Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Jan 1892, p. 2

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ERA JAN 8 New Advertisement Bros Boots A Bros Matt Roche A Lost Co Jackson Annas Mating J E WHdlGald Meeting WJBogart for of Tbok Card of Oak o Thanks Geo Thompson Mis Miller Watch ft Clocks J Notice Wanted Robertsons Bakery Oxen for Lloyd Booms to Lot Hodge Co House for Estate or I BUT WITH J FRIDAY JAN Toronto Despatch Jen criminal opened yesterday ease and the of mlaapproprietfoa of city foods be the moil Interesting Mr tie end candidate stated Mayor little one of oldest members of fir died yesterday A is raid to be fool to beck cd lii-frj- on 8 an da Sir t RqbJo Timber of Gov ernment el Ottawa J died Testerday Mayor defeated by for reeve de feated deputy reeve J KosaC Councillors Ward J J Anderson a Baldwin Sooth Ward J S Johnson and North Ward Dr H and Bead Rears J Councillors Geo Cotter M and N P Cole Holland Li disc The fight here had more than amount of Tim and reflolted in the following For For Coaocfllon 3 tana Win Rban For School Board Jas Jobs Tajlor was de feated by Totes and Skinner left one of the Gonad I he polled a larger thin people Following la the official Fox Total iS iQ Biker j 74 81 52 71 SUnner got there by majority and by a bare defeated by Following the rote in the various polling A from Sir PdeoPowlI Brit- will tomorrow el Lord reqoMt for that Ibe and bare to a of on the aral qcpetloD l Aire tbcjr the the afar all The petition for trial and with Barton elector of and thai the of Mr woold act think him capable of a corrupt act on the condemned the action of the Med- In reqalrlog all to year and entered a that of the Act a anneal fee The the to repeal of the Med ic Act Cabinet that bye election are being held in part of the Dominion and in view of the prom- be made to Parliament before the last summer it is not ask ing too from Premier to giro to country his proposed reconstructed Cabinet In the coarse of a of months Parliament will be for business New men assigned to portfolios will re quire re election before the opens It appears to important therefore that reconstruction take place at once in order bat the country may not be taken by sur prise This delay daring thi crucial period when are being held one of two things internal dissensions and consequent weakness or cowardice miner party organs Id sections of the well aa the independent pros admit that farther delay only suspicions A bold program of reconstruction on the part of the leader of the government Is essential to Ms maintenance of position and power Awaiting event in Province Is urged by some as an ex cuse for makiog haste slowly but the Premier ought to know by this time that Dominion politics is one thing and Provincial politics another While a certain amount of interest may be evoked in other parts of the Dominion respecting the outcome of events in Quebec the inter ests of the Confederacy should not be orerlooked Possibly the Premier may not desire to precipitate matters while is fa throes a Provincial election but he should set the country at ease by de that the promised reconstruo- will follow immediately after the contest In is aver Municipal Elections the ballot box into existence the most unlikely and results sometimes happen and such seems to be the case with this Town When the ballots were counted last Monday evening the returns stood as follows Mayor Jacksoo Lloyd St Ward St Andrew Foa 1 To We CO 93475 TcBTiaa 43 45 47 S3 105 SO 112 34 107397 Hopkins 49 Carrie 33 Peregrins 42 32 64 22 defeated Scott by and fioag de feated Silver by Hamilton end Draper compose the councillors The following is the of ficial report Fob 2 Totale James Anderson 76 Thomas 216 Silver W 49 Fob Copsciiioxs a Ftemnel Draper 101 64 276 John Parke 71 John 112 Reeve Donald Mc Donald depnty reeve M Humph rey A Tennyson Reeve Hall majority councillors 0 Ash Win Fleming A- Campbell Reeve councillors Harris Hutchinson Reeve George Deputy J D Evans reeve Jos Brown first deputy reeve Jno second deputy reeve Henry council lors VADonis First deputy reeve High second reeve Samuel Arnold councillors A A- Stephenson The reeve reelected East Reeve Stephenson Councillors Morton J Alman Robert John School trustees Clay Dr Walter Reeve Welsh second Deputy John A- third Deputy Charles fourth John Fogg has been given In Ibe elation ccort on In with the charges ware dlimieMd and Dr is Ma east In Ontario election ease went other waythe was voided and Mr J seated Oar neighbors to the of as wOl soon be In throes