Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Nov 1892, p. 2

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NOV may New Office W Low Price A Co Co Notice Lett Ctrd Barton- John Sailer to Lei A A but Ere Is Printed all at Home Ml FRIDAY NOV 18 Our Toronto Despatch to Bra Nor IB Mayor Fleming ajmounoss inten tion to ma or a ascend tana It It highly probable that fas will bo by as opposition to him would certain defeat Ilia jury inquest to the dlb of who was abol a row on street Thanksgiving night by Police Constable Campbell returned a The Inspector formally notified all dsslers In the that I is to aall to persons under years age- On Saturday Inspector tad of better abort weight and aent It- to the Boye Home iJthEattatfifln held their rifle matches at ranges day Tn the the man is and Cot distributed the prises Owing to a heavy fell of enow on the previous night the military review and sham fight to hare bees held Thank day was cancelled Brant- ford were on hand ail the same took place yesterday in estate John Law Bait William Phillips Frederick Lowe Newmarket thief named Palmer shot daring Wednesday night while robbing a near Pickering Wage Large was committee for trial by the Police Magistrate yesterday and was held in bail The charge loo crown is procuring abortion on Lena b to A prCHL from lo of Monday pretty Prof of the Experiment Farm here bis found ho director h6 farts and with the Worlds Fiir lin health will ho in- pi hit to borrlicrtdof to the litter portion Life Bub uuru of the ChrifttmM nam of ihe Dominie received and colored ftmeota of It and the Ida g the of tha It and will no find a whan on caw jui In Toronto and la outcome of am and erf Nnu Already ft attained duly of and fifteen not two old It it with la- an that baa stay tha wry mm whan TtQtarvwmaflrrt launched- Mr Qxtig formerly on rax will and local of Toronto hot in other will bump an independent fonrnal A rata took Friday well ttaDded and and told for felt bat low The boater who went bom part to bare did not hear that any of them animal of any kind of Anion had Ha to git of a dear and bit f rf of part well this feSr in wo hope to tee what baa bean bo patiently waiting to find oat Who takM In the orchard oontertf Mount Albert Bob got a on the operator Ben pna a ail A Co a Doer have got baok again They three peer with them Ben Mr- tobolalingeotUgaprayar Diphtheria very bad hare jail now- Mr York two the weak end three more the family down with the Dr Frank gone to Scotland to attend the Hovpital and Dr gone to New York A good opening for a medical ma Tea election oooita ere having an easy time of It latterly the judges arrive pro ceeding In doe form and than conned for the and declares he baa no The the peti tion la diamieaed all lardy end wltnefiiee who given enough to diaqeallfy the wink at one another and then go bank home in wonderment return of Mr Allison for Lennox and Mr for East Baatiogia last Tuesday No was offered and the only letted a abort balMiou altogether in Of only knowing ones the of running election courts into tbe ground What Hi is Doing rutuAaVnT Liberal Convention If it be true in the Qlobe affirmed that no body of nine Liberate can be ad to enter u campaign in fighting trim by of capturing the benchee then at a that the party have other motirea we in a clean end kA ganermltred implied from el lead ere delivered on not dnatioat propoeltlone prompted by party to meat particular arising in forum of Parliament potltlfe to before the people end around which the of the party can rally with an Id ad to a weUdeflaad and acceptable policy organization True far at Ontario It concerned local been more or active in looking after Gelt end to minor party bat bete to make a power In an election the which and well platform of principle In- At the general election backed by the of Parliaments entered the with the apparent that tha wrongdoing of their opponent at de veloped by Indicating on the part bcwada of departmanta at Ottawa would be Incentire to the to a of national clanger and to the need ot change but Cam by the of newt paper c the pert of of bribing of with the own money and the peddling oat of In order to riotory for candi the all failed to political