Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Apr 1892, p. 4

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ia- v APRIL 1 Flower Mr Sleeper fa very well known to of Me and neighborhood He says ago sick ana suffered as no one a dyspeptic can I then began August Flower At that time was a great sufferer thiog I ate distressed me so that I had to throw it up Then a few moments that distress would come on and I would have to eat and suffer again I took a little of your idne and felt much better and after tatinga little more August Mower my Dyspepsia since that time I For that Horrid Stomach Fooling TO WRIT Ah iiTi ft lhit Abbott hone from llJtyjbftJqo on bar It to lire In of or tell it Htm a liUlt will bo tore A that the IL P for that Mr J tee of fee Ms Premier ha Ms to close of the pretest of Abbott and nave never had the first sign of it lean- eat anything without the least fear of distress I wish all that are afflicted with that terrible disease or the troubles caused by J it would try August Flower as I am satisfied there is no medicine equal Rheumatism BEING to of ftdd in ihoblood effectually cured by w of ril Bo get and take It till tbo dd expelled froto lha About yews ago after for two from able 10 walk with great tried mineral relief I I meat J A a Chicago paper hat a man hid of pWot after by taking A vera I then decided to ivko a trial of this and took It for raonlh and pleased to tate that It effected complete I bare Had no re rora of tin Dodge HO Ke York One year ago I taken ill with Inflammatory rheumatism being con fined to my house fix oat the very area no appetite and disordered Id war I commenced wing and began to at once gaining in and recovering my I cannot My too much In praise of I- A Stark Sarsapariila Dr J Ayer Lowell Miss riabotiffili death at Robert of to the of In the of fail For many bt vaa publisher of and Id high esteem by his We demise A from Washington the by Foreign on ibst day and It to of the treaty with Greet by reepecttog nee of minors been by out the clause for who be smoking on street for paobh- persons sell or to under of ge laths week by Premier the aik Ihe to versify of the the first of middle of Jans the demonstration will Tea retail of Britain biro a Bill introduced Into the dealers to for the of the goods supplied to the implied of freedom from which hold tail grocers OB AND TRUNK RAILWAY Hi S S i fe I 1 I i v St Journal of Hon retnro to life makes this Ihin he can estimate the condition to which been replaced we hire no bis sense of doty Mm to reenter life the fitting time and this time the American is on its war The Sftttafor thinks to the which will from President and alio In- The set Intended to keep if Boffslosfid Detroit of excerpts conrejs to reader Great of the York facnd get a good to captor sod Ax eachtnge the in the way of a of comes from a town of Chicsgo where a the of the Iocs those of her kloj friends sod neighbors who so timely her in bill of from her This re minds of a story going the rounds of AQerican respecliug a Toronto who after fcarjlog erected a for whole lot It cooitfted of a fasad with Ihe index fioger lo the sod on the names ages eta she these words The read liberty to as these two stories as he has mind Society Register terieNewmftrketliWedoealayln jud Motion or before full moon anmTnfda I ampmto1 1st Island Albert Every alternate 5rd A In HA MMiiJlniiHib Stt the A3d Monday to avcpIui In wjjjrk i In It of and Select Wcdoe- In iach fjcKYrrf tintunley I r fttdij TTanrsday Tuesday fordaeery every L market la eicb niotiiL at Temperance Hall IT Friday in earhraontb S S- Lessoa The Way of The is emoting to resd re public men find their as gireo to leaders of a pntely ptees Speaking of Hon- Mr Fosters budget an old time print was a masterly effort and nonplosed the rotn crowd who seels on the Opposition side of the and prolonged cheenog folloteJ remarks the midst or he took seat uuiejnttisl lUchsrdCsrt wright followed I a characteristic speech Mr replied which Vie KcigM f sort of for inttcb A has been In fsy a uwly ly The put dieo ome lime on Fast add result fir the Company World at with itf and en I veedtd to it In the WelK The etortjira was in ha the a others The shot was pot off at scond at feet and the third at feet At shot the of wai perceptibly loccessed at third the The roar of the gat a pipe be heard was wotderful result and a for Toronto by air for the April 1 10 Text it that sUbdetb