Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 May 1891, p. 4

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tot 227 i89i i- RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Lumbago Backache Headache Toothache Sore Throat Frost Bites Sprains Bruise Burn Etc Tmhti rtrty a A Canadian Toronto Oat RAILWAY If IT I a a v Of teg 1 tie- a Mm to Kite rat hi to of Ron Setulrt Lee treat took Mi fa A hoi from it Ibe dew of tut Mr Clifford Ibe UgdHtarr cm A to aa Hon Mr toil too to a la it to be well rtctlrpd la thai way of lb a hard oar years ftnillj at the of tenia fir to Urn fetu in of mora lata ftiTaJoa to Mm to in Tea Polka In at hand of Mr Darin P latter It ftpftera baa noma for the gallant too to too a ft la J oar by Vellor in front of of Mr wr tiaj and back were to ana lemonade After placing a few more selection the on their way to Kins- The of Lowell lodge taring a box soda in v TBI WQaUrfdUri triad week ad lie in lid ch frith Stjdin5 for vfcutullid poo d for two lEviam rfc til Jia il4 he l Society month Halloo or Kridar I Id tfaHoftylil am MicdI Albert A the Aw lit A lid KpcOMy Ererr la KTerr Monday Tfanrvdaiy of try TtkJm I J v Hi tad id Hall Friday rooDlb S Lessons CAPTIVITY OF Golden a the lie alio of to liA The fort wilbio IM bare to fit from Ike if dad a tod cooliouinl fo their tin rebellion illicit God aod tbfr fttffo of hid warned at Tbe took SbiltntTatrr The people ted io tit of of At a Krat f JilN Ibr loio of I itit of aoon after lie of while liibtaid illcab lit avoounayt lo mutt be of fomkeo or it will of lb tiDGtr In in iheir wa him Directly Word by fealiu2t in the to of kiiJom Jutd tit on Friday Mi 0 defraud Jrtno of MtiMiv lt wcton It a Mr to at for K fcM to kiiplktoiiO in it A J ft lliei Jiutlt went ccnipaiiiAnt to far vaIou on lln to ho In Loving Memory of Joy a twin vein tuts waned dear lowd oer tea of and I Joy I la where All ante hate flowo thy Wo claim oar for a tpirit With our dear hi atay will tbe id strife fitla radiant glow of all oat life to t catch Iba We witch and wait end Aod bleat from know How fall of grief oar How tear flow How as Then of lore tod Where pait ere cert from fair rettm of are we pray come let feel of oar life in ra bet dear come op higher Aod meet and greet up Beyond keo of life Aod bwUb The of Dr against the corporation claiming on of made by the of a with woeV tbs all cost I I I A will be played in the park here May between the Dominion of Toronto end the Club Jluei Victor and leJt re for Fort iwathiDonV Territory They hare friends out there as well as in Manitoba and intend spending the snmmer at the coast Mrs Robinson left by the same train for Fort to her brothers who are located at that place ill At of the members of the Meohanics held on evening Mod were the Board of President A- Andrews Sea John Connolly Treasurer J Mo Malty Directors M Dr I J and Cow Bftiley show ed s membership of year were added to the taken cot by year At tii jut meeting of a carried requesting the to a rtt ana Also htm of Abeenoe to take whatever be might deem for his health The membertbip of the with to An Wedding few no sooner bad company been comfortably seated than room into a flood of light from nnmerona aricoloredin- elect rfo lights among decoration a entrance the bride and by the antofjatfo of electric belli and the of electrical After the the room was into aemidartoas nAiMj floral the table there glowed tiny In which soma them were SCOTTS PHARMpY scintillated flaahea of a whfle a lamp wbica in some manner had attached to the hair was seen to glow dauliofc brightness A toast been two and from the vine bottle that beside the bridal rob pie and coffee were served and the were eiectrio while coffee waa prepared in fall of tbe company by an electrical beater afere made were liberally fiUaded by an electrical placed under the table As the company dispersed the elec tric current set off a novel pyrotech nic display amid the crimson glare of which the ended Set- JO I XT OUR CHOICE- SPRING SEASON entiftc American OF Am Pa aa if til fra Iwaf THE LEADING DRUG STORE JUST OPENED A FULL OP Prom the moat reliable