Son acted in in- own mens tobacco and to ibis principle they have ever since adhered This Is one of rraions Canada are tobacco which ran be produced at cheaper price than any other peojile can buy a similar hearing andto mo directed of on pi in that In Arrears for Taxes in the County of York ft Monday the 20th day of March 1893 THE PA TENTED VT Lot if Lb OF A s a ff a as 9 J aiji ay you want a House Call aod act HOWv It- a ft if IB ssaraa fttojtt a Aits teiS5 a I St US 16 3 fi8vlto a3IS siaJM is lis 1TN ISIJl HI ijitm- IS tor 11 til TO I f a a a id I- nisoi is i- dol 9 ACRES laobMp BALK AT A flf OR BALK 1134 sali a a Would to her fcblsj Cfti a which whin loQdkDd I niid out dI4lblvoriUlfhtt TcAribisr CeMUm tffl I rrcpipj wan ad la fcjt trot ihoycan by fit 235 tnc pain aod to bad I to coot with anil I nT beau JdraWm Vnin J of Aram I 1 Owli44TMRrtj at up aOff J tot on a with S With such incomea ai some of these officials derive it it any wonder the the County Council made a kick There is Hon Mr Ross an in come of a year imported from the western part of the Province and planted in an office that dozens of liberals in this county by work and allegiance to party had a claim before Mr Ross was known to the people whom he now lives upon Neither does it say anything for the powers that be or even the intelli gence of Icgiilalurc toallowan official to retain the fees of an tffice after paying ill salaries of assistants c and having an office fumnhed and heated at the expense of the people amounting to thousands of dollars more than is paid members of the Government who have to be at the expense and trouble reelection every four years betides doing the agree j1 in social and other circles by way of keeping with the free and independent The remedy however is in the bands of the people Since hut general election steps have been taken by the Government towards remedying this but did justice the counties affected for instead of returning tbe money deducted from official to the treasury of the counties in which the excessive fees arc collected they took them for the general use of tbe Province and thereby such coun ties as York for the benefit of other Sections of Ontario SCHOOL REPORTS oar a a I wuncapacs Fletcher Hand Edna Br Ill Bay moor Rapt Jr Ill Collin Caaa Mabel ftainuer aarpar Jr Byron Beak r I Jr I 1 Tablet John Erncraoo A Taacbar Robert Mown paymaster for at Man was robbed of by a highwaymen on Friday evening There is no clue to the thieves who were disguised and and carried a gun roe The Sunjifthi Soap Toronto offer every month till- farther notice to hoys and 16 io of rapjnra 10 2nd IS 3rd to 1 a Hand- some Book and pretty to who send not than wtappara wrapper to Ban- Soap wtt St not later 29h of month Cora petition also give foil maddrraa age and number at wrap will be Mail on first month a woman I would like see men a little more like to see child r a little more respectful would like to see servants do honest and honorable work rather than eye service I Would like to see sensible fash ions used and abused I would like to see babies sensibly rather than elaborately dressed I would like to sec people return borrowed books I like to see simple meals well cooker I would like to the pretty words 1 thank you always given when service is rendered I would like to see sea more interested in good than in bad read ing I would like see the though it may be doubted if will However it is in our power individually to make it seem as if it had come we can each of us help by precept and practice 10 bring about this delightful slate of flff j am going to Will you 61H HALFYEARLY COMPETITION The moat 1 by The Cinidivi apkdhiilJt In Iq1k ltd lllSDFM aXTl leTO 1 IN A pfcult Mill I iJTir Stub Ul Itw ajsT fcUU Dm La I Oaf IL14 ceo Ttu Id tLfl ILX of m- En ordaij In fill La M for flUits Tarn ntv La doth la MtaUrtaUl liaJ LfXOpaHaaaaa LaaSfLWlUAtD Us IMnTi ftp alJa0 jlfllliiifftflt Bon fcBUlft W top lorfUll m to if I IOC fa Mafia lS7 fttjLstoftt prim ftjjt rf Aoricviv J fc IWVT iWrt nfjssCaMVl Lhrj aataaWft to dtrj Ic ftAd of ftba CompotlUon IStb s niLittiitMtiMiiiiu ftiihMHiiiV- Pi- T 13- fv Patniaaaa iailtaiiaiai 9 IS 1 ij J4rt C84a a4SVa if PUr WS sea hat PARM FOR SALE UItlfci TOWN FOR SALE io- sal t j I iiiis as a si- Msi a ST Js fin- f 0 Of Hi ptoraaajilMSjaS ft to tta rj f aef jt J at I I I j it in W lrf tail- W COLUSIBIA Manitoba TO THE Electors of Nortli COUPLYINO Iho I hira thai do tod ihU tiki Hojdw rnacli avoir rott joy jcupi re pod full a silver to run mo vo of id vrllb my a oat aaJ Hotrirjit lha rfavi Ion I WfciMlM KlClO Id lam DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND IN r a a 4 HI I l ilvt J 441 1 a iiiftlaiiqeljsSi- 19 S a fX 13 IT yStf 10 ice SSi IS ji 6 1 IS t S31U aw wttTBIJftni of King the in Lvon ibftl it laXJVslal an A i lha lilR- fta Pitetilsi win Solldccr Courl on far of lor la- caiata and to me rilled da to rich PUBLIC NOTICE Ld nit by or AH CO ai 3D JO a fllii4ii4iiiiii g rtoiw part S3 S3 l ft ooi S3D3 AND OS NO VOXflR S I do jot do 15 sit 10 WW 0 IIS 1ST COS- w f tor in Ales- J I Lock 111 ST Co York I J ff Toronto Dee LtaToWaablpor Rial bait Slh sm or lo Hal aSaaaaa ana m brrclad lbiMKa1 liHm a folios til p Ail hi hi Wltltw Alan UJ Waa at Ma 14 a st a At It ts LUMBER LATH SHINGLES PREPARED TO OUR GUSTO WITH FLOORING SASH C Newest Designs IoTo Jewel Smoking Seta and Travelling Companions pharmacy NEXT POST OFFICE A THB LIBERAL PAST A OF AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES a THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO STORE HOLIDAY GOODS IN STOCK Rum Ales and Porters in Quart and Pint Bottles fllso on draught ftnd in small hogs To those who require anything in this line for the holidays they will find quality anil prices right MAIN STREET NORTH FOR SALE WfUDrxs J tone ta Swlftt 9T- FOR SALE Shropshire Bams AJD Y0UH6 SHORT HORN BULLS AlaoarewtmaU Box C It PR DO la Victoria ha ilia Threat ail wilcnl In l of Dr ftjl who bi Ins Throat aart Will from toll All Dr tolaiaaSIOI I and iHftrawa of a fori K THE KEY fiG bmA TELEPHONE CONNECTION CASH QROCERY STORE Our Holiday stock of Groceries is arriving daily and will bo found SECOND TO NONE Everything new and for tlie season Leave your orders early and have your cakes and puddings baked in good time P J 0M ALLEY TELEPHONE MAIN Unlock Bowels ana rectintj curing Dropsy aril General the and Cod wield BLOOD BITTERS CO i

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