Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Aug 1890, p. 1

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1 THE NEWMARKET is sacra Friday Morning JACKSON steam at no GXTE MB WBBKTT TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO TO CONSCIENCE ALL OTHER LIBERTY ONTARIO BANK REACHED 1 Newmarket Branch NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER O- A Allowed Vol- Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday August 8th Cash In Advance within mos or at end at una DRAFTS ISSUED AT Mfldi promptly lo SOUGH J lo bom on good LOFST A RON TO ffCWIDDIELI ucrTOR If Etc ASK off Block ISOS TO LOAN MONIiVTO LOAN- KTLEJj HI IS every MAS OS GOOD IABA J A ibefloprtrae A Offlce MONEY TO LOAN At rarnat of lo fiurgwo ftospecl At DR A ft onI a If ft MX- P SCOTT and Ac ttuVVAC IM A Eoflaecr Engineer A E ROE August 8th 1890 piRSAKD J Fir ttttd TO at London Iniaraace Co OrriCE Terznai rccnii for meet mil Q- of will Id to place under will at ESTATE Loans Col- mod AUCTIONEER For Con tr of York Farm Sale Attended on and at Seasonable Price Addrw to market prompt Money lo Loan on AUCTIONEER Every corner of the store has a hot weather appearance and Millinery the fint floor have in great derbaod week fitaire counters have bad a crowd of them showing a now Han of Fancy Sateens English goods a great variety of every color at a yard really worth more At 20c we show a of Fine all colon Special for next week- A fine 72Inch Sheottog price a yard The price of six Parasols was cut in two today a dollar one a two dollar one and so on all colors T THOMPSON SON ORONTO A Belief It iog If hUs imp Ha of tire That Im Im Its been long tare if DM A jail hi or break his kit Or op Did chop La and wood Or offer to bo I It did he I IbegarJec In Its lbs oir For a siogU msoo its joa koov rosy lit btiog me a of mo From at foot of How remember A fellows grief or joy sad me donl lie erer bit lib Belters it I oorer can Nor its nice bo a boy really grownup ni- father to be do other friend Belle Brandons Boots -FOR- PURE DRUGS CHEMICALS Perfumery Toilet Articles Oar Specialty at this f year is the daily from the reliable growers Kerr For ibe Conn York Toronto jar Repair Tor be kepi band Hardware where ator Newmarket otQcewlllbtpromptliatlendedto A LAKQE STOCK OF- Paris Green Hellebore and Insect Powder JUST RECEIVED fox to 10 to aid S to Main Street South Newmarket It it Perry to many young Tbere ia no are too moo in York- for me- in AH A- oxide Oat Oft ban at THE TNSUBANCKCOOFMOBTH iTaMffing Id America loibebotlneftionMuranoe aaloataecldeou Agency for the loan and loturanca CmC0 Notary Aurora- removed 1 to Office ACTION PEGS and and NOTES DISCOUNTED Valuation LOAN Note Collected Old Main At I The Manufacturers Accident Insurance Head htetUtt literal AMacdoc I VeliienUCJo Freeh dett of Toronto Out- lpb AiiVTElK LUMBERYARD ATeoue NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT J to week we now in slock a of CROWN AND PORCELAIN TOP FRUIT JAR Wine and Imperial Measure All Six A W STARR Constantly on Hand and -ALSO- DRY CORD WOOD N I SI Liquors OLD POUT ISLAND CANADA LIFE 0AV1TAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS ST after to NORTH END BOOT SHOE SHOP Preserve Tour Sight BY THE ONLY FRANK LAZARUS ifec RENOWNED Spectacles and for 110 put So In Tcr ntiueded Ibex no tbo WOULD Tfcjf pcrcr tiro od Iwt cn FOR AT Kspocially Recommended for Medicinal Purposes Main at North Stocked cat TEAS A SPECIALTY of Cora Ceo NEW Cm of i a a P J St North QUERRIES bee Newmarket that he a ar4 tonka all of Id a of d Of a All work J Neat MAIN Buggies Garriagesi Wagons Work the OLD t Of THE SKIM CO RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE FOE BAY Largest Best Stock IOl7BHB J1 to aAtmU with leg T Co Gents I my log to badly that I to 1o driven homo ft ciittio I nod in hours could ucq leg as well aa over Joshua Attended to J for Infanta and Children Boar til Bo ferocAlTB ctwiCB Muirsy my money possible Id better go and tight the Indians or my Belt But what had this to do with Bella boots You shall see That day written to the the school Chicago at which bis daughter had received her education Dear Madam tend my me at once 1 fa axe eoe1 romi at the aad for a check which will aa as rooaey can do it and pay her mV And Belle had bidden adieu school and was her way attended by ft little crowd to the station Her trunks been sent the day before expressed to her father and though of course she had a little travdlmgba would have nothing to think Everybody Rlad of this for Belle