rA k rEB NEWMARKET ERA JACKSON iT minting house MB THE TO KNOW TO 0TTSR TO ALL OTHBB A iKQAL ONTARIO BANK iff NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER I Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont FridaySept 1890 Terms Cash In Advance within or at end ST BrACII V AOBHKBAL Allowed on AT DRAFTS ISSUED at on food YJO Tor Court Sept 19th 1 a lo In a Coord Toronto a acrrOB labile Of fount t Block MONET TO LOAN LOAN- A P I RE AND Maw JT A out TO GOOD LflftVI A to el It liipectATNownintkt II 1 i Mil tt DR AJ ft a toll Lfidi ami 1 or CO A A BAMS AT JNOURAXCK London ttkg CmlffitDOlMDf Stock HOTEL bed rooms- lor X U tie- i J K5S A J or Hi talking pen for the tew about at Tiri Worsted ThfttpecitlpriceaATC 5 and worth We ex pect to sell every of thess daring Exhibition week the biggest clothing soon for Mens Soft arc regular tod Overcoat wo sell Leather Coal Rubber Robber Coat i Rubber and Leather for now ottering flomo wonderful Light Weight Overcoats for early fall wear T THOMPSON SON The New to King St E ORONTO VLop iCTT el On t in 0JTICKlftHEroMBBBlCM ALBERT lb of Farm t to roiftii at will Tor will to uito03rcii loUuwllleordrftfujilelenufaiia NEWMARKET LIQUOR STQR A E WIN Especially Recommended for Medicinal Purposes P J St North CASH GROCERY STORE TEAS A SPECIALITY Oar Te all creation Try it anil convince SelfSealers at Cost Main Street North Newmarket IT S I OK ft fit vt I LI bit Denial It block The Manufacturers Companies Toronto Ciiii 2 ind fofmtof ArcMfollVltl1Md A lentil Om Well llrctof Heir of Constantly on Hand- Kte Lumber THE ACCIDENT for t ud Aurora nd lort2tt tod NOTES DISCOUNTED- don TO Dd Account Mala CANADA LIFE CO EBTADLIdUHD -CAPITAL- AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS ALL politic sod After two er The Boy Who Helps His Mother- I weal iheuwl lit ltd turn of To mike a km re chwrfal o It to of A A oof mellow pleitat Ob lSl lb kind of I j I TbeA grand cow ioog And lb A btl of tun And frolic Th bo for So op be bit And ha Wbttlfiiletir tiled Why rc4mlb Wpiog tat to nd m To belq Mr ill o for fuo oof Stid little that I IJelp H jog ud Her iiQJ od fiU4 It me good of him kooir ihtro unit tor- Tike bold tod help ltte an Wbvisku statutes Boo rHSUCRof At lb NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT NEWMARKET STOVE DEPOT ART Hit ID IM BARGAINS IN SECONDHAND at bog to announce work that wo havo now hand of Plain and STAND HAND BRACKET HALL AND HANGING LAMPS SOME NICE NEW NOVELTIES A call solicited to our and mo MUSI FOR Coal Heaters AND WOOD COOKS PURE DRUGS CHEMICALS Perfumery Toilet Articles Oor SicHU t wwd lb lit illy from lb A AND PURE STOCK OK Paris Green Hellebore and Insect Powder JU3f RECEIVED DS WRIGHT tox- fox 10 to to Main Souths Last night I my feet my down for a rial see was all up bout fiotnetbin or other but didnt aoytbiu ha bo tern that has them two rod in checks an her black ejei a fidlidj 1 know batter I kept still an looked at her Hepajt iDBiLn when very mad bo straight to the bureau took a of thought thai fiough for to wear AvcrlASliuly that my a tool But I tied the with the whit to do you know what that No it to make a of contrast to the other 11 Well fthe body Ill tell you what it down by tbo tabic an op it looked right fitraigbt at let clip down on tho floor crowed my to for I This ahe which Im a to wear till then no otvtarin it any means that I believe in that it that women should vote and that for want vote too before I I opened my mouth but me a look that shut it up aq oat oik Ad I was a bom from store I run that made my Word boil you Ad- There was old widow Davit one of womou I over with her own son own hoy mark you to homo with her an not diigraca both Ho drank drunk for the first in his life an from a smart manly young feller a silly grinning idiot was hugged up to a lamp with hie arms around it an told his mother ho a- homo till poor woman my heart ached for her flu pitied that fool of a Frank too I help it I an tried to talk into bin but land I that lamppott know just about much he did no ilia poor old mother was fit to break her heart an at his arm that saloon Mia saya she attractive ono up town Oh think of of it ftlio helpleu arc to our own from ruin an At that I up an says thats so Mis Davis thats so an a to help you Ret Frank homo Im ftgotn to him up An shako till I was tired an I no mutt too Ha went along after thai looking o surprised that If it wicked Id ha lauRhed to seo him bull didnt one I awful mad an was a crowd ones gathered by time jest for a smile from to sot into a Ivo been settled that question with Hop I If it aifit women suffrage its women suffering and I dont bo lie la that they to