of elec tion TUX Of U A tiro for North took plave on vill lKtion to It will bo In to be wrrn mi be At f TORONTO elected J pohlio of to coa- lb or 1S92 The ft mtle it bit At bo of their iron bo by la IhrM of lisiiMon bo And to in of of it firat orders of He Ur ware la on tho of old member for Mcleod ho had bwn cAltrd by to form a bo bad c copied the Mi Mr CI in kill member for Mr member for J It for The death clerk of the tines OD Tut 14 A of owing to of Sir Alex Campbell ho km ippoiot- Deputy Governor thai bb It now rumored will bo made Deputy to Sir Alexander or mother Governor appointed by Dominion of racc4Wr thi of it of Snlherlani rf Bradford nulled In by Mr to difleldwu Wdetmiid and Smith wedding hippy left for their homo Id Bradford bride a filter of a of of Cora the young and to of Toronto A from flam Dec may bo wheal yean old and oar mill In 100000 of wheat ud they CstD fill la two On an two and dollar daily ud day paid foar dolUrt for wheat EFermtor No- and No and what they There an nineteen firo two Tetorinary x ImpUoietit two wagon shops two whUkey throe churches and tbo from way hen and wbenrer then thrift and that goodt ieam to get in bam for on boar why that I will I one of two man that held for a threeblAg of d done jumped Into tbo wagon far homo When tho naked when the and wondered how mncfi wo the axuwer a common I can yon that blood that aver la In In wiahiog old In of the Major Gorham Write from At Oneida New York Stat follows own la ore roast with sorrow and gloom by a ere mo of brother t- death at St Pan Htdied from the la a yew ago and com which ho oarer folly reeotered Eli waa In his filth year when bodied- He hid a length of lime allotted to In which to do work the last twenty yean of which I am tod to think It la to die it is be bora and it to u to know as the of other bat with the coming of rich then faintly a dim liiLo of their and portent I my old Howard is Ho too had allotted to a liberal of time which to do lifes work years and did it fairly well AH aged end at and in Its near I most suppose are I hare no mention of their death nncle Phillip and my old friend Davb an next In order of graduation for pro motion a mild winter far deal of and toed bid Dr to keep bortea to meet calls not are thirty a day Mount Albert pretty lively in our Tiling a nam bar of were oat A couple of oar look down their Monday boy a had fan tbe pond on New After thej got through a coople got a racket- Skates were used instead of knnoklea and worked well for tbey made great A drunken not many from here bis wife and family oat of door and they were compelled to go borne to her fathers wife and email A child eleven months from exposure He in a for whisky Mr It oar popular school teacher has been sick with congestion of the lungs and was not able to resume his work Mon day last The lady teeober has fall charge fiWeHhcs OR A Toko of jean old well broken WILLI A If Lot It Cod Rut QwlllImbnrr fiharoo BOY WANTED of IT yean of age one to Apply to BAKERY Main St OF to the the head of Sohomlierga OF at ad as for f Newmarket for poll for the J Aoordea me fitch I was CANS- Cane Win fl 222 rot is t 5 Hosier nOTaiT vol- Ward 61 A brews Patricks WHIT HE SEES TO It Is Hod Smlth will eqeeJ Sir Alex Campbell of Ontario It that Col it lias tees eppofated of mtrriages la place of Mr Crewe re- Total Council for there- fore be composed of the Cans Depot Jobs St Andrews Ward J Rofceriaoo and Aodrew Robertson St Patrick Taos SoausrlUeaod P There were false Issaesj raised to defeat Mayor as wall as a thorough made Us from lirertoai to trot be was not he made no to retain Speculation Is rife as to whether the who was a paid ficUl one of a of the Town can tho declaration of offioo respecting or other but this will bo Mrt at rest when tbe proper tiros riTea Monday week the had a of seventy Is wm by votes an canvas been made it passed of Novelty Kan net claims tbat the majority la ficlent to pass the Bylaw Reeve KJ Daley J J What Society is Doing POINTS fLKASASILt Mr back from on Mr Daniel Denote la bardlr expected Mlat Ida of North la Tistbx tu town tbla lm a with Amos to to bid la o tiro Mr left to Ibi mo Trie In of a Writ for f fair Mr Rontll two row la town icbudn It Vtw Year bolidija with her Fill at Niagara Mr of Hill two or Alfred week Mr of waa for ft few fluada to ceo and Mill at Mr Mm Hill a amoog frieadi fa towo- of ilk who bit with for two or for home Brown of of lilt Joha Brows apeadlog the put weak with oldfrleadala Mr Harry Moore of of at Ltwly of Toronto located lu of home aod A of The