Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 23 Sep 1892, p. 1

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raw s r A -v- Friday rsls otpctbtt to -T- GEO JACKSOff AT HOUSE aSWUXfc fl00 35 Single Copies Cents 1 NORTH YORK BANK ax J i ifc No papers North k paid in Newmarket Friday Strictly in Advance within or at hd of year I- tetany A ISSUED rarest a EX CAW Notarise M7 11 si- MfAf WRIGHT Co BIG REDUCTION IN- Cook Stoves To make room for Fall Stock rvESTlST Ml Ml Air for GEO JACKMOB LIOENSE8 J P PA ISO CLOCK MAKER Lover Sioro il Ud fUI5TATCUlltT SI ANDOlNTRACTOB- to l Aim Tcir teriAiatl I A A I tor Block icTauniorm ud Tdwb Tin Shop STABLE DASH LANTERNS In Great Variety WRIGHT CO Telephone No SO Repairing done promptly NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE FALL PROP DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE OF Bar Iron and Steel and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools Barbed Annealed Galvanized Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty UP LOT Tvrmarfi or Toronto DaBNBVUS l Bra jut ICKStKUACCTluNEKIt 8rlUCoiaUo nK not gUclt4 Oka b t ibe J lfWTOK0TU lATOAL KBVAABlUttldMl nod LUNDYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE IB OFFERING Special Inducements To its numerous customers in a large and well assorted stock of OVERCOATS READYMADE CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS AND UNDERWEAR Bought right will be Bold right no need of further comment You all know what that meana CHAS LUNDY fflAIV HEIST ABOUT The Washing TRY It will much trouble It will brine you comfort It will av your and band It not require washing powders It wash in either hard or soft water It Injure the most skin or fabric Its parity sod excellence bare riven it the largest sale in the world of IMTTAYIOMS on FT ID oSlcbibia MANITOBA we I EL PADRE PIN SO CAUTION EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle KnoWas Whd not before la fonna tod It open door lift sVJa fmitul the xl To bod rfjt Bot ill It sol till It trw Fall Bat by la lit urgioj Frcto 1KM flow So wo fcx Id oft fa ud of MCQfl A lent Amid burning jft onje wOefie of Aod of lie Ibk tee oat ova who dlv And with la to to u it Jut A flfld Lb aUd lhj iU Sot boo tad aba And tool that atis J IB B 0BOHBB OS Have you tried the CABLE Emi CIGAR PURE 9TROKOE0T fc All Ml J 15 ou 10 bile wee Violin MUSlOl 0 a CANADA LIFE ASStnUKCE GO -0AFiTAJ- AND DOLLARS nrrc ivo Photos Photos I Q PEPPIATT For can bringing own run Of J iter I up v v Sir Mills HA VINO STK a THE BEST ROLLER FLOOR Kept Constantly on Hand Chopping Feed etc MAINTAINING LEAD to tor oat work mqa Id err respect to wots of lo or SPECIALITY Mr will not to fiood the work la aod Rheumatism BRING doe to the of urto sdd hlood la by the of A jars Be sore fret Acers ssd do other sad take It till the add is ihfwocfblj expelled from too We to this two years sgo An iron Any clear night If the has ho see one or rodra hooting start or meteors These no it an at all hat often are mora brilliant soy because they are so that their It lotion the either them to glow at white heat or to flame like a torch a very email meteor one not much larger than a might become distinctly visible In this way and seen against a of IfttioDr the north star whole astrono mers say strewn with particles of matter known stsWast while larger bodies known chase one another about the aim at intervals of few miles when these the earths atmosphere the break into small fragment and fait to the It is thought that Bin or seven hundred of these stones reach the of the earth unbroken the coarse of a year while the comber of small which has been estimated at a day If the did not act as cushion ho he moreoommo than bebg hit by a meteor Meteorite are as a ally composed of iron and oxygen the three elements which most common in earth and at no new elements have been found la these visitors from space It believed that the solar system end perhaps the uni verse are made of the ma terial as the earth The motion of falling meteors is very One has been known to travel on a line almost parallel with the earth surface and from sixty to one hundred miles above it all the way from Indian Territory to Central New York where it is sap- posed to have fallen In fragments Another passed from Hew York Bute and on oat to sea between New York city end New Haven These meteors travel six or even hundred miles an hoar after they become visible Meteors are most common about August 10th end December when the earth annually encounters long droves of as they journey around the no fa jeers the earth the thin stream of which to come from the and is so long that six or eight years are for this flook of meteors travelling twentysix miles a to pass given point When the earth meets this great torchlight procession there worth seeing The next cue ill take place in November 1899 Where meteors come from Is not known Whether they are frag ments of a bar ted planet or od ceo only be surmised Once it was thought that they kept op the suns supply of heat by run ning into him but that theory has been abandoned What is is that the planets are becoming some what larger and heavier every year through the shower of meteors and stardust that constantly falling Thus it happens that while it never reins pitchforks yet Iron enough to make a pitchfork raiua upon the every day the Young People The In are con siderably above average Mr and lira the acaifMser of their Mr Proctor