Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Jul 1892, p. 2

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JULY Advertisements Bargains Bros and Tea A- Smith J Millard Voters List A J Notice Teeth Mr Fisher Home to Rent J Barege Coat Found J A UP I PUT WITH EACH Fox one It bath iutifj a ih faifa to for lb of and tin Jf all iccr be leg This will oat of lbs The Era is Printed all at Home xo Minn FRIDAY JULY Toronto to Bra Toaoxro Ja1j iron mile SAtardij of Holland on night Jumping Into the Dos hid of work He who Is In bed two Thi Wen owned tint he to fcr a Hamilton and Tbe body of pilot of Toronto in of an on morning Be bid been drinking the of ftn in the r BUkf the of Elite ron hilled it Pipe ftTtoae morning boy it Toronto on the of Jane kit con to Win of notorUty hid no of the ftathorltlee to tend to the to In 1S91 ftcocedlnfe to bora of Ontario of OTfiy n of per cent ora la number cat of onif on laonaM of one per cthL JSS1 total of bom throQghoat the Dominion Ax into JdiI Sheriff Saltan of Walk fceeo The ImtfuLuiti of ftf to be In tfao fterriM of In crlxobel ud Mr by tba Attorney of the and sow doing Not as Represented Ox tho of Six Oilier bill to the ma of by came Into the not of of the irottM of mating It tha for 1892 will be for In the of or Daring the part of May it heralded through he of this country that a deputation had on Premier Abbott at Ottawa to the claims of for Government aid Taking for granted that the announce ment of the purpose of the deputation was tme and without waiting for facta and particulars quite a number of aired their re- epecting church and elate connection not forgetting to denounce the for attempt ing to get a pull at the Dominion treasury for sectarian It now turns out that Method church baa never received one dollar from the Government for has never applied for financial aid for stated and not intend to do This declaration made by the organ of that body and no allay the agitated fears not alone of thoee who stand oppos ed to the principle of church and state connection but of those church organization who went so far as to memoralite Government against using public funds for sectarian purpose The Outlook furnishes following supplementary facts to the preu die- patches published some time ago and which we doubt not will be regarded as satisfactory to the general reader Canadian Government is under treaty with theJndians to maintain Frivols on the reserves and in pur- this treaty has provided Industrial lnstituUa at certain places Experience has developed fhe fact that in many instances this work can bo more effectually carried on through the churches than in any other way Hence schools of the requisite grade are by any the Indian Department pro vide for part of the cost instead of- the whole as they would have to do if the churches did not cooperate far as Indian schools in connection with the Methodist church are con cerned the situation says the this Wo the vest import ance of having teacher whoso moral influence will be good and for the of appointing the teacher we agree to pay half bis salary but the school in every is a pub lic school open Ho Government in spection and under same regu lations as those carried on entirely tho Indian Department This statement of the situation a feature upon the and a true knowledge of facts would have saved many of the nowspapera homilies that followed the announcement of proposed interview between a deputation from the Methodist church and Premier Abbott But touching the object of deputation itself wo may the only purpose they had In view was to urge upon Government the early completion of two Indus trial Institutes in North- West now being built management of which fa to be under persons named by tho Methodist Missionary Society just as is done In other casts by the Catholics and of England this the whole atory writ for an election for Man to fill by Mr Watson to accept a portfolio Government on Saturday Nomination is fixed for tail and polling day one weak later Hon Senator has left Ot tawa for cirque if e and has It that If Liberal placed In nomination candidate he Hat In and cootattthe flection as a free trader is the wait of Ontario in the that a Reformer tho general election A good deal of Inter- eft i taken in this Tub Bofftio AVer remarks I enjoy your Dominion Day in tha Hamilton come Canadians to Boffalo when you go to spend