Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1891, p. 3

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1 CrEBTV I A 1 lively teal Law OS A meeting of the oclock p to Fill Stew a left for tola in lis bird drawing lut low attain their on Pair Toe I After look agraej to Wednesday area ft Sooth end were fil as only two pat in Oar attention arj en to of of some rascals who boat town titer yefle retired top of do lees care broken Jo of few If lie coir caught in It mi the jr not Tel off ir ill giro reward for the its offender or offend us Bran to their j tod- enoe for ana week ate also their j et rat w Oct or Joist Some can tnia mu Cut uid rf Itrt Tit a ted Mai down noon Dp sol It do killing lie Hot DDlugld ftvtbn tie lit lb iU crawl bad alto a upon till to lie two that ckt and Police Itpori of a fin- rail off fiTftht ttacbc1 the and a j tip quiet mil- The was a man 11 lockDp that tilt be Ft with asaaoli at fioad tod ill initiating la all to ball tjfitfd sad time The neat tidy of View cob- lW aitatloa off baring lha fcanlock and One Mr three and fcLco fctre for care In to net We like to Co try In lb ben c3f If will be on the in E Lewie All tba wlio will take a baikci Sosdif morning time oi Into Mr end made wall tramping a of time to and If damage an cot will be added A to the put week two wMonl from ihi Toronto pom who end la frost of Ibtlr pramUee firrt tbV If up withLa week ell well but If not be of If eboot town the Works wooli fiauoco by Some people pay for to Hit bow The Oxks For two or throe weeks who wrote at the recent High School beea ukIoqiIj look ing for the molt Jtwugirealathecnj pepcre the Belt If HolUogibud J Lessee In Mirer Slocking leering Cook A A Irwin J In iUhooej MI tic a Being the mi In for tlon lb Held to be Next week the fond will be fnfocccawiU of the raiU In far their took good flew of new Willie Hosier good cere of bii foot thU week He ru Bill Into It coot of point bu improv ed the of the High School bag The Big bound to koep np toe old record for Boo shop looks better for new cost The end of the Works Ex- to been left In The Mission Bead meet el Mrs with hie the Army week Ink Best will be now eo pert of dlapaf Interesting to the opaaed lut Town open Aug Slit W la the shads room X-Baawj- in email a good plan to front locked cJxk afternoon a door of Dr all too hanging Id the bell qaietlj Un and wire time tat did not tt froct door a clerk d rtaona people atlj go to tot It ww tint had for to at tbo Nor toe Fellow pire rrfoited In Toronto flitardej on fa ftrpcli manner- irie SbaipO of z nit to had the bone a a Mr igebtie the ttai by iii to quite J Lin bare to Par he ie to the off the facte cd at the l- ad that our John i AH the tootling The report of the fioence iri follows ctictelcre end end szpeDses lots 4d modfllte to JM to on for a of siaooqt- TV sod were t the ttfwi mi of new fty to order vtti The rob la the at ftcitdrJ I iii i it w Tbe firtt id with 1 will of Hud- Scot of the after efeafog of the a held when lb will be for lint of it dttiit A by 1 Key SiV fee to r4 of JjcWg a tbeS8 Mr t A iMmt- Jlff si Is to be by ft a of Me the trying WWiitA tie Chief f Police at New a few ego Lie euro It cooper shop where of Ms sod It tot lift Jatff0d of ego tat soother be Jttd diul wiitdow re dtlflog belt fW toe of eightinch t ISO to pat a t of Wis j one to the I- tLsi some trace their VLl ni ducoiercd Fir thief Stbtjck At the Town Council Heeling erenlag the CommHteo report of corporation la order that the of tuition for this year be eetablished The rate a higher one higher than orer before bat not alont In the soap An act was eoeslon of the compelling Cooncili who bed used ftcm fanIt to time good doting their of office