Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Dec 1892, p. 2

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Saw Holiday ft A tfca Pre To I Ontario I to Wallace Wood IV Iboso go We Ontario Railway wln are filled and est Iho 4 minor position ax flJUd by fcertol lb legal is good percent law Hot sit In A place Hi Lata Senator Hon Mr will In ft Era Mtf FRIDAY DEC a Our Toronto Despatch to Ik Bra Pee ISM Collector of Inland for bit ml- Ired annexation tor In po litical Dr it mentioned a possible candidate in Liberal interest fox city tor the la the by of A denotation from waited on Hoa Mr a and asked for a end between Bay and of a nil To of Mr mats raoommeoding Commlnloner to proceed to after a of frail to Ward aoclitfona to fajaalectioa to Local Hoaaa- be for of veek Id oax It reported The city gain abOQt lost too ft re- from of on car The New Cabinet- Hon A of appear to be generally con ceded Sir John Thompson an able man and possibly the best on the conservative side of the House for the exalted position he has been called fill and It is also admitted that Hon Mac kenzie has administrative welt as long experience and wilt continue to make a good departmental officer His trans ference to the Senate however Is No man should be placed at the head impor tant administrative department not directly responsible to the people and not a place on lie floor of the popular branch of parliament where the peoples representatives can talk to him face to face This our notion of tie fitness of things Of the rest of the Cabinet in point of ability we are disposed to think they will scarcely compare with a great majority of the men the Cabinets of other days such as Gait Archi bald Campbell Top per and others Sir John Thom pson however has endeavored to make up in quantity whatever may be lacking in quality and now we shall wait till he speaks at the proposed Toronto and Montreal gatherings and tells us of his policy before criticising his administration further- rut IT I a ex- jetre a felon Mia has been lio fix party folk ll A of friends a en- Wliinie Una J- of a of with Wfwi arid Kin of are Mr to a from vi cinity Brandon leg a few her udn of el ponding the winter friend not prompts politicians as well as other people to become parties to transactions which under other given circumstances they would not approve During the history of the regmt some years after the union of Upper and Lower Canada so popular had become the Adminis tration that in a number of constituencies opposing candi dates had very little show of success This led to local jeal ousies and rival candidates within the liberal ranks and to such an extent was internal discord mani festing itself that the Government apprehended it might lead to weakening their support in the House Baldwin and were discussing problem of a remedy when the latter sug gested a reconstruction of the constituencies and a very con siderable increase in the number of representatives This said he will create a diversion and give a chance to the more clamor ous to gratify their ambition by securing representative positions Capital idea- replied Mr Bald win and before the next appeal was made to the people the thing was done The question perplex ing the fate Mr Baldwin in another sense appears to have confronted Sir John Thompson when he undertook the task of forming a Cabinet as successor of Sir John Abbott which was gazetted this week For years since Confederation the Do minion got along with twelve and thirteen Cabinet Ministers but so clamorous have become the malcontents in the party since the old chieftain passed away that the new Premier has yielded to expediency and presented for His Excellencys acceptance an of seventeen mem bers as follows John Thompson Premier and Min uter Of Hon of Trade and Com mere Hon Minister of Pi- Kir A P Hon Jobs Cotllgan Secretary of Hon Tapper of Marine and John Minister Rail way and J A Work Daly Minister of In terior Hon A- It Anger Minister of Agri- ctiltare lion of the Cooncll Hon Prank Smith and lion John Carllng without portfolio The form the las named members of Par liament nave been appointed to fill subordinate offices brought Into existence of Canada Hon John J Comptroller aland Hon John P Wood of Custom Hon Clark Wallace The Toronto World gives a very good synopsis as to how the Ministers arc distributed and as it is brief wc transfer it to our columns as follows The new the minister with end without the pi portfolios unlade men dXsVitrated Province Top per Poster Anger Ontario Patterson Wallace Wood Daly Minister portfolios Maritime Ontario portfolio Ontario fl Smith Carting AAioreUgJont by Us Editor WHAT TO Thj IhrsaMtflmpaiof by lhi to be to the roQtoutd Bill with tot And before cut Dominion la member for North York ffm Moloch