Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Mar 1892, p. 1

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Every FridayMorntag LYMAN GEO AT HI STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HUH GIVE MB TO SNOW TO TO TO ABOVB ALL OTHER 4 ltd tit ilfttAr BEACHED am ONTARIO BABE W CAPITA hub NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday March Strictly in Advance within 8 or it end of year Newmarket Branch 41 DRAFTS ISSUED Ham Ja 90000 T SOLICITOR CONVEY OFFICE on lily iOeratcnJ Sewnrfc liVSICIAN In a m Water St- Ave fHAKA citrons On J at all time OFFICE- In USE IT FOR Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption Bronchitis Weak Lungs Asthma Coughs Catarrh Colds Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure flu big Rooms to lb Foil Ibft Method Air for 4TIsr ACTION JAtKSOX MARRIAGE LICENSES it the Newmarket FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS TASTELESS LABORATORY TORONTO PERCENT v J AND CLOCK f Store Bold W b W J GENT FOB TO ISTlHBST AT stWMiRlOT try Office Ala A j 1 ur IEJUWNOLDS BEATTYS ORGANS AND PIANOS For WASHINGTON IT ADS THEM ALL a 80S ftttttiUd to So I Affile Time f lc- fco All isolated Shop Newmarket Peppiatts 250 PER DOZEN NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND PAINTED CO DOMESTIC ALBION If per day bed tor J all lui ictLrlHlrd UNDERTAKING HA receive prompt attention a Button Hole Worker Its Laid A Look in One Machine will aiaoy Newmarket ACCIDENT 1g America fexckwely totbebuilneonntmaDoe for Aurora loan aol lomrwut J Public Aurora CONSUMPTION ill 7 tm o fc 5ntotiitadw0tlrtlPHatJy0lff A Slocum IBO West B MILLARD Opposite Foray House AGENT Newmarket a lotdlotf a Yuronto of MQale OH Piano it Head Sworn TWO manufacturer of or Date two Pit Toronto- am aaVd Miy at to jour irealiitcut for been j aad at irrruncricy I tho cure To nil J to a that toe itnblKiruraeiif afvf I bad treated reral of note aof I am have bten nod I not do baTatwimp mar be With kind regards 1 am very truly AclooOot USUI V V ftr mutlo of J- Mm J A a 1 Next to Newmarket newmarket Methodist I alo JOSEPH A CURE ten or PUBLIC A VNIAY AT alwaya at the 0 or Poverty La no It la a bird oar onward It To we think belter And to uiothtr tight hare the bead To their To be admired and honored By the noble of the axe Should help to And how it it they do no lnwd they cannot boar Or they may work to do the they jait good and It la not to be rich to be good the poor noble TU folly A dre of faded hid a loyal heart Fiofl not help as To cat a part So make the beet of Thcogh it Is bud to While in the bait for the right We try to oar Feb The OverNeat Mother Some were an an- not long ago in a email room The brought them tORether temperance and tbo of society were mopfl the ftnd of the While tbe was go ing on a m qnietly making repairs One of a baok noticed that from hit work and for moment Co give to what was and that Lough In a and blouse be bad a face and appreciative manner After awhile the of the who with difficulty to tabulate aomo remarked Impulsively man can tell what we want to know young man thai appealed to threw on bit coat and came I be ha to help you if I can though I very doubt my ability to do ao Wo to air how many lquor aalooua there are fa this Canyon president Inquired madam I not even ftp- proximate to it waa the atraigbt- gladly It occurred to me that my mother would car about my condition of the trouble and disorder it might and of being aeen by In way were wasted than and long before I bare been utterly irreclaimable if it bad not been lor a lonely and a lady who won my confix and offered mo a true home She found ma a teacher provided me tool ftud in for I to atop drinking And to spend my evening in tbe bouse I am now it will not be long before I occupy a better than my preeent one So ladiea I know that mot bora of our do not take practical bold of the right end of matter of temperance it might jbeb b well be let entirely these words the and walked the testimony made a very deep impreeaioa upon and difference in the treatment of overneat and fussy mother forking tempertnee and good order every day of her life Every boy whue parents afford have a comfortable room to make a much litter as bis talent for mechanics or drawing and painting or what not hall demand and if parent can room the mother no objection to or anything else the kitchen or sitting room A Utile gentle and will avail to the average boy pick up and clear away hie litter when his work done mother who more for her carpets and her tablecloths than for the moral and growth of her children may be a radical op- poser of strong drink may attend meetings and belong lodges but ike ia a powerful enemy to cause of than the sellers of intoxication baveragea DAFE CO OAPITA1 AND FUNDS- EACH PLUG OF THE A to Men and Tachcrj tltri Introduce a book of to of of wrlri l Apply J lu tin a- hi J WALDOS I A trier forclvojiearf J ANY QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS BALE AT 2o PER POUND IN foHE Other ASTHMA ASTHMA never M Hi- Wj it J i- forward tl but I will nd oat and let you know There was a little of the signified her villinsaeaB to accept tbia service and man slowly with apparent to work a bright observing this sDKPatod to tbe officer that young man had something ho would like to say I thank you very was the immediate response for I really have I have had work to do hero daring your last three session and have been much interested