r la GEO JACKSON i it PEXNTINO isltB i rt ONTAiid Vol Single Cents Kach YORK INTELMGENCER AND ADVERTISER North York ttidsea paid in Newmarket Ont Friday Nov Terms- Strictly in 1 within or at end of year CAPITAL CHAR XEWMAriHirr Allowed op i at s cvjuixjrr sure DRAFTS ISSUED rim JX HO BOB a Oat- to A J ATCABT Atrrl Jrfnroarlcl- W THIS SPACE IS THE PROPERTY OF Fagged Out I it J J iS PIS fit- l- WRIGHT dealers in all beat grades of Coal and Cook Stoves We handle the c Thought 40000 in present use hat worn out of ft vim who Always a few in SECOND HAND STOVES WRIGHT CO Telephone No Repairing done promptly i MARRIAGE NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE Which Without Hard Subbing Boiling Without Try cJy MbUnnilrA w ruhlny ftcd Dot bo Sunlight or of household Lmoiv CAUTION EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle IS ff ASK CLOCK Pure gold ad U Mi Life at FALL 1892 mctM0dUtviiirrOfflgi AN0CONTRAVrOII So County I IffwL St PROP DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE CONSISTING OP Bar Iron and Steel and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Bakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools- Barbed Galvanized Wire Jacks kept lor hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty IS BHOBEB Nome GUESS PURE Per Bra The Lover Hi tali his land To the He to tart To it to And deemed this a field Where fruit might yield A gem With flue and coltirmtal Fit for ho left behind In to lonely Till their roan With mutual bdlea Bo to for her a home And the Ittie Agreed would come He be lotted fau he fiokJe u the But when he fthore The hens tamed hi heed The I one DO more A Dearer one lovad While received cold he did He wished from her to be set free Who waited for him true be for liberty A tetter oer the ocean flW Asking for mil that the relumed The of the fiatiebretned With scorn sent back Bit to All thai reminded of his lack faithfataets to him And her heart in bled Was thankful him she had And he dwelht in oar fair land With holy mien he talks of A model thought on baad A for the youth It may bo that he with Of bar he left across the main- We hope he prom a f For sake of her whom be baa wed That he has learned to keep veers Hut hurt is true as well is head And that on God be may depend To him faithful to the end UiiiMHat PUREST STRONGEST BEST ml AeuegosliDpoattlsfiaJBodi- AH a Have you tried Ihe I i a it hi fixates lL Li a PICES A PS PEOTACL CABLE EXTRA CIGAR ice trains J J FLOWER BULBS JUST ARRIVED -AT- W fcalf Mr flftviftSlttlreinoTeefnsi WJ lie of vk soUdted BENTLEYS PHARMACY Save Tour Hail BYathnelMeofAyertHr Vigor This M healthy the color and of the I was rapidly bald sod gray hot after two or time of Vigor grow and Njlor was restored time ago I all hair in of Alter do new growth appeared I then Ayere Vigor ftQd ball DISPENSING A SPECIALTY DR CAMPBELL Aftitfmi Aurora loan a of the afow morepupUtlu Photos Photos I Bticat CANADA LIFE CO APITA1 DOLLARS Voice Violin VocJ A flod For Thick Strong to rtay vigor Li evidently J Vigor for lb put four or flve and find It a It la all coald being J balr to color and reqolrlog bat quantity to the to I bare been Hair tor aersml jean ana thai to retain Mrs J King Dealer Dry Goods Sec Avars Hair Vigor G PEPPIATT Oh a a at Mm float o4 aviso of ibst lntoodft THE LEAD And to lorn work to I- to the most of It- aid to tbt prod action of artlitla will bo and to CrafCB ot OIL iHE tachr a of aniatlo will bo Copy CraroBoiOa I i Mr not bo tho aeigblsOr- I hood with work but In i to fire and 4nd fcoridvi I J UflcaCtfrorD Mule do it tub USIO of ftt tHlaUCbgroT BES1 v a MUM HI LI- KB of Kto I Iran liirreT A Vgi of Jic lrb Mono sd rtd Choir Dr IK dt Chronic Coughs Persons afflicted with ihcscor any throat or lung troubles should resort to that Scotts Emulsion of OU with Lime and Soda No other preparation effects such cures- aTUlu Prospect At No Of Of d4 ettossw and Tremendous bar gain Id order to every going for teas hall I Rne tenbutton kid glove tee a ceata ft pair nil fallmade fast tea ail linen three choice of half a million piece fourteen a yard Oh little Pearl in cant yon let me a little money Hiram and fart ran Do Well my dear I dont often re- fas yon anything you ask respond Hiram I dont believe in bar gains la my line of yon pay market for decent Cheap and nasty go together Now for instance a here in Sleepy Village like an ioK New York dry Dry flactntte fluj time are of hard and twentyfive dollara goes A long way in bargains Very well Hiram Pearl solemnly Take the five-and- twenty Netty and bob how it tarns Upon wfalch the thankless Mrs Pearl her at the breakfast table telling him to Bridget If he wants more