Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Feb 1892, p. 4

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r Ji NEWMAHKET ERA FEB 1892 99 NJ Methodist Par My acquaintance remedy German was made about fourteen fears ago when I contracted a Cold Which resulted in a Hoarseness and Cough which disabled me from pulpit for a number of After try In a Physician tbout obtaining relief I cannot now what remedy he prescribed I saw the advertisement of your medy and obtained a bottle ived such quick and permanent from it that whenever we have Throat or Bronchial troubles in our family Syrup has been our favorite always with favorable Is I have never hesitated to rt my experience of its use to is when I have found them bled in like manner H the Newark New noy Confer- nee April Remedy CREEV Sole J RAILWAY w mm tmi a fi 3 a D a books and to make not only show to whom bat for it issued It should alio by Kmo one by In case of sped More than this auditor ahoold in very rises be aatisfied bad au thority to Issue order for payment by Treasurer and where or can not be found It is their doty to make special report thereof to the Council Of are free to admit that auditors are notoriously under paid for the duties required time employed necessarily varies depending npon the size population business of the respective the manner in which the Treasurers books are kept Soma officials are very methodical- with their Touchers numbered and filed in systematic order Others are loose and slovenly with very little regard to proper classification of vouchers or any particular method of bookkeep ing In this latter case the work of auditing Is made doubly troublesome and renders it all the more requisite tbat special attention should be given to the entries Auditors should also satisfy themselves from the minutes and proceeding of council and papers filed that proper authority has been given by the Council for all payments made out of corporation funds Some have these authorities all at hand but others have and the time of auditing is consumed in hunting up details of verification It is especially in these latter where auditors axe paid for taelr services bat this wilt not free them from the obligation they take to faithfully perform the duties of such office to the best of their ability To do less than the statute requires is to do violence to their consciences and to practice deception upon the rate- payers The last issue of the Municipal World has an article calling attention to the duties of Auditors the prin ciple features of which are embraced In the foregoing remarks An Episode on Winter It allows tod blows Abd a fellows now ill by tew At ta To chubby For sarna rose bloom Id winter know find Obi For he dlj with And be com through mow To bmb Bat mty At bbt ud flowa Tbtt Mini And of poor ton I Bat tboald I better clot to room- Still Is mow it blows I Murdered and Cremated A or fall I A TbonJay- Id Albeit aUtcOfttThurMAjr- A lit A ID lOrofaV Sod A jlh A 3rd Monday Id rborabojTTaMda areolar A Q month He A of night dvj In Aurora KHJebj akrKvry law No 2nd Id Not a Success lite SB SEES TO will to ma loo for act to who to a or bridge for tad other rirer or near and to a and Si It will be by t or lb to IntroJaM to pub- avxiiD paid by fee For tout fau ope rtlloD wf- aJtethM0Qt aVtdoa tbo to do towards Kmedylog ud this thereto in from It hopeful for I obliged Kbool tut oMtloo I rwMe do ud being ir r I to cot rid of on for oou uoeooed for or or ofo to if yoqr otfctloo to do will to bo for Pctbllo to whether yoa children or not not International S S Lesson PERSECUTED Prom all we can learn of the Reciprocity ion failed to ftccompliab the A Wubioff- despatch It thought fail to oatiaff the American Govern ment that they were authorized to conclude a treaty indepen dent of England But only one of who it is well- known did not want to enter the of a trade treaty with Canada till after the presidential election It is the Cana dian proposed to con clude a treaty on the following A of of with by the idler- of A of the of 1SSS with to fithcrlej with of fearing too into the of fib- la for facilities to bo tho Uoitod fitfaermn to boy bait and to in all to bo of fiihtiia on and