Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Dec 1892, p. 2

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O w- Jtfl to v SfflTOSW Hew t as A Co Stephen Holiday Goods P J Beta Cfarirtami Good Montgomery ft Boo Notion to Creditors J Card Apprentices Baker may bo named expected Mr will go 16 present Governor Hon Mr called to Senile and to ft in Minis try lo succession to Son Mr to toe Upper Hone In place ol exPremier Ab bot Is more toon probable that Mr iv of will a port- folio Id new Cabinet ftnd with and then offer it to any BUT wire Miited all a Hone MB rfOiiBm FRIDAY DEC Our Toronto Despatch to tit Bra At an Imperial moating in on MoCrthy If OUtct Mow faaaloat of Elgin baa that Alton jaoUrmtion loudly cbBertd- Wouldnt It be fanny to the J for stunning it for Sir next election air ToKOxm At night Mr- McCarthy aaid if Blr had in Elgin ha bad gained in the and John were all adjodged by on Exoellenoy the Governor General end Lady Stanley have Tinting here ftUweek being quietly arranged for the coming to fiU iheTaoaacy occasioned by the Both are an acceptable cand Hod J is and is expected lo be able to attend his office next week of the Sec retary will more Into the attempt has been made to import into the approaching municipal elections bat so far Emily Park bookkeeper was on the boat p one night this week while going borne her work and robbed of A mm seized the and flnatcbedber parse for Mod is a number and the 11 incJodad lo Mr and Drum- tfnt especially for mood the contingent will be number mad op other Prof inccfl r- practicaJly Bat now comes trouble from another The yaobeo Hon Da de- kicks against Mr being made Governor he will resign if the appoint ment mads little episode is orefttiog in certain that the slate Sir John Thompson had fixed Dp nicely all by himself before Bonding in John Abbotts resignation is canting him much more trouble than be anticipated However the Governor it not expected at Ottawa till Saturday the new Ministry will be before Moo- possibly tomorrow afternoon then the sorehead will their say about the new Premier and big Ottawa aggregation official that of No I Company 120i York has named Wentnnt vie P- A boys will hate to select for the tutised have ffttb when they go into camp rammer Butter and Factory It as intimated week issue in the Dominion Ad minis were imminent bat they come sooner than we antioipated Sir John Abbott tendered hit resig nation as Premier the General accepted It and Sir John Thompson baa been selected a hi All occurred at the close of last week and the official made on Monday but all there baa been no on In political circles special to Indicate a Government crisis Indeed so little interest the created our Govern or- General baa been spending this week in Toronto all of which goes to snow that Sir John Thompsons ele vation was a foregone end slate was made Dp when he decided to hand Sir Jibn Abbotts to Excellency Had not been the fact and every arrangement completed for change the document have been withheld the same as it has been ever since the departure of Abbott and Foster for old Daring the week Government organs and Ottawa have been basy speculating upon the fatnre policy of the incoming Ad- and of the new Premiers purposes and deeigni but theae have been so general in character to create the impression they were not Inspired by actual authority The P for East York and manager of the World early in week hied himself to the nd on that journal announced that Sir John Thompson private ly or publicly on the Manitoba school question and that he is not going to jeopardise chance of himself or hi party by intervention Far ther that Manitoba going to regulate her schools and Sir John Thompson or any other Conservative la not going to Interfere He he accepted the knowing well that any policy of intervention would lose him tbe great bulk of the Ontario Conservatives This seemi to sound oil right bat withal these lacking that there theories are the avowed sentimente of the new premier or that they may index of hit AdmioUtra- on Provincial Rights ques tion- Too positive abatement is made however that as soon a the Cabinet is announced and thing are in run ning order Sir John Thompson will to both Montreal and Toronto and make a couple of speeches of bis Government With regard to the trade policy of the new Thompson Administration a party organ at Ottawa Intimates that or let change in the P may be anticipated It goes on to say that a high tariff was forced upon by circa and so loDg a the remain the same our will remain tame Should Americans abandon pro tection and down to a revenue tariff then it may be open to as to reconsider our position The re mark la made there do reason bo doobt that modification willbeSnadeln In the past all of which by reeding be tween the lines tell to the country that important change In the policy need not create any more than the of the Premiership mantle from Sir John Abbott to Sir John All the week prominent members of parliament been flitting toward the cepUol but up to hour of going to we have been noble to obtain definite Information the of