Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Dec 1892, p. 4

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V earn ac T 5 ST C IF not in to by w Iho niha than cure being mild effect cd strengthening in their action ue of for HATing been for to constipation without being able to find much relief I at tried Pills it both a duty and to testify that I have derived grew ben efit from For over put I hate taken one of the I would not be without them at- bare been taking and them In my family and recommend to all in need of a effectual John For eight year I was afflicted with constipation which at last became so bad that the doctor could do do mom for me Then I began to take and the bowels their natural action so that now I em in excellent health fl I Bryan Texas Baring used with Rood results I folly them lor the for which they are recommended Connere Centra Bridge Pa Ayers Pills J- At Co Mm by La The IS We lrogb Lent ah all bo we ftTtri they Act iKTftiJjCCTOJlY and returned to in from their Minor they of lbnr re root They iao told of opposition they to and the endured Id inADlirrio Ijodi bad in of Jowl ih origin could not agree with though it lor all to that all ahonld tub- mil to ceremonials view it can readily be why Hebrew iatit of Jewish ritc who entered the church from the heathen Mrtd They had been people The religion they had followed had divinely and took it for granted that all were binding for all time on all mankind ft if difficult for them to comprehend fuller freer aad more character of the reli gion of Chriit for which a preparation eon- vert bad visited the Gentile churches and bad disturbed the minds of the people by that the Jewish was binding on them- It was de termined that the question should be con sidered and decided upon by the Mother Church in Jerusalem For this Paul and were sent matter before what was the first general council of the christian choral scGosffnOKs- of opinion hare arisen in the church In age- Men do not and cannot think alike on The sanctions omental Full and in the truth seeking is the best way to arrive at right principles of action A spirit of conciliation fioe for the promotion of Faith in Jena is the one condi tion of and take the place of Christ l a aistcwiUitsUaT Leonard Claim J Wright Clam Fuller Jr VUrbuDJaail J Wright flr 2nd Laura JCaVie John Jr 2nd J- Wright Arthur Part Gertie Annie Edith Minnie Fogg Edward L- a I MOTHER AND SOS Packed in the Follow ing Sizes Victoria Pins I Jr Class Br- III Claw Will TIT Hubert Eddie An drews n Clas Ethel Green Jennie Arnold John Green Jr Class Anion Arnold Eddie Frank Jennie Fair- Br Morrii Waller Flo IL Tablet- Walter Present arer day Barton Fletcher Absent only one day Frank Stick- land Eddie Andrews Jennie Ethel Green Annie Average All of quality Of strength To suit all taster fine by I TO ffW at Ontario College will only be dollar per term hereafter and charge for Incidental There Till be no entrance or tuition fees Clifford was fined recently for cancelled letter It may not be generally known that ibis offence ii to loch The of thii case will as a warning 7 TV Class Evans Milton Lepard Oacar III Samuel Oscar Allen Jr in Shier St Milton Allen Edith Howard Shier Annie Grace Joa- fit Bella Rachel Ma Swain Jr Pa Martha Hiason Roes John I Frank Hopper Jane Jr I Hodge Eagene Baker Lawrence J- Stabs OH good HBTto buy bat hard under iiU it tie ordinary bit or The only of it land bo remarkable in that it can be on plan Dr Golden Medical bloodcleanser and fleflhbnilder nothing like it known to medical acienre In where the fault or die blood as In digestion and Skin and it la in case to benefit or or your money back To every sufferer from no matter how bad the case or of how long the of Dr Catarrh Remedy this If we core it perfectly arid permanently well pay yon in cash Sold all Tax Toronto htti McCarthy will take an early opportunity of addressing aiitnentB and then goes on to addresa will bo an elabormtioa of marka be