Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Apr 1891, p. 1

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s fKJ BRA Friday Morning GEO JACKSON IT STEAM PRINTING HOUSE of En At expect SUBSCRIBERS GIVE TO KNOW TO UTTKR AND TO ACCORDING TO ban CAPITAL WO BUT I aw K0LU NORTH YOKE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER I ft Median In County A d cola rtiih liuinictioM Vol XLNo 12 Single Copies Cents Each i Newmarket OntFriday April 17th Strictly in Advance within or at end of year Branch A ALB V Inters on Deposit DRAFTS At mm s pi I OMAN J lo good Farm ff Block jjr to loan A Solicitor Si next iOSir TO LOAN ON GOOD leant lAin Iho IWOfflce T filCftjftlSWKV MARSH p CAMPBELL DR A J- if Acfto street and Life MONEY TO AT Oflloo FOR JHataal At Old Offlco Cor J To on Water Street All kind Clock AIM Very CliMp- IS AGENT or Lcw0bo Ens- Norwich Union tiocX Low Rale yam Rilke and Town Property Wright Tin TORONTO- t Beatd by lad Accommodation tor all not for York luring CCy April 17th Weve a tbat almost national for and Childrens Man Ilea and this spring it being well maintained The Short re beyond all comparison the bright- and choicest of any other and we to have an almoat stock Prices we neednt speak about Its that should be right but in more tbux anytbtog else tho mast be rigbt Oar of the in Canada Oar is the came T THOMPSON SON The New Mammoth 136 to King St Member frtf Uthlkal fiodctj In isLOt K NEWMARKET or promptly ai tended OUST A A Oxide Cm it tiroes I TOE ACCIDENT frrtfdrnf in America accident for Aurora vicinity at l be conveyancing loan and A hie Denial no- loin- niock fit for Ton cm If a to Hat you cannot bm drink Yen Mod a fool you make him think You From mom till Bat cant a If any Ton make a farmer Of a who the mi yon mar mako him plow and plant who and haw and no to blow and only son Prefer lb girl ho met in To your on Too might as wall twitch off the For bra it lord of pall And beside it mora That yon how yonrvdlf Von cannot a Let htm black or whit Of man know frnoogh To cipher or write Ton cannot Her the Though you may better to You caooot mike a parson Of Romeo Hi And if on eter do Youll wish you only And to of your tinoukull with all things may expect bear Until iho kills And Romeo prayer Iks The Gospel Temperance Society hold a meeting in the Methodist on Friday evening April Mr J Daley Reeve will an subject How to aeon re prohibition- A good program of readings recitation and will be provided The executive of the Whitchurch have meeting in the Methodist church here on Satur day at p for the of arranging a for a conven tion to be held in early in a Nwnuktt CANADA LIFE ASSUKASCE CO AND FUNDS- 10000 000 DOLLARS WHY i j his work It far superior- ho lo iho bo where her cad Ret W BECAUSE ho and crap WHY do to brio to ice work w much Ms and employs but workmen NEWMARKET STORE SPRING SEASON our collection of natural well worth a visit and yon villi i bo made welcome AM- iiriiilfHJipuiaoio and rcrrblfiifomlwoyari- J North of DEALER IN AND SHELF of Constantly on Hand and and other Mi to bar DRY CORD WOOD Proprietor HARDWARE THE OLD- v Buggies and Cutters RELIABLE TIN SHOP HAS CHANGED HANDS ConeiBting Forks Rakes Hoes c Carpenters Supplies Builders Hardware Carriage Goods c Galvanized and Barbed Fence Ready Mixed Rubber Paint Try our Daisy Churn Jacks kept for hire wlJl on hand front time to full llrti of the of tltnc ice at Wood and Coal Stoves wo Mill it at Ato a of etc at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES Work And cd4na Id cfulyla dour ofit attended to wit QuttnitUle- PRINTING at the STORE FOR ALES Bottled and on Draught DIAMOND WHISKYStricHy Pure PORT and Imported AT P J MALLETS MAIN NORTH CASH GROCERY STORE FRESH IN JEWELRY CLOCKS SILVERWARE -HILVEU- A FULL SUPPLY OK FAMILY GROCERIES which wo will cell cloail liviugprolit A trial P J MAIN NORTH KNIVES FORKS SPOONS 0 0 AT LOW PRICES A SOURED for Infante and Children 1 m to u ill Bo T Street We give a showing the loca tion an interesting novel en terprise which is now under construc tion in Canada Toe proposal to ships by r has been nfJV notably with and the adjacent Honduras and Nica ragua routes the ship railway is the first practical attempt to communication by means of railway The narrow neck of land connect the province of Nova Scotia with the mainland of Canada has long been considered as a suitable site for a canal to obviate tho long and dan coasting voyage either by straits of or that Capo Breton island a saving of some or miles respectively The route has been- surveyed by engineers but heavy cost of cutting the canal add the practical connected rise of- tides some twenty feet at springs the bay of have prevented the