I 1 iNEWIJARKET EFA JUNE 1890 A RAH WAY ff IT J taw 3 as ill a Society Register itlit In tod or before fall P lftsttrdTtiiii3A7 too- lit fed if month Mr tit rises to rtriit An to the CoDDiy The Lord Randolph of tun a fa will ill by next lbs camber of persons committed daring Wl of CM wire ud to of The of as Oftbo ud write neither read mite trimlotl to a field for to id Monday A Monday la aTaolcr fad in monlt ttafT- ff Anion- Woodaj BoUud Hop of tAdajraryTcaadar fitkroo JffYaurt Hot Oft fcJ la a moot at International Lessons TO of Conot on tut a bylaw lacorpormlicg Vil- of flittoD fclha Railway Ox to d can to Hollow An of Canada lock of on Friday d Mr rial by a In Said all lrt of total ret ara CorliM and baa or to to of ptUog it of will sot total debt of that it at and of at rata of two per and its yearly fa- ttrat aaioanU to aboat 1200000 or near ly cat third of Its Ko woo- lb wuta better bat of Ontario mart not forget that a Us Wmj4rraojiement wilt mean ox money to alio mean an leva to i we a pro than i to week Ike firititcoa I dry dock to I at laid A tLii J Sir Lad I a wf a block faVotiixtotiaodnMUidfQaBrzeaattoo KDtlOftat LaluOd- A two Mr an effect writ who from editorial of to Montreal towuda political icdK trade qoil iod ha baa cot been ecrnpnlotia what paper to as a of Equal if pat to acemtomed tu a daogerwa the bands a Libera party open a ajlfd Catholic Should iu its crooked stick with It t a bad dog may smite head- We apprehend will bare to witb respect to the line the new editor will to take and while wa look for more and odu do not any rioleot change Id polk of paper in to pa io of the day it by Mail and Gbbt ifr salary will latitat from to Tula la way Startford Burton of in and also the Wghta candidate fa York dont thick up id Pertb they do Theotewat cot to tiled to palm off ycong a the npoo Grits of that an loal Tbe of lb York always were to acd the Family Compact sprig a majority late of a was adopted leg of the arrangement the matter of the chaplaincy of the that arrange made with to other the change referred to u the and rehired all tbe roted the for aerrlce the bat by this all other detoticatlons religious services get a share Editor Of the Delhi Blood Bit ter beat ft It should bo In house In the Distemper etc ex water and Dr la an and prompt for all bowel front Cow a Liniment cow Apply poetic medicine thats nils to life a stone 1L ration It con Tineas who to try and bo cored by boa Tampa etc cone fo the night and speedy and mint l them Fowlers Eatace of wild l Keep It at for to or The Screen Door Craze BY An brought ap a all of other afternoon and left it at the ban and when Mr Bowser borne I Mentioned the fact and asked be intended to do with it for doors for tbe front be replied- Carpenter coming to make Havent engaged any yon are not going to try and make There wont bo any trying about it I proceed to make and Im afraid cant do it- a bice piece of joiner work to make a screen door one for front of the I am well awaro of that he said he chin in a complacent way I got about worth of tools Dont I know- how to handle them I wish yon had given order at the other folks do 111 be hanged if I fy any for a pur of doors when I can make them for Yon are dead set anything I ever under Sir- you cant make a door- Ton cant hang Dont blame when failure comes yon J Are yon crazy If doom are a yon wont hear a word of fault from me not a peep I was thinking of order ing them but being yon hare stock yonr high III make em now jnrt to show you that I can do what I aay And next he on an old suit and went out to the Urn and before oclock he had measured different time for those At fast he got the dimensions to and I beard htm flawing off oclock I went not and the all cut in lengths and Mr Bowser was making halfmortices at the ends Arent oar front doors higher than this PI asked as I picked tip one of bide ptecee Havent yon any to see he replied got em a foot Oh I have Some folks are better than a carpenters I went back into the it wasnt long before I saw him sneak- the front with one of the pieces I watched him as he tried it and it was all of twelve Inches short Mr Bowser scratched bis ear growled like a bear and looked as foolish as a boy caught in a harvest apple tree About ten minutes later he was at the telephone ordering more staff Were they too short I asked as he hang dp the trumpet bat I thought Id get heavier staff he mumbled as bo oat of doors The came op after dinner and it was aboat oclock in the afternoon when he pot one of the frames to gether and stood it op in the door I went oat end as he began to smile with satisfaction I said Mr that door is sauce What does that stand for in the back Your door is wider at the bottom than at the top It cant be liut jour own eyes will convince yon Theres an inch difference Ill bet yoa a million dollars there isnt n I ran for my tapeline and toon proved that the different over en inch Ob well I can fix that a too- he but it was oclock that evening before ho came in Then he bad of bis fingers with the run a tack into his thumb got a bid hurt from a brad awl and half a down during night he groaned out