Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Nov 1892, p. 3

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iV j r ftrffidft tai to 0JtCT Ore bom hi Wi hi r Mr Alfred of He n fa hHoifon of to the orpin No lew than North To BdUvn- matters but a when official When a ratepayer If ydbra CO- followed by it seems to expect Tan too girt dm Tote It would If be if yon fcj iid get bc4 tor on flata J tTiroS Ton Id rom will by io rrcotn manned paper iU bb K til Ed d- We Wrf worth rf lo our printing ivemaW- lb JtH no lj be hed for iillibtllte paper lb rtllM i irah ffiih bod Ho Ho ppMrfdanadwEih ttonona ht ibo rtf far ih ibu ower by hat of or of eeoiiiaUtd track failure I Add when fciffd lb nif l Ml bib and of former ir Of four an3 fire toe a people vera driving around a that nod of wood TBI io on farmara- along on door aioter it all Ak morning barf been horribly noddy of pay to ibe became it many ibj be Aaide from the ahouitbcre is matter of tad importance In baa the legal poiir of ajrigDoa jm aben in claim A Is Soil it is in paper torsi D the of the are from baying by warning or oner An advtTtfte by ha finder and loot iftmtoreJ There la yoa to bit a banta advertiacment tffli logei and aolhe chain lick link As commonicalion It fa hoee who lTesflDOoncmnW to make and in them and il licit all cheap Dont paper may Ha and over too pays becanae la he only a general circulation the it has s larger all other local paper pat toiler raia a atill for want Only or two wan loaded bar weak i oar markat aj buyer am what offer and acme loads to lb a Mi A worat el in town the iron bridge on Boron the weather ft fa terri bly od waotut atnk a foot into the piece of road du rigbl away being one of oar leading to fact the one A Bah Fail While storm wlndowa on dfy Mr Herb met with an which but might been worae The ladder while ha ft and in the fall bis leg baIowthe to he bona beside other Us to the on 8atirday Monday the and of Lbs of bio to Toronto to sjiothar to loft Jane to let a men do the work the real tit or oocopy the room The of for the Borne will be a lire To for in By apodal arrangement with the of Toronto those wanting an extra amount of read and can get monthly magariite for 113 from for an extra Klo Fox the of will renew a for the Toronto Montreal and other weeklies at regular rate St Owing to the of the rector no waa bald on Day at he Rot of At 8 a waa held In he alaroongrogatioa being present The duet of and and of and were well rendered Harper of Toronto who has a well cultivated tenor voice two nolo Bar which wma eat to by Dr Bridge and at aone funeral wan anng a a aoto by Mies Miller A Bran ton aiso aoto The chair two hymns the latter which being sped ally appelated for on Par Una ably presided at organ andalao two organ The offartory to a iron thai been laid ap ibii weak Mowthekdlaand in hit harry to i away hot oraokiajiia lei the iron rem in very bo flODDajT John a well aiown Winnipeg man and Manager of Wax found dead the floor of bis when the went to work morning ware no of and It ha died of apoplexy Deceased formerly lived in Aurora and the ramaina era be ing there foe interment twiner firing you grain to now building and get ft chopped for per faaodred manager Tho bar gains at Wright Parlor Cook Coal for new Beaten n la Wood In SO rt 19 Tbeae will be with a few come early if gain Wright Co At Hon people Mei to a good tim hinder a fclttniJfcBM mi worth on and the teat too A of ind room Bud ictjTirTifciiAtil ehraqairtori of Tbi of lb with nodal FootHal ATS for lb on the irfptci torneiiiliifi ft drill baVoA And tab- Mitt WUfr fil And Tba be tiro look oat for it T6e ntrta-ia- to bo Mr- And will Town on Now- And which will And fcTA reiiMB bAlitfB will intriiixig o mil The to py object of it growing io of And Wabh flanafllt drain it wonderfully hicrauad of wmtcr on the i prove men the quite hit of IrooIe Engineer would get io too big a harry And clow too a leAk in point This week the tCTejwd io ftU throe pot in by the former A of of the people from the country who Attend the here to of fllliog with brick eta Hiring