Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Aug 1892, p. 4

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EHA AUG Ik A 1- Ji lt CI Dr taps you do not believe these concerning Greens f Well we cant make We ctnt force conviction to your head or into your throat We dont want to The money la yours and the yours and until you are to believe and spend the one the relief of the other they will John Foster it Stmt Philadelphia says My a little Scotch woman fifty years and of a naturally licatedispositiOD For five or six past ahe has been suffering from Dyspepsia She became so bad at last that she could not sit down to a meal but VIA she had to vomit It as she had eaten it Two ttles of your August Flower have her after many doctors failed can now eat anything and enjoy and as for Dyspepsia she does not that she ever had it a Roughing IB effort topol foreign tram the bronchial of an anodyne No other Of aDOdjm equal to Pectoral It itnrt In ajacting and If tba popular all carta- Of the preparation for rare colds cough and kindred rang my expert reliable Cheery yean I was to colds followed by lenitta roar yean ego when afflicted I ad- to try Cherry Pectoral and rip Jay all other aside I did a was well of cold Sine I hard preparation In the comparative Mi Brown Denmark ALU few ycAm ago I took a severe bleb affected lunga I had a cough ana parsed night alter without eleep doctor gave me I tried Cherry Pectoral my Induced tlcep afforded the for the of my strength By the of Pectoral permanent Ire Fair brother Gheny Pectoral Or J Co Mais ho Mr J of Kin won the silver trophy over the range on of last points the R Standard Brands Kicker Cable Mr wit Us Ail tot log UK to other bracdi In the market has been fully Ate told annrjAUyaDd for IJicnt cow Petition of anil lorle Weir- not DAVIS SONS Montreal largest and Highest Cigar in Canada SO Text Ha a Iea4 not sin to fiX iXTaODVOTOlT touching arent aafcjfct el took after oar had and In In o for of acme tbsw was Htbraw CbrlaUina aoppoMd of origin to the tba larger of tba bailout were who wootd attend to dUtriballoa of From the of It may tot red that fint were from or Tba who oat Ibpm la Stephen who an powerful of tba ud who obtained of being flm of iba of matljti Tba of thamUng faction determined a ancceaa and fidelity of ware to Ha tba Sanhedrim and charged being a blasphemer mi a of the Hoars from Old Sdipturea whlcb he famiher showed that lb- the Old Teml- and Then mAiLi direct to be a Urge they aei to bis life rRAlTlCAL The fitt lumijr iiitlted a tbeeoemiea of advance biiduth The faith Id fact prayed It for to tea t truth the early at I 1 for iho yMrandflod If fQrouratonrftchantlbIUiUBDC6 filled Burdock Cue 1 feuddctily of cholera for doctor but to An evacuation ftbouterery forty fMt we etot for a of Wild HE which my life Mr J Mount itch cured Io SO By laOtton bottle by Jauei Klmo flflek to from principled In of colic etc remedy Fowler of en cure the that ore tra wit It- LIHf From For my from complaint At doc ton to ILH1J cared her I all herd uttor eel from iwd Swollen CougU etc at bottle warranted by 111 for a beck weak and at timet not I tried with two Ate well a J tod my back day Yoora A CloaeaCvai for three week from not expected to been hid death lataafrtcodrtottimeDdodDr- FoWa Ex tract of Wild which my Hot for hit I Be MooUeal P Blugen on the Rhine- A Parody editor of a newspaper lay log his lair aud death bed gathered on brow to calm end fair but a printer knelt ad his ebbed away and attend the dying writer if he bad a word to The doomed man mur mured he grasped the print ers fist Well at last struggle over and I never will be tab a message and a token to that city man mine that all bis worn- oat ho had better pat in brine bie the weather which hes many and the gag the fellow who and the item hes eo of on the man who peddles books and the chestnut based on people who go at the brooks to Gave the papers credit and ct no slurs on I would nek him as a favor Kge brine And the ieheVfondof belling of strict cars and the tracks and the about the man who step tho who will never for nd the one n it weary knows I know Ill happy in my the vino if man who doee city will pot jokes Tell the who tends to basinets not to I an deed hot to buy a dob and hit first man head who pomes in with strings of items and printed when are then they to Tell foreman wheo tin up not to turn a but to simply print an item tint my soul is for I telly of that kind and think such hoary chest- mils shcold bo pickled Veil in brim Have that and reporter I eftgsgfd other day put a stop come ye trample him in his gore for you know Id never allow it in the happy days of yore And who cornea to tell yon how to the paper well should greeted when ho enters with e pewter chestnut bell- and youll print the paper promptly ho weather full of storing and fore man careful when hes mak ing up the tht the beauty of paper may