Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 12 Jun 1891, p. 2

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E I NEWEL JUNE 1891 Is is Any J Goods Bra Slaughter J Stephens New Present A Smith Special lines Wright A Co Sty Man Wanted Saddle for Sale J House for Bale Mrs June House Lot for Sale J She DOT AMD SUCH IMP FRIDAY JUNE Our Toronto All city draped In Ml mere id of film of Moron beta third of Tort Mr Morton liu Cow tod Lit to beach will Willi In hi re Death of Sir John A Mae- Ceo oclock on evening following ball- liu ixi 1030 Set John died mi ff after the tolling bell an the city tower rang oak on the still night air announciog in mourn ful dirge to the citizen that the honored and historic leader of the pert and the figure in the political and national life of for forty has disappeared from the lio vena Elsewhere in paper we give brief of hi life All Canada his demise not so a politician or the leader of a great party bat as Premier of the Dominion end a true friend of the country whose be has guided in its onward pro gress to national greatness Hi name has been to ft generation end the attend ing his fonefftl obsequies attest in language loader tuid deeper than words the strong bold he hid acquired the affectionate regard of the A Little over two weeks ago he was occupying a leading place in the council of the nation the directing and controlling spirit among the peoples moulding deliberations of Parliament end planning for the future today the that knew him turn presents a void it will be difficult for the party ho led with such marvellous tact and to God successor Sir John wai years and mouths at the time of his demise lifework tad the mutt and character hire already puff ed upou lift And of Hud vboee demise deplore the pulpit and by From we select a tribute the leader of the Opposition the lion Mr to the adjournment of Mouse out of to memory of the deceased a few well limtd remarks made the that for dofiiUd in at in d J ft with of which wy which J tie ccutd sUHfQgtiiKKu blend tod to tin tad of Jifekcp audit htcd air iVct that dor- big the ha act Li but aid of bU little of lo we wen be Uo f Uad At It vJ life Joba from It be tarc4 the for wiib ill all from cupiei potiliog twj faftfftK od united to the pre of A ltbJin my politic MtlOQfi not lrj fa lit uy bi ten to I iv- en fo fcrt fct I mi gifts to the JllOffoew iLd bit ftcllwpi frittlity of a oJi til of dy tod till the whole to Ci- do Sale Mba rale of Jfllfd Vlll TO Wilts to death of Sir In of Lord the of as greet a rautftatfooail any had tier aee A to be this London honor to the of Can- adit of ill IV leading of of both In the of for the of let nd time for Hie to tile to of a by be appointment of a lit Sir John aa r of j6ir it well for to of a ia the lew n not Be- this dtriptioa of labor been reduced from tiro to one- munidpd bare power to of fife sd dram In poblio By an to Section of the may wgnlate or prohibit the playing of etc upon tbe or bat not to apply to military doty It li that of of the it Ottawa on Toeity to take a look at dead lying in aod the railway many on cither aid ft of Ottawa were draped in blade and all in- trains with of moaroing fmletoily id mind thai by an act of Ontario lgitla- tun toy enter toga hone at any com petition odder an or name or liable to a of not leu than more than or aix an effort to on the race track from near is heme Sot two or liua Ida Bury on Monday a Beaton Mr Mr Alex or in town Sunday on of death of Mr Allan Howard Un remaining here for a of P of Toronto by the Cbldley and WcFadden with and in the yidnity of Glcnfille and tetUehy Alfred Stephen and wife left for Prince Edward nay to attend the yearly mealing of the and wife left to attend the Tether bet Phillips attended tba Halfyearly In lira Eli lira Aimitagr and John and -V- Ify Slight formerly of do TctodIo baa a larger and better of flowera and flral thin before and it will afford him plaaiura the all friendi in North York ad Mr J Battler of Hamilton who for andabalf of bool prtitooa to from Newmarket Ed end paid the School a frienda are glad to hear that ha ii doing in the AmUllona City- A last week and a of at The We refer to Mr Horty who one of the