Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Nov 1892, p. 3

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to tiro deer And a north and will at The Bow- Htoment will Still 3HTJVG -To- at iho North fin afternoon Some I tried but to at Mis It hot y o in loin to rts tt fitting fin tin ctw men- is rimplr enormous mud The ill mid to ifttcfestiftff with thro nam rtb wii only Only fw offer or bur on Mr Win Friday and some more or the tube The for be SOCICTT Eight tie of Kewmrket Cuuilm Bibla Fjidny the R in It out in appointed to WTAnnitnU Boom other talked be- ixt J ibe ptrwsl cij for Tesifl AbMt Tuesday itrw fellow from Bradford fio4 town red asdtfciy in Wal fail at bone at the sauna time calling the by shoot from in that stage of KlorioDfilj drunk per- and jut in time to lienpii in the middle of road it Smith comer The to lam in the without and Out malt litt one of the hind and in no hurt the feorsta cot art The to Air of despondency and it li the tenon may have a luting Mitts axj in flnJ Mitta Cant be c A good nothing world to worthy anion as the faith in it pore a on to without the ae wayside Alone w fiiva op the struggle Is all our If hopes and then new courage every failure and preei hoping the goal with who riien to and many are who have gone a to ruin no friend oat to them do word of thm no word of ear There soent ho at aerric next Sabbath for avcalni the firal of a of K7 on frozen Ufa talk alxxsit town the of school and away with During muddy and tsold with fartwrmlhflr than to far at of era peel age and whoa are now taking their an to view the with ana Next Saturday for at O Hughe- yi 4t3 at flniJCday I aMV Jcttt a Kef- ftn an up wreak in saw banding and the heating apparatna great is about ready to mon bat a quandary have got to many ahead of them that thay dont to down till hot the an the men working at a great disadvantage If the epell it quite probable the will In of pan Strictly ii a pan and wimple and the ana to bo given by Mr A- and neat Tom day evening special feature worthy of patronage- Than will eoloa tatiev doetta and all home talent and we learn thai of our are developing who bare yet appeared on Tie ad only tan to defray and for the cake of encouraging thoeo taking part we hope will a fiood The program been and for that the will ba a good one Pox with Lehman a Death For tome two or throe yean Miss Till baa employed in the tailoring department of and all who with her very favorably impressed with her gentle and amiable well as christian deport and will be with deep regret that they of bar lait Her parents made at Groan- near and receiving Word that her mother wai vary low with typhoid and not expected to recover went home to her bat she alto con tracted the with Ore others of the family and In ten day aha a The for year faaa only a inks left In it who have been trying aver January to get np to to their beat fellow must WC at Belize next afternoon shooting match Notwithstand ing the there a good market Saturday Theio la the man who gave thenicUc to little boy to go to bed without hie tripper and then stole it after the Utile fellow fell asleep and in the morning made him go hit breakfast looting it yet he generals when compared with the man who regularly bis neighbors Eai A for and geeeewill take on lot in theCtbo Et on reported here yeaterdaj that there was mow at Colli Qnr Newmarket returned from without getting anything except a docking Mr cm Queen at a shoot ing match Friday Mr- slipped while moving a cotter and got a had cat in hie bead k H T fVssw if belle Miswtc4aI4U J- lioadSTusa fire tr reel sCtDoy x ditto bid for 3t3 J W flUpJjsas lis- flaw W st ware paid fie on fluwart Jew asking red lost la tax were referred to Wr Carry granted a dot tag foe of the year fov The nn that another put la at the Waterworks wad also the perineal of MTetalaoooani referred to ibem fieport todhaoaawtikaieOoedDaMfor the nree Couacsllor Busbar KsvaswxkM ihathewUl at the more that to name of kind when they Try It TaXiobt ti every utijj iiai character beta nee in the itt if ibtre ia any money made It in the nest it a artat factor for developing the in way or another of all those it every tonight A the being Those taking part In untiring in prvluct that shall fcjjqii htfaitieai In Wand fancy Glob and while the vocal and performer In have AjtM a deal of energy the program which freely about town of our own the boys who posh ball of and tfiiw a comfortable seat to night up There will be the Battalion Band W hi ait fii Max Sw say Aft the water on the street was abut off for f putting in an Inch valve that while the if Jujmnpt it on the w with at a wai pot In for Mr and Hot da job the that point being m town After all the nut that lite hydrant permit an Immense it tin and soon the es the water flooded the lt t not the a- that the Mually in it waa one morning the job lhf fiaing a