Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 23 Sep 1892, p. 2

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rt far Ordered Bmnton Bros Drees Goods Boots A a Wood A I Atkinson New Groceries Aha Hell Card Eyre John aw fcwwlwd to JodM for lb will dm at pwtodi to rroedri boat litftrKtUu J am IT atJira to both Mifibifl4itMwbiMwhiiii let UMtebrfBitrfaTUiTm ere may look Was extra as toe the la altar Br is Printed all at aorta run Mima SEPT Toronto Bap Frank Harper from were fay En a York street lodging one week The lad who we grand stead the died 8roxdey after ecJfaruif reek The Corinth which left here for Monday to rapid Tocadaj So van moat of From alt or world I great Africa old from or lb North of of Pmbjleriuiino Mr- Hot la It- A Urge metro of cum re be ing bMped upon the member for Wert Sir J by of hit refusal to own but a garbled in- drawn by the in the Adminis tration it to a Mr Edgar made Sir Adolpha be fore minifftert face in Hi in and the duty of proving ame on member of knowing fall well that if he failed to do majority of that body aanit him had it In their power to expel him In brief Mr Edgar to be able to prove that Sir Adolpfae had of money from who were of railway which had luge the of the Government from Parliament I and than rabaorip- In about twenty with the of carrying them for the Government thus virtually at Toronto on Mon- to Rao Ed on bio to Boa SaJlb chair la contra of tha tha Roma Bala not Bala- It mid aa tttaadad to aav waraof aobaractar of rapnotlog of Hon Mr an hoar and Qtobt aaja It andUooa aUy wild and at again appra- of ha had in adding ftffarta to Ihoaa of party for attifeuoent of homo rala What is room rfflaataariToaad Port fWry r Amoa flybig rial to lata Ha lift ban ago aaltlad la towaaMp of aaar a with workad for a commaaeod tea Ha baa foot tana on ha pa firat paid for nrraaa la to who ara to boa row Chat Scotland been arrrnan day by day antll bribing the people with their own BoDdlga were bit lb of of Proa The a of being la of allefta thai on Friday two him atreet and him For a faa pot bla lata pocket for two placed to da aad nbbod raabted of fallen aadcntluaVu- la hand to aod for of watch man are Yorks Own proamenU for an large exhibit at the North York Fall Show next and are very Alwedy the atook axe while those in other indicate a much larger display a deeper interest than for some years past and should favorable weather everybody hired for miles round will likely be in attendance Accordingly Commit tee are making special efforts to have the park and palace in shape as to to and comfort of both and visi tors have bean com pleted with the to have he grounds and brilliantly lighted by electricity and on evening a grand prom enade concert will cake place In the The celebrated sentimental comic vocalist Mr Fax Toronto assisted by local talent has been se cured and possibly abort addresses from members of Parliament and representing this district selections from York Bind ill program of interest and pleasure to all who may attend For oar part we expect to see a real old one to which every farmer who desires to keep op with times and see what the moat progressive farmers around bim doing make it a point to at tend More than that he ought to bring his wife and children along They have been toiling all and fall and deserve a holiday them a chance they want an Oppor tunity to see what others are doing learn what progress others are making so that their own labors may be more efficient and coasion anions neighbors about ex- tbey together is mm be in the future attractions on the first day In the as well as the exhibits in the palace should draw a large attendance as the Board ibis year baa reduced it is to be hoped the people will testify their appreciation of this more to warrant a still farther redaction in coming years prize list is largo and compre hensive Every member can find something to exhibit matter now arrangements if fail in makiog a response by way of entries for cow ion the show will col be or the results sat isfactory We trait the will measure Op to their responsibility in this regard let the world see what North York capable of doing Entries in ring on the first day are already sufficiently numerous to guar antee a lively Interest weather and a large attendance will now crown the efforts of the director a and make the grand aacceas The following program has been Issued by the board nay a for norpUoo of article for and paramptorUrakaa Jot all toa a of