in bis about mortices tenons hinges springs etc and I beard top and bottom Ho had also hung them with the cloth on then a neighbor came along and tamed into the steps- After looking at the doors for half a in great astonishment he queried Something oat from Paris Bowser What do yon mean Why got a new idea in screen doore the space at the bottom is for bugs that at tho top for and the centra for I sec you have left the frames exposed They will make capital roosting places for horseflies and pinchbags Did do this Well if I bed a girl years who couldnt beat it Id her go barefoot all I didnt doors for your house air- Thank Heaven for that Bow ser youre a brick a soft brick Ill come up this evening with a band and serenade those doors When the neighbor had gone I anddenly felt the back end of the house lift up It was Mr Bowser screen doom 06 He couldnt even wait to take the oat of the They came off in detachments and the pieces were flung into the back yard When ho bad finished ho came into the house and said Mra Bowser I want to have a talk with you a very serious talk But didnt I tell how it would be Never me to go ahead and to please a whim of yours Ive lost days time pounded myself all over spent in cash and been made a butt of ridicule Bowser this is the limit the finis the end Make out a list of what yon and let us on the alimon FOR SALS OS TO WANTING To a v Id win A OF AND- CHINA experienced so other flood Tuesday A case of smallpox baa been discovered io a large tenement in York i Permission has been given for the commencement of work to eon the German capital with the sea The steamer Sardinian has arrived at with the and of on board On Saturday morning a boat was seen to fall and a boa rethinks he saw the form of a man in it There are of bogus cent pieces in cir culation at present Look out for them HALL OUR Ui Tf oro of which ion win fallj- readied oar expectation It certainly has us that Rood rood low price to of too will Wirt Citorf to In Toronto sre At to cm of city at a to Iks by of ratter liortr lift loadmHf otllIn of of at the to lbs to Mildly to nam for acted An J ajmibtf Sir John 7hou4ou to fttjsct SfglUtkct Act vim to lite tat cor ill lit lU to on EutUrf will alio HI on ueaMuuLMUr With a of Fill oaUi t of a to lU two of in I by that Awr m4 two it rfftbt to It a sir dlAtzr la kt thai If wo to uou It JUtUto to a ii A HI Again BtmB cm Jo An which iicr woo I17 tfiwii Kill It lilovl cur for ail lurda JLIdUpcdI A hat I have Fowler jtmh It cure for and cblMtto cd ftdoltt On QcmB of Thought an Incomplete he for friend when thou to give will to lore To Wuo paction and to tho greatest of man a moral agtnt It is the man who dignity of tho occupation not the occupation that the dignity of mail do anything which If iA In you Count occasion to him for or to think any meanly of a child at firat a If neglected It become a thread of twine next a cord or rope Anally a cable and then who can break It la greet prudence to gain as many friends we boat illy can when ft can to at so easy a rate as a good word It I a great folly to an enemy by ill words Without the friendly exchange of words and deeds without the of looks and of and encouragement a house may be a but never truly a home la that man who to bis age has freshness the aim and the purity of youth If earth them is one tight more refreshing than another it A a good great man Why if it dont Ill knock the old down It was 10 oclock next forenoon when I went down to tho barn He had the door covered with the wire cloth and proudly called my attention to it Which is outside of the door leaked Why Side this way of course Then youve tacked the oloth on the Inside Thats where ft You never saw it there Mr Bow ser never And look at way you faavo tacked on bumped in a different places just because you pulled It all askew There one humpnot sign of a hump give any roan a billion dollars to a it I All that door needs now Is paint- log Bat dont paint frame before tack the cloth pal How Mr you paint tho of TOO worry about Mm I of a Hut after had away ho off frame and next ho covered the other- That kicked around In in awful raannVrnd at about oclock In morning ho tat up fa bed and frjoccgawed I bet you four hundred dollars one cent that they are as plumb at a Mr had at work an hour before went out He had the doom at the front and he fceecfltd to una trouble about You ice what youve done dont I after a of wen 1 dont believe Im either near sighted or ho replied Well youve got door wrong tide up to begin with- at the panel and Then you have trying to hang one to awing In and the other to wing out I have eh That all you know about it Im limply fitting the so they will tight Jut before noon he got a hang on both aad I looked at from the ball I had to tit down the floor and laugh They didnt la within two ache tall an Aort If you want a lovely odor in break off of the Norway and arrange them in a largo jug well filled with water In a fair tender pale green branches feather out and cool to the touch and giving the delight ful healthgiving odor and No- will hold their annual Picnic and Dominion Day celebration at picturesquo