in bail d Leg the Old Northern and raided in Newmarket iu ire pleated to note many of and growth Another old of In Town week up old in the of John Sanlt Uarie Ha a fae6 ego and can baldly recognize Tbere on Hill end of are at and only a or on the aide of Hi bat two or three of the old people re mailing- f Dans holding annual on Jane In A good Is expected Next la fart Re a cardan party on foctb It or Mason To win ftonj Ox oclock Proceeds will to rtpalrtas band King Council Baker In In oar School u Bono A wmapfOYtded look an part aelaollona warn In LarMUaa and tracrunlsidtOsJ4ai i FT Mr bas boouviBscsd a it Our fviOBtt road Mr and Hat Jonas too a to th- Fall on and Draper aod Baiontaj bd with and and from West a ahort rlilt ib aaut MrsTWIkr Patterson ha eeedlnf bar lawn a new tonne alooz front all od I Tba follow bait Wen and Too dTertWts of Perry and lomber rernoTtnft S5C0 Boll one j roadway foflowa Intho ch Con Baker and rtrblll between Lota A- Labile to repair road way between tola and John and A Camp- to repair roadway between and A Coo Old Sort Ttio and for dltsjitiig botwen ftSOoa1 rapalr hill and to repair ftihdhlUoaOlenrjilmvl X and Into a following appoals and A tii at Boh Barry ton Geo- John Cook Hub and ffm Jenkins to doge of roll anemment lowered ISM bare hit lowered Frank to property atreck off ffranlcd were to roll Jamoe Potter far of Henry Perry fox of Con 10 an bet Hated forOeocK Robtre Sicnpwn it John Simpson Walter J And David were Added to roll Council to at Jane nth- r Our Toronto Market I C3 It 4 Wheat per Wheat per i per tier roll per lb putter per lb Appleaper bbL Wool per lb flay per ton per A 1 DM 000 It too IIS SCO 1 CO 0 li a I a a 090 a 18 CO a a a a Mariots Floor per barrel CO Object for you to save money If it is we shall be please a A from Halifax on 8th itxnue of Hon He of the old of pili- ticitna in Nora Scotia and one of num ber of who hie pally fell to nolle with the formed to carry Confederation He been life long Stbbath School and temperance worker an amendment to the Act it la now to allow or pertly prints and written lita in ch foiling la at on hereafter the of the will to be entered on the ia addition to the and addition Ink Drops match Contention neil The will aoon bo hero Only two more weeks of in Big aala in Town tomorrow at next week Another rain yeaterday fl The genial of the Sab- School Awocietlon A completing the io AI- There are leer- who bare plated their of one J K and another onr member J- to the work by into bold a in mouth of Day and Mr- in terview railway anihoriltt with to an extortion traiu to take to at the Provincial Con- A rate Day bo on by School will at the canal hoar a tora a and when Marine U be tor Weal of on Mauls In wee to atUnd of Mr Allan Howard Him Addis Hajbea Mr Waal tba J- Sabbath An enjoyable time lOWaUa An- health lo bo able to her childhood borne or Toronto up to Saturday called on Mr of Wr Tarry on Son- Fall per Spring Wheat per Barley per per ton it- tub per lb bag Apples big Wool per Pork nor Beef per per lb Duckaper pair per pair a a a 063 J8W a a 250 SCO ooo 000 1 a a CO a 0 11 0 15 0S5 IS wonder bow can be a a a a CO a foists pleasantly para- Uk ftvtl jyr- nhcr MrtfeaUrsiidvsrtiisaipn S 1jJi Kavaasfl next Tuesday sad An official atatixftnt yield of la ex to be below mod a largo deficit In the car- tain While a part of being tut at of Wil liam two of whom the Em peror had a narrow of Toronto fa wlh Joe of Toronto la town on 13fft at Mr Mr UJ OConnor of Toronto night with Father Hit if try returned home from a Ht John preached o the Howe of Ottawa Mia Fred a op a Will for a few Iter Smith Cong Union now at Mr and wife of Toronto were for alto from Kaoau laat be 1d fall Aihton and More of with Mr J Belfry Mr Stephana conduct dlvloe In Sharon Church J of Town aod her a Uft to New lter Aurora prtebfd to the here last and town a fblt with her iittera Win The Ker went to Toronto on to attend and of Toronto of Via St their home Monday A patch Mr J to the dlj of JiU at Sitord lut Canadian Miir that baa lady o peraonofMtu Mm two to of her dV pited ftnil of tot the rait few to on Friday of Toronto rede up on on Saturday tailed early wowUft Sabbath and ltr Kill