Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Jun 1892, p. 3

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Tl r J- PTEWMaRKET ERA J UN J- IK AKD ynORCH tenia cbairh a SjcaI on Society Cba2B- There are seren bow Newmarket sriih I In cam of and d agent town on iAj for Ibe of lodge of Hot Well I smile I tt to io And W in shads And the tick the tares that none of water arsuM Tropical This baa been 0 ghat it Lilt Saturday Mr Cody the leaf feet ft- SJ to Toe ifiJk It reminded oo J It Acnetimea of a branch of to Vwfct Wh will New ftllamEA yatttto bean eppointed f Peace atd J Geo H Jph Bog Gibbon it Nor 1 Race 6 aiieiud to tV bo Strait d fox rilw cap flutk PS from will go ten l fit ceo from club will bo lo AS Wog Did get fetnj B ttioinioth colortd t office telling lUet on f ttt Danjioiao ttt it f MS fclcacf people ml nod book and Udder rt ind I tit Monti it tnoctti A Smash Mr Andrew pt of ago And boy on of Jjo J fee bite dont And tt re- ttt upon the ecdiog In and gen- old bar in the fall no TaADRi Section fcj JJIor b word town citit Ibt kTtRduiiM to council tod who on who pjr tun I A Good Alderman op ft to tot fitJttgbiUlo rim four fttl liiith- will fnt tod i6fii for if project mi be liter bet J it 1 right Oar tamo Cuurcji- The Idre fit j titer a J la tho in the ire going it if acb a hot two- fcft bo uluur Ml pUca ftt rt aim In be for to the wen fall of and Mltlca fttolllif J till Neil of WUIowdtle will con tod 1 tbe Take It jolt the ibt to a and fe rrra to uUU good pott- art too old or or appreciate It of If yoa hart on Jsera trip ttt or If on a fitld for Milan tod 1H dtfiodtrttbt Ca- f yea ftr It threat oa Cut On a rat fibufA at Work it fcpsj Sinia Repair roof being fin fa order tta will no Until by potting agtntt In that can to tta ticket waiting room a one oclock ttt other watchman a fira In ttt In to St la forgo the rappUtd by a fin wheel to oftte old and the fira caught underneath Iht forgo In way Had been no the would flaznea A of out old Uaradea mill property reaidenoa old to be rebuilt thaeomiDgaoBmer Ugh for IbaboAiaaatortheKoraltr Ok plana an now being pre for will effect a Urge lo the Novelty Co and andearliga too witch be from the Victor Oil Store A fall at J There are two of the boar in mini The not to en and it to mark Cop on corner it fj Q already printed done latter will not tarry for oat cent Vary frtquoilr we hate to par foor ceota a latter one or other of thee and the teller to the Dead Letter office raja that letters not tofficiently prepaid are charged doable the deficiency where tttr are ad Tht you cah Doors and all ah wire doth any width at Wright A Soldiebs On Monday Co fa command of Allan beaded by the York Band of paraded and appearance Next morning tba order fall In given on and the roll called for Camp at -the- lake A foil men hare end in the Band Tbe march to the depot to alraina of attracted a line all along and Boron atreeta and a crowd gathered at to off with a cheer Be Pot be- from other atorei and for who the We koow we do J Son Mboioal Dr la on July Pasty Indies of fa Ibla towo a party at J on lha of the Crowded Bo omen by lha malt that r obliged to bold till a loading editorial and otter editoria and new matter Ralph Bingham will girt en In Town nnder tba of the A of ChriiUan her Ralph wBI not fall to entertain andleoc In a nn- by any other platform entertainer before public today at The grading the Modal- School greatly to the the bat It teemed pity to tee of felted at the corner The of trees were alt planted Around old by John nearly year ago Atd by Mm tfU his death Feet Tho Crockory at Co High Good at low price A cent Fancy Flower Pot for cent om choice Most Daring the eArly ruooellt hours of Friday night the of from wafted from Lit on the and the of the locality to young at rack out to ace where the held On it only itinerant Itatlani playing for coppers i i i DaowNgD Oa Monday bit brother Cbitoi toftyim to bat ibo Utter frtrikioa for col J bltatlak mid for hit brother him fiivk the Walter Wis- mar a off I wood ftloog glut to If It only fan lima Cbuliaa to On afternoon ft dozen at to tbt lodtutrul Home tad both old with Mrs Cody motto with to them mort bat height of lliftii m tbtj to tad lorn- ootdt to of mil doubt bo loo ft at fatam tQtidftsd with id ado feijrft Ml of North York tber 1 the the I Mi tore and VlMUe it rilwAy W lb and 9 and ahlp J left home a will fete way to and Hit i to to far and NotUuicauui to tbal tan for- M edrarlUemaet trigger well known at tar l tv3 a til of We are thai daring that a of If wt at ilia aliudy tbt largeat of for Cat- B A and took ill Room frut week when on thirty of the town Uswinbled to of foc who daring hit Id our town bin kindness tod a of to tod tod their from of Ron pnpooedtHp to Old