I When I tee that poor drunken boy Adoniram I thanked the good Lord withy all my heart that our boy died ha waa a baby a Innocent baby I got out my pocket an a corner o apron an wo was both still a minute Wo scarcely mention boy bat pur is awful tender about yot up an ihe womens to fore log mark my they bo an well too how well let to Frank says I lots argna I dearly to argoBeo does II Now yon mighty well that Im opposed to womans ideal women want to run universe I women want to a in every pie I own a fiugsra would bo kind in a domeatio pie I understand man do but theyre better adapted for the pie politics Women go to extremes in every thing We would thank Lord in liquor business I as I a woman are apt to go to They be yon cant deny it neither I says the do yoa any when I go extreme in up an extra tot you Now saya I her mark a way I have with a to their own ila women duty to stay homo an on do Its the mission of women lo make homo happy homes would allthe in world you know flared up I dont know any each Look at the widow Davis as yleaaaot a home as one in this bull village an lets Frank all coco- ho Look at the books in her an the an papers she an the lovely organ bought to make borne pleas ant Dont you talk to ram I home happy right to make homo happy but that aint to save tbo boys Try moral suasion then I thats greatest weapon against the Appeal to a mans higher an try to into right up an looked at me them black of are the moat speakin ever Adoniram say the I am ashamed of you yes actually of a as you for a Moral suaaion moral sua sion moral moral suasions to keep the boys A lof a mother bin a moral will eftect til Bloomington Many are of potato rot in this locality Coughs and are quite lent Old seems to bo lurking around yet Mrs of and family of triplet are visiting with her mother Mrs unwell to hi Aurora Rev Mr Amos is and bis boon days The authorities of Method Lit hero have decided to have the thoroughly renovated and repaired On Thursday last a an rive hero from in search of a lad named Cooper who wanted a charge of robbery One night last visited uncle a man of name all Next morning it alono in homo short be the place securing in cash and watch decamped Soma previously same youth is said to have robbed another living in of a gold watch- brooch and For this ho was but uncle to It also to have been Cooper who entered Mr last during the abaeoco of tbo family and of money a and articles The lad is only of age sad very slight and inappearanvO but if all these charges true he is already a likely for tho baa not been captured Banker Hill As little neighborhood been so very quiet we will have to let the people know that the farmer around here are about through bar- vesting and seeding Quite an incident occurred on evening of Sunday lait A yooog man coming the south to see his beat girl found not at home- lit proceeded to church and find log her inside he leaned up against the gate post While there bo was accosted by a young gentleman mis taking him for another man when bo began to get a little fiery but was soon down- Take a inside and hear the sermon- is vititing at Robert this week toots Attractions Church to ingtng is that I am a firm believer in a congregation doing the To mo a singing church is always a triumphant church If a conjuga tion stfCQt excrete or partially it the of If when given out you hear faint hum of here and father mother in Israel the vast are and patient that minister of who is providing to if he does out get Is Ho needs not only the grace of Owl hut nerves like It is a constant soured of to mo how some people with enough to discharge all their duties in world when come into faouso of God hive no lo discharge their duty of I roally that if all our would rise up and siug as ought to sing that where we have a hun dred souls brought into the kingdom of Christ there would be a Witt in Home Journal dooikeepera with their an their gay an Bong an all rest Gods that pretend to immortal It aint at 1 I tell you Adonirnro youre way the times youro Hip Van Winkle sell Its law got to the strong arm of law to back us thats to count prohibition an you know it Adorn- ram on if you wasnt sech an ignorant old Republican youd be a man an vote only Christian ticket Stop I you neednt call mo an Republi can Dont I read tho Star clear through advertisements an all every week Id liko to knowl Now I myself on posted bout I lfepya lift upa little- ahe was of all thorn she reads every week To tell liepsy does keep up pretty well for a woman Says I Good land idea of wo votinl Why womenfolks is made to bo took of by tho They lo bo fiaya abo you men your socks I an cook your own on your own dishes