Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Feb 1891, p. 1

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NEWMARKET ERA- I Friday Morning GEO JACKSON STEAM PRINTING HOUSE REACHED SUBSCRIBERS I GIVE MB TO KNOW TO AND TO ACCORDING TO ALL Medium la the Connty NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER I Vol XLNo Single Copies Cents Each Friday Feb Terms Strictly in- Advance or at end of year ONTARIO BtST Newmarket I Interest on At KATES DRAFTS ISSUED laid PUoantfd J BROOCH is secamr iBH J Fire and Life TO LOIS AT CC8HIKT KATES Office tlbtPoioace Feb 13th 1891 w Etc yir on ygg X Block- a Ayies solicitor Friday P tOlS OS GOOD Milled Ave Newmarket AJ fl A6fntfn W Venbfr siett JIwnirlt A J P sod PS P A TERRY KSrtiT Newmarket Oxide fli RcrohMZt AI i bit the Office Block ft London Mutual Owner Old ReglFtry tod Lotbt A A AGENT Norwich Hag- Royal All Slock LOW Rate RJsLi an J Isolated Town 0acOvcr Shop HOTEL ilrW Terms I per day AccommolaUoQ for frus meet billiard pallor Toronto for be kept on Hardware Store supplied time Era prom attended to THE OF NORTH President In America luiiexctutTelT General Agency for Aurora at iba ami J and Mortgage od NOTES ValtiatloDfac TO and Collected Old Federal Halo Is Rear of Constantly on Hand and b1oxl Mlrif Lumber CANADA LIFE 0APITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS A and CLEARING SALE The list week of bargains in every de partment It will pay you- There- is money to be sired by attending this Clearance sale Boys Overcoats with capes to now Eoglash Overcoats with cape to now and Tweed to now 5 and Odd Tweed and Worsted Coats to now each T THOMPSON SON ORON The New Mammoth to King St A CLEAN SWEEP bare said it- The we it the fad Sock CHINA CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE la We lot and O 3D want to have all cut an J see Tea to I re i lI 4 at ASTONISHING PRICES of erery lion at Chb Swhw StI Seta aud iltfcriftion at of tvfote every in way of China is t GROCERY DEPABTMENT Folly alwajs and iricra as it Ab UbU A Our 30c lrl for COFFEE COFFEE If joa a cop A Im tired of m I cm be My Theroa no wit in ti6 for tap Its ax between An and An Main bottom wont lj Ac my u Im tired ft tbU bib It like ill First en then An loo little to ajwllor I to that a ill day An I thongbt prettieat mother ft Im tired ft welkin Bat darent iit down to For doctor iid this yea do year beat to low baby I do day little an eik Id cry away mother If yoad to whit I said And not been inch a Hymen to IfyonditayIrightberewitbfonrmotbef An to cook wouldnt be at With talk on tale of woe You had baiter Theyre the An theyre to rede With a common that eoaod Im ftoing to make tbit baby Do is An aint to Jet her get minted Till fifty or old the horrible bite fleeb A Hasty Confession for 11 Dolly ait op me I maynt be home till lata And Dick Everett capped and to bis wife Must yon really go I really go bo repeated face Yea you ridiculous darting really Why 1 Ob of I I cannot of really fior try our yon it uc to after in force two J DRY CORD WOOD Proprietor FREEMANS WORM POWDERS Contatotbelrct It ftite ftenjpU NO 1 AND WHITE FISH CHINA HALL R A SMITH NEWMARKET FOR- THE A 11 iiri hits fat V utMi A CO LEADING HOUSE ALES Draught DIAMOND WHISKYStricUy Pure PORT WIN ESC AT P J OMALLEYS MAIN STKKET CASH GROCERY STORE HAVE on Mod Iho Largest Best Stock Of flWTM County of VERY LOW FIGURES It be of pari JOHN A PULL SUPPLY OK FAMILY GROCERIES Always In stock which wo will tell at living profit A MAIN NEWMARKET BENTLEY rft STORE FIE in of Pure PHARMACY Town i and A llt the loll Alio a large of HEAVY ANDISHELF HARDWARE Toilet and English French and Hair Nail Infant Tooth and Gen tit mills Should Braces Poll Lines of Confectionery Patent Medicines Spices freshly by Houses stock of and Spectacles In Town ROM TO AM TO ASH 8 TO 9 KM OK PAINTS OILS AND CLASS FINE CUTLERY for Infante and Children w njrtU Uo A OOUM CtTlcm V vo break dear trifle guiltily With whom Good heavens I what your to be- sore Dont trouble- pretty head with and my- pet goodbye And say Dolly back and patting a furry head the door if in search of a jab I just wish youd mend my overcoat I noticed a big tear on cars ita an- ugly tear Will yon And to this rather disconnected speech Mr Dick- nodded smiled a bright ncqoifscncc slammed behind Dick And she glanced around cozy homelike room only Dick had not been obliged to go out and such a cold night too The burned brightly cheery fire in the was a bed of golden coals the clock on the ticked musically To ward the crimson covered table on which lay a pile of unopened mag azines looked two wistful bluo But the bride of nx months shook her dainty bronzebrown head with resolnto determination and rosy lips repeated the hackneyed formula Doty first after So accordingly tho little hands laboriously lugged and hauled Dicks big overcoat into the room- turned it over arid commenced their occupa tions smiled softly to herself for her thoughts were pleasant ones as sat and sowed a rarely pretty pictures the glow tho childish figure in soft