There have been a for and a good many people ere not in the that ibe a welldefined platform of prin ciple- by a popnlu la great rcaponufa9o for the re tail of that campaigns in Parti are labored and not pointed touching tariff reform end foreign trade banking lotti- economy of and other important to enable the average voter to comprehend the vital junta and hence when the election followed of a concise end which to rally the elector ate platform dealt in general ities varied to local led to the of apparent divergent viewa and want of It waa for and cogent reaiont we Joined with a of Liberal preai time ago favoring the holding of a party conven tion broad In call to all of to formulate a plattorm of princlplaa on which to make the appeal to the country KM a cot and dried bnt a pro vent loo of appointed delegate charged with of preparing a party policy A convention of kind to and and create in local party by tome- thing tangible to work and hope for are rile the men now the beta will not likely form the Cabinet the cot appeal la made to Hence the of dealing with principle men In the next campaign Sharer speat If Harry and Fred If of Toronto Jerry Graham of Mr E Long of Bond Head and Hits Thorp and Mr of Egypt Robert of hie child The little girl was months old and had been suffering from The remains ware in the cemetery below this tillage Wednesday Mrs Amos was fair mother a Toronto week Mr from Brandon last and Mr Eyre who been spendiDg at Portage home week be fore last are looking The Ghoxch here has been closed for Ho doubt some arrangements soon be made to open it again and Hiss Thorpe were In the city but Mr Morton from Manitoba waa calling on old friends last week K Holt Mx mm J A started for Ttjeadaj for a well of Holt aar boys lssji few years Mrs A Woyd of Toronto been in village past week Mr A ba returned North- Weal looking well A m meetlog was bald pa Tuesday evening were given by Rev Mr of Albert and Rev Mr Wilkinson of Ho I ton for mission work aboot fifteen dollar Aft the meeting held on Friday evening it decided that either a Christian Endeavor or League be formed bat left ovear for a week fto decide which ft Goodsria of Toronto is at Mr A Goodwins Mr UL L and Miss J of Newmarket at father Mr J Miss Patterson of spent Day with Slay Messrs J and Raid shipped st oar load of potatoes To ronto on Monday I ask Strange The report of the Thanksgiving are as follows Handled yard dash S Bone Hallmile dash Cook race t MoCaDnm race Barnard A JO Bank Bella hand over raee L A I Boy J OBrien Geo- Boiling ml ad oat Carson Jenkins Tossing the caber A Marshall Ross Palling ehot Jersey J B Sinclair Standing Jenkins A Ban and jump If For syth Tile bop step and 8 J A Archibald a Keith spent over Sunday in the city Mr in town over Mr Will Barry who fate tick for foox wcekt Is convalescing Mr By Toronto formerly of the in town week Sir Wright of with hie d Wright Alias Clara of orer Sunday with the Wallace Toronto reletivefl here J P Belfry wu at tut week end Mis Mr end kfnr Toronto parents Match in of spent with relet Mr and at home with of their friends on evening of the 3rd of Toronto home Monday few with her parents Mr kod Mrs C Belfry Mr Walter who la Attend- collect Id Toronto waa home for retaining to the city on Monday Mr of waa In town Setordey after rickoeet of which he was con- fined to bed Mr of left on morning for Ohio to spend the winter with his eon J Q Of la a few with her son to her depertnre for New city and Gor don of Toronto came to spend Day with Mr and and remained Monday of spent a few days with Mies to city Monday of ford spent a couple of with and cbUdnn of Aurora few at Bowery previona to removing to for which place they left on Tneeday Iter Mr sermon leal an exceptionally strong appeal for a true christian lifo and listened to by a large and attentive audience neat evening iy A danger afiptfuL Mr and end of Trenton father and lister Dr Boon who have been here for past three left on taunting for to winter Prom Hubert Brown of this tow been in the hospital at all from injuries received whilo telling on the barge Ho son The wae beiog loaded at the dock at on the Orel trip Brown made- whan he fell into a batch hie leg warn