Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Aug 1892, p. 1

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vjs Alii TUB Every Friday GEO JACKSON steam printing house etfSttlitfr HE TO KNOW TO TO AROCR AOnORpiNftaoCONBniKNCB OTHER tar learnt ra ided nil vM idioifj ONTARIO BANK I CAPITA- NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND Vol Si Single Copies Cents Each J to Loan on security OFFICE WtIiIoo Building Newmarket Ont Friday S I750OOO A CASE Notarises Etc Co iUnfllna Tortoto Ontario 1 ft2 OB A J if fl and Aberdeen V Toronto jiwrfaftOT Mlwf- gala fit reel to A lo3 P and M m ilYdICIASSurt4Jio3 to an J ra No St Itc IiriJiiii A I WK I to too J A LICENSES At HEADQUARTERS FOR STRAINER PAILS AM tAILS MILK PANS STRAINERS DASH CHURNS UTTER TUBS UTTER BOWLS UTTER LADLES Washboards Clothes Pins Brooms Baskets all Sizes and Styles American Canadian Coal Oil RICHMOND or Will meet ifM Dec to IN CANADA UNITED STATED MANITOBA Era The Old Oft M Mb j fl9WQ oar food with t0 trod lh on of hoVs Childhoods frWdj that awiy one you Here by koefr of earth auid T strl in Advance 1 or at end of year- THE No Telephone No Repairing done promptly WRIGHT CO NEWMARKET AND CLOCK Book Stow- Pare ffoJd and IB rloaalwftfaoa J Fire unci SPRING STORE 1892 Hit AND CONTRACTOR to So 1 Alma TefraMTimo St Ken market A INSURANCE f AH CiMi Stock OffloeOfer ALBION TORONTO per da hod A ceo tun In Ins Aiceuf ff Wntl Will on fl my audi mo office the anil JAS PROP DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE OF Bar Iron and Steel Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools Barbed Annealed Galvanized Fence Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Chums Carpenters Supplies a Specialty a IN Of Anil add Work on Street Ontario CAMABA LIFE CO OAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS ALL polices I after in force lot la force two J Agent CAUTION EACH PLUG OP Myrtle Wavy So from all The in ffrAfa doth atp One who do bitter aha not few no mora feel m familiar That and well to fifty now Wo opoo Which oar fott for we il trace of thai The old hire ooeo now the It graced All modem made of white Hone like the old good- We take our Hit prefer Id fair By loTlog blade wbaTt lotted for Now and la dim The by Soger fair 3ende lie toft on the air Agloriotu heartfelt rale the pulpit we a A face to sadly the faoe Of who mo lifes race The well words By whole world oer lore dearly From of cats We back la the time When we of The faith of by with a thatll die The ion thro the He who oar debt did to giro I died ye ttighl all and for which it inch extra rami or per call roonBtorij ft and probably before York and Chicago will be I Prom the last report of the Belt is that the Id ate the of the 1891 a large increase previous year a Jitjjrftffa i At prom J- t Newmarket A Toronto Saturday ludgtr I to got through my of ourkeb toil week bat will endeavor to it time for the next of n4 iohooli the former officered throe the latter with even They are well attend and in a generally for the were 7 were at Admitting ftDW said the holder of the phone the from the monopoly are outweighed a million fold the by the invdntton the It i0 tho aatoe in to other patented While it a general propor tion that private are apt to the anil therefore are to be avoid ed bill the that the production now nvputfOQi the grant of temporary called found bf to be highly to It upon thia foundation oar eat proud There aft a number of hoade tones bud ad ay marking the rcattn had the limit ere One end are em ployed- by Sona the of froth wood Two thou pl a fair daily arerage white thing ere made fork lopg and work to fitly The goods produced a aale on of and finiih The legal and medical Local Option ThoQjjhyoo bare frotD for three wt1c- cot asleep at pott to tiojo erf for abort an of the Local Law ia the Supreme I In to make hare paid to act Had law to be of little faeffectoal If they would the loyo to Their that tby koow the urrylog of A iiot l the woulI be a blow to the lienor the of aure not relax avhljr the one mo lured by the At Jf La m I In law there are I8 DONT FAIL Katie a a1ea can be made at the office or i P In America lothobuilntiionniQraDe Central Agency for Aurora vicinity L fareyaDclog iDioraooe J NoUr Aorura I 10 do yMblootblo MU9IOI a Toronto or I Or Wouoboor lenootfitm tl JE TO SEE OUR NOVELTIES B fc None AKINC AND ELECTRO- PLATE CALL AND EXAMINE Will be pleaded to show goods and quote you prices L ATKINSON NEWMARKET THECOOKSBESTFRIEND LARGEST SALE CANADA Rheumatism BEING duo to presence of add Id the blood meat effectually cured by of A rllla JIo get and no tako It till the acid expelled from Wo to this About two year ago after suffering for nearly two years from So tit ixrliigflblo and tried KtfinllcSi without I saw by an THE KEY TO HEALTH Photos Photos I Unlock all avenues of Bowels and Liver canyon without weakening sys tem all and foul at tamo VINO reeling Acidity of I w to curing Biliousness lHltnd Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Skin Dropsy Dimness of Vis o nauvuft saw a Chicago that a bad lu relieved of Ids after takfag I decided to a trial of this medicine and took for tlylit and am