U Jodgrt for meat at a on lb 13 Jadfat will la thaU LSO pa paodug aad iaa i SOpumta and of of s la will com moo La tb pBLBoya race upon tea sa il take place money charges had been before a committee of the House the would have been compelled to retire from life bat the Government backed by majority straok oat Mr Edgars indictment of dbrtribnting money for on the ground that Parliament had relegated the duty of deciding corruption aft elections to While this is tree it is not oil When the evi dence came into Mr Edgars heads of alleged wrongdoing on the part of Sir Adolpbe was too late to bring ohargea before the courts but the power relegated to the law oonrta does not prevent Parliament investi gating acts of personal corruption made against members of the Gov ernment wonder then when this part of the indictment preferred by the member for West Ontario was out that he has declined to go before the commission to es tablish charges form elated by those supporting the In the House Wins from libel rolt of of World jury Bill bit to from u from St be i ig tfl toil of of Hon J a P for Li fixsvl lot lb of dhI Mil P the TBUCttoGif to ill officer ia ibn sribc to locut In ttiaht wTm which raportcd from tbo The of for Mt tl ftt the new and tuilIo for ld fix Will ope Itt know bow the court on A of fw it Toronto Aurora on frUdfi la Town Mian Gri from lit Hi A Ul her it to Butedo oon of Nov York for His Wort from A- ligbffol at the ud Him of ITxbridgi Uto father fltnilh Jut from Mr honored a on j SO folk la it tod little oa from to tost Bonn of of a of Detroit cm Tho ter of art a nth of he li fcerr Havn7 now IS toil north of down for his partoU ntora- tut Saturday Ho looking Albert two or week Sain aba in aad Hi their bit Soma to tba to reef of aod of two on bit fralt wo an day for of to oar formerly of now of town Friday Rata tha a rtpoila fair but at rata of uya will taa to Cnadlao of Toronto fiundaj In town Ha la failing trip Id the Old War I J and ajroNdlDI aatarlatnlog In wraalioa Bifon ha had to atarga at tha Hants log Jut to itaeaa the marriage of Many Mum log to The bride wee of and and happy lei for city by the amid arftbelrfrieadsV Qaeirio fa comet from of Toronto late New and to hoax of her bflcomlng before long being do doubt bat la adept Her lb On Satnrdaj last nL mrt with rather painful while steering a thresher In to barn He had bold of end of the tongue when the wheel a snag and threw on his face in the gravel patched op to work again Greer called on a number In and oar last week majority told bun that they didnt know much and he said be WenWet nothing bat the truth Air Morton and wife left on Monday last on a visit to friends West Mrs James of Toronto is at present her eon Harry the blacksmith this The P will lodge again on the Big time expected Geo Arnold returned home last week from the States bringing a sister and a yearold sitter of the celebrated Kins Rose owned are fine animals and no will secure some of the 1st prizes this of others of waj4ywarn entering fafcf she show and far by its mammoth We are now from the able to oar avocations flower shew was a reveJation ctxotnosa The dog shew was very their howling was to insanity The of North West was the most totoHsting of all to servant The lire stock was of the highest merit and the attrac tions In the ring and night were positively grand The Weft show and the fireworks were drawing cards In fact everything was not toe excellent bands poinding a ladies band Oh J their well as their own pretty sol res and yet withal they seemed as modest fd refined as any lady We may as well tell yon that we never saw so women in life To sea a old fashioned homely boo would be a treat After the exhibi tion came a return to the city by way of the oar which to mind far preferable to borse it for it Vfijrhataysjs completed for the concert and garden party on evening the lost The talent secured comprises Miss Mat thews Toronto Miss Miller of Newmarket Mr of Toronto Mr a Scott of Newmarket and the Band an army which cannot fail to please and we look for an immense crowd will be served and everything done by the members of St James church to make the evening enjoyable Miss of is mak ing an indefinite visit at Mr Boyds Mr Tattoo of Pickering and Jeffrey of Toronto are guests at Lonely Dell this week Mrs Anna had opleotio fits on last and ha since been lying in a low condition Owing to her advanced age her re covery is donhtfdL Miss gave a pleasant party to a few of hat friends