Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Jun 1890, p. 3

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sm J UN 1890 i av Laconics fgff OS IS tfvilj to the Hew of Correction his Jj4ruOBlttUiR habits The Temper ed It The Bud rf U to 8ih of hiring been Holiday Return rfiawillte by Railway Com of sod fir and good till a Day to alt single fsr lis of lit 2nd and 3rd ticket to Toronto at Single till Owing new Coi- Well Iss not sj rapid tat prtrjtlceljooirMd to snafu are sank Too ate t Is now about to bo the sams tf Fell w throng fesEBisoNi Moat do the Trie I This week he Weirs Strawberries and Bio- tie which he la selling extra of a tie to M tourist retort Wed- It make no ftitLe ij of twohoort- Saturday ft in front of It it A hid a it only a ritfiojJicbaiOXliKl tolnd in tie of th of A crowd and looked at it it ud will be turn- l Polite Tut Leading it Style to nit lute for the Abut Notes for of the tinted tilyy Will at the Ivfiii be aulitd lircl fctre to and ft I tigbl for J Id thir LLzmil Jaly ted fee to join with them facilirgihey I E to The feu miatVx la the it honored place of the Lai to a liru all the acred the loHd be completed ff will be a effort lie irt of yt to decried that the will lack The Sorer of the L at uder that the of In town it y carried to W Sporting men here not ard TnttcUj A It ft expected eome doe will compete The at Aurora follow the next two d at on the d Tie town now for TohD Brad i oat of the la the Bifid Friday a wen act with an old the tide of the town to Mm by of in a high tu A choice variety of chicken com tometoei peachy chtnu cam of or cane of apple for and all foe In proportion cases rired at be old at in pre- Some of went to Bradford to the match be tween and the home team It rj one Bradford taking to in an a torcorjiDfii the la place in the Conn at oclock the national game Foot Ball A match was played lait Friday night the Pair tween and In a the former by one goal to team rather hear made op for it The match will be tlocxtwKkat tods entidratecL All popular flavor and beet id town at Cite him a Oh the Mote Law bat they got here all the aame An did op the town on The a mm per formed on an accorded by way of The day a plied itinerant hern Um brella were here a couple of The of St- Church ere forward to a grand time at their Concert the Town Hall Thor3ay evening of next The Bind will be En attendance and a choice of vocal will Aa the only the hall be well filled For lewder and hellebore pore and toilet a Fatal Accident The down wai boor late which by a meet accident tear milee from A girl named or 14 was cat clean in two while in and port of the tody thrown feet away She to hare either dropped a or been In and did not hear the cere feet when op and mangled to The rr3oea of Jtraa will he by AH are invited to attend Next the Hie of Baptism by be ad- to candidate In the Christian Chnrch C ra At All kept on new a were twenty or more gentlemen joined the print of the Book ladder Co Monday end they time USX hue at aad 11 They 1 Big Bay and fiurir and the The In their power to gratify the of the parly Extra Value In Japan Young and teas from to per full line of family at low eat at a Ink Drops Volunteers come home tomorrow They hare had a tanning week Dominion Day E at Sharon Sit King ConncU at Like School next Friday Entrance Exam commence Tbunelay wanted for bridge on St Veetarday hot day in US at oclock to Omenta and gooaebcrriea on market Nt w potato and peas 9OC0 crop of expected 1 INE I I I- IT I III II III 3 a- GOODS Mi i- M IN With Trimmings to match The Best Value we have ever shown ft ft OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT 1 I T to At ft ftctiicgf the tit A the committee adopted The it the and contract th If that the three arc now ate be to 12 each and the SO odd The limps in the may determine not leu SO frcm the ground and ion lill A The at each redaction of aatiifact- that and empower with Sir Miito i on the lit Member on v with a re ntt lha The following hare been made In the and John Alfred Allan la to No lice George Aibworlb who retiree rank The beaduartere of No company are from to Richmond Hill and Second Charlie to be rice whoee fa accepted The retfgnelfon of Second Lieut of No accepted Frederick from the retired Mil Io be quarter matter J of No Millihebt re prepared for a peat next Saturday for Millinery fa H74trKBig CaoadUn growth a If litre anytfafflg to a pill it the fait on the Button p on time arriving at Newmarket at ft f