make hotelkeepers and of Buf falo rich- But if one of you with dinner in hand went over there to earn a cDple of dollars machinery of greatest nation on earth would bo put In motion to firo you out of the country so quickly you wouldnt know how done Welcome Canadian when yon want to give as Get oat when you want money When ailfwl to bo opened op or wid- in Toronto or Toronto Junction the a bylaw to the and premier more or lets benefited thereby- The or on mtkee a report naming turn jyabla by each owner of land considered and a day is fired for hearing ap- by the court of from to be aaMBsed Is the only reasonable tray of opening cat new where land- their duty in laying opt their property commend this action tbe consideration of oar council la deal ing with similar applications whole town has no be atMesed for tbe It takes three pages of Toronto Junction Tribune to Treasurers of for lexes and only coiers arrearages for three years list embraces pearly different lots sad apart from tone of apology in which the melees allusion to this sale It affords of the boom effects in its factory Riporter intimates many people interested are debating which be the cheapest- pay up taxes or give up it remembered tbe town ha a population considerably a of Iota to be for taies la a pretty severs commentary en land specula tion In that municipality POINTS PLEASANTLY was the Editor TO JUWDT It Is will prorogue for a of political of Mr East York a two rate upon f Ontario was voted down by a of to v Only 20 members with to the of a Toe Imperial Parliament was Jut wk and a election Is now on A procUsasUoo of official Parliament to S fth the will take Indloatloiia 0 the defeat of the Tory It announced that the Belt Una Bait way to be for next As a that tie of Town North To- root will from thsdlndran doable to such fcCsLtl Campbell spent over at St Mr Aurora was a fait Friday Mr El Oliver of Toroqto wea up for the holiday Mr fitp of was In town I Day Mr Silver of Toronto was In town Mr of Toronto In town last A town lira Dr Norman of Klog was ia town yesterdsy Mr home from the city John Baraga making her mother a at Stay net Wallace Is spending a wllh friends at Key J of was two or week Mr the 1st at of his Mr and Mr Crown and Mr Marker of Toronto spent yesterday at the Bowery Mies of Aurora wu a frw days I ait week with Jane J family were to torn way to Kfngttcs Mr of son of Mr Hiram wu Day MUs Madden Kelly of Toronto were at Mrs Gallaghers lut Friday Mr and Mrs on Towday to take In one of the Mrs of Toronto Dominion Day at her old home Held of Boston spending a few wotki town with her mother Mrs J Brigleyts horns from Colling- wood where ho had a school the put months John teacher In the Separata gone to for the Mr Setb Crone from New York City on a making Taylor headquarters Bmltb of Buffalo and Mr Frank of Torohto were home Dominion Day at Lewis Hand and of rem at a few day Mr Toronto of Newmarket to ate the toys on Dominion Day Aaa and of Toronto were IriOn at Mr Oyroi Tonga St last week Mr Angus Williams Is back bom township for weeks from school room aid his jar Kiss Mabel returned from Maria Out Mm Rowland dangbtsi of Mr Allan Sr and cobs from Tuesday on a visit Mr A J writes from Baa Fran cisco that they are having lovely weather and abundance of Mr and wife of Youngs- town tha 4th of July his fa lh Miss of Toroato formerly of this town gone to laland Moskoka for a of Mr family of To are visiting at Mr A Davidsons Mr Is expected up tomorrow Mr Bert Wiley wife and child of To- cams up on Thursday and spent over Sunday at Mr Alfred Bradford Mrs Millard and brother Mr Proctor of Newmarket wen visiting at Mr a Elliotts week Vernon of Uxbridge and Smith daughter of John Begin are visiting at old on at Mr Mark Graham formerly of Sharon Is a till In tha land of the living We got a paper from him yesterday from Seattle Washington Territory Mr and of To Miss Hat 1 and the Gallagher and boys were among tbs visitors here Friday Warner and Lloyd got from on report largeat gathering over held In Canada about wheels In pro Esq P and family of Toronto will move to farm on at next week whan we may are our In town a little mors fre quently Mr who reosntly re turned from Manitoba mads a visit Friday with Mi sister- Inlaw Mrs R McLaughlin They had not each other for Mlu is horns from Strange whera aha been teaching on a 3rd expects to tako another at