THE p Friday orninji JACKSON agates tj GIVE ME TO KNOW TO TJTTU TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL LIBERTY ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL SIR NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 30 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Aug Strictly in Advance within raos or at end of year UIXKtf Interest Allowed on Deposits cvajckvt DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL Fanner Wore l m promptly to J BOSS Pro s coon CANE KtC- rt Atnf AT WRIGHT Co HEADQUARTERS FOR MILK PAILS STRAINER PAILS CREAM PAILS MILE PANS CREAMERS MILK STRAINERS BARREL DASH CHURNS 50000 RICHMOND Will w llmo or place unj ha fees to sired IN CANADA OOLUMBIA UNITED 8TATKS MANITOBA fwai- rvKSTtSr Ha- Dedal t fjnjfMtf UTTER TUBS UTTER BOWLS UTTER LADLES Washboards Clothes Pins Brooms Baskets all Sizes and Styles American Canadian Coal Oil Blacksmith THE VERY BEST NO SvNcxUForjjthHousd TeJephone Repairing done promptly WRIGHT CO J LICENSES SPRING ft J CLUCK rift tod Life AT Af IN Of Finest nod Corner or ililo 1892 CANADA LIFE CO ESTABLISHED IS- For fir a Main LisiAric4 So to StleTac- 1 TrrcoTirue A A- HAM AY AGENT lor iJj Commercial Hog Stock Compacted lLuesci Itliks Tin Shop or all JAS PROP- DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE CONSISTING OF Bar Iron and Steel and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels and all kinds Garden Tools- Barbed Annealed Galvanized Fence Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS Annual and after llu la force lro J Agent CAUTION EACH OF THE Myrtle Wavy IS MAUKKD DONT FAIL TO SEE OUR yCEHEIJAUCnOSEJiH lbtCnluYork VkMfYiuiuiouieoUwlll stum J IS 0NE GUI UNN THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA AND no lit ELECTRO PLATE CALL AND EXAMINE Will be to show goods and quote prices L ATKINSON NEWMARKET Hell plow lliobe wauled Alt J to AeniB Aurora it the and Lhaltrxit in ib lull of for A WY ARCHITECTS BUILDEBQ Edition of Scientific American A neat hint or Ana roll ilact apcoldcattvr for of chjetaeEifjt a It JHKS8MAKIKO- AUroxs and a J KEY TO HEALTH from Hamilton do rcuotfttptclilly Photos Photos I ATENTSIS appli JWNN who pcflnc and TRADE MARKS the Tat to at J oroewt liJL tie procure A CO Ml G PEPPIATT AVISO fcw Mr to ho MAINTAINING THE LEAD And Kuttotcei to turn oat work In Unlock Iho Tcnues of Bowels Kidneys and Liver and fool Cor recting Acidity of the Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Ws of Dimness of Vision Jaua- wthoinoiiof lu Salt Erysipelas Fluttering of the- Heart Nor- vousness and General tall I many other Mr aim will not bo to flood hood BLOOD BITTERS For alt J cairn Toronto of ft picture will or OIL Copy la but In lot to tflvo Old To Mil pcIa1iIm Id wot free to new la BO TEAK We emptor on Write front to CHASE BROTHERS COT Oat FINE PRINTING Mills THE BEST ROLLER FLOUR Kept Constantly on Hand Chopping Peed eto IK Us fitAt checked by use A Cherry In later of wonderfully relieved by this I ed Pectoral villi Inst in my wonderful preparation my life I bad a constant night greatly and tin bv my One bottle anil a liali J Mi years ago I severely doctor said 1 In consumption tod they could roe tot inc a lut to try Cherry Pectoral After taking two or months l was cureJ and my health remains to present day Several years on home from California by water so severe a for days I to my stateroom and a physician on board considered toy life In danger Happening to have of Cherry Pectoral I used It freely end my soon restored to a healthy condition Since then oration Cherry Pectoral Memory- are la life be forgot KecaUlog them too often a tender spot The sin freely Thioogb mercy lnfiote Since oar Father has forgireo It were better to forget The bitter brought so much It be wUlcm to forgtt As il so long ago The dreadful That filled the heart paid fliuk As we hope to meet again The Thst fall to lot time Shoald be In pest forgot We wonld if we forge The dear before They are to memory Till we meet on the other short Hot the distress we feel When the Wow Would mike life Hid a state no cod Time that blessed healer the flLTiiit And Jeans in tender Binds the broken heart We His gentle It is 1 be not afraid As In our deepest on is And when for a By fslth we pierce the we see our darlings bsppy Oar courage does not falL They are one away to To the paradise To dwell with all is ieac and love And as we note the different la whit they are and We almost long to follow Id all joy to We most not be impatient There is work for to do As we try to do oar share Well keep end view won for Well alone la To make the word efftttua The heart to win know cant be very long Eer He will bid us come To oar work and armor down And teat with Him at home So let work on while we may And in His name bo strong Soon we shall cm our work And live to sing the angels song Newmarket on the part of of What the Old Manilas to say to adopt and j Where Women Dress in a Banana Leaf not our eland American if Of J Co a A kinos tin with cotriN Miller a merchant of Fiji Island ia