one of those yoong women who are always taken in charge by their friends as though they brittle bits of porcelain Directions for her eating and sleeping were poured into her ear of- advice dont lose your ticket dont your head out of tbe window dont be frightened when the shrieks dont allow strangers to apeak to you this from French teacher all this mixed up with bagging kissing and hand shaking Even independent Ophelia who cut her hair short alt and would had no hesitation in starting any mid night for Egypt with a few things into a handbag remarked I shall bo glad to hear that is safe I suppose said Another it is because is so that always afraid may bo carried against her will or lost Like a parcel Then the blew nod lH rang were uttered and tbo heard to ibriek its way along in the distance was seen far away like queer sort of winding alout hills- lonely at first cried a Then to cheer up and looked at passengers end watched their doings and laughed at most of them internally schoolgirl fashion slept comfortably that night In compartment and be came by woroing an old travel ler i and as wo have not time to de scribe her journey will say that it passed evening approached on which tbe train was to in New York never felt in hotter spirits- Who had made herself as as and now she took her travelling bag into her hand to arrange it for no maiden lady was over so particular about her small possessions Her was in tho bag of course her handkerchief and a clean collar or two a box of books bad had with her to read you all know what it held And thero was a bottle of polish well corked and a with which to touch up her shoes lieforo left tbe car shoes high tics and easily taken off In privacy other compartment could do as she wished laid a news paper on her lap brightened toes of tbo pretty shoes and on window to dry bag alio stood And now she wrapped the about the sponge 1h1- end proceeded lo throw them away for llo well to spoiling hen bag she restored it too Its place hero As any boy would have It hit the handle of bag tho bag tottered struck against tho shoes and the next window sill was clear thrust her through the far to lay roils three black specks which vanished u sho looked Her bag all money In it and her only shoes She was going Into New York like a beggar and shocks If bcrvax followl ties could have got Into a cab and driven to soma shoemakers j for to arrive at the hotel In feet would dreadful but as It was that mortification roust bo faced would call a cab and tell Ob i Oh I dont remember name of papas hotel moaned wringing nor hands card It Is written on Is in that climax had arrived- Here was rushing Into Now York alonei not only and shoe less but She did not know where her found She had the city She could not go to Chicago because she bad no ticket no monev to bay not telegraph to her father addressing him dont know what hotel She would write to Miss Rook hot whore should she stay 1 What should do meanwhile Even if they would give her pea ink and paper Mid let her sit in the she might starve to death 1 shall go said poor Belle wringing certainly shall go Who can wonder that sho said so However there was nothing for it bub to alight when the depot reached the glassroofed place so crowded with With her ahawlstnip in her hand she hurried into waitingroom down on a bench Boring this abort she was at as though she had been the living skeleton The attached tn thoso little red stockings seemed to be really iog Her fellow travellers might have understood the cause of a bat- Ites might have pictured a strong draught and an open window but it was to comprehend feet do not blow off Some of old frowned on her as a very improper person Home young giggled A little girl walked backward and stared into her face with open mouth and round eye her mother said Stop Ann Maria though really I cant wonder such a queer thing to do To do repeated theuofortooate young lady to the woman any feeling Does she think I am this dreadful thing purpose made her way to exit The atreet fail of people of coaches wagons cars Have a carriage Miss I howled a crowd of driver gathering about her Have a cab J Miss the goodnatured of the the sleeve Ill go with you she said triumphantly upon his rivals be led her toward his vehicle I went to speak to you she said I want to tell She was covered with confusion her face grow red 11 1 have lost my shoes in the sleep ing car I put them on the window sill they fell out driver shook bis head pathetically And I want you to drive me to the hotel where my father