Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Jul 1892, p. 2

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war JULY 1892 t Moving Roche Older Men A Notice Geo Wight of Martin J JA UTS WITH The Era Is Printed all at dm ruts Mint FRIDAY JULY 1 Oar Toronto JiWwoJ io A Era 30 And Mrs their flrtt reception nun A on the her to Half a know CTOt Alter hour of doctors and bis a elicited bo and now world Prof held strand J rehired by Major end Cornell JCUfr no At hotel for diphtherial bar JddgB WMI6 at Ml Kith attack fortaoVtlj If now oat of of the while Upper week died Monday A walking oTbt a picket bo clipped astride Ibo tij Ufa dot paired of St awa7 be front A reduction a a abut at and action for aaloit brother on of all JcbDyEndto aged athletic killed Fri day derrick HE ABOUT Tax the cf Mr Arch for been withdrawn llama In the to the we for a to Sir John lfaodonald afid for the Fair ft News cornea from that w to the Stata bj of Mr Ud lion A Sled in the alec Lion the tttarn Mr- mamter for North Perth alio a in don Ith Jectign Floods hare fMffol aod ad an ban with water and a or DJomi is a iuturb of Chicago of item Helen Donald of Cornwall by the Ontario Got- eramenl to bo of ho Surrogate of Sloftnonl and Id it annooocd of been and a foerel election ordered organ at Win date of Axed for and wk later The between the and will be s At for the in on Tneaday elected boat Mr Mhriaj Liberal who at the e lectio by At that wen two in field Thb of the Committee of appointed by Conocil was aimply to with Solicitor cross- no power was to a trip to Ottawa That a little better face on it will now whj Solicitor an extra grant of Ma and physician At the Home an extra I i i i i t c t it a I P Oil en That Canal Toll Now York Sun growing im patient over Canada to ac cept what the editor of journal inevitable an negation Alluding to the reciprocal trade it citable reciprocity with Canada at and if tbe Sun own way thero eqnUabl or present or and K Morally but reality President a rr induces thwo After alluding to petty of welfare Sb bewail that will ho poorer when it cornea knocking for adtniuioa tbo Republican Union having strength to draft to door and its and plaint to get in Ho then up tie lamentation that continues to ft policy towards State tbo competition Now very tad and it all come to be- of canal toll Our owners carrying grata in through Wei In ad from great wheat tbo eastward that if II trAothippiog point Canadian porta our people from employment that a certain rebate in be made no her vessel Canadian or allow- owners of vet eels who tranship porta There nothing Tolls are alike both to American and but country iu to SAKiNOofthe a froio Win- that to politi cal polling day approach now no that will bo la Major hating intimated at Morris that of next month be polling day and great victory sat no in field in three a Mr Win of town thla at n town Monday and Era a call Tbo people of bia aw vary anriooa to a mill of a at On of weok lb J Chief Rug Ancient for YotV paid an to Court King in a floortihlng Dr decided to locale In ClaTeland Ohio Ha the with a college record and we no that will mala a of Ha left on A cablegram to on afternoon announced of Iht ft on board and family and ilr Win Bnckte Splendid was the condi tion in which they armed Mr A StarrttwbocameloKewmar to learn printing going from here to Toronto married on nib to Kim Annie Moore of Toronto fonnerly of Acton El wood Scott a from Indiana will bo In attendant nut Sabbath at the morning and ereiiingaerTtoea in tbe meeting Jowph Coaand tha Japan will girt a public at place on beginning at Mr Frank Dow MO of Mr Wo an energetic and obliging man baa decided to go into the on a Urge and wiah him the Ha baa gone to Thomas this week to also that of Amos Rogers to get Mr S as a of the which of done by a In town on the 1Mb of June It wind TheMtimated loca to property while one nun killed by falling and mora than a Friend appears to hate lota well aa injury W under its the following who li in town dar ing the duration met with a accident on While riding In company with Bead- more aba was thrown her bona Dr Strange was summoned from brigade head- and upon that she a of the Mr bean it tome time returned borne Birth the of Mr George Wall e of ft ton Mr Robert Jrli of pent with and Jennie friend at Vine Orchard Mr of Holt occupied the pulpit on and delivered a Mr of Toronto a few daft In A number of from this are the entrance exam ination Mr and Mr Toole left for Toronto lut morn ing Martha Fletcher San- day with friend at FlDDS Cedar Valley funeral of attended and Rev of Albert preached a aennon Mr Philip who a leaae of the property which In