griddle cake and upstairs to put her and travelling hat and catch first morning train Since the day of Mrs women have adorned long before that lady was ever heard of Early it if It Mrs Pearl ia only person who takes New York paper She inter change nods with a dozen neighbor hd looka for a teat Moat of them are figuring away with a little black lead on a tiny tablet or in a amall blank book She baa her and and email tablet too and figarea away until has spent the twentyfive dollars over sod over again Gloves firat she to herself yon get anything under ft dollar and A half that you can wear and at fif teen cents twelve pair would ha a dollar eighty So writes down A dozen gloves assorted shades Then stocking ten fast And at three cents for handkerchief all the family might he provided against influent for moat sum she on until New York Is reached and the big glass roof over her head and with neighbors she a rush atree tear ward A vast crowd of women fill store to which aha They elbow each other and tread on each others to Some of the most citizens have brought their market baskets with them and to any one who ever had a market a a batter- log ram no more need be said Also a fine of that large and woman peculiar to New York who attired in an armor of black bugles with big diamonds In her ears make her way through shopping crowd a Jumbo might have made his through a flock of sheep and wedge milder women away from the counter with out them However the country lady find glove counter at last and Inform the sprightly damsel In a golden frizette that she will take a dozen of those ten- button glove at fifteen cents assort ed dark color please number damsel Biz Mr Pearl I ou wear five and threequarters If they lower We- only have number eight end they are alt orange color tbe woman Number asked Have a pair the gift Mrs Pearl shakes her bead What could she do with number eight oraajreoojor ten button gloves She goes whither aha La poked and grab support proves to be a striped stocking ex a shapely wooden limb The Blocking counter bank Show me those fencent stock ings make fast colore youth answers Ye And the are well per- haps but very good I ill taken a dozen in stripes say Very sorry maam responds the mild but orders is not to sell one pair to no lady ladies takes it hard bus my doina I dont own store I only wish I did Have a pair Mrs Pearl takes a and waits half en hour far change and her parcel and then starts search of dns goods There It a counter full of them Bargains f Why yes the goods in lenjrths of a yard or at moat two yard The very thing for yon mam if you making a crazy quilt the obliging middle aged salesman Baft Pearl not making a to feel that she wa herself- whon de serted her spouse at the breakfast table to hunt bargains find none anywhere and ber husbands word to her with each will go home She will Hiram Yon were right M usual she pushed and poked and basketed and elbowed to the street and for the sake of fresh air walks to the depot There aba meets other ladies angry some bewildered some with parcels some without and she pots her hand into her pocket for her in which her ticket lies side by aide with her money bat there is no pocket book there no handkerchief no tablets and pencil In fact no pocket It baa been cot out She remembers too that placed up high at the entrance of the store which bore tbe warning of pickpockets She retreats to in tear but happily finds neighbor there Who the sympathy of a and the loan Of the price of a And the forlorn little returns to the her family where ia comforted and consoled and where she listens deferentially to a long leetdre upon Ad en a senator quoth Isaac Brown After the great had reached our town It seecBs to me the way Ibis earth run For soma a heap of loaves an heaps of Now Ben an both born here my father was An a farm that from town to there Bens a who died when Ben An an tittle Ben with at all alwqs had a spite at favored him Though I the likelier lad for be powerfcl slim We never thought that he woe much ha I have tied op my left baud an biro with my right He never a grit I that when We to learn to chaw an I was as sick agaio Bat I on an learned em both dad be Jawed like spit An Mia Grey only talked to Ben an he out an quit Well I apose of he quite a fool An he his time or mot a roan at I saw no sens in that nor wacted to So whoo to write Called fay Ob no tas just luck that fife There a girl bere in town I lowed to make my But when asked her alia no an- stuck to it an the fool had gone married Ben I it fairly makea mad- Ive been While men riot half bo as We get nd renown World haint used roe but bet your fattest sheep That 1 to work far it owe