made at the Federation meet ing which created each a There are Vile Imitations The Diamond always giro richer faster and brighter colore than any other make of dye Thin the popular Canadian verdict No Other dyea now before the have each a record of brilliant and satisfactory auc- aa the Diamond Imitator are now in Geld new of which cannot possibly give the and true results guaranteed by Diamond Dyes When baying be ware of imitations bay only the gen- nice Hard to at Inquisitive city people in the country sometimes find small sat isfaction in criticizing little country boys about their names and affairs A summer board er once said to a small boy dressed in a broad straw hat a gingham waist long trousers and bare feet Hello little boy- What is your name Same as pas said the boy Whats your pas name Same as mine I mean what do they call you when they call you to breakfast They dont call me to Why dont they Cause I git there the fust one Millions Sold AnnuaJly- S DAVIS SONS Montreal ILEKONE Relief sod Ihou from of and ralUblo more met fiTjtMpion at ft to PILE- A POSITIVE CURE alter itAimcoUIlio or by on rtctlpt of prk WT hem lit to pay in pdnflioai yew to a of S3 a bead on whole pension Ui filuea would wipe oat h entire public debt this THE RBcognlsed Standard Brands Mungo Kicker the New York for has The daring fiat ideatUlItctIoDft oscillated iltemMely aide to term the next term Democratic the railway and raillmniire Jay of New York is assigned with he about a year by the tempt to blow him op with mite was 5fi jean of and born at early year were spent on Una Detroit fau bad P year A estimate of orchards Huron places the of apples at about paid for an orchard the to Mr of will received a lampvnra of Mr Thomas of Godrrioh uwuship rwiTed next amount TOR The Soap Toronto offer the following month till farther to bays and ooder in the of Ontario ho send the number of untight let 3rd to a Hand- some Book and a pretty to who send not lets wrappers Send wrapper to Sun light Soap Office Scott St To ronto not later than of each end marked Competition also give fall name and number of wrappers will be published in To ronto Hail on in each month Cable ItilverIly to re my let Mi folly the that the for avttiftrllrjx iurnSy At ttM S DAVIS SONS Montreal Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada Tea Montreal Witness has found a mm for political independent it la borrowed from the States That jaoraal McCarthy bat coma oat boldly a leader Mugwump la to be hoped that he has a larger fol lowing moat people imagine certainly larger following an t than he of the Government Party where aame Stalwart Prty named have to stay general reader will re quire to bear in these ippelUtJona Tuc Niagara to point out how it Is that council of that city manages to Jietp for low while at actually pay more in to worth then Lontspo in The bridge ficniu the gorge itfaueMd at a of on the tide n on the American tide putting up vila- the American a rate mill leas on the more actual lax bo town get credit of only paying ao many mills on the dollar great but dont to Realize there it any money in ft the collector Jennie very bod la ft a I faor lirirarda Pectoral Balaam and It be CopIetq Qui FREE PRESS -AND- FARM AND HOME FOB Both for Enlarged and Improved A Family Paper Cured In Day Scaifa America for aot la I to Sold by 3t a floreraaRO notice vary bled laucbed I aetribtflg Ilka It ad Oil one erf nlcn to Mcb la pIae4 I had to cool bud with now bm dually the wait am I Out bioirbn Cared Sim 1 body with and I w la lndancd lo try by time I It waa speak too highly of It HI J N Over settlers have gone into Manitoba and Ihc North West this fV By a steam feed pipe on a ataamer at Minn a man avid a boy killed Several noblemen in Eng land are in the habit of giving special orders to makers in Vir ginia for their suoply of smoking tobacco There is no doubt that by that means they get the very best to be had but it costs them about a pound The of Canada arc