dark dress and muslin apron busy hands Hying briskly through their task Tomorrow will be my birthday and has forgotten it I know How sorry ho will be when I tell him tomorrow And as she broke merrily into OomingThrotho Rye French conceit on the low marble mantle struck 10 She smilingly with needle suspended to hear the merry waltz that twinkled out from the littln cupids Her task tioished she turned the coat over to if it needed other re pairs and us shedtd so a small square of paper fluttered from an pocket and fell upon carpet bent forward and picked it up with a low laugh Which of friends is clontly foppish to perfume his letters wonder I Then she turned it right side up mid looked at it Ami she saw what Nothing very certainly Only a thick sheet of embossed paper stamped with a monogram In and gold incomprehensible as usually are A womans letter written In a pretty scrawling Irregular hand un mistakably a womans song died on Dolly Everetts lips the soft bright color faded slowly out of her face grew wider and started as deliberately though almost Involun tarily she read the words on tho before her The rah I you dread fully sBp away be for too tat QeraUr In of all was all but was enough For a Dollys blaz ing ataVcd straight at tbo fateful shcot though would it up with their t she flung It from her as though it were a and could sting her Who was woman who dared to write to Dick her Dick J Yes told herself with an air of proprietorship only crashed her hands tightly- to- diamond next plain gold circlet cruelly as a suspicion leaped to life in her brain with a low moan slipped chair and crouched shivering against the great shaggy overcoat Her fears took tangiblo shape What if he is gone to moot this woman first time ho bad evaded answering her And bow guilty and hurried he had seemed ho horribly happy and light- hearted too I A thousand words and glances before almost now flashed upon her snatched again and looked at it It dated the evening of that day Ob Dick Dick she cried wildly how could And I loved you go I Then with a sudden storm of she broke down altogether smd iDg her face in crumpled overcoat wept as if her very heart break ing the graceful figure shaken and convulsed The fire burned low in the grate under a coating of grey ashes Now did not pause to listen to the silver music Footsteps come along the sidewalk op the steps a latchkey tamed cautiously in tho door neither beard or stirred- In hall Dick paused a curious smile on Dolls as sure fate I He divested himself of hit and overcoat and humming a popular air turned handle of the parlor Ac white I tell you of the Goodness Doily whats tho matter His song came to an untimely end as caught sight of sobbing shaking figuro on hearth rug He took one towards her but sound of his voico she bad her feet with crimson checks and dangerously sparkling eyes Stand off sir Dont to touch me 11 Great heaven Dolly in di rect bewilderment Dolly mo facing him a tigress dont daro Dolly Dont my name so soon after this Edith to whom you are Dick darling Dolly Can you find no other word with which to defend or vindicate yourself except the repetition of my name This list with calmness temperature had wafted round from torrid zone Have you mad slowly If I have find the cause there Scornfully sho Rung him the crumpled Ho snatched it eagerly and read every word i did you got this Dolly There I blank astonishment pointed dramatically at tumbled Ho glanced from to the coat from coat to note and again to Dolly was longioit desperately to steady her heart and steady her voice suDiciently to ask how bo liked Gerster just to exhibit a piece of stinging sarcasm but she could nut to save her life There was a blank silence a mo ment then Dick walked over and picked op the overcoat Hark what was tbatl Not a J laugh surely Yes a laugh I The maddest mer riest wildest peal that rang from lips on stood Dick coat fallen on floor his hands on his hips and laughing well ho was Dick in faltering Yes Dick Oh Dolly its best of the season Ob my I i And then ho roared a mad schoolboy again Dickitelt me Then seoing white anxious face he grow suddenly grave Dolly did you look at I none He showed her tho that had fluttered unnoticed under table address ESQ South street Dolly did you particularly notice tho overcoat A tremendous No I 8eo that velvet collar buttons this I Is this my Wont there be fun at tomorrow Jealous of Dick But Jupiter what a reception I got Oh oh I Dolly Dolly Dol ly Its beat joko on record And Dolly joined him merrily for alter all not the sweetest laughter that which springs from tears York County Council DAT A report of the Indtutrial Home this bar it depart from the role of log dry goodi tender and taken from wholealo dealer the dry and am tbe each hi made with a large age to comity After a good deal of dLacouioa report was adopted in of the whole farther the charges into the of Home Mr Woodcock bad heard members of coaoei had former third at the while the cooncjl fie a commiltC4 itirejtictc it fault the cut of for not the book