Sooda early d of birthday tut Monday Mr wrilei ba from It rheumatic href not of Birr over Sop- town Hi here accoant of J who the Mr ftd Alex New day la oily Their Mr Ju who la for orer a j a wry eogigtd for public year acdMlu gout to for aoolttr Both were for A ooneepoDdeot tbit Willi Aorora lighted tbaAaailta Street with Mr and Mr of of the Caldwell Alex a laclherJaUw here the week aow bat two of who ban ivotte put oldest Mr who bora la 1819 Hewitt who here Amog who were Met to their little were Sheriff aod Mr Oil- of Toronto Solly of Mr John of Bond Head aJ Mr oho ftradford Mr of who alwaj op wu broad of bli back Urn They uy m Life Int The Union School intend holding their Annual on Wednesday evening Jan Tea will bo served from to 8 oclock after which a spicy pro gram consisting of speeches readings recitations and instrumental will bo rendered Every effort is being to of former years and a pleasant time is expected A cordial Invitation extended to all for the benefit of the school major Is a reformer law defeat by the of Pickeries j elector voted on local by law their Moo Prohibition was carried in Loth owe bl majority sod Id Hauttfilts prohibi tion by vote Tea Dominion slectloa trlets go to the of Appeal West and have been filed will added to of the lata member The Ontario for the 11th of nest c week Jeter aeoaf Is too bid the of York wont hay waaUog a day the Indeed Its members go In for weeks g this lm floolb Victoria are now Id throe of a Mr Walters reform to op Mr Charirs seated of that ridles Pott of victory for Mr Walters Wardtr will his of Ik 1800 Chicago agreed wllbCoogreutbit ft have the World Fair a Kraut of io aid thereof exceed leg her those of th Stale of care ibe rut bat a his exrltcotd fa the mooe Is cow to for Hew York and other sealers clllee are a kick this The pumpkin pioSodal which took place Now Yeats ova at resi dence of Mr Sam inchs was ft grand success The supper was everything tbat could bo wished for in that line- The recitations and singing by children was excellent and showed careful traintog Miss Era Morton principal teacher we arc sorry to was too ill to attend rather marred pro ceedings The children were delight ed with their presents and Joe seemed well with his doll Proceeds in aid of Branch of amounted to Master Kerb Winch and Draper left on Wednesday last to r-i- sumo their studies at the Medical Toronto Mr Stephen Winch and MrChav and wife of spent last week visiting relatives in section Mr J arrived homo last week after an of a number of years in the North- West also Mies Ella who spent year with sis ter in Dakota Mrs John Quann is at present spending holidays visiting rela tive at Toronto and Mrs Geo presented her hus band with a now Bait Now Year day Mi A la home his holi days Mr J Kenny was in town on Christmas jay is visiting father Mr Mr Leonard lis home for bis holidays J Leonard is home from College for Rev J Moore is again for a weeks visit among old friends Special revival services in the church hero Christmas day was foggy find damp the roads muddy and if it had nt been for knowledge gained from tho caleodsr no one would have imagined it to be Christmas day The Methodist teaparty was a suc cess in spite of weather Speeches were given from Revs Brown Bedford Bingham and Dr Singing by two picked choira Re ceipts OBrien and wife- of Hannibal City Mo who have been visiting hero during past ten days returned home on Monday Mr Thomas who bag been clerking at the House the past two years baa re signed bis position and gone to hi home In During hut sojonrn here he won a great many friends was always ready to take an active part in Sabbath School work Temperance lodge eta and about a year ago Mr exemplary character won for the choice Superintendent of Meth odist Sunday School which position he ably filled and on eve of his departure he was presented with a handsome Oxford Bible end an ad dress as a souvenir of respect and wherever his lot may be cast he will be accompanied by the beat wishes of his many friends Mr Walter Jenkins of Carman Manitoba is homo on a visit Miss Eva of who spent her holidays here has returned homo Mr is going to attend Commercial College In London this next term OF de Ires to Pa sola Co of Brook- Ijd and to lie for the prompt In whlcb my claim time CO TO LET ROOMS raliatita for over ifodgas SO r M of ant cratraitoof fortotrlf of St G choir fit A of of teacher Toronto of choir lptUt NEWMARKET GO Co pill held Id tho COUNCIL NEWMARKET or Evnlos I ib For ho Election f and to bo lake at oclock A full attondDta of lot