the It Ontario it seems Hon- Messrs Pot- and Daly are to be continued doubt are atwrtained Mr The cooperative system of baiter and cheese making a now conducted in many porta of this Province has been of alow growth Farmers a class ore rather than otherwise about adopting new method until they are sure it will pay it only within the past decode that spools atten tion ha been given to thi very Im portant branch of farm product anil even now is limited to the more of the country However progress in direction is being mode and the prospect of a very important trade is very for the near future The North fork Firmer ha taken up the question with vigor and we hope to be able to announce a factory being here at on early day with assured of great success A special committee was appointed at a recent meeting to see what could be done in this direction composed of Messrs Webb Starr Phillips Rose and Randall which met at exmayor office on Saturday last Mr Webb was selected a chairman the committee and Mr Secretary when it wo decided to the community for sir miles to be taken the centre to how many farmers would ogres to deliver milk It number afford make Factory one will be established here with all modern appliances for making and thus another important industry be located cor midst That it will pay a nut ter of speculation Report from thoee counties where have been in operation for years all on point The Travelling Dairy ha done good In letting in a flood of light regarding butter and cheese making and the profitable of factories Home very interesting fact were brought out at a recent meeting at with re- gard to the practicability- of paying for milk according to adopted there known as the composite The following a brief report of the fact elicited The composite is need two ounce a milk being taken from patrons jars taken from the weighing can directly after the milk i poured in and thoroughly stirred The soaker said there was practically no daisy in taking the samples are all arranged shelves close at band and distinctly marked At the end of the week the are tested the milk dissolved by concentrated lye and then thoroughly mixed sad the sample taken The method is giving good satis faction among the patrons and also to the maker He had less tainted milk this year in soy years work at the factory It to look after the milk and an in stance he gave ill ait rated this A patron seat milk to the factory which in the tod about 37 per cent Through Jane and July the leather got warm milk began to low and to 3 percent He came up to the to find what was the matter and his happened then to be ihe weighing The maker called his attention to the hardened cream can and him to aerate end stir las milk more The man did and nest week it read per cent He then made provision for celling well as aerating it it came op to per cant he neat week and never went below that after Another Incident was almost Janghsbta alto heard A lady calliog a neighbor informed that her had no cream- Well replied she thero no anywhere this since the factories alerted to pay according to the test value It paid to the cream there- The variation in the price obtained per milk was also quite marked In May it from in Jane from to in Jaly from to and in Aug Ah Ottawa press despatch under date Nov says Mr Deputy Minister of Railway and Canals retires to morrow from Civil in which he been employed for nearly forty year- Bo will be given an allow ance of W600 per general manager of the Railways will be hie at has a kindly regard for editor at least It is inferred from the foot that two members of the have recently received favorable at bis bands vis Mr who has been appointed Police Magistrate in the place Brace removed and Mr of the Windsor License Inspector fox North Brace The Utter is on P P Is the Like el of week we find a timely letter from Mr George of Oak Ridges on the importance of He says whole wants re- organ At present it is divided two parties both more or less demoralized Party politics have been the Canada and to a great extent the cause of its Men hare attached to or she other rfe or wrong- has been motto for a great many who know better If the convention are carried party princi ples they will do no good but still worse contoanded Ex IremBJ ought to be as much at possible extremes of heat or of cold are disagreeable an boa thy Id poli tic the bigoted Tory who still adheres to antiquated ideas to oar times Is a poor The ultra col bordering on man in But between thoao un desirable extremes there ought to be a good many men more intelligent and in dependent willing to be Conservatives Of such things as are worth reserving and where reform is needed- M the conventions can bring together a floient of men of that stamp can and will do an of good The of Use Son of in this give an ewiiuVajt 9th vTire ore ins so make one of two best bold In I place axe cordially in- of and most re spected In the of Henry Draper J P died last Draper bad been for time He only confined to bed three or foot week which time hi nephew Mr of and Mr Draper gave him the very bent of care Tbe vu con- on by by Mr