id inland waters afar 4 of seaboard tho two countries Of coasting laws Inland from tho aUalsil and suing of i AmogeoiaaU for the between Fob from Tillage about 18 here In county of a revolting committed In neighborhood a few The a a put up at the tavern kept by a place by all the bad character of and aocne heavy drinking a in dulged in In the of which the peddler was called upon for a long debauch continual When peddler left for room he was fol- lowed by his tormentors by whom he was handled in mostmercileas man ner blow after raining upon him his cries for deadened by the oaths and curies of bis murderers Then all was still the sight of THE BLOODY C0BPI sobered and soared the drunken crew whOi in order to bide their awful crime carried the in the large box In the is vouched for by Mr Lyon of Weights and Measures who spent the night at tavern and on hearing tbo noue his bedroom and passed the hours in fear and trembling until the morning dawned when the full horrors of the met view The Valla and floor of the peddlers staircase and the barroom were spattered with blood and in the were the half charred re mains of thp unknown Mr Lyon made the best of bis way from the neighborhood and told atory which the authorities arc taking steps to investigate Johnston r March it I was troubled for thirty years pains In my which Increased and very bad I used JACOBS OIL and it completely cured I give tt all praise MRS RYDER ALL HUNT I ST JACOBS OIL DID IT BALM On NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE TO On Applfto WALTER BALE AT A BARGAIN SCOTTS PHARMACY A a for a length of time put toaecure of col loo mtou- of this sod bogs foitcrieg end care of point of If true do could by production to scarcity point pal up and Bat a syndicate be made to that while the P was to our own it was to or uphold If the inch gamf tbt will reqolrs to take down the and the floodgeteii to cotton HAVE YOU TRIED HEAVY AND SHELFi HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To Lei r a floorer Water BELL OR Acts I or good PAR TO RENT in and All At a a flrataee two acres etch for The Toronto of Monday The Deputy received no notification of the reported murder He is quite aatifi6ed that if it bad really occurred he have beard of It from the officers of Siuicoe County and be- tbat the entire story id a fabri cation Feb I am Ub thtr the Lord to ot la of until the predicted him of the of death Jriiuilem He by sod a of but wicked bit troubled lift durafioD ffs bad iietucLidutxxir and tending lbs of jeople into cplitity into A third time under lbs of the king of to siege to li end being the lilt granted the Under llojtri the it by the Sanity for the bit and to The duir off from hit the time the IncMtQt la to- took for the fulfil- avtut of Hie both of aujl of fitbj uwJ for the of the KigUteoua may be be to la the matt only to oat the true of life that is to Ufa God to the or at the without Hi Duties of Auditors The Act See de- flues tho duties of Auditors as lows report alt sxcoonU Its or within for the end lag Mat their appofot- Bunt As a we are to believe municipal auditiog this Inoe rather a otherwise coo their to mIJii llioaahreoslpta oompr- tofi vouchers with alio of pay- mtnts and after a attach their to a that all and then draw their pay But this la not such an audit as the contemplate To do work properly the H be carefully and with tiie entries in the T of Pure Cod hare A It For all coots per Ltedi aUaer medicine of day Burdock Blood perfect resulollng all lhoorjta of and controlling their It cores all blood faumore and from a common to ffoni thle combined and lug Influence on the of kldnejabowcUaDdmVlD render It unequalled a euro for all of akin one to two bottle will euro blotch tetter and alt to Kill euro urn or fthlnglej ultvi and all eruptions Mn Intolerable but thltqnkkl subsides jo on yet prevalent and undoubted to all bottles Internally and by outward application diluted it thseklnli broken to will effect ft euro mUtonof to the llfSfibldHJSi bowels wrong action of the atomucii and to open lbs the item tocarr allow Ininatnrsthuatoald wUlioat fait bad blood liter complaint UN and every of lbs lsowele and blctOj overy of lL after Oral bottle we will