to ft effected conjiletecurc I since bad no re turn Of the HO West I3dlb New York year I was taken 111 with rheumatism being con fined to my homo fix months I came out of the sickness very much debili tated with no and disordered In over 1 and to at nce gaining In strength and my I cannot too much Id this wellknown Mrs A Nashua Sarsaparilla Dr J Aye Co Lowell Mail to u rily fgf Vision or Heart Her- in and thow and many Cotqj to BUB BITTERS For Eels alt a CO Proprietors Toronto Mr ho THE LEAD out work ana far re III bo Wrtlojwill cot be to flood the hood cheap work but In Mhs complete entire loo A tend of sell Id SO 10 CHASE BROTHERS COT Mills PURE POWDERED LYE STRONGEST BEST PUREST AW THE BEST you irled ROLLER FLOUR Kept Constantly on Hand Chopping Feed eta P KITTOr CIGAR The Expiration of the Bell Telephone Patent The original patent for the elec tric telephone granted to Alex ander Graham Bell of Salem on March 1 for the term of seventeen years The patent expiree On that day it will become free to the public and there after all persona will be at liberty to set op the described In the and make of the invention The fol lowing are the claims of the original Bell patent of 1876 1 A system of telegraphy In the receiver Is set in vibration by employment of of electricity as set forth The as set forth of a permanent magnet or other body capable of inductive action with a closed circuit so that the vibration of the one shall occasion undulation in the other or in itself and this I whether the be sot in vi bration n neighborhood of the conducting wire forming the clroalt or whether the conducting wire he set in vibration in the neighborhood of the permanent magnet or whether tho conducting end the perman ent magnet both be sot In vibration in each others neigh borhood The method of dolations In a continuous voltalo cur rent by the vibration or motion of bodies capable of action or by vibration or motion of the conducting wire Itself In neigh borhood of such bodies as sot forth The method of producing undu lations a continuous voltaic circuit by gradually nbreasiog and dimin ishing the resistance of the or by gradually Inoresslog ana log power of the asset forth The method of and apparatus for transmitting or other sounds telegraphically as herein by similar In form to Mobs of the air the said voosl or other aonndi as set forth If any one should ho disposed to the of granting pat- rats for neW Inventions some other example than the telephone probably bo needed la order to establish the contention It Is true that a number of alarming might be arrayed against the of pat- rats as Illustrated by the grant of the privilege It might 1 al leged for example as a of this that a huge monopoly has created whfoh from a single centre like a gigantic has extended Its slimy members Into part of the end fastened I self with relentless grasp upon threats of people robbing them of their means compelling them to submit to exhorbltant and It true this telephono octopus looks Inmlions of money every year In New initalli instruments within your office or duelling runs wire for you underground connects you with all people and all the centres of waits night and day to answer your the patent studies and tabors to produce something new and useful and if he succeeds law to the poor privilege of holding his in vention for the period of seventeen time so short it rarely fioea for more thab a slight beginning toward the perfection and lion of invention The I then coma in and take full possession of the invention together with the results laboriously gathered by the patentee Poor as are rewards of the in ventor and short the term of Ms there are many people who complain and almost there is a members who try to breast the system by the passsge of bills to shorten the of patents or the pur suit of infringers emasculating the patent law Bell seems to have had at the out set when he took his telephone pat only a very dim of value and importance to the world- A and teaoher unacquainted with business or the and companies be parted with the patent for a comparatively The purchasers have reaped some of the fruit of his gen ius but the chief benefits will now to the public The patent Is about to expire and the telephone industry is only its The owners of the patent have only intro duced it to a trifling extent They have built a few linos in the principal towns and cities But when by fur ther experience the art of telephon ing becomes better understood of instruments will be used where now there is one The expiration of the telephone patent throws open to the a new Invention of incalculable value to the country develop ment and expansion must give rise to many collateral new wealth em ployment for thousands busy workers Lloyd and Moore while the heeling art is looked after by Dri Scott Howe and Campbell In began art and is now in and also agent for the Co and the Royal Mail Co as well as fOr the Co In the midst of a days J found time to inform rue that he had carried on a general store here for about year and still enjoys a large patronage from residents of the town and the county besides l J Millard supplies the living with and when