JAN 1892 Onto- Dr A Given Fanners a Scott Annul J B Notice J Wanted era OP I BUT GROWS AMD UOB I FRIDAY JAN Our Toronto T0E05TO SI Oiler Boat an In the for Mayor once more lct is An of A li raoDiDg in each for lint winter marred John IS the rotten Miller who been Isaraicg charge with torn employer J Monday caused ucxpectvd Tie coal oil again fetes Toronto Barker a widow years ra tamed to to a lamp explosion tod Mw to frightful rtcdredfrom lamp cm night table- toe limp km it Aurora For Mayor H for A Yule od for Deputy J Lloyd J Ross for Ward by acclamation T Central Ward J Anderson ElAngitia Bald- J North Ward Held JDr J Holland and for Bell Goodwin and Wo itortiroore Sloan Beth Boston Geo Sbeppard and Geo bat resigned For school the three old mem and Taylor re- nominated Chapman and the last mentioned person has resign ed See correspondence from this village Society is Doing WB1T HI EMS TO Mr- A or on lb the fift of ft by of his Is Virions Mr Huron Uteri id J Mr HoghM CoiwiTslitA who the siln la uJ r Ghliag bit u of ncoeM tat an rev The writ for the Hon in lo on tod polling the of Th writ for on tb7th ud on the of Crisp Elected Speaker Wonder sometime expressed in Ibis country why the American people and especially members of the Honed of attach such vital importance to the election of Speaker of that body to tbosa more in timately acquainted of and the system In that it not for special la the second office of in the the of legislation is determined by the Committees thereof and the Speak er appoint committees Hit cover therefore at ap parent for by the selection of men to said committees he is en abled to determine the character of legislation all subjects of vital Importance not only to the cation bat to the party well In tfats Dominion oar Parliament does this work differently The Hoose selects own Standing Com mittees proposed by the Govern ment of day usually after con- solution with the Opposition and confirmed by a vote of the members while incases of special import or affecting some particular interest matter is referred to a seect commit- tee composed of men from both of to tuoro or leu conversant with subject it- of the re politic of haying more or Ices to do with selection in majority The election of Clip to the of American House of Si generally regarded by the of the States a a distinct a victory over Cleveland a ill of fr trade and free silver tea reform Of course tln New York press tako of Crisps eiecttott is Taminany and regards him i a A comes from to the effect that Hon Jofin wholl a Senator and portfolia of Agriculture wil at of the s to strengthen Mi in Cabinet by kitting in of Commons The Chicio Orckit has a fine of Mr newly elected tho of Tie Graf hie a which tf tho kind jit There are some SO fill eograviogf o who a work of art Art book- for a copy So young attUt come mere to front effects sad than Mr the In the of Frank the picUrei by him sol this weeks it- tf lb ii paper a moat P I io of a Years dinner on a inaitUaticcteauitr Amoog otheratrik ri devoted to lie Hirer which la now in of There derated to the weterwoiks Dearer fanatical free with free trade notions and a thoiough- going advocate of Southern principles looks upon his elevation with while the Timet declares election of coalitiou of Hill of Tammany is not for clean and honest gov For all that is said of him he appears to bo a his and if bis Election bo an of llw of bis party on ft augury of in favor of raiptocal trade with this Dominion The Municipal so All ho Old council by acclamation cor Mo Cor mack and Lot run ning for and win wv can learn it will bo close for 1st deputy and Mr Widdiueld for d dtp by acclamation for there three in held Lomon A I two Co Sw Kast This ship is in usual commotion along lino and Chai for and for lit deputy J for 2nd deputy Messrs A tioddcu John and iraviss other but tho parlies withdrew wiLListuuftr For Messrs Tho cott and on and John for councillors Messrs John Draper John and and Jos Davidson Mem nominated and resigned com For Mesr Thus and Mc Donald for deputy John Kay Michael of the it a of gratification to a clue of who have been waiting Ktlcooiejnt such a from a j The JjitLoS Tab Co hive taken the first of