Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 18 Mar 1892, p. 2

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MAR 1892 Hew Now Roche Garden Tailoring Montgomery A Sou Stallion J For Site or To Rent A E Roe She OP AID FRIDAY MAR 1892 Toronto Much Patrick Day 3 of Erin a grand her in honor Id the Khem for Ash- woo The doing the work corporation ere now being foofifct oat of Tht for IH public school baud for of sad la will not ocl on board not corpor ation that a Toodif oirJ by Wo A Weir oaooIJiDga Bll glut The Dili and A J Oil- moor Richmond alrwt rtiditxigtd by fire ThaConoty of York Tut their aMIingcS in the number of rem a Mat tod of Him Wo lodoilml School Tbii with rochcd A of appointed Hod Mi outer Afritaltar ud J J filed re turn of Milled for Prince Edirtrd ud Mr Wilton for It it probable that petitions will bo filed In other woo by at recent Lut a firmer Stephen near to la One of fMt bad moat to a palp daring a alrivcotticg and bit pain went to work to rliert The Fee System bill foreshadowed the Gov- it the opening of deilioft with the tjatom boon Mr Roe- It that every Dominion Clerk thill bo entitled to to own Die a etch year Ma net income op to Of the reat he pay to the Provincial a percentage followt Between and per end 20 per cent between and 30 per cent over per Every local the High Court clerk of the Grown and registrar be entitled to retain for his a in me from all the held by him of Of the he hall pay to the Provincial the time percentage at before men tioned Every regit ahall be en titled to retain to bit own each year hit net Nip to Of the rest he pay to the Fro Treasurer a percentage accord ing to the receipt as follows per between and per cent between 3000 and 30 per cent between and per cent on the ex- ceu of Every sheriff thtll be entitled to retain to his own in each his net income op to Of the reat he shall pay moid trial la pro grot In Hamilton lor days put op to of to bad not conclodpd Tha Id areola of of and creditably ramored a ago of from Legislator was of an him took that action It now that it no troth In report sod that no amngemant Into the of Era may bare milled by oof remarks lajt Upper Canada College fanfi expended the fruity by the were not In Provlncid fnnda Unlroriity hart been had not Hon- Uackeniitt recorerj from recent relapu not hit anticipated or phyiiclan however not apprehend danger Hon gentleman Dominion will be ton to Irani that ha been unable to take Parliament Alexander at bU Mont ud lift dtpalred of At mid- admit condition critic Hit complaint U a Mmplloa- of brooch Sir Atenodtr Gall one of the father of confederation tba fint of Finance and in the of Canada I The Political Situation Another made a com pletesommertanlt on when Monk returned a representative to occupy a teat on side of Commons and the lingular feature in the is that the result was a complete to both political parties Reformers hid no about success and Knratives very small hope of winning but when the vote were counted it the Liberals were minus an a at Ottawa The candidates were Mr Boyle Conserva tive and Mr John Brown Liberal and after the struggle was over the ballots revesled a majority of 323 for Boyle although at the general elec tion last year Mr Brown was return by a majority of 260 On Tues day the same kind of tornover occurr ed In West Northumberland Under inch reverse for the reform as the are continuously presenting he question naturally arises what can be the Impelling reason Is there a Jonah on board the Liberal Or it because of the partys policy that its candi date are being Monck generally regarded a reasonably safe constituency for the Opposition but iottead of electing a Reformer it bobs up by a majority up in the hundreds These unexpected reverses to the Oppoiition means something defeats occasionally happen to a political party without special but the result of the numerous bye elections which have recently taken place in various sections of the too marked and uniform to be regarded as belonging to that claw of untoward events They partake too much of stampede order to be palmed off as without significance then must be a causa Under or dinary in view of the development at Ottawa last year a tidal wave of might reasonably have been antici pated for the liberals but instead of an of indignation on the part of the electorate it looks as if a political blluard had struck the re form camp and upset things general ly The why of all this now pre sents for tbe thoughtful consid eration of the party and Its leaders Wo apprehend reason is that the policy of late years left too much fa hinds of diet- representatives at Ottawa who have not through property convened conventions