dealers FRESH and to name McOLINTOOK MANAGER Of ttcct weatgaMorh acre of J pOR SALE Job BLACKSMITH SHOP quarter DAVID FOR SALE DEALER IN HEAVY AND SHELF V I fc EVERYBODY SAYS SO la bMS Newmarket iiiM A- For trie ARM FOR SALE- lUfJc4 V4Uv A tall a at asaUr or AH itCi a ou Consisting of Spades Shovels Forks Rakes Hoes c Supplies Builders Hardware Carriage Goods o Galvanized Annealed and Barbed Fence Wire Ready Mixed Rubber Paint Try our Daisy Churn Jacks kept for hire be Coo or la Weal half of i Con of Lot W creek or ly d be rood or W la- or Soil ARE THE a Basinets Notices Barn etc Tula Fact Thai add la ibe blood Blood Bitters rcmoTt oft from blood sot col rbeomatlc bamors but hi Cattort Whta Aba toCavatCaTia aaU4bUlndvaUiaTacb Miter Comfort of at a Cora la iba back IbUJthihD proof from reliable Canllua Loioa Sold by A cough ahookl bo footle at and alS To do this nothing Pectoral at to In expectorant aod alia tah aOl wft Lamp from ho rata Curbgpllati Bora aod Swollen Throat etc by Oar Will occur la Jane year In preparing lunch joy Imperil Tnrtnr all 1jsiVlPlf cake It la Che healthy and perfect by l ahert Id Coffins What la Ihft Halt thiog ret ID cot I a other The tear rrplitJ Yea tat Ibal a eaoagb color Not for coffin my boy They for a ffbo inaia life to ell her lined with eld gold that her cample iod which rather dirk me aha aaitl I alt to acd sea me id my looking like a fright they pro the died a bother brad with inch on bed mor alized reporter a not ao iota of that the on I once aa loon keeper hoee while be of family the decoration of fau per aoo The family got emitter wore all timet and tbe flitter of hit whirl front ed hit Ufa older Well when hit time came he little property left but a him but a whit property be bad wife condition hit dressed body fail belt ait of it with all and ewry one with bim Otbfrwtt hie whole in- to o to charity The poor declared would oUy bit but it a heavy heart that brought the to if in- It waa of the Itadeel gtitog you to frighten Oil awa ovrr with a pattern of ballet and with all made a far the who into hit ware tbe wikw be obliged to an much admire ff the wifely Jerotlon which kept her from Jiob widow no tool fibe the tore enough but hardly the filled op ordered 14 empty It ctia the from the old flb baud Then they a i l wUttaot It fnif to rfi4 LMl ViaiTV3arta 710 ArrptJ we 1 1 i hit nrarlj en of avrd to t a ltd if not coal J ftixtj to to U Lata April NICEST IN TOWN T FOE THE North flair of hair tl Lot o the a Alfa laat lot darnel w barn and erecie thereto on a aocaj road lUnrt ifcTnwT All tan la are wmi payment I lcea7 la he Thwq market For O SPRING 1 LATEST PATTERNS Pat lafiwae GLANCE i TO BREEDERS hand welt bred If AT THE PUT IN STEPHENS NORTH END CAIN ONE POUND A Day A ISA IS OF A POUND A DAY IS THE A MAN WHO HAS BECOME Abb AND MAS TAKE SCOTTS EMULSION Of LIVER OIL WITH Lime A Soda is iiststJAu This ANDOVXR Palatable as y Physiciass Scotts IS POT W SALMON Sold all Dice at and ftowm Bittern Bottled Ales Porters v Sleoiuans Copland Browing Ontario Bias English Ale iqta Stout Bottled Champagne- Native me Ginger Wine Light Sherry Wine J Brown it ir Excelsior Port Wine Old Fine Old Claret pints and BOTTLED LIQUORS FARMERS A llereford wJljrrw will bo kept or aentcata lathi lffll J03HPII KITliULY WASHINGTON Seagraoia 7year old White Wheat Worta 6year old Imperial IN Irish Tom Cairndhu Scotch Booth Co Tom TT Ir t Victoria the of the And Bur- ISO bu who to tbo Luna Tb cat tbo HI Toronto be from to p in bud at p 1 gaV Of CATARRH fcJdtrdAiaaiUorfllfcttiJIMcBBBr THE undersigned have partnership and will conduct the STOVE AND I Formerly carried on by Wright in the old premises FULL LINES far mIo to ftuch an extent lii for Ho out moving wfcff and took it ftvmy flutter in hi fcnti of hit creditors or filed a clalui for and are action of It A q jUcurlt ft wKiirj 1 1 u a VqUji lit re rater- of ftuotbriUioga coo- tbe not my I to It mi a oto alltt lUUfta a lotjlt of to pot with Mm icuatMbv hi to lis fl jo If he to lift J ai fill th lib bill Co LINIMENT for bovenl my I lo brat thing know of for bono flili la the wo it for