Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Jun 1892, p. 4

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4 Am- i nTa j 1 ERA JUNE Hairodibijrg Sj bare depended in of with have selected two or three lines from letter freshly received from ren who have given German to children in the You credit these because they come from good ir people happy in finding what so many families lack a containing noevil drug which mother can administer with con fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours and sure it will carry them through Mr Daughters children when I with Croup tmi hi It It ml- and find it an alius Fully onehalf of our customer jo mothers who use Boschees Ger man Syrup among their children A medicine to successful with little folks must be a treatment for ike sudden and terrible foes of child hood and the dangerous of del lung Indi i i i not a teeif bat by blood to become and the system the That can tor even la by the from Mrs- Joseph lake of Centre MScb Ltvax complaint and made my Ufa a border came coding ray For more than tooi I suffered untold agony was almost to a skeleton and hardly bad strength dreg about- Ail of food distressed me and only tie delicate be digested at Within the time mentioned treated ma wltbOQtglrtng re fief Nothing I took seemed any permanent good until I commenced use of which baa Soon after commencing to take the I an Improrement In my condition- My appetite to and with It came the ability to digest all the food taken my strength lm- each day and after a few of attention to your a woman able to attend to all duties medicine baa given me a new lease of life Sarsaparilla rzxriaxDST Or a Ay Meet TRUNK t IK CKVX North SImooe Kloklug The on the Redistribution bill on in Home of a sort of field day fnll of between the for North Simcoo and certain of the Mr prepared to have a tilt with any of the leader no matter which aide of Mr Speaker and when the Hod Mr attempted to him last night and intimated that before presenting amendment to the bill before the House as a good be oaght to bate in- farmed leaders of bis intention Mr McCarthy after presenting reasons why he could not adopt the views or the proposition of Hon Mr turned to Mr and told him that be McCarthy had not fallen so low as to reoognira the of Railways as his leader and then went on to inform the that ho fully and frankly flted bit lo the to the whom be regarded as bii Mr McCarthy then moved the amendment of which he bad Riven notice language in reply to Mr u direct and the Railway rooflt have felt if a on the had tumbled over him The outcome of the affair that relations of prominent men within the Ministerial party ia strained and Cabinet soon come vSii iiw- gq S3 it ft J at S The International Lesson The Worlds Fair Trio in charge of the exhibit at Chicago the It ex pected it 9ill ruuko a good of the at Worlds The Province of determined to make a of all the found in thai Province Quebec hat to not to behind her ftieter Province Nova actively in tocher of her It ia that gold I Nova Scotia will of while from her coil lie da will idea particular and phojpbatea will form in Quebec exhibit the rich nickel for which Ontario now will much that Province Ten ihouitnd feet been for Canada ia the building an are of by fct or about eight and lhfvtflrtVr ftcreff many one of hand- aoiueat and of thu expedition building It fa expected bat the Canadian Geological Survey wake a fine exhibit J In a way to adioit of of all product of older of Provincial and will afford for atudylug ibe the country on either limited Provincial or from the Dominion advantage are expected to to Canada from before the cpltalitu of world of our and comparatively undeveloped mineral wealth Whitchurch lull on the at oclock l or a of by Reeve the chair only appeal tba work of auttsor road Redditl ftttoaiiit of lot S3 and part of let con by court made Mia as joint owner with for put of Iota and Bogait deceased was m tenant for corner lot S3 con lieu of Bolah Bkrr aa- Tor part of lot con Mr owner of pa loU fi cn iq Alfred Jhn- for S lot con in lieu of Win pill of put lot con man tenant part of lot cer John m part lot cod 3 la of is owner lot coo to lieu of iliry cetaed Street at teoant for coo to Win George and erased from toll the two hiving been destrof ad and third dtapoted and left The full M jte1 by the court fiilir revised and lint Jit aasecuhiirtJ the chair meeting read and coo fumed A It for a of to town line StoutTviUe provided would grant The wureftrreit lo ihf exceed the on from the township of of FlatnajirfeU let Deputy Millard and The ftaeU the whoe Biker desolation the that