Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Aug 1891, p. 2

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I I Hew Kens Wear P floods Hardware J- Liquor Store P J Olfalley Trepan of Lloyd- for Bale Watson Private J Stewart Fonda to kit abd MHBfta uoa J FRIDAY AUG Toronto Despatch Co Krartl rau from Iter three to they of down third fa of lb Duty lit In lb leg work of then dapalatJon hie to Ottawa to of allowing to fcoobt Into to Ox on a rota of S3 to Major to Battalion toam won two priwa In Ontario than jean before a local rioctioo in which no a nor at cat A On Prima Abbott made as important 8aatA Ing the charx both hare for time part been He propoaea the appointment of a Royal with the of Into the of and a of which the depaittnenti of will be on It not Intended to Inaofnrate a permanent bat rather the of as official pendent of part and of tbe of the day to a large extent much the the might be called the wboee doty be to the Inspector of a bank In enlarging nponthii point the Premier obaerred Ba woald bara a to aster of aardoo ha choae and of and management of depaxtxcent Kelt way in which work In fact to look from time to time ltd mode in hkh of ta and mode and of that da- are doing their doty and rape I What we to atulo by we hope to at better ayateoi at a mora ayetam by which affaire of the coontry will be managed In a and If we carry oat whet we farther contemplate bope to obtain the of a of who wiU here confidence of end who will it and doty from to to and working of dipertment of the and by to In of the that bare tba In theory look well and we bope the anticipation of the Prime ma be realized bat hither to bare done more than prede termined will of the them The Act the outcome of a Royal a on the face of it general considered a stringent one bat in of recent developments it it not too to say has proved a compute failure Possibly the appointment of a M suggested may remedy much that is now complained of but in order to be effectual be will have to be placed entirely beyond political control and be a man of ster ling independence with backbone to do right Further Scandal Charges and node of the money was received by personal use nor for political ben efit other than aiebove stated Mr also said it had been understood that be would recommend for appointment to the bridge an old man named Obadith An arrangement was afterwards made be tween Simpson and by which 8impaon was to of farm and the latter receive the appointment but this arrangement was in no for his benefit personal or political and he derived no advantage therefrom Mr statement and while it may be truo he no special advantage we cannot help thinking it looks like farming oat the of the crown which the of his being a member of Parliament and a supporter of the Government placed at his disposal No doubt the his tory of appointments all over this coun try could produce duplicate instances of this sort of thing but it looks too much like trading on crown pat ronage to be commended even to put the mildest construction upon it that a generous charity will allow Possibly it may not be so bad as ac cepting gifts by deputy heads from those famishing government supplies but it bears a strong resemblance to being a twinbrother Lift kid Bui Pine Orchard Mr Colter of J A Hell of Oxbridge bara been at Mr HaUa Hits of baa bean log bar Starr and paid the Bona of lodge a fraternal call Mr and loOriUia and ilm Bertha of Colo ylrillog In J trio of day with her eon Mr 3 Elder of In Hall on Snnday and will be hero again Io two weeke Owiog to the there a very email turn oat bat it will be better tine Mr A J new boose la completed and he expects to more acoD The litOo at Mr J is a What the people want to know Which ill get the ma What there la out Eait for of oar men Berts BeHmTaiL late bars tba which annoying to the farmers Mr of baa the brick work Mr will oocoiaaaeo black- next week He mad a ciusjob Birtb- On of weak Mrs John of a son 1 Oor bare quite a big time bate ball sverj when too dark to play ball some of the Ierger play another game call tiger which la a of conriderabla Mr baa been doing a lot of repairing at the hotel here a new chimoej