Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Mar 1892, p. 3

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I 1 -wHKw-r- rrr F L ERA MAR j a J- r J VJ Lively Local luoniu ffBAT II OH IK The meeting of North York will take Holland oclock nrtccc- Be Methodist rfi will be Sab- The An Sale morning J of Toronto will preach iht edcoatiocd of Board of Trade A the took nUe Friday ten of commercial importance In order to of the matter evening oclock A foil attendance Fall is Bread Now dont endtbiok that lb Selarder afternoon wbile bread we being loaded for deUrerj eUrted the and wo op to top of the bill wily Main St ernes don The thorough IP for y ii lb time to Re a infra lickt Mi lor Sdrilifc Graphic tad itemed in od nd iic Safe Two of J C tod a of in- St t Holland la koJ bat of bomj in c lb fc will eoncder of joiUitg new bridge of wood or Iron JW Where tab Blame With It the Aoror mtil to Informed to Tie tJ be ihe ler to tot Aaron anil which V4f to Aaron cor the J i T K TuJij Yak io to fcCtt fiiiieg a W to go Two firu fa Bftgtde io Dot Kit tbr 14 Big town tot rj with lJ oa for ft r DM LbtifitrEut 200 Site i- ty Court Next Ink rtrj w lter bow long Mmi of J Uf The the bid md by boo to EtlIIs larger School if too On oil Lid a confer In daring a lait in giro birth to a healthy bat fell A liopoor boar 8bo On Mr Bond bono ud cat town bU from to n la on its la in front of lull ftlllog down roit both to borrow ft rig from own being repaired to ill wind that do good The the niog of iog from oar own WogpretMU The weraMtred left for dfltgbted with their reception by Jack Luge again tbe of tba Manitoba Settlers There were trains hero night with uttlerv for the and effaclt 17 got at Brown of Orch ard deetioed for two or Brotben of bound for White Rice ticketed for Indian Head Another bitch in are tattling boat next week Sugar Makes Iron Sip per A Sibiods of week while a lady the Sonlb End waidipptPK f water from an door the rope became looeo from the pail- ft Sotted on the water end litter not fir from the top reiohej down to bat then being a Kihd flipped badoog the water The a wonder When erect witer resent Paring Be Company tear of jjTtQi Bii a day and order ia aB go Tint 0 mow are elr io from a- to and 10 at tokirp with demand if will employed neat Witk At tie algned by 111 jer the to to tbe the the to is to many A BpLX Run came Dp from School of Toronto the trifo atordiy and met at depot by Mi Went who the bone tied tot when the train came animal frightened and gar away and the bone for home after it bat did not it till along Street and bed to walk to corner IS tramp from daring the North Rebellion ak The 1 form in the the of York will take on the of who an juixiona toadrance make good pare momenta A House The la the Town a iglhatltiru the finrt time that had the honor of presiding a In lilt to be congratulated on the way be filled the chair The Bar A Ranger of On- Dr fioprtma Chief Ranger and John A Secretary were and laid the matter of life with benefit of their Order before the meeting in choice and lgoit The part of the program wai well Rich of TocalUl received great appliote white of oar local talent we hare wrery wudeerTedty applauded ajid who been well with acceptance Am a not only for her bat alto for willing with which hu o titsea to the entertainment of public on The by Ida betokened boon of practioe and cordially received vote of thanks by Bell wellmerited by the for providing inch an free It was boat 11 oclock when program At the the were at the Hon Daniel Beatly the great Organ and Piano if and ping and than In Realty lift home a plow and by will he worked way to far nearly of Organ and to dis hearten him laid in way that would bare wrecked any ordinary man for ever he total to an and brighter than ever iutrnmeQUt are vary popular and be found in all of the We are informed daring next yean be to more of hie that metm a of if we average at each It already the Urge I the kind in Send to Jeney Cat- This week we are showing our Spring Stock of NEWMARKET HOUSE FURNISHING STOVE DEPOT iiip Also an Enormous Stock of JDBT flnUhed HaTe every to thank my for a fairly yew CHINA CROCKERY GLASSWARE SAP SPILES AND 1 AM At Rock Bottom Prices Ink Drops Town Ccnocil Monday Bend of Hope Ireland over Next Friday Annunciation King Council meeta on the Fine aurora Sit A few fannere tapped wecka Good Friday ate