and there are few io OoUrio that act will not effect year at Tbo controllable ex- placed at and of been by Road sod Bridge mora than lut year Id pottluK sidewalk the Town in good repair The for Fir and Water stso been heavy bat It hoped that In tba will pay own way reliable ex- Is follows School High School Cocmty rate The following rate was School V Cana ByLaw Works County Tex GQeral Purpose The School asked for more for main leooe this year thai and this In addition the rate of on the for the school eral parpoe higher than jeer of the School will bars on the or in Increase of lut year Dont be ear- prised when the presents hie v j peat where be foaod or OBiitJABY Tbia week it our doty oefarjoicte of another old resident of and prominent In the petaooof Mr If who dtftlog the noon tear Monday Hi death not been unexpected Atont two afUr the lut fcetiritie waa taken eery attack of which rendered Mm a to his Vat it til be try patient though there wea a gleam of hope for nil- bum recoeery tbe of Aog 1837 ego thl month deceased with hi family in For three they the original farm the property whre the now and until 1866 followed hie trade of carpenter and In that year he took charge of the prerlooaly the property the For IB or more with the close of he ran a meet therefrom psla to blm eultlol lev the old Brigade la which did noble doty with old and waa a member from beglonlig to end Oat of reaped to memory the town wu half mast at the fire ha from the time hie death till Interment place Deceased took bo in and for some a the board He always prided tbe slept be took la conneclEoa with the of oar present mar ket and was always to lead lo pabllo fonr etoie amoDg his so fortune on him though he rice by firr The faaeral took place the Mr Vf and largely attended Rev the the were Moo it J i- Allen J and John View Cemetery The of deeteaed the of In their better meat BtATTr OP WORLD Mayor Daniel Beatty of BeattyeCtl Organs end has homo from as ex tended tour of the world Reed hie tfaeaa fa this for cats togas tf PI- J at ad at Toronto Bapt at at to BicrTUle Ost A eh Andrew Hunter fa Ida Bon la rial ting oily A Emma Barry of Toronto home Crumb Thatlog with the Mr a It week at lire and gone to Baffala for Thar TiUIe la with at Mrs Jonathan of wu in town A- spent era Bandar with friends La Aurora Minnie of Toronto opaot a few data at Elm Hunter of la in Lewletoo Mr Frank Slight of st Me grandmas Mr Millard left to eon it Han Mrs Hunt sad girl of Toronto are lie guests of etHewmukst Mr J of Boon Iowa Is a few Mr Hri Irwin Mitel re- St Marie on Monday Miss Ethel three week with relatiTea Port a of ft week Id ton with Jobuari far will off S SpMn children gone left two At ud Mr Oo d larn6i da V from Boflklo flitw Mi BoirdeU of in on huonot of Mr Satunl fo to I term a School The Him or sod of Barrio an took Id lo and will he Mr a tad mother left on a with fritodila Ham- andDoodat Mr ftmllj log on YiciorU and ha again next Bar- Mr to rttorn from iomorrow md of at on Mr Morrow for their homo in Chicago her aUUr Una far Toronto Hand pott with at aod a J- who baa beta on a two wcV Ufa of BradfonJg by her Jcnate ai for a week Bertha two Rocnur at poet office her ah- Raj who baa Iwd log Edwin Hooter Elm to hie homo In of of who been week left for In lut week Mr and of Toronto at Mr Bap week who heard Rot John llalner to lut morning aod with Her Mr fa the MetbodUt lut and con John jq of Toronto of St gone and North for a Mr Wo Mary of left for Man whara the Id to Brown of and litter aia fa and Wbltby In John and two who meat of put firawaelu at Mr left on day for their to Ma wife oar after a with a few of at Toronto Mil Mo of who hat with for Won ff of Toledo Ohio an official