Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Nov 1892, p. 5

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WVt T T I 7- Wtt vkv r A ffiWTO T WVV i V W3E rf a as I Toronto BKXHO to Ibe of tale Add Wood is most fefl rills Bo saw get aad other and take It till Is from lb sjstem Wo challenge to testimony About two for nearly two tuts from soot being able to walk only with discomfort and baring tried remedies Including dinar sriiboot relief I taw by an adrertwo- tntlQChica4opoMrthtamnba rcUeTod of aJstresslng ptaint long Buffering by Taking Ayers then to make a trial this and took It regularly for eight month and am Co atata- that it complete euro I hare sines had BO turn of Km at- Sew Weal at New York- One year ago I with Inflammatory rbvumatbua to my I of the aicknees Tory much no my In way- and began to at one gaining In and m I camnot aay too In of tola Sarsaparilla Of J a MAM a Wort to tHa Ho- 37 Mr Tract I bare to bo to the Gentiles Acta rjrraonccToar When Pan and the of Christ In the at In was awakened did not the people there It found them A number of the Jews believed to did many of the proaelyta and of the Gen- Other and atill among the were roused to aetire to ambamdof of the week that Apoatle and had been dili gent in the work of making known Gospel to all whom they were able to reach- a What of fidelity awrrrioe do wo m in uid nit- alike litem od MiL great is Ihe of to come- They reject life 0ff If the offered Hii turn to Decent and by pay to the of may be for doing harm ly ASCOT di coTery and a of at Ottawa hare to grief A patch ram the Capital White baa impended Brewer aoconotant of the of Commons and Bolton assistant for irregularities which the Auditor- General baa dfacoreredfn their Tax Collection ii Soy Packed in Follow- inpr Sizes Victoria Ping All of quality Of different strength To suit all taste fine Millions Sold Annually are talking and a close money market are poor into the all the same Tbe Dominic Octo ber and for the four months of the last half of this year expenditure for same period was only a surplus for the four months of against for the ssme period last year SONS Montreal ILEKONE aad Relief fllU a and lOQtftlt mm ft la a of it rHfahlai mart met tbe their practice PJI- A POSITIVE CUHE Twinaoolali Pries or by null of price THE standard Brands Mungo Kicker it Cable At season of the year at all arc to to legal in order to enforce Ifaeir it will be to well to hat a full knowledge of the law In nlatioo thereto- to of lr3 Act that after receipt of collector roll which not later than the October the reqnind to commence bit and the frrat thing to he done to prepare notice to be flerredon each Then cities and be it to call at least one on the per son taxed or at or OTplacoof within municipality and demand oftfae huee may be dose by log the notice at either of the named In and the collector la to on person tsued at least the same in and bat Is not to leaver notice of the empowers or to do eo but on calling the person quired enter date on bis roll op- the name on which the demand was mtde Any neglecting to pay bis for fourteen demand the col lector may by or hie agent sub ject to provided for by Sections OT and of Act respecting landlord and tenant levy the Kama with by distress of end chattel of pereon who should pay seme or if any goods or chattels In hie poetee- may be fooad within the in which local mnnicipeUly or of Any good and chattels found on the prop or In the of any on premises The costs making be payable to bailiffs Conns Act The form of warrant given the Act and be followed by the collector in and collator is liable for anything done by fate bailiff which be bad to do This Act also that if eoy time alter demand has been made although the days nay not hare the collector reasonable grounds for hat the parly by whom taxes ore payable about to remove bis goods find chattels of ibe municipality before fourteen days have expired and to that effect before the mayor or reeve of tbe municipality or before any of the such mayor or justice shall issue a war rent to the collector him to make immediate levy for the taxes and costs With to names appear on resident roll the collector is to send hit a notice by pott entering tbe date on roll when such notice was sent It is im portant fur to bear in mind in dealing with whete names ere on resident Mil that by Section Act he can only