of whet On of kindly procured hi he the On Mr of ud Mr ftleo was going on And as they nee the shed donated ft a hot more If dozen who mike ft of uiogtbe heda on Market faftva cot yet contributed would be still for tboae la wet wither To The lame feed- era all claim It to gal grain Light Co are chopping per at new formerly is Oo Taeaday Ten- large in the Lecloxe Room rflbt had the Uj tell of the work a foreign Mia Seeing Land la a joWoaiii and baring apent Bye llWiimocmtheaBpaneae at and the fi home on a fon few months the hope of Iba work to devoted all her energies place to place by In- and all her and this ibe or meeting abtfcatsddretaeabat in a 1 ym she a gnat deal the social Atl in Japan Ihelr by the male what he iKiti doing sod what remaios to Land hey enjoy m Hod and a fw yttaiiiitu or foreign the and ho qaestiooa j were family and eel only col- to war and at the ttaoU of at bat bia paragraph wUl hare ill Incandescent lyittm In Tba Wa he Vand it ui mo of 1 each the ex- of Linduy the raited of and vporaliMi baa decided a apprehend the candle power a Si on om Jndaing Wa of the oanola power bow in in the wotka iV h a candle power in- lawo 1 oott from to tU the town candle for he now for arc of Urge a of lighu the town the of aha awoke from their lumbers Day and found mother earth bad clothed herself in a mantle they fait to of their matoh which bad bean to take place during the day at Mr Uriah flata rt calf a north of town However early In the morning little might be teen wending their way northward and at oclock reports of proclaimed opening of the which despite the unfavorable weather proved to be the moat held In the history of tho company In the open match were no fee than fifiyfoar competitors The office bad provided a Urge for charter and a loncb which wilh an danoeof made it comfort able as for those taking part Ave oclock the was fired and in the evening Cap Allan dl the prises from where they had been or exhibition Allan and Lieut desire na to those who generously toward the prise Hit whose kindness they The boy report a pleaunt time end the weather did excellent shooting We hare no bat hat when No goes to bay will give a good of themselves and contribute their share towards maintaining the high aUndard already reached by the following are the price winners MATCH flgt- 83 points Pie West Allan Pie ilcKenaie Lane filoIHes Armstrong Williams 19 16 Consolation points Major Lloyd Ell Vernon Up 81 Mr- 80 Lapp 80 11 MrBogart SO 28 West 28 11 Cspt Allan Creaaor 27 Bert Cane Geo Simpson J Johnston Jo 24 If the gratitude of the people of Newmarket to the of the to be by the at the Union Service in the on Bay it is far from what it be the church being more ban half filled The choir Jed In the sing- fog and W opened and closed meeting Short practical and inspiring were given by Rets and Pelf which were worthy of ao overflowing The first spoke of national and individual temporal blessing of the past year the more of and the Utter dwelt upon the need of a fait the of Isaiah in old testament rather ban a considering carnival of crlma that weeping oter the I 13 14 In fait Roche Co ere selling The Novelty Van of acta ring Cos good In for hoys Babies Carriage runner and other Also the Crockery and and and ProdQce are to be there- They will make a display In eat lighted by Be and lake a look will be one of the Bights daring the Chrislmae trade a 1 s A Ectaioci of light a to do IT meet necessity not be great only the JJJ atog lamp poaaiWy l he any kind Of S2 W bene JJ caber tney 18 22 26 24 It is seven week a an Interment was roade In Pleasant Cemetery That well for of All won si the fate North York Pair paid A large and neatly painted street lamp now of he on the of and the red light attractive The symbolical of he danger of life that committee meeting the Bible Society lakes place evening to arrange for meeting The cold wet weather oflba peat two weeks ha been followed by con siderable colds Care be taken as the least cold may develop into It wax warm to be sun a sammera day The Directors of he meet at this Tbo