Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Jan 1891, p. 3

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fat IS GOING S OS AH Sunday of Whit- SJiLmM a effort to it- t oBtioa at ft Co The annual meet- if View Cemetery Company oo tie rafretbg at its at afternoon to The nut meeting will be- held at or lire If Cane Huron street on the lost at Be We rolls 14 A S Saturday K Toronto Siial5ceci trouble At the Forsyth Mr Comely fell iC both bones lie nut ankle It aod Jesse took will probably him tart Terrible A ebKftaiitti Bad one in his stocking fct fflfn qcwlicned about boots ha them and hi Estate Mr precised vacant lot on Mr J A W Allans improved it already by Ho irti to hinted lot or toon lf A l ffi the architect ii which tbo roy bo ready if to will be fer2flfrtLew6it Shop Owing to a fliukil on ho T cin j rcini tod il We Somflthir- P Iff look Life and allowed card tbuka- Mr J it- ot for The of ii I1 pre a en public fi program will rftii tic all of minion- be very inter- A looked for Mr Jin lock of North York in lb not ftbill remain in ctHlbeereofa but be to ai With will be at on I at Brooks Hall Albert diet will be the A specially at Oar Sttariif loocbei Black- A Geo- I SibUth and tLrj Onward bat I will in it on itaixirht i a and of the the heart HiifiYjcconTuidijeFeaiajtij to arid mod a AH are Yokk i of Battalion proficiency lie he If aij a A a Very Mitch loy tfriktrkvmt ffmUt it at ma feirSlyJ it a lrlt with a good Soto d aud not bird to aapojttUraa at fc old d m he mem y Vfc hi lb tk tr otert fcctJitci and Wi hi At tVir la took Xt ioiil bit Vorle i liro conjured in t wry oBerl i lfijotal of ft MBBlllM sff ft they RJJ An riftaiU will i will A fri a Aifiii -it- Inthft l Wi in fun V of lO It A of all Brigada la to taia In Fire Hall next for boil A Bad Fall Bridle fell off roof In TownahJp of King a fiw ego ft of feet bank aired him from fttrlooa for mealing and concladed the for the Wo hate not room week for the proceedings The Co The Major re- ccir4 word yeaterday that the charter for company granted and ft meeting called Stockholdera to elect ft Board of Director See Pauls a S The en tertainment took place in the Town Hall Monday and well program appeared to good faction and tbe were delighted with their The tbat there will bo a large torn of the of tfae York Society next and that they will elect from among lire repreacntatJTe board to direct affaire the coming year Sea ad The axe leaned for as toreatigarion before Major on Saturday afternoon into ft charge pre ferred by Mr Strotherf of Mr a neighbor for Injury to an imported dog at latex the cue wa yeaterday Goobt Day A of the took place to New- market hut bat there were only on tba docket and tba cenrt adjonrned between and oclock In absence of Jodge Morgan feme- of were dlecherged by a a and Torre of Ex Mayor Daniel of Beat Cel ebrated and New baa returned home from am ex tended torn of world Read thia paper and forcataw ogne Fatter wbo bu been id of of St Job Church bers for and baa been in np well property received intimation of ft pro bable appointment to a- more It not definitely known bow will take place hoi It expected the gentleman will preach two farewell here next Sunday and at Bradford in the Buries fob 189 A few lines Tit left both In office and pocket Call early a to tba for North York moat be paid in advance or paper will not Geo at North End for good fignretoMr Cutting of The Mission Band will meet at J P Belfrys to morrow afternoon There been tome big heads on New Years Day ft nearly when one ofonxbotela Literary at Mr Ellis next BonTon Fruit and Con- fecUonery Store la taking a League Following elected for tbe J Gardner Manning 3rd W Sec Wallace T three delegates were appointed to at tend an Ejiwortb Conrention in o School Books Arid school sap- plies Largest and beat to town at Lowes North York Ikbtitotb to local pica Id we are obliged W bold till or a lengthy report of la Friday and b tbe fit two do doubt to it ley tbe ot a distance well at North York or to fuming plate stewed or raw at ill boon at Stone parlor Bowdf old or T A baa load from Meet it lut a