Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 May 1891, p. 2

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4 Ft HA MAY 1891 I Hew Advertisement j New Millinery J Mailer A Ox I Bile American Drags Mr Mortgage Sale Moor leaden Wanted J A Tender Wanted Dandy A To Breeders to Bent J Hit Bow tor Site Thompson TRUNK RAILWAY IT in Till m up I- BRIGHTER WITH UCI FRIDAY MAY fj Our Toronto la future nob be Etch daring tio put Or five fcu a growing attitude of on part and of bu following the of thou privilege In certain in the part OaUrio la matter look like preparing for coed next appeal to the electorate of on the Should to be ultimate the next will be both bitter uid and the character of Hod- Mr reply to Mr Merediths speech on the above motion mmi to confirm the notion that he too ipatoi a rittng agitation on this in the near future He moved the following as nbititnte for motion Except u provided aeciiom and Acl Act outlined ill be or as In my for any altering Tar Of or power or of tfaii Act lair Id or held bad of bribe of Id either of Roman atfarata or matter or thing pertaining to or iuld amendment carried on a vote of to and the raffled that had eo unexpected disturbed both aides of the House quietly and lha In to an qcjmaa j- cat In control to pmbbinjp Indem raocb InMlbtthsNP tort both pat together The are and dolefully bemoan Mr bird time time fa ih nun a of Indemnity rt not i to for tiro pay more thin can home la and yet aretUtwrnul Ink Drops Moon it will giro of Mrcary tomorrow Day Serried fa Si bat Town next FnbUc School fig an Id bloom almost oat Tbrto mora new Did cat in yal I nearly over Clnb prattkft Monday down to work i May will bo the day for for May which hem before Mao dooalL Peace will tamo or- Mr A lata of Ontario fiurcaa baa beta appoubed Director tiittAU crated Acs became law lure an to in me at Domin ion Liu 91000 to all come ruj I ia mere on hotel tbU year wilt of bylaw Ontario prorogued on on occasion la A man named John slipped a loed and falling between the on itr lumbal and waa pick- ad tiie ekoll My A who an given at Smith to lecture ncre Monday remanded 0 to be tried a WHAT B TO niTM week a roll pigs of kdu Id Detroit Car riot Graph compare now the New York Illustrat ed papers Th bill in Parliament to amend ejection law now tble Prorinco in to Assembly rii ooo man one vote A Ball Club waa week with McDonald u President and a ice left lake week the earliest breaking Dp for a number of year of a The Enterprise fully on of week Quite a crowd present from and count Sharon On Friday evening a benefit concert in the interetfe of Mr F Hilar will be given in the Temper ance The object of concert to enable Mr to a Medical appliance to waist him to walk At this a worthy object villagers patronize it ion only Miss ha left for Iowa to her suiter Mr Anderson who is Mr J Lindsay at present Arbor Day was observed by the school children The grounds look much better for the raking they received Mia J is visiting in this week School Report A PRIX ORDER OF MERIT IK I I HILL Lb Ms Be 3rd Eliza CUrk lied Jr licrt is Jr Jons Jemima Paul EAfUod Absent only Coop Ads Emerson War- del Alva Lea Jones ft3bertischeif8 A RLE TO RENT Apply to J St- OH SALE and eh old- mo HORSE ft of la at Neir York I ait So ism bat jTolftioDljta are tbeir own people to on this and Ibe play one agaiiut the tbJDfta art foe farortd while rank nod do part It is declared dinner by lord Stanley on tbo of of Parliament at Ottawa fictottrtr in people away can pay for J l- A Legislature On Monday the work of the lor year to a c1mo JUeuiv to hundred iwiii la and the House week while by a the work to by the wartuet debate And of acaaioix On more than one uneipected happened notably tbe caae when of Minuter of Education for and the Jio Jaw catue up for it4 third who have watched the of by will bare bill quietly iu fciigea and JiaUyto receive of without abaiktxl during entire aeaaion new bill in in nttd not jualitictlon In acnoul Air- moved be out and followed a warm Cat boko Me bill nu law MACsttuacXivojaj it liard line into tbat iliuuttr of not be a of virtually tlut the be under A on po litical and tbo leader following to or iuvwi baa or bow allien ifluuiae feea MttlariMi drying iWauppta 10 and to by UtatnclUitf Aiuciica Act any act or lav turn iA power Of my or mat by Kt or to dlaecniient to tAeta and it ouiltutio of tfipaitiMot to ftobo to taxi to be of to la ibett excepted and add bill be n4 reed time bat be tWtbwatU of to eo to ewb wltbla lof tbat reached a toUie a ttAnd on to die Thz Ontario ifooday Daring 111 law The Speech of eon- and their home largely a brief or reference to and to which ha had given royal went Dominion on night laat till flext Monday Wnga holiday and little can be done nnlil the are printed It thought there wooli not be time Icat by