make distress of any goods and chattels which be may Hod on the land after one month from delivery of the roll to him end after fourteen from the lime demand or notice been transmitted to nonresident With out this notice given the collector has no authority to make the After collector or Ms belllff lies made a seizure notice are required to be posted people of Toronto both by lie and through by year ere making continual demands for to the Some of are required or by and yet their adoption would bo of city Under woold it cot be well for Toronto to apply or e city charter afterwards by the need only ply to Toronto and would not other municipal it and would are time and committee LegLtlature chamber be flme the of that Trades byeelection made by demise of Blgalow fa however will nuke a bid for what is known the labor vote A el the CeplfcC thai Mr resign seat abrtly to wxpt a on the Itaprfttae Court a rumor how ever Nova Rami ho eeraral legal in that Province who kick were a Breton men named over their P their the Inst- From to any he W0 for return ticket and we are informed it will be from or Portree la Prairie- Why Co should HO from the Waal travelling East and when key only for the same trip some thing only people con the price of grain bad been rotSfilbingrMscujsbe no doubt many Manitoba people would take even W0 rate to see old friends bat with wheat down to onto to chickens per pair to turkey from Mo to 35c find means necessary to make the trip for for Ontario Mr Edgar written to J Archibald and J- fitting forth for declining of to eervice at bia disposal to enable to charges Among Other points Mr Edgar slata that bis genera view And he was thai very important were wholly omitted from thoeo referred to the commission while others garbled beyond reception When imperfect evidence elicited shall be made public will be at a loan to perceive party political exigencies repair ed that should have an in gating committed of of Commons I am much mistaken if an aroused puhUo will insist that the full fair and open from my place in Parliament shall be next and that the partial made shall be probed to the bottom A that a movement on foot to seen re Aid Lambs nomination for the Local House at lbs approaching byeelection Will It be for practically Recent ruc tions io Torontos political on both sidee mikes it any mans race for vacancy jut now Jealousy in Bo- form ranks not bopeful for the future row in the Young Mens Association the the aleut at bis inaugural is equally gloomy for followers of Mr Mr Armstrong took the liberty to that leaders of the Conservative party in the realms of Dominion and Provincial politics took too much consulting the and of the party polioy and this made of but its too true of both sldeeLiberals as well Conservative and unless get back to old time and lake the people into confidence the pie well show them a of indepen dence that will astonish the heelers fitieamastiatA Cured Hay Booth America Rhanmatlo Cure for by D Campbell 1 A Comet After Nor la intfcslliAn Prof Colbert a Sot tie the tail of the will be knocked into tfa while will it bit Prof Gelbart full tilt against of Death to human beinge bo of collision with in way- there contact of iodic pretty well authenticated in arc on Second then the mortally on bo by A mixture of groat quantities of gase ous matter that bad belonged to Borne have fttgacd that only In wy amount for of the pesti lential inch ai dtb which have ewpt earth with besom of in the peer and moved from plate to far more rapidly than could explained by reference to slow traveling of former Neither nor occur from with the of the and the calculation show we are to be that by a gap of about million mile Another Invention V j and ab the and help that of offspring and an abundant of on part is an inlda for women peri condition of female system it and all the ftmcuons never conflicts them n In all trwAessefl aijd disorder it yfiowoWaxaJ arid faooaid a for Coroatrom Jbsj Straight Jiy wool fcno mora flow for tie called for Dearest wrote wbto smiling I do think yon i Rabbits n vary fond of sort rare sands box j Quale Coold yoa lot mo have a if Now good bye Off the letter went at Hot weak upon birtbday little 1 1 ALWAYS TRUE 1 I rl U OTrt- J3S httwi walked wiuwatpsto tilt BEST 5Bf aflftclWOniflri it guaranteed to benefit or our or the money Is refunded PHARMACY a 1 isj For every cue of