the brief span of Hie is ended looks to it that they are laid away decent ly and respectably His furniture and undertaking buaiaess is a very largo one and constantly China Hall is the name by A Smith for his establishment where customers can get what they require in the line at- right trunks valises and whips are dealt In by Ed whose bus- In this town dates or years- His stock Is always complete goods reliable Hot as it Is now many people are laying in supplies of wood and coal for future use in anticipation of high er prioes They find the right article In both these lines in the yard of Donne who for year has been gradually extending his operations In those Indispensible adjuncts to health and comfort IUmuler Wits fl In t hw of am worlby of wilt in is sold In any liable lb is auUioriud Jo by liorornot ThnaU will of a to leu hit bji foi the act by only that will him of will ojs In of lb board of person to a at bat both cab not be of lo the or the him a io to it mail and testify of to if rev fQMJ law act that a person who bora in an at well the pro- MtS for It will baaolaw- fill for society or to liquet to lie or other easy the or any of aodaty may be are brightest prospects often ruined by indolent It Is reported that the have annihilated the foneaV great wars by village will have a rate of mills en the sA vast number of are in the Ocean- roin firid oat late rhey should bar taken their wives advice J ijei on the Preach erm VhO are A Robert wounded by the BI1 years age from hydrophobia night ale houra James Wolfe aocideoily killed on Saturday by the prtwutur discharge of agon ho was Aug IS Bucks residebco on Front street burnt this morning oootente saved j covered by I Aug last a bylaw to Railway Company was the people and duly NB carried here ihe The Bight Way to Buy Butter lib tig Holland LndLng- The of who were the lets exoi are a order of mffilJtMaggl Katie Luck and Scott The fifth by a few Eighty per ceal of Dumber of up 1801 and hare beau compare par cent with Held of Hi to demand at the of and a half dollars If you live In Hew York you reside In addition to above this horrible octopus if you dwell In Now York on with Boston Albany Buffalo Philadelphia Pittsburg and Tenth Harvest Is progressing Que in this locality fall wheat and barley being safely stored peas and spring wheat will be a good crop and not so hard to harvest Mr Is helping Mr take off bis harvest Sam seems to like working on the tenth Dogs nearly destroyed a flock of sheep for Mr Henry recent killing eighteen wounding many others bit James Cherry has recently purchased a flnoojeer Ere mi sportsman Bolton We ear be intends taking htm to North Bay this fall to hunt moose Our popular school Mr Is spondiog his holidays with friends In Brentford tohearthatMrBamoel who has been on the Hit for some time Is now Improving vory Mr lost vajfli able young horse dead from overwork op to Locomotive- I tell you locomotive must go As not opinion is usually the basis of the speakers re mark to continue the conversation out the go was the answer wit smile but I toll you that the trolley system of electricity will locomotive I that this now road from Parry Sound Ottawa will be the trolley hjore Mist I wlleve be orb throe the trolley will bo uicd on the and Trunk Toronto and Trains will run every hour tho have better service and the company will pocket ho largo between cost of electricity and Editor Canadian Sir A tho plan which I have adopted io taking butter from farm ers has been very merchants have asked me to explain it to them which gladly do for two reasons namely To try the standard of butter In sec tion where there no creamerioi and to prevent merchants from losing every summer what is made balance of the year I distribute among my customer onegallon stone crocks which cost each and hold from to of butter This J consider the best site as one will Gil it there fore there will be only one quality In each it Is ana will not taint the butter Is light and easy to handle and In retailing a family would buy it where they would not think of taking a larger one It alto save to a extent the loss occasioned by weighing out quantities When those are brought In filled I a label them and fill In the the maker not for getting to Jet the maker know that her name I on butter If aba allows the name to bo put on she gets the highest price If cot a reduction of or Is made In this way every woman Judges her own butter For example One week fall the weather hot It was hard to good butter One of best on coming following week saidi did not my butter week It not a I would to my name on I took It over to and got soger for It I knew several farmer wss who previous to adopting this plan msde very ordinary butter now they do their best to make a good reputation stake If Is goes to neighbor I dont want it To force them to lake the crocks I make difference In price If tbo tubs palls rolls sre in any shape where I would have to get less per lb Last August to commence with I bought and In short time more have now to circulation pother it doj away wlth the old plan of having to the In tubs palls tins or rolls which was all thrown In been regardless of color or