taken the body of the liberal electorate into their or allowed the rank and file to have a la declaring in what the political planka of the party shall As a tha Liberals do not a united front Hon and Sir Richard are bending all their energies for Reciprocity with the from the published pronouncement of Hon and Premier a under current obtains that to Unrestricted Reci procity means handing over this Do minion to the dotation of Washing too if not Annexation As a result Influenced by this suspicion political Mr0uMrj ma bo- jvlU r favor all liiflij Lib ral Co in to tore of a political to store and Provincial Treasurer tho following percentage per cent between and 20 per cent be tween and 30 per nt between and per cent on the of On Jan of each year every affected by the act shall transmit to the Provincial Treasurer a detailed statement of fee expenses etc The money so received sball bo applied towards covering expense of inspection audita in connection with these officials The ant not apply to fees or emoluments of any registrar or sheriff received on account of services as returning officer in or Dominion elections The disbursements of the officers shall be subject to the revision of the inspector The act shall go Into force on Jan It will be noted with satisfaction that the Gov ernment has made a in dealing with the fee system but by the surplus fees of registrars and sheriffs whose offices have to be furnished heated and lighted by direct taxation of the County at large should not be paid to the county instead of the Province is something the average municipal taxpayer wilt find it diffi cult to comprehend At least Mr Rots as an old municipal man ought to provide that the foroiihing best ing etc be out of any surplus exceeding minimum amount fixed for salaries before handing slid sur plus to the Provincial Treasurer If the county furnishes the building that ought to be sufficient for the on whole people the other expenses should bo drawn from thoe having business with the office large of tenants who pay municipal rates get no return for their taxes in this regard and should be relieed from paying for supplies Perhaps our member will present this thought to Hon gentleman having bill in charge for his consideration Under ex isting law registrars pay into tho county treasury moro than sufficient to meet these bat under this new bill no part of the fees como to the county to Iba presented to a of two and a half million of with We Rett a weir drill and for at tentions at the but whiles it of all at ire do cot for a new it at too in this region for lbs electorate to at Ottawa bat we en joy from and this af Tux appointed by ioaWoftJaucs with the mvle teuton of ii as Sir JcMtph of of T of To ronto of BrockvUle Her of ton sod A Gigtallof Sle The Secretary of the will be of Awaiting ajlion of will not for any legiilitloa this of At laud bat the followed toil and flopped from Liberal to Concur atife year at election Liberal by minority over but at by- tlectiou this k Mr was defeat and returned by ma jority For of parliamentary term art Weal will talk politics and what ii aboat weal the in votes polled took plcot farmers In of and UtldiEDand a in can and it to bo hoped tbt next will not of increase In oar expaditurt of put intertttsnd linking and on Federal dell today only about and a ten tbe if Dominion in lbs year of elation it abont to call a hilt from year tba begins to think a but abont the for in the taxes all time but cant a erected for a put office Co lately by diMittr which exPriuIer in last week be bis a letter to friends an that ha bit teat in the sod will tarn attention to agricuttnral to recuperatt and lawyers for inaiuteniQCe of bb family lit tbtt all good done and it hit only reward to that because be back to Province a part of bis electorate hare on the principle thai JQty got part stolen and the thief and Frank of Toronto were In town fait week Sitter of Toronto wars In town Snnday Mr J of wat In Iowa two or this week Hon of Cortland Sonday with friends In town Mr Roche of Toronto Sunday with bit Mr Roche Mr Jot Wright of St brother of Mr Wright In town of Toronto spending a few weeks with Mrs Chaa J Smith Mr of Toronto Junction of Aurora in Chat Baker child left on fat spend tbrtt Of four weeks with her parent Was of York UilU was io town yesterday though very poorly Ho baa up last July r Mr and wife or Boa- a of town this week tha guests of Joseph i Ur David the bicycle rodrider of New market oa bit wheel en lie cor- 100 milee hours Mr of lot a days with and J P Hunter He baa laid up about four with grip of week Jaw T had a fire and was former towns man Mr loaa on stock given at 500 Peter of ex pects to leave