through all and not bo its neighbors fit tn put in The writer and he and the prints know ho was to So he propped gently child j but wItere soul had to land of And the printer little ho gave and bo I roost leave him for its to go to press Very few could beat him writing for hit writings were divine and he nvv had to place them In a bucketful Of brine Did A mixture of alum glycerine Tine- gar and water for bites 1 Salt or for discolor- from cops or other dishes Cleaning lint from a clothes wringer with a cloth saturated with keroiono 1 Alcohol to from the childrens white aprons ikirtf eta I Pulverized chalk and ammonia for removing stains from marble and closet bowls I To clean ft gilt picture frame by wot with hot spirits of wine or oil of turpentine then it to dry Good keeper A Noble Triumph Not many years of a wellknown clergymen in New York vat entered by ft borglar In search for plunder tho fellow ventured too far and awoke the Owner The minuter being a brave and muscular man leUed and the thief who after a abort atrugK in which the minister had theairittanoe of members of his family secured bound Then the burglar was marched to nearest police station where he left tsfely in the bands of the law It was the way of the clergyman to thorough work with what he began he followed the caw till he saw the culprit tried and eon- to prison for three But this was not the end of his work He bad a criminal and served the justice now he thought of as a fellowman He yUited him in talked with him in a friendly manner won hie confidence By arrangement with the prison authorities he bin and received replies- The correspondence and repeated vioite produced beat and scarcely a year bad passed when the clergyman felt that char acter of his convict was radi cally changed The mans behavior inclined keepers to the good opinion After wailing a proper time the clergymen applied to the governor secured prisoners befriended hit release The repentant burglar a worthy member of society and of the church and to day ho is one of the late Doctor Howard sincer est mourner Here is an instance of victory of good over evil of disorder of right We are apt to regard criminal by whom suffer as a serpent to be trodden on end flung out of the way and human laws recognize no duty in hie caee beyond the penalty they But the law of Christ further end wins a safer triumph Kindness follows the punished and rift to reform bim They who vith both juatly and love mercy Youths Companion A very largo stick of timber feet in length was hauled Richmond on Friday list to bo shipped at by Mr Thompson A still floor vent through on Tuesday prop erly of the same firm The timber which was octagonal in shape from tbo woods of Mr Martin of Whitchurch- It by three good teams of hordes and as might be supposed con siderable skill wm necessary in turn ing sideline A lot of excellent timber been shipped during the past year from Richmond Hill station- WITHOUT AIT EQUAL JACOBS pi trade CURES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA SCIATICA EMu Sprains Bruises Bums THE CHARLES COMPANY Bftltlmore CUT PLUG PLUG No tfajad or Tobacco has ever joyed such an Immense sole nod popularity in the same period as this brand of Cot Plug and Plug Tobacco Oldest Cut in Canada RAILWAY HARDWAR MAIN ST NEWMARKET 2SSi5 PHARMACY CO CO it tjQ mm o CD Jtt Plug Au almost ftal occurrence took place at homo of A of a few daysi ago The rats wore becoming rather in tho cellar and sotuo cake whereupon Kin thought the would put toptoth depredations rough on rats convenient she tome on the cake eon Edgar not knowing that bail been prepared for partook of it in a time had to be brought to as rapidly as pOBaible to secure medical aid At last account be was doing well THE DRUG STORE AND CONDIMENTS for PERSONAL ATTENTION TO DISPENSING SGOtTi Proprietor mm Hi go i B rf J a a a a a a a a a p I v Natural Self nee Id Primary Grades 10 Roc if local you What the Old Mau has to say EL PADRE PINS 1 I Why do we continue to wear mourning custom outworn it an In the It it cloud spiritual significance of tho with the ever present of temporal It fa It and liitcj action which entails a privation and It untruthful it makes outward show of sentiment And It it for it presses private public It thrusts claims of fashion and frivolity upon tlmo whlcb roost greatly moves the heights and depths of being and It forces ft superficial worldliues Into the fiercest throes which can ever rend nature 9 Out day of little boys brought frog to a little lxj Wo decided to study this month for our Natural worka We bun owed a poll with water and the dish with earth and in them alternately For first we were nil just little wo observed him in Mi at id many were made about children allowed to xpKS opinion freely on whatever peculiarity of they observed The were afterwards woven into abort as purely phonic ho by teacher printed slipi of on a type