Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Jun 1892, p. 2

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JUNE New Advertisements Straw Bros Scotts Pharmacy Union A- Mortgage Sale Tender Wanted Walton Festival Mrs Card Revision Wanted Kama J A Allan Carpet Sweepers Roche ACo aj Bxs ysa but WITH EACH ISSUE The Era Is Printed all at Home FRIDAY JUNE or Toronto licat will open trial Fair year Fred Era Baraiojb numb of ibis city acdoeirr drowned Co tbo tUj Sat urday a raoing r P in it k York Coooty Id The will on It lb that asd trill Ibelr firt lb Mod lait A been recalled by or leaders of the Irish Juto o eeit an Irub it nest Tor Boa of Com mon J Editor bus to Tar MAlly the of that two Into one- the Hod J it week on for a trip to and Pacific a to be from The to otd of 1 xpeo4 tod the oC to tfcnr A fttttca 9A iot And Wither of I rack b id J from bit iDJarfti At lb for Cttuuiooi to lie Mr II was by iu fre4 Mr rthllvui ffitb tod A Mail letter pea of Mr Mr Hot jitil the Biological trouble bo will Ittltter Mott the THErwi cvireoiiDt will torn from of tfaal ilo in lKd foci ml Io till the X4ivJ moved by Mr to tbo Hit Jefette4 a of to 109 Mr Col OBrien two toted the Ac- to a carried firb all elated for the trill at pot Wist is Rachel Scarlett of Toronto log old fa Sjkea a witb at Mr Mora of it tpindiog a with lira Pre4 Mm Lea of It but Titling her J A and family of Niagara a few at from Manitoba on a with aont Mr Wood A party of folk enter- at the on Tflaadty Mr and Weddel were at a Mr Park and aw two or three at Put Dr J Irwin and of box ait a tor a or two Cook hat goo a to Rama to her gtanddanghten Clara Ford and brother are Toting Banter at Elm rt- and Muter Churl i an tea to or SO day wek a down to the Monday to we Mr and Mr John E oyer Michigan Friday In time to bo hy bit drfog Mitt Dunn and bar nephew are back from it home near Treats- Prefer of elected In bit weak Mr- town Soodtrand went oat to the band of Mr Ed and family of aroieoding a week with Ma parent Mr and Mr A I bead Mr- Irwin trifle child of To ronto tpeot Sondty wilh hit the keeper and matron of the Home Mr Brown of 2nd coo of who tailed for on the lVtborMay after a Mr J relumed to on Monday after an of looking Efldently tbe Sooth agrees witb Mr tod Wen and Mitt Flo of Toronto Snnday at Mr John Newmarket like home to them yet Mr wife of Sunday to Town They here to help mother her witb Rota wai on acconot of annual and Orchestra Then were Tims On Mr A foreman of Pail Factory lost a finger printing be had built for on the Mr of re presenting Jewellers To relnrnJ bit trip to Pacific and report that It ft a Mr Mich who France and of the holding their auDQtJ party groanda of Mr Hamilton on day Mrrcd to eight p a hot of tickled crop good and the fanner are expecting an yield Mr Morton a mare a by of the Mr Harry at building a new- bonk barn hi base line farm- Neil Morton baa returned homo after a The Royal Templars ere an of can aaing for embers with great Chria has re moved to his summer the laka f Jamea who been ill the laat fsw week re- coyeriog We noticed the Old Man apeal a few in this township but are to bare a new sidewalk front of the post oBibe and not before was needed One of girls lost a dress oat of a baggy day this week and failed to find it yet Queen St Chit Chat Albert The Her Mr preached the cbnrch on Sunday School excursion is to come off to Big Bay Mr bronght his wife and daughter home from Monday of yoaag men are going to too NorthWest The members of the a O went to on to at tend the church parade Some 80 marched to the The Day School to bare in Mr Harrisons grove Friday la connection with some Other from Toronto looking for a here to locate The woollen are doing a rash- lag It Is like a fair there day tut tot yet a b both at aobnf of of ft the tin tot the of rr to ore la tilt the Hi of en tho sit- Mr tbo that be the lb and of June jotUft mike a to and on tic J Mr- and frfeodi HI to be a Ox an to the Com for took Id of to Mr gain- At general Mr Mr majority According to Iba In tie still it ttlfig thit Ixtore to Toronto Mr Wat Stoker of fa ft a big lawtuft tbe deep well