High Sohool here and try for a Claw certificate Mr Dixon of The Manufacturer Life and Accident InsaranosCx Toronto aud are guests this week of Mr at their Mr Hachinwn agent for thstwork Life of Hon Alax Mao- humored from Toronto and taken No In Alma Ho is agent for all kinds of books and will bo at homo Saturday Mr and Mrs Smith of Toronto former a brother of Mis J Millard spent the 1st and following few at Mr Hubbard a young medical of Toronto also a Sunday lenorand went to Toronto this attend ths Army and wscoms to and Mrs Herbert the third an of Ha appelated Commander- of Canadian forces to Thr Sunday Convention of Inniafit Township a S held the Central Church week wu a grand clip following from report sent to tbo Smllbrof msrke wu also present and rendered valuable during tbe Ha is worker in interest of father of this aseerilion It is with much we unties bat both Howard and Millard ael their are now through at the Model School lu Toronto daughter of Mr Alex Millard formerly of Newmarket to ore or- Generals Medal whfeb is the highest award given This makes four years in that she out head her claw la a soo of the lata Millard of Strut of rota on of When ad tho rig with lu lo the long tho There Itillec Inilda bo J tie or too or Id- a of who were oa top Mr Belfry of Mr J town who I now nd the arm put out of The but and for ere likely to to catered egtnit the Union Street to will greatly impaired and rojoltft lot of poor will be to rod Mr Jacob Smith erecting a now bank barn took four to ralie Long TAarooto on old friend day A week ago lut night an bonu to t ted oil fifth Oar can now prac tical painter in person Mr A lady of afreet took In an exonrtlon recently in company with a gent from King While the train stopped at one of the on the line Johnny Rot off to get a In the meantime the train started and as a retail Johnny got left and had to a man to drive him to the Landing walk ed the rest of the way home fc King Christian intends holding their map teameeting ia Mr grove near the church band will famish We are glad to see the taking charge of his again Mr Lewis from bis recent illness One new brick Is progress ing masons expect to have the brickwork done this week Tha Dakar Hill Sunday School held their annual in Alfred Bakers on afternoon of of July 1st A very time wu spent Our farmors are looking for hayweather Brown and Mr- Henry Smith were made happy week They were each presented with a young son Upward of Orange man are expected to part In the demonstration on the Twelfth The son Victor of EL has A fi trout In the P Jaa a worth been lent for trial charged with robbing Grand D0BSE8 GOING NORTH TO MAIN STREET toiro cm bay mar any sod on from lot If la Sri pern of en Joly a lofonnaUOn to reoorory bo OAT D- The annual Garden Party and Festival in with the Presbyterian School held on Tuesday evening termin ated very successfully the proceeds amounting to The grounds were decorated with torches lanterns Ac while the entertainment was rendered from the verandah of the Manse presided over by Dr of Strange Addresses were delivered by Bets of Weston Millar of and A of Maple solos by Miss and dueiU by Mr I Brown nd J Slnolalr The brass band whose popularity loch that comment is wu present and made the evening a most enjoyable one Toe Rev Mr who fau been of the Methodist here during the put two years preached his farewell sermon on Sun- day evening to a largo and apprecia tive audience Mr left on Wednesday morning for his new field of labor accompanied by the good wishes of many friend around Miss A OBrien left on Wed nesday for About men met at the farm of Mr Joseph Redman and with their combined erected the frame structure of a barn the dimen sions of which are with ft on a atone well ft high When completed it will be one of the finest barns in bis neighborhood Among the transient visitors wo notice Mrs S Toronto of Toronto at J Her Miss of and Miss Colter and of J Boys party whole it Robber Br cm get MAO t A lor this Life Around lull Point aT Every house at Point is full now with campers It is reported here that the Town ship Council a bylaw to the effect wilt not be allow- on the roadside in future In that case what will become Aurora Mr Alfred Webb of Toronto Is home for his holidays Mr and Mrs Hess of Toronto spent the 1st at Wm on way to They expect them back this week Mr Scott preached to the Christian on 3rd Sunday