Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Nov 1891, p. 4

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1 i L iCum f NOV 1891 A- Stove writes I hire wed Flower for It gave me great I tttcmmend It to all Dyspeptic as a remedy SI Bergeron General Dealer Quebec writes I have used August Flower with the beat possible molts for Dyspepsia C A Barrington Engineer an General Smith Sydney Australia writes Mower has effected a complete cure in my case It act ed like a miracle Geo Gates Corinth I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys pepsia I ftlmoat dead with that disease but used several bottle of August Flower and now aider myself a well man I sincerely recommend this medicine to suffer ing humanity the world over a CREEK Sole Manufacturer Jmj at J RAILWAY If- pirn St- g I a at A Lawyer Baffled- Webster til being tried for bribing a colored witness yam to testify I say this defendant offered a bribe to in hii Lawyer Now repeat whit be fcii own worda Ha bo would- mo Ho cant speak at third he took good do third present only two two de fendant am too smart ter nab any body when he am talking shout bis own reskelity I know that well bat he spoke to In the first didnt be I the fast myself Yon dont understand me When he was talking to you did he the words I will pay yon Ko boss be didnt say about you me Your wMat mentioned be tole me if ober I got into a scrape dak yoa was de beat lawyer in San to fool jury In fact was best lawyer in town for any kind of Yon can step down The Ladies Interested IN THE OF A Spirit of Friendly Stirred up THE LADIES To The Great Importance of The Undertaking and ftalardays 40 on S- Tne Work of the Holy Not- MB Olden Text will snide into all truth John Irntha conttlncd in tie by Boons oaths Tro fill to be left city for ioto the of Cbmt warm sod He be that await that wo tot mad Is bis when merciless p1eati2 to Gal To Holy Spirit that will and Holy Spirit will guide fat all sating WHAT ABOUT up or on of It truiflrb3 In the OTaVtit a J tod this lw flection km tod Mr Trow Whip fa 4 A will for Km of Ibcm tie of of lt to tUd Oil and cocdactortof r for hating ttder trial of petition of A- Lib sral for Norfolk la look place qIl wu dciei Iti to Mm trit by bU tad tit Urn id being nude coon Mr dtnh of Mr of Qwtl d the lit mi tod lord til a glom of towo tlitorhooL Hi A Odd of Ljritd con- It to the of deep Old Fire Company That ft old that to Jo aw In 68 when Kid I yon remember that fir la one when fiftoea people were path oat of tod down the ladder In their tod how brought down two fttnoe one In hit the other to hit Poor He got the to much fed ftota It fire or more titottght he going in tare Bat he fltmwlj tried It nd it oared him at A that Li a peat It M good ft fliwata oyer The of are delighted note with theimiJ- facet of wives and daughters in deed the whole country it frith ft excitemenbV limply ftmpnntt to tbit- the ftoa fact of tbe celebrated need Diamond Dyes a grand competition known as the Diamond Dye Competition which is thrown open to every mother and daughter of oar broad Dominion a than will be to the mothers wires of Canada in first and third prizes This is being returned to the con of Diamond Dye Every lady in Canada can afford to become a and to make op some of the articles mentioned in the long varied list Ample time ifl Af forded to all for experimenting and perfect competitors for the lagest prizes offered I It is an unprecedented act of liber on the part of the wealthy of Diamond and never before attemped by any similar insti tution in world and the have the most ample proof that promise will be faithfully carried put Daring the season the mannfactar- of Diamond Dyes have contribut ed liberally to country fairs in order to encourage Economy and Art and almost unknown tried to stimulate this character of work by the offer of in significant sums of from one to three dollars that defray cost of dyeing and the making p of goods called for We fear mall have not yet discover the fact that the ladies value too their time and materials to be lured by such trifling and miserly prize The fairs of our country having rioted for the manufacture of Diamond Dyes mean to keep he ladies busy daring the long otumn and winter evenings by offer ing large and substantial prises in keeping with the character of work asked for The production of every competitor Will form an exhibit in large and Diamond estab lishment in Montreal and three of and best known Dry Good