broken in two plecce be recovered go to Bio Marl to visit friends and while there he very sick again now Ilea in a rery tow doctors have no hope of hi recovery We thet Brown ia now Hollow Well Mr Editor it been time yon have heard from cut put I thought yon would begin to think we were that sort so I let yon from Thing are mostly quiet around as the have all finished Ibreeb end got their roots Co although we have had some very wet and had for it Oar popular have been op the end baying a new the winter not before It waa needed considering the of the old one Rev Mr from calling on friends Monday of thia week Mr Wen Is the happy father of a bright bouncing boy en heir Min of King waa visiting at few sod J- Mo Shane spent Day in Aurora Mr was to for a and helped to bang a fine deer Miss J on the list again We hope to km her batter before long Ketwlok New St- Mr Way ling on this last week Sharon north who been ill for la re ported to he on the mend Some In while play ing in the old hall found two bottle of be joyful concealed therein they refrained from the contents bat tied strings to tbe necks of the end played horse with them naming them attar two villagers did thebottlea be long to welcome to hot not telle of the doings of bad boys Newmarket hat a certain hot man of that has two perhaps more of whom he has to be They are perfect gentlemen end see for ydonslf There are other in that town who need theapplica shingle to moat convenient portion of their anatomy Oar ere having this fella They uaally get the bent of them np for their hard work and if chance they get poor fare they like the We tell queer yarns space per mitted Who by the way was It that flpnr gravy in bis lee and then that the cream was A grey with a very dejected mien lately sta tied post at a late boor In front of the dwsll- of a widow residing on wai with the lonely I rather reckon a man his got to the notch of common deoency when ha gel so low down as to a The Temperance Hall ie repairs and are being pot in Morton word that her sitter and her mother arrived safely at Newark and not for trip The general agent of Confederation here- Last week and appointed Dr Wesley cat Examiner Miss Crittenden who has been doing a good trade In over baa removed to heir home three north of here Charlie may bo seen in the Post Office for this winter He to like or rather Its vicinity Those nice looking people that tit In the far in even logs themsvee with each company will be entertained by a epocJel oration from preacher if they Impose on good net ore any more It is something Squire Draper has come throogh For about four days it seemed that every flay woold be last and when he low mm it ia possible to be and not die he began to a little not able to ait op yet fttena tMk bo on n a few days J art iva glad that it come while good for likely to go down it a few a Baraebstae to tee me a few ego and had him write you en sKrigllsb letter He of hie bat thooght yon Would enjoy It in fanny English bat be Ulke better then he writes and teems to understand very nicely will hie es I I got a nice Bible in which I ace he thanked for I sent it to him without telling htm where it came from and it all right nine hate very abundantly so we are looking forward to a good bar vert I am thankful for although than many still wo can hope that the hardest is Tnat now we have bad inch a heavy rain that the water is running peat my house tike a river end telle that there over water In and yet it has only been for an hoar Generally when rain in India it I am very glad toheerof my King friends and hope that all joy prosperity may attend ell- Yours very lovingly in Masters a entice The following letter from the boy and Is the firat he written as in English He bis been studying English only two and could not talk a word of English when he began His writing the spelling composition of the letter see rui6 seer or Socmt saly Deax and at Lord affectionate Brother Barnabas am to this lime India and so I hope on our Lord that you ere all quite well in yoor country I tho bible and hymn book when I to Then I thanked Heaven thirty well for yon end to read them easily Now I can sing come hymns in that book and I can read the bible with some