afternoon Where the usher a week Sunday night that he did not Invite those two Into the church Mr Joseph of Toronto is spending a few days in Mr Silas lost a line colt Monday morning Mount Albert Tho garden party held on Friday wu a grand success Proceeds is a wedding looked for this week Mrs Hubbard died on Sunday She was a great sufferer for two weeks The remains were taken burial on Tuesday She two sons and two daughters Mr N OBrien is lying at the point of death I notice a young man from the west pays oar village frequent visits mult be some attraction at the Two thoughts go welt together tbe Dominion and th Sabbath School national hopes in both and the grand gathering here laat Friday a loyal celebration of our anniversary of Confeder ation We are exceedingly thankful that Providence gave us such a day making the picmo a grand success noon tbe various schools began to arrive on the grounds Linton Presbyterian first Methodist second followed with their band Then came Tottenham Mount Wolf 8th line Norman line Proctor line King with detachment from Bond Newtown Rob inson line and Among the man superintendents present we noticed Mr Wilson of Pino Orchard President of Whitchurch Asso ciation At oclock there was a rush for the drill shed and some was required to seat the children It is estimated that over 1200 scholars and about adults present Rev the president called meeting to order tho dox- was song led by Brass Band and opened by prayer Short addresses by looil clergy and Mr superinten dent of Moth School well received Mr Alfred Day Secretary of SS Assn then gave a timely address on Childhood the Battle ground of the Kingdom His illus trations were wellselected and elo quently pot and address all through will bo very helpful- to of work Rev J W of Action apoke upon The coming and acquitted btmselt most admirably It wu a very address Both speakers were greeted by hearty play bo The singing by the Sabbath children led by the Band under the direction of ftlr J exceedingly well done Mr J M Why to of Why to Bros sustained reputation as a firstolau vocal 1st giving several fino selections and the Misses Joy quartette acquitted to the of tho The whole program mot with hearty approval and before closing with God Save the Queen a col lection amounting to takon up The wan loyalty patronized by remaining over for evening meeting com rising groups from Be ton am Bond Head berg and Both the and singing wero a great attraction for the evening and ticket selling did not cease till were sold crowd wis gathering Baud played sev eral very fine selections The lecture was by Rev A Bald win of Toronto on Pointers for the People and he kept the audience in continuous laughter The singing of Messrs Why to and Brown and tbe Joy wu de servedly encored Proceeds A unanimous vote of thanks wu given to speakers and singers and also band for their ef ficient services The committee and more especial ly the Secretary is greatly Indebted to Messrs Ham- Mills P teacher and local clergy for their In things comfortable for the visiting schools the most successful ever held In From the way things are moving It looks u though people expected a hot ware to strike and right they are took for it next week so the weather prophet says How does the pleasant change of weather catch yon Queen Street seems to be a favor- drive with the codfish of North York and it really does present a fine just now From the proud air with which the surveys the progress of the new we take it for granted he is satisfied with the way work Is progressing Bare enough it does begin to show up well Our teacher decided to his instruction and travel for a Piano and Organ Goodbye for hes jolly good fellow While trifling with a revolver on Saturday night farmer Robinson near Sharon unfortunately shot his wife In the hip doctors failed to locate the ball The patient wu removed to Toronto hospital this week As Is usually the cue the innocent have to suffer from the folly of others Ben of Sharon north added a veranda to his residence go he can now in the shade on hob days I Our Queen Street dominies Smith and Large were severely hurt at foot ball at Holland Arthur his knee be ing severely wrenched With the friendly aid of a crutch he is now limping around By way the ladies gathered round to see the boys seem to be popular with the fair sex Together with many others we ac cepted invitation to