writer and morning distributed to the class and used reading lesson When time came for our next Ictton in Natural Science we were more friendly with and placed on the table around which for lesson gathered We then studied more partlcb- larly pupila called On to fit ate in a complete what lie about these sentences wore gathered from this leseon A frog baa with golden rings around them Proggies is very Hi hind feet nro eta formed the reading lesson for next day The fable of The Boys end the Frogs phonic the next reading By this time we are quite well ac quainted with and tho most timid child in would touch liim ijritly ro we proceeded to model him in clay This required moat careful observation Wo had to fook again at what children would call front and bind feet to how they were to body length num ber ol Wo worked away very industriously for half an hour and natural froga wore After a second lesson in modelling we made a picture of quired several Attempts but wo not easily At the end of a month the so children who entered Public school last September cm describe the frog orally can read printed about him can write short de scriptive stories of him of their own They loarned to love this little frog and all other animals for his sake Their powers of observation boon wonderfully quickened and thoy found their task a Journal ward Whit church farmer gate Court for tower to adminUter of ate aghtjor of who died InUatMo April left ft wife and three hope and alctp for the caret of life It beat that Money Invented Id opplra much fcoltpr than would ho In nod to y the aauiier ffT time of when kingdom of It populous and man who baa to be ftlhatned of ftmao to bo tied la the ta blet to ice how ho like It Athlete -AND- Derby CIGARETTES Arc Sold on their Merits Everybody knows they the bent Everybody Smokes them They 30 fliu a yreit sad inons His a of tlTocllvo ftCtd hft met the of It In KONK A wbtn other or mill on receipt Out atoi P in WI DR CAMPBELL bALS OR TO wy all cleared with crop For sale cheap at If OR AT A BARGAIN Northerly of la lbs fttb of Apply to J 16tf OR Oh Sugar SALE on Blreet J pump It a market I tilt a for wilt mIIU cheap J- ItQUKltTSON 9 LATH SHINGLES r OF PRINTS AND I SIMM GOODS ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH FLOORING WOVLNNO SASH THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL OF PAST WB A OF SAME AIM TO- TURN OUT GOOD FARM FOR SALE I it Iff W avri apply to Fa OR SALE O No Em For pirilc Con acre la lion Iwlxnco In bush of lbs a to Ml Albert That brick on Gar butt apiolVeK loincic and cUieru to J AT- during august J STEPHENS LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THfi WM CANE SONS MFG CO List of Donor VOn YORK AOJMCDLTUILil IS Manufacturing Co Toronto A Co Toronto 25 J A Rosa Aurora f Win A Rons Co Newmarket Oak Hall Clothing Toronto Geo Albeit 10 Flow a Friend 00 J Allan A Co Newmarket 00 Co if Mail A A Alloa A Co CO Samuel Agcnl Toronto Co 00 A- Son Toronto A Dixon fi Brown A J Barber A Ellis Co 00 Canada Taper Co Toronto Silver Boot Walker A Bon Toronto P A Co Miller A Co Kent A Co Bkln Bug Workfl Co A Co 00 Sutherland Jackson J Millard 00 Canada Bubber Co Toronto Newmarket A Co Toronto a World Co 8 00 A 3 John Montgomery A Sod Newmarket a A Smith A Campbell J OMallay 00 J f 00 J Stephen Toronto Hodge A Co Newmarket John i J tfcrhcllfF Daniel aoo Aurora 2 J nod V I I r BOOT FOR B00TS1 SHOES FARM For Bale the tod bout about from and particular apply to FARM FOR SALE tho fit mo- vl une of Aurora About 130 clcrod and under Rood well Good ltRatittieprtmtaaa a properly told Aril of next apply or to CANNOM FOR SALE and In SO 100 11 fiih 100 baa ftiftcre cleared a good tithe Tqtd bin thfse very low la the or New- For to I have the Largest and Moat Complete Stock in town for ot choose our Prices are Lower than the Lowest Our Motto is Low Prices Good Goods SmnU Profits and Quick Returns Any person wishing anything in the line of Roots and Shoes should not forget call on H NO 77 MAIN ST LIQUOR TO INVALIDS U8 Na St Augustine Registered Unexcelled for building up a run down constitution GIVE IT A TRIAL TELEPHONE CONNECTION P J OMAUBTi MAIN STREET NORTH CASH GROCERY STORE MAIN STREET NORTH Preserving Season here again All those requiring Should not fail to call at the above number if they wish to save money Word to the Wise is Sufflclent g J 0 ALLEY WARM TO fcAt lV of of lot PT Or J T FOR SALE HaQUBTIONOKOROB In at Victoria the year or College Or bis Throat Luck DlMtm a the patient l act J I Lint Or Thro it bo par- lal It ft In Ills will when DiaKAaesTrtCATCD of and Video iboixoOaOr ii Ob struct vtUirm LOST you over bid will lou If you in loo and do not a call AHkloaaof BEST WOOD In at low BEST AMERICAN -ANJ- COAIi OIL LAMPS Work EAVetroagh- General Jobbing a apecialiy CO ISSJ jfc CURES I DIARRHOEA I I DYSENTERY CHEbRENADULTsI

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