Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Jul 1891, p. 1

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i J iI IflB NEWMARKET Every Friday BY GEO JACKSON at STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Tie the REACHED wo expats EST Is i od chirred Irs it tta TUB TO ALL NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 1 I Vol XLNo 27 Single Copies Cents Newmarket Onti Friday July Strictly in Advance or at end of year J Pintle Newmarket to L ffCWDDir6l COLIC PnbUr OfFiCElD Reformer ilONEYTO IB- ARR1JTER9 Solicitors tfNV TO ON GOOD A- ONTARIO BANK fim Newmarket Branch Interest Deposits f ISSUED It iU J j mad TO LOAN AT Foil 001 AATBASfSAT lndoo Coaunercui Unloo Ens Stock Low Rale on Firm tad Town AuTflXO Newmarket HOTEL TORONTO Term it romi Accommodation or Kv lrJci rat- JHULDERNEaHPrO A to CAMPBELL VDKt to It 2 to I and to OoUfto n Id ifct POST BLOCK IQ -i- t MDdntUoiror CHAMBRAYS GINGHAMS AND ZEPHYRS SELLING OFF AT- LAUGHTER RICES THIS WEEK AT AMKBIOA UlfxcDilTl iotb6bai1nef5onoarcc General and At Ictarac JE Public Anion A ewiomrktU Oxide On t A- J- Bis bit to ioct tf fsl Air for LICENSES bis work la far he do Iradol At the fewrarket CANADA LIFE AND FUNDS- DOLLARS AriooIIowofI6W000 ftRT BECAUSE jc Ret I ho best iyUV Is bU work w iadcb BECAUSE be and but t1 bring BECAUSE of nod Mill bo welcome NORTH END ACCOMMODATION STORE J W STEPHENS LIQUOR STORE North of We have now on hand a full stock of EXPORT ALE Label which was granted a certificate of award at the American Exposition in New Orleans for the first degree of merit in A trial order solicited P J- MAIN STREET NORTH CASH GROCERY STORE A full of GLASS SELFSEALERS opened pints quarts and halfgallons This is the place to get your scalers and sugar for putting down your fruit lbs light brown SUGAR for ONE DOLLAR P J MAIN STREET NORTH A Thirsting World iHntelh lb all Corns unto flowiDji or til the brofceo clitom ihflj All wok ut Tir dry will to ttUtly faiUlh heD Fount forth in loncoU- cool refrtAhiog Plenty for all flowing For oar Thai might WO drink fill oar Mali with its lit Oar fmmorUl think At wUned firtt By Holy Spirit id temple of God Some mm for in High their fellow By Dttiout J rt down titles to oer the iigM of their raoiU Vet knowledge not for in the world from of ftinp from tba molly crowd Sow their ringing tomorrow load Lie who eis his men on Ittads in clined Shifting u Is their faoooyed billows tolled it ill SIGN OF RED BOOT i 1 A THE PLACE YOU GET YOUR 1ST OP AXj LUMBERYARD AveaW Of Constantly on Hand l1h0LUintif And fttJlof n4 A LAO DRY CORD WOOD NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND UNDERTAKING UNIX fttlenllOD OLD RELIABLE STOVE TIN SHOP HAS CHANGED HANDS- WK 111 lime fall IIlm yf Wood and Coal Stoves Which we tell flifufri stock of etc ROOK BOTTOM Work All door to B00TSSH0ES AT RIGHT PRICES I of Toronto and all marked a Ibat to tell very time TRUNKS AND VALISES S acme think toil Doing for other futhhsi God will mike the For richet leal For the world much should peat Hat lotted Ihey a tub oi ale 11 tod proper to he etch of doty liiog God our Htm At traly will Urea trim be u aim Not to neglected for the world all the of u behoof in ffAD Filled with coble For the good of worldly pelf a charge committed be pud for In each for good to with awUUoghd the upon lined io the Hock where HO bock firit Id ilia which their Tht all will add Ihtte to No good will do tbtir all Hilling all to the cvjrla abort will P I Eliehmond Hill IBftl DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SAL IH CANADA I HI UJ DC CO DC Q CO DO 70 I EWMA R ET BOOK NEWS DEPOT attention for the next few will principally be given to our THE STORE PURE DRUOSand CHEMICALS from most reliable dealers Agent for the celebrated Seela Perfumes NEXT TO POST WALL PAPER Department Our now with a large and varied of Wall Papers rings and- Ceiling ljught in the best American and Canadian markets and must be disponed of at prices that- cannot be undersold CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE STARR tor Infants and Children I wwft m I Sii fcru -Oft- jr to atop a1 It The Now Baby Ona day was my lap and I a I had jait got to the part it the good little boy who minded ma hid ft bull pail of rod apples to Mm And my with her bine and her golden yellow Lair back from her little eager happy tarned face When all of a the door and came and before the bad been there time to a to at the same time Your nose broke now young lady I put her little tinkers up to and felt it and I winked to to not do more for I knew what meant I tncant new baby would crowd fiiba our little daughter eat of our But went right on It an old maiden and had five dUupolotraenUj and some aay even and they have her and to Babe tittle the new wil take your now in heart Babe looked troubled on her little brow I could fall faint of that great black ibapo that we call jealousy Her big sweet eyes looked at If they waa cicala op nicely for And I severer and more winka than bad at to atop If over a them did to atop Im mediately But the kept right on Poor creeter I them the caute kept right on and You wont be baby any more now has got to love now And then cloud did fall Into a of butt oat acryln and down Into my armi and laid her wet on my throogh anon I how older human to