a abort A large of Ontario and mem- beta will thai be able toapendnegtSnoday Accoediko to from the States cold map daring the beginning of In damage to the fruit top Ice in many from to At ice rai an inch thkk and at Boa- ton cherry and were in full Mo and it tbe crop In parte of young wheat and ware cot Toroatoe own may yt make a good tabulator but be get down from to Of to amend the to A Hardy Mr to keep the poll open from oclock in until In the promptly And then idea beautiful In theory but practice It enrich the the repeater with new op for Bailiff is in Mariposa this week Mr Prank Roche Toronto over Sunday in Ion of Anion Sunday with Bolton and eon of towel in town and Hoover a couple frith ret tired aboro Timri Mr Sunday with asn Irwin of Una place Ego clerk ci was in town week celling on old friends Miss Roberta and a gentleman Mend of Mount Albert were out this way lut Sunday lira John Allen left for a threemonths visit at the on the Del a wars coast Mr W ol Bgattsetudio two or three weeks holidays Perth near Mr John mail carrier left for on Monday where a more situation was awaiting him Hill condacted fn the Stonffrille Sunday John Gardner taking work here of Mount Albert was in town on Tuesday has no ex- yet of retiring hie journal- v Mr J if has been almost hid up for past three weeks through his foot and Mrs Millard is from a my attack of neuralgia ar of Toronto spent Sunday with his Mr Chsa Armitege who has laid up for the put four weeks with Icier and la now on the meat Iter Dean of Si made Father a flying His stay was abort and unexpected few of bis old friends had tbe of greeting him Mr brother of the of this town was here on a this week and admired public works as well as establish Bradford Re Rill of the here on Sunday Ufa aermona were refitted by large bad pleasure of listening to him From the diagram of teats In the of Commons for the present Parliament we that the member for North York is honored by a portion the front row with Mr Charlton on bis right and McCarthy Esq directly opposite Three Newmarket students P and Millard their Coat at last week the degree they can practice in that the School Is likely to receive present session of A motion will probably be made the for not Ills to the MIL Inti mates that there la no truth that Liberals at Ottawa Intend to change front on the question In which case it Is will experience any special should the mo be mad- Liberals more than aerratires stand to the principle of autonomy and It is not likely they will go on their record in this regard Hub The member for Yorklsatklog the to reduce duty on or ft the present laftD the duty now paid on this article Is 25 percent or two cents pound Mr the doty too to our and eo price to farmers also a change the Judgfagf by made by Hod Mr to Press ft It ijot the fa- tectton of tariff Tuts fish sod gtuie and in clubs hare forme for the of fisbaodgsme sections the laws are fairly well observed but the Stctctor remarks just as toon tie open arrives this great reseire by who get the largest all oar lawk View of the kind of by our elgbbori and if Ontario people are git benefits com- with the protection of game our ft Mil preeeriing game for oat- aiders to a Una book pj to this week were paid In on spirits to the Department during present quarters of a million nuts year previous sod Incrtsaa nearly on cat j ago The in during 15W about half tha year IMS and the gf fact that m the for our years prattous to bear of but year reached an I for Canada Captain It Mutton and family of the Solvation Army paid a visit to friends neighborhood Hill Mental and Spiritual Improvement had a meeting in the church on Friday evening May 1st A good prolan provided the chief feature of which was a debate Resolved that Abraham a nobler character than The on the affirmative were Baker and and the of ilies Jamie- son and It Perkins The de baters all did remarkably well The Judges J Seneca Bakery and The given la favor of the Negative that a nobler character than Abraham The next meeting will be held on Friday even ing May Franklin- The annual TeaParty in conneo with the will take place on Monday the of May Several prominent speakers been aecured for the occasion tbe Mount Albert Band and no will be pared to make the affair a complete success dinner and tea will be served in the ahed adjoining the church The have been busy sowing the of late and gardening la in Friday afternoon a broke out In the roof of Mrs P Sinclair kitchen They- had thrown a pan of the cook atove and aat down to enjoy a chat with a lady friend who bad dropped in bat In a few minute they were startled by the cry of fire at the door Mrs who had been in her garden saw the flames and called her husband by who rushed to the apot and by the timely assistance of young they auoceeded in potting oat the fire