bold a meet ing in of the whicb he rTilL the other lite itsutB before the Ax miiioiMtiiig of In fftrt fcdopd the and Hon- Wilfred of Sir Oliver SpMcbn were the by Mr- Win d Hod A- Fob tome pi- toil return of tenon in West hit boen droppod after the election in that the defeated can- Sir Camfiron had plenty of ol- dene to void the hot It now Willi drop ped there remain only one more case before Bennett in But Im an with Hon Minuter of at Halifax from the old country he elated that hie chief minion to England was in connection with the Dominion fiducial agency- The remit will a change the vgente did not feel it in their to transact at higher rate than can be obtained in the new arrange are he did not at they flnt be to and then to for approval Tub of the front the Bell Company to Toronto for the ending Nov to or an average of over per and Mr J have ell contended the Bell Company at for privilaTgee here bnt not teken matter Palling in there no wuon why the or the Incomes which ever not bo and will bring a return to what the for the phone PoilHnron alitecof three here wedtwilh lift tor home Mr EUfeh bank to town frm Edgar two or sgO the Sapor hoik on Mr Bert Reynold of Pica Orchard who hie been down with inflammation and life art it On enotec the dan Of at bar borne and the made the recipient of bound copy of Moores Poems John is In stead of a felon on as reported lift week it was of ud bsd it not been for the attention of it might here proved as his arm res ewtJIerL Mr- formerly of King on Uonday bom Oak after an ebeenoe of three yean up with the country that he to go hack months He met Mr at Brandon ths yean and a half Edward Esq the first reeve of the town of Newmarket been on a big breakwater at tine cm tbe North amber lend Straits be tween New Brunswick and Edward Island This contract completed and it described of which we bare received week Sir nrphy Is to be In carrying to one Of by the Works of ppen lite cost of work in the ioinity of Break water consists of a atone embankment feet sloped with weighs from atom crib work and make np a total length or feet Some idea of the of material need id the of this avork may be when stated that ft took In timber alone for the walls and a half flclai feet and over three that quantity of round timber for the interior of the work The weight of the ton used was and the quality of stone in embankment and cribwork la at tone Great difficulties in the way of heavy sees bad to be contended with Cape Is acknowledged to be the roughest on the North Straits The work has been done In a thorough style care end has bean taken by to Anlsh the work in a manner and ft stands a monument to the mechanical skilE of and staff Mr many friends will be plmied to learn of his achieve Is one of the roughest and points on either the or and the diffi culties Mr Murphy had to contend and so formidable they were to be hat patience determination and a firaVolass staff to support him a long straggle enabled toooni- ptete the contract The Clerk of Works eldest son Mr Edward Murphy jr graduate of Newmarket High School Wo learn that Mr Inclined to think that Ibis will be his battle In connection the Works of Canada having passed through a long rough and siege nee he first entered the office of Chief Engineer of the works on li at Kingston ago- ibo d righi unUl a from willy we Here aware jio a wnrtirf taxed A JWPtf man who has not able to ijf his beefed far two Mr iri bet faHWr celled npo at He npjofi the ha to lb wbftn be dJa It that will of a partner hare their risdoVn is arran so nil money Beatrice of was of lat waeke has having a better gave daring the mflnlhs she taught of Newmarket spent at her Mr Milne of Junction came to Wednesday ana carried off one of ladles in the nereon of The happy left by train for the wrath GREAT HOOTS 3- AND ORDERED CEO THING x IP To from to Dollar Ihi mean business and redaoed to Boots along and bring MONTGOMERY SON fc he followad by UoUitlsn a from or all their wish Mrs- A party at he bonee last Friday night from Japan gare an before the In the on day afternoon In the evening she public in the ring an account of the in Japao a Both were greatly ap preciated weather week is awful It is raining nearly all the time The the late Joe of of Xing who died on last town Tuesday morn ing He was buried In the at Newmarket Miss Ella Is rifling friends In Toronto The merchants the town to and hare a great markefc end with that end in view hare offered best better Ac ex- LEADING H O U Is prepared to do all of REPAIRING Of Boots Shoes CUSTOM WORK A By SIGN OP RED BOOT ST MAS M Goods at A PRICES We ire sorry to to announce death of another child of Mr Prank Morton The child died ihedtndof November and on Friday last another to dread disease diphthurfe and ere appears in print