Last Saturday evening Mrs of Toronto is spending a week or two with her won Mr Abb was in Toronto on J last week Try Canada life Board of Trade or Mail building Dean oar big push farmer who is always away ahead of all others in seeding harvesting and otherwise has siao almost completed fall plowing A Union at farmer has discovered so tis said the identity of the chick en thieve which Is said to be pro minent farmer prominent for list- neat had better Inform the started for the exploration of the wilds of North Wednesday from this street odd of most tin lb And gorgeous turn outs it has been our lot to ever- A span of matched horses one of the other lbs attached to a carriage which seen years service Wo hope the five occupant will not get fighting mad if the natives false of joy and take them for the advance agents of a West show from the wild and wait Keep yodr eyes open and tee the farmer who hive yet to finish harvesting Arthur Smith again injured bis game leg lest week He l unfortunate a this is the third and worst time Clark of now exhibition is over the city folks will be calling their hayseeds ftoi but he adds our money Is clean Heir hear Look out for next good ccTptkaa of township ftabtbiflcocl which ft to aako place in church first opens at SO on when Ray Amos of Aurora On Friday he will commence at dtsenjadon will bo by Smith and Strang In the afternoon J Davis eWiH- and and have them 4d to the evening Beys- Watt and A profitable is a work in parts of tt township wBl be Daring the ftw week has had her of visitors Dr of TtjoroVuryi Lyons of Newtonbrooke Mr and Bridge Molgart of Mrs of and Mrs Rash of being among the norji- Mr a new Is and when will to credit to the Wo are glad to heat Mr J Is recovering from her recent Misa is quite ill fant we will soon be around again happen aijd every day Last Saturday Mr Author fetch bad to WOi while getting out of FAIR WARNING MM FAIR To our customers and friends from a distance goods from us on Tuesday and Wednesday September and we make the following offer hoping it will be fully appreciated and give us tlw largest days sales we ever had on any Fair Days Purchasers of and upwards Price of Ticket 16c do do 200 his baggy On the same day Mr Richard Atkinson waa badly hurt while old barn feJL floor milt light plant Ottawa firCTddy by the wires Saturday Mr WlUlaVs id aged While a lamp fell in en epi leptic fit clothing took fife and she burned to death aval A boiler explosion at a stave Essex county death of seven men and serious injury to many Others dead men wives and families do do do iOc do TICKET With smpliiaeBtB of TOWN CUSTOMERS Who purchase goods from us on Tuesday Sept the flJ day of Fair to the amount of 1 and upwards TICKET For the waning Exhibition in the main building will be lighted with the Electric Light No dark cornei Holt Graphic of Keek foil of Cbolw VotkHMbor tbe WtiUm fa- Superior r fcP aUimuQtlfattoa in Iti Mmpttajrut WorMa lib tula fcr 4 flitt la for cop ot ibo It Uab6saccd Empiwti bo to IU will whit to will If imptcu bo nuiotxl bat If orinl Mr a to fcembrr f Dd lattice Ok knottier took a bald carton in booor of Has Ed HUka decided aatllfomv ariDK A tba vara naolaiiosa adopted amid with of now bad it la hoped lb old to work Its aid of of track will tbibiu at Indus trial Ntt prod directors la a weak spot ft of araia dairy at Fair Is food- Bat If the mads by afodal Para profaaeicclaatda- wars ail takaa II left a of petal ua ordinary vary day armor out np at ieaai fill cm tmlldlof a a of fact not mora at la licet than at own fair This of It la all with clot vary Ho ao- to BUI for caady loll pop money of the rente with lac raDderlaea hare have always el lolled great Prof now loader of band la as beat mm Idea fa that line la the city expect to a bo illy Mi Chaa Smith has got back to regular work at Factory aot and off two which be laid tea for offered pain and life cjaltea of blood nude week end he was aubjrol to now that he has bis old position sincerely hope that he be apared toy from macbloary he to Vancoaver iba of the of flimpaoD of Mr ya baker Io A fuUooafals took place ia Cburcb Mr llotnwr of firn of Bro wej married to Miss Simp- aoo child Mr Thsodore atteat The of decorated with of et aith In of The to the door with of bridal pair though Hat of invited fraeaa way to Immodlate pre aided at organ end ware A very fear after oclock groom aapportad by brother Mr Hon tar Mr Jonathan entered and took plixea A few later bride appeared liar on rm of