We got English meeting in every Son- day night in our so I am using the btble and the hymn book that yon can with kind Therefore guess that I can get good English in some days We ere going to preach to some villages with some boys together from aeminary We are preaching very well about Christ end proving that He ia only end Yon pny for me and my work in and to Wees my work I received your kind letter when I reach to in hot aeason I read the whole and understood all matters and then I felt very glad I cannot give yon answer soon so pleaseucnfiome I am eluding in lower foe rib class- I yon will pray for me to pes in my are in sem inary I that will pray for seminary to finish vrithout any diabase or I am praying for you in my own prayer and your work also excuse me or my mistake in spelling end grammar because lean- not write properly I am sending salami to you ell Rogers serving very ben on Christ all of christians to all Farewell to ell Israel by Hotel fiableaLoss I- Mr- who for of oyer ii00O Deer by three highwaymen era in sraa fashion had been drawn In to workmen on Muffs and Nenhi- v and The Very Latest irr y Cloth Perfect Long Mantles So for Mantles Silk Seals New Millinery Qoodaby n in Tirana t and Boys Goods on 2nd floor- anything and everything Men and Gentlemens Waterproof Tweed Coats New New New New ftdbHi0ent9t9 ihe STORK LET to Apply to corner On the a FOR SALE FINE BRED old LB lit a FOR SALE to ted ppTf to- taa am St js STARK Oat Nor Wo aillluio tot 0 sod Up eatertd In ihit neduAlb ha RoeliSitsr SBd of lliroog Uibeit the fall farm have ROfiBRT- UN aTf NOTICE 16 the Estate of late fiWSowaid Of the notes or ttie of Or will placed Court for 3im with embezzling from railway was to fire in at St John Howard of Port wbs riding to on Saturday evening on the of a train In jumping off he was so it jured that there is do of his rooovnrr A very painful accident ooonrrpd at Rivers a on P not far from North Bay A boy named years of age attempted to cross be- Thanksgiving entertainment in two oars in motion when an Presbyterian very swat accident happened by bis leas nut COM SOW TENCH Maaagar CHINA HALL woman hanged morning lie made no troUiachorae Kremlin speed in a pile living and has done ail work tracks Is high and dry on Island having driven on shore In last Thursday a gale It li eared 1 will be a loss City of Lincoln at Iirer Montreal bad a very Several hogs and IT cattle were carried by the heavy seas which swept over vessel an old girl waa Taturnlog home from on Monday afternoon with other girls when aha a bob la too sidewalk and broke kg knee for a dime to get a drink aye and even cry like a baby to gel it rneo in their prime qualified to earn five or a year are often seen to do so sevsisl in our minds eye now What a pity tie bops ale lor his own sake will refrain law the boyi who boggy I Old Know Ail teems to be a veri table thorn In the fieifa to the Greenhorn do not lot for prospects matrimo nial market cause to blabber Be of good long there Is life there Is hope end even an rates Idswalk Brigade may hope if Old Know All is he has plenty bachelor on the street to In the urns boat Am glad yon signed your true name so that be who runs may read Bot who would want to be so green that calvea would nibble their coat tall John the thresher is a good hand to thresh grain bat when be tries threshing men rind the on the wroog foot heron popularly known model has tha Arab folded hit tent and flown In silent watches of night Frank Barnwell waa wntsooad 1st to ten months prison forging views ware of the floctt and wsre strikingly repro duced A surprise party made up of mam- ben of the Choir waited Ida Fogg laet Monday Ida with bar sliter Mrs Anderson was on are of departing for the Mr- Peregrine choir leader a few feeling remarks made reference to her willing while in the Choir snd their sorrow at her depart ore and pre sented her with a bible anil Hymn Book as a token of their esteem All united In them prosperity in their western horns Two separate are at present cultivating the staff life There Is not business for more a or of bakers In this lively burgh however Competition is the life of trade They are pruning prices in workmanliks style Mrs