her drew her head fcway as I cant lay my head there any more if the love had gone the heart it wont rest me nor comfort me no more to lay there And pride woke her op too proud to make or for love How much like children I sot kinder straight in my lap with her pretty Up and the down her And rix right up with in my arms and went out of the room pretty but not there I wouldnt ute Miaa to the fix or seven things mentioned by prior and before this But felt that I mutt make it with Babe that very minute I knew how felt wounded love and pride and jealously etc etc know that a few syllables of about the lesson of life bad to Babe and I must help her spoil em I help with her So took into parlor and tet with her in the big chair and never said a word for a ruinate or two only held her clot to me and kissed hair that lay op against my at fiwt jealoasly and pride her and at able to any voices only them of and like older exactly Bat after a while I held so warm and with my cheek layin on the pretty head the firm and contact sort her end anon she drew one little arm up round my neck and anon the other one and I looked deep into her eyes right into little Boot and that true little soul the troth in mine Words couldnt have convinced well as that look that she had learnt to depend on Love bos a language that though maybe it cant be exactly parsed and analyzed yet it can be exactly entirely understood and Babe seen that I loved And then was the time that that aweet little put up and kissed me and say sort low like but very tender 1 you know juat how much I yon dont you And then I kissed bur several times in various plants on the face every one of em sweet places then went on and talked good to about the baby I confide in her told her all about how the little new soul had unknown to itself here into a great strange world bow helpless it war how weak and bow we must all help it and try to make 16 itself at home amongst And I tried to explain it to her how had come first she owed a courtesy to the newcomer and that she must be ready and wii lin to neighbor with her jeat those words but them rpy ideea I told her how blind the little creeter and Babe if only out of politeness mnat try and for load her straight over ways she knew about keep her from herself 1 How Baby Snow couldnt talk for herself at all now and mutt for her good talk that little Snow could learn of bow she couldnt walk and must go ahead her and make a good path for to follow when aha got big enough I told ber jest how hard it for the little to bo put in here the midst of sorrow and troubles and dangers and how we mutt all of be as good as we coujd out of pity for the dear little lonesome I routed op pity for her and she was all about help in of her and then I told the She got to thiukin the must watch over her or aha get hurt called all the good motherly impulse of her little soul which was in her still to her weight forty pounds more or less And day by day lore for the creeter grew till it was fairly beautiful to see em to gether and said and Thomas J said so and Ana Maggie and And as for I thought to myself disappointment or not I have got to give a to and the very next time I see her She had gone when Babe and went out of the parlor the with happy bright eye and I with kinder pityin ones and all four on em kinder wet But the next time I seen alone I tackled her and ahe as good as promised me she wouldnt ever say to any child what had laid to Babe I dont believe will either for shes got goodjuiber She baiot inch a bad creeter after all and good land what you seven right along one after the other all who pass that for the honor of the country no one bo permitted to leave it who is not a man of Then said she I suppose you were She gars a tremendous war- whoop the Bohemian fall to the ground a moment of weak- the shrank from the scene the blood curdled in oar veins the drew a long breath we ware at Jacksons Point NEW vTHEAT FOB ERA taxes wU twentythree on the dollar be baby had come to bo a great and comfort to her if aho was only good to jAud dont you see the very fact of Babe bavin to- do a kindness to Snow bavin to do goo for was too surest way of her love her for it Is a great fact In our that you cant you have injured in any way And at the same if you have ever been good to anybody you always softor towards oyer afterwards and more aint It But it a fact And I the reason of it It that you have sort 0 lowered yourself in your by a mean unkind act aud In order to satisfy your mental criticism your self to make it right with your own soul you lay bold bring up all the faults you can of that person to lustily your own act And so you keep on that mental at em that uncomfortable sort of to- em you un easy and you feel glad and relieved every time you stand justified to your conioiomncsi by em a act Now honestly it Why know It Is and so I made sure that Babe should begin right For if you do a good helpful thing for a person your hull soul feels com fortable and you bring up uncon sciousness why you did it It was because they id goo to smart etc And you keep on a good comfortable and you keep on op to your own till you love with cm you If you dont I A thing Rot the way I do when I get holt of a fact or truth I dont to it fall to myself before I act No I grasp holt of