and pleased by many things I have heard But pardon me I beg of yon feeling fa constantly present that while your work hero has a certain merit it mostly valueless because you have commenced at wrong end temperance pledge fa a aplendid safeguard for fellow ho can summon of character to keep it But to a young man without a home or with a homo in name only who wants and most friends society and pledge keeping some times an utter impossibility But if a young man baa any sense of right any honor president interrupted severely 11 fie may have a great deal of honor honor that nothing coald tar nish given the right conditions bat his environment too raooh for him lie is expected to live a prison and ha cannot do It There- a and of ladle took advantage of it to ask Will yon kindly tell what you consider right end of the matter The home end was the instant response and words were electri cal There was not a woman young or who did not respond to this quick touch of truth with every of her heart and every nerve of her body You before you ladies the penker went on a man twenty- years old who la practically and motherless I do not say that my toother did not me but I do say that Interest was ever allowed to Interfere with cleanliness aod order of the house This was her first considera tion I had a love and I believe a talent for mechanic and if I could have had tool needed and a ptaco that I have called my own with foil liberty to whittle plan and carve I aboold not at have spent all my evening out side with doubtful companions As long as there wis no dust on my bureau no marks on the door no litter on the carpeti it made small difference to my mother where I was Tho back yard even was too sacred a pot to be with shaving and though I would been satis fied with the a workshop was denied me From morning till night I never beard anything but exhortation not to spill not to soil not to make a Utter and to wipe feet and put where found thorn Well I got bad company wont to liquor and drank with tho I went home because that the consequence being able to a ibra bus wipe my would diaagrea I Scleutlflo Miscellany- The at Berlin for ihs of cold The diio by powerful engine the objects coder t be tween am as long si miy The cooling of liquijf and is divided Into itKi its nUc1 at bat Prof Pictet below zero as about the artificial of I be great cold lbs cooreraloo of iaikiilrer into beautiful liVe cry- Th WMt result thai far has the of the ciyststs foira la the counaercisl about below ro being fcluioit abnolulely pure A new insgoe- slum lamp by Drooler for reguhr periods of A of is In shoot giving a light t of of of or mors than 100 cubic of gs The is offer of freedom from of of lamp oxceels cts boor but cottj of llgbtiog by may ha fslrly oil ale lime for cars on the electric railway expected urinates for the entire of As will bars two nuio power tot only will feet long with four bogle trucks and an electric motsr each snd will rent through contact wheel conducting ralU oars to sir will be Ilka those of a ship Small Boat featuTS of a boat Idea of a French engineer a seawater snd copper sra under bast and can or lowered by lays serving kind of while sit sains time driving a propeller by mesne of a Tun Solano In a paper Tha Ignis Patau of Photo- Mr mentions tha among specialties which mod- era men of science are seeking means whereby their may indirectly turned Into gold I artificial lion of IbsdUmoud from carbon which cry stall of A or care for snd Th of of per cent is now available Photography la natural heal and an J flood The production of altar of roses from worthless substances the original and genuine is being revived for lbs are that pres ent element not they have been snd gold to be a Hon would but a of lima is The of lcQaer upon which the famous work of Specimens of tree war brought from Japan IS vest ago and planted in Bot anical Garden at Frankfort flonriibed and from which thrifty trees sprung This plica now has trees feet high To determine whether Is affiled by Us changed conditions Prof Belt he Mat to Japanese for trial and la baring analyse by ami ent If the report are favorable It sspeote1 will quit pUoted Germany wll in the wood by worker from Japan or Boaea rs- la to of Tbl Immense wing bird now extinct seem to have been banted sad by tb Inhabitants of New and hi belli red to at least feet high had another giant bird inches of of Feb The of seventh Parliament of the of was opened today at throe by Lord Stanley of Id person weather was fine and the attendance Urge and brilliant The from the throne was as follows Honorable gentlemen of Gentlemen of of the Souse Commons It affords auoh to meet at tbo commencement of the and to be able to you upon the general prosperity of Dominion and upon the abundant harvest with which has blessed all parts of the The lamented death of Hoys the Dole of aroused a feeling of The sympathy with her and their royal and of Wale in their meat which prevailed in the Dominion on this occa sion has ot from lay Provincial Gov ernment and from many other rep resentative The with to seal in aea bean with a view to ad justment by arbitration of the which have arisen between her Majesty Government and that of the United State on subject Commissioner have been by both Governments to investigate the circumstances of seal life in Bearing to report thereon end to the measures if any which they may deem necessary for it proper protection and ervation