Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Dec 1892, p. 1

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rf i r NT GEO JACKSOM r fli rfiitK- ltd S3 NORTH YORK FN AND a Single Cents Newmarket Ont Dee Strictly in Advance within or at end of f to TT Ham l WW COS jgRIoTERS Solum THIS SPACE IS THE PROPERTY OP Jb7 ttf at- jA IS A KIND or ECONOMY jr J 5oKT34a WRIGHT CO dealer- in all the beat of Coal and C We handle the celebrated Happy Thought Ra in present use a 5O wfo rmoVl bit PontnseABioofc Always a few in SECONDHAND STOVES It a par with baying lot of for llllld firapa are which time labor am mod and mined SUNLIGHT Alii Avenue OH J by its pro- ill powers and perfect parity It Comfort all who use it 9 0 WRIGHT CO Telephone No done promptly NEWMARKET WOO VAt J- MAXTOR lok JffQ Pom Par IS SO HiOWA FAIL STORE 1892 it stMuanr Ltvtn BROSt Liwrco Have you tried the a Lira maji ax vmarksL TU4JS a SO CONTRACTOR teodd to nAicii- of Model School AUCTIONEER Conoty on A AGENT for Loodoo Union Cairn Boa- Roy Canadian frtlind otf Town Tin PROP DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE OF Bar Iron and Steel and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools Barbed Annealed Galvanized Fence Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty CABLE EXTRA For Ufa I am With Yon How much la implied In To lbs obedient Of Wlowihlp tote protection ud one our or at Mom to hide to holy mo dear The heart may Dean to know tarry below may in aweot 1 Ha la with in all may befall No what trials wo meet When oar part in work of the Id the daily employment of life He with the of In In and With each hoar with at each day With without and with Nothing can part from Lord Nothing on earth hot nip If we lire to Hi pralao work In faithful to Hira HewIllflU a aright Secure temptation and Sorely ought our to To Him for wonderful Who thro life of pain and rife To a mansion aboe be with if treat HI fore And help each to win Till we riae laat coufliot put oer and tin lore for like The Lord of the may we ting in of King Defying he world and and onward our motto be Till earthly Ilea ahall aavcr Then robed Id in reajma of light Well in Hit pretence forever Newmarket Not EAI PURE PUREST tout Ill PICES O APS PE T AC UNDRIES FLOWER BULBS JUST ARRIVED map AT- rtloj BENTLEYS PHARMACY it wronrel ift dVi ttFnrtt vMntfamof Turk ftMlQairk- It at DISPENSING A SPECIALTY EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle IB TB NP O Catarrh poUofl expelled from he cm be bo core or this od Therefore only ft thorough of the best of all blood The better delay I troubled with Urrh for over I number of bat no I to A few bolt let of medicine coxed me of tills and com WlU wTben lo me for I vu ctlocd to doubt W llevQSC Albert S fitet held he the Town SebUth School took place la Ml Albert Thursday and Friday of last and very not at schools were to- fts anticipated The first session opened Id Presby terian Charch large Fogg of the chair The church choir led very heartily in tho service of song and Iter Mr of Aurora a most admirable address- He said work was the Gospel of Christ brought to beer the children and per a ding them so as to accept Christ as their The should be a christian have a thorough knowledge of he allowed to interfere wilh the time set apart for the of the la no prepara tion for the teacher to read lesson helps and them to tfae class Teachers meetings a gnat help and every should be to tskesoinepart followed in which the President Mr Hopkins Mr and Mr- Uoyd took part morning Msabmilftf held the same and the centra of the more than filled After open ing Mr Jac3uon a Normal exercise be books of the Bible which was heartily entered Into and roach appreciated practical work for 8 8 teachers dWiiionsof the greatly the mem ory was demonstrated by tho use of the blackboard follows The Pentateuch books Historical 19 Poetical Greater Prophets Lesser Prophets 13 la total of in Old Testament Historical Pauline Prophetical a of or in all of lbs Old Testament in point of time were also by a diagram showing years between of the following in yean gone by and asked for a collection each school to be sent to the of the Township to aaalft In the work in other parts of the eeaion was well at- After exercises the of ths re- rcK3 mm the following for which adopted President Wright Fogg J A Trees Com Miller Hy A Milter Jos J A Smith Kd Clark J and John Cowle- was also adopted after which Mr Jackson answered drawer Mr of then a splendid address on the sobjoct How to retain the older He right one reason why