Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Aug 1890, p. 3

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I up I I AUG 8th 1800 Lively local ABOBT Tho Band Serenade sari fiMlci To One P The Grit Well The bad places l They Lara got Rails Last year new a far ffjtfnocr The rata last between I tint any its terra id Main One of tho old frJtitcfMr I banted noon A Tqcidoq art Hartal it after dinner and la S0 Ac Society A meeting of the ef Society at the Secretary ac fens lbs the on the as October nest Donation art tow or Town Conn- tent Monday tie re contract with the Br it for lit blur raised to ft Sax The brick by tlri- U by auction Sat isUj by Mr J C ttM if Now i for on oat vfl conducted by to from Unit ok f A Board took Ttiing Doyle cod The for ths to Th inn llutniclod to hare lha repaim and don achool again Mr At In prying cur th got daring big few ego hold on timber tad fell force on the fore bead tad a ft pain for a the la healing nicely lie from Vital my with the of Henry and Mr 4Huafirei- are really a credit Park alio liwB the boose bitching like the Aaron lirreoa J ihtj bolt nBtlho yard and of lbs back apart aud one cap- it risched it atid in front routing of said to here been badly cot toother team was to tike home Band List Friday sight town band accepted an from the new boat the North American hotel to of an introduc tory tapper After for a time both and the hotel tat down to a of a high of A lime wa pant in and tinging and Mr and Vernon a cordial welcome to The broke op SO If with comfort and bay of the Snaimfr Or It moil nm J to of A cut ftt Mr Cmlo got Tti Uriel jbtI And ftr getting it into ft to roll on p to it in torn way the If tot lb Mm to two or of it down en the If oar roKoory fonneily foft la ft lr and Tue will k at or proud of Way The hf rtdt lo hire them theTtiapIoit to llii Md loUad twice io Why the Vat do the wine thing I for ft- birr As A friend from iirrlt4 to to of a op liUnJT and 5td by tit a cvotciryicda It li a riotity in daft bow cut be Car Load Mr car load of fine Im t lut Friday fcoiif and w fat and lttocV art paid cow fiotD Mr i a- Wright of Mr- btcbiiU to firit of to a car leal etch of lom and the fanntra to good Toronto t3s has en iU at A in iairdty of will pay the Mil fii to tbt dung work of will i aod for attcodaote to that would ajitaUoo bat wa the ft that id to a jt wiilata Oct at Bottom y It Mr iWIw Item ftttt to two a done by a til CO a or ritrurtitiocf We that all oar mill Wat all calf- If an aril ptu a ji wjtbvut the of the com a formal com- a tat tYj a aid to fl we go wvty giro to all lift vfaie after o1 Home St and for baa graded up making It wide where it gravelled The alerted to of the which will the tedding done will likely go right oo fci There has a made from t to the lb Police Court In the absence of iofoitmtieo laid before the on a man Alex who wndruok to of the of wined a wan hit fifit by for made by placed the cooler until he appeared the who was emitted by Hoed and U or io jail and as he hadnt took him a tut to Toronto Day Tomorrow fa the day for Good and at Ekcdfl a at Boron rtml by the tannery lart Monday It It ft In two tteotiob It la oca Of and axpenditnrei that away with Board of Audit at Home week and to orer No other waa On Dr of Aurota a eor- ffial on of re- coring a cancer from bit Up patient well Good fob tat Rangers Oar fint the rank of efficiency En conoecUoo with the late camp at 35th come 2nd with 3rd 37th Battalion Bait 70S potato 34thOnUrioBttt6iTpointa On tbo pointa of dreu and the high ippear bo of were for practice gong at the in to the touch of the fire when the Star and Clipper Bom good alyle of bote were laid from a of and In a brief epic of time two lowing with great force at the foot of The appear to in good and the department in afficIeoJ working order Obit Mr Darby one of old and prominent citireoa orer to the majority on the nit dup ly regretted by the generally beck 185S was in Smith and when the Late Donald Sath- commenced a merchant io premise Mr at the foot of Main a Hit Factory Ur Darby manager and bookkeeper He will be by older as a man of tact and District Meeting in Newmarket next week dropped to 20c a peck laU SatnrJay Another cheap eicortioo Bay neat month Only from maiket wagon look new coat at Cbnrch Snoday morning A tad fell into the pood bat escaped with a that tbe who the ate who A picnio patty down to Like oca day last