vho the clerks had tlcoe I get So per lb more for this as buyers can depend on get ting a good wishing further Information or able to suggest an Improvement I should be pteased to hear from City Ontario July To Editor Bra Forestry ToaoHTO Aug greatly to be repelled that lata Province pec tally farmers do nat a sanest ead pTaetJceUolaieat In the aijdfiot of formal There la mora vitally The of Iha limber been going for so many Dolus Speedily thrsatess to our We the of chADgeafrom la increased of flooda and crop by and lack of atelier formerly afforded by graving Umber Pod moreover In yean ago would have Idea of by a for now find to feel at a dleuuca of from by a little foresight might by wool allow to lake of the trees on 1 divo bad a tw at band la from tha lead devoted to wood grow luge a crop aa future To the fa lo as nan who by a of without the fertility of Iks soil li it at the barren moat ftima are of lead suitable for all ration than rail belag hilly atony or ought to ramalo In Umber of on inch will add greatly to of farm by beauty at Urns Its market vatqa tha trees will be a protection to the event- a of direct profit There is doubt that wood will the falur be a much more commodity tbea before as la g whit la being dim Inched Therefore the farmer wilt act who not merely with ear any woot run lining farm hut da voles a little labor to The la gotog a And far aa will permit In direction of forests the publio Thay entitled to greet credit for what bo already been dose course of wholesale destine- Hon In Unsettled Bat so fir as Iha old ire of private owners whatever la done to avail the of mmt be by private or example sndthero will a great deal to and replauilag and If war but rooted to the of lbs Under ooald be bald est Id of nr from tax- alios for anting nut tree On- lasts for yar has The by law voted on in Peter- last Friday to for the construction of main sewers was defeated by a of to A battle has fought between the rival In which the Government was defeated Nearly men wero killed on each side Three men under for the murder of the bishop of in a railway carriage between and Rome last week to the crime The supremo of the of the has petitioned for the appointment of a receiver It that I in the funds of the order foreign advices state that all rope so fferlog from an hot wave shows no sign of abating In many places is practically suspended and hundreds of deaths are reported Anton Wolff the Berlin banker who failed last year was sen tenced to tea years imprisonment and loss of all civil tight for five years His received a aimilar sentence Mr Palmer an account- Ant accidentally shot himself on Wednesday at Kemps trout pood near Ont while pi acini- his gun in boat He leaves a and four children I Startling to from Contra Africa where the slave- trading Arabs are in revolt against whites and the gravest fears exist for the Dsfety of all European expe ditions and missions the steamer Baltic wai landing her and at Owen Sound on Thursday last a young man nam ed from Toronto had his skull and will probably dle a of the the a great deal of general on Should any of feel to I hops many of will I be glad free to all names sod mile record lowered by Taylor the other day to easily defeated Stephenson the Australian Soulier at rill I a In a three mile by boat lengths Time people were present The strike situation at Thursday night was very grave troops have at the scene of tho trouble The firemen of the tied- up linos- it i Hanks trotted mile at In and wrested the tiis Thomas Kenny the halfmile champion swimmer the American record at dolphin the other day by swimming in minute And the world a reord by making a mil In minutes 26tbs seconds Frank 8avage son of Mr George Savage of Toronto hat been unfortunate this summer About six weeks ago while playing ho tnred his arm With good care it improved and a tew days ego the bandages weref taken off On Mon day last wbiW visiting his mother Richmond Hill he broke tho limb same smoker who fas not yet tried Myrtle Navy tobacco has a new pleasure before him in use of the weed An of twentyfive cents wilt furaUh with thA mean of giving it a fair- tost Lot us him to make thu experiment he will find tho tobacco to be all that its thousands of friends claim for it and they are far from Stingy in thclr praise who use stem threshing should examine their insurance and see it the pcrinit or is attach to or thereon all Insuraow companies now grant a threshing privilege under certain re strictions and conditions audit wnild be well to such conditions bo fore hand so that in tho lc can no for complaint or room for litigate with claimants An truthfully oh- that by watching the adver tising columns of a we enabled to cooditfon of mercantile affair and general prosperity or depression in a iwu where a psper Is published We sit at our desk and pick out live hi- owns all over also the slowand dead town Is no surer Index to town than newspaper It Is a better to go is by men tnan a I r enterprise of and not the site of the buildings makes the town Ton pick up a newspaper and glance We mean oWere deader than rfsln It were Wg V

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