for year the rotd bad ml pat a of statute later IOko lie tiro and at for the of road com and recommeadtd that and Biker to and report at vit cctettug of adopted A- Ea claimed a for a dog them act of aheep- killed J A three killed damage j Jon two Iambi killed S were pay for kilUJ by doge for killing dx- etde lino lr coo A by A up tM lie it tint l lion of the 34 coji lot to hill 13 A Few Notes St Louis- the laaipplor the on bank ULufxiflvippi tc be low entrance of the about rotles Orient- perched the of river bullion tbreo flnt rii from the for 1 mile to Street then In a rtsca a ihlrdumico a height of at from river- city leoda the river for a boot l north or city for the most part la laid tbo the curve while farther bark at right river bank- East and Went Is Market Street Tbo runolntf numbered In order upwards from rircrlho blocks begin In their numerical according to their distance from rirerthe avenue and olive eta north and at tbalrdIrJdIngllD Market St am known north and each block represented 6ne hundred counting West from lib street as also Worth and from Market 8tt tho on he East and Son are represented those on the North and West odd la block North of Market St and On the West side of the Street about street portion la pared blocks and some Wood blocks TwentyAre line of street cars to the uniform rate of llnooare operated by by horse power The ffreat steel that a that St Louis proud of It was the first rirer at a coat of the entire feet wide and the portion faayloR J tracks for railway trains a upper a roadway for pedestrians and vehicles an street cat lino It lias three of over WO feet each the centre one Is feel above water of the rirer steamboats- railway on lowing the St- Lenta end of the passes feet loot was under Washington and street to the Union depot where SI different rail roads have their terminal there lion the time 143 trains announced to and the same number to arrive SI fmagloo Is nlittle bustle ParkaSt- tools Is city of Parks to West miles from court bouse wo Pad Forest Park containing acres It li naturally a beautiful spot for a pi and the way of landscape work isltoprarloft It greatly ft contains hundreds of odd of almost variety walks r- treats just nature turned them out the to try his with are here all equipped for his use isaTetyfloe collection which Is Intended to embrace every variety of Amer ican wild Tower Park Is a smaller one about while tbo former la rosily a natural perk this one noted for Its artificial In park are only statues in America to Columbus and Humboldt- extreme western portion of the park there is an lake Tbe carved decorations of the old Hotel which was destroyed by Are have been used ruins of a fairy palace on borders of the lake with the most pleas ing effect botanical gardens toast pot be overlooked as it Is said to bo one of finest of lie Mad In world was given to city by Mr Shaw Here la be found moat complete collection In America attended and Immense hot houses been built for the valuable And delicate plants flower I see you are quite io Water again Newmarket I Will tell you a little about system here It Is said lobe very complete and on a very extensive scale The Water la pumped rirar about where Is to stand hours for sediment to become deposited or river water Is very far from clear hare avoudetful extent which can be accounted for I suppose principally bo the facilities which are offered by tall and steam boat lines It la claimed they have hero to Louis are the moat In America Drawing tabltthment House Drug Hoot and Cracker Factory Brick and Sower Pipe One ot first traces visitors are taken to EecI the large brewery here are only a In the oily the Anhucserliuseh Association acres or about buildings all connected by railway rack they turn out gals per take from water works over of water per of whole consumption sixteen trailers furnish power from carloads of coal they no Ice machine that turns out W3 tons of Ico every hours Also hare railway of their own lo shipping to all points of country They their own glass works where annually men being Iu branch about In brewery proper but I gutea I have spun this out too loogdout want to lire J lllfaHRfl and Hit of t5aching held the of bis J Mr Oban Wilson then iotrodacodtboaubjoct of nod bin He said tbd sb be let good looking not bat bit countenance 2nd be should be practical Chris tian 3rd keep himself well informed to the beat teaching duties were 1st To thoroughly pare for and his other exorcizes 2nd To be pane tna 3rd To see that the bonso comfortable and clean To keep order and see that the are supplied with teacher Bib To make bis review of the