senior scholars ware oat of school was lack of perental training at home Adequate provision for advancing ago and stronger reasoning ability should be made in the Make the attractive most Important work is done in the primary class while the is generally lost Or won intermediate the central idea should to present the Word fid as to accomplish saltation of Organize peoples prayer- meet logs and give tbe older Scholars soma work to get the itopxejuion that is for children parents and and set the ft better The Committee then pre sealed ft report which ftdoptod and the Convention adjourned tad I Perhaps not many of your readers know that therd is a real live Good Templars Lodge our town well there is and we have a big time every meeting night which is Friday night of every week The following are the officers elected for this quarter T Bra James Brett VT Sis Mrs S Sis McKenzie Sis Mrs Brett Se Barber J A Sec Bra J P Ash G Sis McKenzie Sent J Ger main Chap H Wells who is also Lodge Deputy A S Sis Mrs BisworthrJBJWwr The Art of Sailing Game MUCH OF IT IS STORED IN FREEZING ROOMS TO AWAIT DAYS OF SCARCITY Nt York The epicure Is happy The game season is here The markets are rilled with marvels and wonderful beasts in ml family who la not a diver is pot highly prized The mallet and the wild duck are found on our Western lakes and this is the time to shoot them When you cat venison do pot the deer your steak cut came from Long Island or the He not It is only occasionally an antler fur These are great days for I is taken in these districts aiid people with dainty palates and then only by huntsmen who Are there for sport only All deer for the market come from Minnesota Snowball filoomtagtou in baa t a premium for time put and at a other an- othar Mr who was little Clara when aba livad in aome ego now here We are glad Mr was the Blooming- ton foraeveralyearahamovad bank from road and It coivreitlng It Into dwelling Jacob Beaton who farmed fa in early now here A good deal crept into bla faatr he moved from Bloom Cor collector who considered la now by friend We him to we think good parte of and went he lighted Mr who baa the manage ment of four yean about leave for mora luxuriant I area The pnbllo toeing a teacher a tried aomauy DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR iA J- repbrr MI8S Photos Photos I i4itijiuilnson mar alios baOa Notary rQDlkAurorm OAP1TAL 10000000 DOLL A lqdlspolaVls sod rare 10 ipt4 Voice fc flwl a letter the or A f Tor little flRl I had no that anythloj would I emaciated from of appetito had Qfatly Irit of badly deranged I bout rased a friend me 10 try and re ferred me to whom It had cared of catarrb After taking naif of tola I am that the only aura way of treating la the blood Chart at Sarsaparilla Q I Dr Mast Hi as I ixuloewol Mr jn be Who W a in n4 MUSIC1 to torn out work work LHMJ la anas teacher l a trow And St ht moil of OCR My aim I be to flood ac libber hood with but Organ Aganl THE VERY BEST 913 KrebTaweto SCOTTS EMULSION OF PURE NORWEGIAN COO OIL AMD OF AND SODA loft and wasting ipeoa It In children with wonderful children with wonderful Cough and are few I PALATABLE A3 MILK character other of In- friend and the village a namely Adam Enoch citizen Trie Noah and thonght the time had for more of kind of work in The rrere appoint Mr I J A Miller and Com A S Miller A Turner and J El of then condooied Mr Lloyd and it proved a well roar The having vlaited the In Township by proxy and he found It in ell union 1 Church of ti and There were about 1000 attending every Sunday and they were all tame the International lie by vlelle from the remark made be the flailed encouraged The afternoon hold in he Method it and tbe attendance good After opening Rev Mr- McKay of introduced eon their and In an and manner Help real right properly died They are not to make oar work but to mare and to belter advan tage The Oral thing or a to do la to And cot what the and it and pirltaal growth of cholera never be taken Into the Among the polling into your pookete till following A lively Mr- Tomer in which Cole Long and and took Mr the new in Ml the meeting and left a very lion He took for of Cain and Abel and by loving word applicable the children repalalvenea and de grading of eln and the en and ale power Mr repreaeatallve of the pot a a plea for financial aid autalo work of Provincial nailed Hon the Improved method the of work the of the work dona by the Sutton During the Advent season ser vice will be held in St James Church Wednesday evening at p Diphtheria ve are sorry to