putting up I cannot this remember but drive out of this crowd to where it is quieter and Ill recall the Yea Miss he said and mounted box and drove into Avenue- ho descended and stood once at the door Tell mo name of some hotels mentioned or She was sure last was the right name said so Ask for Mr Brandon she said and away drove again but she bad made a mistake Mr Brandon was not at hotel Well Miss asked the driver again at door but was helpless The- tears streaming down checks I cant site said 1 cant remember What I My shoes my tra ok checks gone my money is gone and I cant find my One of this horrible recapitu lation struck tho driver you got no money bo in quired- 11 Not a cent cobbed Belle Did you keep your money in satirically inquired driver the bag went too Then beat out of my fare said the driver Step out if you please- If you wasnt a female Id you in charge of officer for I a lying Got oat she across sidewalk and stood In the friend ly shadow of the porch sick with terror shades of were descending gazed at her Never in alt her life did forgot of that boor Yes a whole hour poor stood in that those little red stocking trying not to cry and praying Inwardly for help No shoes on No shoes on I No shots on people whispered or scouted to whisper as they passed Everybody looked at her suspicious- At last from door the big against wall of which she stood emerged a man who not only looked as tbo bad done but who advanced and spoko Madam ho said gentlemanly accents I see that you In some trouble I have been watching you tor and I hope you will me for addressing you But is anything I can do The girl looked at biro lie was a Oh yes said Belle feeling great ly comforted She sat in little room about with keys and riddled with speaking tabes for time and her protector went away He honied to a shoe store near by and asked the of shoes The cheapest made a big hole in bis only fivedoUr but he bought them Ms carried them back to the janitors room and with thanks that came from her put them herself again when the buttons wore fastened and did not even think that French teacher would thought of her took offered arm of her and they went out into the light What I have done if you had not found met said Pa pa will be so thankful to you Tho young man answered properly and they walked to the hotel which nearer Rooms were not engaged there for Miss nor was Mr Brandon there nor bad ho been tbere At half a down other places the same answer was received Then it occur red to her to telegraph to other wellknown hotels He did so Ilia money by quartern It was all gooe and no favorable an swer boon Hello the coming in of roplios and grow at each negative What will he of now mingled with her thooubt of What Shall I dot knew name She had seen it written many limes It Per- Perry What a pretty name l she said to herself When ho left her a few momenta in telegraph she no sus picion of what he was about to do- How could she guess that ho went to pawn hie cratch in order to the search for her father He returned with tho moony his pocket and with the aid of the direc tory every hotel in tbe city was telegraphed Mr Brandon was at none of them should he do with this trembling frightened weary little was so sweet so young so innocent be could not grow impatient but what was be to dol A young man who had arrived to the city in search of position some two months before who had not found one yet ud who bad not a lady in great metropolis or any money beyond the remnant of the sum by his pawned watch He also was growing ate It was now eleven oclock fait going on for midnight Suddenly a possibility occurred to him Let as go back to the depot lie said Your father may have for you He may be known Come dont lose heart He helped her into a car She was faint with fatigue and terror end white as marble so that when the depot lights fell upon her ho was There was a little crowd in room great Some body was sobbing violently What has happened ho asked of an officer who was pacing tho room Lady lostrfell or jumped off the road found her and her bag at but cant her body Thats her The Sea Shore Sir We lift Toronto shoot 9 ran tad tin fckckhtj ttiwo Toronto and Some of the Arrival at p sod very si Teiry House took a walk city Sams look by electric light It- P It very sod ti We did get to rest Wt oclock to yea see first well up Thursday look from a st a Italy spin down for Uoetrstb dove Ihs river P It brings which Is fifts looking see to lbs ribL taraiog stUntioo to tails id we lbs fosmfog rtpids of It bat now bid brn the