tteyoaotaciUB of Remedy Agree to pay in cash Youre cured by mild and propertied or paid By a small paper Joe With acme ones you know fitupid Joo he bis fool and bis hair Till hi tether softly whispered Jackie bow did you spell Very rod turned Blatter Nothing ibofe bad he to say Joe bed Ike day Pre mier should so amend the Ontario Franchise Act to It reasonably workable Id The Hamilton Sfn- HHAC7 i It lion of Mortar Vis A 1 THE Telephone go the rather of an an all in tit It if ou trie portage a mall city sixty miles from and thither a dumber of and men wended other day to see in operation The machine in a small clock it contains pawls and ratchetwheels So elabo rate cannot here be but work It doe quite If the subscriber telephone No 13 for instance with to secure connection he pmsee tbe button upon bis est foment marked tene and the udtte Hit first pressure winga a lerer machine to the point 10 his wound to the 20 and hie it by up to telephones are then la direct connection and by the automatic rinsing hie belt the the other la notified If desired the button marked hundreds is pre nod aaveti and on After the concluded who brat manipulated the preaeee button marked re I everything to it original feature of is that it at tend without throwing ends of patient and obliging youog women out of employ ment Worlds Fair Exhibit Whoever would plants well mutt Jar diligently with which are from ama teur who of injury by plant mealy huge end red great many do net know how to tight flout form to be the best weapon to uuaiuBt tbe or gren Softie it in fa inojt method of be- cause parte of the or room which ere kept Ad infusion of tobacco his to be applied with aaprinkleroreyringe and many portion of a plan- not reached and epbidee An they with wonderful rapidity plant soon covered principal objection to the of tobacco a fumigation la that it lae3 Ms I odor it to thine for many it I would advise putting plants in some the Plan a be box with strips of piper pted all era eke One shin of one aide may bo hong with to admit to or the Out a hole through the bottom on or some to it will he about front ground went a in an iron Hempen stems nod on en to any other bind of as last longer in box in such a e to fore I bo smoke to enter it amok hex ud llow plant to in from to fifcren rain A HI be On removing it to dislods any may I av he- and it fallen the I hi he iutPnnlc that of ho yrinif plant with this way it fa rosy iifpr rid a plant without having the tobacco through AgrlcuU AND for a the of both from In- ion and Province should be burned and a PERSONAL TO mail hired for fire minutes to better oner JP YOU A firiteUa a All CUT PLUG No other brand of ever eft joyed such an immense and period as this of Cut Plug Tobacco Cut Tobacco in Canada MARKET pORSALE ATA Appirto to no LET AN MONTREAL Flog lb Flog I Plug Km Agflooy for CENTRAL TELstPHONst Joit nrlvata er tehsWliOOl- to OR ugirly new a J FARM FDR af I JbttrtJO A J I 5raS about tM For FAHI as lead rat ids milt ram Nil IktfM I Hay rtDnni toll foe firm A- on low price nay on ILRY Itch rorod In SO sUs- bottle warranted of ackiaOiloiljM to bread In arc lbs increaaloe denuod tor an coo or wrr ran and fiet Pot S DAVIS SONS Montreal Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada StbMn Wilms been la a for op in least in Hie of Mills Supplied by KITTO aimrtiowe township or ward wherein the goods and chattels distrained at least six days public notice of time and place of the l and name of the person whose properly is to bo Only socb portion goods and chattels so seined shall be told as may be aary the and costs If than sum required bo is very plain as to how j the overplus belt be of- Section enacts that the levy shall be by distress of chattels of person who iay This pouled by the to pay the same Act con- that the to pay lathe one in of the property respect of which the texts ere payable at the time of the It ho Is for the premises etc as in Cap tn It lfl ha ii entitled to and nuiriiraitJ in Section folluirini Cap It Any between person actually attested and the person in as to of tales must be settled the collect- or his are to into or Ix by lbs terras of points of the Act by winch vol are Of their are wba is a general of collectors and my wne tine I one of wblcn dona me I erer did Id I would to ate this lorely rcmodr- tit Campbell KrivlUb Llmianu Itorjur soft or Lumps is ijniiLf