learn is not decreasing in this sec tion but rather the reverse sev eral new cases having broken out in Arrangements are being com pleted for a grand sea and concert in connection with the Methodist Church of this village on Friday evening Dec Mr of Vacheli has purchased lite Hall property We understand that the latter family will take up their residence in this village in the house recent ly vacated Welsh having a cAe of diphtheria in town some gossip- monger started a rumor going the rounds the effect that ihe public school was to be closed We arc in a position to state that such is not case and also that the type of disease we have at present is not a malignant one The Salvation Army seems to have abandoned Sutton It is just as well for to our mind ihe way in which that muchvaunted institution left its officers here to either starve freeze or depend upon the charity of the benevolent was as would be termed a sinner diabolical No doubt Sutton is not the only post of A where ita are left to a somewhat similar fate Slake Palmer a young sort of Mr Palmer of met with a painful and what may Jet prove- to be a serious accident was riding home from the vil lage on horseback and when near ly there drew out to allow a rig to pass In doing so the horse slip ped and fell- with young Palmer beneath him The boys leg was badly injured by a stone upon which the limb rested and an ugly wound above the knee is the result With the doctor aid ha is doiog nicety tat Yorkers cat great quanti ties of It comes for much of it is scarce but they must have it and are willing to pay the price Down in Fulton and Washington markets thous ands of grouse quail partridge woodcock ducks plover snipe venison and every other kind of flesh known commonly as wild is offered for immediate sale while almost as much is kept in store for the demands of the later season the season from Oct to Dec the supply exceeds the demand The excess is kept in cold storage Next January and February you may eat quail at your hotel which were the Indian Territory fc in Connecti cut in September and the meat will be even sweeter finer flavored than if the bird had been served Up on of its This result is accomplished by a process at once unique and In teresting The birds and venison are kepi cold robins at a tem perature of to J degrees above Stand in one of them a few minutes and your Angers will get numb and your ears to tinglfc The birds are also put through a cold process and packed before shipping to New York It not only an ex- to took a canvaslaek lit it also takes an expert to shoot him pack and preserve him In the receiving rooms of those storage houses nowadays are hind quarters of venteori from Minnesota piles barrels of canvas back ducks from Maty- land and cases of quail and wood cock from almost everywhere Within the cold storage rooms are rows twenty feet long and higher than a mans head of wild and wild duck which have picked and- are done up neatly in white bags much resembling a pile of silt sacks in a house Ham pers hundreds of them champagnes come In contain quail woodcock reed birds plover pigeons and Virginia packed tightly together in rows their bodies placed larly Wild turkeys hang in twos from the walls their plumage be sprinkled with bits of frozen vapor Small rabbits from the East large rabbits from West and occasionally big English hares hang In pairs There Is little de mand for squirrels but here and there hangs a bunch of a dozen or a score Canvasback redhead and ruddy ducks from Havre Grace are packed in barrels Their head and neck are frozen stiff to the side of their bodies The soft plumage is as pretty and smooth as the day when the fowl was shot but it covers flesh that is as hard and cold as a stone in January The venison like the geese is dosed In sacks Chick ens are not considered save in sporting circles but it may be interesting to know that the spring fowl you will eat in April was packed two months ago and is now lying in wait in this frigid chamber of death until the day of his roasting Ice was used formerly It was less cleanly less satisfactory and more expensive than the ammonia process now in vogue Four stories in one of the largest storage- houses are devoted to the preser vation of game each floor being divided into six chambers In tcrsecting pipes with snow run through the whole area and are supplied by the large en gine in the upper It takes a feathered bird two days and a bird one day to become Supply and demand regulate the price of every thing and game birds are hard to get Wood cock