Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Nov 1891, p. 2

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HA NOV 1891 Advertisement Harpers Hamilton Spectator Dominion John China Swine to Let a Peck gfiumBtfert DP I BO J WITH USUI FRIDAY NOV thousands of dollars annual- tad from of bring a pension Hosts far rata In dotage too lira men Id that would while the weeded out Editor Hot Aid a will Th4 til ltfmoroDnd Dr In lb on u it tut Mi Id winding op propWfM thtl It of Area of city In ft row cm Band Lot of of Toronto be ill of lit Prut ittfl ft JtOpmin for A At A I rosa Oca ftod Id in body a ftUft DIN Of ftod Mood TO Kef flx4 by Hill of Tim ftuooacMtDtol fa by Uaitod 8uVv ibt hid apotf abafilie adl conflict IrliUoQDOd Boil J A ftppoloted If to opposed ntloetioa for A upon la to draw off from Ihi Load fa ftd to gift ftB opportunity to nrogft ue to cow Ox 4laidfty lut Chief on with la both I by- is fill ft tow fa OflUxi0 Lbutn 00 Tucy kfMlf COTtMld 0d hat known hoar of going to doom of ftnd from poll by bat ftbro ftcti the turf yet to W ftn to from Ihi Weil lut wek la Trritorit for the ihj prohibit ftl id of odaoiUoa of ftaolher fttialt Co ft J P ftffinlnjE the It ft ftmigomfiot No by An officul from tbe organ the inlituntion Hon Mr Abbott bid York of Dominion All Minuter ralgnfttloai Id the of tbe Premier taring free to he might a It hit intention to give either the or raent to some Qaobed Minister end Mr- Agreed not to bit for ft from the of of Bute to that of one of the Department having Urge patron at hit The lut para graph In the ftbore H to at the time what may be accorded to any particular It will be found when the reorganization completed that Mr pub tferricef to the country and hi long- among conntrymeahave not overlook- and that his will be madn available for an important pott in the Government It that for In will ftsd a for ibo Common to fill oocutoaed by A H will twill of the corrttpocdtol of tbft real trust Soma to lion of the cabtiiit will followed by a of ratnor re bat it hud to It ftnd to It li on the election tilting on Friday no the will fan of ftnothtc nd frw Bod another to collect Hilton to hid an the ami and Tax art making tba Lincoln cicdi on for hear ing and tha witoeaa i trident seeded to thtrfby enfttiog in bat it willagtlaootut Mr J- will bit replyio to a who predicted that when Mr John rani tbe Dr Wen York at the next election the gentle will be in bit poetical reuarkj at that the Torfea hare for the Doctor lSd bat In foaod rlil to fill In the of and the tbv a tbit be will be in way In the fotoxa in the put Taut a new R and of Tomato time It la the of the Railway fronj to Toronto In the gave the Valley Rail way Ox a of conditioo that the tboald be la Torooto thea tbt have of the Crehb and rumored tba ibopt tot that P keepfo- the oil Credit Valley Co aod their la the half a New York fallowing of bow el don of Flower for of York lut and how party won a victory We tba method adopted wert the of who are to a liking for way thing are managed there The of dominant party Their were lined with gold and voWa at all the way from to The Albany carpet ma Jo bo of their more cub than what to do with They touted that all the floa tent had been and had voted ticket by morning of fct that the law no one the polling place watch en and voters a Damoeratlo mb got into the district warl and held It for the greater part of tie day The The police were either or had their orders let the ran they Tb bleary eyed go in and out meet a Democratto worker get bit ticket it aud then motive a slip an order for from to according to the agreed The re bat ia jat iaiUneo they were to cajt a ballot L- i Change A of the Ontario ever and anon the of in the tion of the Dominion Senate Otbert again favor abolition altogether on ground of being more mental than A co- temporary recently that if that body bo a neoeeaary adjunct to of government it la England and the Uotted States he the latter oopied in entirety by having Senator nominated by the Provincial ana add It then be an honor to tea Senator it it but an intima tion at politically have gone to For our part we are to life to that body and if it to would favor making it elective the people the for that Chamber to two or three Riding or forming for the Commona and the term of their election bo two year longer ban to the Lower and to end at fied periodi to remove from popu provide a discredited finding a place that body while a time reapect making Senator directly to who have to pay their At well at be governed by the they To In power of nominating the who joit directly to the f M the will care the evil it being for that the of poll- J J wait inn gone to The Local Govern- With menu woold be quite at a object that wu to party lnflaence la the the Utter tcceptlog made at the and la a few the Senate would be found to be competed of pollticiana who have aougbt r in Provincial and been it by the people nd at roll the old of whloh it made today Bat by the elective element at fixed new blood partaking of the timet woold be Intro- that body thereby re moving the