fit4 QtUKh fittod of tbo gift with lioD the of Pfetd to Ode by tod into of by took completely by jo rep- If od from bit toar bo gire U homo of tor of objoctt of that hit pro- him to view tad choral honor of tbfia followed Bleycfi Concert on ft ftpprocUtlro been hod tbt tod ftt ftdrtrtUtda focal tolecttooi by To ftnd ftppre- former of New but taog rectirifjg ocol ftnd of her clear forth frequent The lfolwe of both ftolo ftnd heard ftt tbtfr beet their wen well Tho H Hold of fiao ftnd hit mallet ftppncl- ft fftforiio with tbt of tho ftnd bu been tpendlog tbtewcek with hero If ft member of good batnoroui rtrftttlaai la ftOd by Mb good- Per tho by fine colored from who pertont Identity ft of the for thtlr the lore clou omlleioad they won down noticed on tad choice fluwrit from of the i fteldom mtt ft to of o on It town ftnd preeeoted with ft finiihed triTtlliug tfttchels being on of letting to ft la drngt ftt to with hie w Tata Rico oWlllteo ft flyer ftod with ftft proved by politico of tooth into at ftmiswg boor on lut In tbo Qaeeo city la which of oad a alio from flattoa Ja for capo by Co of Toronto d to now bring ftcUrtly trftlntd for weekly fcolp to keep ftH wbHlmoa to Jnjr weight oa ft few ittarLlftK folloiffDg olgh OBlUo trip of toot add ing ftt to M Tho lioowclwoid lfttoly ftod with It oaderetood toi only on of tho dab tad ftt Complaint ftboat the fa Bettor fljU treed witboot ft of do till tapper bat go down fti body bo from en to op oclock ftcul ant to ft fioo of from 91 to for The mtko ftn ftboat ft dczea wero pond Ltwyer ud It better not reputed J neit the in the ftftnlng of whowu to time of Uj of boon in tho night Abort la A hitched to a rig a hold of end Timothy fttftUrely it wu flopped before doing nay dfttntgo ftro for ft crap of motUrd ftome of the ftmu limping Ho- went the ftnd ft toe by opon bottle the wbra the flitegoyly from kitchen to repeated to end betwea the pilau of two Ur Win Bond wu pot cooler en end fined ftod xte white coder tbe of Ink Drop next Uoloa to of CbrUlL uoirerury of Waterloo Viclfiri ft it the School Entail next Next it tlty Good time lor to drop race to J4 ftt if King ere tod to it fin will ooa in Jnno met Court of J too Coco wet appointed chair Appoals of ftt follow as io of Flanagan Lot Horoa to ffildoo u owner piece of properly fttectfted too end four loti on were red It A- ftidodtoU Scott iou on Booth ot tattalaed at tenant to tfr8tepheat and Mr Johatoi added but redaction made on Street The appeal of J A income ftemeat was p Hooter pat ftft owner ftnd reduced ftod In Ilea J Coweta In Close In W- Rett W Itoblotoa lloa of Pockocr receipt of SopftrnCo Scbool Uuketc Uroe Mo Ellen to be to 8 Taj or to be of John of Lehman adjourned eAxLOTD kept by it Pojtj lo at Wad of Fob As it in to giro my ftttentioo it I lure decided to offer It for axle Pall to fog A Dont The firo end Water Committee lime withtbolftTgeottrUoiftawfll porabont three It emit ling sand city Oatil loftdehftf been Into the pond There mutt be bole doiro at the bottom of IhttSSS feot pipe An no Uocdty to loch pipe It broke off feet frona the top Thiielorted other flow that down end It gal per day to Jo the inetntlme fonrlncb become clogged with feet from tie bottom tod- men hate lten at it with a sund pamp dace bat the flow not ftUrted yet Hare Pleasant View Cemetery will rxgoiie the front feace cat week to height tad two or three Urge tree removed the whole bit The alto extra bode of flowert tod foliage out ftboat the groaadi J the plot their well cred for The It ftlorely ft quiet stroll It Triton week well at Owing to the town band being at Camp which iroa1d to litre week boon for a conplo of week Fly or ro to fit toy Wright Co Public A Tatalay trtotn ail patent except Scott for the roll tod The of to Have the of Account for oglbetckoolgroaodt to lombe bud wen for ftnd 4HQ 03th ptrtatt thtlr being ktpt a four prejtto ore to by over bat one child coonot bo extmp- that denied Homo very ft It to the that the expect ftod thote who pay meet to home work en who ftro pnMnoled Bond decldtd no pupil thai be In at hoar ftnd longer thto 16 titer four The ftrctettvy to attach oiouti for at flt8TAnother old ftnd of rich of ft pftiod quietly ftwty ftt do wu the ftrot which be died for ieiri hit wife died tod he two jure Bo- fire tone wu femllUr- koowpa wee the of tod of food of There ore few of the older ml dealt ceo grttcfolly rtorruber tome ecu them by the old rata beard cor For yun he treated the the to ft ftt beet trok from hit to market Cemetery tho ftbterco of bit putor Elder J wen Jnoa Uoltn Te tort who felt tkftt were leylog stride a JunOlOth toad- J Itob Dcnno add A- Tbe Clerk Water and time end Anally pawed which to Mr reported prouroet of widening Ino from the Co