are very difficult to secure amounts anywhere equal to the demand They are found chiefly in Connecticut and the Indian Territory In tht Nutmeg State It is unlawful to sell this choice and dainty morsel of outside of the State her legisla tors have ruled that the natives alone should enjoy it Hut quail from Connecticut are served up at New York tables every day Partridges and grouse are closely related The Rocky Mountain grouse takes its name from its habitation is a bird ardently sought after The hen is not so good but is rought East in great numbers just the same The best ftartridges come from Rhode Little is also re sponsible for the mangel goose which Is raised in great quantities there They say a mans stomach is next to a mans heart Certainly the has long held sway over us He is a diver and finds his food underneath the water The ruddy duck is of the same habitat as the and of the same habits as well His meat has all of the excellent qualities of the be sides being juicier He is also noted for the beauty of his plum age The red head of same The daw bird comes from Kansas It is scarce and very succulent Among the Imported game the ptarmigan from Norway English pheasant and English hare are now in season and constitute nearly all the shipments The ptarmigan is stored and used when the grouse go out of season and has fine black meat The English hare and pheasant are liked better than their American but they cost a pair The Brunswick and spruce are first the hearts of admirers of grouse Gante which is sent across the ocean either way frown and gradually thaws out during the When reaches its it is as limp and fresh as when killed Ply The cattle horn fly which made Its appearance In this of On tario irt such large numbers dur ing the past summer end of which frequent has been made in cotumps has been made the subject of special inves tigation by the Hon John darling Minister of Agriculture through Prof Fletcher entomolo gist of Experimental Farm Ottawa The life history of this insect is briefly as follows The eggs are laid singly the freshlydfopped Hung of cattle- chiefly during the hours of the day They are of an inch length brown in color from the very first and fact are not easily seen where laid The young- maggots hatch from eggs in less than twenty- four hours and at once bury a short distance- surface of the dung Here they remain until feeding on the liquid portions of the manured This is their only food and all Stories about their boring into the horns brains or flesh of living animals are untrue When the maggots are fullgrown which takes about a week they threeeights inch in length and are of a dirty white color a short distance In to the ground to pupate and the dark brown pupacases are one- eighth of an inch length Dur ing the hot weather of summer the pupal state lasts only four or five days but the last brood pass es the winter In this condition a short distance beneath the surface of the ground and the flies emerge the following spring The per fect insect is shaped much like the common cattle fly or the horse fly but it Is smaller being only onesixth of an inch length that is about onethird the size of those insects The remedy which I think in the long run wilt be found to be the best is Kerosene Emulsion and when farmers have learnt how easily this very valuable remedy against the insect enemies of crops and domestic animals can be prepared many of the which now give trouble will brought into subjection This emulsion consists simply of a mixture of soapsuds with twice the quantity oil made as follows Kerosene coal oil quarts water I quart Soap the soap in the water till all is dissolved then while boil ing hot turn it into the kerosene ind churn it constantly and forcibly with a syringe or force pump for five minutes when it will be of a smooth creamy nature If the emulsion be per fect it will adhere to the surface of glass without As it cools it thickens into a jellylike mass This gives the stock emulsion which must be diluted before with nine times its measure that is of water It will be found to mix much more easily if done at once before it cools The above proportions give three quarts of the stock emulsion which with quarts of water added make up quarts of the mixture ready for use This may be applied to the animals either by means of a sponge or what will be found most convenient where there arc many animals to treat by means of a force pump and spray nozzle Kerosene emulsion made as directed above sprayed over the cattle killed all the flies reached and prevented