on war pith Back The i a lit not Kg to find a man joittc rvtirnerl tbfaweek to Toronto with WilUamn form erly llirkbirr he at City and bid him extra- on of having given a forged lor to the Co a few a member of York Township where he He lj to a bard the grand Jury of the rctt bean It trial will go over to the The Era two or three to a of a on in the vicinity of the Jut night Councillor Peoples Union On from and tba from two and Societies io at the Chnrcb and wire tbe forma a Count Union for York Hiving adopted a sod of officer wai at fnllowe VicePrei- Roach Ellas Kettleby Secretary Stephen officer tbe and in compliance with the wih tbedefegatei a meeting tikes place in to a pro grim for a convention held soon It will pay anyone to call Rover Sample wheels kept See the tire for a A Young Ma The Caiktl of Under- taking at a lengthy article Canada College of which mention made weeks and It sketch of of the Among own Mr Alex of whom to be when it met to adjournment Reeve Depot Coandllora Brown Banter and Pretty A Weil wood breaking Mr a petition from J and 110 others the Council to a of to Novelty Co was referred to the Amotion to at Water Com to ascertain of a editable Hoeo and to be Poll Booth to be between at and the School report of tho Water Com ordered to wood at Ibo Works The laid before rcipocting Act which referred to Coot Mr jo withdrew Ms re Cartas and Council adjourned- SPECIAL PRICES IK China Tea Sets China and Cotntnon Toilet Beta Dinner in fact everything In and Fancy Goods at ALMOST HALF PRICE to nsnuuB stock A SPECIAL LINE FANCY TEA POTS Usual prco to cauls my price they will sorprlfto you wwwyi A Few of the Books in the Mechanics Institute Library Cutting Down Salaries The bill by the of oSiccrt re eta will he fat fecden rbd York Tbit bill limit of to li to of JilTi to of will by table the by cettklo loud will at 78 79 80 HI Hi 98 102 111 A Ken Story The Professor A Romance of Melville White A Tale of Northamptonshire do The Cousin from i ml in Terrace Exiles in Babylon A 0 A Tale of the Sea LieutCol Fighting the Flames The Little Camp on Eagle Hill Winifred Bertram Series Vol Geo Eliot Vol do Adam do The Bertram Family do A Boarding House Experience 1aul A Rent in the Cloud of Sir Jasper One of Them Fortunes of Fifty Years Ago in Ireland The Family Abroad Davenport Dunn The Martins of Martin Confessions of The Soldier of Fortune Vanity Fair The Students Quarter The History of Ieudonnus Henry Esmond A Tale of Last Century A Shabby Genteel Story The Irish Sketch Book The Great Poverty Diamond Thu Book of Snobs Round About Papers Lovel the Widower has Lever do do do do do do do do do do Tlmckeray do do do do do do do do do do 118 114 11C 118 122 123 131 The Coming Race v Lord An Romance Adventures of a Gentleman My Novel Keneloi Chillingly My Novel The Last of the Saxon Kings What will They do with it Vol Godolpbm The of Grenada Eugene Aram The Last of the Tribunes Night and Morning Last of the Barons Robert Falconer David Ranald Adopted Son Tales of Borders do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do kit Quality AP BUCKETS WRIGHT CO Telephone Connection Country Quarters do Diary of an Aged Spinster do Poor Scholar do 189 Tom Duncans Yarn do 140 Hunters of Hudson Bay do The Two Sailors do A Happy Conclusion do Robbery at do Peter Pattersons Sayings A Doings do 146 and Downs do Story of Girl Forger do The Vale of Cedars Grace Aguilar The Days of Bruce Vol do Vol do I MONSOON TIGER BRAND mo cup ami specially to suit our low of my regular Jibe It equal la town I EVAPORATED APRICOTS Rock Ahead COFFEE A3 THE BEST R A SMITH yT Sbrrill WldJUTtld 3513 4732 J 10 WO NEW SPRING IS SELLING The nam of Mr of Ufa To for lj W Ibl who m Waltr to He Qiuble ft booth d the on pott sot of Ur oil u of of on tad tod It ad While oad coaGdeoco to la cuter coder would loeottmblola to of addition to ho la the Dominion the at Millar of uiricif d It but of I ft at l cod III of il it fo tho vith of at tho nil to cm Jo a No Moke Touaoco Bore might well com- to Q of tobacco Wo bar teredo Mr It of iafci or jo do iu a la ether tin toUcco couvlc- to 5 lea 91 JihnWfor or in de- to goal for Writ Indirectly wile for t rljot to a mora or roioca bird OX and for of tho con- to bill rtJV to ill 0n we a who la the year emigrated the to tbe Slate ftreatgraodfathar Timothy who emigrated to where tbe or cow firat home