to the and representative men to the end la teach with the political Motlmenp of the itw while favoring change Is of we favor the eUeUv principle Tniat to that tba next of will a of faca on the fl of the Cotntaoqv the election are number rijht left weekj of of the clou of lot week of Helton all bid to walk the while Dr Brdeo for it etidto hire been afraid to and Headt are droppiog the oa brh it to heal ridradld tome pretty victory bribery and meat of Tax of J I for confuted cor were male falm wblcb If Id Mr Terta to aafgo for hi tat a of a man who took an pirt In proMcatiog the flor of rlgaiog the ere of bit trial The Montreal Star Mr will go down Is fctttory not noble vindicator of the honor of bat at Mr man Friday who knifed a el to prepare the way bit muter lion male order to a eet for Lieut who will tht Domiolon J- law In the ad joining State of are obliged file a of election within tea day of hate already been filed and tbe New York a few f thtm at newt That Per all ft that f roihtl who ot for a Ha wai pay taotT to a notary for jog the Jurat to the Mr bat bid of going throogb at of to that Mr wat not Neither will hi him a what figare loae Tut in tome before the that great mill of the libera party do not endorse Tike re mark ufe Ontario hare done better by far had gone it alone of tbe people of this Pro In tbt and we are tare of j dreamed that in to the pwer fdl of the liberal wrrd The late Hoa Brown closed bit peecb for with tbea woidt lt not honorable approach thU measure a sharp dealt with an to oat La pi hit ioduUt bat approach It as bat one before the peite and of oar Lat at at in light of a In the llht of the and injatrioa t a rem- with which tba people of regard were it hat lot all the past to back Let gentlemlo at the In whttoaeof them will take the of bit rote the Sir the of thete great fat affiled by the decision we are to to ex which at the moment wa are welfare for yean of of people bangs on Shall we tbio Hat to the I Shall wa approach wlthont and from ere feeling bat the rettatioD to the doty which an proiduce hat placed at I Sir It be that will lire to tee the day when at the revolt of thie a great aad people may have grown In the all at shell hare way to ldt and sod one government lho thill egteod from shore to But who that day If not with the he tort lUt Lift lis Bit North at the of Mr from here They take with them the well- of in vicinity hero are with work and for the fleeoy winteK Mr Frank Jenkins who been living fa for two jean more or leu has gone to seek fair fortane Owen Soaad leafing fats wife at her mothers Mrs Cornelias Willis fortane proves favorable Richard Powells wife who has been in poor health far some time past is slightly Improved Strange from this attended the on morning Some went oat for bat sor- prised to find that there was to be no meeting Mr J bad the misfortune to lose dog on Friday The animal was over by a loaded wag gon A meeting was held on Wednesday last to tee about holding a tea party in the fatore No decision was made Two car loads of potatoes were shipped Toronto daring the past week from this locality Mr J of Toronto Uni versity visited friends in town this week J- Baker Ed Lloyd A and David Brown started era their dosI deer hoot Mr Brown is doiDg a for the short time he has been At the anneal King plowing held at Mr Lemons about six miles from this place several of oar neighbors were off prises Messrs and A Wells secured a 1st prixe each Ross 2nd prize in the championship class John a second price and John Harrison a lit prize Recently a lamp exploded at Mr OBriens bat the of mind of one of the inmates the fismea were quickly extinguished thereby ssving tho bouse from fiery element Miss Mary Jenkins has been visit ing at Mr Lloyds Toronto The revival meetings which have been carried on at our slater village of terminated on 8nnday evening Mach good has been done The meeting evening was conducted by Mr Mr Jen kins and Mr Harvey boys of this section say the evening of the 31st was too dark for Hallow een and intend cele brating another at a no distant period Mr Johnson and sister Lizzie were the of Mr Geo this week What the people of this place should like to know How the an nual games are going to come at Strange this Which football team will come oat victorious Athletics or Scientists What wed ding is now on the tapis Why there are no bees Who the correspondent of Strange fat Mr John who re cently returned from Denver has been at his cousins Mr A The bylaw to raise to erect a new market building was car ried at Smiths Falls Monday Woodstock council his passed a by law which compels all stores to be closed at 7 oclock Hundreds of hare ap peared in the Bay of in con sequence of the low It is announced that Pope is suffering from cerebral and his Holiness thinks his end is near i THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking J MILLARD or nan or 1 J Miliaria Co HAS OFKHEO A NEW FURNITURE STORE PRICES i Of firm ljf of Hallow foroiiacea on Sunday he town lino between Whit church and Oxbridge plowe the top of fence Inverted democrat in and