execution of the work The scheme of Mr for a ship railway was finally adopted and the Marino Transport Railway was incorporated by special act of the Dominion Par liament with a share capital of 000P00 and an debenture capital of Tho Canadian government in consideration- of the advantages to accrue to the mari time provinces and the intercolonial trado generally granted to the com pany a of year for twenty from opening of line capital was raised in London and a contract made with Messrs Meiggs Bon for the work Construction was commenced in September Sir Foo ler and Baker tho well- known engineers of the Forth bridge are associated with sir in superintendence of works which it is expected will bo completed in autumn of the present year 1891 The principal portions of the great work are now approaching comple tion The map which we give shows position of the railway and the greit saving of distance to be effected by of tbe new route which wilt moreover permit the ass of lake- going vessels In coasting trade between New England and Canadian porta A basin 600 feet long and feet wide is constructed at the bay of end of line with a to enclose water when the tide is oat Treading from basin is a lifting dock by feot containing twenty bydraulto presses for lifting vessels with their cargoes height of forty feet vessel is into position between the presses and immediately over a grid iron and crodlo the whole being then by the lift until nils sup porting tltera are brought up to level of rails of vessel and which rest on wheels will then bo hauled by hydraullo apparatus to railway track The extreme weight proposed to bo raised is 3600 tons the gridiron cradle and a loaded vessl of tons displacement or tons register Tito railway is a double track seventeen miles long perfectly straight Rod on almost a dead level rails weighing 110 to the yard largo number of wheels carrying tho cradle will tribute the load so that each wheel only carries a comparatively small burden Two locomotives one on each track are calculated to move with case tbo largest vessel proposed to bo carried across at of ten miles so hour On arriving at the terminus a reversal of tbV pro cess will lower vessel to water level the whole transit occupy ing a period of two hours It seems proljsble that when the of the system has been on the rail way the transport of ships by rail may be adopted on several routes for various reasons water ways cannot be provided Theoreti cal objections to the scheme mean time little weight in the of the opinion of the eminent engineers who have planned and now superin tend work and of tho support of the Canadian government evidenced by guarantee given the capital In subsequent numbers we Intend to the details of remark able work la booming in once more after ft hard winter It is reported that a few new will be buit this and among hem there will be built here summer and will be a hen house which will be oc cupied two thousand owner taken a contract to supply a shipper to Parties are quite a boom here late ly One took place on April lab at Mr at which hun dred were ladies of this place have deter mined to make a big here in the interest of temperance We them World A Lost Treasure The hidden treasure legend with Lake In a way more plausible tban it ia with any other of the tboound and one throughout the country may interet oar readers to learn of tho myth as reported by one of the fint of About the year a aeargetnt by was on hit way from of government at York to the military poet at with tho pay of the stationed there The money entirely of coinage as bank in circulation then ud it conveyed a keg making a load of considerable weight The usual route through Lake Buncos by way of Holland Landing was followed On their way up Lake the officers were overtaken by a fierce storm and they helplessly drifted out of their couraa By and by their little boat began to fill with water and their only hope of safety was to cast the keg of money overboard to lighten their load which they did in the vicinity of Inland To this day tbe keg remains it was fiuog on that occasion the officers in vain tried to recover it after the storm bad gone down Some anxious once consulted Peter Melon- the soothsayer of that vicinity a to the whereabouts of the keg He assured them that it would be in shallow water not far from laud all attempts to re cover the lost treasure have hitherto Tal mages Busy Wife A OP TBS BUB- Mrs Is distinctly her hatbands hand and details of his busy life are looked by her saya Edward In The Borne Journal She is a bavins a rare ability capable of easily handling a of at the time of Dr daily work is planned and laid by her makes his pastoral and social engagements