Draper wtU be greatly in here when he bos been a class ever since church first In tMi place He to be In vested for henefltof the salary yeold ifpMpii WP eoofe and paid forth wa-yeer- forty thtr pars before I ttco thing more tht the rising see that maybe- it not a all a they red to think it wo that they were not born before their were A of named lost hi In the day while oat shooting with a named Bog Too latter loading his when weapon accidentty discharged FURNITURE FOR CASH the of Sir dliw North Ooiord in IsofgLilMiVa To wnil Premiers l6fl gare politic to the history of Ontario u Iraly by Wood- took of Glcbro governed long by one and no other Moofly flmng last Mr Elgin Myers martyr at- Co talk op hobby at Montreal ha told that Iiwtpeecb did not or otter- At the mealing of Sic- Gill paraded the hang on a apple tree a it opt a Thx Evening of baa a political in connection with West York and id Ontario It doctor would like a Cabinet port folio and failing will probably drop of politics elec tion takea in case the it is farther intimated that Dr or Hartley will likely be We make man as a piece of political dont take any in it At a meeting of the Conference Special Committee held in Toronto week it was that Conference of the Chorch in Canada will take place the Thursday in September Acting upon a re commendation from Superannuation Fond Board the above Committee ap pointed Dr treasurer the fond in to the late Rev Mr- Gray who will alto act treasurer of the General Conference Fond- th place of Re Mr ceased Board of Management of Food Tu Winnipeg organ of the all at to the Manitoba to a representative before the Do minion will fail and no inritaltOD whether It enianatctf from John Thompson or any one else in con- with the Manitoba school case will be accepted- Commenting on official announcement Mr organ lays The Manitoba posi tion It aeonre the jadgment of tbe judicial committee of the Imperial Council No right or Catholic minority had at the time of onion has been prejudicially af fected by our achool law There in Conn because there is nothing on which each an appeal can be based Idea of a decision of highest tribunal in the empire and the greatest judicial authority in the worW being carried in appeal be fore the the Dominion Cabin Inet to be by them affirmed or reveraed abdonl other band the Win nipeg Frit says refusal the Government to attend before the Ottawa Privy not surprising bat they know judgment of Imperial Council is not the What in now before the Dominion ia an appeal the Act piovided for by sabsection of section of Manitoba Act and a corresponding aeo- the North America that an be made to certain cases by the minority it Catholic or Mount The week has been general conver sation Smith Jones lease of the block ftzpire the beginning ok d obey ere moving sale prior to taking smelter premise Price to the miking worth a dollar in it purchase power Sunday School Christ mas enter- will be the next thing to engage attention Mr York ha buried three with diphtheria and another not ex pected to live The Mr Sid Stoke died on The child going to school last she fell and hart one of her knee which turned to a white small io it worse all the time death ended faeranfferirjf Some broke into Barrett P livery stable and took a horse and They returned it to the stable some fine in the night with nearly ell to piece Mis field our popular raaker bos left our village and home bo tow Yoo the rest wTndertakiTg Till Tig A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD Christmas Goods at PRICES Telephone Connection Dinner Sets in French Printed China and Sets at lower prices down to the lowest Fancy Crockery Cheapest stock in Newmarket a department 100 feet long Childrens Sleighs Sleighs and other made by the Novelty Manufacturing Co of Newmarket at small advance on the manufacturers prices Come and see what we have here it will SI you We will sell Candies Nuts and down here as well as on the ground fltol Light Cheap Goods and a Large Stock to choose from The Overcoats and Boot on the 2nd Floor are moving fast also the Mantles and on the On the Top Floor Wall Papers are selling at per roll and upwards We jest received a New Lot of Bales Lace Curtains and Carpets at our usual low prices Yes Thousand Dollars worth to from wlto el of radio flaoiioh St OH ft Mf Thd Torab Ink Only The Eos for Town next Monday Sep School Board Tuesday Market last Saturday Stating on Die pond Young enjoying it At Ara Toronto It 0f Mr aud at of Kb yean at last battle Ontario and a con- character is now before the ot Appeal to the validity on On tario Act respecting assignments end preferences by insolvent The section reads follows A for the general benefit of creditors under Ibis Act take precedence of all rod of all not completely executed by payment subject to the lien if any of an credit or for hi costs where there is bat one ex ecution in the sheriffs bands or to the lien if any of creditors for bis costs who has ion in sheriffs bands Chief Justice of he Com mon Pleas Division has already decided that this legislation is now the Ontario Government re ferred it the