will make Hi Jaauary It 4 dr Canadian and patriotic in Mr Jie ffttA of vslt to raalnK it a fiiiity iu iino for all iii The lubfciiption price ihi of so of the ai of the Life of Sir Jvi by hie J lis for Hill ftttActtV The fir a steel i bo of m1i1 fice en- iLri4f1iit the dote of his lif- are fifty other re- I of Sir family hit life put tod the promoter of the lcifi bi and All of the executed fa set sua ore voidable in ili do and point ti- till pvi TUB roll for I contain names if and wooaeo to a the of King Abbott Geo the Katakaue Sicih AMarrebuiaQ Khan William the Colled CI- the British Porter of the Unit J ih Iriuce Napoleon Of the United States erccy great Von iatete of tig- Sir iiuauutbs great the planner of the War Ac prim J It J ill and vrr York juriiltit a dictator of Chill Karl the Henry of j II wart sod Sir John da of Hit AlsA WHwo on Hon iron aj prsy t Ho In Hi oatlvs Canada fa In JKled Mayor of la oi ho of late to Parliament fork at the JiMI t nest iriTijin ftr of gremiatat The elevated to the and was of Wei On the bench by of Abortly after to of him by Sr reputed to be wealthy bat A Mr Hill bis took a lively that part of the city wc dial I Deo wern skating on pond to Walter aged eleven of John of the Upper Can- factory broke- the ice and was drowned and A J In Toronto Mr Kenned of spent In Rev evening Hobbles Mrs of Toronto is spending few Ajt at her old home Lewis of Woodstock Chrutmsj holidays st home Clayton Anoitige Is home for the from Ann Arbor High sod from home for Christmas Hr of Sterner Chhstmss with Oscar Pretty Jones of among the Christmas visitors In town Hiss Lens Halo of Buffalo spent the Christmas holidays here with her end Silver and Hiss Stocking of Toronto spent in Town Hist of Toronto is spending the with in town Mr J Jordan of spent a couple of days with Ms 3 Collins this week Cunningham sad wife of spent friends in town Mr of no pol Chiiitaio to it a P Toronto to town night Mr of Aaron Banmr in town luVSfttaplmjr a friendly call Mix Cait19 of two month Mm Scon from the epeoding s month with friends mother Toronto spent Christmas with his slater Mrs of To tod to here with her Mrs Monday ReT J of tbTiwMkwilhbia Mr J Mr and J Speoco d Mr Tbos Gsrdoer were homo for Mr Vernon of were home for the Mr John Mr pect Chriilmii Berlin where he will romilD with for two or An InterettlDR letter from Mr Height of will next end wife of St toot dinner with end hen till Mr Harry Hamilton and wifo of Barrio spent Chriatma with Mr Jaa P Hunter Hamilton also remained over for a week Elder GarbuU of Sharon sod Mr Percy Fletcher of Newmarket are attending School Convention at this week Mrs of London is a week at Evergreen St with her aiiter Mrs There was a of Mont goroery family on Christmas H and family were here Will from and George from Wo notice with pleasure that Mr piwd Examination for the distinction of CbemUt at the ex- of Oatario College of Pharmacy Elder of Stouflvill writes Ihst the meeting in the Chrielian at Alton a is continuing with converts are repotted John Bingham from New York Stale near was here this week after an of year and is wonderful improvements the has Sir J attended the committee meeting the Reform Aasocls- la Newmarket Owing either to bad roads or lack of notice tbe at tendance wai nail Rev Hill end wife of Perry ihronh Newmarket Monday ood left Mis Ethel end Muter with Mr J P Belfrys children Mrs Hill expected here to a few days with friends A lengthy account of the marriage of Mr A deoliat of fltayner and son of Mr Town to daughter of Mr Gillespie merchant of has been received bat la unavoidably crowded out of this lasue Among who were home for holidays ware Coatee Atthor Low Frank Millard If Bernard Greenwood Albert Allen Herbert Bines Cy Eck Lloyd Geo Bastodo E and Watson We copy the following from the Vancouver Daily of Dec Mr Blatter of Newmarket Oat brother of Dr of the In the city will take a chemlat to Heeds pharmacy Mr of ability will papal Id By rtference to our death will be observed that the eldest child enter A J Martin to which Is very bad Toronto Mr Martin himself taken firat sod restored to the on the air Ice of the physician to save hie family bat little girt took It a day