of his and ami tare to of to who has taken possession A large quantity of has in this victhHv- for the Winnipeg ujsrket by Mr Phelps A also beep purchasing for the English the reauio 14 apples gone up conald6rablr- j Taxes in year will be alhliy three ninetenths nulls on the dollar There is an to provide for betides floating debt been eome yeifi past The worm that not his fin ished the and ire getting on Well with the turnips loo threshing machines are having a busy time and ark a the band of the srmy ftlmpsOn or retired vOlagA tailor has where he has been his ion The Weather hit been about as as the Toronto Globus re ports of fruit market some the yet to Oof pott matter after a rest years hat again farming and from present appearance the Work Will be done by proxy The Buffalo gnat or horn fly Is very troublesome bob not bed as was expected Ike cow they were for off been found Walker BloOtnington boy who for sometime has been liv ing in Buffalo with bride on their wedding tour hie home week Spring wheat not enough to pay a fair rent for land A died happened few days ago Air who approaching the fourth mile after his four score years fell into a cattle and gob A pretty had ohoroh which was dedicated in the early forties Is to come down this Week It was upon a rook bat the lasted well The where the building is to be added to the grave yard which If further enlarged will require the removal of the school house and several dwellings for nearly toot two yean from able to wit only sod baring tried only wlUi ring tried vartooi remedies Including mineral water without I saw by an In a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of plaioi sufftrlDg 11 Son Cholera Cure u aOTTO I We fcaata at Ajtri teraaparOIa thin decided to make a trial of this medicine and look It regularly for eight months sod am plowed to stats fast It effected A cure have aloes bad o re turn of the disease Mrs- Irving West Hew York One year sso I was taken 111 lAg con fined to my bouse six months I came oat of the sickness very touch deUU- with no and toy system using and began to at once gaining W strength and my usual health I cannot say too much In praise of this Cn A tars V- flyers Take equal parts Tincture of of rhubarb Spirits of sulphur of peppermint Mix well together Dose Fifteen to drops in water to be repeated In or SO minutes If necessary This Is the original formula for the It was given loathe in the cholera year 1849 by then and now a in this city It daily in The Ban daring the summer of tbst It was at several years and again dally during the cholera oars 18 and and has bean printed in The frobaiv times riaoe it first appeared The Cholera Care has been adopted into the United and la a medicine approved and valoed by man in the York has finally of Barrie fixed rate jr of Chatham Is on a visit to his old home near Ballantrae Mrs of is pending a few with Mrs J Keith Miss Annie Davis and of are Mm A Hill her relatives and friends here after spend tog the aammer in Montreal Thomas Cook of Perls has been spending a week or two with relative and friends in this neighborhood Mrs Clarke bat returned from an extended visit to her parents and friends In the vicinity of Wood stook The harvest home held on the resulted favorably and re flected credit on our Presbyterian friends Every department of the wan made to contribute its beat gifts to the entertainment and the tables were laden with roast rout turkey reset roast chicken roast ham roast lamb and roast with a profusion pies and cokes of every name and variety followed with a desert of he fruits of garden and orchard The attendance was large the apeak- log good and the delightful Proceeds somewhat more than Abo at two weeks ego oar enter prising merubeat Hill made or a telegraph office in His request has been granted and In a few days an office will be opened In his store This wilt be a great boom to our local grain bayArs as well to this neigh borhood in general as our nearest telegraph office at present is and In addition to the delay the cost of delivering a telegram to persons five or six milx distant Is no small Item as those who deliver them generally charge like the Brigade Again ones moth r- In law hare cramps or the baby colic It la muoh to use the wire than to work outs passage five or six wiles In quest of a doctor if It be in the stilly with the thermometer rgUter- below trial Home- Alio ma through jour journal o of the of to grass place of Is to he attempted by some of ajiada to ICr and Us e of Iks Hone U VVfrea not been made and In to and In uoaaratei matron all In the vartoaa bow of J been IpreajlgsMog raittioa sao not but Worlhr for tha man ner in both sod house Were and I dont like to be qnlatly without Is old Irish tberaaaidom a Utter end I thick our representatives had better with sot vices of a sad make aure of ha r thing lhaj may be it will be sorftebudj from Its psrt of the advise Hectors to keep their on the division the nut session of J A Letter from London to Bra air la Ids fathers late pulpit Fa Von elli able to talk lb Id moon the year you to the great ftotch is to a which will bring the Provided a in dlauietarafid in In thick the its aid sun to fef close tut sod any trees of Urge animals if they existed be Atpra4s sJ I lb ere aio no worn a In moon the man Out eight Id an crdinsry fair there about but if- to get firm grasp upon place A fol the hour all the Is proposed by the Roe Noel In the si stsm that adopted