otherwise the might have been aerfoo as the wind blowing a stiff gale at the time Mr Allan Johnston has to thmtll again Elder preached on the fifth last Sunday Several of the Methodists got fooled Sunday morning They expected the Quarterly meeting would be held at a but it was not till p One of oar young ladies became this week It li another will soon follow a light ml seen in unoccupied on the Fourth Monday evening It is a prevalent idea that the student will have to lookout because the Doctor apparently means busi ness- Oar village Band is getting into excellent shape and will soon be able to play out On Wednesday evening April a meeting of those interested In the game of football waa held in the office for the purpose of or a football team for the season There was a good attendance and A lively interest manifested The following officer were elected pre E Jones Vice Pre Barnes Sec Captain Williams Corresponding Williams of Management B Ward a Hopkins Dougherty Burnett Hopkins first general practice on Wednes day May 6tb After a few practices the team will be ready to receive challenges Garden making is progressing Straw bat are to the front Many are seeding Arbor Day was observed in the school and a general cleaning up took place Mrs Peer of Norwood who has been visiting friends here has re turned borne Mr Jones and family of Cedar Grove made a short visit home with our Reeve Mr lost a yearold colt last week It died of diatemper Mr Jacob Bold bis driver It is to go to Bahama Islands in September At the last meeting of the Metho dist Quarterly Board the following read end unanimously adopted Resolved that we official board of the cir cuit hereby take great pleasure in expressing to our esteemed pastor the Rev Mr Large our very high appreciation of his labors on the Circuit during the year add we also tender him a Cor dial Invitation to remain as oar pastor for another year pledging him our hearty cooperation in the work of the Lord on the Circuit Mr preached in Meth odist Church Sunday evening The football held meeting for election of short time ago and every thing now is In good running order The officers elected were Hon Pre Mr John Ardill Free Mr Geo Fogg Jos Turner It Large Trees A J Milne Captain Treasurer A A Smith and Jas Milne Afield has been rented and outlook bright for a year of The Secretary would like to arrange a Match for the or May or any other date A scrap match will bo between those under lbs weight and thoie over It next Saturday evening The dog been upon the docks undergoing repairs Jim Is In for Style Mr Geo is working on his new bouse He has secured a very desirablo eight on Mala Street Mr S Largo returned on from Toronto he been attending the Medical School left for Toronto again on Satarday Hist Ethel Pearson has been visit ing la Newmarket and Toronto during the put two weeks It was bard to decide last Friday evening which was the more to li admired a dashing horse from New or the smiling countenance of Its literary driver a MO MAST lb Edith Calu Robs Evan Shier 3rd Oscar Barker Jr Carson Allen tod Violet Qlcaoo Br Part 1 ton Allan AHao S train Jr Part Walter 1st Henry Swain Present day Herbart Milton Annie Allan Paired To Class Lopard Barker To Freeman Allen Carson OAllen To Jr IT J Teacher ft- 2Ti I VAST ltd Victoria Sr Jr CIu9 Moore Soil Webb 2nd CIU3 Emma Part Mi Scott MAS A due Imported Hackney IbeNonh Hew- Tilcsidajr Ibow lotrrojtcd 1q that not M lot TENDERS FOR Watering Main Street Will bo op to p to- MONDAY MAY 11th 1891 Tendera to bo for doloff work By Week or by Day The Any lender not accept ad Id Cbalrmaa Cool TENDERS WANTED FOR ERECTION OF A BrickClad Parsonage For the Kb iisajj re Br Jeaale Jr Clara 8r Cook Clars Lacenbj Annie Jr Bker and Sr Fart Edgar A- Jr Part nMlanla Williams Sam Stella lit Lemon Plpber Milton litHjrbara Hopkins La Baker Elite Wag Clara IaaKaby Williams Top per Alto Willi Mary A Lemon- XL Teacher tO I QWjlLlMBUIiT- Alb CIai Draper 3r Etta Chrialy Winch Edgar Draper Howard Jr Fred Pollock Frank in ii Louie Dm per Ethel Warren Jr Pollock Loo Pollock ifortoo Iran Mann Carl Morton lit Sweoi Draper Fred Pol lock Attendance Arbor Day Mr J Mr Draper and Mr J aided teacher Kbolar the not yet no tic or Sower made SEALED TENDERS bo by the up to THURSDAY For the erection complete of a in Newmarket or the Christian Church Plirjjand be aeon at of J- lowest tender nut accepted By Order J A COLLINS of Box POULTRY SUGAR CURED HAMS In Aleo Potatoes Cabbage I Carrots and other Vegetable Order care fully and promptly to a trial Main St North Room for Town Council May RejuUriDeetiaT Prcaeot Mayor Scott Pretty and Starr Following bill were Hill pipe to Una Timothy J for waters or ka 939 re do ceUaocotu work labor HI Following bills and were referred Satberland Urol Finance i and B- Realtor to Fired Water