Between the of tba and the of the the era will bare to They of Jack frost u well A match Lacrfftitt wai the Fair afternoon be tween of Aurora and Ice Takes the cake Try it a INE V IN With Trimmings to match The Best Value we have ever shown i i i fc J fc lI OUR TAILORING IN y LOT OF GENTS LIGHT SUMMER GOATS VESTS In Cord Lustre and Linen Crash A Fine Line of BOYS JERSEY SERGE TWEED SUITS From fimalleet size up Gents Boys and Gents Laced Top Shirts Straw Hats in Every Size and Shape ja In Great THE NOBBIEST WALL Stock LADIES GOODS Gloves Embroidered- Insertions White and Colored Edgings Beautiful Lusterines in Plain Black and Brocaded Black and White Creams and Greys T Printed Nainsook Muslins the Latest Novelty Another lot of Beautiful Shades in Cashmere FINE VALUE THROUGH U IT t aaeaajjiiaaia aiii ttv Northwest Aug were nearly 3000 to attendance at in the Gardens parade highly creditable to the sons of Iceland 5e delivered Friday did good deal of damage to trops and especially along International was unroofed that town badly At Lane of was killed Honing of Ins hows He leave A car load of silver are 1 at 45000 product of the new vein of the Badger mine for one month shipped from Port Arthur to Newark J Tuesday m Aug infant eon of Mr and T Wood Bitting window Ul mother who was playing with it supposing the shatters to be locked not though and the child giving a fell through them to the pavement below being instantly killed I children I Salvation and Gordon and tho firo j bug ro to fifte d Wl the contingent of the fivu years imprisonment u a City were for firo to the Cambrian ia a tt ing peace of inhabitants i An against the conviction will A McDonald an Id gentleman 100 AND OTHERS fc tfeto TO BUY BIGS AT A Call On Friday last n3 wagon Moos I iT i 9 Re la ore repairing CPH- which was fired by nation to lightning on Friday A portion j reason n r I A Every aboil ft A fit their nil flalcrJay cany to to tome leul tit K ft can at fl trvVA It may It Is WUM Jhificiof a a a well a j time Sao- Kfiy man who 1 to cblUrto r o all bt can to lo t1 mil U GaASie from Id District of as Klog member WhltcbQixba 200 acd Gtorgfoa and North 110 Oo that to tb tod will the iim aaUttftar total to will bo Wfattetitb KjatCwUI- aod not bo to a cent tot for all practical to their io The heat Ban In aboot aod the mercury toothed 100 A the early cooled the alroophraeomt hot moiolog tt oppxautra ai before Another in afternoon a litelj rain turned to a great the and A on lho CetLial Hotel dtetroyad a of A off Wrights etablf Ad fife Mr Mil- wood Mr had a doxeo by Mr bare- by lighlolDg aod badly wrecked the it that eoa talced by of A very Urge bare with all ImjiroroitoU two was by the electric flold ad aitiraly together with tome tool Lay do bono and a below tbe Dat ing lb wrtks ago a hole below which the doctor was At ho hid other washed at very wilhoot beiog of he bole water wuteTeiilfeetdetfi to aay an old had drifted Into place aod bono plough deep water it for littity brought bog- with lbs and partially it The occo40te were oat aod the doctor fint gave to fiifiog tba child A otbera near at band rendered immediate aid and all tot oat but waa with great difficulty the war following Ooe thing needful we well apjolnted com- any would be a branch rqual of lira to run to a aa aoon they beard the Era bell ring throw a few ret of who appear to hare a to Into dwelling and pitch down or throng window or any place alee where they article will be aura to If branch tion of men to plant one footer at each door and ootcftMhonw until there for and lolet LA who thetf right it would end way go now ere a fiw In town who go when an alarm I how they to a break op all the furniture before eeotibte can to atop them arrived from fell his loading broke neck Vivian Piatt a 16yearold Toronto boy drowned near Port Curling Tuesday A II rant ford man natucd Kirehncr suicided at Falls a Mr Henry has and will bo for with bride FACTORY fc will habere again and the and glrla will gd bare the light at very low price The JlaflbellbfMtoMwtilBlli tow tit Fair the Mail pro Aw ma- lean o MA aa to the fctalUllty fc will t9 A jMitaTwctodarfBjtUt Mt fia A tpau ot tttm J a la r dUpUy a a a japadllu J fioa aolcnaU tbofcogbly tlattbaycU tartar la Day JXlIiictry ldtrtL J scratch took Friday between Club of Aurora and a team of and town of the home not able to get away from the game waa commenced until about