and closing uerciiaa abort Alter of the tbo Rev Roach gave a very hearty of to which replied I Revs J and J were present daring the last and gave inspiring JaddreaSea The former gentlemen aubjeob of re sponsibilities of Workers He reversed the order of the subject taking responaibUitiee He said that realizing our reaponiibilitiea was 1st Keeping pore and noble before Ibe world 2nd Being punctual 3rd Being willing to work and not blow soap bubbles Our privileges an ho said re great 1st We should have cbildron for fifty two ssbbatlis in year and longer if without any interference on part of the parents would never enquire of you what you taught them nor of what they fro taught 2nd- will have the privilege to mould a soul to build a character to do a work that shall stand for ever The Rev J Odery gave an excellent the theme of which was ideal the teach should have before in teaching children He pointed to tbe Bible and to Christ as th ideal and in order to be success- fa in teaching we must have within us The reports from the School were encouraging most the S being supported by subscrip tions or collections and not by indi rect means Pike Secretary liTrLi US A Aug George Patterson fell from a window striking a fence I found him using He used it freely all over his I saw him next morning at work All the rapidly disappeared leaving C A RANGE OF Felt and out Straw going at p t- LOW HAVE YOU TRIED OUR Ship people are very tat errs ted in he ship railway propel between this city and the Bay A vary iolereitioB is biag Secretary Wills of the Trade and president of the Ho cheater board on the topic and the are both Commerce will hold a on the project at an early date The railway weald giro Oswego a direct control of the market of the Northern whilst it bring the grain trade of Chicago and through to Lake Ontario Mr secretary of the Rochester Board of Trade writing to Mr Wills says We ae ia earnest hero the matter for the extraordinary short ening of the distance between the porta on Lake Ontario and upper lakes affected by a ship canal or ship railway from yoar to the Georg ian By would instantly transform the carrying trade of half a continent doable the population of Toronto in a of time and transfer to Rochester lions share of the transporutioa and transhipping of freight from the Eastern States cow wholly cootrolled by Buffalo will send a deputation to Toronto whenever you the proper time has arrived meanwhile keep me posted as to the coarse of events Mr intends to visit Rochester soon to consult with somo of fi nancial mon iu that city in J Five Prominent Canadian Statesmen Club cleared about after paying on tbe 24th a oh to r jw NEWMARKET POWDER PUREST STRONGEST BEST do Alum Lime or any W Toronto SPRING 1 8 9 2 yOR SALE AT A TbftNOrtbflrly or Id of But Apply to J few To finfpcnotx and a lUcwrext wlliUpuu ftmUJ luacWtpcr To mvsiV will bo a of a French a Gold a Coin To but jodi mitxj tor fivcCiMdua Ml will Bilk Pattern rzfaa a atirruint Diamond Brooch oUl to to our i tun for at uy an wixi eitn Ut can bo byfht at ait for each Ail to fv rtoritJ ra before July are for ih than any y aitcfitioil to lentil u4 oar of art A to the of Til rauaitee4 To aueacaoo to aa office day doff It to l ready t io To auefiwn to oar a ycciiJprceaaidiydorinibUo ibo fim aowt recijTed at owe- day It mi refer La to to wort Upon receipt ten tore rfebelMMert nprodcctiocti receipt aotiea of It flui HARDWARE MAIN ST NEWMARKET SALE lWiilor7 on water It would for FARM FOR SALE lot Bast aero In good bo- lo for A- anuoiiKs SI v Whitchurch Con- Notices cared In I U 1aloaJ Bold by Never At wottuttofi at w Friday iattj aod WhltU for retired a notulutlon tew tbe oat Mi for tbe It of Burdock rfttulUog power alt and It cure all and from a common pimple to worn tbla clcatulojj and purify I etc n of euro for ail of will euro blottbc- rub til fomiaof two to will euro Mlt or tut- aottt all that from alwajsaintraraLed latoloiabto but graver yet acrofulou- and biT pivot tbat from to and by outward application klo to parte will ft core -B- to realate liter I action and toopta IheiloicwaaoetbetjiUmtoeajry all Impure aUow to aid and ratnore bed blood- blt- and every of llvefakldntji el b blood We ercry bottle of B- pereoa be bottle we Ibe money on We will Uo be lo and Inform of lb to Tax Hie 1 too TeSk He of tble 1 cor iopry Uotud vlrtsvUjri to thj attempt foftototcre tor wuld our for Ho mere il vwM be an an I or tod trots boreot Blood CutbBplUta Throat etc boiOe Bold by Jam gut I At tie out of boo home ftnd property It At OU City and the Second- Juno Convention of Sabbath School of Wat held June 2nd and 3rd