ai of Brordtsr If VALUABLE FOR SALE BYTENDER flricen acres of Lot West Ten of Part Lot No J North Side Brittle Mat will bo up to Disastrous floods are reported in Upper Austria Seventeen deaths from la grippe In New York city Tuesday BE A county seat war is raging in Stevens county Kansas end three officers have already been killed Military been sent from r THE LEADING FURNITURE tiV AND acres of Tart Lot No I No 1st Day of March 1892 TOO Ttcdtr not Accepted- you be aOt If you are ft Tinware jne Opposite Royal Hotel MAIS ST BARGAINS IN FURNITURE IF During the Holidays Orders for executed promptly and quietly Embalming a Specialty J M1XLAKD at Prop fit J A teameeting will in on Tues day the of January Roy Mr Odery of Newmarket other ministers will bo Music will be furnished by lha Aurora Choir Recitations and dialogues will bo rendered by ladles of this locality The changeable weather of past week has had a tending to many bad colds- -whooping- oaugh seems to ln common around also two cases of measles Mr returned home for a tlmo to bis do- for New York state where intends to practice for the present Mr now a full fledged Vet carrying with honors of the Veterinary being awarded a diploma of tho Agricultural and Arts ntarlo lfr Jos formerly of thii vicinity was catling on his old friends one day last week A number of young people con vened oh fourth line on Now Years night add a happy time until quite late On Friday Mr a that his brother Mr Samuel Proctor of Dray- ton dead Mr Proctor him self befog considerably under tbe weathor was to attend the funeral Mr John Win J rots formerly of this village but lata of through this village one day last week When here be was a In employ of Mr when he was In in this village Che Jahn of a tfauh- arJatthreildeDCoof by to tfaosMerof A trl at IbftrotdMioe of the brides be tr Miller On Ib at her iunriemarkl Ireland and of or ihlsplaos Aged dare her tats- fs West York Monday oil Ida wife of Armiuis tat Jan- 1 1 ins 11 11 1 iiisb CT m how prompt Allklodiof the BEST WOOD AND COAL STOVES BEST AMERICAN AND COAL OIL Furnace Work ing and General Jobbing a specialty HODGE CO J TO THE Town of AND OKN market an- of to- nearly la oflict of coi ad I jour council q to of I lb At on Monday jou ly father I not for to your will afford mo lot which toy porHoal put and easily jo my I tie- tcrmltd to not oreo came total 10 I not t oo doe I aura my aod git who day did reod In aott did If I if put I my rter Lara red Moo- AND CLOCK MAKER Pure Did tod rings eJweji CO If gOLICITOR iTO Court fli Oat Id ay I have Ihe of being clsued the moDlcipil the Li York It tea scores of bach to koowthet I tela retired not of to my rib tic acts bat ruber from com Id erst loo of politics and a reitUie for with Hi I tried to eerye you and In a of tbs put I find nothing for reproach On II rffords no little to remember that I have With varied enter prises which go decades In the history and I am now relieve from both the and my mo- relet loo com fort fa It of will here- after fait to other sad will I bop be so to of the Again for of I to i STOCK OF and Fur PRICES Rather than carry oyer until next season PS Ilia ST CASH AND ONE PRICE House and Lot For Sale Slrwt Rut awlllliitbury mile nm Now- and tf cellar of bird Agoo or land joooaT orchard or flrat Apply to W I- nUNKS A a Aurora Executors of Lha I NOTICE Annual The Novelty Mahufacturing Go in Farmers TWO YORK Institute DAYS T M Uxnl Directors and l buildtMaiaur Im Id 111 bo held at JACKSONS HA JSSJillSociOClTa Into lltfl locrfl from tiro to Dated t a for each amy of January and at EiaderallOa for til- oven day Jonu- Of abort will bo held in I J Town Hall Auroras ok JAN A I first at am lirf BOOTS SLAUGHTERED cents lbedctUnv3al Ai to bur j North Societv hereby that ANNUAL MEETING Society will ho hold Iho Council Oh amber Newmarket ok WEDXCHUAY JANVAiiy fliOlh At I oclock for roceptlon of of and A attendance rcoueeted ArnoaUoK of will bo held at office am tbe day J- JACKSON fiseyTrsaa Prof 01 ihoOoUrlo MR ouUro addreuci- aaricalturiita llabotakoput la A in 13 la It WANTED value Prices Iho benefit DMtnlHL worm JEMETB Monday Jai 18th 1892 bj ttd FUPLIC fliua of lh j Mr A QUANTITY OP 1ST WHITE ASH LOGS NOVELTY IS 0 UNHID MANITOBA BRUNTON BOOT SH J is J i Boots Lycoming Rubbers and Socks Every pair guaranteed or money HOSIERY We have the only properly assorted stock of Hosiery in Town And buying direct from the makers We are able to make the prices very low a RUNTON NEWMARKET iPe 1 tFmmr VSr

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