dont You always tie your own dont you an put on collar Oh yea women inferior delicate little creatures not fit to bear hardship an exposure of hand in in a volo at pollal Poor creatures It is too bad I picked up tho old cat an begun to her I never say much to when alio gets on that sarcastic strain o hern Sarcasm aint a woman an pretty well gifted that way well wo set there a an bout womens votin All of a sudden wo heard a big racket outdoors an wo both run out on stoop to what it was was a dubious eight sure nough There wau old Jim Poller drunk an an an ravtn an him to lockup I took by the an tried to her go in but who wouldnt lleint I got as much right to tee you an your putty up as you to get an she I staid too Old Jim had got Into trouble up town Seems they wouldnt sell anything now hightoned saloon tiny keep it jest for boys JIeu got mad an busted a hole through tho bit glass winder When heard that aha Good I en I know meant it I Women as a it in nowadays to me Well we staid an watched that out o a1ght when wo come in eves was I toll you but didnt anything we bed an I dreamt women a it When I bout it said real Aloufram you mark my words that dreams a true But good land I I hope it wont WheroJI us men be should like to know when women get to noted for is- toiiciSDce lbt Ike of the When imn Atheos of much in her school i bill top bright for Hit gsusntlous of lbs pupils bllli fs city of of Kiog tVhtu lUircbsnli piSMd to of lbs wd4 lbs bills cd tit lbs tor- id of o J in fat giidj and fojukiog low of slffioiphcij the sod hunt now in tbestcresof for with sod a that Is is bom to so iioourtslily of mruibrocr Mid thai was gust stvta fr the bis dear old IcelioJ bold lbs record of being lbs of lit Stpbot ihtf rcipwl richer A for tike place proiccial of the broad Atlantic not inai life of toils I lip Id Mr ti at it a to ones sod maples la allrscUts foliiganow lbs slopes aud yield gu erous lbs The aatural tod pit for yolb has lbs laowd I tiro vies with of lis MiMil ad- logs to of aj with of every are now From ho a rate It etutlted to with swelotf The of lbs adoroed which lift up Ibeir faces feuoea while faicbU tad Pour inches of mow tell in last week Nothing of any in Manitoba Also four in Northern Montana Wed Seventeen Model at Brad ford Bey has arrived at Unkainyembe The coal porter sailors and firemen at Southampton have and four inches in Dakota Friday t thieves are but at work in our village and morn tog wo expect to hear a tew of brilliant have received a charge of cold shot in their during their nightly ravages as wo have heard some strong threats in that direction ffttton Steps are being towards establishment of the beet sugar industry at Oriilia Town Council has granted this year the East Sicncoo Agricultural Society Jacobs of Ram a an aged and fathnr of Jacobs died at bis home in Rama last Thurs day damage from excessive rains in the valley potatoes will reach During kit ton families for England America aad The schooner Tremble was sunk in a opposite Monday and named was drowned named arm badly lacerated by its being caught iu of tn- a ago Tin- crop at Gilford as iu suflVrexl severely from lh blight Moat orchards Kill yield fourth their average crop For to her lujuor fine Wilson near Hornby station was arrested by last Thursday and lodged in Milton jail Moot house horse broke the world record for high jumping at Monday seven feet five Friday afternoon last about oclock a to started about the Sod coo of and followed a course across by saw mill scattering lumber fauces sheaves of grain and everything light in all direction completely unroofing Win Partridges barn and smashing it into fragments was a sort of whirlwind and a clearing of about the width of a road It between two houses and struck the It bad a roar simitar to that made by a heavy train of oirav On Monday laat a un usual event occurred on the InckocarScanlons Mr Roys ton foreman in company with was going north on the band car when they saw two coons on track ahead of They to give the coons were alowly but surely over hauled The kept to the track and juntas the car was about to over them to right and other to the left when the wheels them rolling rails car over the bodies Wo venture to that no other section man on the roid over had a mora or novel adventure t A young man named Abo Clark sawyer at Clarks w wills Windermere aa working in the mill when his boot caught In some af machinery gear shoving loj to tho saw and in the twinkling of an saw had cut his head clean off Ilia brother was in the mill at work at time with others and was at door of house aome little way off Sho was attracted by a cry from of the employee and A