It and use It or my own then and afterwards wonder at It to my hearts Bo Babe got to aha was to little happiness and that little self esteem jest if she a older only aocordin to her weight Lib fad lot Bradford A meeting held on tie Scotch from The in ie well for firming and thickly settled Large of fall wheat are every year few grow leas than to of Mr Jetfr of Head last year put op a which proved factory that others ire now following sample Haying about finish and a fair owing to heavy the let of June Wheat ia ready formatting and will yield well Spring wheat and barley lookiqg well meeting here wis the moot anooeestul yet held by the travelling dairy a largo of people being preheat of them that they coold and see all that took plat Fortylive aamplea of milk were brought for aome of being skim milk M Aurora The Revising Barristers Clerk was in town on Thursday of last up the Federal Voters List for this town from the roll Several members of the Aurora Club are camping at Bonds lake riding down on their wheels at and returning in the morn ing in time to attend to The contract for the erection of the new high school building has been let by the Board Mr Hoover of Toronto obtaining the contract for the mason work including plastering for Mr Brothers of this town the wood work for The excavating has been already completed the stone work begun The building is to be feet by foot two storeys high with an eight foot basement and a Urge portico in front There will bo four class rooms two below and two above with ball lavatory cloak rooms and library affording ample accom modation for two hundred or more pupils will be plain but neat and substantial and in keeping with the public school bid ing The cost will probably be in the neighborhood of seyen thousand dollars It is the Intention of the contractors to push tbe work ahead as rapidly as poulble in order to have it completed in time for the opening of the school after the Christmas holidays Sutton Mr Foster of Newmarket spent at Mr Town- leys Captain Boyd and wife of Phila delphia staying at Mr John Boyds The Annie and Carrie Simp son of Newmarket are statina at Dr Nobles Miss Ashworth of Toronto pending a days with Mr and Mrs P Misa Franks of Michigan grand- daughter of Mrs Mark is visiting friends at Sutton Mr of Mich to bit par- the first in seven yean Miss Huffman of Destructive hail wind are reported io Minnesota and South Dakota p EST Bowes of Township was instantly killed lightning Thursday will bo ft Methodist Camp Meeting at Port August and following week In Middlesex County they arrest farmers for neglecting to cut on the opposite their farms The house of Mr John tUcv- of was it ruck by light last wrek The damage was not Fortythree began to write for third at but one was discussed for using a text book At horses ware horned along with Mr stable including a valuable trotting Insurance There were registered with the Town Clerk during the Miss of Holland 891 I marriages and eight are spending a few days with Mrs Williams at Lake and vicinity Mr Way of brought his steam yacht Mon day coining Mr Fred Williams who baa been away for four yesrs has returned a visit to flntton He now occupies a psvitioo as locomotive on Canadian Pacific railway The Presbyterian garden party was a delightful affair The Sutton Christian Union whioh baa made steady ad vancement the first six months elec ted new officers last Friday evening creating great among the chickens on farms along Baldwin road less thao four of these creatures were seen at one time on of Latimer last Tuesday The Sutton contingent went to Point to play ball with the Point team last Saturday morning returned on Sunday afternoon look ing woodpile after a hard winter badly In attempting to quite a horse at the last Sunday a young man named was severely cut and scratched about the face and hands He was thrown to ground and over by baggy deaths Fred years of age son of John of Bayfield Out was drowned on Wednesday by falling into the river A Westpoint Neb despatch says The greatest flood this history occurred almost completely submerging part of city Two murders similar in character to those ascribed in London to Jack Ripper own committed in Marseille France within a week Presbyterians have given Rev unanimous call Rev who been recently ordained a minister Congregational church and at this week parental roof Mr Lolandr wife and daughtor Sarah of the con were the guests Mr and Mrs Saturday and Sunday On Tuesday Bert Smith son of Mr Smith was severely bitten by Mr fa dog A few days previously this dog bit a granddaughter of Mrs Bowman A looking waa observed by Mr Kemp on Wed nesday trying to lift the sidewalk at Mr Mam moth Falling to do this ha then surveyed tho building In night a box was placed to door entry made through the fanlight The then donned a new suit hat ice- pocketed the contents of the unbolted the back door and took No arrests made We saw the standing near the wigwam labeled we hunting round on way to Lake Simcoe Ie was dressed in baseball garb Bat we pass no remarki about this si he probably borrowed It for the occasion order to appear in the civilised people He talking to a girl from Georglna Island She was evidently not very badly gone on wo heard pop the question to him this way How did It happen