the hall wblcb la a dairy There were so many rial tore In one day week that a enqoired which it a wedding or a funeral that waa place of Toronto brother of our la at paying him a nait Mist Flo Pressor of Newmarket calliag on old day week Cameron of the line ia at and la not expected to recover SALE OF TORE f f By of to vriiif mi to ins fiorwhy to iirctf la Id Ton of MTUDtMOU off a IX ISW Ib list for ftJTrof lAeidat At hour of two oclock In the AH folio wing tanda Lotus it West J at Lot Quantity I till I march at Lot Chorea at I of Lot at Town Hit IS9L 19 1403 DAVID Town of 9C3 a SSI v a 5J aaa WE HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT IN NEWMARKET HARDWARE STOR Editorl WHAT HI TO ABOUT Thb rep hie tham week It had and excellent of The commirooraUoa of the fall of the Baalile In July ana The Army Silrer Detroit Aog 3rd to Ask roar for It It almost certain that President Her- riaon will not re-election- In which Mr Blame will be the candidate for the with Geo of Detroit for Ufa not unlikely tbatexpreeideot Clere- laod may be for tba White officers and scholars of the School held their annual on Mr A Skinners on Sat A very pleasant time was enjoyed by aU and Mia Campbell of Kala mazoo A been relatives here returned on Wednesday last to their homo Mies accompanied them far as Toronto Mrs Foot and Mioses Maggie Nancy and Susie Thompaon of Uibridge attended a S Fletcher of Newmar ket visiting with Ethel Miller for short time Mr Soott spent Sunday with friends concession Air A Goodwin who lately lost bis dwelling y fii to rebnild is to a brick-dad- work is being done by Messrs and 0 Morris About twenty young persona from this vicinity held a at Lake on Saturday last They report a very enjoyable time Holland Landing- lends following to that paper It la ed the rtoonirrocUon of the Cab- takes place Speaker White will come down from the cfaalr to portfolio of of Mr Foster taking that of Minuter of the lot Mr being the lieoteiunt- of Colambia cornea from Manitoba week crope Frit Prist received from all of Muitoba toolght froat and ell elated that damage dooa prirata raporta agree with Today the weather took warm torn and now all anxiety is orer will be tb if said to be op Conrirr Jit Canada Sir organ at and edited by The coaotry will be with another with the hero la not tat which ii time Now that fairly eet in it to be hoped the work will be and The political et- will be all the purer and Tux Maritime prorinoe at Djrcheeter the Dominion with a fine ilia it reKr Led from grepht St Aooea the moat charming reeort In the of Montteal two fiot of there are fine from and from the region jee of Britaloa a fioe and Mill a beautiful to- There are Vetbea literary feature In thU The Robinson of Toronto spent a few days with Chapman Mr Morton who has been suffering from Malaria is a few days in the city with bis uncle Dr Morton We are pleased to note that Wo Marlee Esq and also Mr Lane both recovering from their late illness Quite a number of oar citizens took in Garden Party at Sharon lost Friday eve and report a good time and a splendid program Mrs Robert Irvine and family of Toronto spent Snnday with her father Mr to the fact of the side- walks being repaired our young people have resumed their evening strolls Wo sincerely regret the absence of our friend Watson who be psrted to officiate aa housekeeper at the parsonage Sutton West She greatly missed being a favorite with both old and young Miss Lane and Miss ClabinP of spent a few with Mrs Wo Lane last week Mabel is visiting at Berlin What people would like to know Who is going take in excursion to North- next month When fa Garden Party at Home wood to take place When next wedding is coming Whose bicycles our streets occasionally Who owns pet lamb Who the driving after dark Who traded horses last week is the nrxt private to be held OoLDBJt nop For Ik Bra Another Hero has Fallen Rev Graham died at Ma Sharon Aug 14th at the age of He bom near the city of Albany At age of nine with hie parent he to a home In one rode from which be a farm upon which be realded for nearly sixty to hie death Ha reared christian areata who bestowed more care the edooetion of their