to way tor nit the scornful lsalrn 1 jjfTStfKCrroaY theeeonj of the fear are selected the book of and from of of lbs where WfitUa by of and of some ate not by yet re been received as and fa many shades of the world to the satIcnaU there are only two wellde righteous and the wicked man delights In law of wlcksd and da ha final destination of La widely Life lbs n while ruction Is the portion of the depend 1 11 The fit Will mi JiUlU cat ftKrv it If Winn to 0Jj reader medktue of day Blood vegetable poeceaJrjg all organs of the and wotrolllogtbDir It cures all blood humor and disease from a common pimple to with and Influence on the secretions of llrcr bowels and skin rtnderlt unequalled Ma cure fur all diseases of skin will core pimples the forme of OUeaes From two core salt rheum or run tog aorta and ell It KKicoWaiUt sufferers from sUa are nearly graveled by on the on to grater dlaeuee such ad KrouU nndouUed proof that three to and by apptkAllon broaeo to IhtaOccUd parte will effect a cure- areas of to tb bowels and wrong of stomach and and Impure secret tons allow recovery and remove bad blood liver complaint bit rte every of or ktdneys and We is ibi rlrst we will Of la lb application to ACo ToruntofOaL New Conuty Council Hill An Act for redqeing tho camber prison to baa been Introduced legislators by Hon Mr Hardy of which following it a brief sjnop the method proposed not only redacts nam change mode of election to body t Section red toe the of tbe Act Section provide In whore the present composed of more than fifteen mem- and in other where the council of fifteen or if the council by to the clerk thai at the general muni cipal election for 1899 to the of every local municipality whether they ore in of adoption of this Act or opposed to it By we take it that where a of mora than members clerk most the of adoption or rejection to electors in January next bat if composed of or lees it is not to be submitted the council so direct and provide of giving notice of sad the time and place of toting election to be held at me time as for municipal councillors Sections and relate to print ing ballots form of ballot papers and the county clerk in relation to bis duties etc Section enacts that at tho nomin ation meeting in local the clerk or returning officer shall appoint in writing two competent persons to attend at the summing up of the votes upon the and one competent per son to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in promoting and one interfiled in op posing adoption of this Act Section enacts that at close of the poll all deputy returning officers shall forward the ballots to the clerk of tbe local municipality Section 10 requires ccrk presence of tho persons author to cast up vote and a certificate of mult to the county clerk Section enacts that one week after at the house the clerk shall publicly declare tbo result Mud post up a statement of tho votes Cast for and against tbo Act Section enacts that all qualified municipal voters are qualified to vote on tbis question Section makes applicable to this election the provisions of the exist ing municipal election Act Section provides tbst if a ma jority of the electors favor this Avt it come into operation the year after election the county council to continue till the new Act takes effect Section provides for the submis sion of the question provided electors in each municipality pteition therefor or if the county council authorises it Section enacts that tie expenses incurred in submitting Act far may be incurred by the county clerk fiball be paid by county 9ud all other expenses by respec tive local municipalities Section 17 provides that if any clerk or other officer refuses or gleets to perform tbo duties assigned by this Act ho shall incur a penalty on conviction of Section IS enacts that any oath or required by Act be administered by a municipal clerk magistrate or commissioner Section the Act with the Municipal Act Section interprets local municipality and Section provides that inconsistent pro visions of Municipal Act not apply to tbis Act Section with its subsection enacts that Councils where this Act is ioforced shall bo com posed as follows In con taining not thn inhab itants of seven in lits containing more than in- habitants and less of members and in of upward of mem Dominion ctrntue to bo taken as data of iuhHbitunttf Section provides tbo method of nominations to county councils Any fifty