iba- IjtIdx farm Vonge and he to make ao ex- do In Court An old raideot of Bradford now at la Mr J If been eltctM rand muter of the Grind of A P and A of old friend on Mr with l Jicdn CtrcQF Hampiblrr at a Adrift- f No doubt him of old Mr ci of the Pint aod President of elected the fint to poiltioa at MethodUt Coo- fa Mr who expected hotua lb decided t orgeat request of bU uuter to till of at end of which will of beet Id tha world of week Mia wife of who 111 Id York Utter add If aba to the tea dare will the of phjeltitu realised We had nearly decided to oar chat column bat hare heard so at the nonappearanoe of the Street Items we hare decided to In oar labor of lore more per- we were request by one of the loveliest ladies the Street to do so and know- we couldnt refuse So with the permission of Rosebad we will continue chats Those who do not like this column if there be such please pass it by If the cor a do not sit too heavily on when we err we to make this col umn interesting If they do so per haps the will find when too late that they have sat on a regular hornets nest which is apt to make lively for somebody besides the hor nets laid day at Sun day was so interesting Eld as wellas others tak en much care to make it so The children well pleased with them selves and the temple was adoraed with dowers etc A very liberal collection was given Perhaps yoa didnt notice how nice the ladies looked in their new summer dresses A certain young divinity is visiting at Sharon Mr Mrs fcVauk Miller of Mr and Mrs J Wood cock and Know all took tea at Mr Austin on Hot said one individual to an other Sunday Yes idiot dont ask fool questions was the wrathful reply as he awabbed bis fevered brow with a big bandanna No need to get angry was there Only in the shade The fellow who leaves his horse tied to tho hitching post while calling on ton JJhja girl in Sharon bad better look rig may disappear Be is poor feed Pat him when stay so late So in ii of girls think they have found out who is the possessor of the nog Have you found out plain to be seen on Sunday The A- U excursion to on Wednesday last was a suc- cesa financially as well as otherwise Big crowd and lots of fun or tbreo got befuddled end must have felt ashamed when they sobered op Sutton Cornet Band excel lent music Why couldnt they well approaching Did some Handy Andy cork up wind is some could scarcely toot a toot Dancing tho chief amusement unless you except courting the sly Sutton who were jigs on way to Point didnt Know or didnt care that the old man was en interest ed spectator Who stopped on partners toes while dancing thus causing them to tumble Who got jealous of his wife without cause sheep barbers on this Street have work the the poor sheep feel bettor If some of the bide was nipped- What do yoa call em Mr There was a small note op on the highway between Strange and which going the round of gossips Mr Mark McGrady hat purchased Mrs Hewitts and if success ful will have no trouble supplying the community with eggs the remain der of the season Mr Angus while crow ing A pond on a log made a miss step and fell in reaching bottom at the depth of feet and rejoiced to think that he was not the only animal that was In the water as he succeeded in capturing a snap ping turtle and old He did not his in least as long as he had something for bis trouble Mr War of Toronto form erly of place is spending his with A MoMurchy Three Pedlars now travelling the streets of Strange Intents heat has been oar enemy the last few days Another on the sick bad the misfortune to lose noncekeeper but hope he will be so fortunate as to get another ia a fear days He aaya one like the last is pretty scarce Hustler Mrs of West Toronto is visiting at Dr Wesleys Mrs Battle of is spend ing a week so at Mr Mrs widow of late Elder died at the residence of her daughter Mrs Joaiah Will ougbby on Monday Mrs had a and broke her thigh last winter which no doubt shortened her life Mr George of Is here attending the fanersl There great excitement the TemrsnoelMrtiion just now the commencement of the present garter the Division chose op sides or entertainment