irl fc i here but the l4t ftlght It ly a ft ill Comfit lu train lw It aUelly atack and ThrrnhfU wiit fir fi Eia did not an J ft Wtg after oclock before reach WvnKllU fly leering the train it Ltd It at and to it to leach here Jo time to fl at iltniWfr the year iWOaVt Jo ion of 1 M6urigfig to WWji v for tie annual which la Sir Hit Friday but Urge With that He fellowkg Conn- KfifiHeo ceo Vaodorf o Collie the J JJi J tot J IMS wdpylcg Jj Uft opening Kiel of at v of gire one fcItf a HiCtldM a Me Mr f of ted enfetter the prrem wu mich of the at VMe from the f In WlW forget pf in of Toronto Ibla taat fa Wjui ma Am the Narrow A abort timo ago Mr of eta- dentf had a narrow etce from lelog killed by a The both out at Mr Beit In peiforuiing an operation the eoltntl lo order to do waa tll hot when operation completed and the a dart for Mr fta and the wind oat of Mr made dart to and headlong on all which caught him In the Hot the preaenceof mind of tii In catching the end of the attached to the enlmi and turning lie were tX ago a of p Itilbtf wllb an root a charter the Ship Hallway Company The waa term in able to a few ago nothing done railway a reality a ebip railway it ftetibtf there are who that in a will from fte giaaliiytooldOfltwIorrall thence to the old ftomXhlrago Chicago ROW the matter np willlnoeu to money W will It eared from the route Chi- cago end by of Ihe reilf ay end the We hare for a the ebo A photoe of the limit tele at the will be highly prized relic In a few yeif While boating on the Tote- day a young gent gt an A took ptc at wrolog arewauted a of ploih and gilt It bedded Mr the faahionofAaron Corpora tion are Job of the Town Wee New awning En front gat the Kelttan an to flvwlog well he an water Ma wMe lew took an excellent picture of other lawn to the Ml the ocantltycWndrra at mart lure run of I- Mr- Thotnu wee in town on Bert Toonto in town week riiiting John with parents in Mr Lowe end wife of were the of Wood Sunday Mr John Bond and eon of Toronto a couple of In town week Mr and on Monday to the term at Big Bay Point- Mr 5- Anaitigf wife end family vera in Newmarket with rea- of Toronto returned home Monday after a of In ricinily Mr popular Manager to Port Perry on in- tending to enjoy a On tario County Vuitora at the Water- Works Stewart White Bos Cain Midland I A Campbell Weak Toronto Junction a few day her daughter Mm who la laid op malum Mr from occupied the pulpit J Bell being permit a vacation to renew health Mayor and the Jackson left for Brooklyn to a month daughter A Bell and at the to Adrian her eldest Sam McCracken who lengthy of Elder on for the Ife ti of end to return time to tiro The former pupils of Newmarket High who were attending Toronto Normal Kelty Mr- J and Mr Megill hare all their Kelty taking teaching- The of the of Fricndi are attend ing the yearly meeting it Pickering week Fraud Jeremiah C and Cody Mia Annie end Mli Minnie hare the to fame In literary pnrmita They were the only of School who entered In the Witness Com petition for Canadian and week retired In reownltiOD of their merit The Editor wife end eon bed a de with friend Moore of the Acton Free Press Acton thrifty little place cut The ire clem In excilleot repair everything of on the pert of the Council and prlrafe Co extending Km titntry line ft Hon up their reputation glore lice Thte two employment to hand BOOTS SHOES In Great Variety THE NOBBIEST HATS IN TOWN W ALL PAPER Immense Stock D BROS A LARGE LOT OF GENTS LIGHT SUMMER GOATS VESTS Cord Lustre and Linen Crash A Fine Line of BOYS JERSEY SERGE TWEED SUITS Prom size up White Boys and Laced Flannel Top Shirts Straw Hats in Every Size and Shape rfS IN LADIES GOODS Gloves Hosiery Ribbons EmbroideredjFlonneings Insertions White and Colored Edgings Beautiful Lusterinea in Black and Brocaded Black and White Creams and Greys Printed Nainsook the Latest Novelty Another lot Beautiful Shades in Cashmere FINE VALUE ALL THROUGH r Baldwin News from Volunteer Camp- I Mitchell of the first few of camp of died Sunday raor- very but the nights last a short age not accinhtely rather one each The remainder of he it ban warm enough pro vided two 3 oclock Katorday morning wo were awakened by patter of rain and the tent shrinks when it was a ha most have or op- he died he was has beet receiving pension for a number of yesr for services rendered in defence of his gets wet we had turn out and country sister Mw Sherwood loosen the About half- two still past seven wo got up to