another may he added to Ike death I am sere parents have the sympathy neighborhood in their sad The nature of the disease excludes U that be to lend a helping band or hare a ta a word of to the bereaved ones is the It is to undergo inch affliction these who have had ihe The taik for the afflicted cues is nothing compared to dnnd and anxiety of the expectancy of losing those that are nearest and dear- Sit to up In this life Darius Morton Is ill again at bis home on con Mr Morton had the misfor tune to and of two of his fingers by the cut dogbox process One day week Morton was coming in the dnrinic a and when opposite one of Councils white drwe the ditch fa front of in lew time than In lakes to tell it Charlie on his face the fence the hone on Us way hot was before it got far The only damage done was Chattta face scratched and body others lie shaken up- The Residence and pre home of burned a week ago will bo no more diphtheria hitched there end family left for the Wait this week- We wish him in his new home A tWQpe singers ere billed for hex on 10th The Will take pint in muting and come highly mended will be well patronized Mr of the Toronto was In the nllage Monday Elder leaded the opening at last Sunday Elder Clarke of Brown Hill filled hie ap pointment here Sirs returned lest from a months with friends In the city last Saturday and Sunday with ber daughter at Holt Mr and Mrs John arc rejoicing the advent of a daughter- Mr- who passed the ninetieth milestone Is lying in a low condition A runaway learn quite a little In the Tillage last Thursday morning A broken wee the of yas Hughes guest week FURNITURE OH FOR CASH Wooer gets in French China Pieces and Km lower to the lowest of all fltoofe in Newmarket a feet long Childrens Sleighs Bab- other made by the Novelty Co of small Advance oft and see what we have here it yon We will Bell and Fruits here as well as on the ground So Light and a Large Stock ttf from The Overcoats and on the Floor are moving fast also the and on the On the Top Floor Wall Papers are selling at So per roll upwards We revived a New Lot of Bale trace Curtains and at our usual low prices i Yea iforfcyive thousand Dollars worth to choose A Ob Municipal World Published Monthly tbo atooielpal la and Legal bo by bird Sab- rloloa Ie fit World PUBLIC- or reaH from dsm flnt of eeki for lave sraat In ri v flJcnca win rtHM coofldinca sun re In car stteeeeur hat Nor We a of award d by Tun Association Weal York held Its at beginning of this week Resolutions were adopted approving of John Thompson as new Conservative leader the Coin out of the appointment of Clark Wallace for the Hiding tQ a position in the Cabinet were by the new Comp troller of easterns also by Mr for York and other Hon Mr Wallace proceeded to Ottawa on night to sworn into office A now election will now have to take place in York Sale Deo credit Hie of stock lflipomtat lot In Con- of West of TMnOrdli Sale t one 1Kb Ami lb Hub Bradford of lit llocVor du Willi ttown et Oml VtctUty MoKs L Jgpt L Unbar fuu with winter diloriAli of lh Dumber Focaof new Minister In the Do minion under constitution will require to seek reelection Hod Ives Carxeq and Wood in where Mr and Dr Liberal ware nominated on Monday laat will lake place on lust At the nomination Mr the elector on of Mr and Hon lor the Liberal candidate Onlmet declared she Government render to the mloority In Mani toba on the acbool but Mr Laorler made no to the matter number Wiiity as comWoaUon of literary and art is tie lea tort a Among man attractiona ha a doable- Christmas picture draws by Howard page of of New point with rnot and two of character Was- also an London Halls by Richard Harding Paris with appreciative A variety on topic help to compieia very lotereatina New Scotland Mr Molt esteemed teacher is going to give- op and a Loch Mr John Harrison one of oar eater- prising young moo was nailed bends of holy matrimony on to A daughter of late of Mali array and Love of California are the of J Kelly James of tbU place ha Methodist choir and they now practice at the dwell ing booses Instead of at Knar la the her Betbath OarboU ar1e of new church at Sons bad a oyster sapper the ball bar erect- attend- with th for the Proceeds towards organ or piano Wednesday evening two in Mr and bride York who qoifed In been lev with bis EI- Gordon of A A P of Strftii of horses fare filwnyaattlniciod buyer sold one of to Graham Brat of for Mr A He And Mr A J each sold one tod Mr ft blood filly- two old for Mr A a new wo very in by Inventing an automatic apple dryer which is in construction and it so rapid that the frail can bo taken from the evening and be ready for provision a tor morning tha of dried Carleri tifousrs billed for here Wednesday UcCallatn and A ItoQaiig who are aotinj as advance sots