she that the Bohemians who out of country were generally speaking men of more abilities than those who remained at Oh madam said he tie rea son obvious At every outlet are persona stationed to Mutual Mistake A Scotch sportsman was journey ing along with a traveler on a stage coach on the Perth road when to his utter the latter ac cused him of stealing his handker chief Finding it soon he was as in his apologies as he had been hasty in accusations when the Scotchman who had taken the affront to heart re plied put about it was a mutual mistake you took me for a thiefaudl had taken you for a gentleman The Dominion Illustrated The arrival of exiled Russian in Canada recently and the sad stories of and hardship they reated have directed attention anew to this subject In last weeks issue of the Dominion Illustrated there is reproduced Illustrated a typioal scene at a Russian railway station There Is also in this number a portrait and biographical sketch of George famous Siberian explorer whose travels in Russia have made the so much better acquainted meth ods of government A game of at Halifax the Southern Croat Grand Mann an the Prince Monument at a review at field Scenes on the Rldeau Viotoria Montreal Helens to the St Law opposite Montreal Scenes at India a portrait of the late Major Foster of the Scenes on the St river and other Interesting and varied subjects of illustration are treated in this charming number The latest commodity to attract the attention of is hay On Tuesday night a load was stolen from Rock wood and traced down through Acton The boiler of a steam engine exploded Wednesday on the farm of in county Three men were killed and five others perhaps fatally hurt There a bad break in canal five west of aqueduct feet long with heavy stone arches has been carried away and it may take a month to repair the damage had the good fortune to capture a big in Woods Bay while trolling on Monday He took it to Ardtrea where it was weighed in the presence of an admiring crowd It scaled ft Rapid progress Is being made by the centua In Its computa tion but it la expected that stilt greater process will be made now been decided to Introduce into counting machines such as were In use in the at Washington by which means the work of the staff will be simplified greatly accelerated An expert operator from New York was In Ottawa last week instructing staff in use of the machines patent are for the ignorant The doctors foster this idea sfa people were told mostly ignorant when it to medical Suppose are 1 What a sick man needs is not knowledge but ft care and medicine that la the medicine for him Dr Pierces Golden cures the and the dont Theres no about it no U nor possibly It I you only do I Perhaps it fails The makers hear it when it does because never keep the money when the medi cine felts to do good Suppose the doctors went on that principle leg the doctors It Choking and evert other form of catarrh in the head la cared by Dr age Catarrh Remedy Bold by everywhere Mr Robert baa erected a frame barn 46 by ant feet from ground to plates The lower part will consist of horse and cattle stables and as- for roots It ia the best frame barn in the township On Sunday last young Oliver third son of Mr Oliver of Tiny waa accidentally drowned near Port The youngman was out in a canoe and not being expert in paddling he hap- to overturn it and was drowned The Christian Church party at Baldwin was a decided suc cess The Keswick chovr and Sutton band provided excellent and ReTt Prater Wilkinson and made capital speeches A good was held the following Mon day evening Every column in a contains from to pieces of metal the displacement of any one of wbioh a blunder or typo graphical error And yet tome people lay complaint to a phenom enally brilliant mind if they dia- an error in a newspaper Gladstone and both still in the Hush Gladstone is improving but it looka if could not pull through They been diotatlog letters to each other from sick room and evidently great riends The one famous in the pulpit as the other in The annual move in the direc tion of Muskokft has set in ii a great camping ground and you can either camp under a tent in a cottage or at a fine summer hotel- Ontario is fortunate In having such an attractive In which to spend the summer with its lakes of beauty and Islands of delight hay crop in this vicinity will be about threefourths of a crop Pall Spring wheat will bo above the average Peas and oatt tip to the average Potatoes and toots are looking Apples pears and graphs promise well and the general outlook has put the farmers in good spirits Bradford Two sons of Mr Regan North had a narrow escape from death on Saturday were potting harness on a horse in a field during the violent and while In act of putting on the bridle lightning th bit killing the horse and rendering the boys They have recovered but it was a call been discovered that knot on plum trees can lo not only prevented from spreading but actually by simply painting them with red oxide iron in linseed oil The disease making great of the fruit trees to all parts Ontario and this simple remedy effective no time should be lost in making the appli cation It the things thai the little brothers and sisters a

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