in my keep of Leading for the natal days of the Hon Sir and the Hon J A- The just eleven Jays later than Prince of Nov year Sir John was on the tenth and is nearly two younger than Mr- Van flrChaplcw no longer a young man Ho completed Views of the Great Planet Mars THAT BODY and to August th much been snd written on the planet Mar and the whole civi lized world 1 awaiting the result of the obserratlons made at the observatory on the night of the day mentioned Modern has taught to believe that the beautiful orbs which we glimmering in the nocturnal night are planets to earth the which intervenes be tween them and oar habitation the telescope ha penetrated those globes and taught us to be lieve that some of them are Inhabited And yet notwithstanding the im mense magnifying powers of the great WascflpWox Europe and none have yet made powerful enough to penetrate tfeat space which contains million Of millions of bodies When we consider that the visible of the contain bpndrd million the idea flo the is and shrink from a connexion of a magnitude so of n ary We and at the bat were be to of the planetary bodies which blink at ill the of the night orb of the day appear It is said thai the of fie the raflge of telescopei is To he at a million- iti ttiorethafi oer taiu that that amoniit of other ays ftfe on their dally found We have every reasdb of the other size splendor aod arrange men tfttV aphefe wo is re- He the type On hit the tenth trade nd bargains and women folks three years younger than the Hon and city shop keepers and solemnly Mer0 interesting t reeolve never to do Still who knows bo any more of Electric Street Railways The history of street rail way for the last five years is that of almost unequalled eve I ope meat The figures the growth of the system are interesting At of last year there were in this country mile of street rail way with cars Of the miles were electric and oars The total of cable and mileage had increased during year miles electricity standing by itself had increased 1538 mile The total of horse end electric cars had increased during year car Of number were propelled by electricity There were a the end of the seven times as many miles of road ss of There were at thf end of the over operation in America Last March it estimated that of the the United State having over inhabitants fourteen or per cent were equipped with electric roods- Of the fortytwo cities having between and inhabitant forty- one or per cent bar electric roads Of tbe remaining 391 cities with a population of over it i that there are not a score that have aOt road or not prepared to Introduce the system March everyone referred to as the exceptions the above percent ages have fallen into line with the formal approval of this comparative ly new method of rapid transit The Investment to date fa said to reach over In of this very general adop tion of the system of transit throughout the country the advo cates of the trolley are obliged to confess tbat only one operation that in Washington which properly equipped large they say one condition should be insisted when fran chises are granted by the and that if this condition with much of the objection to overhead system weald disappear The company holding should be compelled to the con traction of very neat It fa de clared that the only overhead wir contact wire not be more than onethird of an inch in diameter that the main conductors and feeders should bo put under ground in proper conduits In breed streets where the track occupy only a portion of tbe street and are near together a line of poles orna mental in design in the In Washington not less than one hundred and fifty feet apart and with arms projecting on either side follow of street and be utilized for lighting Bat a the roads are nsoally con structed the popular objection to the overhead system is by no means with out reason lb dangerous to life and property arid an which only equalled by the elevated road structures in New York city Corporations proverbially aonl- ess and when they see an oppor tunity of cutting down their operat ing expenses from 30 to per cent they are not develcpsaffioleot to reiUt the temptation long they are granted the privileges which they ask or demand without having the placed upon their ting to glance at the of other of pnblio men The Hon Bo ell a year of but ago boot wither nor oil atom I tat a his infinite variety He was bora the same year a Mr Smith Archbishop Sir Richard will be next month iuat a year older than Mr Pal ton McCarthy The Hon Geo Foster is still a juvenile of Mr Speaker White a yearyounger than the A Hardy Hon David Mills Mr J Edgar wa last summer Hi honorable friend