temporary lLfc In ibe Thar expect taking out the present wnjH Monday rooming and ready Men women nod dran to carry off our stock of Books and Fanny at low prices Lehman The lew that demand regulates the supply to apply with more than to Newmarket Water- Work after another beu added until we thought that perfection reached when something else pope op When the domestic water firat put in the average consumption not 15000 gels of water per day now it nearly gal- per day- About have been the year in trying to re gain flow In the big well which one time reached gala every hut without peasant flow gals for tbe period To growing and exigencies in case of a big Are the Water Com find in thus position either must have more water or else tare all we can get from the present The lower gala If it pumped ont between and oclock in the evening by oclock it Is running over again and for four or Are hours the waW going to waste reservoir holding gals can bo put in South of present one for 11 lined with wood and the committee has got that money left yet from the last debenture by off the condenser on the new pomps This the committee has to the and at the meeting lajt Uonday evening the report adopted A Wed afternoon session of the County Council have a lively one the management of the Industrial Homo prejudice to have worked up wgalnst Mr dared and using the tituatlon the members of the had been for support of Individual applicants for the position When it came to a vote there were five In the field Irwin the present Keeper Jt of Queensville Irwin of of Bcarboro end of Voting was done by and the lowest time The last vote stood Jared Irwin From the standpoint of Mr Irwin who has been of the Home orer sine its erection some years ago has not made a of his part of the work but so I twin Matron is no person can find one word of fault Her management been excel lent and she Is a christian mother by all the inmates The Inspector of Charitable Institutions throughout the Province also borne testimony that the Matron of York Industrial Home a model of Bo far as appointments are concerned we believe the Council has mads a good choice Mr business abilities are known and all who knows hit wife have a good word for her but everybody in a knows that it Is not an easy task to satisfy demands In every respect Nov night at the barns and of Jit a fanner living from in township were by All of last crop was in the barn and was a about for Eleotrlo Lights To tin Editor of Iks Eta Bet In the Em of last week you copy an item from the in to our new doe- trio light system Evidently your triced editor are oil hi base when ha wrote the comments thereto doing us an injustice your article Is misleading In and in accordance with the facta especially that portion when evidently the experience of respecting the 1000 light aafnReirmarkel failed to meet the aod has a change To shew yon the people of Lindsay are satiated with the 1000 candlepower that we been applying them past two and one half the town renewed a for ve yean with for are lights of each the same ai an increaao of seventeen over the old contract and in ask ing for the council for 1000 and do other While ibis may be a ch it not in way yon would lead the reader of the Co beliey The ay stem we ere adopting Is lor When talk of lighting the streata of Newmarket with candle power I hope town would not of the By giving this letter a ranch prominence in the u lb Is week ea yon did the last week wiU be Respectfully our electrical editor it appears fall into an error in supposing that when the Post stated friend putting in a for that town that It meant a change the corporation hut it was a very natural error in theatMnce of other ar It amid- Next week Mr will have hie new allnight in candescent elect no in opera- The item further stated that this new system still supply etc from Mr that aro lighln were in use in Lindsay we naturally concluded that corporation was deeding for lights hot now learn the arrangement la with private for nee in private houses and not contracted for by the conned Our editor had no intention of misrepresent ation and hence publishes the above let ter with these to the ad- vice in respect to Incandescent street lighting that is open to differences of opinion Towns where ihn been adopted for purposes speak wall of the system as giving a great er distribution of light to the whole municipality It possible that some towns are much better adapted for one system rather than the Other some being compact others scattering En Telephone Extensions The Bell Telephone Company has al most completed seasons work In tbe way of trunk line in On tario This includes others sev eral important wires to ex isting and meet the always increasing business between the various cities such line of very substantial poles Toronto to carrying heavy metallic circuit other Hues of the character