at the Lb- land with hie wife Mr Miller is on a leisurely journey to hie old home in Scotland making from two to threo at pointa along the way that For twenty he baa lived in the Fiji Islands far down in the southern hemisphere that daily papers grow yellow with age before they reach and where the sight of a white faco an epoch in tho year Fiji Islands are becoming civilized rapidly church and English role can do the work The inhabitants are a goodnatured lot of people who are qnick to learn and who take kindly to certain of the European customs Twenty ago cannibalism still existed upon Islands while now per cent of people are pro fessed Christiana living at and harmony with their fellow men It poor white mans country and a European or an money looking for a new country In which to locate bad better choose ft Land that less not to and from which tho walking is butter Sugar is tho prin cipal industry of but plantations and the sugar roillB are In bands of men living in Australia and whatever profit there is in tho business the country copras and pineapples frank tho order named so far as importance is con cerned but from oar porta to Auckland and other Aus tralian ports makes the growing of these produots rather hazardous from a financial standpoint When firat went to Fiji Islands Islanders were not to far advanced in their Ideas of civilization is at present There was no written language there though the spoken language was both expressive and in its sounds The Wesley an missions established there soon made rinny converts and through them there was made a written language and now per cent of the young men both and write this language Ot coarse there are many who speak a English hut it seems difficult for them to it Twenty years ago there was little cloth except rough native stuff mado from the a plant which grows on resembling horsehair It served its and bad added advan tage of practically fortunate who was possessed of a strip of calico was con sidered in the height of fashion whoa she strolled oat with it wrapped about her Hot cost of It was so great to them that necessarily very frugal In the wearing of It It was nothing uncommon to ate a girl or woman employed as a field hand go to field wearing her precious piece of and when there get behind the friendly shade of a banana plant and exchange it for an improvised one made ot a broad ample banana leaf which is two feet wide and six feet long about her waist The ban ana leaf makes a and comfort- able working costume which costs neither money nor labor In it preparation and which serves Its disposition tho islanders European and troaaere but it is by no means general The are a peaceable honest of people with morals every way better than the inhabitants of most islands in the southern seas They are very cleanly In their per sonal and one need never bo afraid of eating the food they act be fore their visitors They are not particularly thrifty but it is not to be expected when a man can earn enough two months to keep him in comfort it not in luxury for the remaining ten months of the yean By bis I do not intend to convey the idea that the popular theory re garding is trne- that all one needs to do is to open bis month for ripe fruit to drop in When fruits grow in tolerable abun dance they need ft certain amount of The have their yams and plantains their and and there is not much else needed Wages there are very low A field band will receive on no average a day and a laborer in a sugar mill possibly double that sum The Fiji Islands under the con trol of England and a Governor is stationed at the islands When I was there the firat time in the aborigines were in control of their own lands with chiefs over the sev eral tribes Oakabau the greatest of the chiefs in point of following was ruler over the island of Vita which means Big Fiji and about the year European came to the country They saw the possibilities of a kingdom and through romeBchemoindnoedOalcabaa be the A crown was made a handsome affair of sheet tin with coffin orna ments which 1 was told recently by the man who it coat and waa duly invested with the gaudy toy and clothed in of a king which the way was cut from a bolt of King bkabao kept job for about seven though throne a little shaky at times becauso of the discon tent of an almost equally powerful chief In or thereabouts the islands formally ceded to Great Britain and have slnoo been under English control a sort of coinci dence John one of the men who originated a king dom with at its head who came to the island as second mate of a sailieg vessel and at once became a photographer has now become Sir John Thurston Governor of the Islands The investment for the tin crown with the coffin ornaments proved a paying in Daily One of peculiar things to be noticed in the landlord and tenant line ia the fact that many landlords no matter how good the of their property may bo absolutely re fuse to make any repairs put on a little paper or a small quantity of paint and as a result the tenant that bin promptness