out ex change for sod he told of a report be bad beard of the Kiting empty to Mr moved the of hyw bat allowed to Bland mitil after the eopeiiutecdent Oh Dick my dearest forgive mo I No no no sobbing in his arms now My darling Bat bubbling again into boyish laughter what a glorious To think that I should walk homo In and that you should mend Dick overcoat Wonder if his folks going through my pockets now Whos Edith Ills sweetheart whom ho has to sneak off to because of a for midable heiress staying at his at present to whom his folks try ing to him He told me all about it Dick shy arms went around bis neck and eyes looked luminous through their tears Vm never going to bo jealous again Im going to ask you where you were tonight with triumphant heroism underlaid by a stratum maddening curiosity My pet I was jutt to tell you but will speak than can You sen 1 had not quite for- gotton what day tomorrow would Ij to i Ho hod drawn a leather caso from Ids pocket and touching a spring disclosed a act arid necklet of mllk- pearls on a tor quota velvety bod Oh A long drawn breath a rapturous lighting blue oyca a of and then well when got through Dick thought himself well DAY of the Cooly Home ieioiided to third request of count council today iu the of which are run Ibi north of the The first i that the cups on lbs farm Ate right root the ffur fire jearal Mr lrwia expleiaed the of kind of which correspond with the facta the port lbs oimmifiioDers the bome which hare Woodcock It is sail that tbe ii full of wild It i ill so lorx u aiding crops are raised I have cleaned not Canada and the pretty well Would it be advisable to pot in a rc3t crop arid boy and ctto I Mr not wbrther that would be a wis Woodcock you ajapted toot No the land too hare difficulty in grotriitg Woodcock It Lin you lure bnn in Ijibit buying on be and at a wio I but Iwiio I wot re It that thin lilt it it fox jour I truer No I I I to too be tutted bat it not for TbU a of air the litre Yon And k it mi J Ihit vititti of the tbtir hone at tier come to Mr- Lloyd did we a to do Mtue work I to lud ffben be vet at the council repudiated Ibtl iotniin tbe dome alloffM lo do except fa a for Woodcock It that let the go out and giro no Of Ha utbbook if 111 Woodcock It that your arIolaw three at your oclock one and look away a load of and do of the entered atbloH of kind took to my Woodcock It laid or at the borne aod no of ft Did Mia I hula there but the left virtu a Mr lo Mr very merely but log of Id merely brought cut tbe facta that died they were ceme tery there wee a balance of lolhecoqoty after Will- Urn bating left raouey to hie brother at Ihe borne be died Sir tenia denied that he away cabbage celery to Mi tatter on Kate a of fcr the keeper reciprocated with a few that be tomatoes the day fair Mr admitted he wou email for at the with but tho of be of at which be beaded out to the county ended and de rogatory to Mr by Tyrrell and carried Mr In reference to the perfectly but en of tbe In council a tie and It fell through Ad attempt inidi bate a commit to Ike manage- effee u report to couucll bat felted A bylaw and a committee to airaogo with the city of Cheater were all from council to Bond the A bylaw granting the of of to be distributed cultural the county Council then In tbe noon memhira the ar A of Victoria trending Ontario to The and committee to the titer of to a dairy In with tbe Ontario Agricultural College property re- ported recommending action to be taken Id referenda to number of requirement In of and calling the Warden neediest repair of roada The request for at not the of King la dealt- condition and her will to Ihe county poorhoue there to the power the to compel payment of the woman hating a large turn of money in bar potter aiou It finally decided that the be ultra A by taw was confirming the action of council of louokipality for Hume aod were the of repairi to York Mr again the of a lutioti that ib county iMvt all tolli Majiiu w The lit 13 to A of by ilistierifiira the it the for futnit act iiesrj liter appointed euitii tee to adjust finaocul iheconoly town of out of of towu from the county Mr Rstcliff tho Home to a detailed of revijitj in connection with the tierce during lb year inch be in time for tiouatlhe Jaunry of the m Council Moved by Mr nod by Mr tbat keeper of In dutfialJlome bo with a of blank and that to from parehaeer of at goods farm produce the Home or a receipt allowing quantity of ni alee aiiue Cai Valentines THAT WILL HOT TOMORROW Bennett of Mount Al bert a widow left to chil dren lost valuable horse twt Sunday from inflammation I quarterly of the circuit was held in Meth odist church here last Sunday morn ing Rev Mr Smith of Park- dale preached a very eloquent and Impressive sermon after which the love feast and sacrament of our Lords Supper were administered business meeting was held on Monday afternoou when it was de cided to dispose of parsonage to and purchase the property of J forth aura of Miss Maggie Lemon has been III for the last week with quinsy We hope alio will soon be