from bone Bpavln lis HUB riufwluav and dwoUto Throat etc Uavtf by of ope U CamptFcU ta for firms OTASB BROTHERS COT When im point for la of reliable dyes This point secured when are need It is as to dye with and produce good as it is to a loaf of good to the are different Inferior are Into ttaa Is watted materiel are reload- you dye the beet dyes home dyers always use the Diamond Fur hi I wlih a my hroltoa mo bad pur inaxJH of iMitjuoi blood tut Attbiio In It hat I iC sod keep tor CUV I Out toot and to lie Vrlwpcdoolt llflfUf J TO tin four ioi lltyrjpltaU but I I lake my Te doctor to Split It xad aKrapC bell tJ it luroed to Mack sad never I had Hitters but I read of Iter Sir Stout bad B after aid had livuKbl I would try I washed the Iff with ihe them to After I I a and lit firfk in flokL cod n i- v n up s wjrsl I- l4JC wlkOvr fUsf s4i f all d 107 it in I It to alt It did Yuan Win Mr i Itio by Mr bar lawa by art remedy bad Wood all a towels and firit shipment of Ontarios for Ihe Fair left Hamilton the point for goods of barrel of applet which will be put stor age is kept at seine atate of temperature one degree below The goods In this way be kept for yean There are about jarjpt fruit put up ranfiing from that will bold a bushel Some of will the preserved on with foliage to tho not strawberries and the fruits that rrly in as bft shipped from day to day so that will be fresh Mr Petit president tie Ontario has of at The grain exhibit Is boxed prepara tory ha at ready five large of In and two weighs lbs only lighter than the rowed man has vftrita of Inland of la to moet fertile up tbere and ft jet There sm going to be 3000 of grain both in straw and which will and by t will put In so may from what Canadian building will contain for the atd one for the be a room for when they grow tired and it is to Ik with all re wilt alto for the Canadian peopb- interior of buiMlng is n bull of 1 I I I stiippfj it f4r two roomn will lie built ell Ontario wood and the reor room to he all from British Columbia wilt all bo finished from wood their The frlbrMt of wood will vert shown In way pollvhedj and so as to show the various ft Is put to The work now being pushed rapidly and Mr thinks all will be ready for opening Hay See My New Dress 1 It used to be my old mere which she look to pieces and dyed with Diamond and made me two new a blue and a brown a auit too made from Jacks old dyed over twas with that anybody can uo iUcmi llininoiitl aire Any colon IHrecUo cd or colored Co it LUMBER LATH SHINGLES FOR SALE si- A iaderaeod bom a la Antral oat milt cii are A itt Is THE TO ARK NOW TO WITH DOORS SASH AKD The above unit be oM March aM reapply oa FOR LIBERAL OP TAB PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OP AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- Empire of a writ of Francis urn I VtuAf I laiy the of J- Solvit a sriiMr West wliu Mk to vthio of over vtMj his IcariitJ to On ilioslny hMt new sail in a tin the ami General his main Act vnid ami and Allen are now for con- oil the dogged of Bowels Kldnos and Liver oft gradually thesya tenia til iuipUrilicj and foul of at seme time COtV reeling Acidity of the Stomach curing Dyspepsia Heartburn Dryness of the Skin Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Salt of Heart vousneas and those many other similar Complaints to the Tor Eats ait CO BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND IN CAliOA LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO ONI TOWN PRO PERTH FOR ALMOST ii SUttnutil Jin wall etc jiDrtLliSJI FOR TOE tut VO tj Of 3d n J Silt a to fiia This last lot barn sod All tn rc and jyuicnt r- market psiteJluttWIl J A W ALLAN av HARDWARE MAIN ST NEWMARKEt FOR SALE ALWAYS on dllO Sbftsipaol eAst CHEAT BIBLE COMPETITION of Dollars la Rewards Bible Reader for U of tit d aiaMii sWTsaVUlOltl sfil lUntvtvt ball Uj istrwET U3sd afUOttOraLtUt wliSStj Horn Lai aOvDisusM ft fsM sX iS JUaUSIftlSOft lUwjkUal Ktatsu eJ lit on s im wlJaulUQat r tat I A iWr3 LU IU Li MUat fcuu MliiS 1 fcv3 Whs aWP n aafrifSisltf cq J AD sad v fat For ERA Readers This Paper and mm miuflffi I One see a that will lota regular paper per ye w 1 he Ladies Journal it for the l Papers Journal land The Journal gat for no Bond moor to the SSif tit n lor ib To fc Will JrJiiL nMorttf pi DR WOODS lUv Nor pi-crrt- i rf bird is

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