The are their deliberations ia Washington and the results will shortly be to her Majesty a Government I that their investigation and deter mination of the arbitrators who are to be appointed may lead to a and equitable settlement of this long- pending difficulty The meeting which bad been ar ranged with United States Gov ernment for a day in October last for informal discussion on exten sion of trade between the two coun tries and other international matters requiring adjustment was postponed at their request But in compliance with a recent intimation from that Government tbreo of ray minis ter proceeded to Washington and conferred with representative of the administration of United State tboso ami cable understanding was arrived at respecting to bo taken for establishment of the boundary of Alaska and for reciprocity of ear- vices in cases of wreck and salvage were also reaobed for the appointment of an international commission to report on the regula tions which may bo adopted by United States and for the prevention of destructive methods of and tbe pollution of streams and for establishing uniformity of seasons and other weans for preservation and increase of A valuable and Interchange of view respecting other important matters also took place In accordance with tbo given at close of last scsiiion a commission has been issued to iu- vestigate working of Act and other matter with the Service gen erally The report this commis sion will be laid before you during th present session conclusions of commission on the of beet sugar will also be laid before you It Is desirable that the reg ulation In British Columbia should be examined and revised so as to adapt them better to the require ment of the fisheries In that Prov ince A commitilon has been with that object An important measure respecting which laid fore yon last session has been revised and improved a a result of the ex of elicited by its pre sentation to Parliament and will bo submitted to yon Your attention will he alio directed to measure for the redistribution of seats consequent upon census re turn the establishment of the boundaries of and the amalgamation of the department of marine and fisheries Bills will also be presented to you for amendment of the Service Act act relating to property la Territories and re- the fisheries of Scmt of Com- mow The account for the past year will bo laid you as well a the estimates- for the ensuing year These estimates have been prepared with a duo regard to economy and the requirements of service eg the of At Am of Common I commend theao Im portant and all matters affecting the Interest which may be brought before yon to your best consideration and I feel assured that you will adreaa to them with and assiduity Bab A seas ton of the Farmers Institute on Saturday the The attendance fair and the diacusalon The Sec retary Mr lead with a paper on 8ilo and Ensilage whioh showed a thorough knowledge of the subject Hi tost had proven very satisfactory From three acres of corn of not more than ordinary crop kept in a silo he bad- fed head of cattle 18 week The stick bad thrived better and the flow of milk wa increased and free from produced by feeding root calculates a silo with a capacity of tana can be for idea accepted as good and no doubt will be tried by many season Aurora On Monday evening mem bers of the Leasee paid a visit to the at Newmarket An excellent program was given by Newmarket and a pleas- ant evening was spent A checker match played in Wells ball here on Tuesday night between a team of eleven men from Toronto and a like number of this place the result being an easy victory for the visitors The score stood Toronto 9 draw Owing to the heavy pressure of water ia the and sod turning of the water at the fire on Tuesday afternoon tbe hy drant at corner of and Victoria streets blown oat Prompt step were taken to repair the leak whioh was accomplished on Wednesday morning On Tuesday afternoon the residence of on street discovered to bo on fire The alarm was given and in a very abort time the fire brigade arrived and soon hud two streams playing on burning building Meantime most of furniture bad been re moved The fire broke oat the upper part of the building and rapid ly spread to the roof and it was seme time before the brigade succeeded iu it out The loss will amount to eight or a thousand dot- are is fully covered by Insur ance The fiditofs Shears The difference between the Argentina and regard ing the frontier have been settled The average wheat yield of Manitoba last year was to tbe acre oats and barley bushel a Softool Reports SBDBOABY IK Of let Honor RolLW A Toole Mary Iojla nU Cene Walter Halt 2nd Honor Bait Tool- Oliver Tcole Cass May Honor Jess lth Case J Teacher l negotiating for building of Sutton The roof of of the empty ice- at the lake fell In on Friday On Friday last James n former resident of this community died at The body was taken through Sutton on Saturday night and on Monday was interred ia the cemetery Do- ceased was a young man years an J a of the I lodge hero under whose auspices the funeral was held A mass of Indians and whites were gathered together on Island on Wednesday 17th to take part in the long expected festival which was so widely advertised end which was pot- Virginia and Sutton were all represented which together with tho turn out of nearly man woman and child on the reserve had result of enriching tho treasury by about