around again Mist Miry Sutton is visiting her Mrs of Box Grove Mr Andrew Henderson who has til for Iho last three weeks wo are sorry to say Is not much better Association has been organ lied Mr David Pretty is confined to the bouse from Sir of is homo on a visit Miss Ida Banbury of Toronto has been visiting friends In this vicinity Miss Mary Is suffering from an attack of Inflammation of the lungs Revival meetings are still being continued tho Methodist Church by pastor Rev Mr About two on Thursday morning of last week blacksmith shop of Mr Fred Meter was dis covered to bo on and help arrived the flames had made headway that lb was Impossible to save anything fire is supposed to have boon caused by a spark from cinders A portion of the tools psssed through the fire but Mr will consider able as ho had no insurance on the He expects have a new ulidlog at an early date concert company visited Al bert and last week McLarens saw milts at Ot tawa were morning causing a loss of over News has reached Winnipeg that a Englishman unknown baa been eaten by wolves near Poplar Point K The authorities said to be using torture toextract in formation from political prisoners Poland The will of the late Martha Winch of Holland landing entered for probate at Toronto Thoestate valued at was Berlin an order from Peters burg on tli ground breach of contract Gen John of New York has been invit ing of the Ship Cinal t of Mr Piter his of It in 3rd of Kini tn Mr Walter Sctr of J P of was Ml Ottawa Friday by an ox pur on PaciGc Railway wliilo the trick Mr Mivp vh pub solipo on Mind after ihronco of year his returned a till again At week Miss Ella cirrird le for lady skater Lura first prize of ledys A train from Pint- to Fort Kilty col- with trail- Two of iho soldiers killed several other persons were it lured At J of to firm year in Mate prison Jinn labor for letting on Jul et of a revolt by the on the Island of in of belonging gea Tho garrison tlie up rising An orphan de stroyed by Tiro in Mosfv n Wed- Nino wern burned to death and so injured that it is feared they will Seven nirs of on night into lay nt the aion the driver of which Ind facii on his engine At Kingston last a Toronto prisoner in tho for incest got being part of his sentence Though the J blood out of his bare hck ha never flinched Roman Catholic Anti- Slavery societies of Europe will hold a general meeting next week in Brut- sols to consider the present condition of the African traoY par- tbe Red Sea in chil dren for harems Havana pollen hoarded a steamer yesterday to bandits A fight ensued in which of the bandits were kilted in cluding tho notorious Montelongo and one was captured Two police men Andrew Douglas ngrrl 70 was found dead In bis brothers barn at Pickering Monday morning with a bullet hole through his bead and rovolver in bis band On tln body wan found arid receipt from Charles Stark for a Ho left a note saying ho was tired of life Saying Unpleaeant Things There is a certain claw of people who great satisfaction fa saying unpleasant things They call this peculiarity speaking their roiuns or plain speaking Sometimes they dignify It by name of tell ing the truth As If truths most I unpleasant In order to be tract no lovely charming gra cious truths in the world And there are why cannot people diligent ly tell these making others happier fot the telling rather than hasten to proclaim all the dUagrecable ones can discover The sum of human misery al ways so much greater than sum of human happiness that it would ap pear the plainest to add to the latter all wo can do what lies in our power to diminish the former Trifles make up this amount and In trifles Ho the beat and most frequent opportunities It may aeero a little thing to tell another what is out of In her or posies- but If the information is and makes her nobappy It clearly an unkind and unfriendly action Bazar- At Kingston last Saturday Davis an 8year old lid was out sleigh riding Ho jumped on of a eloign with hay Attached to Another in front By means ho fall tried to get of the way and run over by tho freighted rig I In was instantly killed Tenth Annual Conven tion Township of Sabbath School Association was held in the Methodist church concession on Wednesday and Thurs day tho and of and was numerously attended consid ering inclemency of weather church being crowded every ses sion It has been years slnco bad such a winter as and they dont know how to it While four or fivn feet of snow ara pteled off an American rail road track at the rate of twentyfive an hour a fall of twenty Inches has blocked half the lines across the ocean and caused hundreds of factor ies to shut down On of tut week tho of Bond Head and vicin ity shocked by audcVo death of Mr For some time past he had Wen in failinn health but felt well enough on Wed nesday to go far and attend to the cow Mrs thinking his absence prolonged went to see what might be aod was to find the lifeless body of her husband mid way between the house and barn it

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