and John and jlr t Stephen are Conference which opened on and will far than a Mr AUr operation for neck at Toronto If afternoon ImU If by wto lie on aaelaUd by lt of the Iloef4tal A torn plat tore tot will wcJlAfsd la tit Sit Owtng to very dry weather abootberefa to look pretty well dried op If not the will be poor A great deal of Interest la taken in of now that tbo premier la off action Varlona are beard on allaldeaaatotho leader Mr to be of Mot Jooea died and nor a brother la dead while Mr member of ibe flrrn of Smith A la tow care for Mm- Mr Arnold a about Dakota for the Mr Mra- were out their few at Mr Jonea cone writ to tj baud- School connection and vbleron here have ho J union ftton to I and the a train will it and IMlnt at IS od will on that day The Worlds Fain Less than three years ego Park id primeval condition Within that an arm of and have toiled over every inch of its surface and feet of earth been only one little green and wooded knoll baa been spared and stands an in great desert of shining sand and pebbles A tree here and there which did not inter fere the building site baa been left untouched otherwise every foot of vast Exposition site of acres nearly twice as space as was occupied by the Paris Exposition been dug plowed drained and leveled Graphic OR SALE A M JOS or il i t Lot Comer 06 SImcoo J On Thursday Jane the A wilt hold their annual excursion The steamer Enterprise will leave Roachs Point at 30 am for Peninsular Park and returning at p A good and string band will be attendance party on night was a succtf a tea was excellent as was also the concert The grounds were beautifully nomin ated The proceeds amounted to about Rev Mr Bedford a former pastor preached in Church morning and evening He has lost none of bis power The two leading members of two leading churches bad an exciting on Sunday Main street The Jolly Wanderers have their first roving excursion to the lake on Thursday The village dotted with flags at half mast as a signal of for loss of our old Egypt a big day for the it being arranged by teacher to have a general at JackaooV A num ber of school tamed fall force and to a great parents making in all a Urge crowd at Park All to enjoy and boating order The steamer Enterprise which has been thoroughly overhauled and nicely fitted made a couple of trips to the Island slTordiDg all those who desired a beautiful sail oh We ground improved since we last them drives constructed and sev eral new erected There alio a of ball arranged be school and schools which commenced about two oclock and won by school by fire runs and have enjoyed much more by the spectators only for and used by some of the players at Stroud flrji of Wat ftlBtrouii sod Friday atrniDd pro- put loan appearand IbertKajnot a ibo Mr EI Gross at bis duty at hut by the Mr was by Ror Toronto and It attired up the whole crow Jed awafoalf raoraof the bread life- Mr A Hot Newmarket Iter llle- were alio Mr of Her II McUod of andlteirW Aurora for June It at Churchill in doting remarks were added Rot Bin of the Coorealloa closed usual It with a deal of It of thai all the theCODreattoahad bout met by the people a miles and hone purposes A THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking o A Iwoatorr on new Good water land It a a chance for I will It JAMK3 to show you a lot of Groceries below the Montreal or Toronto wholesale market price Yes below what they ask fa them for merchants to buy and sell again at a profit Just call and see then go and compare prices see if we mean what we advertise We an not asking you to call and look at tobacco lard or sugar but at goods that you would buy and gladly buy if they only marked common sense prices are goods thai millionaires bankers and lawyers live upon but we are bound to give our customers a benefit When you are he you might just look at a table of highclass Crockery and and Glassware marked at a price that made a man in the trade wonder and think and he asked what we me We if it surprises you Roche Co popular lowpricers which makes us unpopular with A- J m C a s E m CITY m fc Lovely Floral Offerings DECORATION DAY Si J H MILLARD Millard HAS OPENED A NEW FURNITURE STORE Hotel And token with