smoking the same quality of tobacco at cents a pound and it is known to them by the name of Myrtle Navy A sad accident miles north of Bolton last Mr Frank had been to Toronto with a load of pro duce On the return journey he halted at the Ontario House Bolton and had supper leaving for home a 10 oclock it is supposed that he had fallen asleep having been up all the previous night and the horses wandering from the road and let ting the wagon into the ditch that the sudden movement of the wagon threw him from his seat to the hard road causing instant as no doubt his neck had been broken The horses kept on until they reached their stable less a mile from where their owner found Deceased leaves a wife and large family well provided for- He was being of Cedar Mills Lodge and the funeral procession was over a mile long headed by a brass band See My flew Dress In while the yn itoma In fCaoet idilkMi flnti doe ad tie thai are need The an fine ot i to the The a away be- iba In of ft no Lfce the con- an The method of i and will local and toinmeo to The enl u imping MlemnJodnx official attired in elaborate lit- rlty pltejdrd he acta on he la mill- panada One before the train aUrta be gong three time and Would a batten far kt the kit up the who he been at cat iir length of the name of erory When lh engine be wheals about and on his return fjaioWy and car bank to the no to perch tte whistle on a tin or metal whittle which la repeated by the at thefoot end and the atuta a id Lavatories at World Fair on the ground will bare faSni one to lour eprtmantade- to toilet purpose and placed In rajily portion the total number on the grounds will of which are eabjeo to the of five will nearly a thousand public any one of which may used live torn Ghre or of powdered mirror The Ureteric now fitted up for women ere as perfect be and a room in white enamel and containing powdered and long plate all rtng4 anil for which a charge of hat ve made the matron and no room to be It till by the attendant con trolled by Clow A of Chicago who will pay a portion of their receipt to the The same firm elan the only advertUing on the wall apace in the derated to and one of fin grant ed and the World Fair hare aince to It lu order of any nature whatever on ground Bome idea of value of thia may he inferred from the tatement that end for apace in each another firni thre rig is to en- arid fallen wheel was completely and joust have minutes bp fore anybody knew what hail happened i I I I J i avt 1 mm Jacobs on FOR PAIN ounai 1 Sciatica THE COMPANY WW ti OUT C fill ITS GETTING COT OLD CHUN IPUJQ No other broad of Tobacco has ever civ an sale and popularity in trie period as brood of Cut Flag and Plug Tobncco Tobacco turtri in Canada BUT GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE is full of Good Cheap Comfortable Si mm i 13 CI 9 US- a if 4 tr one and take it home with you p Krmpmaui iiit r Albert Etptt Jleoui A- a b la lbitm ijij 2 Ul A i af month- Svttv iiv for 1 T KrxacfroH W6 1 will CelladaoTtbe WML A 6 lrhODbLl W dathlT iO a to any add rat in ted ii of en el AddreM FOR SALE on band fibMpaodBwUaof R w Executoi I The Press MEW TORE FOR in Sunday The Journal of toe Metropolis l mi copies Notice all rdIlori CUSTOM BBS SASH AND BLINDS bury In Iba Co who died on the lo aft pap t N yuoGGM in fa I main ma ltcb rarvd In By all Sold WILL Iter liKTAijiAUiaSaaMOx JrUrcreJ the AaiuvivvniLax A SUBSCRIBE NOW AMD all U pCta atlaoe at to di fVanla to aratr ijrc aabaoi I Handy Items of Law A note made on Sunday is void- A note obtained by fraud or from one intoxicated is void If a note be lost or stolen it docs not release the maker he has to it An endorser is exempt liability if not served with notice of its dishonor within twentylour hours of its nonpay ment A note of a minor is- void- Notes bear interest only when so stated principals are responsible for their agents Each individual in partnership is responsible for the whole amount of the debts of the firm