oh the railways of the in It is this 1 is divided into of Into hoars boor of Is Into sach ant IK degrees of ud differing- boor In- time from the either side of It proposal is to apply this sams piiocipts to lb whole could then be Into of one boor and there be dif ferent tan for the wbote earth frogs much Is punishment Used I only In army and even there now a rsrlty Its very asm describes It When frog be compelled to sAtum of a frog that hat jut kicked cot with his hind leas and ha not drawn in hi fore legs lis Is with bit face to lbs ground Sis arms and legs oat to their fullest extent era then grasped foot men weight of the person curled In way Is bo unevenly that the ttuat be horrible The shoulders elbows small of the and nok the most A esse occurred years ego when the was killed by a rush of blood to the bead At Chatham the are toeaqulralnto In his letters from Home Land the Hugh John ston says I went that evening- to the Conference Temperance meeting held in the great Georges Hall Bradford was a rousing and there were at least parsons present There had been daring the afternoon an immense openair dem onstration with bands of raasio end streaming- banners of Bauds of ope with addresses and songs Bradford Is to head the publlo OX ma FOB IB golera have in New York tax rate of mills Homestead rioters will bo tried month for murder and by of the Coffee established for the are to the working thirtythroe of these Bitty pasted clean sweet oheap where eek the drink This meeting was fall of enthusiasm and telling of the Dr Rev Garrets and others were punctuated with loud frequent cheers I sat in the topmost gallery but at felt at home from seeing Or Mr en the platform I toon earned that there had bean during the past few years an advance in public opinion in England On this question and kfe in the new of fbona no less than mem J Digged to the prluofple of In the British the ha with tha very best cap of oan bo got One firm Pt apples already Two peraons were kilted and thirteen injured in St Louis Ma by a runaway oar At Fresno were killed in conflict a of robbers A who hid Urge publishing house to sou as boy employ at a of not wm request that the young man be to the business i hit war although modern fcas dona away with of the j ait tor and porterage Work of did times yes the young found election- stock for orders packing the same entering charging at kept sotirety ten A day with an hour but At the end of three weeks- time he failed to pot in an appears but the father walked In morning with informatioh tig J would nob return to the petition Why asked the Well John baa to have his breakfast at half past every morning to get hen and then he is not to bundles sorottimes hed been sent with books right to the houses of people know socially My son hasnt been brought that way and I goose- I wont have htm learn business He did not and what More has ever learned any other basinets let at look another picture that of the ton of a wealthy mill owner desiring to become a man ager of the But that is the father yon learn the business That is what I would like todo said the son Bnttobeoome a superintendent or manager wo prefer a man who has risen from the ranks and under- stands the mechanical department bad ways of employes Let ma begin In the ranks then recent esse which I am glad to I replied not fstal It said the man Is Injured for life late brought good retorts A meeting was by a man who referring to the candi dates looks told him II bis hair cat Uy friend retorted Is a magistrate I of yonr more than the A A very sad ease at on Sunday A infant about one son of fitr Connelly recently of London was In cradles and was given a small box of pills as a rattle The let box fall over the cradle to the floor Tho next morning Sun day the child was on the floor when It found the box it had dropped and the lid coming off the pills came oat by the parents the put one in Its mouth became on- first the stupor was for an ordinary sleep doctor arrived too late the of the poor child bed departed j pills were The un happy parents are over last a of fiA A Mistaken Youth Sometimes when in difil- men tempted to do things which under altered circumstances they would never dresm of doing end stigma of which will never altogether leave business repu tation Wo board of a case in point Ontario town recently A man who had graduated from the bookkeeper a desk to be himself proprietor a of dry goods found that matters were not improv ing for him or for his Did he wifte and them Into his confidence a he ought to have He did not but lacking a year or so of his majority he simply let the come and actually Ignored liability on the ground that be was a minor A man to all Intent and purpose he degraded bis manhood by a wretched subterfuge like that Of coarse bis townsmen now view him with ins ploloo and rightly so we arc glad to say be finds it no easy mat ter to get goods without spot The true inwardness of this incident carries a lesson to all young men and some old ones as well Our hero I Indulged In too many quiet at poker He lost heavily as he partod with Ms money he parted with his price pies He an- scrupulous s Is the case Influences His business suf fered and he was so lost to all sense of honor though there Is raid to be some amongst gamblers that he bad recourse to the mean action already described It Is not a mat ter in small towns to find what are the afterhour habits of people When that gambling la traced