or two tetter and was alto taken to the where she died and burled without her mother haying the privilege of again Mrs Lowe the grandmother went down to the city sod the little boy op hers with her At account Mr Martin was pTOgrtsaUg Dr of Michigan came over to attend tbefqoeralof the late Howard hot muse J faU end did not sfur the He brought with him some words from of aims plaos were coovcytd to congregation by Elder front pulpit tut morning The Elder who Is to oOlh Tear could not refrain from when Informed of Howards death having been so entertained bun during hie els Io this locality as well by Bros Bsgart Collie and Stephen Howard Sherman bad privilege of preaching the first Church In Newmarket also the second and the holy ambition to stand within the of third He delres that value and appreciation be to the of the A and would remind bis In this of the cheer comfort end be received from Item ope of whom wu the venerable worthy Hannah Dr In foimausthat Sherman of hope of the glory of He but able to eil on friend tod it s large of electors hero at the nomination meet ing last and paused off quietly and were nominated for Reeve but after making a satis- speech the old reeve retired from field and left the other two to fight It out Haines was for 1st Deputy ai well as coun cil declined to oppose Mr Baker A The people of regret to lose of Mr John El Johnson of county of Elgin Out who for three yean with much success has taught the school here No leas this loss felt by the children of this school for on the inst Johnson was by his pupils with an Oxford Bible accompanied by an appropriate address He leave to pursue bis studies at Kingston Collegiate Institute and he oar hearty good wishes that in that sphere be may meet with equal Egypt will have a lively Muni cipal fight this time Donald and Armstrong are both desirous of occupying the Reeves chair next year John Kay and Michael Humphrey are fighting it out for the position of Deputy Reeve William Johnson J Tennyson and Michael Baker were nominated for Michael and will not go to the polls so there will be foar left The nomination quite orderly The old council seemed to have a good record being able to show considerable retrench- dentin various items of controllable expenditures such as printing sta tionary Board of Health salaries and counsel foea annual in connection the church usually held on New Tears been Mr Saw formerly teacher In this place been calling on friends here week to his depar ture for Hill where he accepted a situation u teacher in the High School Mrs returned from her visit to Chicago Among for we notice Mr and Mrs David Hughes and daughter of Toronto Mr J Gra ham and wife of Sutton and Muter Charlie Pearson of Toronto On Saturday Jut Pearson Armttago and Large per formed an operation Large teacher Toe operation was entirely satisfactory and the patient will un doubtedly have better health in the future than ho boa been baring for some time past With the good at tention he is receiving he will bo out again this week Many of our young people are home for their holidays Among these we notice Mr Turner and sisters Ed McKay Jack and Sec Large James Wright Miss Sarah Fred Milne Missive is at and Mr A Smith Mr Fred leaves for his school Saturday We would liko to throw a shoo after him for luck Hell have it anyway Holt Samuel aod family of Dakota are over on a visit for a while Bella started for Cav alier Dakota week to see sister Mrs Hugh Boms Mr Cunningham for a few days but is able to be around again Mr George Arnold of the Univer sity Toronto was calling on friends this week Mr Montgomery our school teacher gone for holidays He has been engaged for another year The election fire once more be gun to burn for and J A Hopkins for 2nd Deputy aro our favorites They an ticipate some bard fighting before the victory is won Tim nominations were held at tleby when following nominations were made Iter Reeve James Stokes J and Norman For let Deputy Archibald Campbell and Rankin Stewart 2nd Deputy Stephen Armitago 3rd Deputy Simeon Lemon and Charles For James and Black After the several gentlemen nominated bad ad dressed the ejectors present and the finances of the Township