Milne the two children rapidly improving from the attack of diphtheria Two of Mr Drapers family on Union Street are down with it at present This la a time among School Mr J Turner is about to attend High School to study for a Mr Wesley leaving his school teachers in and the North will remain on Mr Martin has secured Roachs Point school and Fred Milne and Wilt Turner will continue In their respective schools for sn other year Miss Love East week for Aurora where she will attend High School Mr over Sabbath witb his brother Miss Is attending school to Toronto spent dsy at home Seme twenty or twentyone year old amused by taking a wheel off a buggy In the shed and one of teem carried it off Your track gave you away ray little fellow as none of the boys wear number ten East Coiinoh Nov 1893 East wUflmbarr Council bold this day Ustubsnall present Id lea tea of meeting read and Com from of King A mi road repairs A road repairs Robert- nanuses to Misses ft Boa Lumbar St bill from Mania Dew others ra Wast Allen tbe DofTaiaad RoborUoD wars referred a emposad of Reeve and at tod to report ordered as Allan a W Sheep Taos- A tt Tea i Cans feSoos of tea to oust on were almost tarn from bis body and a wonnd waa on his head Ho ia still olive but cannot recover FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking A Embalming A SPECIALTY Telephone Connection radlo Nov the find the wlfsol Mr Luke at a son the wire Mr P or of u a In Whlichowh on fa miL u d auBOrs wife Of J 1 of Tito ltm Woaihefthlust HsIds Mr llsrsbill u Wblieharsii Ion Iter jUltier to ell of una MettiOdbt Mib all of Tho Tomb b Mrs M of Mr Wm Walksr WaooaTVAt an Iral Wrscsauagsdll years W Inst of or ibis run MaaisaBSl J First of the Season Raisins PRIME QUALITY OF CODFISH Either In or packages Seasons Red Herring Quality Choice PRICE BOX SST 111 Special Hoe Printed Porcelain Dinner and Tea Bets also a large lot odds and ends to clear at very dose prices My now Japan li In and quality Is far better than last season In fsot It is to many Japan Teas sold at sOo Come and get for NEW LEMON ORANGE CITRON PJEELS Excelsior Blend Coffee IS BEST A SMITH Leading Family Grocer Or Main Hit the City store basement and 3 floors it ti P E I A L lsaf For ERA Readers This Paper and The Ladies Journal Illoitratod Moothl Of Toronto a largo to any addiest One Year for 125 for the Two ad copy Ifidtf Journal publication that In the land tho fibular price of The Ladles Journal sol per Yon get the two or sJjxBO your and address to Era it- i TJONEYBEEH- l8Mr There is no doubt but Montgomery Son doing the Of Style quality fr fib firl- Solid Lea from Mens Solid Leather from at Any person who can show they gel a bad wiU have tnetn replace by another pair for nothing Mont gomery Son A be hart for Let US West iU Notice NTW4 Ivao iullD SMbatall Estate of of on trot April to Sena Ol town of Kan Boiteltorrarll said A rasa end la toll sod surasjdess data the ctslros and farther clAJm fltran J LUND of their to late amcof tha to 1 shaft hid tor say cot been jobk And a a Boar aod a a lad Con o cos or wunatkst lOLt IndaWftdjio firm of Woodcock JfeE iwnWjsSa No- ALWAYS Mad sod of MONEY TO LOAN finttbditu Coiamliiloaw title CoQYeJaccsWs fill a Agint Tonapto In ISM MftUaU Albert I toast woo nay thslr on is ass all of that dale It Shropshire Rams AND SHORT HORN BULLS d Lot DP- with iu of of a lha The thBDAUrbtUtliS Apply IB Of Dr A flurwM who faBataen la wis wtllhaln rcaMSM to aal s Hatsl All staanldavalissa of lis of Dr after fait tun Jfl SfT And Throat snd Loss of Throat an strucOon amoral without a BRUNTON BROS FLANNELS We have an Enormous Stock of the Celebrated ford Grey Flannels bought direct from the makers and offering the best value in town BRUNTON EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS We have a few of these beautiful comforters at fully low prices SHIRTS AND DRAWERS We have an Immense Stock to select from and are at manufacturers prices LYCOMING RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES We are sole agents for the Lycoming Rubber Co and consequently guarantee every or refund the money There are no goods in equal to them BRUNTON BROS mm i

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