Sir Adolphe a young man of Mr William Patterson la and namesake the Secretary of State is precisely the ame but vty unequal ltib power The Hon JoboCostigan is 67 and the Hon only The Hon Is but a genial and pleasant as if on of The Hon John was Nov Sir Tapper will be on hie next anni versary and Premier Abbott four month older The combined age of the Federal Minister total op 766 years and give an average of Toronto Born too Late Wanted A bright boy to begin at the bottom of the ladder in my office and gradually work up by hi own use ieat ion efforts I can take him into partnership and marry him to my only daughter at J street Mr Qotrox sat in his office awaiting the answers to hi ad be knew would com In a few minute one after another a large number of lads filed in some of them from running hav ing read their morning papers a late Mr Octroi looked them over quickly with hi eagle eye and dis missed all bat two Now boy ho said after he bad talked with them a bit I ike the of you both and will employ the one wbo does a simple thing the best Here are two packages just alike which have just been delivered here he said John addressing the dreamy looking youth let me see you open this parcel Then John winked at himself and said in hi heart Thla Is a snap How glad I am that am on to little scheme I And with and patience he tagged and picked at hard knot and after a long edort took the cord off ib in one piece wound it into a neat coil carefully folded up the coarse wrapping paper and back trying hard to conceal triumph in hi eyes- Mr made no remark exoept Now Sam it your turn Poor I He had never had any advantages to speak of he bad been obliged to- hustle a good deal of hi life and had never read any of good boys who had be come great He whipped out his jackknife cut cord in four place quicker than a wink and kicked the wrapping paper into the corner Youre to boy for me shouted Mr and yon may go to work at John be id yon are a good boy but yea abould have lived in 1 Yon are not In it this year We do not are nowadays to waate three shillings worth of time to one and onehalf worth of paper and twine testimony that all objects am subject to the soil on elevated parts washed Way by the And with Itt conceivable velocity by to ocean- hear the mouth of old tempestuous tossed discovered lathe midst of the We hear of of and read of towns being laid waste by volcanic and yet modern teach believe that the laminaries of the heavens not free from similar rev olution The planet we are are subject to period varying la their end appearing and dhuppAartag at Certain interval while other of known brilliancy In ancient have disappeared And yet gen eral appearance of heavens has the If it were pos sible to transport to some celestial body a thousand million of mite dis tant the and Its starry in habitants appear to as as they do now It appears that Creator have en dowed man with the power to pene trate the mysteries of an im mense space Professor of Kingston recently exhibited a number of photo- grapfaio Afara Eooh view was about five inches in diameter One contained the canals discovered by the Milan astronomer with name at least they looked like vast irregular bodies of water But the one which interested moat contained a chain of large mountains of an earthly character At the base of mountains were a of large trees They re sembled palm trees and a careful scrutiny of the base or trunk of one revealed the outline imagin able of what appeared to a human figure leaning were about doe and a half in height while the human figure to wasnt more than one eighth of an Yet the head and body ap peared perfect On the crest of one of the moun tains appeared the faintest outline of a collection of houses if a town or city had been built there The prof exhibited another view the scenery on which was almost of a wholly mountainous character On the side of one of tnese lofty pyramids of appeared what locked like flame or beacon light men tioned In the diacovertcs recently made It Is a hallinch high and a wide In the photograph views taken with a Instrument which Professor calls his eleotrio eye and certain ly demonstrate the idea that Mars is inhabited To Editor of tki Nnmarht ffm From the Wild I see by my first knock at the door I wai admitted not to the basket but to a space those interesting col umns of the As the Cowboy figures largely in in this I I had better his description before writing up and stock railing The Western Cowboy is a roo harumscarum often a mischievous Individual hot generally his heart Is In right place there much to say in his favor In many ha is a wonderful creature renders hardships tbat would take lives moat