park of Do Point on July let in cluding a grand Base Ball and Foot Ball Tournament also on program of Caledonian Games and Aquatic Churchill Band will be in attendance A casual glance at a news paper show a Ibt of men who help to build op town If you a goodsized live advertisement in by each of the principal merchant and a card from each of the small you nerd not inquire to tbe prosperity of the town solid Hut if you find some of the most merchants not adver tising then you Get it down ah a fact that those who do try to push their busings and town with its a hard time end an uphill journey all the year round Ex the processes of growth end secret and Months of time mutt elapse the little black as though it might bo but of gunpowder will develop heliotropes In the ami prpcesa of dissolution and germination mutt take place in upper air and light there can bo the beauty and fragrance of a perfect bloom And higher and more complex lift the longer the time required and more painful the process of growth Courage then soul and patience tool Thou art not an animal to grown in a year Thy destiny Is eternal glory thou art growing has no approximation in that do appear Bo much tho longer and be the processes of thy life Children Cry for Cantoris Sirs I was a resident of Port and always uicd in my and it to the remedy for emergencies of ordinary character Norway Mo A Snow CHRONIC NOW Tor lo It wr wn- ailing SCOTTS EMULSION Of Pure Cod Lifer and MUluyar A and ficorr a Wl0O4 BARGAINS And wll far half ILdm boy In Jh regular way We TOOL Annealed Galvanized And Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware Sheathing Paper Tarred Felt Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron Steel Carriage Trimmings Jacks kept for Hire Agent for Repairs TO REST central Iroilom rl Konh Hot to J a saxiox SALE- JOHN SALE aide or lot road ttILLlAMWLtOV0 WC Orbymm near brick ia IS to rodaco the stock China Crockery and Glassware half and few of low to aim FINE CHINA SETS i FIXE DINNER SETS FINE TEA SETS FINE TOILET SETS FINE LEMONADE SETS FINE HANGING AND TABLE LAMPS to dear at Interne to see our seeding ffw J- Groceries Provisions Canoed and Spiced Roll In tct to bo found fa a Orders by Telephone Promptly Attended to Come and too the charm your Id purchasing Crockery or at A SMITHS ya JAWALLM ARE SHOWING A FULL OK SEASON SPECIALTIES SCYTHES RAKES and FORKS Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware- a Table Pocket Cutlery- also 1 PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Stock and Prices J A ALLAN CO Just received beautiful patterns In English Scotch Canadian Also an of tings to chooso from specially In and Stripes Call pad tring your friends you AH goods on at Closest Cash Prices Only Your Solid tod iwurcH Oppoaito Starrs Tailor own cloth rondo up neatly And cheaply aad THE FARM Button West Oat SHOUT HUMS tba ban ttrMA I the as Church W HILL MDMDAT AT alwayawaleowa BALK AT A BARGAIN of tbt th Apply to til J Wood or Stave WANTED will ASS WOOD Growth or lTCoe or At to a lhaXIXIt to ManQfaoturin JAMES AND TINWARE Ti A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ON HAND all the Leading Makes of Coal Wood Stoves also samples of Goal and Wood Furnaces FULL LINES OF Including Pails Tubs Washboards Clothespins Firkins etc THE BEST BRANDS OF COAL OIL V And AH Kinds of Lamp Fixtures- Jobbing Eavetroughing and of land A a law aad I and door a barn V Receive Special Attention Main Street Newmarket and THRESHERS v-r- l i BROS LARDINE MACHINE OIL a Lubricant never been Best Cylinder Oil always in Stock McCOLL BROS CO TORONTO LIMITliD- LUMBER I LATH SHINGLES AKKNOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH DOORS SASH FOR OF TOR PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO LB J to ai Lois Best and Cheapest Fence noosiRON IRON WORK Dffico Lawn Furniture AND Wire Iron WALKER ONTARIO Bell Oir a other very wbblnR to For further of do IS MttlcifoWAfOfl IB I But Own I llnlltn vlcilon of lots JAOKRJAJACKM V SALE THE Eutawimmburj ff COD wo I tot lol bat j clean wit yi aic on IhtToaTfl Dip AH lermsor will SATtml Tow of VoTcaaritiis LOTS FOR SALE IS of N mDR bad a AVENUE High to lb tit prj Town of York urtyeii ADd the For flftla on Re love IbOToWDaADjBKl IO water WftUsS i- two trolsi of proper mix to to lelt or will Ola iWil of io tiki MI A J THE KEY TO HEALTH ixti nil Kidnovs and Liver ngrafually ffcatcnio all tho impurities and foal of tho at tho tuno Cor reeling Acidity of curing Biliousness Dizziness Heartburn- Constipation Dryness of Skin Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jaun dice Salt Rheum Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering Heart Ner vousness and General Debility iff Ihwoand many other yield to tba happy BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEBS Far Sab ay an GO DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBE FRIEND CARPET OS account of tojf lVATni concluded roiOto jTUHKisoros PROM TO Moot Credit I WILL CURE OK RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS OF THE HEART ERYSIPELAS ACIDITY Of THE STOMACH DRYNESS HEADACHE OFIKESBI BTOHACa OR OL I