clude the pond has made application to Government to have fry placed therein Thero has been ipeckled trout fiihing here in the past bat the pood about ran out Hope he aabertisehjeijfs himself and frienda who In to Elder plans to to think to ud fit o aot the of bis MARTIN Mr A Sunday at his home in Newmarket Mr Hopper a few with his brother Mr Geo Hopper of Mr Jamea Hopper Sunday at Aurora Mr and Moore of pent Sunday at Mr Millera Several from place attended at Pine Orchard and report very meeting Haying boa commenced Mr did the Grit catting on Friday laat Dame rumor our blacksmith is away getting himself a bride Who knows bat that It true at the has again broken up Who will be the new again the cry most of the farmers are getting work done thia week And their Pine Orchard We went to Orillla on with the from Sutton and saw the great lacrosse match played between which was ft splendid match and were fortunate enough to not get hit with any of the eggs thrown at the crowd da the boat as it left the wharf We thought this was very strange treat ment as we are confident every on board the boat behaved themselves while in town and gave no cause of offence whatever Several eggs were thrown and both ladies and fieatle- were hit and their clothes be smeared We do not suppose that it was done with the knowledge or con sent of the respectable of bat as this was hot the first time same thing occurred we thick it is time that the authorities should see that their rowdies are kept away from the wharf on such occasions j aud as there an and a lockup at and as the parties who threw the mast be fit Inmates for one or the other they might be easily care of Hay crop In this locality Is rather light The for a good yield of wheat ore not getting any better Fall wheat is quite rusty Miss Nellie of Toronto la visiting at home this week Cider Press AQOOD CMer Dower all aUachtnintsk Will with or without Con- p TO THE INHABITANTS OF VICINITY GOING NORTH TO MAIN that on and After 1st at WIGHT i oclock on on many lots of goods in all I I I the departments before and while removing to the store formerly occupied by Messrs J Millard Co Main Street THE contains Basement and Three Floors each 100 feet long which we will fill with a stock of 30000 Thirty Thousand Dollars worth of goods marked in plain figuers at prices not to be heat by any City Town or Village in Canada 1 DURING THEUPSET ffiLjS a lot of Very Table Linens and TO ALL HORSE in circulation at Winnipeg that Mr will bo appoiolad of it expira tion of It forlbtr this latter will bo called to Senate near futnre term al GoTetoment expires by of The will not be at Scbaltza till to the Sfcilo bat will kick at Mr of of- in adjoining territory la too frth to make bin acceptance PERSONAL- POINTS PAHAGUPIIEE Life Around tie The Band of Hope which hag been operation here a year gave an excellent open entertainment iu the house on after noon of last week which was well attended the program occupied over two hour there no lack of in terest from beginning to end The President Miss Emma Starr opened with an admirable address to both parents and children followed who gave a address on the of alcohol on the ha roan system with splendid illustrations then gate a capital on tobacco and profanity Master Roy then read the report of the Band with credit followed by singing recitations readings and dialogue by children By request Mr Geo presided and hie appreciation of the literary talent placed by all who took part Tha Band was encouraged to go on by impromptu from Terry of Sharon and of Pine Orchard to all to who j cargoes at Dominion lis what thy New York aif bo billions over and prophecies a for the country near future Aftor election Is oyer next will not bo dyspeptic and prceco apparent offensive- new On part of the authorities will be as a re- principle of trad tionA In order however to show is desirous of all questionable groonds of complaint with our neighbors tbe Dominion Government has iotlouted to Washington authorities its willing- to allow a refund upon all grain down the in a hitherto refuted This will Uncle Bam and save further cat Ions on this Ik reply lo a on Monday flir John Tbocopoo fcttte itatptotogitloo would place week trirtB exut July asking the a or two our dot at r baa a hi member for when of whole on bill to Act wilt mora to add in Ufbylaw or of whether of by of PrWCono- ai to allow after lit any any iw3ger thu per or track or a Ilea dim Port ilra ia a suit at51inftiug Mr J and pent over Sunday at Foil lVy Mr sod wife toco Cherry Crick over on a Sit baa returned from a two wtivki with will Day lbs for a Mr WioJaar her Ir CtAikson over Sunday Mrs