firms in Canada have promised Experts to award the prizes wellknown houses are Henry Mor gan Go Henry Hamilton and John Murphy Go I proprietors of the Montreal Daily Star and Family Herald and Star have fied their willingness to act as fudges the various Essays sent forward or competition Young and old rich and poor have an equal chance In this magnificent and novel competition scheme there fore all should willingly enter If yon have not yet received a book giving full particulars of the scheme I rite at once to the Wells Ox Montreal who wiU send it pott free Wo are asked to remind our read- eic of fact that all intending com- should at once signify their competitors by trnding in ho form properly filled which it found on page of book referred to Wo wish to Im press people the fact that this contest absolutely free to all There is no cost for no en trance fee sod no money to be sent forward ft as to all as tbo air wo trust our peo ple will do what they can In Oils competition and thus the of our women and girls adepts in household work and art for and art Only Cracow ire to on for Iby people be cs by At iuiaj pet lrteajJdiVt in to candidate art is law for party adrtnttft of the war In at convention on the preavnt of chair for reelection In Ms by at all oat of and thing him it be no beckboo He lha enmity of Trader tad Conocil by hit action an boor working had putted tad Ibis M not a Utile to bis probable defeat as the working- people art strong In matter of la eddillon to two Republican there an Independent or ticket renomi nated however party cnU no between the two Democrats prominent openly trow Intention to not rapport cither of ibeir too at of the adit- graceful manner in which held will chance am inclined to Ihiok be will be The election to be held on first of and art now in fall awing Tbe annual fall frosts have a rived at nearly month behind their usual lime the first tad She morning with white frost- after effect in the way the dawn then little wind people of the city now their to and etc are in foil swing I Park and are to erect a large the one of the smell on Balls Isle for convenient of skaters and The and lakes on the are kept in gnod con dition for alt winter at citys ao any person who wish may steals of Wit A engaged oq This is of which go to make American my with who bare to par father dearly soma times for their winter J ft The has the beira lively fight on bis of tore claim that all been ameng Mo there will be a over matter Daring raonths number of petty hare in thii town the perpetrators of which hitherto escaped arrest but on Wednesday rob bery is likely suit in the prompt punishment of the guilty Mr Brown of Whitchurch on night drove into the hotel shed having in his bag of flour A few when about to for home he discovered that flour was missing He returned to the and while telling of his loss sod a man named entered The clothes of the former were liberally kledwitbilour was to bo so suspicious that the pair were at once arraited and placed in the lock op floor was subsequently found at home and it being learned that the property taken away in a rig belonging to the latter was also arretted next morning Mayor eat upon the case Thursday afternoon when and were ho quitted of the charge case was adjonrneJ but from the evidence adduced it is evident ho will bo committed for trial Sorter ostatosro OR 2 KS MO WALTHAM OR ELGIN STEM WIND WARRANTED FROM UPWARDS ATKINSON Main St Newmarket Jeweler AT BALE appij to Mi BOBS PABM TO alao two to PHARMACY Wotioes Baaff Buniock Blood general Ita caro wblcb I to all who mar be I a Bof bar J hare used Yel low wlih them IUh Cared la SO By Sanliarr Lotion- Sold J TrneFaltb I Wth in Blond a blood I for blood and It a strand and reoamiotod It fioiidtr- NDt Toronto ill or Lumps and from Blood Curb Bonn Bore Swollen Throat ar50 bjr oh bottle- Sold IS Certificate fMcKt Bras that my sfcithmi for about ft a bad and that bis alio so not rest or wort I then got Bat- six or bat cored and dons a of good hit A gang of thieves at work on the poultry roosts in this One day last week Mr of I oat turkeys which ho had been preparing for the Christ cats market and other parties of similar depredations on a smaller tcale Oar town fathers cannot a by law any too soon to prohibit cows from running at large- They are getting troublesome Chief Big Canoe Jat and Mr A left Tuesday for where they will try conclusions with speedy and shadowy deer In consequence of a runaway on