J at tiuniVicre and tho Convention in vtry rcapeot flnccVesi most of Sabbath ttented which shows that the intoreat it Sabbath School work is on progmi wore present with tbe exception of the J who was to hit place was well by the Rev Mr Bell of Newmarket The MrBcll gave an the tirfit wan Privilege and of School Workers Ho said bo to to help our and tfpoueibilitlce that wo had met for the of helping one another Sabbath School principle lie a of work tbe great advancement it making and mighty army no engaged it that It no longer a work It wet the of and culture of church now given to support he alto that he proposed to into the world of for the elements of for If men manage their in the tame manner at do tbelrS ft work they certainly fail He gave the ai ele ment of In Syttetn 2nd Tact 3rd Energy or A lively dltcnitfon place after One new point brought out at an of namely Prayer Daring Second Mr J Cook conducted tbn very after which Mr A J- Introduced of lotion and He divided bit ioUi two parte let How to them bo a ted at home and not after Jet too bod been from text An the 3rd City 7 Steph en aged was a a pond here when water mother and aittar latter a girl of the rod jumped into water to him The water over their heads and laatfrud of i lly found themselves their own live father Stephen summoned by cries of fagwife children although un able to swim into the water The for life latcj a and when the finally reached the spot it was only to remove from tho water bodies of father and children other children are left orphans by the accident In a fight between troops and in nod a number of Indiana killed Mrs K M and three children- were owing to a cloudburst at Huron Dakota on Monday PROP DEALER IN HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE OF Bar Iron and Steel Wooden ware and Trimmings Paint Oil Glass and Putty Spades Hoes Rakes Shovels all kinds Garden Tools Barliedi Annealed Galvanized Fence Wire Jacks kept for hire Try our Daisy Churns Carpenters Supplies a Specialty GENTS FURNISHINGS TO BE GIVEN AWAY POR SALE OR TO RENT AembaloglblHo In Alb EAit About Ij mo of and pirtorthftEaUtooILhoMoAUoDtliuii For further am apply Albert LUMBER LATH SHINGLES mo LBr Tht iiw on Hill Dppoiits Hah well appointed w Water Imnicdlata lit Apply to HODS dJ Julr Main OF ARE NOW TO CUSTOMERS WITH SIDING i SASH AND Salsbeing Lot No Id pal Dor llousa Barn and other outbuilding and only half a mlla from railway station road on Lot No- Con of lo DESIRABLE FARM Near For Bile CUT PLUG OLD CHUN PLUG No other brand of Tobacco has ever en- joyed such an Immense Hale and popularity in the Borne period as tola brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco Cut form in Canada lots and In tod cone Of about about mile from Newmar ket and known tboPbUIp and For particulars apply to Newmarket FARM FOR SALE flrtttoa- Soutb About IM ftto ud liwUw writ and wall and all no- fl Alio THANKFUL FOR OK TUB SOXjIOIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO i N ES AND Safety R Everyone purchasing goods to the value of 150 will receive a number F J WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER MONTREAL I iftHoglOc JttRag20 BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS THE GUIDING STAR TO HEALTH ton i RHEUMATISM JAUNDICE itlon of followed Mr J a primary class STRONGEST an Xcurojatot I a curb DYSPEPSIA SCROFULA CONSTIPATION BAD BLOOD HEADACHE HUMORS and all diseases arising from a disordered con LIVER BOW and BLOOD acta on all the organs of the loq to produce regular action to strengthen purify and and to of morbid matter from a Common Pimple to tlltj Soe Thousand of men and the above Is not worth at 1 per bottle or less a dp on mo AIM a Ware flrstf particulars apply the or to Aurorai P FOB SALE THE la Ui la Con 9 l WU It Mb Mb 10 lot lurtda Alt at very will bo Alio Id tho or Now WM LIQUOR EXCLUSIVELY Property For Sale TO THE CALDWELL iSJ Abiu Lot Cod of over under a Umber from that Lot Timothy fiL Lot Andrew St cicely anil do belter soil for AH liberal terms By order or toesfox parltcolare apply to Box Newmarket testify to Its good effects in a trial in your case LOST la aoythlof US tad do cot giro a cull and Right A CALL SOLICITED Alt or tbe BEST WOOD AND COAL STOVES In Ibomftakot at lo CANADIAN COAL OIL lamps Era Work log and General Jobbing HODGE CO I have the Largest and Moat Complete Stock in I for ot from and our Prices are Lower th Lowest- a V Our Motto is Low Prices Good Goods Small and Returns Any person wishing anything the line of Root Shoes should not forgot to call on S H NO MAIN ST ass

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