Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Apr 1892, p. 3

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V r Local IS IK ABOUT Is tub Dark The ilb lb Mr The Friday jijit He p good too More cm of hones in camber were ilitl fc to were wt joXutb were nice apiece tie so tits County Treasurer with statement of ell unpaid sad rates R at list for Treasurers to It rather except ktTrs deal Butter tn jlc- from W t 9U lb it per gallon and fa Hit 11 el Loom Option- The friends of w will oat onow to the Mtoo tew prohibitory 1- in secretary of Alliance to be fit wot sad itttMic io ex- of Toronto an Magistrates On Friday bench of of Ctne sod Pearson were to decide regarding itf between Messrs pence sad The OBrien oo both lit ltd Crown Attorney ts a teal foist will be Scnoou The following rajimiD dating of Ross Willie Petuio tfiy lit Armings Irs Bar- Robertson Reed srid Loin Co Fooling the Kids One fine op thsir lo riiit ccrtiin bash of they to from backets jiog fesre bat the ia tub got the on them ft wm The kids wont miles lor J will ftos lhemmorjr of who iMt to jj t 5 advocated Kelt it tie of lb day executed for the took in Id to ltd gOTcra- firit of n- wait lioe which the regaUi meeting WtdcbuiMj decided to oat rotTf for the ndCfm- dt Ahead Call cold On Tnesdsy of one of Is Cm yon In Now Yak goodwill of lb of a J to for pat roc there were about Ld Ituifrtinsi en Hod day night tailed to a Cricket nyra ad to it Bicycle Room oclock At are fr tie of to lM id tie si Jib of month vl3 be fire by A B a Applied On UUreooo Amended School it will peoKof Ut fun i f rj fttendaTioe at ft il a to of ffaiMi complete it DiPAkTCDeTho rft lid tie r died o from in t i it and rax- to ago 03 at A- anlotnt Hubert Idct I and fire at llx of d vat atleoded The akc Nelly tefiKTioN A in town on dsy fir end The rpett a Lira with entire l contractor who pal with Mm end we I better far Mi the sorry when they they expect lie- J4ti fa the only it l doc without Voice Miw who rmdytng dAnsi of tht Toronto Consertttory of is now to eoesl to few wag of the craft on Tnedy to greet John Roes Grand sad in the highest turns of hi lecture on the history of the order Sere eitiHng were pre end oil the of the If r looks of flitting the lodges t him immeos1y Too Abe Anything in line your will be folly sup it Wright A Co On Monday the foUowkg elect ed for the qairter the Mr III Porter 2nd Vice Keith 3rd Vice Him Millard Vice J TreexC are 85 on the membership roll now The Oil and see sample A for sale for Radge The entire tht Union mkt in Aorors on to rwrfct arrangement for the to bs held Newmarket on the 31 at of sad lit of Jane The program will embrace jrcts bearing prsclrcsl and christian how to reseh the Some the best scalable already been second for the occasion whom re Dillon A of Toronto A Hardy A of of Toronto and Rev J- A Dickson of Gilt The Executive desirous that all Chrialiao shonld be at the and ef organization in the Riding commence lo select A Urge stock of and second hand at Johnsons Music Store Main atrect A meeting of lbs Board took on Tuesday aranlng Mr P J in eh six were and soma the recommended property on At lately to the was sold on la Mr Richard for Sessions A meeting of the of Co place at the Court next when the list of J and Co Constables will be Have a new for are now reedy and anybody in town who owns a dog will be In for costs if it labelled by the of May The his orders A lit of Joke Here feilowa alert lat for little fun young lady who recef red note to spend the take tea with a lady friend who waa of own would like to the joke her Look out for the eta Market on Saturday A man named from Hi Albeit war latolng the Royal yard Saturday too quick motion and he took a header against the brick wall face It is dangerous practice to on Saturday when so many era itanding That the of Parkers Dyeing and Cleaning Works of Toronto will be here next week So look yonr end faded girmenta and have them to look like new are known for fiae work Agency fielmaoa Newmarket a On Tuesday child In Mr Weeks fsmily todlphtberia Ten spperenlly matter a boy of pty- Ing the strMl and he wis dead oa Mod- dsy before anybody knew anything The reported to toe of Health end the and family x entirely isolated Though enbtcriptfon was taken to Ike family their needs were bed reported These re tbe only esses of disease beard of In town spring and Board of Health hare had tha entire