Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Jul 1891, p. 3

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ERA J A Local Laws I A ABOUT For fint lift CI it TO Goon a Sipi Bat ten fci it tipped Jt He of Voile What You Every iy ft laid camber of ttt f TOft loo u few moral lie Rood A Good Mr credit to Ate El- hid cod to The to be for cm of lb mio ertJ it tome tin Sine the thd hire Georgia and North Union will btld of Tie Lira CTob tracer on Dr to Rich Hill id for lb dec to of A Bio lMpB0VExWTMrt Han oik of to bet lBeiriot it of Ibv and cocspltUd it 111 ottfotUbU tod The Aid were EUod good lrtninpplifcl milt the for the Xokts York 4nMter pull pri lilt treeing d cot 4 fcf which tll ptid iLtl tciLnac will to 4lrdatla Monday ibrs a of to Id ujualt for both ted bat befon to trial d WM 001U wems thit hi J tome ri with Methodist Tbw rmoo tight A 1 liVrd to with Kelt toe Mlla will t j it 11 to be followed t the plica id od f tad for Too Monday a from White the Itr on fellow fit in dtiricg street 4 4Agoo jriti the 1oDg of moment he itemed do- to trick la front of the the home retched the niTe the tbe to light the tr1a It Road Con- Gamble Yooge At J A former tie Kllehyiod me to ftlUod oar irjft it COtblif it wd to ttkeo fttoh With a few loUr the cald be put of to I would le a greet A Splendid Light new 4 Factory by electricity iigiricrguioa excellest ih nieke SJ of l light a 4 with iril a half power dicimo rjqby engine located to 4 brick the of factory etgioe will be Wed night todrlre wheel daw and old fcilu 4J the 4tf all 4od 4re Jo the new of if Into the ftoyone of lb lea dtperftatote by if lo 2J plied Mr depirtmeot if lit to a boot Owlog toUigtrfblod Jo ordera the doer and eiAiHt0t work till JO wblcb the sight men Leiueufo work the day the through 4t lot of jaw anltriel erery J loves Mr I ward of Ml Vecc6arr with fa arllM the to in brought back a atteodfog Co the here a aod MwaMtf eVp in biro Prom he yot iboDgb be he mora wee to la litre typhoid and if jite and attention of ljiuUue died alter ten deye a preelcoi to be eiapt a few daring lut JT it lii riKiloi a4 jwog pt 4t fir or dlUrr J life ft fbwril on en of Alter of Toronto The et eetnefery Too ok World of OrgAaa end from tdd the crtd and order to Maura Wright bite Id Urge for lie tare of and earetrooghtDg pot of which Iy obliged to boy la a a greet of Altai to by btliog order for any lie or dimeniioo 4t jnoraiog that in low on wood it tot eetcogh to do any to graio not a hire net better for Till bright though pec acre will act be OTerlj Bit- ley la being col In condition Spring wheat and are good and root axe A Tba Tillage of firored with a weddings which of the and highly honored of that led to In diogbter of A the of Healings wbo lied knot linked the to hippy people for Ufa la Re J of Norwood and Ahompaoo of Baitings the father of the bride the The bride charm iogly and by There on The imj of wen a of warm entertained the Ben Mr Camp bell wai once on the and a broth of Edwin Hunter Street ElCOEOlON will be gild car Fire next and well to hire an op- to appreciation of In a if bi lie atilion ceil a boli- aa to for a We ax- ie to and placed t low tic a the on W thit the atn miking for to and other of by and whin it added that on day Robtneoni Big Show will glee exhibition At we Anticipate large Of will be on and our conntry will be welcome to jola trip fireroeoa hire until attend ed make one ennoooced for next Friday will not form to general rule Sea Wile for lite tnip will the ex- cortioniiti to a good time ex- Made of the recent of J II rthi the re Sonny end gentle chiraeterucj an Ideal bridal diy Socb wai today All teemed to on day of the John A of the church of And of Cbarlee of ceremony took At high lodiy At of Mr Millar The front when the took a flcrJ bower- Palme feim foltiga 4nd formed a grf At In front of back ground the Boyntoo brother of the bride acted man and FIcra Calhooo df New Conn a of torn At Smith college mild of honor of the ChrlttUn Church wae read by A I later bill by of oily The bride wia becomingly 4ttited lo crept de trimmed with chiffon cot en with 4 band white groom wore a Albert The were end Ad Included the were ee from the Cbriitleo fihnrcb iff city and Fret of Hill bridge Me friend Bar Mr la town will join fie con- to and bride Tub Dairy Sat- morning tfaU held a meeting the Grange Hall Street Thbill wa Hie packed with firmeri Kni wine 4nd diOKhlere til to tear of Ur Lake the