stale that their its of tickets has been largo and wo predict foil of popular men of recently became so infatuated with dirts of he robbed all the skin off bis nose trying to kits his shadow on wall from which no originated the now and popular Oh tell rae is it love We pleated to see smiling of Mr A at present High wd Sunday fro Cot In their work before leap year in three on the tbe holiday the Mr of at A Mr We and of with and Mr e Mount Albert It is a report Stokes is very The Convention was a was resented Home of the did not com but their places were well Jov Mr Amos Aurora Mr- of able evening addreeies Mr time in morning union with reat pruilt Mr an and was reelected Mr moved to Aurora The Itev Mr the minis ter arrived and ho is now getting comfortably settled Mr Woodcock is rnahiuK prsparatluns his saw mi and to have it Ward been rxelved of arrival In and Junes Forest Wo are aware that gOQti country have ft pretty hard of It latest hear of Is where ft woman put ft of car- pot tacks his preserves Mr John Paisley of HftHman has very tow for a week or ten days and his recovery is very Lemon ot week with her Mrs A Will yoo insert the In Be- Co mi red in the rote Parmer York Co HIM wish to bat Hob of tbg- P- for nit Bad thai vertoi that fioblnsnu The of the filgbwt loo lion tarnished- ibers bdf ll Jaevila Itol quality ibronxhoul prises secure the V v rv Toteoto IS r6w pre- pared lo tkke a few Best 1 MAKING A N D Embalming A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD Royal Hotel Telephone Connection Tho radio the wife Mr- of in fln of at the J A Van- a Aurora on the of of a daughter- fcXby Iter- llombe Humor MA Oho to CHINA HALL Mary Ann of Township At the residence of the bridge on lint iff CbirJw icOuu or Tomb lbs d imV a LaublaBoaot VS t sa at tleaMaVVIewGamplerrf wsi Mr- Ab salom Mr Mrs she Hotel At the wife i View Cemcterr Oor march onward and of Bert if Goods only proved very m our trade Last I our of China and Art Parlor and Hand and Saucers Mags and Creams After Dinner Coffee Dinner Sola Tea Sols Toilet Seta could not bo Improved on bat this wo far in Variety of and of Design our effort of hat surpassed the Jar Yes we right of and Intend to be at top Oar price are away down so that everyone a Present for Many of China very low and Oar will get the Benefit Come and Novelties It to year well ours reHWed from alias KaiIs MONEY TO AieU aeouilly DAVID tMmittluleur or fttai Aktata btuer of for fellow 1 kx Fits nilen litter Toronto Alio poolKofi or iiifliDilaiUMIOitti for Life ltd Lot Notice to Creditors in IS J resile an Mp of in rea that the resile an to me under the of UK IBS ana Aete of of Creditors A ol of Kla1eIherebTOOBVenHasd Morrow la of la the of of with All Creditors of the Estate are their claims with me duly by affidavit as directed or time of rceetcsr I proceed the said lurb as 1 of and I shall net be of aid or so to tferien or Mreoos shall been J ftllOl CHRISTMAS Designs Jewel Cases Seta and Travelling NEXT POST OFFICE BOOK DEPOT GREAT VARIETY SETSL TOILET SETS PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES SEE THEM Before making your CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE W N STAR ft J fir prompt frat HiabiCOr was etoteD oat of Ihe StabLs as Eneotlooed la of last was altogether as lbs pert who it bad loll liberty to do so Plats the report trot 9 Our Toronto Market a 1139 per bQittsIts ant CM a Wbrat pet a ear per CM Oats DSL Mpsrbuhst a aye per a PS on 0 010 Potatoes per am a 0 Apples per iW IIS se pes par lb t on per woe oeo lb oca a Chicks per pal on am per pair CM WANTED to do art to BOX HOPPING rm- are Department In lino vryt maIea it specialty of keeping only Quality ami it price to the kb0ct compel Our Ceylon Tea at is having a also that dOo eareful for Si equal a proved by Wo ha act of To at 70o lb Blend Coffee rive aatUfaotloD have four of from to par lb two Currants Crown Orange and Varr of to tat wblt yon want ta Cake and Podding fipedai In Toilet floapa Own and boat And not least Hew Herring going at per Prompt Delivery R A SMITH Hi Oar BROS CORSETS Ladies it you want comfortable fitting Corsets we have them and we guarantee every pair or refund your money We have a special line usually sold for 75 cents which we at selling for cents per pair BROS SILK HANDKERCHIEFS It will astonish you to see the large assortment of Silk Handkerchiefs we have in stock but your astonishment will increase when you find out how cheap they are BRUNTON BROS FINE TAILORING We have added several flrstclass mechanics to our Tailoring Department and are now able to keep fully up with orders We make only FirstClass Clothing BRUNTON BROS ww- Sole Agents for Lycoming Rubbers and Overshoes The Best in the World Titg

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