there Mr was bora at on of March the of J P of that boil- end the year At the of the of took a la hie father aod la admitted fo December be retired from the firm of J Millard St Co and In Newmarket bit own Then be to to poeltlon of firat to tbe late remained with him Me death Ho baelarai of late It on etUl the nam of John Mr Millard at the formation of Ontario A- be held at aoer by him ah taken a great f the tbe and 1882 elected of throe commit tee of to placed oo the examining board of the cUtloo wu appointed to tbe of of the of embalming la Toronto and In and be elected City Undertaker tbo fa which be deep Mr Millard mad art of and familiar It from well techIul A To get ft good Proposed Ship Hallway March The Rail way Committee the Ontario loturo met and cootlderatioo of the Bill to Incorpor ate the Railway Bill reads capital of the company ball be to the mile of ingle track with power to Increase the Hardy chairman of the committee thought thU exoea- ive and that per mile of tingle track w Id be Mr- objected pointing out that the road different from an ordinary railway and that the coat of rily bo higher The Dominion Gov ernment be Informed con templating the of canal from the month of the and If that done the railway need be only from Lake Ontario to of capital mentioned bill wonld not be All that the promoter the wanted Mr Bach power from the at enable them to meet tho condition of the money market in England It to the centre track and then to complete work It that of the mm of per mile the capital of the company it lump of bo the amount with power to the Mr filaln agreed to and Bill will aland over for farther until next week AT THIS io Prints Princess Cloths Charming in Style and Fast Colors Fancy Shirtings Regattas and Checks Table Linens Sheetings and Pillow all widths and Tickings every desirable grade and quality all at Fewest Cash Prices is King and is banished so come and see our new goods and get our prices R DAVISON OOTS AND Cheaper than over Everything MARKED DOWN TO clear them out and make room for Spring Goods NOW IS YOUR TIME Thanking my numerous customers for their past patronage Sign Rod Boot S bar a few A local option waa to people of ford Oat Monday after hard battle at the poll defeated by Ont The late Jaoob who amothercd daring a fire In hie left an at of hi wife of hit children comparatively bulk of to a favored daughter hot- SALE of LAND IN WILLI Mill Property wilt bo for Auction Ihc TOWN OF ON ISM of to at ihtjfid Coo of of tk Q BE SOLI WITHOUT of 5d bo pur- two At tia to- DANIEL Or TJ Solicitor SALE UNDER and by of In ibito which will bpTOJuxj4Hbo of Ibero will bo ioJ by PUBLIC AUCTION AT by Before starting to take sockjwo wish to clear out a Winter Goods at away down prices Ladies and Gents Underwear at the lowest price Mitts and Gloves the same All remnants to be cleared out at any price As usual our Groceries will be found fresh and fir class Teas and Coffees are our specialties Try a pound of our Blended Its sure please you W PLAYTEF Telephone Communication THE OLD RELIABLE ESTABLISHEC 1858 DISPENSING A SPECIALTY TED R Record Ever Made by any Sowing Mechanical Progress PERFUMES OF THE- BEST THE DOMESTIC THE FIRST flatorda March At one oclock or Worth M In aeM more or Term or Bale mosey to be Solicitor on flay ea daja farther MrtJeaiaraaM condition of apply market or toll THE FIRST high armed family THE FIRST to tho large to ate the loose pulley to wlad the THE FIRST to ate the drop leaf THE to develop devices fordoing docoratlvo artwork THE FIRST to introduce the undorbralder THE to ate the vibrating foot THE FIRST to have a self totting needle OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB 11 am pm pm DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOH N NO MAIN ST FOR- a- Domestic and Foreign St and c Oporto both especially recommended for medicinal purposes AXJJlN BAZltD Vendor Solicitor Canada Ufa Toronto Dated day of w For Hale- IhanolberkliMii- tbOonKaatOwUll WHEAT- li ten dare on a The First Light Running and NoiselajajMaohine to Introduce that to a atael Pitman Improved atvloa of to provide fitted for to make the chain withoab to j The First Only Macnlne Today to Please Every Purchaser B MILLARD agent Onsite Newmarket CASH GROCERY STORE FOR TRY OUR- Gunpowder Indian Indian a OM ALLEY Hi I i

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