time- wire elect lire J Tool Aurora ffleter Pice Joboaoo Autos fltp ilHUlu Vmodorf Brut- Vandcxf and an Battalion Hand bed a kreak tlxoe Kte On the they tbeieiMeooei of Mayo JlcViqu Heat Woodcock Cauclt lore Brown the Bind bom tbejsea who were tMuUl out the third election wound the with ft re Hinging crepe op a a trick not a trick man wbo crepe where there wee a Friday Mr Sim npldly fa or the longs attack tirt day a be auk till Mtlnck on Gordon from Michigan In io be by ht A year a by an to of Mi obtained a the of foflneera and waa of irirtn an Important railroad took at the raddeoe soon and largely attended J Bell audited by Bet- iDecatied waa a gnat admirer of the and had taken a great many it tbtrefora fitting attend in in Cemetery with the beauti ful memorial being read by Bra A a great and to be cat off tbe prime of life it a of and to know that made and then hope of meeting in the world where parting be no more Barely yoang people of Newmarket have bad waning to off preparation for item till Old age or a more foj at ft J W Ink Drops It rained till lata at night I below Saturday Monday What Society Is Doing Ifr John of of We are baring fino no bright weather on ha many Cant do without Cbnrch by Howard to their an- npper Saturday a moat excellent time Is reported with to Mr a member of choir Among were In Town on wen Bell John Gain Kelly Cane and of Toronto John and Arch Frank and of Mr J of lira wife of J of the Presbyterian church here been at her mother Hamilton foreeTerelweekj In a health She baa not impiimng and Mr Bell bas gone to be her Bar Smith will occupy the pulpit in Wo hope next information concerning Belize health may bo of a more character FINE vl Il I I I I LI I I I East J Mfttift aiijtae malpeopU fain ibiiiiihdU out Hath not i JrtUirlvfMbM Urn J ffr oelxV and U rttr at To Tar Town vyA con left or annual of Ibis Church In The was as Mibfactor hiog a on hand mors of ladlss of tba congregation membership fro rtdod to 0c of fci dent VImPiJ Tit Mat Mrs Jackson Mrs- Mrs Mrs Chas and Mrs Floral Coo Mrs Mrs Miss and J Good Only lie of Toronto ft in Town SsTSralNSftifluket peope ball to Barrio on night Mr Cosies St spent Years In Toronto Mr Ben Coatee will at Trinity neat week Ufa Campbell of with conjoin Uba Mr A and family of Toronto the New in Town f Mr Geo Fierbeller for week be a school for a Mr Job Wales of Friday night in Town the of the editor Kir Herman Wallace of Bell over with his Sir Lsienby -V- Mr and Bolton of are speodixig the holiday at their grandfathers 1 Miss has gone to Strange to teach another year at the urgent of the J and Wife of too re the holidays with her mother His Reynolds Mr Frank left Tor British Col on Friday night to make borne In Westminster Mr Wright of Toronto father of Mr Wright New Years to Newmarket- Mr Harry Meade of Toronto la ft few at his sisters Mrs Geo Mar tin Prospect ftTery social time at Prospect on Hew Years Sign and Mrs of are winter with Mr McDongalL Mr Will of Ycoogstowo Haw York sUte son of Mr JosiBogart home for New Yew A day Sergeant leayea for North tomorrow to duty In the Monoted Police force Mr Join Btokee Co of Toronto with diagbtrr Mary and Annie Campbell of apent orer Sunday with their Mix Brampton Moore of title and Mia of Markbtu are at Family took place at on day and at Mr on day Mr Reform formerly of wuloTown New Day hailing old frienda Bey of preach ed In the two good orthodox Mr bride of Bell a of at while ibtir honeymoon trip J A family gathering of abjat CO look place at the of If annab on Hew Year Day Ethel Andrews of Mite Penrose of of Mr were a few Miss Elbe of who holidays ftt her Grandpas fitrecf to the on Mon day Dr T snd wife of New York bare been oyer spending with his mother and Ms of 8t retarned bom of woks friends and this K and Mrs R Band hare on the for time are feeling very miserable also Mr Geo Smith carpenter A party of young people ft jolly Mrs P Jut Friday night The flying visit to Allendale source of much Junction Ker I Hill A lbs Annette with great on at both seirlc Mr Martin of returned horns ftfwr spendlog ft week with bis grandmother Mis It Is