program of gathering al Park weak that ha thy resoeplloQ A of Own In town on ara Coal and left foe New lha Air Ed Lodge at annul of 1 held at week of Order lo of and ol Moo eta week of Mr and Like Slmoof Geo and of altt found of the W j Or Brown of Burt who in the of Mr 9 ViS C OR POUNDS FOR 1 i B EATS r i soawiwssBwlaaaaai a a a j a a f -r- i WHERE TO Best Purest Spices THIS PICKLING SEASONS DAVISONS IS THE PLAGE THE Admitted to be so by all who have used his goods in previous seasons Also every size of Gem and Porcelain Top Glass Jars Stone Pickling Preserve Jars He keeps constantly on hand Stone Churns and Crocks of Weldings Finest Ware RJ DAVISON FALL EXCURSIONS TO THE EAST From N TO Kingston Ret Montreal 750 Quebec DATES GOING BYLAW l J or draining if the of Qeorffina on the credit of iTw Municipality rum v J- adopted day of rrrHKREABa In number of the If tut ravin roll of brloaaftr forth to bo by bar ibo Coiiocll In tho top bo for of lions following coo lot Coo of And wMrcof bd to bo VUltaro Yaroold ogf- a for each Of locality drain- MaVUiibUafiOprocLiri of work to bo an him of lboreI property to be byaoch au bo proportion of which win by ever and lot or tag aCgUtpeot ro befog moot onaclad to bo fiAefic4aijJ levied upon of lot In behalf and report of ih MldWilllAmB Of QtortHna with by of tho Id draining of Jots nd In of under prof of WO Of the Uuolclpl and auKodcueaU ibertOj Council to procure therein and that tUotv wilt a benefit with a draining to determine tha and plan of out of I have honor to report that I and adjuloluc nod abool ad thai a thereoy The plan and which to to tmibfl and will the with leait Jiflut main drain through 3rd alona line between lota to tbo then wait half way down CGtaUo rtiviue tha North of tin the 2nd then following a wutUweatarly to the outlet what It culled or aaOl that and moil way to a that of Joctttxla acruM at Mr JiJc landa Aug 31 Good to return Sopl2191 all other inform i Ion at Ticket an- Tbtte la a to Ret appolotmtot of Mr oter at Monday took a look now of Mr recalling uouioritHe Mr Tabor two of by of the lito Jobo Cook of thfa Iopd ate at Mr Oroya St Alias not on for Of bar health did he moth A aod a of Allan rttoraed alio of tut of tba Wuttoo to a decidedly on and car highly ajorlfut afajrotti but Weil vetted of of that lo wo a f and a and eogrtTisl clock of by that tit In fall Jaocb of core the and erected a talMlog people The are to fitOfaWy for aad Mr baa ptt Wtli woou Win Wilklo and daughter left their at fa- He with an old ficnlly relic being which Mr Itweubrorjgbt York by Mr the la aid ware formed that need In felling the fa an at wall aa Mr- to hit tvo who a of lurulluaHj wilt toatUttbo 3fd I have North COL LeOI IU fcaO wilt amor the title old drain ouivkt au award Of iwuetf to ihe and of Too old directed In bit will ha of away with LUo old drain If proprietor and -bapo- I for your a plan locallunoi and branch before alio a of and rJcaUooaoi tba work to be done of aAteaitnout laud that nod to what all of which la July for mala drain at bot tom top leataL bottom iromaiatluaMW74 W fbe lanaib off a BO feat wide and 15l rodiluUogUioraboutilBVCrea wulchaJI Utah Lo acre- out from ay too I2feelforaoitianoouf aoj bo- lug from iJ and from to end J al bottom ana feel top at rod foal at bottom and it on topavaraga depth at W rodaof branch branch lo EaA to iSLEK bottom a old to dlraotlaQoCtaa neiren soane raaraan aombsrs run from a to at lb road at Sooth also Baal mm man ta oat on to eoabdVaod anMban S 5 Wp a bo taU nscM on this work bo moat to pre Teal dam- It work will does to lb of JbjJbdrainacrflbkItjdasarrbsdU fctfr by the aald Townahlp report plana males Vid works bo mad La SS S the earn of the roods