each side to receive marks and also to receive credit for getting new members It is drawing near the last of quarter and the two sides are nearly Last night no lets than 39 new members were added There is al most as much excitement over it a Municipal Election Our village is to sidewalks but different from most sidewalks as they are to be made of gravel Even that will be an improvement Mrs Peters of Michigan daughter of J Esq visiting the home of her childhood ANTED St- Horse wanted S i from I to sToIifhlTOib a OF Holland Landing Court of win held la Monday Lake J hu beet girl of Mr Dr from ft Mrs ope of the olJeat of the died Monday eight at Keswick another J settler died at last of hot neither driving people to the lake of yhrppard at Ferguson of McDonald and Roe at PL have arrived Mr rl who property expected io few Mr 6 cottage completion and will peasant borne Mr MoDon improved appear of cottage DM Dot recent hot weather make editor of our cool and tin early morn ijg Better act upon inapiratiou Mad Some fit already caught Dr of England has for looking after bit property on and been the of Mr McCor dick When hoy Dr lived near hut been in for ft number of year Ho ex pecta to remain in Canada for Statute labor now tbo of city and hotter in future though hardly an improve ment at in are fall wheat The A laat week a gloomy morning for a atari but was fairly are not ao numerous as former Mr Ira Morton been away at tending district temperance moot ing The pulpit of church K wick tilled by Mr of on Sunday Mr who wai announced to take ser vices being at Marie I understand Mr received the of Stipendiary at Sudbury Mra ia at her Mr Van Norman student named John Mackenzie while bathing at Kincardine Monday Eighteen of beat were reported in New York City on day four of which were fatal THE FURNITURE Opposite Royal Hotel MAIN BARGAHS IN FURNITURE If IE BASH During the Orders for Uodertakiag promptly and quietly Embalming a Specialty J MILLARD Calls at Prop ft Holland GRAND Court of a ON 20th All Mrtonf notice aalStblBBz UNION SION of Brigade North Yrk Society Rich- RssUwhsf to From Hill per Toronto Loa inert Niagara Camp 23rd OiJio Review at Camp of the Season J LcTt at a Kiag84i at To- for oclock tbo Falls at in in le at fccurrI 8 at Ura or boon a CASH AND ONE PRICE Or In Manitoba Mar at of iholrtda father Mr o Eoioia UoCombOo lit at a bridal mother or tfO- Comb to William l too by Bar J Win William of to RoMtta of At yean In Vaufbaoj pa lltb widow of fltaIfly and mother of Mr At lust- Henry 11th In year sTV MAIN All will aa4 atlOllOo Vs Tlekata to iraonU3rUkc sTtDr Kt Fait tinder to loth Falb and tad at Railway or of of Direct not IbO option of tbo Camp or of loaviDK Toronto at a in Ion tho return atJJO at Kxcuralonlat to vlll to do on aldaeaIoylDK Whirlpool- a id arranffemaoU now for ratM to all point of aoxo International Victoria Park bo of Oo trip On tboao who will atoaoo i Iilaodor IT KTcrbodr aeomqtodatloa or will bo Tho Town a m to for da pot A- or Com JAG TENDERS bo by the uoder- of Com- SON CHINA HALL Life tai to tot wbUIdi a by for If Olio ha lb as or TMlean lor iaaUifliJo IhiM back at la fat vu Boar attabdtox a aoooetir it ita uai at of leg at Jltb School 01 last arliU Act tut frou riu41t twJklj of lb fcM that with la alch jKbooJ a to erf pit pi malt AwMUt The Childrens which was held test passed oflqaUosaooessfallj The old was comfort ably tilled and it floral decorations brightly dressed children and floods of made charming pic tare Ross of assisted Elder and performed their selections very creditably The three girls who so folly Be James church for Whit are to be on their skill The wreathes of white lilacs around the front are es pecially worthy of mention Miss Sarah of Toronto is visiting the village at present Mr and Mrs Miller of were the guests of Mr A last Mr Herbert who has been attending shorthand school In To ronto for put three months leaves on Monday next for Almonte to a situation May go with him Colonel and and left for last We wish to inform the Landing that our young Jsdles do not Indulge In basehall Think there was a mistake In the items