having been satisfactorily explained showing that the Municipality owed the school fund this year while at the Bame time last year it owed the same fund showing a redaction of the debt to have been the announcement of which appear ed to give very general satisfaction Messrs Norman Grossly Stewart Irwin and Blaok withdrew when the Returning officer declared the fol lowing gentlemen elected for the year James Stokes Reeve Archibald Campbell 1st Deputy Stephen Deputy Simeon Lemon 3rd Deputy and James Cherry Councilman Im mediately after the announcement meeting broke up The first meeting of the new council for will be held at the Temperance hall on Monday the day of January 1892 at the hour of oclock Keswick Fine Orchard Mr and Mrs Brown of spent Christmu at Browns Mr and Mrs J A Hall and family of spent at Mr Halls Mr and Mrs A- Prosier Kes wick have been visiting her sister Mrs Halt Sirs May and son are spend ing the holidays at her home in Mr and Mrs J of who spent the in Dakota returned home last woes and intend moving there in the spring trustees of this have en gaged Mr W Foster teacher next year Our Toronto Markets Dec rail Wheat bushel SO Spring Wheat per bushel a OS 83 Oil ICO a 21 a a o a MAIN ST IS THE SPOT FOR Cheapness IK SI a Q 0 a per S3 a a bag a a Wool per lb ixi ton pair- imlr SPECIAL THIS WEEK or THE- LEADING FURNITURE Ladies Fur Fur Muffs Ladies Tweed Dresses Ladies Handkerchiefs Ladies Evening Slippers Evening Kid Gloves Oheffon all 25 15 Mens Department ens For Overcoats Mens Cloth Overcoats Mens For Caps Mens Silk Mufflers Mens Silk Handkerchiefs Mens Kid Gloves Mens Underwear all prices Mens Slippers Mens and Shoes Mens Waterproof Grocery Department Candies a Oysters Apricots IOi ft 30tb 50 Cranberries 00 Cheese Tea dr JUST TRY 57 59 MAIN ST For anything you want if Cheapness is any object to you Cheapness is our sledgehammer theres where we rely for Big Trade It means money saving to you Opposite Royal Hotel During the Holidays Orders for Undertaking executed promptly and quietly Embalming a Specially I MILLARD Dos lib Pa sx TERMS CASH AMD ONE Night Calls at St town wife of Mr of a wanted Apply to s J St Will IU0 At iff 9 to tho and GENTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY 11 Mount Albert The cash system has this Smith Brat to adopt It the way put down the prices makes us tbiuk there it sometfaiug in it Christmas was a very dull day in our village until night- the School party commenced There was a great gathering body of the church was filled an full that gallery hod to opened Proceeds who pent with as Mrs P Sliver end family A and family Wal lace and Jennings Mrs Miller is to attend funeral of her Thomas Roar who died on Sunday at two oclock The remains are to he buri ed on Wednesday Ho has teen a member of Methodist church for over forty he died arms of Jufcus A disgraceful row took place on thoatrccton Friday between some men Ouu of them wan brought before Mr J and fiv dollars for ouu blow It a pity that there were not of them served same way sa 9 fifarubmount folks wilt some to talk about in tho some of them did two or days plowing last week It rare thing to see the plow going at this of tha year Mr A lhroan has to Toronto to spend a days Mr J Miller spent Christmas with friends and relatives in To Mr of West Toronto spent bis Christmas holi days with friend And relatives of this place Mr Mm of spnt at Mr J Jar via of this Mr- A J Bis- sett of Cedar Valley spent at Mr Mies Jonnlo who has ill with mealies rncovercd Miss Emma J Smith and Scott of speodinir their holidays at Mr Mr and Mra Geo Hopper with Mr Geo Hipper of KiJ marts a Wait with friends rttatlves al lost week la Holland Isat Mrs AOroaanrwioteurceoValtayapeDt of this Mr J la back Ofpand a at bis parental homo Mr and Millar Cedar Vallsj Horns of our as two fr three of wars sons stonj lbs last Hun day to how fioulduadsbj andyslllof which bean a wsk not BanJay no tor a for which wears to of actios soand bars hot IU hare all the asms had a on avsnlnr this at Mr MUsEdoaBatUriarUhSTlnf an attack of but hopes of 1 too sorry to ratal the death of I la the two or ol was take down with Typhoid ttitt a died A abort lalk was that fit