and all bis leo- tnrinft interests are her hands She know even better than be Whenever a is to bo made it Is she who lays the route procures the tickets and state- roomi and attends to all the details No man perhaps is so many annoyances Dr by hia wifes foresight and ability The rear apartment of the second floor is Mrs mages working room It tastefully famished but more with an eye to utility than ornament ation In this room Mrs Spring Buds era has a fair on the of April w of Cedar and Miss Ella Terry of Hart- man called on last week Mr of called on friends on Sunday last if Fairies found in his flock the other day young limb which weighed pounds bitore it was a day old Who can that We were sorry to hear of sud den death of Mrs Pollard a former resident of this neighborhood buried at Mr has this week moved into Kennedy a new on the corner where he has opened up a general store About two weeks ago a largo num ber of young people gathered at air Walkers and were very hospitably The evening was spent with music taffy to the all The Y P A held a very successful last Monday even- The leading feature of the pro gram on the subject Resolved that Daniel is a nobler than Moses Both aides of the subject were well debated and the decision was given in favor of the negative Air a young man came into our town the other day and carried off- one of our fair sex in person of Miss Mary The nuptial knot was tied at brides fathers on Tuesday the by Elder Percy Tribune ier filr fa preparing to very handsome residence on the corner of OBrien Ave end bolder street If the structure is built according to design Mr Under bill will hove the finest looking reel- dence in town Mr A Gilbert and wife left this to make their resi dence Toronto Some of our readers may not be aware that Will had joined ranks of the benedicts nor were we Saturday when wo were informed that the nuptials celebrated last Now Years Messrs Stoddard and Williamson here ell- last- week purchasing heavy horns for the Scottish mar- feet They sblpppd one carload on Tho prices ranged from to and was paid for an exceptionally team There money in this of horses as for is more extensive and constant than for any other class At the Toronto Presby tery of StouflvilleandOithol were into charge Thii change will bo to ad vantage of both Thn meeting on day evening was largely attended over present Mr Munm of Toronto a telling address on The question of which tie defined as immediate prohibi tion of the liquor He Is a very impressive speaker and was listened to with great attention The a duett was in good stylo and highly and a temperance ad- the form of a recitation The buyers paid out for produce on market yesterday Tribune Memoirs of a 7- Rev tbomas Williams of one of the oldest surviviug pioneers in these has begun a aeries of interesting articles in the Jacket giving some of his memoirs of the early times iu It ig almost to say that they of great value historically Itn reference to the facta of it tnay be explained that in local parlance the term fort is regu larly applied to the storebooso which stood on the Willow Greek and to the post at the mouth of Notts- River juat the cluster of government buildings at Holland Landing was known as fort bury Although tbo writer of did not really give the name fort two places he has been the Grit to put that name in print to avoid of clumsy roundabout when referring After a few introductory re marks Rev Mr Williams writes follows Settlement made south of Lake in North bury near and about Roachs Point in the early of this century if not a little before In early Bum morof there largo clear- wellcultivated farms old look ing and fruit bearing orchards and many old weatherworn buildings and I remember also meeting grown up young people of both sexes Who were born in country All region north of the lake remained an unbroken wilderness a real terra in- to all the other settlements until the war of tbo fur traders alone traversing it along the lines of Indian travel The moat frequented of these was he Portage or carrying at the head of where now stands point where waters of the Riper would carry canoes and baste This was shortest and most direct route add most used communication between tho two Isles and Huron beig only a short nine between waters It most have been used from very early tiroes A road for wagons was made on the old Indian carrying way bridged and Storehouses and logs their Hoots of flatted logo and strong doors were built at end of the Portage with one or two dwellings for and for general accommodation Meet of these constructions were standing and In use in 182425 when I was familiar with them Tho storehouses at the end were quite large as large