lorcfenocotoexeoiptloa from ftnd they Rector property ffrsntlnr exemption from taxation for yoart free water for alike period on Itootor property of Timothy not yoar It obierttood that Ibo Co will Finance a proper agreement the of the The Water Com reported ftfttthor rouble with welt that bored an recom mended thftttho bo drawn out of and bod alto bo for pipe faydraate toad for ox Report adopted York County GLOVES AND HOSIERY CO All Competitors on CLOTHING 33 m 0 JO BOOT Best Value in Town at the A m ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STORE ATTENTION to A FamU PROPRIETOR- 103 MAIN ST AT THE of the York Council at oclock Monday fa the Court home Ponter were Yule Hell Dftlty CeiupWHi Che tier Arnold Pelormao eon Before the routine wuprooeeded with the warden hit Mr Tyrrell If a commit tee ftt the to ftiraoge with the oily of Toronto with to tho proportion to paid by the city ftod county the ftdmiolitrfttfoo of wtrdea each a beta Appointed city bed pi I W cent to The would me it In ft or two to tcttl the matter with city A Dumber by Cli Amox them ft from ilonon for a in bit lOoctcck WMotiJty The of the foiled by the to take ft trip to READY MADE CLOTHING This is the store at you will fiud the Styles of Boys Suits and require durability as well as style You will find ours just what you want good Canadian Tweed in neat patterns free from old country shoddy Men and Young Mens Black Worsted Coats and Vests equal in their getting up to a great deal of ordered garments at little over half the price HATS AND CAPS A very large stock Felt Hats in Hard and soft makes Latest London and New York Styles CURTAINS- In Lace Curtains White and we have a great variety to you in desirable grades of quality splendid vtlue CAR PETS Some of Hemp Union Wool and Tapestry WALL PAPER8 Wall Papers we will now sell off the balance Of our stock at an immense reduction in prices to clear BOOTS AND SHOES Our Boots and Shoes are attracting great it is for they are NEW PRINTS NEW DRESS GOODS NEW SHIRTINGS have a full line of the above just now and invito you to call and inspect them before purchasing elsewhere In Dress Goods we have some very pretty patterns in Suits and other lengths Shirtings We have a Large Assortment of Shirtings just in and as it is well known that all cotton goods have advanced in price and are likely to go higher it will be to your advantage to purchase now For a Nice Jacket or Mantle Cloth just call and see what we have to show you V New Parasols just Our Groceries are as usual all fresh and well assorted Our Blended Coffee still without an equal Call and get a sample of our Black Tea Its the best that can be got for the money W W PLAYTER Telephone Communication away down as prices go Strictly R J DAVISON John vraa instantly killed Tuesday endeavor ing to stop ft horse caused by fire in the Company car shops at Tuesday Oar Toronto Markets Juno downward but other AA week DONT FAIL TO SEE OUR v A cyclone tore through on filoiiday night A million dollars damage- by tiro was done to the waterfront at Tuesday A female parachutist foil fft from a balloon at Her in and was Instantly killed wm killed and a In London Orders for withdrawal of a portion of the troop on German tier TryrmTTTTTTTn OgaoB at For caulosuo F New Jeraojr 500000 Falls anadian Side o coin for all will Had our ana only SiVllTH AND and in the at one time Monday afternoon a The and a fret and connects Hamilton with the top opened on flxtur s Arnolds tamplfhter Belmont Jr record for a side to trot on track the of July Mr of Imperial Fa tried to haston breakfast by on An followed and Mr and her two children InjorecL jkTKKTO lulu or U p called Bprlot Aitf for will bo Derrick In for OR SALE ELECTRO- PLATE I J CALL AND EXAMINE Will bo pleased to and quote you prices L ATKINSON NEWMARKET BOOTS SHOES If you want beet value in Boots Shoes in Ontario try MONTGOMERYS Hand Made Plow for worth Ainu light TJrvoooreJo- at Good WANTED- to est As- TAILORING a 1 you cant do without clothes why not try MONTGOMERY SON BENTLEYS I DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR LUNOYS GREAT BARGAIN BIG RUSH FOR ORDERED CLOTHING GOOD BLACK WORSTED SUITS FROM UP TWEED SUITS FROM UP Full Lines of Hats Caps Summer Underwear A Fine Assortment of Colored Drees Goods and a Special Value in Black J Call and see us and youll bo sure to call again- i Our Newmarket Markets mo FARMERS- FARMERS Patchs to attack to ih illtHUB J- A oat brad io Half Lot near OH 8ptoa par per per dot Batter tab per lb per III II 1 1 1 III until on II Id on its TO Urn c a tfW05 flCOW Oil on a a 13 DAVID Si- tot toad in- viatic Totcaio of ft naatotry na FOR SALE ALWAYS band Hones and High qUKTTOK ST- At i

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