in payment his of the property is appreciated and he moves ont Whats the result Before the land lord secures another tenant ho has to do exactly what the former ono de sired often We have a case in point a tenant lived in the for five years paying his rent in advance all the time plaster fell off of the kitchen of a faulty roof but landlord would it the tenant did The ranter after four reaideoco asked to have two rooms papered j the owner wouldnt do it he wouldnt put a pump in the cistern nor water in the yard The tenant moved after having paid for the use of the house It was idle for months the owner had to paint the house iufiide and out paper it put in Water build a new fence and thuri rented it for lees per year than the old occupant was paying Occasionally It no doubt the case that tenants unreasonable in their demands they want repairs all the time j but of ten landlords savo at spigot lose at the bung by re fusing to make email outlays on their property when they have a good tenant They forget that people do not live as they did or years ago They want conveniences they want comforts they want pleasant surroundings and are willing to pay a fair compensation for them The- landlord who furnishes necessaries who it with good grace is the landlord whoso are seldom vacant Look around you and Bee if wo have not stated the truth Wilson Star lib tail Rev A- Bedford and family have returned from their visit to England Mr Bedford gave an address on his to England at toe pionio held on July 13th in Mr grove Mr Wilkinson and family returned from their visit to Muakoka Mr Arthur who for some time past has boon practicing with met with a a few days ago he waa thrown from a hone and broke collar bono Union Street Miu our former teacher bus been a lew day friend here Kennedy of spending holiday at Mr David Milters Mr and Mrs and family of Toronto are pending a few days at hi fathers May Tanner of Barrio has returned home after having spent a months with her Mrs Old All had better take advice he been giving to old and boat up a female the best get picked out aurora A Slight Error He came into countingroom and left an advertisement which read Ten lady typewriters wanted state Apply by letter to A Oo Then he went out and four days lator he back matter with paper ho the clerk Nothing I know Did yon put that ad of mine in Of Didnt you see it No I havent had to look it up but I havent had a reply you aura yon put it in The clerk got down and turned to There it in ho whirling paper around so advertiser could sea It He read it over carefully and his lighted up No wonder I didnt get any answers ho said curtly Whats matter with ill asked the clerk banting it around him Read it commanded the adver tiser and clerk read Ton lady typewriters wanted ages Apply by letter to A Co apologized made the correction next day Adver tiser received replies and still coming Matches Pins Matches and pins being among the most common things in dally use it Is tti At any bo- stowed upon them Matches that ignited by friction were firat made in which they were made to catch tiro from a spark struck flint or steel a very In convenient method It fa hard to say how many millions of matches are made in a day but when the number of people that them fa reckoned the total sum is appalling Probably In city of New York alone over twenty million matches every twentyfour hours But matches such little things that nobody ever seems to think of them From ordinary threo Inch plonk matches may bo made yet even At that rate lumber need in the mutch attains enormous Fins are mentioned far hack as 1483 but not until the beginning of this century manufactured by machinery old way of mak ing each pin by band must have been very tedious and it Is not likely that people so careless with them then as Ihey wore much more pensive than now It has often been wondered what becomes of the pins are lost but Is hard to say There are fourteen distinct operations In making a pin and lots of trouble attached to the process Pins are of brass and then tinned and and millions of them are dally As a pin be used more than once the number used does not equal that of matches bat still miles upon miles of wire are used annually In their manufacture Like matches they are little things and not thought much of but when need a pin or match and there none to bo found then yon realize what an Important part they play in dally life- florpsV Treading Water Young The easiest position that a man a woman or a child can assume in water is to float perpendicularly Any person without any previous can tread water and so keep afloat for a long time Ho should keep bands below the surface of the water his lungs inflated feat moving up and down- as in walking Let man overboard throw his hands and out of the water let him raise an where by the air ib expelled from the lungs and he will sink to bottom The trouble is that nine people out of ten lose their presence of mind when they are in water out of depth for the first If instead of struggling and floundering about