the home team up to good adraotegt flrat god ice red for Kef market by time inloulee When play commenced ft ettn that the were warming up waa kept the home goal and the bell through Aurora their fiht When the lined alt ball had been faced the began Both bad to favor made a ran from centre acdabotlt Newmarket flaga tlmilflmUutea For remainder of game play rather cm both and time call ad at oclock without any more The very friendly on both aide and the game entirely fit from any will tt it weak For a good Baking la the Try it and It W Too Many A paragraph is going the rOQodaof to the effect that a chicken with font batched out on the farm of lUH EoNorlhambin It a few daya of an Incident in of He Many ago when the late Mr Cald wella and paIritaliop a tor a on Main St now occupied by Ilroa Tbe of tald called the temperance hall and wa for one description and ether diverlontvof the eta in da they bid a school and when tha lata Wen- Van and the lite Jacob whom the older InhabiUolf of the town will well were the selected In debate the question for and against free Mr cited the people of Hacks coonty from which both being thrifty and Intel who had rtiUteJ tie free on ground that they did not appreciate that which did cot apparently coat something Mr reply fairly ed the by he opponent had dud Bocks county The who were to be the judges of bate could beat understand and appreciate cot only the of the people where free did not the foil force of the argument of bis sent whan to told that it had jrrn that of county for Jacket be of the States years after lhe man dead and Of this tLedfVetv with this knowledge intelligence of ttejple our may much fourlegged chicken they A has occurred on Tyrol in which lost live to colonized io Mexico for cultivating colTeo sugar at a coat of 5000000 Joseph boy wee at hill Ottawa Monday nod killed doctors at intern At ion congrwa now in at tody of Mr McLean who was drowned Midland in April hag only just leen recovered Canadian visitor to llita year numerous than known in any previous few Clio official roughouit tho bureau lion of Philadelphia to to an inorcnao during tho fatt of l Sir tho defeated candidate in South was examined yesterday in connection tho petition against return of Mr A named Charles for whom enquiry has linen rrccully found in and informed that 9000 awaits Mm in England As Dennis Principal of At and superior of the Juarez irrevocable giving as bis political and fiaoncial of the roof will have to be rebuilt difficulties through which and nearly every in the build public is passing He has been injr will have- to be plastered anew by VicePresident Land Co mm Hamilton a large quantity of property in attic of building dstntctive wind and hail swept over Lyons Osceola and counties In on Sunday destroying nearly everything in its pathway Many horses and were killed incrrrajarero out were badly cut several are re ported as Ku Premier has juet enquiries from various districts of the province and finds that between three and four thousand additional men are wanted for harvesting and threshing From to per month aro ottered with board Har vesting operations have commenced and will be in fall blast next week Working as bo for the P It and holding as ho does a upon that great national highway it is a easy thing for Mister Roy to toll Press Association to pay its fore When ho was taking hen fruit for subscriptions and accepting garden as a legal tender for job printing ho could trot on a pus with beat of Editors Telegram Hamilton Aug baby show which opened last night was attended by largo of spectators There scores of babies of all ages and sites and tbo countenances of proud veritable studies boat was Intense and many of babies took to crying of laughing prizes awarded by vole each ticket holder being allowed to register bis opinion before leaving building would Inform the of Mount Albeit and hatha hat manufacture of WtROnt and oppolte Mr- Ian wo Shop and that yars cxpertouce he can the particular with Neat aod Work Painting and Trimming Done Promptly and Cheaply ALL WORK him a call alianhsra it you Tho Carriage Albert HALL NEWMARKET Complete With- out one of those Dinner Sets from China Hall A Economy of the fincFit flavor now season and fully 20 below all in price at Ohina Hall A Smith Park WANTED Good reliable won can pormnooDt men l fox Maple of Waterloo Good and told weekly Outfit free Ioilooteaptrltnco