than practicable the of ptoDeer life Hli fathers family of eight children eon and foar only him to their loas Their ages ao far aggregate In year he in to Jane whose he was permitted to for and has memory for the fire that death hi deprived of her a of Peace for about twenty bat after hie conversion be that to pre pare for the work which he had bean en forth last forty year of hU Ufa of Christ- kingdom among Be was conrartod the preaching of Eld In and ordained a mlnUUr of the Christian at a conference held at years ago From bis he an unwearied of Bible believed with heart that the Bible la the sod only true rale of faith end practice His theology waa of character and while be believed to with all heart he did not allow faith H of a high order sod yon could not hie before yon felt you were with who had much of the primitive Christian Aa a hatband he kind true and devoted as a father tender affectionate forbearing- As a man he for and on- integrity truth He indeed a manly ecllve Indoj- prompt and reliable In ail his As a preacher waa known and admired for bit devotion to the truth III willing prompted by noble heart were ready with relief for In need and he practiced continual that other might be benefitted thereby Well lbs race for Elder Graham fa done The narrow way as htm- day to hi death Irade ont and beyond the of time In Fits children are left to lot two and three who did all power to make hi lonely life at pee- In grandchildren great grandchildren to the memory and ex ample of their grandfather were conducted by Eld of Elder and The wu preached In the where a of people were aemble4 after which he wa interred amlly plotIn cemetery HEAVY AND SHELF OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CLOTHING AND CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES UNDER WEAR AND NECK WEAR PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN Largest Stock of Glass in Town rife CASH AND ONE PRICE Too late for week- Pleasant Valley- Wheat and barley a very good crop We give Mr Patrick Home credit for being the first to finish cutting grain this season Mr and others are about through alio The return match between Silver Street and Union Street foot ball teams came off on Saturday evening the score to in favor of Union street The game was witnessed by a large gathering of ladies and gentlemen old and young COAL WANTED 8BAikd TBKOERS will Al To It up to Homo with I OF 65 IIONS IAN IFIC Ontario to 1 ir On of last week Mr Cameron Huron on tbe floor of Parliament preferred charges of cor- motion against Mr E P for East Northumberland in con- nectioo with of Gover nment patronage in bis Eliminating legal phraseology the substance of the charges made are to the effect that Cochrane being a sup porter of the Government used the patronage his position gave to his personal advantage Two instance are specified in i860 fae secur ed for Simpson an appointment keeper in the lighthouse at Isle Point In consideration of two of each which had endorsed given to James Stanley a confidential friend and warm sup porter of and paid and wbioh had put In a bank for use Then again In Oochrane promised to obtain for Simpson an appointment keeper of the awing bridge over the Murray Canal on Stanley offered same position to Simp sons son condition that he would give Stanley and give his father a tease of his farm by way of recom pense for the father giving claim to the appointment Some time after this Cochrane met Simp sons and told him that one had for the plane and asked him to come up to that figure- Simpson and the appointment given to Good- paid the and gave Simpson the elder a his farm at a nominal are the charges The following day Mr Cameron moved that charges be referred to a special committee to Mr Cochrane then rose in his place and made a general de nial of the aeme declared he was irnooant and that he never made ti any corrupt agreement In He did however that paid towards the lpJdAtioo of J Urf had advanced by beach t City and he of life at Coney are In week of Prank Lit- Wkly There a pic ture by A of the rock New well worthy of framing Tho art making great gun the Chicago an old at built In and am photographs