they would do a littlo walking there would not be the slightest danger of drowning right away Any one can tread water in the first attempt No preliminary teach ing Is necessary Treading water is simply walking into the water out of ones depth with or without the aid of ones hands The operation Is not unlike upatairs and if anything easier Truly- any man any any child who can walk can walk In water and remember on the first attempt with out any previous instruction or prac tice- Hence I say that persons really ignorant of the art of swimming are perfectly in water out of their depth Very often you hear people exclaim Ugh I if this boat were to upsot Id drown of course I cant swim you know Yea but you can tread water Moat of us attach a significance to word swim Why should we mean thing when a roan swims and another or different thing when dog swims The dog cannot swim as a man swims but any man can swim dog fashion in- and for first time aniuwl has no advantage in any way in water over and yet the man drowns the swims dog the hone tho cow and the cat all take to water and to walk as they do when out water Throw a dog into the stream and at once ho to walk as ho does on dry land Why should a man woman or child act differently like stances It seems strange that people have to bo told what tio animals do instinctively and instantly Mans ignorance of bo simple a thing as treading water is remarkable ft Is without reason or excuse There is a popular notion afloat in some way the dog and the animals have an advantage over man in water No thing could be farther from the truth The lies wjth mn who Is provided with a paddleformed hand and knows enough to float wben tired something animal rarely or never does Next to treading water floating on the back Is tho easiest tMog to do In water This consists In lying flat on back head thrown well back the lungs inflated the limbs extended but flexible the arms held close to tho ears the bands over the head majority people able to themselves in the water prefer to float In a horizontal position rather than In a perpendicular manner Both positions are bettor in fact much safer than the attitude that we assume in swimming I have found it One day in a rough surf I was nearly strangled with a sudden swallow of water and had I not been able to float the result might been Of candidates who wrote at the recent Entrance Examinations in Aurora passed The breaking of an incandescent lamp in Forsyths music store on Tuesday evening caused a break in the leaving part of the town in darkness During the thunderstorm which passed this place last Wednes day forenoon the residence of Mrs Andrews on Centre St waa by lightning on the cast side was struck the fluid down the inside of the flue until it reached the stovepipe which it fol lowed until it reached the stove in the room below It then passed along the- floor tearing it reached the side of the room after which no trace be fouud Mrs Andrews was in the room in which the stove was and received a severe shock Miss Andrews who was in adjoining hall con siderably stunned It is a great wonder both ladies were not killed Canada After Another Cen tury Before I clow wish to drop a into the future as men drop pebbles into deep wells to see what echo they return I wish to try to conceive the destiny of this country towards the of the twentieth century whose threshold we have al most reached As I have stood on the boundless prairies of the West I seemed with To tread of i Of jet to M fint low Rub or roll a sea behold in my minds aye a aooro of provinces Urge enough for an old world empire stretching from sea to sea I doubt not that the child is yet living who shall hand on the childs head who shall see 100000000 of people living on the broad and fertile area of our great Northwest a great free and happy people dwelling in peace and prosperity from the folds of that red cross banner which is the symbol of liberty for in clime Not merely Kail- way but half a dozen shall stretch the continent the Oc cident and the Orient along which shall throb the pulses of renowned as marts of trade throughout the world shall stand thick along these highways of the nations The ohurch and school house those pioneers of civilization shall crown every hilt If that is tone ours out of the past and present it must grow that goodly structure to be realized we ma it lay broad and deep and sure and stable its foundation in those princi ples of integrity and righteousness which are the sore defence of nations These shall bo the pledge of the per manence of our institutions these shall the cornerstone of our na tional greatness We owe much to the men who century ago laid the foundations of this com monwealth We must build thereon in the same spirit of reverence for Gods laws by which they were characterized It Is our proud boast that nowhere on earth is the Sabbath Day so honored as in this land no where is the sauotity of the family so maintained There have not been I believe divorces in years this broad Dominion Nowhere is there