York tbechilr tnalew lie then Introduced who for two hour art of pitttltU inch what to when to feed to whet to how to mike hotter to tbe firm by th contiouil of grain from the ferm toil will Id lime of Itafertflity Nitrogen acid and potub ate eeaentlit to pUntgtfirtlc4 ao it after will to be and wlllcotlaUut and Utter to feed the gnfn to and tell flnUbed inch beef and by doing the fertility of the firm will By of a chart of oM In different White the wu Mr Winer of milk brought by firman tu that and Mr alio at bolter clotely by tba The wu made Into one pound folia pronooncad A all Webb At tbecioat Mr a rot of IhAoka to the and alto to the for their the future difilcalt yoik Wilton vbleb carried an all JSltoJ tU what bid and We by that the tfrxt loed of new fill wheal to market Wednesday and eta per bethel a fine is the At a meeting of Ihe fox North wtk old held In for aome part were renewed now all BgiayLara The crowd got out of town 4i fart they and to mora and mote together each iagaiiju foe can be hid at the library Oca of the Along the are the fiidi of waring It dont any how wiica or cold It the boy will go In Whit ol the Clob 13 mar the the with a j4lcb fork outer work digging Ink paraootgs li will likely boon Wright wu a cow from lo place lo Cemetery next weak The beat of the town it to bad from belfry of new school patting In 4 water a At well with new coat of paint There am men the pay roll At Park A Co now Domicile Into which ihet the are The Board of Audit meeU at dorltiiJ liome to monthly To Mill Spirit la At J Store tea at a pall wek ware when the opened new etore at ihe North End iruck finely teodedea make return tomorrow la Day High School Board Town being printed Town next Monday evening Sep School Bond Fire next for the Fridxy Will is NTS at OR Win for the Jot Belfry la at Orchard of Toronto for fata John of Toronto www Mite It epeading a month wiib friendt the city MbMiodge bee gone to for the UitYcrk of Uocdiy id toira with frieade Wen Low nod wife of Toronto Sondejh In town Mr Totally for a week Alex children era elating In town Percy of the a call on Mr Praty end wife Intend to like la the trip next week Moore And gone Windier for a week or two from two tint at Andrew and ralarned from at Coll in wood MUt It Tithing Is To ronto week with Flo II Ii away with it and Low and Clarcuca Caldwell Toronto were op oeer titer an tea Crone of It with Slmpion for two or or Winnipeg Man TLtitlog week with Shape Street Mr and of Are town and Dr J Howe of Mich rpent with bit brother Howe of Mr Hi to two or three at of brother of Mr Wallioe It a week In Mr of Toronto pent at Mr John and little Ethel Hooter are weekelo Mr Situ Kennedy and of Erie Pa Are a with Mre Dan ford John of Torooto eon of Mr If Friday tout Mr of dvjxhter of borne for two or wrrke The and Florence lor of are tor a wtkt Mia Sidle Toronto a few week with her Mr Wchmond Hill tome of their etreet Mr of Toronto who off for a of weeki holiday the call on of St Thotnaa litter of left for borne fcor here J of who been locality for couple of retorted y and wile hire gone to Brook lyn to mile a with A Bell for a cm pie of wtefci of Truro Nora Scotia Mre left on after ejodiega few dtyt in of Toronto with Will and returned home Mr wife an child of of at fihere lie Vbm MUa Ma who beta at Edward town and Mr- Hamilton hern -r- Bertie Johnton left for In Monday morning two among friendi bare and at Toronto and wife from oa He with ipedmeM of grain end gruae4 for Dr Stoca and of Win la New market with brother Mr Dr Pern Lady J of town it New York 8tile between and Fill Mind It weeki And a with friendi At Toronto George etc Mr Sccch Acd White of BowmaotlUe are trading week or ten with Mi ton the of the Beak here Mr of and of New York were Among who Attended Mr Ed Qalgley a fun eral here Meter tod connects with the of the Toronto Vrrer are tbe wife of the who bit with Mr J for acme loll for an Mr aad ft rally of To ronto week Bin and will tome of the at Sharon and are t for two or tbreo in Gregory watering the tbe Mr Barber of brother of A Terry end chil dren alto Mr Albert of were Sao- A Petit editor of and A editor of the National Contention Pent Minn Mr and Mr Andrew left week for to from Toronto and lock the child with them The two At and Alice ie Toronto We hid it wrong week It wu Mr OMiirej to Chi- cego Mr and of are with Mix ft net joit the to telephone Mr J Rota and child of Toronto who bare been