here on tie tram for Washington by way of Winnipeg she to two or months took their departure from lat TuevUy for their heme at Wait Terooto hav ing snog for IS with one Sunday evening packed and Joy audit with her rendering of Hell forgive A punt to young ladies on Monday for Sir Leader Henderson who market about a in Ot tawa and he atorui they had there on night of lat week On two of lbs and for blocks and atresia a with polos and wires Mr is a and Interest it girei to as the familiar named want hoed therein from time to aod of d he worked Though in sight Hulls factory ho writes often too the wo7demare in the shop window I ont of it wai so far for that claw of tfooJaand that the firm vatauch a he could it has Patriot Boy from Mr J and loft for Dakota with on Mr Welly who sUrtod for tho North West woeks has delayed Ho not feeling well when ha started and had to be removed to an at Winnipeg of which he a member caring for Mr J- been ill this last two weeks hot to bo around Mr- A- has been to a felon on bit and ajv thatll will lose the before he will recover Draper and spent a few days relatives in tp Our old Ira of Man formerly of recovering from a severe at tack of la grippe which his many friends will be thankful to bear Mr J leaves this week for Manitoba alto Mr Geo Morton for Butte Montana Mr left Monday last for Chatham on a visit to bid brother Mitt Homer intends opening a dressmaking establishment lioro in the near future Miss Annie Sennet it having an attack of inflammation of lungs Mr Orville Gould expects to speed the summer in Uncle Sams domains accom panied Mr to Dakota on last Mr Newborn is having a tussle with la grippe at present Last Monday was coldest this winter in this locality Mrs J has purchased the property here and in making her home We understand that new store will opened for business gain next month Mr It T was visiting here Sunday last and family arc having their torn with la We understood that quite a sum of was staked on looked- for the stallions Patriot Boy end Lamplight Mr Pollock decided to accept Mr Arnolds chal lenge in weeks but Mr had previously bargained for Pat and bad not time to wait for as he had a of shipping him with others there- by saving considerable expense Borne of friends look as if they had an only brother Wo trust Patriot liny will many friend a in bis Dakota home as he had here Bros ahlpped 34 head of horses from to Brandon on Wednesday last Mrs a widow woman living on the of Whitchurch was burned out on Thursday evening of week every Unfortunately tbero was no insurance on either build or contents and poor woman Is left in destitute circumstance -THE- LEADING FURN ASP i Opposite Royal Hotel MAIN ST BARGAINS IN FURNITURE During the Holidays Orders for Undertaking promptly end Embalming a Specialty J 1 All ft be Arable On of on loit Mr of UlXltflt of Tapestry and Brussels CARPETS Black and Fancy PARASOLS Light Shades in EVENING SILKS Wide Width and Pretty Pattern ART SILK The Latest Makes of DRESS GOOD The Very Latest Style of DRESS TRIMMINGS WALL PAPERS WINDOW POLES WINDOW SHADES BRASS POLE TRIMMINGS sift Sale Register Coo of Will at properly In WHIT TO WRITE It a from Ken Under- ralgottioa of Mr points to of r A Idfgum peg ufi Aq fituitd has brought Into mid- of gold which the wild with the pit will to ton Ax the that tbi duly Imported from tad la ii a area of laodalo Not Scotia If duty will do aod a malt coal will admitted fron the of PtcioiWU report Toronto ob- Mr bill to mta- ben of Tba It tod cpof bill correctly it will be for of to accept under it will be eo Urge a to both and Under Its York wodM of if our or If tea than tbtt number elector may rote for whole repaired or all for Coaoly do bare local cili for copy of before attempHoga of It provUIoQi or at Hotel For term ami Mr will have KlOff till ikvorttber tat l for 10 oclock March iraK will have or Farm Stock nod Implti iieutAciooa coo ol Tonne over Rile at oclock J Life lie Hub Mount Albert Mr Scott to a lecture about NorthWest on Monday evening Parties who intend to that country an with Thoro arc a number from this on Tuesday Mr French among Ho is to a load of him and also a Mr Fred Bain loft on Monday will V IT look if The are cow trying touoeat the at not f or or of aoy a bat there me lecb In too email to better a tut aTcry them for the term a Kood ready for the TliftKev Yolk Trillins Hi 8ft1Ubarj lb St JUpaU by it commaoIuUoD lbs lb to bo lb coo udaov to ted 11 JitrlidUiton in St lboat iboriij And now ibt ti la it lb Mr A- who I fieJ of Iinlop mi hunt It lha Heron will to t Jftll IbU in a lb of a ulldpftloX our cooitllalton It will of mtVIog to the re t ad oat of to aide of politic Iu bop of cur that