across the road the top of gran hill- Mr Johnson of cifioii of Pickering who it now about age met with an on Friday lie about and a few mem at top of a free he went to them bat at a height mined bold and fell to breaking thigh bone and internally to age and the aevere to alight are enter of Tribune Holland Landing- Air Editor Iayoar and own were aadlkv a IU ud ibercfoio upon correct their property her I bars looked after a somber of were ret cared property A part the Hall doing the Hal applied to lodatc tba rot for them harlot Hill of trutteta refund box aa to tba Rail a went to tho Hall to ordered oat and bio lampi For tblKwbat our doty were fined d by MaxUtrata knew their aotloo would know It to offend certto of They there other halls We hare fired bare for ratpy ear end hare an the to Interrupt except an Mr a paper fo a horror of charged for Sim oa with ticket for atari at It into a grariooi that brooxt the all oyer oat aedeeawrieg That Mr hired a car for ova am la bat ha for lick- to prorea deal with lab for the tike of a filag at to of made a hoi the be all the better bad la life with he lo lata yaare We hare foltoarfaei flit is POINTS Mr Mr of their lut of wlalt tug lo with her filter J Mr beta lojrly rcoer are ColloiiOol i 8mith of a few town log tbfe week Walter of Ull fdrt In tOwo had a wsrek and for tba the of Tueeday In aftb Mr AoI hitter of Mr by three Ire were here week editor been honored with he of a lido Mr of the lctid for North Three Her At of bed At a bold of the except the Ror He tare hit decided to Orillla Mr aod John are at at will goto BHtUh Wi In December Mr roach It hoped the for a lima will effect a cor Then hope Mr will carry oat of of for the of rata cunt slnd not flenau Not The trial of of the election petition the of If r A Campbell for opened faisre thla morning be fore and MacMahon no taken the petition Mr J appeared for the and Mr Walker for I the sertlces in con nection with Methodist Church here were largely attend ed and very interesting Rev Dr Brings of Toronto preached two ad mirable sermons and choir ren dered choice selection The took place on the follow ing evening and was also ft grand The ladies had provided of the choicest poultry and dainties which were served la a superior manner This followed by a and Intellect as treat The pastor Rev presided in his manner Mr presented a state merit of churchs Thootth the edifice bad coat waa only a of upon ft Mr offered to pay provided tho balance was raised by 1st of Deo next and the prospect Are that this will bo The speaking was excellent Rev of Landing had some end suKgesiivo to talk about lUv of spoke of of sociability nod how it cSfirifltfr and of President of the took for subject Happiness and how it is secured unity of sentiment and action in work Tim choir and thn Concertina of an of which Inart The proceeds Mrs Dr lies Vry low wilh very little hope of rcovfrr Application for are to come In We hope our truatcci will no mis take and pats a and Quite a large number are- on iJjr sick Hit but of a very serious nature as jet crack of huntsmans that thereMs some over towsrdtbe of to the west week that the marsh been on fire and a quantity of hay burned We a large number of strangers in town on Sunday Jut attracted by anniversary sermons no doubt Municipal politics assume a little sbspe thinks that he will have no In get ting again this year Two of our young took Mo a bee at North Qwillimbury other night returning home between midnight and 1 I- Sale Register SI A of a will teste piece American Hotel at IXocioct For and tea and IS property eiUCaot SmeOey ato wfU et lot IOX L burr Weal Term I IS credit on for bay roots or per ceoU olTfor at oclock Not IB The baloatflnx late Mr Jane will bo on the with the lata Tcrtojcash Sale at oclock Bogeicmuct- will have sin auction of etc od lot In Cod or bnry mot credit except or off for cash oclock- QbaikOsW- Oct by McDowell Mr of tp of to places Not lib by ne AfcDoweli at of bridal Mr Almond of the of Klof Moor At of Oder Mr Jo Moor of Smith At the of Mr- Jobo to Emily A of per lb Very Light Brown Now Japan 25 New Hyson Tea New Tea Good Java Coffee 30c High 36c 1 25c Oranges 35o 35o basket Potatoes 3a per lb Onion New Raisins DioRmaruSoap 9 per bar Soap 3b Bar Soap 12 Jo P Soap per bar Soap per box Morses Mottled per bar 20o per dot 11 it Fish Fruit Jam Peach per 16c lb Horse Shoe Salmon 12Ja Pickles 12Ih Oatmeal for 3D Soda 23c 16c Mixed per lb Chocolates Long 10a Bacon Jo Chawing Tobacco 4c Chewing Tobacco large Smoking 20a Starch Rico Broken Soda Biscalts Fancy Biscuits Para Gold Baking Powder Golden in the Brlosr Bankrupt Slock ft BOOTS SHofiS IT MARKED DOWN per lb 10o Mens Pants Costs i Mens Mens Mens Boots Mantles Wall Paper IS The Italian brig Victoria has foundered off Alicante and all but one of crew perished Three men were killed by explosion of powder mill in on Saturday sy A convict escaped from Kingston Penitent it on Saturday A frightful disease known the Asiatic black tongue is reported to broken out in Indiana fct train hands killed in a wreck on the Chicago Quincy