but not quite fin- yet from London to and to new metallic wires from to Gait Hamilton and Hamilton to Wood stock and London a line from and wires Ihe towns and villages Atwood Cot- Hoi Everett Glen- Jordan Lisle Milton Uorriston New Dundee Sheffield Corners and York Mills with the general The Ontario Department however that the above work Is nothing com pared with what has been decided upon by Directors to be accomplished dor- 1KJ3 This will Include metallic through wires and also wires for way stations from Toronto to Carrie Toronto to Toronto to London via and Stratford i Chatham to Wind sor and I to Niagara Falls to complete the Hoe from Detroit and Wind- London and to Palls and Buffalo and thence to si points in New York and the states also from Port Hope to Kingston to put that city with and the neighboring towns in communication with subscribers in Toronto and point further west new pole routes will all be of the most substantial construction the wires and doubled in all cases so annoying effects of Induction from electric railway and elec tric light will be done away with and the Company able to offer to its who hats circuits to their exchangee perfectly silent lints for their communications As the Bell Telephone Company of Buffalo with its numerous connecting will meet Canadian Company at the Falls there will be nothing to pre vot conversations between Toronto and any more than between Wind sor and Kingston the expense for of snob lines as can not be furnished at the asms rata aa ordinary single Iron or til copper wires and poles which have hitherto gen erally In Bell Telephone Com pany of Canada has however far only charged a greater rata for these Unas then for stngls wires when length of Una in use exceeded fifty miles and then only a sum equal to half a cent a mils fur five minute conversations and Company will endeavor to msintsln this low York I ff Ml The converged afterrsoctx Cout n oily and The after a flew lbs rwfwjdby Clark Ihfl smd for of time tor road delays In per- the Grand TVanJc toll gate Ho 1 toad Gorman been to loll to amoont agreed upon for that the township of had improved Beach avonua enabled lbs Unto thereby Ontario Coun ty asked the of York In amendments to exist Isolation that would all damages against tpunicipsli- tiee from the oonrts to pointed by the dark Mr George had bean asked by the dark of the united Northumberland and to obtain an expression of from Council as to changing the of Mr- Irwin Manage County Industrial Homo that an opportunity ba given him to answer be- fwe the Council tbs charges that had against him Several supported by petitions of for positloitaf manager of the Industrial Homo A petition was also asking that Irwin be retain manager A report read from In which ha said that lha injunction which had Wen obtained by the oily of Toronto to restrain the County Council city of that portion of the land whereon old Are hall annexed to police court stands had been made absolute and prevented county from interference An enquiry was made by Mr Richard son of if tbe Metropolitan Street Company was violating the terms of their in changing their to the middle Tonga stmt ai Bedford Park post office Mr Bum- asked regarding plans the of way Russell said that the county engineer Btokee had died before the completion of the plana The reeve of moved Irwin manager of the Industrial Home bo instructed to appear before on Wednesday to answer the charges already made against him The motion was carried The council adjourned The report of the special committee re garding the adjustment and distribution of charges in ihfl administration of juitioe in the was react A conference had boen held with a committee from To- Junction at which it was agreed that Toronto Junction should pay poryner to the county hind and per year for the County Registry office The report was adopted Committee on County Property re ported in favor the railway one year extension of time for laying their track The report adopted Board of Auditors in their report disputed the accounts several Mid refused to them Mr explained that Bodge and Graham in the employ J the Grand Trunk railway that con stable Savagea was for duties performed In civil and that am- atsbfes Rumble and were en gaged by township The boards sustained by the council Council went into of the Whole when the deviation of trat of the Metropolitan street railway on ai Bedford park postoffice was considered A long discussion en sued The engineer the president of Metropolitan street Railway Com pany and Mr P Ellis were heard be fore the council On motion of Mr Hom- the of the track as to the part In of Bedford park poet- office which would to deviate two feet farther to permit of greater apsoe in front of the The Council then adjourned DAT It waamovedbyHrTyrmltWestbn that a petition bo presented to Pro vincial Legislature ashing be