riots He Mr Angus after ft very at High and School accepted ft position ft teacher at tp of Mr Alex Caldwell at tbe To- Hospital for four trestmsrl for bone In arm was op for few days and Proctor and Trlolty and Mr of Toronto who with Mr Urn since bit left for city In the city yes terday oo County In with the tension only on from North York ft lotimated from tbs pal- pit on that Alooio of York was down from with There was a big time at Sharon when they got the statement from each polling division Wilfred ad dressed the elector for the hand some majority of they had given him responded to with load cheers Mr Lonely very pointed on different subjects feeling very grate ful to the electors for honor they had conferred on him in electing him as their 1st deputy with majority Roaring cheers Mr Editor there will bo lobs of strewn along the roads Even ths bay was on the go before the poll was closed and wood is Belling well too says they fared well last year They got a new side walk and want new ditch along Water street so they can drain their cellar- this year So my boys look- ant what yon do this year for if yon dont hold your hand on these grants it will take more than Har veys to send yon there next year Some very strangely marked bal lots are reported There were some marked and Ratnsdeo sup pose they bare themselves to vote foreachof the candidates and they have taken this to make their promises good same was done with and Another ballot for Hopkins hid two on I think he was- giving him Harveys it counted With Trimmings to match The Best Value we have ever shown J DOMING IliT ii In Great Variety THE NOBBIEST HATS new AND BAKING POWDERS AND CHEAP w s purposes a singing in the Presbyterian hall her Friday 9tb We wiah him great ilia trustees of this section have engaged of Blake for Ho 13 a first class teacher and cotnte well recommended ilriJft of Stoyner home for the holidays Last Friday a large party from Rev Mr Large a pleasant surprise and spent an en joyable time at thd Be fore leaving the assembly made Mr Large a present of a nice For Coat to match and the fol lowing add not room this week Oar new teacher on has nob iJeen able to start school yet has secured an able supply we hope to him soon The elections are over and ho swarthy sonii of are wood why they didnt work herder for t Mr See Large left for School of Medicine on Wednesday to see old chccso7 Jolly met at the Club to spend Nlw On ac count of bad weather they were un able to their most intimate friends the Mrs and daughter leave for Toronto toJay after pending a few weeks with Pearson j The tan War bearing of bleu Poor and Ihoogbt that there might be no barm giving Utile the subject You of kllllag of Ball wily chief Ii by people a great mistake la clear be killed one of the Indian pollen baa been for the old chief for year I bad the of meeting dor wandering and tome teamed 10 be a inclined old man I him A port morning q an en counts United wiped with ten men and two The troop from Fort here on their way to a and fear trouble They are a very hard looking men are a marked contract to the well and well behaved and would appeu like a pack of tramps York There appear to have been tittle or no cause for Indian were jyi depredations were merely holding their ghost and It wm not the troop appeared that the trouble vary -n- to me bring a tribe of the agency and allow them to retain their was the case In lbs battle Deed Tbe reported eight men and three if yon the report In the Salt Like Tribune I seed yon by will see that they and two officers killed and fifty soldiers and aay now about the same j la feared that la the begin- along war They have left part the wnnlry entirely while Utah are two thou now holding and tbe Indians on at It alllt Will yon later Kind to all ever LADIES AND FINE HOSIERY AND GLOVES DRESS GOODS AND VELVETBEMS Departments i RE The of ranee held a on which a great Addresses given by Rev of Aurora and also Mr McDowell of the same place Mr also gave an Mr It A of and choir of added greatly to the of The Fox of King gave some very suitable and excellent selections of vocal