but that called Mount of It place to ttw Despite the dark nights and mud dy roada Sunday School enter- of Christian Meth odist schoola were in both a decided sueced The churches were crowded on both occasions Tbo anniversary sermon of Methodist School was preached an an nounced by Rev Mr Robinson of the Cookstown Circuit on Sunday last His address to the children was a very interesting and practical one Mr end Mrs Carseaden of West Toronto Junction parents of Mrs ore spending Christmas holidays with the Mr end Mrs Wilson of Whitby also spent Christmas with Mrs Joiiali many friends of Draper will be sorry to hear that he fa in poor health just now Muoicipal Matters aro all the talk this week Thero is a very lively contest this Township Mr J is the only one on this 1 tho Township running for tho council Wo think ought to and wo think that he will contest between tho Reeves and Deputies is going to be a hot one Wo think that side feel over- about result understand that Mr Brooks painter who lives short distance north of here tbioksau attempt was one last week to burg bis house but Mr Brooks and disturbed them in their operations when they decamped be fore procuring anything Mr Brooks has been in the habit of not latching his doors thinks he will here after b Altar COLTiiiN In Toronto Dec Bid by Wallace street church Mr Henry Hat- man and both of township J Wilkin ton lalParaoBapoHetbcrlllaaiUlonQiianU of township Of to Sarah Lyons daughter of Js Lyons Codardats Elder Wll Cfaidley M Mr Arthur Iroiworof North Mary of On Wednesday by dene of WlllUm father Mr William to Miss Susan of Wednesday Dec at lbs the In of Scott by the Mr Campbtll Wm J Clelland to Mary Kennedy only of Mr Kauoedy of this Disc The newly mar ried of Mr John of Toronto for a few Deo of J SKed to Toesdsy at Aurora on tilt William son of John Margaret is years AHTivOf diphtheria at the General on Sabbath I Nellie only d beloved A- J ana aKcdSyears Smooths and town at lha of Ms son Mr Frank on John of funeral Saturday S J NORTH- AH will caiafol oa rTIl fek On Monday Jam 1892 bo or to and of ant of time I fully from bio recent ilia Muter that there work will go witticut Feci per annum J ftOUBflTSOK Secretary Wanted for Apply W J Mr Iloti eon of Holt ftQ old of this place la on a villi to homo of hit boyhood Dr Campbell notified a caw diphtheria Board has taken I in mo- and to rAVAgc I Bark and ton from Toronto Mra and frfroily from Toronto Toronto of Queens ville and Mr ton and bride of Weal Toronto though and damp had amoaot of good looked la Ita aarb and leaded to make largely attended to bo JUr nearly A attended Math Social Jaat aadtfluddy redacted credit lie dlrcctort AU to Ihorousthlj Rev Mr at to and to a Ha of to IbU ago Mr Editor do know wo many WUIUmila they nearly alt ride upon white The another to all their old to toot all ibtlr old borne to pound all their old drum andilaeln Mr TheopolU ud bride cheer After Banner and our Anthem retired with the The School Miu Mc- of at The off quietly A good crowd met In to beer and pro Judgment upon dele and are la the field for hut the other rami so Two bare dropped out and tbero are for their place mutt at nut of the board of Trusted are and a fourth TO THE ELECTORS Town of Vote and Influence for Councillor for SCOTT -S- Bicycle Everyone purchasing goods to the value of 150 will receive a number WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER WANTED TO THE EL iCTORS OF with decide turn ajst your rota You of many to aiyl I A QUANTITY OF KT WHITE ASH LOGS NOVELTY CO limited Intluonco I fsithruiir IN CANADA UNITED MANITOBA Sol a St WO FARMERS Cheater White Roar milt BOOTS SLAUGHTERED Hie dollar Tho it wax lo Advlco buy jour t MONTGOMERYS valio rl flu TOII I i- till Jn- sam polled atock for on HamMi 1st con- JOHN A Mir And liANrOllI Ward to i9 I la Com pan tako place In Mr Wrights Shop ON Monday Jan- 18th At boor oclock- JAB about it two NORTH YORK Institute MEETING the abors will bo held la Town Hall Aurora ON JAN drat Monday Prof Of Agricultural CoUro and Vfhlboproantdorlogiho deliver stgrlculturlju will alto In ho tt A f a to J Choice Goods at Lowest Prises 9 Try Babbitts Soap Powder package SONS MFG CO 1 OH 1 t