a public press of pnrer charac ter or ot higher Without undue selflaudation we may say of our country Hippy is tbs whose is the Lord yes happy is the that is in such a Rev Dr in his address in Snowball Mrs George and daughter Annie are down with typhoid fever and have been lying very low but we are pleased to learn are slow ly improving May they soon bo again Mr Geo Ranks boy who only two days died with in flammation last Thursday evening and was interred on Saturday last in Aurora Cemetery The members of the Methodist here have organized a Bible claw on Sunday evenings and it well attended Visitors we have noticed amongst us Mr Stratford Mr Rush Eliott To- rente Miss W J Johnston Mount Albert On Friday afternoon lost Mr T K Ferguson raised his large barn There were about one hundred and twentyfive men present and every thing went together in good shape speaks well for Mr the contractor The barn is with twentyseven feet posts with broken roof and when completed will bo one the largest barns in tbta section The carpenters are poshing it forth in order to put present in Suffocated By Sulphur Gas Aug A fatal accident occurred here yester day at the natural gas well being sunk by Bros A few days ago a flow of sulphur water was struck interfering with the work Yesterday morning one of the hands named Fitzgerald went dawn in the pit at the month of the well which Is eight feet in depth to en large the hole In casing to allow water to more quickly Ho had been down but a short time when the men at the top noticed something wrong with him James another one of the workmen immediately to bis assist ance but bad no sooner got down when he himself called to be pulled up Another man with a noosed rope down and slipped it over Fitzgeralds legs but could do nothing more and had to be drawn up himself so deadly was the sul phur gat Fitzgerald had to be drawn op by a hook no one being able to remain long enough below to do anything Ho was dead when taken out having been down only about seven or eight minutes Dennis had still some life in him and after about three hours working with him he regained con solo us nets Harry Brothers of Wood- bridge employed on the steamer fell overboard at the Ham ilton wharf and waa drowned Aug James Per- son of Andrew Round Like taking one of the horses to water The little fellow twisted the halter strap bis wrist when suddenly horse got frightened and sprang back drawing the noy from his feet horse then dashed off dragging the boy along the ground After run ning about five the baiter broke and when the child picked up it found that he dead Ml skull having been Fathers of Upper Canada f ESN CORN I rate is on the A Prince Albert man has fallen heir to left by a relative In Denmark and costs in all have been imposed on each of the hotel keepers of Alliston for infraction of the license law Of the 30000 criminals in German prisons were arrest ed for crimes committed under the influence of intoxicating drinks And yet it is continually asserted that beer and wine do not degrade I Buffalo Aug Mrs Fillmore celebrates her birth day tomorrow was born in this country and lived under- every President it has had Her husband the licensed Methodist min ister in Western Hew York By the crude petroleum and a heat of degrees acting on white hot horizontal flues Chicago is burning daily sixty tons of tbo worst garbage collected in the city and all the ashes remapping at the end of cremation of decayed fish moat dead dogs and refuse could be taken away in ono cart The procesA is without odor If you have a bad headache cut a lemon into Tub them along yonr temples The pain will not be long in growing easier to bear If a bee or an stings yon clap a few drops of lemon on spot you will find yourself better If you have a troublesome corn the lemon can again be put to good account by rubbing It on the toe after you have taken a warm bath and cut away aa much as possible of the troublesome Many a man Is rich without money Thousands of men nothing In their pocket and thou sands without even a pocket are rich A man born with a good sound con stitution a good stomach Rood heart and good limbs a pretty good head piece Is rich Good bones are better thin gold tough than silver that flash fire and carry energy to every function are better than a house and land It is better than a landed estate to have the right kind of a father and mother Messrs Son are often asked to sell their Myrtle Navy to retail dealers They never in any case do so and for the best of reasons The whole sale trade of the country have a dis tributing which handles the Myrtle Nay without any addition to Its permanent If the were to under take that work as would by selling to the retail trade would require an independent machinery the whole of which would have to be borne by the the tobacco sales and of course it wonld fall upon the consumer Selling to the whotessle trade alone la there- fore for the benefit and ia a convenience to the retail trade because every traveller who in grocery line can take orders for a