or more municipal electors of one or more in the county id and deposit the of the county on or before tho 1st day of Dec tuber in each year a paper in the form in Schedule to this Act cue or more persons possessing the qualifications of municipal councillors in the municipality which rutide candidates for a member or members of county council signatures to this nomination piper must bo attested to by oath of a witness that tboy genuine also qualified voters There is a form Section enacts that no member of a local council shall he eligibly for election to the county council no member of a county council shall bo for election to a local council Section enacts that if num ber of candidates not county council county clerk declare nom inated to bo elected Section provides the necessary fur an election where candidates arc thftu Jaw requires the council- clerk is to advertiso for weeks names residence occupa tion and qialiGcatlon tho candi dates so nominated and also forward a Hit of tho nominations sev eral clerk of local municipalities who must at once post up a copy of list in his own office and In every office in his municipality The The county clerk also required to forward to the clfrka of local a number of blank voting papers equal to the number of reeves and deputy reeves In local municipal ities Section 27 enacts that at the first rneoting of newly elected council In local municipality the reeve and dfpolyrfAYea shall Gil up the said and aviry and shall be entitled to a of votes ennui to the of of the county council to bo elected sod give all such voles to one or may distribute them among the as they think fit Section provides that papers shall be deposited with clerk and forthwith transmittal in a sealed package to the county clerk accompanied by a that the persons voting have taken oath of office Section enacts penalties for cor rupt practice on the part of any officer or other person Section seta forth the mode of for opening and counting these vote and method of declaring the candidate elected Section 31 provides that in case of a tier blank ballots and also ballots with of the several candidates one another shsll be put ia a ballotbox and tho clerk shall bo blind folded and draw by chance in presence of county jfldge or sheriff and names first drawn shall be declared elected Sections and pro vide for first meeting the election of Warden the to preside till the warden is chosen and the oath to be taken as at present Sections 36 and 37 providefor filling vacancies the election to be the same as in the first instance t i iL LABORING MENS ST JACOBS OIL THE GREAT REMEDY RHEUMATISM Sprains Braises Cuts Wounds Soreness Stiffness Swellings Backache Neu ralgia Sciatica Burns THE CHARLES A VOOELER COMPANY TORONTO NEWMARKET CUT PLUG FURNISHINGS TO BE GIVEN AWAY TOP TO TO one- 03 it HEAVY AND SHELF safety Bicycle OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN PLUG No other brand of Tobacco has ever joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco Oldest Cut manufac tured in Canada Everyone purchasing goods to the value of will receive a number F J WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER NEWMARKET K AND MONTREAL Cut Hub I lb Plug Jib Hug Great a Wen in the of German balloon perfect control hovering over the fortresses taking observations A recent of mans to related in Maine After hid the cows milk into crocks carried I hem into the cellar the croaru washed the crooba and put them on the fence to dr heated milk for the calf and carried it to the for them got the cream ready for put her tup per on table and then hurried to crying the formers wife aid that tired asked her husband to buy her a portable creamery in order to lighten her labor The farmer replied ho couldnt afford it and the next day bo went to town and bought a riding plow paying for it with butter money DEPOT CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFICE W STARR PUREST STRONGEST BEST Anna or MUCH BETTER Thank You Tins Tin on 1SO hart ltd Of Pure Cod Or IT ALMOST AH MILK IT IS A it it rtiforvtf oil or Sold by all fk St March Hugh wifo of a mail clerk on diet yester day oclock bad troubled with a sore lip A week ago Sunday who attend ed church db but on her face swollen and caused her ex tended to other parts of her body she finally obliged to go to bed Medical aid was called in but no serious results wore anticipated Her husband went out on his regular trip