John from New laat week with Kit J attended an In Toronto veek week a foot which was a Mr I Mitchell from week He bad tirjdiog a Mr- Freak left yesterday lo ml 1st of July at aloug with brother Henry and of Hull of Mr It J Utile a few daye Id town Wells Walworth of Urfp Sifebeie a for a few Alice Hell sad her two end Jennie of Bolton are flitting with Jeoule from alio Mir from St iLta at Iter sod wife wera la nttrdey way to Greenwood mw circuit a sUter of of of the Merle School left for ftWl on to the holiday with her mother MteHsf Fred sod Jul Itft algbt for KfcA- too to take lo Wheel- Meet Tbe probata of services sod tiectloni at Perk for this sod Mr of Toronto for Vre formerly of the Con- gi Rational Cbnrch here been a member of the Manitoba and North of the The Ontario Mr A formerly of this lowo 19 for to Andrew Mr J Talt leaves the and to tenors To ronto another of be Mr ttQDolfew all he brought a sulk l1 mammoth at or with Ferris of If now Co floadsj with sirs J I ihsforair tttornlDjrins on Annual Excursion of the Keswick and Sutton West Methodist takes place on same date m last year namely the of They billed to go to Geneva Park and Oriilia Tbo park ft beautiful place a short distance from annual excursion has become very popular one for those wishing to spend a quiet day of pleasure on the beautiful waters of Lake Simcoo We expect to see ft good crowd Mayor Flemings family of Toronto are expected to spend a few weeks rusticating at Mr on the lake shore this summer Our side of Lake is becoming a favorite summer resort Mm is spending a few days at Mount Albert this week There are a great many the and with good success A great many fine have been caught understand we are to have plank side walks in oar village stead of gravel Mr and family of Toronto arrived at their summer on Saturday Mr and Mr O family at their sum residences for two or three woeke A small though very appreciative audience listened to Ralph Bingham In the last Tuesday evening Ills violin selections wore tbe delight of all present and his were admirably rendered and thoroughly enjoyed as was shown by profound which reigned Mr Jerry Graham of Sutton was a welcome visitor among Sharon friends over last Sunday Mr Kirk delivered an excel lent sermon in St James church last Sunday evening on sufficient unto the day Is tho thereof Misses Graham and are spending the 1st Sutton Our Methodist friends surprised Miss at her last week by dropping in with their bas kets and spending a social evening The object of their visit was to pre sent Miss with a handsome church quilt as a slight token of esteem for her services as organist A serious accident occurred here last Sato rday evening Little was swinging along with of her playmates when the rope became twisted around her waist In some unknown manner caus ing her to fall on her arm which re suUed In a broken limb Medical aid was immediately summoned the Crops at present sre very promising except fall wheat It is to tost The folks of this place held a grand at lake last Fri day where a good time was spent by both old and young Mr J of conducted the review in our Sabbath School last was very satisfactory to and largely attend ed Visitors from and were welcomed Gome again Oar a quar terly average of The Friends of this place have im proved appearance of bury ground and meeting by re pairing the fences V Mrs of AosboVy been visiting for a at her fathers Mr J Johnson Miss P and Miss spent a couple of days last week friends and relatives at Mies of West Toronto Junction baa been visitiog for the past two or three weeks with relations bare Mrs Harriet Msy is very poorly again also Miss has been sick list for a few days of late Mr Lister of has been holding a series of meetings io the Temperance ball here for week Mr and Mrs Ban spent a couple of days last week with friend in Epsom The if ion of Sons of Temperance of this is still Three more were initiated last Tuesday night and the following officers wereelected for the ensuing quarter P Hall A Siv S Fred Hall A S Sis Bro Priest Hall Con J E Jar via It Starr a Hopper Ellas P P It Organist Sis P Napkins among the many lines reduced in price to clear out of the way Come early in the morning Holland Landing fell from a table upon a chair top Monday In flidiog severe injuries Dr Taylor has dressed the wounds and reports her doing as well as can be expected Mrs of Toronto is staying at her mothers Where Dominion Day Why not come to our burgh everything is in readiness for a good days sport They weather man and Know AH Come in disguise Know All if possible And by the way Old Man the Isdiea here wish to express their for your kindly