as farmers good log barns At tho were not so largo of stood in Barrio till or It took from which Mr Carney had stored in it Tho dwellings at tho a of the storehouses on high dry ground the shores of the stream being low and swampy There never was any fortification hero not even a stockade When I knew the present alto of In there were two pretty good houses of logs with a good chimney of brick in tbo of each moat of her time It private den All the mail that Is left at for it taken into this room opened by her It not mo unusual thing for the postman to deliver between and two hundred a day all of which pass through Mrs Images hands letters are answered by all tetters that may be of no un pleasant or annoying personal nature are destroyed A day in Mrs mages home would be a revelation to those who believe that the life of a mans wife is a succession of pleasures dotted with a pretty compliment and there with token of While many people are yawning and preparing to break their nights rest ia already up opening first mail Break fist is promptly at eight oclock Then the family separate the wife begins to re ceive callers which alone is a task It is a wellknown saying among the neighbor that the bell la never Alt kinds of peonLe must ba innumerable appoint ments made kept pastoral work of the largest church in Am erica must be looked after the de tails of J score or more missionary with which Mrs Talmage is connected have their demands and in addition to all tho household of a house and a family of grow ing children All the appointments of the ran go house in Brooklyn reflect tho woman wbn presides over it in furniture or decor ations is absent and- instead one aces a harmony of good on Mrs Talmage is an ex cellent housekeeper and her home it At Out hay kILs at and per ton Graham Bros of lost a valuable Clydesdale Stallion the other day from inflammation had a sensation last week in the closing of a supposed street which leads to the waters edge Some sneak thief entered Midland Baptist church last Sunday afternoon and stole the collection the plate Hector McLean ft farmer was walking home from to on the track Before reaching he sat down on the edge of a culvert where he was struck by the steps of a passing train and instantly killed Barrio people evidently ap preciate their Institute Rev R Burns recently presented Institute with Ameri can and Supplemental Annual all volumes and each of Banks sra to the fund township council last week broke up which was causing so much annoy to the neighbor Pleasant combo and her two children were committed to poor house at market but disappeared from neighborhood daring the night befoi the constable arrived with a convey ance to take her As the midnight train on the North Bay branch of was rolling southward at a lively rate Thursday night the called out wbertupu Dan Sutherland a passenger on hoard arose from seat rushed out and jumped from rapidly moving car alighted on his head fracturing his skull and died in about an hour I i I Sure Your Right Then go I If you have the Catarrh every preparation that doea not euro you only irritates and In creases your suffering Begin right by using simplest and only rem edy that is guaranteed Clarks Ca tarrh Cure healing is felt at once and a grati fying euro always follows its use Price cents If druggist tries tosell you something else send tha pricoto Clarks Chemical Co Toronto Now York and the remedy will be sent to you by malt first class keep Clarks Catarrh Core It is reported that the Grand Trunk Is trying to make arrange ments for thorough line of boats from to If they succeed the will be put on route The voto to he Asylum provides for completing putting in steam heating Ac and for furniture and Women not slow to compre hend quick Theyre alive and yet It was a man who remedy for ailments man was Pierce The discovery was his Favorite Prescription boon to delicate women Why go with foot in the grave suffering In silence misunderstood when theres a remedy at band that Isnt an experi ment but which Is sold under guarantee that if you disappointed any way in it you can get your moony back by applying to its We can hardly imagine a womans not trying it Possibly It may be true of or two but we doubt it Women ripo for It They must have It Think of a prescription and nine out of ten waiting for It Carry the to them The seat of sick headache Is not lo brain Regulate the cure it Dr Pierces Pellets are the little Regulators Manitoba Wolves Srlhrk April Mr of Throat shot at his door the day a wolf ISO pounds It stood inches high and measured feot inches from to root of tail and the tail was inches long Mr it largest wolf he ever saw Several of these animals have visiting