Monday Mr at hit Albert is suffering from several bad cats about the face Several members of the Sutton Temperance Union and orchestra finished a program at Wilfred on Tuesday night and in return were treated handsomely before leaving for home Herald CO CO Z HI Owing to the success attended in clearing out the Slock of Crockery Glassware Groceries I have decided to continue the sale for the comiug two weeks and give my customers the advantage of the reduction There are in stock a few nice Dinner bets Bed- Room Sets Vegetable Dishes Pitchers ete which will be sold at Greater Reductions than annouced I The Grocery Stock is still well assorted and offered at a Reduced Price for the coining two weeks to clear as the shop containing them will close on the inst to allow the making of alterations in the premises J MCALEER Cor Main Timothy Streets N LIQUOR STORE JJOU8E TO LET- JiAKM TO REST- Trs a rood pi OR SALE- A ton puma ad jn lor I I aall cheap TJ THE LEADING DRUG STORE Personal Attention given to Compounding and Dispensing NEXT TO POST OFF10E SCOTT FARM FOR SAL a t of lot n FOR SALE PARTIES Good Warm Brick jfr cold call u NOTICE those who are weak and run down constitutionally Blood Wolfe Dublin Stout is especially 1 mended Try a bottle P J OMALLEY MAIN STREET NORTH Cor ai OF- LAUD- I Jam Of Winnipeg Mm wits J I and lniUtloot of alitor oilier failed I of Blood Dlturi I turn atplacfllaoif Dr T Para Cod Oil It For aolobf ail Core for Chapped audi Li i to KaCjaM a cure re ewf leu I to alt Mm- QoL Bob Aurora- Tbaootairactiortno jttt branch beaa awardod to of work bo a Detroit Letter Da I 1 job lut la la this lbs campaign fait to Sines im sad an now la of lbs On flitsidaj last lct DapvocraUs called to ila a tot cut u Am la si has Bit- A few are to to alact tbeir Tblicliyli tats wards are Islo pre- so to ward to Each appoint com a hold for Mr A Hughes left hero on Wednesday morning for Lindsay to accept the if as leader the band there following gentlemen left on Tuesday for on a deer expedition Dr John Floury Mosley Lloyd hlachell and Call honor Morgan held a court In tho town halt hero on Tues day for the revision of the Dominion rotors list for this tows There a very largo number of appeals mode by both parties and Judge was engaged from oclock In the morning until In the afternoon adjudicating upon them Mr Milllgan of Toronto appeared for tho appeals made by the Reformers and Mr by Mr Len nox for Conservatives About appeals sustained far as wo have learned the of bis Honor were satisfactory to both parties v years ago Mr J son of late Mr Cannon who re sided just sooth of this town went to trails and on the eve of his departure accepted from the late Jsrafi Lloyd bis grandfather grandfather died in leaving his grandchildren a amounting to something like executors of estate claim they mad every effort to discover of Cannon fslld and naturally came to the con- that he was dead and pro ceeded to wind up the affairs of the concluding that if he were all the which he had received from his grandfather just pro portion of his Mr a abort time sgov end has commenced of estate for original bequest with Interest thereon In 1869 Ho la joined by bis brother James Fall Show- The annual Fall Fair the Town ship of King Society held at Oct and The weather being fine it is not to be wondered at that tbs attendance was large exceeding all former years The entries were nearly double those of last year and tbe quantity surpass ing all former shows held here following the prizs win ners Horses J Walls wars D IT Smart Pin- A El Ed Delaine Albert Wilts Walk- logtoa t Dr Stewart George Smart A Raid J J in the A Backe A John J If Cheap P Straogwajt Smith A J Bridge wood A Harper Cattle Simeon and P Alfred Couwatd Downey Stanly boob Norman Sheep R ad eons or Down oioo Soni mell Wo Hamilton A Sons Sirloe large A J El Tycdall Jaaia A Sons W Raid James Poultry Win Leonard E Alex Far- Ed A Rietabn Grain Tbe Roaa Was Perry Henry Parry John Sloao Eli Job Ed IVm Frank Leonard Jaa Sloan Hughe Walker and VtgctableaJobo Fraaer Leonard Row Bona Sloao Aodraw 8 Lemon Walker EH John Bradly H A Soot Leonard Alfred Lloyd Henry Parry Sons Ed RW Parry Geo Lemoo J Stoao EH Robt Norman J Shaw W Dlry Robert Norman John Richard Roat Taylor Kitchen Mitchell A Daniel Woollen J Leonard Sloan llr W Craig Perry Samuel Hush Rpgiis Mia A Praitr Key Smith Sloan J Win IMPROVED PATENT F J Are sold by chest measure instead of by the size pi collar The neckband