refund the money by leittr bo to tend Inform- alio a effect of US 11 Id the application wTi Co ToronttfsOnL The misery and In the famine of Russia truly appalling and have been intensified by of who bare profited from of pigweed the deeper have been forced to a for called bread mads by boiling the leans of the wood to the of thick gruel Bid adding to a trifle of lUur and bare been held the dead which nothing but rag and earth any thing which can be masticated end eagerly by the poor creators one cue a trader did a thriving by belling to people food lbs from a oil mill The con dition of the country no better than that of their many neatly all the from the been fed to the THE LEADING DRUG STORE MAIN STREET Para SUA Chemicals Suulr if PERSONAL ATTENTION TO Jti SCOTT MD GENTS FURNISHINGS TO BE GIVEN AWAY PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN OR SALE Largest Stock of Glass in Town A acre of lead It I WER PROPRIETOR FARM FOR SALE fi of lot OOP tfia lo KUeliy For A- J WIN OF LAND rorBlr- iboNohrii utJ lb aroaSK barf- i la lh i Hall lib Coo S I PUREST STRONGEST BEST CoaUla no Lime or an revival in con nection church are still being continued Edward Cor negro who criminally assaulted a married woman living at Tex cap tured on Friday and burned at stake in the presence of people if A freight and railroad at StltDO hit track of of into re Toned Had he Writ off barely touched other when bo former y to tupped every and it hioklog down at of fifty toilet hoar Wntuo rooa and women thctr tor tlltnUJ tho car and tender backward with terrible To Mr Editor of Mr Erf Holland Landing Sift of your will follow bo I hi ire and to fa aCTalrt Tbieo were to tit oar Council 1892 For oouia oat thf Clerk tad appoint another Id jij old had paal a by- the fifat of every loootb ftod the hour or for time of to tunnel At itgultr tha a boor of to J to at clrtk with la help- city lb l pwted council dour to council until after Hut the fiut tbtto or council had with bit tick bid demtodid the avurreader of tbe key of the tod all and thereto The clerk the that If he hie without authority be wool heavy He them for their but nor receipt be of the at each be to Mi trait It fi to be obieived wit lo be trace toted no lntcrtU to be eatrlBcd by a few day delay time rolled the returned culled of council at which another ap pointed clerk A written order by of the predated by the newly on eireogtb of which the booki end of the were delivered op all wu I to a fine point thats where the making of corsets has been brought to bones it cant break or kink The B C Corset is boned with The Ball Corset for and comfort the Cor set for unyielding strength Each is the best of its kind If you dont think so after wearing for two or three weeks return it money back fc Oil UllUNTON Children Safety Bicycle Everyone purchasing goods to the value of 150 will receive a number F J WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER NEWMARKET AND CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFICE W N STARR What the Old fans to sav y hlDK bat aoompWolwlIb Julie ot with argtecl of for no trait Ibt ibtw a ft T I If wo bo bid op bit toon bo woo to or tor y of with oat bo oat jot ftlrta hit will ho cut hot County tUj J P oboaM not fair bow ooJr of tbt itaUi tbo Ibt of It SCOTTS EMULSION or pur Cod phOBphltoa of find Soda A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It la and Ultra and who cold anally may ba cough might prove 8cott Emutaton after during winter aaaaon of and fmffAflOjif A Catarrh IB a blood Until the I from the there can bo no care or this loathaooie end Therefore the only effective treatment la a thorough of AyepaSaraaparllU the all blood eooner the delay was troubled catarrh for tvrojesii tried various remedies and was treated bra number of but no I lgin to take A few of this medicine cured me of troublesome and Pletely my health feoggonolmaaoilLiNO When was to mo for catarrh I waa to doubt Its Wo heard other day of ideal old Ho tto off I wee fiavtog lb little bop velocity all the rained p cab and view ho oiJocl to a halt of lady I aonaeri Wotod Ax tried bo remedies wit cat I had no faith that anything woi me I become emaciated from loss of appetite and