prem ised thoroughly We bope our will take precaution at once that there be no cause for alarm fViVjMi BUY r i aobertinjiQis GROGERIE ftpW AND FROM Toilet and Laundry Soaps Babys- Own Brown Windsor for Glycerine Fine line for No Electric for 10 ESTABLISHMENT OF v D BROS Tat Tbe public Friday fairly at to the tod tbaclject Mr Mfg- Co a of affiEn of hid of of irottb of araetill for worth The gpol bara aod ootfrhbitaodiog re bid to wall a good market far all can bo placed on a footing for an lack of capital compelled Co Io both bof acd at a great is a raacbUery contd wiped out loan and a ret mortgage to at alto to of Mr elai Allen followed for tbt ratepayer to and bvl dtermJD4 to tba town out of from to be were to be baenbuged do with a imill compete with He referred to the of being lolqaiUae a port of be spoke of now tbrocgb from Mr lie spoke of u lopelded Grit sad And ihfir Spring Roller All lateil raited The ladiea of tbe tea tbe school room on Thnrelaj of wek Strang tbat bottom of coal bio well at that of family wallet at the jeer Aurora in town afternoon The man who pitted with En tbe belief tbtt now Spring a jd tod be depended Wild gees and eh flytog tba past weekTfco baa got left for the noon Bind at Mr Mr patting In a Urge refrigerator Wasted of will be at KeJleya bete Rich mond Hill April hotel New- April 12 add Booth hotel April 13 to boy and to with good action bone alio MM lbs and All most be right Bring a week Mr Geo and firmly removed from to the farm jut Newmarket TKond Mime part conoeclion the and temper ance lodge at and one or two aft- Inge people of at and Mr and with a handsome Dinner as a token of tbeir esteem in recognition of the rateable Mrrtca Nellie organist of the lit which body acknowledged the coot by presenting her with an elaborate Case The choir here are a addi tion tbetr fiornben wa welcome Paint Which cannot be For safe only at Cower Stores a if we tell jo a ecrrt they bare it known for Two thought they hare a fine when the ware Tbe Epworth Endeavor will of the Gospel Temperance Heeling at oclock A Home aver that Gin bey cattle bare DarLame as to weight Mr Unlock hi- a fine of on hi firm and a eoimit tipped tbii week Ibt The proof of pad- It the eating of it ft3bertishjeifa Out Owin to the ex tra on our ipace week we are obliged to hold over cor from editorial the Canada College tbe Legislature week and other interesting matter which will la next HOI FOR LUNDYS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE OUR ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES DRAW A GREAT CROWD The Stock is replete with ReadyMade in all dot Figures that Cant he Beaten onr Dip Baler In Ordered in finiih and durability JUST Pure Maple Sugar orders for Maple Syrup Early j expect it In course of will Beat or noeale My Special Line of Japan Tea being with a large and the if better than you Black try Ceylon or they are apecially fine flavor Pull Aeaortnint of Canned and only beat quality is what I Are yoa to be DyepepUcI Try a cup of Dandelion Coffee for breakfast You will soon feel I a Special Lino of Johnstons Porcelain Dinner and Tea Ware In open stocks You can make a let to your own liking and price TOILET SETS Piece Printed for Fridsy look took ak No 1 It ran root or the aod aitaficcory tbat it baa Mood noosed for coopta of yaaife No word bai yet Brad ford intends to rebus it or not Almost Killed- At the ten oclock around pond an old roan on trick aod knocked into As pi Dgiur to of oil wo of age If up ia an by the to Stvertl djnfc botbora1Ii ajiitte while to To train Ha tba way did not mora far elf track aod anxtce atrock on Ko broken but it waa a WE WONT TAKE A BACK SEAT anybody Call and examine and he convinced Everybody wondering bow it is done A la Goods jaat arrived These prices away ott of bight Oar will also stand inspection and trial AND US LUNDY Cor Main Street and Park Avenue To arrive Special Bar gain in Japan Tea at or lbs for good for price in First My Stock throughout Class nod Prices Rock Bottom for Cash Only R A SMITH The Leading Grocer III Division Model School following monthly exam in St J Hog- trail Cane Alice Jtaio Barton Dbia Satbarlwdj Percy Clay- Frank Wrfgbt Gray Cecil si lie- Pralcbu Howard Vrrooo Willie Ofay Hunter and Ktlty Lloyd Norton tba ahona of flt bottom bott a Mid at wall throw the I Mat ahorti they the pood for they would aafely in a few Hay lhacr Sl a PRINTING