others coming as long as the odor lasted which was from three to seven days The best way to fight this en emy is by the treatment of the cattle droppings so as to destroy the eggs and larvae For this purpose lime land plaster and wood ashes have been recom mended and the named of these will probably be found the best Not only from its strong alkaline properties which are destructive to insect life but also from its great value as a fertilizer and from the further fact that It is easily obtainable on every farm Heavy snowstorms are re ported throughout Great Britain AWwUicljp feF A man was fined last week for selling fish contrary to law a One hundred and twenty- two deer passed through in one day recently A seam of coal has been discovered at Treherne miles from Winnipeg The freedom of the city of Liverpool was conferred on Mr Gladstone Saturday Many a wise man has picked up a good suggestion where some fool dropped it Three Guetph fines and costs last week for fracturing the license law Six safes were blown open within a block of police head quarters in Chicago on Thursday night The municipal election in will turn chiefly upon the question of local option for the township Joseph Green was fined and costs at Belleville on Saturday for selling potatoes un fit for food Mr Tim Sullivan of the of Sunnidale sold his farm containing the other day for aSP A man in Baltimore Md has invented an electric sleigh which travels at the rate of fifteen miles an hour a How soon the millenium Would come If the good things people intend to do tomorrow were only done today tar Miss Mary Allen West who has Seen doing temperance work in for the past year died In TokIo on Thursday Sincerity is impossible unless it pervade the whole being and the pretense of it saps the very foundation of character A Vespra farmer shot a large black bear on his farm the other day which weighed 225 pounds He sold it to a Guelph man for The will of James Cairns yeoman of the township of King provides for his wife and then poses of the balance of his estate among his sons and daughters It valued at The Christopher Colum bus the largest excursion afloat with a of passengers has been launched at West Superior Wis for use dur ingthe Worlds Fair between Chcago and the fair grounds A little girl named Ethel was nearly killed In on Wednesday She with other children were jumping on a sleigh to have a ride when one of the boys shoved her off She road and another rig coming up behind ran over her It is not known yet whether the injuries will prove fatal but they are sufficiently serious to cause alarm The old proverb that all things come to him who wait advances a very pretty and pleas ant theory but its literal interpre tation makes it capable of great misconstruction for if it is in one sense true its reverse is equally true Nothing comes to him who waits and does no more- There is nothing in the world that is of any value that has not to be struggled for and those who sit down and fold their hands ex pecting fate and fortune to bring them what they most desire will meet with the disappointment they deserve Frank writing from Collingwood to he con cerning the large number who left that locality says From mem ory I have made a list of fiftysix young men who have gone from this town to the States in some cases all the sons in a family Be sides these sixtyfive consular cer tificates were out by parties going to the Stated from our im mediate neighborhood between the 1st of May and the of October last- Many of these parties were heads of families and to cap the climax twenty more lookout cer tificates between the 1st and of October An old farmer named was- visited by a spirit one night about four years ago The apparition claimed to be that of a deceased brother and told him that he had been sent down from Heaven to instruct him to his farm to his nephew When the old gentleman appeared doubtful about the genuineness of his ghostly visitor he was invited by the latter to feel his wings He felt the feathers and promised at once to comply with the In junction Next day accom panied by the highly favored nephew he went to and made over the land with the oro- viso that an of should be given to him lately he became sceptical about the celestial nature of the feathers and tried to have the deed set aside The matter came before the court last week at Barrie and the Judge confirmed the deed but Increased the annuity to for the first five years tor the following five and after that Am if

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