not yeara All aionco for J W ma a The World gave an Instance of tho office hog on Reform aide of politics which showed that A M Ross went in for big things Tom Farrow on a minor is another exponent of principle Huron His brother is officer In bis son Is a railway mall clerk and bis has a position of tho Fathers has con in one of tho Ottawa departments appointed of London to Tom himself is postmaster of By buying your Groceries Provis ions and China at tho old reliable China Hall A Smith The Best Wo can for our largo stock of Breakfast Bacon Roll Bacon and la tbo quality and price China Hill A Smith Ladies f Yourselves All the worry you con this warm weather Canned Goods for lunch a largo assortment from best makers at China Hall A Smith CARPET VIE A ON aocoiml of Hoc coDCjadod to carpet a specialty for aala Aurora NEW WHEATS STKKLE CO We Tot a now Cant en Croat Rod and Offering tao Velvet Cheffaold- Winter par you now be WTTT now be f planted during produce thoio banH6ome be Sec In ilioaptlDg CO To t Of llTtdotM era to much succeed most John Walsh who was Archbishop of Toronto last year July 30 now dian Pacific steamers rapidly pro- It is now arranged firat of to be called the of India will be launched at Barrow on Auguet She will srlt and yet ho rails Sir Johns Ingratitude and ho is looking for something better Montreal Aug of and detec tive work ever done hero was put through this left for tho weal by train days In- A Good Wo know it is hard to relish anything at this present season but a bottle of Sauce Dorkoe or a bottle of t finest is just the thing To bo had at China Hall It A Smith D leave for Pacific probably November 1st ftllivod j others wUUollow at intervals I and stopped at two months each The cost He him Vegc- the exceed sterling TifouAs Aug At yesterday Timothy years sop of ttym Pirst- was gored by a lielfcr and of money He then took a house In of semi uptown fashionable quar ters where he lived with his family Howard from Minneapolis g3f In the Wakefield about miles from Ottawa have been dis covered by a miner named perhaps fatally injnTfi Ho was J was on his track aided by a local gored En tho a and en Sunday they gash being lorn and tlw loolft pro- effected the arrest as Rao imdtog Dr Kanerporfs tbe lad log In front of his own door In his lit a critical and sya that possession was found He even should bo ever the was privately guarded that night and there Is danger of Inflam- yesterday was taken before Police in goring iMsgUtrato where he Ryan attacked a young J waived extradition sod man named son of J left fpr home today in company with Smith an officer He caught infuriated brute the horns but was thrown over a Oh ran wssseverely brolsed and had his back injured I A child will be well treated as most expert bay or at Ohina Hall A Smith COAL COAL 20001bs First Class HARD COAL for Vet July and TENDERS WANTED I PRINTS DRESS GOODS i CHENILLES Clearing out at reduced prices be sold in order to make room for Kail Good 4 Remember our GROCERY STOCK Now Fresh mid WellAssorted COFFEE A SPECIALTY In Quality and BELFRY SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE J- fc IU up to oclock Monday ll lb For ISoctlon of a HOUSE Lot c raaldtdeo lb Loos or accepted a Albert July can odar not a it warm weather by having an little to worry you as possible The best selected stock of Groceries China Dinner and Tea Sets Canned and Potted Meats is at the China A Smith What la the Cause our business steadily Increasing Good and Reltablo Goods at reasonable prices Nothing resented at China Halt A- Smith DR WASHINGTON TO lHftTHQl7JaaiD Throat and Lung Surgeon AT TORONTO Win at Forsyth House SATURDAY AUG 2nd From Noon to a NEW STOCK OF STRICTLY PURE i Paris Insect Powder DRUGS MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS The Largest and Best Stock of Sponges Brushes and Fancy and Toilet All Sizes and Patterns of J m Dispensing a Specialty Medicines warranted and the beat quality a Few Lemonade SeU left to be sold very cheap to dean lout present stock at Just received some beautiful patterns in English Scotch Canadian Also an assortment to choose from specially MO a tali i printing selected Patterns in Checks and Stripes Call and see for anil bring friends with yon All goods made on the at Closest Cash Prices Only D MUTCH Opposite Book Store cloth made up v vvrA

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