for lb work sad mar iMbontar of in at lbs rtoot toatjlo Saab la oTorbato aJtaohad to forth of tha saaofl00Qo ibe landa so to ba In lo nd for rears al the rat of per par special rales ba aaseeeed and to lbs urn sad at taxes are upon nadir- Qd part of lb of the rates aroraaald against each or part of lot bo divided pans aod pari bo aa In roar lbs aald bars toiao alao of Improvement by of drala I iff eh fi8beHi8hjeefafy l SCOTTS PHARMAGY CO THE LEADING DRUG STORE Sole for the celebrated Seeleys NEXT TO POST OFFIQE i SLAUGHTER -IN- III sic 8 a a t I J I w WJT5 trying lha tout aaaaao tbo J of IbB to forAlmD and aorenonabQQdrad IhooaandUu mill In Iba all olbor bo levied and at aa are lavtall prop erty In aald of In ftiob for juried of flftoan date of ibe rfnai Law dnrlng a trad copy of allyLav by Council of lh of A btraby a Ooart IN will bo at 5bitajp of 1Q oclock a- appeal above aaemeDt aoy part Id Iho toittn prOTldod by lha MAAmftat and a appeal on Clark of at matting of And glTOD thai apply -TUb- ivn IhOflnai rawing lbarof rrfaiotlttowrHloc Cher and upon of Municipality if bU lolaotlon apnlicaUoo for that lo roronto during nail of IhU Clerk attitorgtutbliatrd AO IKK NKWSPAPERS GOAL WANTED i MAItKKD recelfed by undo nig a ad op MOMDAT A Slat TO aupply tba loduatrtal Homo trllb 66 TONS r or HARD GRATE COAL Mot two car par 10 bo Our Toronto CROCKERY GLASSWARE I In order to make more room for BUSINESS I have decided oh clearing out all my Stock of Crockery and Glassware at atid in some cost for the next Any remaining at the expiration of this time will bulk as the Entire Slock must be out by that time This Stock all Good Staple Goods Glarfce at a the bargains here mentioned piece Tea Sett formerly now lio colored 200 Pinner A 100 -it- 1S colored 10i ft- tS Come Early and secure a good choice they go by the time mention 85 140 200 Cor Mam Timothy Streets- rvf prices W W PLAYTER Having bought atock ft J ftt a the will bo drain at fltb of aft a MM It tip prlaLIng work and llOIJClWitMiiM ieeiie rede At Doner Island Y made a balloon on Saturday COO feet and attempted to by of a parachute but the parachute failed to open woman instantly kilted and horribly mangled- Pitchers OR afreandOolt Ilorw at B co WOTIOE Mplomf tr a at Toronto la now la otir4DigtrmenU lit ttMonablcw WOO WW to SPECIFICATIONS aUUDnOtoMtobeS reel wide Ite and reel od lbs top from to 111 Junction creek fast and are be in ihownonlbj and aolltbrawn a each eld of and of drain tell Hone and tootiora and aide to be Jell area and iboe leaoy mail and rmivl m to a at oae where the road amend tb the otbar It road Sad and Thee rout of flatted on Iwo ltd not leas loan at email end and feet to rwl sod ha to mod lal down one root into tba and on surface arKi I it from and all be lotathar at and and mlddta Iron aotla loot faUb ad lo a good laa of iba lha lha lobaooT flaliod jjrtrvtWW- Aw lUlj Fall par CO Wheat per OX a par Ufa par par Bailor par lb PoUtooaptr bag BhaapaUn a Wool par lb Harper too Pork par pair a a- pair let as te ll net a I I me Oil on OK Oil OH CO a CO TOO 1U a a a I am bound to turn them mono NEW PRINTS I NEW DRESS GOODS Groceries Always Good aud Fresh and I WWPLAYTER TELEPHONE CONNECTION Block Newmarket Our AUrketi THESE SHIRTS Floor barrel pr pot bUlblL Pr Bbortapertoai per beet Apple per ieee Wool par lb Hay Pork per ti palaeeeeeiMM a i i i a a a a a a a a co Oil It 015 OH WW ON coco 00 ASK FOR yiift p IMPROVED PATENT Are fold by chest measure instead of by the size of collar The be ing selfadjusting it fit any size collar Ask to see the Night Robe has neither buttons nor button holes FOR SALE BY F J WARNER THE QENTS FURNISHER

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