Court of Appeal for adjudication It la bxtjers that Air- Irving will the Ontario Government and Mr Curia Robinson and Wallace Dominion Toe diphtheria patients ere about alt recovered bos been only one death that of Frank Mortons child Bethel School intend hold ing their annual entertainment on Friday evening Dec A big time is expected There will bo both and local talent to take part beside recitation end tinging by the children Quite a of J tie North- Weal people are expected home for There prospect of a wedding in the near future Cabinet on considerable wonderment Con- practice lays ft down thai when the resignation of a First accepted or when he dies Ministry ifuMto is dissolved appears there for Sir John Thompson commences bis career as Premier by straining the con stitution But It beta Jq explanation that possibly flu may have withheld tbe formal of resignation This theory Is faulty for bad not boon accepted Sir John Thompson could have been to form a new Cabinet wblls his chief meined In Enquiry will Ukcly be mode in regard so ibis when lor the annpTincft- was officially made by Gover nors secretary that the our Premier bad bssm soiled by Queens to form a Ministry How to Teach Current la Schools and Organize Current History Clous a 10page pamphlet will be sent free all teach ore on to Cur rent History Co Detroit Mich This pamphlet deals with an im portant flew phase educational nod is rich is suggestions It is generally conceded that the work of school room will have its most valuable stimulus when the pupils are kepi thoroughly to tbe interests of the great world outside tbat tbe pupils will be better fitted for tbe important of life end when more is done than is done at present In the class room them intelligently posted not alone on the eon- tents of text boo he but on the great which they hear discussed on the streets in papers and at In furthering Ibis subject the publishers of Current are doing a good the value of which cannot be overestim ated The December number of their unique quarterly magazine just issued a beautiful of literary and Empire of Wednesday baa a scath ing report of the Ontario and Game It commences by stating that The laughing stock of Province Is expensive report just Issued of Ontario and Commission Ten politicians have been drawing money for their services on it lor two year Again The report covers pages The flat contain rubbish This Is terribleten men at per day taking and then sending forth report containing pages of rubbish What is oar Ontario Minis ter of about Didnt he dig for in his boyhood days and do holiday end Saturdays hunt to the old flintlock musket But jesting aside the country usually finds these Commit expensive ornaments plenty of brass but very And this experience la not to the Looal as episode and the Prohibition too wall sewbUib Holt We may expect a boose warming loco Sir- J A Travis has got into hi new residence adds greatly to appearance of place and Mr Stephen Howard of Newmarket were on Mr J A Travis thro week Rev Mr Allio of Sit Albert conducting special service in the Methodist Church Mis of Mt Albert visiting at Douglas Strange An excel I address delivered by Mr of Formosa lett Tuesday her life la Ohio of Urn W Kent and daughter gave a in the at There a largo crowd present which van truly juterfatin where our worthy mayor volunteered to try on One of our well known Mr met with an attempting to tbo might proved fatal had no for timely of Mrs who if rcacuiux ii grave Holland Old win tor hern stay If he would favor with good eliigh- wed bid him Mr Hooter expected on evening A part of proceed go toward the Methodist Fund be have a full Mrs Miller and from Wellington ere on a visit to her sister Mrs- at the parsonage Rev Mr Milter wss at one time stationed at Qaeeoaville tree by the English Church School is on the for The concert by Indefinitely on of it The Tillage kettle which generally the whole year I showing of boiling once more Several aspirant are to tbe s obafr and the general quota of councillor named to throw lot of vim Into the election coarse will be there If health and weather permit It never rains bot ft pour So we are to several matrimonial ties long there are just day left and I the three day grace Mis Kavanogh woe with number friends day evening when and sociable time enjoyed Mr Alfred Deuce of a part of last week with bia brother hem Jane Wilton of Toronto visiting in Tillage at present A new sign ornament front of Mansion lions Mice Beatrice is spending couple of in Qaecnayille Wo are immensely to Know for the compliment he paid in list weak presume he mistaken wbfiu he imagines is amidst the rock fot we are pretty certain that that flower nearer home Mr city editor of Toronto wa the of last and Sunday Another of Mr Robert children down with diphtheria We are sorry to the disease been quite prevalent in vicinity Mr Anna Dunham who been confined to ber bed for last ten weeks had a alight fit Saturday but appear to be the same usual since The SnndT at McMillan corner will an entertainrnent on Wednesday evening Bee An was bold In Monday evening to organize the