and Miss Her tie Snyder of rendered pieces and of them Ye banks and brae of made of the Scotch Lea la to leap for joy Mr Thomas of Hope gave a reading Dr Coulter of Aurora succeeded in keeping excellent order On Monday eve following a social was bold in the hall and also success The proceeds from both amounted to nearly Now that and election over our hamlet has settled down to once more is as fol lows Mayor Boric reeve Wills Councillors Qto Stewart J Glass Win Brown and Lonsdale Clerk of the court and vil lage Norman It is rumored that the Grand Trunk Railway Co are about to build a round house at to hold sixty engines 9m Archbishop of Dublin denies that he the to arbitrate between warring Nationalist factions Frank Brown waa found dead behind bar in Chicago on Saturday morning shot through heart The theory that burglars were at work at tho drawer that he surprised them and shot him Such of sand and dost as are prevailing in Central Illinois have never been known at son of tbe year No rain has fallen in Burlington county for months The wind has blown strong and con tinuously for several days and the dust and sand Ilea In deep like the ditches The streams are drying up and the scar city of water Is occasioning great in convenience among farmers J STEPHENS EWMARK BOOK NEWS DEPOT p Vivian The holiday season was thoroughly enjoyed by the people of this place- Among the visitors wore Mrs Oliver White of Port Perry andfr James of West Toronto Junction at Mr John Held of West Toronto Junction Mo- Mr Mrs Wood of West Junction at A Mitchells Miss Lilian of Toronto at A Judging from thoepldernloof bron chitis prevalent our young people had vtrf sleighing prty Tho annual school meeting held In the school house re Dec was largely Mr If Jones wss for en term by a majority Mr of a son What people want to know Who the correspondent What sort of a chaErmab councillor makes When Jim is golug to get THIS IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR SCHOOLBpOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES have a good at right prices CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE r i Floor rrtU per lt Children Cry for Pitc Newmarket J JK TO a a ft a Pom per btttttel- a fl W IT a Short pop tw MOT OT roll Applet per IU Pork Beef I ftS If I is oiio OH a a a OH a a OH 0 ti to Clearing SALE A T NEWMARKET I lMff I a aw OW per pair- per lb a CO a a a a OH a a OW STOVE DEPOT Oar Toronto Markets I si I If ftftftl ftft tit fcMt mom Imwrjedt When they to dig well la Wheat par par per Ottf per Baiter roll Bolter tab par lb bag par Id pair INK a a a a a on tf sr it a i Off a a a a a a on a on 03 IIS on We on hand a Terr large stock of NEW AND SECONDHAND SCO a 10 CO pit a 0 a OS a CO a PARLOR HEATERS And both la wood and which we Intend clear at a Big Reduction on former prices We do not to carry eny of these stores possible if are wanting a Stove of jV It pay you to make you WRIGHT BOX A GOOD SELECTION OOTO ReadyHade AT A THE J TOWN GENTS FINE FURS Caps Storm Collars Astvnchan Coats cV Extra Value and Latest Styles OUR BOOTS SHOES Are giving spleuditl satisfaction them and will have no others all sizes Felt Boots of decidedly improved Terms Gash and One Price Only J DAVISON Old customers Rubbers andOvershoea XMAS IN- JEWELRY- CLOCKS SILVERWARE -SILVER- KNIVES FORKS SPOONS AO 0 AT LOW PRICES A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED ATKINSON Main 8treet F J WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER NOVELTIES 1 SILK AND pattorns and handsomer than ever this season TIES finest lot ev shown in town see and and wool NATURAL WOOL AND FLANNEL NIGHTGOWNS front and back COLLARS CUFFS BRACKS SOX ETC HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT Beaver and Persian Lamb Caps Make Mw the stock is complete FJ WARNER to Jewelry w J KT Sir John amaU of a farmer for in parber count Kansas of Canada new invention trayed from home and lost In lb snow Their bodies have been found children were to the Image on tho retina of and It hoped will proTo in detection of of murder r

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