after noon service was opened by choirs rendition of that timehonored hymn Oh for a thousand tongues to sing with Chief in full Indian costume occupying the chair Addresses were then delivered by Rove Young and Wilkinson and Indian Stevenson A young follow named York who short litne married a daughter of Mr David of this place made an attempt to end bis existence on Monday last fastened one end of a rope to a staple in the cell and tied the other end around bis and swung himself off attempt would probably have been successful bad the staple not pulled out A number of contra- reports are In circulation re garding the affile but all agree that his treatment of hi young wife been such as to merit a stronger staple and bettor success next time In all BO and a dozen Ice storing busi nessplowing towing hoisting and putting away tier iter and entire force till together with regularity of The ipse If bo has time to watch one cake of for a quarter of an hour can see it out over half a mile from tho shore pas through a score hands and finally find a resting place in tho ice along with of the same site and color Burps of the Knickerbocker Ice has tool of congealed aqua stored away and If this mass were laid on a fiit It would form a road somewhat oyer feet wide and seven mites long or If laid straight lino of block it would reach Point require trains of oar Men to transport cakes of too and drawn by teams one ton con stituting a load a procession over mile would be formed travil- Ibgaktharattolaltmlleoaux boar would more than half a day to pass through button- Quite a quantity of loo I an say Wall other firm are ilo getting out toe and we suppose with what has a ready been shipped ton would fall short of our season oat pat thus tar and the and not yet By storm on the Spanish on Saturday boats were lost and person drowned of tha privilege of using certain street and now a man whose wife in a collision sue tho city or i vi- Fourteen lives were lost by sinking of steamer Queen off on Friday night A watches valued at have been stolen from a by the lumbermen around Rat Portage A thief went through Ontario bouse Stratford on day for rests on a young of tbo hostelry a Henry of Berlin Oat took a fit at Wednesday of the lungs followed and he died minutes Op March ratepayers of will vote on a bylaw to by way of debentures to improve harbors Mr wife of the blind postmastergenera of that the best platform speaker in England and has a simple feminine manner Prof who baa been Eu charge of the Presbyterian choir in CollioRwood baa resigned his sition and returned to his home in Trenton James Duffy an old soldier died in Idaho on Sunday consumption Duffy was first roan who ever died a natural death in this town llT schooner Howard Troop owned by Mr Troop of John has just made fastest sailing trip on record across the Atlantic days sfc George Phillips of Whit church towoahip who ilifd on Sept left real estate worth left In trust for the of his widow and family awaiting trial in Detroit for highway robbery tarns oat to be Garry who wag convicted of burglary at for wbiob be served four in penitentiary and liberated from last October Last Sunday afternoon short after the close of service roof of driving shed at alt Pleasant near Bradford fell in on account of weight of snow resting on it It was moat fortunate that cave in did not occur while the were In shed The Surrogate Court baa granted probate of tho will of Meghan a Whitchurch Township who died on Feb leaving an estate- valued at of which real estate The property is left different proportions for benefit of widow rind children At town in Yorkshire Wed nesday a monster fell on roof of factory to which it belonged wing to a heap and a number of female operatives six of whom to bo killed and a number injured By looking at of Virginia tobacco markets it will bo found that highest prior paid for Cllere which Is to- which forms the body of the plug very closely with tbn invoiced price tobacco leaf im ported into Ontario As over font- fifths of all loaf imported into the Province tQ for Ha stock this feet is official proof of the claim that the Navy I of the finest Virginia leaf t At a meeting of American politicians Mrs of Oregon proposed toast of in theso words I halve our joys they double treble our expenses they oar they oor magnanimity our selfrespect awaken our enthusiasm arouse our control our property and out-man- ten re us in thing- This would bo a dreary world without thorn A tray fast ened to of the high chair baby Mary Clark at No street Brooklyn banged child until was dead this morning Mrs Clark bad gone out of room and left baby fastened chair with a doll and rattle to amuse the Little Mary doll Trying to reach it ho slipped down until tray caught her There she bung until her mother returned and was terrified to her dead Harry Williams aged 16 of New Brighton was killed last night by city lie was standing on IbScorner of Fourth street and with friends la part of an Iron hoop With this ho striking light he was standing Suddenly ho uttered a and fell to the sjdewalk As ho fell he exclaimed Im shook- Hi companion bent over him but be was dead The on hi body was a barn In which he held the tor Friday Anaerion WM sent into blowoff digester boiler hi pulp hi In a chemical and Stephen MoJ3onld sens another of irHbMho The Mm udder a or of steam and a temperatures ana cooking i-

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