be ing selfadjusting it will fit any size collar Ask to see the Night Robe which has neither buttons nor button holes m m FOR SALE BY WARN CASH GROCERY STORE jo For Lot No to ud asj ftf iialo ii No For Long Clear Bacon Sugar Cured Hams and Pure Leaf Lard give us a call P J MAIN STREET THE GENTS sou of Mr Frank McCall of got bold of some matches set his clothes and was fatally mother was badly burned in the flames Jit j too Silt Mra Dr On Tuesday evening of Dr children a little hoy seven years with accident which will In all probability cost loss of an eye It appears little fellow was In art of putting some wood Into tbe stave and stooping down- to look Into bis In contact with a stick which sitting on Its upon there was a illror which lered the of eye Afftr examining the wonnd Dr cams to the It would bo better to take him to a special 1st and accordingly went to Toronto on morning with the little fellow RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Lumbago Backache Headache Toothache Sore Throat Frost Bites Sprains Bruise Etc by DrnntiU iWaJort Canadian Toronto m CO Of LIMITED- Near Halt loo Aorta toUta3y Ml saCd U ifcfl it TO RENT Coo- Yonse Street to JttQ MBERI TO LET LATH SHINGLES WE TO SUPPLY OUR WITH doors SASH AMD BLIIVDS TWO OF THAT BLOCK Splendid BrickGlad 9ii corner of flttM with Fun ace and Domestic Wat Id FOR LIBERAL OF THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO ONT Children qIwotb lo It la at Qn wbo WM a minor tHi and SUM for Interest A years ago a at Hill died I aylng two a sold for In settling a and tioa followed joat boon of ions rooelvri is his share of and children of other son wno Is dead apiece the remainder estate lag Bone to the lawyers Enjoy it SCOTTS EMULSION a of pur Cod Liver of Llmo as milk A MARVELLOUS FLESH and fMttOai cold bo a cough pror by altar their during winter of and 800TT Batiallla NOTICE Buggies Repaired 1ATNTK1 TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS 1ST IK SOIL TAXES I TUX r under the corporate to rao day of A commaodin to upon sod I In folio for Iaxm duo I SS tfXPA52Kii to ArthaW da at the h to tho of anil ihawo council chamber la uM Towq of Newmarket on wu UNDERTAKING J promtt m QKO It covers Hie ground the C corset It is perfect In shape and fit is boned with Kabo which will not break nor roll up and if you are not satisfied after wearing two three weeks return it and get your money nUflndWrllo for cat TRAY IAMB- lUst upon lot 16 Id the Con of about laat A COTS WOLD LA Mil tartlcular raatkav Owner to properly Albert P LADIES HAND KNIT II0S1EHV Cotton or Wool at reianoable prices lo up cao bo accommodated moderate prices una a Lot Con Oofb will be In Newmarket ever Saturday Parties la town droop card and the Day of December At tils hour of two oclock In the All the following beds 10 Bt Clitirch at UK- Church at links of Let at- Town of AuKuittlat QuartfU A Jnt On a nurca f til lh a 19 9 a a a lath a a a a IS a a a a tea t 1 1 1K1 at Til sea tin DAVID LLOYD Town of 10 ANTED A good At employ- baanltiw ANY QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS pOR SALE at i hi AT PER POUND Vltlorla of ho Hut hU whole llmo to flndaUuca 111 traits cut a And o Id act IS of i Toronto will be the Hotel Newmarket Hot ntu to p i Doctor cannot remain all day to men of Consumption of Voice Sore ThroNt Knlarged from Polypi from kolfa PILLS lot A of of St ARROW COW IBAAO ASTHMA falls roar we will mall tr ton 133 Adelaide aauRccuRK BILIOUSHKttCONtTtPATIOR DIIZINCat QK AND OF LIVER AND IH ACTION AND A AID to Burdock in tnr TACATNtNT AND CURS Of CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE FITS ft Root mc EST TOHOMTO I SALARY to ana to a new sue Testimony of to Jesus of The meet somarkabla of lbs by BchoUia lartitorr Apply BUI FOE SALE TUB frai 1 tba Township of East of Lot In the North Half of of A lbs Kb SO 10 last lot baa acres born All ship Al win Also la Tosac market THE KEY TO the Bowels Kidneys and tern all the Imparities Acidity of tteSW curing I Headaches constipation Dryness of tti Dropsy Dimness of Salt Rheum of the those and many other yield to BLOOD BimHS tif FARMERSi XT Off Is the to try For Horses Cslllfl It it WaL PI toCreditort her by of lottaot Ontario Estate of Margaret of the Township of lha County of York ffi5 are required on To seed by prepaid y a day of may be I j to of yf shall win or to shall UmeofdUtrlbuUoooialdasaea Dated at lobar tot TO BREEDERS

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