Mechanic Institute The officers elected were President A P Love Secretary J land Treasurer A Board of Director and a Commit tee for the selection of book were slso formed There lianexceedioglr bright prospect for the Insti tute and probably a concert will be held in the near future to secure funds for the reading Preparations are being made for tho school Christmas entertainment The success of year will be re peated in on the evening of and Mr Jo Turner making tig preparations for a concert in bia school on Union Street to be given on Pec 23rd will be visitors day at the northern school A young people prayer meeting has been started In Church held on evening and Christian Sodeavor will be organized in the Presbyterian Church a week from anxiety Is felt regarding the of diphtheria There are no as yet The villsgo will lose some of It moat respected citizen in the depart ure of Mr Jar and family to control of the municipal licuiioii on a a J MAIN receive tu1 All orders rtill prompt sttentiO- ffeto W ANTED A bouse and Apply- House A sis to Creditors In the of rati NOTICE the his u to ii tiger the of Chaftler ItStlL of ill Ms end Kffecle for Of meeUof of IhS flee Morrows lQ the vlllsR teabsm la the of SltDteei near anted Apply to MRS Ave cortKKT Having Is now pre pared to take a few more pupil A Corns best methods Concert H I HALL A KI of at I the directions with reference IheKatale- iV AUCridltoraotthesaldKaUteare hereby to their tea duly proven by affloavltos sal fits at or before the Urns of such nieelTS tea duly the Web 1 proceed bavin to inch claims as shall have bairset be for 1hAsieU of the said any part thereof to any or 6Qs clftdni shall been flleo J at her lW IwW a Forty Years Atro A farmer I tired of bearing of hard time ant hu depressed state of farming at compared with past years writes to an exchange from a few foot and figorea con the past and the state of farming Id Ontario In we had oar crop of fall wheat and had to reap It by hand with a book it by band with a flail take It to market fourteen mile with oxen and only got fifty cents per bathe for ft our last crop that w marketed we cut a binder threshed by steam and took It to market tire mile with and got ninety five cents per barbel for Aboat the same time I with a man In and he bad two steer for bat there wa no market for them The writer on to this lame person had a tale of some thirty head of cattle a few month realised id average of about aptsop In the spring of In the Core of Toronto the proceeds I bought two steer good steer and wall wintered for This iMt iff tag Kid Ifans Oar march onward has been steady and motto of Beat quali ty of Goods only bo proved very satisfactory a oar trade is steadily List I thought our of Penny China and Art Pieces Fanoy Hanging Vase Parlor end Hand lamps China and Saucers Motto Mags Fruit Sets Soger and Creams After Dinner Coffee Dinner Seta Tea Site Toilet Set not be Improved on this season we excel in Variety of Pattern and of Design effort of hat the previous year Yes we are right abreast of the times and intend to be at the top always Oar price are away down so tba everyone can have a Present Many line of low Our Customers will get the Benefit and see the Novelties to yoor interest as well a ours Department In this line wo make a specialty keeping only Heat Quality end at prices to compare tbe keeneet competition Our Ceylon Tea at cent Extra fine od I having a large alio that for he no equal a proved by quantity sell We received Celebrated TetleyV Blend of Tea at fiOe and lb- Blend Coffee give perfect satisfaction We have Four qualities of from to per lb two qualities Currants Choice Crown Citron Orange and Lemon peels Very Fine Ail Flavors of Extracts Pure In faot just you want to make year Cake and Padding value in Toilet Babys Own and tbe best in town And last bat not least faoies Bed Herring is going at Wo per Box- Leading Grocery Prompt Delivery R A SMITH WANTED BOX One to do housework sun help to Host be tellable Toilet gets Cases Collet sad Boxes Manicure Gels Work Bduii Jewel Casta Smoking Beta sod Travelling Companions SCOTfS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE A BEES T GREAT for SalePerson litre can Swarms l rem wu Apply their TAXES Town r named the day of December OF SALE lUM Oil of a tiki of Bill BOOTS SHOES AND ORDERED CLOTHIN To NEXT and from to Dollars according to quality Boots cheaper the oldest inhabitant ever along tod money we mean MONTGOMERY SOI ThalJabt Power Co now to do day sTt O VftDr from srslnad prepared to do MI33 Wl BR UN TON BROS Sole Agents for Lycoming Rubber Co Every pair guaranteed or money refunded Sole Agents for Louvre Kid Gloves Every pair guaranteed or money refunded Sole Agents for B Cornets Every pair or money refunded BRUNTON BR06 si FINE TAILORING carry the finest and largest assortment Tweeds and Cloths of any house north of Toronto Cutter is acknowledged to have no equal in this section aw our prices are as low as are usually charged for infers work BRUNTON BROS Fur and ReadyMade Clothing at the lowest notch BROS

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