every purpose that ft adapted for it being recommended to by la to Dr J For tonally I Gnd It beat of I ever Proprietor it Lament yoo Id I io J I flpititf Why iprricriptlon thi- cur rfarjtc aod for de1jiraJ rootlet for Ik void a jtdfi if aid linih An lo church ko to Home go their lieaar ihpr go Home go to go to heir ctotbet Home go to bear the olbera like go to go they Mtny go to hear aagn re flectloria lew to hatp col tec- lloni i A la a thing of and a joy lor ever tot where of youth- Col health the rosy aod pearly breath of catarrh Why it la time that I he bought Catarrh price Tfali would curv catarrh at oner and aavu her ore If not Hi No la for an whin It ana IrVily at STOVES RANGES AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Coal Oil and Lamp Goods We will make a specialty of Furnace Work and General Jobbing DRAUGHT LIQUORS la equally large and up to the standard for quality a A Call Solicited of Main Sta Mar aa J LIMITED LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Mr Peter of the Gth con Whitchurch near Pine driving other day when In patting through a swamp of hi look flight and ran Away fA apoyrfKy corning a Mr thrown out and received injury The old gentleman la of it to a a par ticularly If llio former a tine Yet rule J fa Tto ptucd through a cork llnttfdlVaMlJflOuit ith a pair of laid of soft woo a cork placed lop penny adhaniraorVarldwri a am all tat AjrOeork prevent from the Ml J to the or any Colo of It coders the ground die corset It is perfect in shape and fit is boned with Kabo which will not break nor roll up and if you are not satisfied after wearing it two or three weeks return it and get your money FOR BT DR08 Mrs White who for yearB taken a leading port in the Methodlat Choir was lately presented the congregation of that church with a beautiful gold watch and chain and a very complimentary as a alight for her services TOWNSHIP Or East Court of faevieion IlIK fiM Billing of ho Coorlof for K4t 11 MANSION SHARON HUNT ititVlftth to a ma teed Mid for it I 90 I of wbtcb the fa Mag thai of which la Cry for fro Saturday Mo30th OK a of rliulnl A HE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SASH AND BUNDS THANKFUL FOR THE PATRON AG K OK TUB PAST WE SOLICIT A OK SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES a THE Wffl CANE SONS MFG CO i Positively ifyt Qwllil A J arawrlni llowcd distant NOTICE Ml- frarn PUREST BEST W I IhUa lyjKi4li nrperaoiiaIiavloircHlnuiliuh of John Allen I- faiat Wr K who JIM on or its lh day of April JWI required on or ore T of June To by to Lloyd WMfl 4roi W ItunirfSl of John Alkit a liavf retard ChlmiiS atrlnTiUalj fril totlsTtttlkl Any 111 1VO ira- La IUI AaVa Una itn FARMERS ja aal I It M7 CATTLE w a J i lDENHB- z rn 3D m Preserve Tour Sight BY ONLY FRANK of tttro of it Spectacles and bfXD for TMit ft tod over never and AT Catarrh Catarrhal chilli at Vote Throat iho NoH ANY QUANTITY OK OLD fi NEWSPAPERS itSALEaUhlofflc AT PER POUND fat jaa 1 ni til JP HI a fat I 11 illiWJl A aUl lfti ttaffOv HI J airifi ala aaidrtaw ta Ttrft- aSta1 I lAUatlait4TaapjriitlUhji4wrnBafural tlfajttt AaT ifU 1 ailM art iaVa0 apfcli rati ll fci Fa 1 la Mi Ilia 1riA liiiH ML trail I ala ittiiLMffH wlw4aUfAUftt la- a I aUwV AftMmarastwrfriUwaUnlrA 111 I III Vlflat I ma an MlaanUaaanUfftfUlWiafaaallsiimaX TirVlklai J i YjuvKaiiuimltiiii B B Burdock Blood Bitters ft print rtgrjUliDTOWtraoTirtiltfcaorgiU of the Hood tiil It CURES All blood humor and from a r itlaeomlJoeawiihlUunriraJIfdrignUiu and aocraUons of akin as a0 tha SKIN From to two will ra blotches rash Wttr and all Iho forma of akin Prom two to four will care or ahlngles erysipelas soaaaoaTOimmgaoreandBJiWoenipw- Ik la that ttom aba DISEASES nearly aeavatd falclaiallj I Itching bat thia removal of the B3 lo yet and SCROFULA DUNNS POWDER wailoaiUoKaaoflifo i wiU a treat rnUatoD is to blood totarf action of theaters and to open of lh to off all dogged and lions allowing loaidrco and fail BAD BLOOD t of kidneys J We bottle of Ihani also bo glad to send formation iba of a ha shore on to a

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