of two weeks ago the items were from the Landing and Mr Harry Miller of Woodstock Bo and so a shoop look as if wool had been mowed off Rough So and so We are asked to inform those who have complained that temple doors are looked In the vicinity of Tory Hill are much plagued they have much against their will been called upon to furnish chicken pie for sly About a hun dred chickens been levied on as tribute up your aportameo Johnny got your gun Wfaftt was wrong tho compos itor mixed Sharon and items so badly two ago Is bat a kind of printers was correspondence was written without heading and thus got mixed other matter Can any good thing come ont of the Come and see And if you dont say there ladies there Ill treat to Icecream Young men did you know they were there bless you I wouldnt have believed it Dont rush over there thinking yon can get one of guess they spoken for Dont get puffed op ladies because we say youre handsome lor remember handsome as handsome does Yet for resl gfnolne goodness girls sre over them all I really pitied a young lady the other day who from ft sense of duty ft being In the form of sterner sex who stood Awaiting wttb the tobaoco juice fairly stream ing out of the corners of his month I How and ipftkn a bad worse than hash Were really glad boys fill to get In fa turf- and wife ere poorly than usual Tell ho can beat anyone In In making I say truly Kkow Alu QploJiilr bo aOQ learned to J U WALTON Festival ladles of tbo Church holding or tbo nual WEDNESDAY JUNE tm STRAW HAT la In week John In Monday Local Option To Editor am a Hula of jour readers ipoca lboo In Id abovo It la a ubj wt aod mora attention aver a ureal of total and tolal loaco at of Owloir peat that ton la a It that a who a of approval but aro happily acfljcj liquor lodged oa aa oao o if that can bllaht our country or aorolhtr bob fruitful of til and of Tbtffrealproblom who oat of lord for abolUh to I To to la bo ft To moat fa without for how the ma ao my offer of problem but toourlcalOvLaoaXw aaltla termed at lout at7or4a for to Brit ft throw of cootloulAKOr retail liquor aall In upon that a majority the ma It the caao to far bate for tbo ibo bit law to moot of la other way opposition btOYsuoacat Bo to law aod la preparations Friday at oclock a for will bo held la the Vadoif law and tioOaoo will is aawtlu 1 who la latomlodln the fax to ibttowMblptr Or of I will cot far ther upon at pf lac by wilt a44 a or two i prodded MR8 JAB- MORTGAGE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD PROPERTY and Sal to iwo at Mia of ajTo by rlthNotlh Io thaTown of on d hour oclock noon the following 11 Lot It on Us fiouib Id Town of known i ho John tbla a loneioont nouao aoll for and ndon Nail for Frank Ho by Joan Low Thar a Terms of par can Mia within ana el sal Vandoc8oUcllor Photos Photos I the boo to that bo MAINTAINING to ton far aid to Crayon or OIL BABIES not bo to flood tbt etbbor- work bo IobIvo and Sad to out work equal la work far of an artUtfo picture will Wjod hood but Old F ty la to Iff I Us to the bare la attodoct my of is aocom the ha it the roar future I- bare oriry a SNAP IN TEA just sccorod a Bargain In Japan my 20o or ft On for Always boar In mind my Staple Line Japan Tea At 30o or for to be best value ever offered It strength and flavor For all Who prefer Black I have some fine lines In Souchongs and a Special Blend ranging from 200 to all good and fine flavored Evaporated per lb Peaches 13 11 Apricots tell for price CANNED GOODS Tomatoes Peas Corn Pears and doteot of other lines all of best quality have jut opened some Water Sets designs are fine and price low Toilet feuNow the time to get them at for printed R A SMITH Leading Grocer Main St 50 Best Quality Swiss Hats Of Mens Mackinaw Hats worth 75 Cents Boys Mackinaw Hats worth 60 Cents Mens Womens Chip Hats Cenl Cenl Cer 1 if- For Two Weeks we will Sell Granulated Sugar by the barrel for 450 a ORDERED THING If you want a nobby suit of cut in the latest fashion and of the best material you afford to miss looking at our BRUNTON All GOOD COOKS Baking Powder 1

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