made whereby parties asking to have on the voters list or appealing fitvt apply to tha municipal councils and that the cost of such appeals should follow the rules of arts of law Mr said municipalities often put to and loss through appeals which were psrtisan and often vexations The motion carried Mr Bryant of moved the be petitioned to acta ltgislatton would declare the liability of municipalities on account of aooidentamst with on ibe public high ways Mr id that actions of this kind were always brought by city and never by country people and what With defendants being corporations and jurors being almost Invariably from oily verdicts were oh nod against the municipalities Mr James Audereon reeve of North said that the motion was not explicit enough and suggested that a system whereby arbitration would fche place or and expensive litigation should be proposed Mr Bryans withdrew his motion in favor of an amendment by Mr- Evans that the Legislature be asked to enact that claims for damsnes for accidents on highways against municipalities be to arbitration and also to what a dangerous ditch Is The motion carried The afternoon session almost en devoted to of whole of statements of the lata keeper of the County Home Jared Inspector of ard end Mr Wilson exreeve of York gardlng charges and complaints against management the said borne The Investigation was principally confined to the charges regarding tbe die of of the In mates death After a lengthy x animation of the witnesses and a prolong it moved and carried that the blanks in the byleer appointing a keeper and matron of the Home he filled by James and Maria Kavanagh committee rose end reported The was then read a third time and pasted Notice of motion by jj Ross that No- street be moved as far north as lot Ho sod that the Council to colled toll at gate Ho street Notice of motion waagiren by ex- Ward en Pagslsy That the time has com when It is desirably that tha county be separated from city of Toronto fur purposes- i J V fSTnllMSlTn IS TIE REASON OUR GOODS ARE RELIABLE OUR PRICES LOWEST 1 AID AH S Some ma IT WILL PAY YOU to trade at the MONEY SAVING ESTABLISHMENT OF SUTHERLAND READY AT THE- We have this season made a Specialty of Ready to Clothing showing a much more extensive range of styles and than in any former season Onr Aim is to give the Beat Value in Wear and the Best Style in Gut and Fit in every class of sizes of Boys Youths and Mens Overcoats Suits Pants Vests and Black Worsted Coats and Vests PIECES SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEED8 OVERCOAT PATTERNS All to be cleared out at a Heavy Discount during our TERMS STRICTLY CASH R J DAVISON- noted for Lad sidewalks people Bolton In district dur ing last week ihere were oases of cholera and deaths R U IN IT IF NOT Come in Out of the Wet A Our Toronto in A Fall Spring par Wheat per Oau per tOiMpskliis Wool per lb lb CbliSkcnapBT pair Mil fc MOT WTO IK 1 tea a a a 31 a on I a a ftllCO a a a OUR STOCK OF FINE SOLD SILVER WATCHES Novelties in Jewelry New Designs in Silverware FLANNELS AND FLANNELETTES Now of whoa people tat their sod we have of that will be with both in regard to ftod ee A of Winter Cloths tor yon to cfaooe from yoa didnt we did anything in Ordered Clothing Well if yon want a or jolt call and our and get prices before going will pay yon to do bo A Stock of Mens TJoderwesr at away down prices HORSE FROM TO GROCERIES We have now on hand all the New and Peels required at this Mine of year and all will be Fresh and bat the Best Flavoring Extracts kept here TRY TEA AT OUR COFFEE BE W W PLAYTER Telephone 62 Ham St We are Showing This Week Full tines of I I 1111 hi ill 1 I I ill I RS in In Baltic Sea Persian Lamb Astrakhan AND OTHER KINDS TO Meet the Requirements m OF EVERY EPHENS ACCOMMODATION STORE LIQUOR STORE FOR PURE LIQUORS I GIN BRANDY AND RUM P J TELEPHONE CONNECTION MAIN STREET WEEKLY PUR WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL AND QUOTE YOU PRIORS Heavy datnsge the western Monday Heavy also blookod between New York and neighboring FARM AND HOME FOR 100 Both Papers for Enlarged and Improved A Family Paper R flauotr Iaoiia SUBSCRIBE NOW AMD Of lSib rabMatibirt L ATKINSON MAIN ST NEWMARKET ITS CHILLY BUT LUNDYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE full Good Cheap OVERCOATS Call and home with CASH GROCERY STORE MAIN STREET NORTH TEAS A SPECIALTY I Try Our Cent In Japan Young Hyson and Black Easily worth P J OMALLEY RED BOOT THE LEADING BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE HERE I AM AGAIN WITH THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK In town of and Shoes for my Fall Trade that can be bought in the market I have a large stock of Leg Boot and I intend them all at the Closest Cash Prioe Come and see what I do for you before elsewhere S H

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