Unpaired digestion had nearly lost of email ana ray item was badly deranged I was bout discouraged end urged too to try and re ferred me to whom bad cured SI catarrh taking ball el lam plncd the through Wood Hirer Lowell J at Worth country would bo just well without railroad that old stupe coach was rather slow but it answer just as well for travelling purposes The idea of grading and sin all nonsense if farmers can haul produce or ten through to reach thoy could haul a half or a more to get to tiie levator Fatt malls and telegraphs not a necessity wo could wait fur tho sows and it would bo just as good when It came trio aroa as well as coal oil lamps and would bo better off if they would the old time tallow dip things and oil modern en in ho light of only ex- and tending to extravagance oh part of tho people Ho voted against and of all kinds and when ho dies he should bo hauled off in a common wflon and them should walk aa a is an and a ear- riaao a luxury which can with a few such people world very few wo are to say They should bo corralled off In wilderness by themselves and allowed to rot world la too for bo better off without only binder progress A story comes from at of Montreals moot pro porous suburbs It appears that a man named recently cremated his doad infant in the family cooking store and that pre viously he had burled of in collar of house It docs not scorn clear to the authorl- tij that in his method of of his dead violated any Save Your Hair BY i timely Hair Vigor preparation has no qual a It alio cool wlor tullucts beauty of I anil but two or of Hair my halt gtow original color I lost all Initio Alter duo fro well I thou Hair Vlyor and my grew Thick and Strongs It to stay Vigor a great aid to I Hair Vigor for four or Ave years and flail It a dressing for hair St all I couM to laln lit color requiring but to render to p Mm A Motf I Half for and t it dm to rendu IU uMural caused J color c- J King In Ayers Hair Vigor J fold by DUNN BEST FRIEND IN CANADA This worm Is them and would then Wilson Star PURE POWDERED STRONGEST u Ac4aQuliaipouAdaIloci- AND I- EXCLUSIVELY AT FARM a of Whitchurch CtaVsHaatc u And reldotioA fc to w IS TO LET ROOMS for over Tin FARM FOR SALE lot la the flrtt of KIuk mild Auiord About l t ialof Stock and Right P A CALL SOLICITED LIMITED- L U M I LATH SHINGLES WE ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH sash THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL OK THE PAST WE SOLICIT A OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD all IhftpraimUdsV a mutt flrit of tot fuOar Of tO CANNON Si Aurora ft House and Lot For Sale PLEASANTLY Si I tad tula or bottom wrt water cMera of lrd a flntttajtrtt Teruaitur Apply to una A a llAINty Aurora I SALE Farm ami wh yon JO Mb b no io I TbU iut lot buteaeras IibUr and at on teed If road ibroab I All tbeta wa Also Lola In Town of market AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CANE SONS MFG CO Notice to Creditors THE HEALTH HOWARD OaU- I ami iho of ftovrird lAto I of whidlod ob Hit i lSlro of April la to J of Town of Ilia Will Acidity of Stomach foil a a ihelrac- foil Of the Kit to of tho flrookt a their rind of any held hr them after ay of April ibo eMd to ibo thereto to of they then and not bo iho lo any party of thor had at of oil JOHN SURE FITS T I fctl EST Our OR ALB A of Oxen I yea old broken WILLIAMS W IaIII Con I Unlocks all avenues of Iho Kidneys and Liver ibosyi cm fill impurities and foul burton Dyspepsia Dizziness Heartburn Dryness of Skin Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Salt Rheum Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering of Heart I iinniv- vousness and Qonepal tall ami other I to J to tho of LOOD For GO Proprietors Toronto Scientific America for llKATTVaOrsaasal pirtlcoUta OOPIOT lo loan aa to O list a aUmor other DAILY The Journal of Metropolis A VEWtAPKli FOR UAS3E3 smbir 1st Circulation over ihoo no Success few is a Rational Cheap Tub The to isJ Tat Pan ha farUbtHr wpsr Was Of if- Koitiox ho l from Is a by luBfuTtutVpIXitLT AS AN A MI MUM Tin has la j THE PRESS Wilkin alt W Year Year or months Year i m for Circa W HE WPABtEOJ

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