nuke subject for other There a of the let Lowell The chief edi torial la an article on Caoaei of Persecution of Price ten II of your In Toe name of the thiae changed hut ft baa ami rank amelL Through at Hon tell the and E lectio bet he com mitted IndJacretlooa In hla hrother Robert lei m a Harbor mem ber of this not am- leg as a member of Parliament and a relation of of a meat department certain Inform- then as a harbor he reUIla that Information to enable hla brother to raid the treaeary then it It an Indiscretion not crime Unci Tom go a that coDtldtrable ha year In the cation made to made by tmaUe for of for owing to a la the Ad By the late amendment to the act each la n to and additional forch employed for the year to levied by a gsoeral whole townthlp Thla done to equal ise the to and thai poorer sections If the tnnttesofs employing only on teacher need only for the coming year bar applied to the municipal council month for th too of to kited collected from that the la obliged to grant from antral foada Sharon garden party in the drill shed Friday night as usual a success both socially and financially The building wa most tastefully decorated and program were all that could bo Mrs Caldwell from Toronto was attraction of the even ing We are now all looking forward to the temple Illumination and garden party on evening of Sept Service in the temple at pm sharp At this service the Newmarket Christian Church cbolr will assist Big P together with Messrs A and W Armstrong of will be A musical treat expected The Newmarket Band will be In attendance Mrs end children of spent Tuesday with Mrs Arjsmau Last Friday evening Mr Klrtona horses were running loose In the lane when one of them collided with gang plow handle of ran Into the flesh about Hope is entertained for Its recovery Mlsi of is visit- Miss and intend to on Thursday of for their home In Chicago THE LEADING o J H MILLARD trait OF J Co TAB OPENED A NEW FURNITURE STORE Oppoett the Betel And taken with Mm the entire Of the above firm uyP m town the lost- the wlie of neon For Era Farming in the North- West Mil would coiamtu to fir York County little how carried In country all a farmer laYcaup Ho ltonUaP foU wing eroodUlau It 0 biro At I6t broken firtt more more ihlrd lire tut Another to lire year for 3 rear cod break Acxee a Ttet It Ibo con of IS of ulloo could there 910 for tbe of It broken theecU eowp without toy farther and I here acrwof wbct the ebore will jleM aero- After tbofariDir out the etrttwor to around the floldtof of it raw are all act fire to and the from ttltlet dona a the wheat dintse from tbe froet tucked hero bIoif country If fuel for aod what left forme covering for tbo flatlet fhomodoof tbretblnir It thU mo try dlffMDt from that to Ontario all men All the farmer to haul the to Once It done but away the and ire eopptyuf wood tor winter You will thai tee that there not nearly time amount of connec tion with farnldlothU ryot there Ontario TbankUiff for the pace In your valuable remain Your o SdbeHiselTei5 HARD GRATE COAL To be at Newmarket Station Not more than two per week to bo DR WASHINGTON Graduated loIBJJ at Victoria roar the Of Bnr- Bine has devoted whole time loihoevperiftUj Throat and The cut a the patient In the act of and of Toronto will be Hotel on from to iu only boon hand at llioehounitO Sot treatment Catarrh Catarrhal Chroolo Consumption of Bore Throat from the Throat Growth of the without a PA Harvest Prom all binsoarth ALT To leave all polnli Id the of I AUGUST lib AUGUST lath SEPTEMBER 1st other point Lonrrlve Toronto In time to with ibetl aim 0vlnK and Bepfember lit Apply to JAOKBOK to High and Modal wa on toe wife of Mr- ftdauKhter mo inn icit wife of Mr waiLlojioo of the The of was a heart at Copenhagen Monday from Martin- aay that persona perished in recent hurricane t Many nave been on the Spanish coast by galea and narriennee Children for Pitchers garden part on Friday oven- last was in every sense a grand success The singing o Mrs Cald well rcqaire no comment held andinoe bound The Albert showed train ing and they mar be sore of a warm reception at any time In Mir of Newmarket de lighted the with several