to a customer the wholesaler cannot watch that too ntWfary mm At Toronto on Wednesday morning an ornamental window the church at destroyed by an unknown party Six houses were set on fire by daring a storm at Btoomlngton 111 Sunday night When water was thrown To this father assented stipu lating that no favor should be shown ton bat he actually begin and work at regular labor in the department Not only was this done the young man went and boarded In manufacturing town at a workmans boarding bouse and want In and tba factory at bell ceil In three years he was foreman in one of the departments and a former olasamate and well known society man calling here upon him was surprised at meeting a stalwart fellow in blue overalls with hands so soiled with machinery oil as to prevent tbs con ventional hand shake But this young man and paid his own himself nd bis father concluded It would not injure his future prospects Judging from the fact that be is now manager of mills his fathers at a salary ten thousand a year anil with ability to command even better com pensation and partnership Is evidence bat learning a even by a nan with a good eduoatlon and a rich father pays good return both in and manly Independence Honor Upon Honor and Suc cess Upon Advices have the Toronto of Soap that the man- soever Bros Limited Port Birkenhead Bag have been honoured by the under Royal Warrant soap makers to Her Majesty tha an honor and a privilege enjoyed by no other laundry soap in the world Buollght Soap has been In use in the Windsor for three yeata It Is alio worthy of mention that inch has been he Inoreasa in sates of Beep that tha firm has given to their architect to exactly doable the site of their works already largest of klod in existence Whan it re membered that the present were only entered upon in July and the main building covers four serve tome Idea may he formed of what colossal premises the log works will be It goes without saying that a soap which mat with such peaonmeoal throngbout civilised globe must be more than an ordinary Sun light has the worlds record for hoc ours and extent of and laurels have been woo principally by the acknowledged rapetioriiy and pur ity of the soap In the aJ are at a which mast be gratifying to those Its seucaw- million dollars worth of timber is being destroyed by a forest fire in Washington territory The snnual oonferenoe of the Free Methodist of Canada took at tut week Twentytwo and a half mills the I is what the ratepayer Whitby will be asked to pay into the town exchequer a was taken from jail by an mob at night and lynched A Obvious freak reported ftod irWrJsrtn in shape of a colt having two hoofs on one of its legs Mm Morton Is tea through some disarrangement l the twitch hoard of the telegraph office at Brampton a badly damaged by fire on Satur day night The jury Corn- wail brought in a murder in the cue of alias who shot On September The doctor had just stated that would destroy tho holer germ Then said Dennis mate one 111 give it immediately Hood of was thrown from his vehlole a few days ago by the hone becoming tjied at a threshing machine His left wrist fractured While Mrs Watts of King was frying she left a of melted substance on a table a upset cap badly scalded and died a start May White school teacher at Jackson Michigan who slept day and night for nearly a year now shows of recovery lot other oav she opened her eyes and reoognlsed her parent from Mich Alfred a wealthy citizen of that place has confessed that he murdered Richard Drake bis business partner In Oot years ago What make the flies The cyclone makes tha house fly blacksmith make the fire fly driver the horse fly the grocer makes the fly the boarder the butter fly the woman makes the broom fly and the oat the for fly K The death la announced of Mrs Lloyd wife of Arthur Lloyd of Trinity College school Port Hope Mr Lloyd was taken with a spall and buret a blood vessel in her lunge and died in lata than Ave minutes left fonr one a babe but days old A consultation of physicians baa taken place in regard to Mrs President It it that lady Is sofferinp from a of disorders tho primary of which is pulmonary tuber of the right side prostration pleurisy and dropsy faav added to the trouble and the is not promising At Barrio Miss was driving with aunt and nephew along Bradford street when the bors too fright at a game of nobbya being played by some boy Near Bookers pump factory the rig collided with a post and threw Miss in jured about the head and faoe whilr her aunt had both The child escaped injury and horse was caught with the slightly damaged The injured per sona are progressing favorably far Sir Henry Tyler president of the Grand Trunk Company said at Montreal to an interviewer recently that no new work or improvements were contemplation In fact said be nearly ended all alterations to put the road first running order We have doubled the track between Montreal and Toronto all exoept miles of whioh nine are under con struction We Improved grades and over the entire system and the road between and Gathered like a ripe sheaf to the John Whiktcr baa passed away at the age of foor It more than half century bis works first attention and have hardly to look to find vita his poetry it ha for a life- time and to a van reswiera was a Quaker and the noble of a Quaker Is Ids writings They are nil of ady inouloatsd by tha wee strong to

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