man and is perfect of physical manhood He Is the finest horseman lo world He aims to be a dead shot and generally is Constantly daring the herding season ho ridea from to miles a day each Cowboy i applied with from W to horses and of the year sleeps in the saddle be worships hones and they with good rifle and a six shooter com- Of vice in sense he knows nothing He rough uncouth brave generous creature will give his last to any one needing It worse himself Be never Ilea or cheats and Us a mistake to imagine they are a dangerous set anyone is as safe as with popple In the he bunting for a fleht or steals a horse death is a mild for stealing In its the high est pu the range habits education and breed ttis feeling thafi but with all this disregard for life there are leas murders and cutthroats from the native Cowboys than from ftulpng the better educated classes of the who corns west for or gain The cowboys seem to take pleasure In rougher than they an to a tenderfool and they love to tell him blood stories fill htm with the dangers of frontier Hut no one need get into a quarrel with a native cow boy unless he doe aomelhing very wrong or commits some crime Their wages are from to per montha good roper gets found them Tea or twelve go together and are followed by a good cook and a Urge agon drawn by four or six or which meets them day today Will tell you something about tho Ranges and system In my yours N- CotlKlLBa New Nov 1st Dynamite used In excavating at Bayawater near Ottawa Friday killing two men Miss Stella Batcher ba been school sec tion No A fire occurred in Japan on Sunday destroying noosea They were nsaal bamboo structures that burn like tinder once a fire get started Rid Bud ill Nov At oclock morning a swept over this place destroying killing a boy named Jacob Koch and injuring other persons Pstsxa Bora The Sunlight Soap Toronto offer following every month till farther notice to boys and girl under residing In the Province of Ontario efld the greatest number of tiunllght wrappers 1st 2nd 3rd to a Hand some Book and a pretty plot a re to those who send not less than wrapper Sand wrappers to 8uu- Sootl To ronto not later than of each month and marked Competition also give full name address age and number of wrappers Winn era names will be published In on firs 14 The Editors Shears mm ffBOal Texas are selecting laud in Manitoba a There are nine factories id county Diphtheria hag become epi demic in Front en c County baud- has received a grant of The Detroit fair lost this year and it is thought will be discontinued T The ladie aid of tha Method ist Church at cleared at an oyster topper A new steamer for the North Shore Navigation Company being built at Owen Sound All the new railway lines Winnipeg were open ed for tramp Saturday The first from the eleotrio car in Winnipeg reunited Tuesday ia the death of Aaron patrick an elderly man A twoyearold boy belong ing to Robert Straw Hamilton drowned The little fellow and bis brother were playing in the yard and he fell in welL Mr Gladstone narrowly es caped being run over by an omnibus ia London Thursday evening Ho was struck a slight blow escaped to the pavement uninjured It the testimony of alt men who have tried it Myrtle Navy tobacco has the most delicious flavor of any tobacco in market and hat it leave none of the unpleasant the mouth that most tobacco do The reason for this is the flight and pure quality of tbe leaf which is finest known In Virginia and the absence of all deleterious matter In the manufacture fcT Mr Wm Herman an and respected resident of King township died at residence in the of October from the ef fects of a kick from a colt It ap pears while the deceased was work ing around his barn an the of October a colt belonging to him ran into bis driving shed and on to it out be received a frm tbe animal wbieb fatal stated above on the of Deceased was born Kir g lived there daring his n ire life He vsi a liberal in lie were interred in the Aurora Cemetery Some time before death of the late Joseph the pro perty situated fourth of King and known the Yankee lots Into his poateasiocL He at once took steps to bava property clear ed up and among Other contracts let for the purpose one to Mr Henry Marsh also of King to take out the stumps and snags at much Mr Marsh entered on the contract before the death of Mr had received from thai gen tleman on After Mr death the executors of the found that if the contraot was carried out it would an Im mense soot of mousy and they ac cordingly notified Mr Marsh that contract would not be carried out Mr Marsh at sued estate for The High Court aft Toronto last week awarded Mr Marsh and the executors as Mr