worst u no back Dot in ii llghifuL looking sbeu vlir of Ibis the je l a mtkc an sbips Out slrtutil lbs 1 If re boat would lo LitbiGft by of Harvest Apples father yonder Hes crying like a child answered the loan Belle gave a shriek gasped Thats 1 Ob go and tell him And young Perry leaving her stood rushed into group and exclaimed to heart broken gentleman that bis daughter was safe Again was centre of all eyes but her father with now troubles were all over Explanations story was told drove off to gether in a carriage and Perry felt that there was soch an emotion as gratitude left la this wicked world By puro accident bo bad taken for- at its turn A position in Bran dons counting came first Then ho was received as a welcome guest at his home which was in on elegant flathouse not a hotel at all and today are married It is a lovo match of the romaotlo sort and money has nothing to do with it Still coraforUblo to be a millionaires son inlaw f and Ut abvo all ho scorned kind told him her story at once Ho evi dent did not doubt It as cabman had done And sir arid In stoo how shall I find my He looked at kindly than before If you will let mo help you he you shall yourself perfect safe I have a sister out west and I will do for you exactly what I would some other fellow to do for her Von must have soma shoes at I will leave you in find some for you Then we will find Mr if we go to every hotel the city I assure you we will dud Mm If yoa are sure he Is at a hotel of Feminine Photo graphs Women should always standing of photographer to whom they entrust negatives of their should consider well character and manner of doing baatDHflj him to make a picture of them neg ative in his if ho is bo ha has of It for purposes of prominent woman cut out from picture sod pasted on Jbe flguro of some notorious woman In cos tume or position This can bo dono to neatly as to defy A few touches of Indian ink will con ceal places of Joining and it re- a magnifying glass to dUtovor em The picture is then copied and persons as as the operator are ready to buy show them as the of Mrs or Mill as the may carried on apart from the ordinary work and not for to tho general but the places whore axe sold known to be of such vile frauds One of the worst feature of the case the impossibil ity of knowing how many of are afloat in the commuhity The fear detection has prevented this transaction from being done to any great extent bat it has been done and as they are Ls- without name or address of the publisher it Is almost impossible to them to their source Journal A suit is not very loud but a nearly always goes with it London consumes nearly one hundred million pounds of butter in year rate of taxation in Belle ville this year is mills on the dollar North Bay has a population of and is soon to be incorpor ated as a town The new wheat in St Thomas district last week sold In St Thomas for Two hundred and fifty mile of the Edmonton railway will be graded this fall It may not be known to some mutton hams may be cured and smoked for winter use Many persons have drowned by a in Austria The river overflowed Sixty of berries and cherries were shipped from Button to Toronto one morning last week in be foothills of destroyed a large amount of property Rev P Bsughmau of was drowned at Prom this wo rant to Lake while bathing Friday morning CbtibC TUJinioD 1 The is but the fiat the of to that vend Urge sod Dice We next Cultivate sod went to St in lbs of liter log from this no iq took city a very but by people Next to lbs of Notre Dime and erected to EDtmoiy of Lord Seltco who io lbs of 1S05 we visittd of Jvsw York lock to top tod wslked lbs lest of to a height siU to JK feci from which could ftr sod Afur down sail our our did to a good to which did to help outeolrcs After logct good rM ud KDd sad lor Bo J si drive up this km my It took sbout to losk the bat on top sod the first of tbs scsery of delight to heart sod grandeur to will this is alio Mount Roys S through it In direction It Indeed city the deal Took a by sod sketching of the of Lett HscktU who mur dered fa July Id 1877 plot is feet centra a very pretty with so Imsg6 of life as veil ibis purled it ilimd us fcelic Alio of belter Jos a noted character suppond of hard stripe but ready to wilhs There sis very a number are employed keeping up the grooodr brought us pail Gee places of iotereat the re of Sir Alien Slide Hotel UcQill Co lege and of Mr Drain oncer of auger Hot liolel aUut pm tea a alroU over of Its morolcg a took for We a lotelv but lbs lbs distance