hurricane accompanied by heavy rain visited the neighbor hood of on Sunday doing great damage to shade tries buildings by this Mr resides near Cumnock toot with shocking accident on Friday last appears that ha was carrying a grain when he alipped and fell on In a acrotatheabdomeo able blood before a medical man ar rived and recovery to be very fc by Is pruatiog of sobool fa ailiiUc Han What an educatloo to lb iupils Already la gardens si lbs homes of people The ardent of Ibo iy to water thru royal of the bet holiday the tlo sro sJoEDtd with the bars their IaI lies of with half a hundred Ibagtteo not a baud aver phut I fovea- was a spltnttr of dob scarcely enoagh kill Malays Bat sod with ibssceplraof love Mr Stephens la a king lis obey of lbs wort li aia befog formed lofty Ideals aia glrro plea Which will to Ibis an seed that shall walk la the exalted good who will live fu helper As Utile lads and lnhelrom Man with pre- fleaoga of aod I deserted youthful I Ihoogbt II to equip by dtcl sqJ such sad abOi larloelbia lbs than to be the Rener of a fierce Id the spill fee perishable Bedels gold rocRt soma fislds bat of a sptiQ- in iJ dsedi of great whit ibrooa the brother had lifted op body of the unfortunate young man and mother picked up tho severed and carried it Into bouse Youog Clark had been only a short time and was 2d years old Aa morning train on last was on its way northward and when be tween and Goodwood engineer of train saw just a few feet in front of engine a child about three or four standing on crossing in the mid dle of the track There was op portunity to atop tbe train in time to prevent what seemed an inevitable calamity However when the en gine within five or six feet from the child it suddenly fell down be- the ties and whole passed over the prostrate child with out oven harming a hair on Ha llte head The train was at once and of train band and others went back to the child found It It indeed a as what caused the young child of three or year to fall down cannot be ima gined What made the more en the facts that where the child fell a great deal of the was gone from between the the farther fact that cow catcher on the locomotive was four or higher than any other locomotive on the road Had it not been for facta the child not have escaped an instant and hor rible mutilation The child Is said to be one of the family of Geo north of Hon Wilfrid work writing the Watery of from Onion to the present day at Oil City lust both legs last evening by foiling under the cars which he to board while they were in motion David four who resided en lota ami in and on Monday Gib in his year Several valuable Ayrabire cattle fcloogiog to Ohio firm took And died at Detroit where they bad on exhibition The disease is pronounced to Texas fever C3L Some light fingered person the Methodist Church Brad ford last during of it is supposed and emptied the Birthday Box of its contents defeated Allislpn at cricket of last week by to in the first inning scored 108 in their half of second when darkness put an end to the game Several parlies of of have both of late thieves who annoy greatly They teem to mostly garden produce and hen roasts mid aw likely laying for the winter Rev Mr little boy in returning home from school Tuesday afternoon some way collided with a buggy at the corner of is Hotel Bradford and wsi pretty badly bruised and marked about the bead and face wonder is that he escaped receiving serious injuries An information was laid by of Goodwood Lapeer of Whitchurch for the larceny of growing oats and from prctnies of Mr Todd A of were examined when it appeared in evidence that Lapeer took oats claiming to be of them and claiming that Todd had given him permission to them The was mined hitching his team to a last Friday Boyd was kicked in tho stomach which a rupture of Two doctor were called in who did all in power to allay Ms suffer ing but mortification set in death of twentyfour hours deceased was highly was a Masonio order and a kind hus band father Ho loavea a wife and seven children Pont Sept of lot coo with bit wife and child at Rweuath on Friday evening to water their horse removed bit from horses mouth watering leaving bid wife in the frightened fin but not go far lira was partly thrown tut and in the The horse wa and the body of but aha dead In order that everything be done openly the day Board of for York have ordered holders shall with blicdi and screens have been enged in working op cue againBtail partis suspected of selling liquor and many have been the charge for illegal of blinds the brought before tbo have and so hot baa be- come for the a pfcAo of been found M wj tor their protection