Ignorance of the law excuses no one it is a fraud to conceal a fraud It i9 illegal to compound a felony The law compels no one to do impossi bilities An agreement without consideration Is void A receipt for money Is not legally conclus ive Signatures in leao pencil are good in law The acts of one partner binds all the others Contracts made on Sunday can not be enforced- A contract with a minor Is void- Written con tracts concerning lands must be under seal to bo py old mere which she look to and dyed Diamond aod made me new Mao aad a brown got a too Undo Jacks old coat over mamma said twai t any to dye with that anybody them- Diamond lor Home a lino Intel Any color An In TUKTBESB the In New It point SUNDAY a current EDITION oil lb nod elfh tforwasj uccetajal ear tot raid ths and berk by the opt to prompt WltklnMiQ or I Lure been la a lor I rho of fitoinwh and I of American to worth I arcr did la coy life would tun- Bold from had do while lOaf aCartcadaboue I uvr of QUB- It lor oat red end wh he no AjtbE ui try Up Mr obecUoa 1 went la but it Id the foe a week we bar to It At kit a the went J the to the betUe bottle eared far bar llf We oarer now It In food for Daltuail lit mod or fretn Stood Sparta s7rtalp4UitJavaijie and ale- a of pea bottle Johnny A school teacher who believes in giving pupils practical illustra tions little Johnny If he was possessed of any hens Yep said the feoy I got one Now I want to ask you the pedagogue gravely whether she sits or sets She dont do said with animation she only cacft SEAT BIBLE of Rtwifd iit AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM TUB PURRS ha Id New Dally and Year Daily only Year Sunday Weakly one Year Estate of bird day to Mud or MCora ISM a their aaraauaaaod cialtna tb held by by and take lb JM date will d to rag tlUrd ihoulo to of which iberTkbalL than bate hud ibey wUlloot be liable for claim of sot bean given J To la oar Hue PmiLu of latrlloxy In wa employ and Write for to CHASE BROTHERS COT DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE BEST FRIEND IN CANADA PAST OP Wfi AIM TO GOOD WORK a LOO Ha mo a free- THE awi r I Harper 93 Magazine 1BU will ih of ihn be- rliere A- Co AN mod will be ir witter or M T julamd and Mit will by J on Bomber and Dona CHIUw low lluth w LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS HI CO IfcamdlMaa JAWALUNGO HARDWARE MAIN ST NEWMARKET THE KEY TO HEALTH all the clogged of Bowels Kidneys and carrying wcakeoing Iho all the and foul of Stomach Dizziness of Dpopsyi Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Salt Erysipelas Soro- Flattering of the Heart Ner vousness and General and many yield to tho happy BLOOD all CO Toronto DR WOODS Norway Pine Syrup la lrtaitorrttortKM combined with and A CURB AND COLDS I Hoininiii THROAT BRONCHIAL ud LUNGDISBASRSaOrrfiflAtflttwhiwhkh itlt other jitOd to I fo Va a Li au a Tha am- by lucnaan bj A- IUdira to DWJI A of ra CoTna4ka I by CaxMta Um DaiW and puf if Jit il- bail fciSs tars at wta Harpers Per AltlXRS ruapr to Jam too PEOPLE te MxqnrB with And a tint r9 for el ih Wfarto will at Bjuid will UotbqBMltlDdraCiMk imalr AraM be order or to of lo- ft fcBOTfim PECIALl- Fop ERA Readers This Paper and The Ladies Journal Toronto ft 36page Monthly will he to toy One Year fa 125 for the Two Papers of The Ladles Journal- woman in land of The l4le Journal go two for aod thrt will on paper la 1 A to Era l tHfbl Kb Bradford nt Id fiAdh Nwmarkel4l TtoiidArt fel AOaUWe rt TO LI YOU WANT A ad hj ACRES ell cleared WWJ Hi ATA Tb Northerly the LET- cans water- liMt OR SALE- OepflTi- tVcAUeaMI A tVTOitorf la otfia don croolad It I will aheap FARM The bury SO cr li toed lODalca IL FOR SALE TO BUKTK 10 offer- 111 rdfiu fee or tot- or mj I om and VERY TOWN FOR SALE ALMOST Mir old n afljl barn lrtrt FOR SALE tow hTni MiIefeaorUiin ice iu ix- a jo ir a acoJ Iradloa- hjpw A Lou la raw FOR SALE Shropshire YOUNG SHORI HOW AW a- sa Dr

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