from Moot real is HI mllea The looked roiuaotlc Whits in but lbs fog prevented good view only the of which la said to eight mites high Auivtd at in Al our lata did cot wsVa connection for Old Orchard until oclock bat got all sua about It being only miles from Portland vary quarters hero sad feel quits at home Is Saturday been out on beach niching wives tolling and lbs breeze awouot of rest of sons lim from here by boat J Old Orchard July A conflagration broke out tonight on the lake front at the foot of Michi gan street near the Chicago river At indications wore that the fire might be of the most extensive that occurred in Chica go since destruction of most part of city in October about the tiro control though still burn ing Between ten and acres of lumber were with not far from forty freight car The total loss wilt not exceed Five hundred thouiand telegraph poles a great quantity of railroad ties and plank besides material several huge store buildings a gigantic piledriver were de stroyed i A keeper of the Dew Drop inn two miles from on the rood suicided with a razor last Friday Mr Harrison broth of Dr Noble suffered a very serious accident on lost A friend calling to see him took a loaded pistol from the wall Not knowing It loaded and ft self- cocker on the trigger add aht Mr Harrison through tha leg A The Alpine club of France will visit Ottawa in September and will be accompanied by Mgr K Attorney General Martin says the Manitoba crops erf good and will in all probability escape- the early frosts The order for the removal of tbe West Biding regiment from to Bermuda has been counter manded A Buenos despatch one thousand persons were killed and five thousand wounded revo lution Thero are still many wolves in France aud the French govern ment spends per annum to ward their extirpation Dominion Governments steam dredge is now operating at Frenchmans Bay and will scrape out Whitby harbor next week Italy has ordored the study of English to be addtd to curri culum of all Italian universities and has endowed the necessary professor ships for the purpose Catherines a few dya ago a couple of bicyclists upset a perambulator inflicting such injuries upon the infant that was in it as to cause its death market gardeners of On tario have formed themselves into an association and will apply at the next session of the for incorporation Reports como from England that owing to continued rain there is littlo hope for a good yield from harvest and that all cereals which Canada and the United States can will likely a ready mar ket The Lincoln Woollen Mills at Omaha were burned Saturday Lees insurance Mitchell was struck by a bate of goods and knocked storey window and received serious injury Mr James of Bradford instituted proceedings McKay for aggravated assault other day The cake was heard and a fine of imposed to gether with costs amounting In ell to 1ft Saturday for the second time within ten days Ihe old Western Union building at No Broad way Now York now used as an office building was visited by finx Tbo flamea were cooBned to the floor Loss about The Hon Mr of tho Prison Commission said that they were struck by large number of criminal classes in the State of Mass achusetts which a population about eqoal to Ontario hut two or throe times as many persons in reformatories and penal institutions Premier of Ontario has rejected tho claim of submitted by the Dominion Govern ment for maintenance of lunatics lodged the Manitoba who from disputed territory Manitoba now decided to be within the territorial limit of Ootario Dr receive a year from his Brooklyn con gregation from a firm for the advance publication of fail moos for hi contribution to a religious journal besides what ho lecture platform and general literary work He would lose money it ia stated a ho traded bis for that of the President of tho United A new to be River between New York Jenev Oity will the Brooklyn control will be feet long neatly twice the length of pan East River There ire to be five tower to height of feet ebove the wter It one of the daring engineer ing undertaken In thl or Other count rf KT Another ac companied with lightning heavy rain and a down poor of hall atonea ai large a egg town on Friday evening during which the fluid itrocV the aplre of on two He entered interior and com pletely one of the of the From the of the lightning it waa feared that the edifice had attained damage for tonately waa not the a good v deal damaged by the atorffl Tin j 1

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