heavy stones for the of lb new pumps at the are dressed ready lo be placed position Comlderapte Improvements been made to Mm- Bakers residence Prospect Ave If Rail will send us name we bis also pot copy on of envelope and save doable postage- A wedding party from Brad- ford op at be Royal yesterday after Father bad done at St Johns Till IN We have some great In this line now Hughes a ahandrod farmers t the Tampsranoa Hall here last Wednesday ladJa to hear ktr J BaijdaUof Boaatrttowo the and brief ly Prof of gave a explanation of composition of to show snlta be obtained- frank fcsp and bis knowledge on was ad la a pleasing and manner- He opened remarks by a abort history In this provlnoa and the great to which it baa attained Following be said to make dairy ing pay the best every farmer test his by weighing the mils and keen only the moat stock All in mantdaornrej of batter must be clean must be well fed and wall Grass- is natures milk ensilage is the next beat want plenty of water and that be pare of milk there are of water without and lot of salt Once a week It pot often to salt the cattle salt be put where they get whenever they want ft baiter now worth from to par lb can be in audio to profitably for Bol ter factories have averaged per 100 of milk factories and bolter and cheese factories for the year will require cows to atari a factory or coreatnery A factory cam be boil and equipped for and an additional will a cream It Two per sons are to make the ing a success a good maker and a man to ran it thai ha the of ill patrons whey be fed to bog the factory as snob hog bring the beat price in the English market two methods of working a creamery For the cream gathering process the utensils cm 1 the Separator costs bat produces a belter article with fees labor on he farm and larger quantity of barter Good is Tory necessary For the building be 30x40 feet A good from 600 to 670 a month bat will earn saury in the price the product of the factory will command Theoondl- of climate are each that cheeae Is easier made In summer and bntter ia winter though both can be lbs year dairying the farmer only off per cent pared with the per cent in grain the rest comet back in In reply to the of feeding the scarce the Prof they were milking 15 cows soon as they can get the groand they sow an acre and oats bash Co the acre in proportion of I to then two weeks after acre of tares and oats same and proportion between 3 acre corn and 20 acres of paitore Mr acre of rye In the fall Milk can be drawn miles to a creamery with profit Patrons near at hand deliver own milk Can be manufactured for lie per lb It better to feed 3 gallons of grain at two meals a day than tbo same qaantity in three a day axe good for milk A cheap feed which good U lbs of ensilage lbs of cottonseed meal the bran and lbs crashed oats or 50 lbs ensilage lbs bran and lbs bay a day of the above statements were in reply to lions Air Oldham resold In scald feed times a day and a little bay and tDrnips The following Committee was pointed ascertain how can be bad in this neighborhood and take such steps as they think best for a cheese factory or creamery near Newmarket Messrs Webb J R Randall John Geo Rose Starr Daniel Phillips and C A gentleman offered to give the land for a Bite a Mr Unlock then presented with the following report of award from the Committee re Orchard Contest and he to distribute fat prize 650Hy Jot In of King 2nd prize lot 23 in of King 3rd prize Lake Gibbons lot io 3rd of prize Thomas Gear lot in 1st of Slog George Ramsay lot in of prize John lot in of Sing Hyi Sheridan lot S3 In 4th of 8th prize Joseph lot Id lat of King prize Black lot Old Survayi King prize Ellas Armitage lot to 1st of Whitchurch lllb prize Edwin Johnson tot 23 in of King Messrs Salter and Linton made remarks on apple grow ing beat soil snd exhibited some fiae specimens A rote of passed Mr for generous gilt wbioh be doty acknowledged Someone that a contest might be made bat Mr be be to ach a again there were quite evident that there a market in the for inch and hfa Idea wax to