her was accompanied or stlBr of AMtlem Mie Annie bride wore of bine eatta gold bvecada wore a bcldal wreath ud oazrled a whiU wore cream caahmcra r by byBo of Sear Bar J of At oclock a reception was the of the at a targe Bomber of the of the were and oat down a repeat The bride was the of tod afffouon Mr eTenlo for ew Weetailawer We understand that Samuel gone to the to hunt a home for his Vie wish him prosperity On Sunday Mrs William was bound and robbed of No clue has yet been found of the robbers Owing to the wet weather harvest is oa the drag of grain is yet out fa this Fell wheat seeding Is over and the fields looks as If they were carpeted with green whioh is We have the hum of the thresher yielding oot the golden grain Mr Win Cunningham and dsagh returned home to Philadel phia after spending two months In midst Miss Melissa Cunningham accompanied them home Mr Ed is back from Brandon We understand that he Is going to take bis wife with bim on bis return Mr Fogg president the Associa tion made an official visit to Holt School on Sunday and reported the school in good standing Cor a country George Bergin a burglary was sentenced to fen year in penitentiary at Berlin Oat There a disastrous fire a the navy yard on Saturday morning is placed afcftJOQ A boy named Harry Dixon was rnn over by a street oar in Lon don and received injuries hare proved rata LOST fee waWfortnrorfliaUon aveyanoera BAND Mr J Director OP a beraby and receive a FURNITURE P FOR CASH Undertaking AN A SPECIALTY fiM i by in favor isall or for a Jo the AS A col pawed for siVber uld listj has CHINA HALL Ate the people always lead aid follow and who keep down the wri for cash who only pifee who mark in plain figurea and 40 worth of goods to the Basement floor 2nd floor 3rd v a 67 MAIN STREET W E SIT Prom L ATKINSON Town Ticket Agent Will Hound Trip 01 SIS 30S OS 1iL MRS DR SO oSAcraaoalbeLAko Shot Ma lot IT la the ted end 3rd Coo- of lrabary Apply to Once more the bells are their tcneA This time for of riago of Miss Mloa of Aurora to of Toron to The wedding was held at the home of the brides father Mr 8tevensou We join with their friends In wishing them a and Who will be the If Proctor baa disposed of bis farnltnre sad undertaking busi ness to Mr Winter of Toronto Mr Winter had become tired of oily life so he looked for a place reside and selected Aurora The A BC have again proved their superiority on wheel This time at where they met the best riders in Western Ontario and do- them thereby winning a very handsome secretary valued at and the team of weretndervd a reception and on their snivel home The Club is sending men to To ronto to compete In team race there at Wanderea meet on Bat next The th annual Fall Tournament of the O H Rifle Associa tion now It on Wednesday Thursday and Friday of this week We to iv tbe result nest week At the last meeting worth League was decided to give the a Oot say that the League in very condition at the present time The Mechanics Institute are their already wellstocked with of Mvuookl and promise daring coming year will endeavor to supply thaLT4irooevwith very best read matter a number of tended the harvest home held by English on evening and report a good lime Telephone Connection radio Seal a town the last lbs wife Mr power s a flflM el a mi shier wife of of a KatxvfaEeet tta 3Mb lost- the wife of Frank of the J- A Stewart 111 are by lb Re N a A of of on lasu PKlar First of the Season Of of Toronto Rev Carlton on W by OF CODFISH Either in whole or IB packages BOXES This Seasons Reft Herring Quality PRICE CTS BOX H1BIm wo GRAND CHICAGO MILWAUKEE PAUL or to to route Mi TiokeU good to return Oct 1 if MI88 M RATI HOLUmO a now to a few awl VOICE DURING THE SPACE now to inn of lotted tea he LB NEWSPAPERS rat Saw all of to of lb lata Samoa of Tomato Boot at real A- J A Rich ard of of stead fibarpe of daesbtaraf J A Th Tomb eon axed years and moats realdeooe bar IE of ta year as Wth aged yaarv wa only Jena have boon serious floods hi Ala Jino Printed Porcelain Dinner and Tea Sets also a large lot odds and ends to clear at very ojose prices My new Japan is to far better than last in fact It la to many Japan Teas sold at and get apply for LEMON ORANGE CITRON PEELS Blend Coffee IS THE BEST R A SMITH Timet at ORDERED Fit and finish the best in the country AT and as low as for inferior BRUNTON BRO aaaaaVaaTaaaataataaaMaaaaaatfft Use Brunton Bros Baking Powder- Al j

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