AT THE ERA OFFICE ETavlnft Just returned from the do I FELT HAT IN CANADA asroiaaro TO on DAV1D LLOYD taking Mi for Con reran car fca for allow my Tito Clllicni fnlsSS the AaaocUiloo Office In Abundance in the Very Latest London and New York Styles Christie Stiffs and nil the leading makes of Hard and Soft Felta Old Mens Young Mens and Youths Some Special Values in Boots and Shoes A LOVELY LOT OF DRESS GOODS So cheap that you will fancy we are selling them at Bare Coat WE BUY RIGHT AND SELL is King and his subjects are increasing in number the more they do their buying SuTKjyKhv A nice Hoe of letter mtanrl tc at Aurora It Um He of eJttlrif to lw loan MlUtVctif j sxpsnalvfl I ox It for IS at no fc There ere A The Pro he leal lie Reliance with the to light that light gWHe W oJle the tootrsct to the en get ft n OT 1 what the will lawolL JtiMt filled JwttsBrii fituh ills at- In tiu are iUs see It the lo the He was the behest be of atrongle oljrcted against ssafsliog a Bra that lis at on the dollar stated of at the was which lbs ceota on the dollar line that date had been The editor of lbs Ulag lop sided bis to any enterprise for etnpIoymeDt of mechanics artisans moat are inch of local and the of lbs Co from only employing 20 men at present would be a loss to lbs town whin the present board of man- as that esataUsce do a Mr Cody wlahed to know If lbs offered from replied that waa at twice tbe euvwut If he bid the he wtold not Id A was pro posed Id sobmlulag the to role of the ratepayers Woodcock to know who ooold en the motion tit said list wlihed to here lbs of wrrejialiied to By r last the He paid If snd bad no wtra Id or the enterprise hot landlords who outside Ijwo not lei say what their taxes wets to go to rote called Vat wben laths Company stood op rots wu Some st and vote counted to 17 slayer therefore declared the motion lb Company bad offered to pay with ByLaw whether It carried or riot A eery poatjsttd of will take tbls to return In hot about forty feat from shore a high ware It feet of water Mr and aaw the ren- fellows sod were what happened hung to white the ran to their assistance by meaoa of a long rope palled them safely to abort We will bo a lesion to then la sod a to othrra It fa bad to be a wlthont Ills to try lbs ex m A large stock of wall bordering tsteoalvn Call and see goods and a slight acci dent happened wblc fatally to the thrfa rtjrl jar 1 tweeo CO and age at wood lbs sod wu staodfng upon spite 13 last high from which be piling farther sticks and bs fell to that were with weot to Ms as bat be died he bis lbs wood In the fall tbe County physi cian states that canted by bawling of a th bead catre from town ship We are to report that there Is a cam it at thy Horse at pressor total namU now to Board met oa to which a sslay for the peeper Inspector for bread and ware to the earns Arms yeer wrrs tenders for the Board de cided to boy fctb dry goods and direct from wholesales In that farm U looking vail for this time of the year The workers will Lords NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT WALL pip Papers borders and Ceiling Decorations in Large Latest Designs SPECIAL ATTENTION CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFICE W Ni STARR AT BIO- IT THE eefl It- R J DAVISON TAILORING STOCKTAKING SALE v I starting to stock we wish out all Winter Goods at awity down prices- Ladies and- Gents Underwear Jit the lowest price and Gloves the same All remnants to be cleared out any price As usual our Groctiies will bo and class Teas and are our specialties Try a pound of our 40c Blended lt sure to please you W W PLAYTER Telephone Communication NO 260 MAIN ST NHi LIQUOR STORE BOTTLED ALES PORTERS John nnd Cnrlings in Quarts PinU EIGHT HANDS AS BUSY AS NAILERS THE NOBBIEST IS TOWN WORKMANSHIP AND FIT GUARANTEED Plain aad also at a Ladle lOiSaltsrerybodr at Wright A W BOOT SHOE STOCK COMPLETE PRICES LOWER THAN EVER SON CASH GROCERY STdP FOR CHOICE GROCEFilES ATLAS BRAND FINEST SEtECTED PRUNES PER POUND NO LABRADOR HERRINGS CENTS PER PJ CONNEOTION as FOR- ion If for Jert r On to- BOOTS I SHOES I have the Largest and Most Complete Stock in town for you to from and our Prices are Lower than the Lowest Our Motto is LowPrices Good Goods Small Profits and Quick Returns Any person wishing anything In the line of Boots and Shoes should not to call on S NO

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