notice of and compliments to them and express their desire for tbe of sister of Eve for you to con centrate some of your mental powers thinking that too much diffusion of mental force can leave but little at home Mr Josh has returned home for a few days to nurse a very sore hand Quite a number of come up these days Mr Gee and Frank Bogarb could tell good stories Several pupils re at entrance ex- am at Newmarket William Lanes mother an old lady of ninety years dropped dead in Toronto this week A number of our boys from camp on Saturday looking the worse for their outing They feel quite elated over the standing of their battalion May your drills be but your battles few Mr John Elliott manager of Stan dard Bank spent Sunday with Morton John an old Landing boy and his friends here are always pleased to see him and hear of his success life Mr of was viiiting at Mr- J A this week Why WbttblaraotrBitDglbebett sad good set Whip u for SO A E No SO THE CELEBRATED HEDGE FENCE ft to for TV to our to to of nod wire CompADi of toco work la oar for Spring qulit a lArgosuaount ffood and for arm to know endorse It and adopt aartboonldandlf ltwu a Wo to It to Falls today or la other tho I 4T i CASH AND ONE PRICE hi agotaqd wo to aay wo folly Bay to our neighbor and friend wo or better or and Arm that iboy Mo and farm and pro pIj Mold bo raoro the way and to them to all In We find rollablo arid and all Id Lin porter to MU Albert GEO JAlKS cumninqium J A ROBERT 14 it Orchard sty and Information J J- ad aboTOflno Kails CHINA HALL reduced iiri ri and Fist- looked after this and none too soon for Queen St Chit Chat of improTomoat of under of Karanagh Boo htm In omooaaloug and off ibe walk Goo Fogg stir Mt of our Victoria Reg l bo hind mounted A took Id ovoryooe on baud to doomed todLsiftppoIol through delay by no fault of tort all one of made had It Victoria Park admiration of all of aapoot under German Band of I and at akinoftboboAutlful You ought to heard Gorman Band play our national anthem Bomo- bodovoraleptthemoetvooandkotUfU It you of the Ifyoa dont lcoher A lad namod Billy wo had been drowned How Bill Wo hope werent born for a fate what would of Chitchat Hire had We would likely know cut up their on Bundaj night he afraid Old would aee to our a The Their wed thank If they would naughty little Or take ibe deart and box their pull their oor boys are gay A patera for let elide They our pride lie geoeratlon Ralph Bingham gave wit a we did we not at tend ftome one lo write up loal newe would pain to Innocent Well not do It It would make reading We dont believe In kicking underdog In a flghl Well write local newe uot Send no you you ever admire Ln glaee A favorite of pretty divllibyoangmen Aint them priming and amltlng at Vanity of all at admiring lately wtlt bid good bye Week to tbelx well earned Ho doubt the all over country to byby to the pretty Who wiunotteebotba the pretty A very reported In grove of on What did find out thtlr to tiome can be anywhere at a funeral Party bright a of Early Sunday morning the G and freight were by fire freight and were burned also about of grata owned by at grain insured for 1 THE FURNITURE AND Opposite Royal Hotel IN FURNITURE During the Holidays Orders for promptly and I Embalming- a Specialty J FT MILL J it l Alt IB ed bat tbU tried laiely In of Intaraooe a loo the wire Wis Pelereun of a wife of a p town the nil wife of J of a daughter lh Ifiil the wife of Lewie of a daughter sTKAonao At the Par- the JFroater Mr lo of Kid Mil Tomb lllBocrilAt Pine j Orchard tbe formerly or MwiritYtm aged la on d Or and at hr to J td loth widow her ear ISSK of Mr this A S A P IN TEA a Bargain Japan Tea regular Una my or for Always bear to mind my Lin Japan At 30o or or aokaowlcdgcd offered It flavor l F C STRAW HATS T Mens Mackinaw Hats worth Cents Boys Mackinaw Hats A worth Cents Best Quality Swiss Hats Of Cents Cents Cents Mens Womens Chip Hats 5rt all who prefer Black I fioo In For have Congous Assam sad a Special Blend ranging from to all good drawing teas fine flavored Evaporated Flam per Peaches Apricots 13 It Above sell price oarscsl CANNED GOODS Tomatoes Peas Pears and of other all of boat quality I jost opened soma handsome Water Sets designs are fine apd price low Toilet Sots Now time to get them at for piece printed R A SMITH Grooer aa rtxv SUGAR For Two Weeks we will Sell Granulated Sugar by the barrel for 450 ORDE If you want a nobby suit of Clothes cut in the latest fashion and made of the best material you cannot afford to miss looking at our stock BRUNTON BROS NEWMARKET i ALL GOOD COOKS use Brnntons Baking t J

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