two with Mi A home Sit- a J two mora of Mr chttdreo who were lut week alio roomed home with ihem Mr who Wen Accepted a it Coldweter Oo ere of bit he with re token by the Clob of which be wxi a member in leather bend with iflhbuialaettmped it Hit In him end tiro to ibe be will back to oil town JULY 1 U V J I THE TWO if 1 THE USUAL I To arid Return on Friday Aug 7th and Sutherland Bros Gleaming Sale of Dry Goods NOW GOING ON LIGHT PRINTS OH AM BR AYS ZEPHYRS C Running off at great REDUCTION Straw Hats at Slaughter Prices J W STEPHENS NORTH END STORE Mftl AAA r t fWl I J T ut DO near health almost completery restored raonameat at Winnipeg will be on next Two collided pautt Marie od eamer lank a few and one man was drowned A threyearold of Edward an overdose of its mother and died in a few The Council of at baa passed a bylaw to com pel to cloeo their of baiideaa every evening except on Saturday at seven oclock doing immense to property In many Many of drowned in the flooda have in l The Natrona of of the county of ifaldimbud held a aoo- picnic at yesterday at which some people attended One of tho featares a monster procession Miss Ida Frees a beautiful girl of 18 years was kilted at Walker- on Saturday on car trbcV was practising on a bicycle and failed to get out of the way in time A special train of fire cars of steel has constructed in Chicago It claiinrd the cars neither coit nor wejgh more than the old while Out July Two children a son a daughter of Joseph north of were playing on Bide of tbo railway track in the excavation under a stamp at a bank The Jarring of a passing train caused the stomp to fall and the little girl being direotly under was crushed to death the head being terriMy mangled She found by the sorrowing mother almost The boy was also badly hurt Yesterday Ac counts Commit teo contiooed in vestigation of tho Department of the Interior Mr being the object of light ft appears that he employed a r In department to him kitchen table racks loo etc and one of the also acted as Ministers body servant on bis visit to the North West and draw- fata travelling expenses from the Government Moil July Cry for GOODS A f J I Come and see them V Having bought out the stock of J J Belfry at a Discount will giro customers the benefit Goods will be rushed off TELEPHONE CONNECTION J MILLARD COS OLD STAND THIS MAN Newmarket Markets at IS g4bcrrt4 no per per When per fikorl4prtoQ Eft l flOJ a r lb per lb pock Mitt a Wool A sail saaaa I83I a on a IS WW Oil 0 IS Oil ICO S3 18 CM a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ou 000 CO CO coco Oil CO HAS A P hk IN EVE avvpaco Ibta paper tq ibo for Ink It YOUR EYE our your WE HAVE A AMERICAN WATCHES pat thorn la oy a OUR OP JEWELRY SILVERWARE VBItY COMPLBTst My Reasonable AND TO QUAUTr a ha fla I fit look For Tills Ad Each ATKIN80N Jeweler Ac BENTLEYS PHARMACY THE OLD RELIABLE ESTABLISHED 185a As am bound to turn them Into noon ay NEW PRINTS I DRESS COTTONADES Groceries Always Fresh Call and Inspect Goods and Prices WW PLAYTER Block Newmarket FIRST ARRIVAL NEW SEASONS JAPAN TEA Pure Drugs Medicines Toilet Perfumery Shoulder Braces Trusses Sponges and all DRUGGISTSSUKDySS DISPENSING Prescriptions carefully compounded and orders answered with care and despatch The will find our stock of medicines complete warranted genuine and of beat quality OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB ONLY 11am 130 230 DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR THESE SHIRT AT THE IN STORE Newmarket iVi Are sold by ohest measure instead of by the size of collar The be ing selfadjusting it will fit any size collar Ask to see the Night Robe has neither buttons nor button holes FOR BY WARNER GENTS AT 30 AND 60G PER POUND Strength and tosuitcvery Palate Purse Fine Young Hyson Black in Souchongs Congous Pekoe of the Moimoon Brand Pure Coffees fresh roasted and ground fresh every day in our own mill and warranted- from any adulteration in any form whatever Our Tea and Coffee trade has grown to such large proportions that it is only stating tho case mildly to say that we and do give you better goods and better value than any other storekeeper or pedlar in this metropolitan county of York R J DAVISON Methodist Church JOSEPH I A WnOOL XT toM filrsnssn visitors sJsfsjs si sawood ROOM Bute N I I A A OLD STEER IMPOUNDED mo with soma BnTlMs lrrlMQ4UaaalduiJmal on j I Sr

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