the neighbors houses and killing their dog Threo dogs wero oaten up on river in day Mr saw three very large wolves while going to River They caoie feet of sleigh and the oxen were so frightened that they ran away tearing to pieces he bad to mount on A report from sand River says that six wolves attacked MrC followed him two miles He says thoy kept within feet htm all way and he so frightened that his hair actually lifted cap off head Ho knows of two hunters being kept up in a tree two days by sixteen wolves at the foot of a tree It ap pears they dropped their guns in order to get out of the way of the wolves They managed to kill four someway and the rest eat the dead ones At Rice River a pack of wolves was seen a few days ago Two young were out getting wood with a dog and sleigh While going to house wolf came along and ate tho dog out of the harness The two escaped while was at his meal There have around here and they very large Leisure Thoughts If you have any talent for either the useful or beautiful use it with judgement not to of ular duty but as an to keep you from drifting into vice and Many are saved from indulging a ruliug passion or destructive habit by spending their leiiurn in cultivat ing an accomplishment whereby others may be elevated and entertained Happiness does not consist of earthly or In distinguish ed positions for both perishable but in the consciousness of done an act that gives to others His the bright smile and hearty laugh that warm and gladden It Is coldness and neglect that wither and destroy Georgetown Is moving for Water- works telephone has at last reached greatest triumph in- the establishment of a long distance Una between Paris and London under a sea French and British and bankers can now converse with one another freely from their own offices telephone would be d even more extensively than It is if the royalty on It were not so When the patent runs as it will after a while farmers and stockmen can talk all over their estates by tele phone There will be an interesting at the next Division Court held in About two de linquent to World will face the that auspicious day funniest thing about is that neatly oft- worthy sona of a great and giortoua- are wealthy farmers i who have no excuse for their backward A The Bulletin that a wjfo in a got a now girl from the country The first Sunday ruistrrsa paid that 4 she could go in their and when the girl went Id- church she walked is caniposedty right up to the pulpit and to utter amazement of the congregation sat down on the pulpit sofa J7 Among the of the of April was a or of invite to a card party Mitchell for which many preparations had made by before the hoax- was found out In St Thomas tbo Jank and received daintily perfumed notes makiog different pointmenfs with lady There was a big Exodus about and a dejected procession returning at Bros Company of Brampton is in liquidation The employees who who given to understand when the were down October that only tempor ary and work would again in February or March are most of them inadeatitutr deeply in debt to the merchants having remained in enforced idleness for over five months sS Mr Oliver near Ming aware that foxes in his neighborhood laid out tempting baits well saturated with an ingredi ent that not entirely conducive to longevity The following rooming when wont he was surprised slain scattered in all direction and he gathered In no less than foxes Some of them very large and the skins were in good condition Foxes numerous year and the are turning in many an odd dollar by catching them The Owen Sound Times Two young men named Frank and James Walter Aged and re spectively were committed to on They were sent up from Walters Falls by Justices of Bowes and on of cruelty the having caught a little saturated him with lurpen- tiho and on Qre of tenon is excdingly days in cane of the and days for other April A largo and Valley Canal was held today when dobgates met from all parts of tho After In which the voico of meeting was shown to be unanieiously in favor of the of the canal as commendid In the commissioners re port this resolution was adopted Moved by Col by Mr That chairman secretary by circular that the wardens of Counties of Ontario Victoria Peter- Prince Edward York and Hastings tho mayors and of the Boards of Trade of the several in the said counties do form a deputation to proceed to Ottawa for of urging upon the Minister of Railway and the expediency and necessity of placing under contract the propoaed Trent Valley canal a by the re port of the torn Won including the Balsam lake section and arrange for a day for the deputation to go to Ottawa at

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