yesterday morning she was latter and did not set back till after death Mrs Cousins wore red veil to church doctor thinks the from this entered sore on lip and blood poisoning resulted K One of tho tuost fearful ac cidents that has happened Picker ing occurred at the planing mill on Saturday afternoon A number of little boys in the habit of fro- fiuenting this factory and as Mr la a good Matured man they allowed to go to and out as they On the above afternoon John the only son of John a little fellow of ten summers was playing n big planer little fellow was leitUic rest it was drawn into machine ut i to remove it in to ft firm was drawn in and fearfully mangled Tim little follow was carried and medical assistance when it was found most of the limb The boy up bravely and ib now us nicely can it- urn deeply John was the only son and a great favorite It is needless to say few children now fro- the rail I years ago this month Jim printing press was net up in Or by present pub lisher Mr Murray outfit was brought on a wagon from by single team to lira- verton mud it neces sary to employ four horses to bring the load to road was roil oven in those days and the mud was up to the axles advertised and un heralded printer and press to and one of first that baa to bo met was to find a roof to put incom ing office- under Up end down main street be walked but no vacant place was to ho seen Mr Win ssid that if no other place could bo had ho would clear a portion of hit room the two rooms in lead to of Mr Georges residence secured and setup ready- for busi ness The first was not iisucd until May publication of a for a quarter of a century in Orillia not been without its the of publisher ere drcMcdly ttteV4Bting CO I iA PURE PUREST STRONGEST A ftlA fcr sand Notice to KSroditora JAMES BRC easy enough the Pall coriQt Thats be cause it has Is of fine wire springs in the sides They clasp the figure closely but yield to every notion They give but they come back So doe your money if youyc wo a Ball corset three v ccks and find that you dont like it tfOB All NOTICKUliffb t In Irrni clulm I He or In Count of About of Tito required on or April Id to hoi II lid Solicitor for o the will of Hie it J md full vStntO Of moat of Mcultt If Mir lu town of ualotilifDixl Jamc4 a itio iiaturoof thorn And notice after l6Vi then 10 to Will Id Of J A v O fcul Of iiii KitAte not hid of for the llon- J NANCY IIUUUII Dated i this of Utrcb Executor AMY OLD NEWSPAPERS pORALSHttaofflw AT 2o PER POUND In here CURE CONSTIPATION IHDIOtBTlON 8ICK AHtt Of STOMACH AND ACTION AMD A AID TO BlTTCna IN AND Of CHRONIC 1- ALWAYS iiors a sheep Yorkihlre3wlo8 ST Largest Stock of Glass in Town JAS OWER PROPRIETOR H tor key Mr J BALE AT A No M to J UOK swat o Ml V J J FARM FOR SALE THE lot Con our Ar Itsol ha for lwu a SALE OH Am tit- I fe die iho ill VftlcliurL to- AND OF XT Afsdunt Mda r At 10 i FARM In Abo JiiJ ilia ltj4rr TO LET OUUHiu1UbrorOAlfCA Half M JIOKlECO EXCLUSIVELY J McALEERS Large and Right P FARM FOR BALE ACHES livliulotTI In lint u- vVV South i aad a The lifuo fti lormi ilo to CAS SONY House nd Lot For Sale on to lies v I New- Jii6 i liilcUM ne will j tciei of lit to -MBS- A A FOR SALE A All lsa la CALL SOLICITED LIMITED A LUMBER LATH SHINGLES AUK NOW TO OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SASH OK THE PAST SOLICIT A OK SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO I ft H wo rf an I vi tot isj it 2 inntti Ail itfM wry li n of jricvtACi A Read Svorn Testimonial uVcr vkxu fc Wmfi in i of J over iwo rt Ivrouto re- ly you jtvirs jciif to Of led you I ii tiUr of rtj wit vi UT I 1ri j you flctoiiii ivl I nitty i i In- eft- fJ I Wit to Ho Uurcti in I Notice to Creditors TIIU PETER i viiii of loll nip en up no ihohMateof of Toirmhip of Id of York Ytomiu Jwiivire to by Warren ttl Got the ilid or any of April f ftUttnot4 of their cUlmi THECOOKSBcST FRIEND SALE If CANADA mm veiia Of you ever had Ti5l LSI end not a cull ft BEST WOOD COAL STOVES Id t BEST AMERICAN COAL OIL Work- ETOtroagh- General Jobbing a fiODdE CO OPS full I- Of sodof II by hffcty lliiud3odyof lo hs ball Ik tfla k ll ulinlaUtniior will no of Mid or put or kMM nolle not by blpi si of ucb ii 1 dsy A IS- P COLE NOTICE that will fed At in for mq to 1 lb couimncmcot rum- be CUUi sod for other fall rUlbutile DR St- of i Ie vonsnss Jrtoiip ill icienilfio Amor 5mcvicatt la a AM iSi

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