him MAN WANTED experience Whole or Salary fnun Blurt or weekly flood for nmu iaml Tor all for Rood If to how CO Of Buggy Stable and Shop have been by v ROCHE CO ON H OF JUNE At the OLD BRICK STREET Mr Allans MESSRS JO SELL BY chattels belonging to the bankrupt estate of shop which the 11 HOUSE TO LET Ave- trees Apply IO Of a bo to Qjtid Hit Chore Hid ittformcr Ivory will be sulfa Wf by It at this office Crn6l Apply to Made Toronto and has only been instrument or sold on long Carpel It J Quota St hoMifeofi on town on ft ton In Of It- A Ij Allot Jou At Church by Per Hill A Ihlllp At Bethel to Miss Clra Low second Mr Low of tjeoinb on the h Infant child of Mr I f Howard fa town on the Howard IN CANADA PACIFIC COAST MANITOBA aotiHD Stable Goods 1 Grey 1 Bay Mare and Boggy Cutter Sleigh Light Wagon Set Heavy Harness Bet Light Harness Oil Cloih Horse Oarer Ac Ao of together with lot of no immediate cue for also IANO I iSt 7 on heath John of Mr J of lha Hit John 9 the nice rain crops arc beginning to grow finely prospects for an abundant fruit are good the lite frosts not having to the around locality J Mr Robert has his and Mr Moore Street has moved It and from Toronto who a days with her mother Won very sick retorned Saturday Silas family bare- moved from our village to Point Mr Is on Camilla summer Mr and Mrs- Bedford Moor from are visiting with relatives and fiends around The friend in connection with Methodist Church of this place have evtrjf reason to feel gratified at the success of their garden party last Friday night Special mention might be made of the singing of Miss Hill and Miss Cora Dow Miss Moore as a reciter always re- a welcome wherever Introduced Miss Morton with reading and Mr J Tait on the violin were also on program Mr John Largo also gave a The band was present and played a few selections to tbe satisfaction of all present York County Council ion Vint If Iff Council Aficr lbw fee Palmier ob- lie would refOlutloD In to lbtKiODtbo au4dItwoaldba to u Arbi trator locoorider the ftborbtloo territory I A v who In York for ftod u bt ItJarlM to A from Ihert do to bo Judges for of bed ferric M Mturcoliboworktbf On fcnd rooftr bo to oo of dtp of at for borMromiattbo toomproulbtilDOOn avod for loot And sVJd ad- bo to J D avo of a la of all la CoQdl at bo Loin to A Premier of tlio JR0ADH0USB ST All will Oak Bedite4 Oak Wash Standi with marbje top 1 Spring Mattress Dining Table J Kitchen Table Iron Bedstead Dining Boom Kitchen Chain A Fire Saturday Night Concerts It ii cash It is a piano generally sold at rs The piano can bo seen in the Go Terms cash t ids Shop Furniture Proof Safe J Toronto cost 1 Kir Proof Co Montreal coat Office Letter Press Pigeon Holes 1 Chandlier three light- Grocers Scales Store Blinds Table Cheese Safes v Shoo Drawers Tea Caddies ti Gas Pipe iron Wood Awning Wire Top for Cash Peg Float Coal Oil Tank Clothing Figures Ac Show Oases for Wall Floor Oil Cloth Ends of Carpet Carpet Sweeper 3 Bronze Cornices Cornice Coal Hall Stove Lot of Tinware of Crockery Lot of Glassware I I British Plato ebony frame Show Cases for Counter suitable for piece cost Step Desk Tailors Stove Ac Sale commencea at 11 and BOOTS and SHOES FOB THAN OF THE MATERIAL At MONTGOMERYS CHAMBRAYS GINGHAMS AND ZEPHYRS Barrio lacrosse at Brad ford next Wednesday I Children Cry for SELLING OFF Terms cash Auctioneer BRUNTON BROS HOSIERY import all our Hosiery and have an immense stock to select from at lowest prices Stainless Black Hose a specialty -AT- S PRICES THIS WEEK AT THE- NQRTH END ACCOriIMODATION STORE a v J STEPHENS MENS HATS We have the finest as sortment of the most fash ionable styles in Hats and having bought direct from from the makers we are able to make the price right for GLOVES Our stock ineludesthe best makes in Lisle Taffeta Silk Gloves We quality the first essen tial in Gloves and guar antee every pair and Kid consider WELL MADE CLOTHING We are the only firm in this section who make a pretense of doing a fin ordered clothing trade and customers will find our or dered clothing fully up the best Toronto make and at half the price NEWMARKET Bilking Powder Baking W I a

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