ler will bo ooogb to Hod taoog batch of ftp point me ota to that body At tbo It that to far t old and on occorilng In 0 It to filled by In with lb hot ha pot TLe Senate now to coin- that to eedfrjglj antic A bill been In the to lapoto tb hereafter Premier explained that It not to make bill to nndr tb 0 the or pro perty to wife daughter op Uo exempt bat whir to more re- mole than of per Cent bo op to If vea would bo repaired to piydoty of per cent while woold H per cent If the estate fire per cent doty woold be Ituis bat wu not caw la la cxa of tbe American State utod not pro ibi te uy u It J to will nattily lta Now from rtber correafKDdeut nig any op and largo que having boon tr wag with a nearly two ago quite poorly Mr Henry who confined for past la favorably treatment of Dr Stuart of Now- tnirkot About a coaple of week ago a prominent cbprch goer bad to drop into a certain He at acting about a dozen of young men engaged at playing card Sunday lat Rev preached a Kin text Beiill and that I am taken from the The by the choir do- aervea Mr and Mr entertain ed few tbelr on Tuesday of last week A good many would like to know who wroto Queen Street Io week Era Mr P of Mia of wore of Mr A of week Mr Tato to tako charge of the Sunday School on account of of will have an open meeting flail on Tacdy Mr of Bradford to ho i market Heavy are again falling in and feared The riailroada with and ia groat mails farmeta in county Tyrone IrelftuJ flustained severe losses through finow that prevailed there sheep hare perished mount- The High School de benture to hear ing five per interest payable annually purchased by Mr of Toronto at pro of percent The Loco Option By law lately passed in ha been quashed by Chief Justice Armour on account of on compliance with the statute in advertising the bylaw at certain periods Port Hope March ltobort Rankin Hope was destroyed by tiro on Sun day morning about one oclock The origin of the unknown tho family being aroused from their sleep just in to their lives The house and furniture were com pletely destroyed Hamilton- March court house waa the centre of attrac tion hero to day owing to open- of murder trial The commodious room was filled to over flowing at an early hour and inside bar in the assigned to the grand jury there was a fair sprink ling of ladies The divisional of Grand Trunk were at recently end took a for now railway bridge to take the of the present one which Is not considered strong for The bridge will be complete ly of iron will likely bo built this Rummer will be situated old one VftnDyke of ville has shipments of sent for prising car- sent forward a preventive car load was lota put up tin- of ho A Air Suitor At of i lift by Mr to of sir Fuller of fthor lit the SI brtheKcrO IVvIJ Mvu caQlon t of Kim of A con of Kan cm Mr AlfKita KinrffV bit March Jitm Unite or Co ShuiLKVAl Oily tliloy of Mr It J Of aticd VMS ST MORI m a All will and icvuipt CASH AND ONE PRICE A I BOOT SHOE DEPARTMENT GREAT VALUE 1 i US1C on either apply at rtiUOnc St FOR HALE I old Tor apply la Lot Gvrllllmburjr For next JOHNSONS Confectionery Store Main Street OR SALE OH TO i0 let Silt of the Ton Knit half of a In con of I JuimcJiftlcly 1 W Stolen DEPOSIT of for by All hereby ftK a k hoe Tenders Wanted BALED by up o to apply Home wllb Beef Bread and April lit for of be Homo- Simple will bo longer accepted J w ANTED between ant barrels single lot being barrel Our Newmarket Markets Good Cook General Servant Until JOUOH WASTED Apply Mala SI North riSOOKTIIb- Liberal Con WILL Ik 1IKLIJ AT- Landing GREATER VALUES AND SMALLER PRICES THAN BEFORE TAILOR I Plensccnll our Suitings all new Get our prices PERFECT FIT WORKMANSHIP A CUTTER SON G A R D E EEDS Ac p A foil order ON by TO LOAN fix farm DAVID LLOYD for of c ftr follow leg losunocd ex and Mutual CO- co A SOOTHS PHARMACY HAS JUST OPENKD A FULL LINK OF it SEEDS- OF ALL VARIETIES JhQ wiaat Ordara taken for boll and MAIN POST OFFICEi Hay nd barn or THOMAS THOMPSON I returncl from It to Ju Childrens it cl ill Mar ft M Fait Wboa Wheat per huahL J ftttlejr bushel teporbuhelr U00 IS CO W Id per bag CO Wool per lb Hay per loo CO Pore per a CO pair CO a a a a a a a a CO a 0 11 a a 1 a on a a j a alt a a a a bushel per Potato per Apple per Wool pet lb Hay per loo Cloter per Marketa Mar IT ret Mi No C For lot 9 for Foundation la void order I NOTICE NOTlCRUhcraby i Can- adaAUtaxt an to lha lltno for of od for utltcr WOOD to ioulh Co ready y St Hast Toronto IK CANADA COLUMBIA UNITED STATES COAST MANITOBA 5ul A BAY MARE flrtttl3J condition having all how that We have a Splendid Stock of these goods at ROOK TT PRICES 13 JiVX

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