celebrate the 1st at Holland Landing Consider ing the at Newmarket and Aurora there a fairly good days sports All the worthies of the town council and all including Mayor were there The old residents teem to living oyer their childhood again as they sit on the logs beneath the anchor and dream of the days of yore when was a town de Oh fallen grandeur Oh departed greatness 1 Would that weoould recall thee again soems to be their wish The childrens races under charge of Mr teacher who seemed to have the and confidence of the little ones and the football match were the chief amusements of the day The Junction boys who are a gentle manly lot won from Holland Landing players three goals to a duck egg worst feature of the was two gents who made them selves by being intoxicat ed with the charms of a of swamp angels of unsavory reputation Boys yon cant play with a black stiok without getting black yourself Your friends their eyes on you We should judge by the reports of the jolly jokers of that some of the natives had been dining on sour mash and green cheese to make them dream such awful things Ask the joke cracker If a fellow attended every garden party and other entertain ments that are it would make a big holo in a hundred dollars wouldnt it 1 Old Know All POUND or kudo tot on many lots of goods in all the departments before and while removing to the store formerly occupied by Messrs J Millard Co 67 Main Street I I THE BUILDING MRS Bhop brick St alt Hill baft Doom tod and Altera to J VOTERS LIST 1892 contains Basement and Three Floors which we will fill with a stock of 30000 Dollars worth of goods marked in plain figuers at prices not to be heat by any City Town or Village in Canada each feet long Thirty Thousand of TV OF THE OP YORK DURING THE UPSET you will find a lot of Very Cheap Irish Table Linens and Napkins among the many lines reduced in price to clear oaf- of the Way Gome early in the morning and In dj Act to bo Did by that I have trans to roaa M iAdS of or dollrcrcd of uLd Ac- ill It At flrtpQitdtjpt log to Dttcd to oUUd to role AssMtnbly and and Ihit uld won VoIBm it Kilt i of U93 open other error of J A A IttifEMtanUUmhUtfTp TlfBr Exeoutors Notice NOTICE loputvussiico creditor sad igsUmllho that all Estate of Joshua Bogart Of to York who or about day of Juno IBM pott to Newmarket for ecu tor of told fciUlcraoatof ddreaio fall their tho bo Mm oo or before And that at the Mid to dlitrlbnto the Mtd tho to Claim which they bar bad and tho Mid lata or an part thereof to aoj or or not or STARR J Their Solicitor Iianlan defeated in ft threemite race at Hartford Monday The time fa 18 See Our BARGAINS IN JHMILLARD Telephone Connection radio on Jo ft Tho of of wife of of to John of lh of on tho of Albert to Tomb John mot BiONst of Jan and mo- CHINA HALL J it all pfOOjpt fctUnlloo Fall prepared for the preserving SUGAR Do know quali ties too good I and St Lawrence Makes ONLY Thoy are best per cent Soger that you get It I IT Brown Sugars 10 Gross comprising and pints Popular prloos TEA Is whet I msko a of as my 30a or for proves Its Also and can give extra fine for money CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE DINNER SETS TEA SETS TOILET SETS The jeadlng Grocery Noted for Good Goods R A SMITH St Timothy J CASH AND ONE PRICE Wte SdbeHiseh6its I I BARGAJNSt We are still selling that wonderful value in tea We guarantee it equal to any tea sold in town at cents or refund your money OUR PRICE IS ONLY CENTS PER POUND BRUNTON BROS AND SUGAR We have sold tons of GRANULATED SIGAR and still liave plenty left we are Baying at PER recognize BRUNTON h ws DRESS GOODS Wo are offering the Choic est and Most Complete Stock of Drees Goods We im ported goods ourselves and can and do save you the middle mans profit Sensible people the fact that it docs not pay to buy shoes simply because are low priced If you consider the quality of the Boots and Shoes we are sell ing per cent less than any house in the trade and guarantee every pair We buy our Boots and Shoes direct from the makers and wo buy only from the most reliable manufacturers Price and quality guaran teed right every time BROS We most exten sive stocjf of and Tweeds of Toronto for cash direct and we can a suit of clothes the beet style as others charge for clothing i 1 all boug from make got up cheap slop BROS SJ

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