Cota to Market Com I Pump Co to Fire Water Com a with power to The apetl grant to aid In a gmnd on the Fair Qronndav and of appropriated on condltfoa the Agricultural Association erect a Land according to by Tho petition of aod Main St granted work to bo dooe bytonder of the Fire and Water Mr J A on behalf of the Public School Board Mayor and Council to attend at the corner atone of now model Friday afternoon which form ally The Mayor lteeftfj and Council- lore and lldbertaon Wtre appointed me tuber of be Court of for year 1891 and the Clerk lattractcd to give the notice- Tho Hood reconiuieiidiog that two competent mm bo employed to repair eldewalk generally as toon tender for lumber are cepted that all future Main comtruoled of cedar block- adopted The Committee repotted hat fo of with Cotter her left arm broken walk examined and interflowed Sheagrooa to accept Ilea of a poor depending earning of and daughter for the recommend that the bo settled said portadOtVtoda The Fire Com reported recom mending an allowance of to the engineer for night work at alMthat to ra mora the door oppotltothefurnaco struct another door for the convenience of pitting nd out alio fence off a prlrateyard that be to water pipe Wright Co Jay pipes TarryH and at Hie adopted then adjourned till next Monday lag MORTGAGE SALE Of Boose and Lot Holland Landing UNDER and a power of tale to a certain which be produced at bo sold by Public by Joseph Hotel In the Town of In on ATI iia 201b of Juno ISOI At is oclock noon following freehold property being a part of Lot number one the first of township of In County of York on sldd of Street Holland Landing cou thirty four perches and to aforesaid which lathe for North Hiding of York- Hook number for village of Holland Land- loir of the day of October A Numbered There It A good two brick on lot with Swell a Rood cellar bans with alnblo anil lot Is In centra villago The will be aold subject ton price or bid dated by vendor the time of site For further and IS Vendor J Simpsons Store commencing repair to our shop wo wish to get our goodsreduccd and for the next 4 THIRTY DAYS Offer most of An goods on fannd at VERY AND Patent Medicines nsuat White Paris Powder fresh and sure kill to Insects bus atci etc Davis Fly Poison Pads HACK Mrs Simpson THIS MAN Children Cry for Notice tafa been I raging In the Halifax Sale June lot In will take at the farther is Ja- Burglars from last week took ntno hams house Barrio Aboat7000 emigrants arrived at already this year from many points in Northern a frost on night which did damage to No Mswnlrks on Court isd BIX tit P cot ihr will sold St IbBjlAUl At oclock- Ten I May J CaaaAlsnbjed Clrdaadala Young Dandy gsaaia cm it It CATARRH- a a HAS A Ok P nk in paper to tho Then If the Ink strike YOUR EYE Jul Wo our We want you to read our ads and wow jour trade A FULL LINE -OK- WATCHES them la any kind of a Wio you OUR OP JEWELRY SILVERWARE VEItY COMPLETE My Prices Ad Reasonable AND ACCORDING TO QUALITY a lo Bod how cheap tit jou Look For This Ad Each ATKINSON Jeweler c Mala St Newmarket OUR STOCK OF SLIPPERS Was Never so Large as And Never Better Value LEADING HOUSE AND ONE EXECUTORS NOTICE to of HO of 3atutea of ihM nil creditors again Estate of John Allen of Town of County of York or aboot the day of April required on or lie day or To by pott prepaid to market of Job Allen Of lutUculareof at- find nature of by and nolle aodaficr the aId of ISO the Mid deceased bo entitled thereto regard to the notice any Ihereof son or wboiocUimi not bare bad at STORE BOTTLED ALES POUTERS brewing P J MAIN ha of iUrrbtUlooofeaId Dated at Ihfi day of II DAVI A Red Pan containing money will be rewarded Or Ing at K0ENTS Von can buy a foe bottle of Wit Sew MiChlneOU warranted not tori American Hotel tflt ASH ERY STORE -FOR- BOOTS and SHOES for L than OK At MONTGOMERYS our Tea worth fiOt P J 0MALLEY MAIN STREET PER DOZEN for any kind of per and organ at Store American TO hand noma and Bulla ST cluriatr land In lh Con of Oo Iota IS and let in cm or oa lot ANY QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS BALK at this AT POUND OR SALE- A New Piano which to meat our Satordey night and worth will take for IL Come quick Is not to be bad every II HOCUS CO HOUSE TBHDRRB will owned and forme AND LOT FOB SALE te by the Monday Hay nib JJtllla 1loJ n Pane Av by Corion- ia In a growing pari of the town to CAKE MONEY it per on DAVID LLOYD tor tiktng Agent Mir c Alto ftirent for the follow lag and the Veto B RUN TON BROS iiFMSA BOOTS SHOESi decided to- make a great our Boot Shoe Stock as we find it large stock of Boots Shoes consists thousand dollars worth of the finest So the trade guarantee refunded and customers can rely on quality every pair of our best makes NEWMARKET al

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