awaken an interest apple Mr Dean a vote of and he following address was then read by the secretary whan he It la with the greatest WHIT It OUR GOODS ARE A WD AD fcvS IT WILL PAT YOU to trade at the MONEY SAVING ESTABLISHMENT OF READY I FLANNELS AND FLANNELETTES Now the time of yewr pooole want their supply of and we have a at them be with both in regard and price and A Large of Good end Mantle for to choose from Perhaps yon didnt we did in Ordered Well yoa want a arilt jort and get prices going it pay to do so A Large Stock of Men Underwear at away dawn FROM 0T3 TO GROCERIES We bow on blind fall the New Fruits and Peel required at year arid ait ill bat Beat kept OUR OAKT BE BEAT Main St We this a Specialty of Ready to Wear Clothing showing much of and than in any more extensive range of sty It Our Aim is to give the Beat Value in Wear and the Beat Style in Cut and Fit in every class of of Boys youths and Mens Overcoat Suits Pants Vests and Black Worsted Coats and Vests PIECES SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS 16 OVERCOAT PATTERNS All to be cleared out at a Heavy Discount during our November sale TERMS STRICTLY CASH R J DAVISON In Seal- Persian Lamb AND Meet the Requirements OP EVERY ONE J WSTEPHENS ACCOMMODATION STORE NEWMARKET STORE FOR hew your to bttmpen of be rail of tod Mud of old and by John John fiirrauaoll George Xtik IT NOT Come in Out of the Wet The Milton The treasurer faaa paid nearly all the money awarded at the county fall fair haying to from prke taken to meet liabilities St Not Mr a living on what known the Carter farm at fire mile from here on Woodsy night while pitching hay down from the mow knocked over the lantern and fire the hay with great rapidity and lo short time down bams and the whole crop Very little Insurance head of cattle were to death- AU STOCK OF FINE GOLD SILVER WATCHES -AND- in Jewelry Our Market that wa as of the of this In Icdxlng oar appreciation of the strong jr Wrest you have always strong I 1 IBB Ink Drop next hlooday Only weeks from It gels dark early thee daya And hangs well in mornings Atkinson window the chins At Ilia Old methods render the precarious who and to pro mote the welfare of the class on wooes or the of the depsnda Indeed be a benefactor for which part la Eyre 2 2a y A Bio Last orady ettea at a Bale Register will bars ftt Oft pritml par Rjn par tea eweWlwy4eW toUwltublpffflb PoUtOOi per 1 fS0B on DC on snipe I Lemon mi torn I TmH ob Mffc well adapted promCses to will if followed fellers us In a measure from the flerooand of wheat railing with Other favored generosity In adopt ed to calls forth the- highest praise and we wish to you hereby best thanks for prizes yon bare so thoughtfully and awarded- We wish also to to the thorough and Impartial the spoilsmen appointed as have dons their work And we most also speak In quality nursery stock that has been furnished Boblnxon of who ha bad hon or of fumlshliig all trees that been tha highest If to be remembered a Sorely your name be In nobis orchards that will pride of Long may to Wool par lb Hay per par pair 1 a 15 019 u a U a a a a DM a a a a a a 10 New Designs in Silverware OB PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL AND QUOTE YOU ATKINSON NEWMARKET ITS GETTING PURE LIQUORS GIN BRANDY AND RUM TELEPHONE CONNECTION- MAIN STREET NORTH CASH GROCERY STORE MAIN STREET NORTH TEAS Try A SPECIALTY I Our Cent Teas In Japan Young Hyson and Easily worth P J PUT Our Toronto Market rail par Boric par Gooes Wheat par Oats Pass par i eeaaeeaa TO a a ON a on a oar 000 a on a 017 a a tad LUNDYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Is full of Good Cheap Comfortable OVERCOATS ll a- UK oilfwO IK lb a fill B4B V4l let try one on and take it home with you THE LEADING BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE HEBE I AM AGAIN THE LARGEST ill BEST STOCK In town of and Shoes for my Fall Trade that con be the market I a large of Leg Bootaand I intend selling them all at the Cub Pnoe and aee what I do before S H I A ja

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