well- rendered piano solos Holy will be celebrated In the Knojish day at 3 5lUs of of Miss Thorpe for a of day a J week Mr wife and daughter of Chicago and Mr Brent and family of left for their respective homes this week They have been resident of oar village daring the holiday Ml Is visiting this week been In the recent examination reonfred for Considering his youth year ho to con J DiOtlHAsT At 07 fit- Toronto on the mUtAMOf bride Jrm on Marker itoVoUUe fourth of JsUkJOOKa Mr KM I red to Mr at p NY Who wanti bur or rent a farm come and lee the and Stock and crop on lenat Corn can be put the alio at anytime trial but OF IMND Her I euUcc4 Mr- VVUaoo Church JIM ipb of the York on the eon of Mr Toronto Xb J B Walker brother of Wm Interred la View Cemetery Newmarket leal tiJAraooeroad Toronto A- iartoo late of York ed rear town m Mr or Balebetas Lot No In bur Home railway Main Apply on Ho- the OOD GENERAL Wanted KetUebr MORTGAGE SALB OF VALUAULB UNDEIt ana of the Power In a from Tliompwn to vendor- will bo pro duced at ibe time of ult there bo for by on ThursieJsayIio 1891 at oclock noon by Jainui Kavjinttflb AucMoQecrat Vtlligo or Landing the following Kit ate to pine pared The Weal on Kail aide of of tbe contain In bo iho same About this to bpcloared and oll loam and Jon Street and ft cat of lathe Holland to a prepared by llonry White l and rrwuttrod That portion of Lot on tbe We aide of Street in flrtt of the Hut bounded on Booth the limit or aaid led on the by Olive Street on the a cert a for road laid Ixt and the tlllilrnbnr and tha North by a lino to be run to Southern Limit of Jti lance North from the laid thereout llacroa hereto- lonno Michael the part occupied the parcel to contain mare LoIJICKk No I acconilajr to plan t broken lota III IIS and lit it of alt part of Mock between and rind I wore or parcel tiitld to be all cleared and well A lettered Kin acnllnK raid plan IS and CO Iota parcel la laid to bo all cleared and well fenced Lot Hand lion North Street In to contain acre of land be ucremcreorlta- 108 on the of In flrtt of KMt and Vllluof Itul commencing On the No hero Mali of Church at the titan or chain from the Weil limit of with Northern limit of Church Thence aton named Ink to limit of old Wot llmburr Thence Northerly aiotitf limit of laat flamed more of teat to limit named 19 more or Icaa to lr limit of Thence lha Aral named chain to of Lot Return uttitt Be Return until Bop- lcmbtrTTchll j v are for the next offering our entire slock at Big Reductions We have about stoves hand CO AL WOOD HEATERS i For full Ion to ticket toff to any- COAL RANGES AND WOOD COOKS I Which must be sold to make room for a Large Stock arrive in September BOOTS and SHOES for THAN OP THE MATERIAL At MONTGOMERYS Call and inspect for yourselves WRIGHT CO MONEY TO LOAN flrtteUaa Una aecnriir V DAVID LLOYD for CooMxaocer for follow Compaotea the Ufa Auoclalloo Torootif owner of IK CANADi JIAITIBIU MANITOBA STE BRUNTON RENT fitoreanddifelllnato rent In iht Albert for ifTOMrteap pro- w7 Albert loo limit of Lot the Mink nrae4 IS llnka of Lot VAIN ST ail U aarefal WOU and Colt Hit ANFOnDUOOElKOO High School WILL ON MONDAY AUGUST Ken be for Urea The year of Hero year rmed tar It If Ultra fore udoljehODia r try impartial a aa La be to a more or Lot ine limit nraed links jaatotha Theeco K llnhi or to of thereout therefrom all part thereof Weal of the property and ail the 1 1 a of Hallway contain about acre erected pair Ioullod Sooths ford Street la Holland lot to near half aerobe or 9 Part of Lot No 106 on itde of Id VLUke of Holland ea follow the at the cbalas on a course Bine deflate Wen a poet bat lot orih dcjreoa North flfty Weal a to THIS WEEKS BARGAINS 1 EMBRO doolb 9 fiOltnketo of hie Mid to be erected a two iter frame with addition leu ol of the money to be paid- at JLWroeoUooelluJc4lea per md alt eaey for ballot car be for Of tale apply to or to LevjUcltota We have a very large assortment of patter in Embroidery and have decided to clear then all out at cost The BOOTS SHOES AT COST will continued for another week BRUNTON NEWMARKET a Use Bruntons Baking Powder I ft

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