railroad on Friday night The of Aberdeen inUnds establish a j factory on hi purchased farm in Columbia Too Canada bind Company report of for nine months ending Spteihhr compared with 146aG acres and for of last year An of gas occurred in shaft of the Susquehanna Coal Companys mines Pa Sunday afternoon and six men were killed Many others will dio from injuries received PV petitions against Sir Hector in and Mr in have also dropped and two Nationalist candidates have entry into Parliament for another four years t3 Tho winter is commenoing with unusual severity Eastern Europe There has been a black frost in Southern Russia which it is feared will ruin winter crops All the mountains arc cov ered with snow and severe frosts have occurred John of cmo before Magistrate Rosa on Tuesday charged with attempting to shoot bis wife of whom he was jealous Their two daughters testi fied that there were no grounds for jealousy and John sent for trial details of case not of elevating character as reputations of all concerned are some whatshady Carrie Examiner Out of to find natural gas in Belleville comes the discovery of a valuable mineral water which prove of greater benefit to Belleville and shareholders than natural gas The well which was struck in West Belleville at a depth of fool is still flowing barrels a day and thirty feet into tbo air It Is now beyond doubt that the water contains valuable medical properties Tho well is visited by people far and near and the merits of tbo water spoken of as mar vellous A Chicago writes to contemporary as follows There an enormous number of unemployed Canadians in this city They would be far better off at home than here There are thousands of thorn and must of them with good educations In my opinion the so- called higher education of your peo ple Is being overdone When they leave they are of no earthly for business I write you ft book fall tho men who have gone Toronto University and are working for s month I put an advertisement In the paper Sandsy for ft bookkeeper Canadian preferred snd one Insertion brought mo replies and of these had been through the Toronto University This was last fall and the state of things Is sot much better now than It was then and yet In all this Interesting sua of magnificent business and plenty of work we find good practicable men with mechanical heads as salesmen to whom we would willingly pay a good salary and why Is this sot Him ply for pride on the of young men who prefer a socalled higher education than oil their fingers with a training which woald fit them for V J MAIN ST All order prompt ft8beHIseiTjei8- AND fauIotSsQni1ri In by Mr John Montgomery- lit of Apply MRS S 11 Kept tax no Queen St Nor lb Tuima SMITH PO TENDERS AniRS3Kn lor round In inches lender for lot ccto undcrlffntyl op to nod not rumoring JOHN Christmas 1891 of I Hit Number that rid ork In tills lino to with 1 1 lx t and number of Jnurnl will far of And It will faaCantdUn nil thro to LiUiQ Pub WOOD FOR By acre SALE 3rll Apply to JOHN MILLARD J ANTED A T The Public FOR School Board HAVE SALE A school desks blaokIboards S PIPES STOVi cheap SUM or J DAVID LLOYD Town of TAXES Mal 1 pol the 20th da ImLoaor boeD Mr tot to pay In lap of November I which srscy bill 111 J Collector vowKm VliiY W A Take a Round I rip In villi lh If fall to io and or ud and WCrtt and aicJUMCa Hill rot full wrllcuw full A All TO LOAN pit on flrii DAVID LLOYD r for of Mir follow Imurjcta of tfoaltfalf Mf4fallihtA alaofor OfflccorMroOUlo ANY QUANTITY OP OLD NEWSPAPERS yOn SALS AT PEE POUND WE WILL SELL YOU ALL GOODS AS LOW AS ANY BANKRUPT STOCKS DANFORD ROCHE CO A High Arm LockStitch Shuttle Machine The lightest quietest and simplest Sewing chine made Can be operated with less fatigue than any other machine- ftt ftl points except the needle It a large Cylinder Shuttle which is self- threading The woodwork ia rfirl design well thoroughly finished The needle is self The bearings are and ground and u all adjustable The stand is well iehed fitted with improTe wheel and treadle molico I The above Cut shows the NEW It highly ornamented It has the improved Thread Liberator and an Automatic Winder Machine has all the latest Improved Attachments in Velvet Lined Case and hi no equal for under braiding i EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED FOR YR8 WILLIAMS is manufactured by the Williams Mfgl Co Ltd Canada who have been making Sewing machines for thirty yew The experience gained during these years has enabled them to place the NEW upon the as a PERFECT MACHINE and popularity and extended this machine is their just recompense The capital stock is and theFton4 are equipped with the finest plant and maceinery that money can buy tv Pianos Organs and all kinds of small Musical Instrument also Latest Sheet and Music Instruction sale at JOHNSONS MUSIC STORE OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL NEWMARKET ONT 9 BRUNTON BROS a We are sole agents for the Celebrated LYCOMING AND OVERSHOES 1 EVERY PAIR WARRANTED OR MONEY I -M- BROS

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