pet breakfast healthy and through very audio moving around attack of La grippe last tent making the through J fall Oh is what a fellow Baldwin taking qaite a boom home sick Mud and water in the ibis Tsvo flew stores under making it too wet to lie down construction- Mr is and it was too to stand fib putting op a building for himself we had to up intends to move In as soon as bis sit around ram ceased about lease runs oat on building he now oclock occupies Mr- been keeping OnSunday the country was paint- store for nearly three years in red volunteers being scattered win and to be doing i around for miles some going to largo and to other Mr Thomas Yates is also building side A large number were run in store and residence and intends to the Guard on Sunday night start keeping somo this returning till about mid- fen The old stand will bo to rent again making three in all Too We had a second shower of rain on roanycooks sometimes spoil the broth Sunday morning but it did not The ministers of this locality who Bald- very Since it has been very fine wouldnt mind if camp lasted a month if weather liko continued Today duty day for 12th But Band other bands dont play all way op and down the lines our boys play from one end to the other without stopping- Those who ought to know say that this best behaved camp out in a good many years first night or two there was a blanket but the officers put a stop to it Toronto Young Mens Chris tian Association has a reading end gospel tent on grounds which is very appreciated A a general thing boys fettling well but getting a little tamed down treated their hearers to numerous equal rights and political sermons in tho past few months seem to tbtnk it did not pay as they have now settled down to preaching gospel ia going to a gar den party in this neighborhood this week and somo of our dudes making great preparations such as dyeing and waxing their mustaches etc Wo tbo young ladies wont get badly mashed Trotting races place Friday afternoon on Frog Street open to farmers driving horses and they do a good deal of fun oven if much money whip and holler louefcat comes out ahead ELI ABLE GOODS at PRICES THE LATEST DESIGNS IN STRAW AND FELT HATS Sale Register Jul a or n of o ltoIr SHIRTINGS C0TT0NADES OF VALUE Nearly every faouia Am Town Council thecal or IUve Km Millard bills J A owl pi or Uctt no It of to lb It Hebraic but lbs Board J AtceMtt of lbs lasts collected re l- dam council of ton asms the Kirs and to confer Mr on lbs torn A which was an4tb A Water Mm Its A com mom tic- to A tot 7baloc lbs to to cut the on ibtlt J If to lap a on stabdtoff thai IbeOMuMtrtd If Is actor to Mr M MO of bylaw sad In Of Another Hallway Accident- June The railway accident which occurred t this after noon took on Trunk railway lino between Capetown and The caused a largo crowd of to the and th auxiliary train in about oclock bringing back ami a over bll end was grtat to worst It umpired that fortunately only one life had train eon sistedot a car fivepaenger coaches two Wagner cars and a din- iog room can Tins train on time and was bowling along at rate of 39 when just of bridge Copt to Wag ner cars jumped llf track and lunged down embankment Mr- J McDonnell of Chicago was passengrr claimed by death victim ftentteman on bis way to with his lliry sailing for a holiday trip to Old Country the Cars and roll over Mr McDonnell jumped towardf window and getting out to drag his him this could bo car foll him to embank about feet and it Is fortunate that so paistigers which Mexican Central Railroad Is In gaol to bottom of in City Mexico charged with It is likely tbat Injured a defaulter to amount of will recover wounds not serious Neb was Emo men will swim TOHOoT on IIP OLD IOitA a of tho firstout The of in for eight has clspicd Funds out Harvey of who was attending ha nigh drowrfd In river A lqd of 10 years iwytd fell from a onto Owen Bound harbor and was drowned J A terrible windstorm With and rain swept over on and two deaths were caused colored Hamilton has on ciiargo of in connection the death of old man weather at Knis City Monday and hot Two from heat have boon reported of Tweeds Trouserings and Worsteds GROCERIES FRESH teas STEPHEHS NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE GOODS Shirtings Linens A ASSORTMENT CHOICE NEWSPRINTS Wines Liquors II ISLAND WIN Eft flEA0KAM3 P iUln North COIMVBIXIYHI8KY Recommended for iOASH GROCERY STORE Blocked with flout Ihe cad S A SPECIALLY Goods Still A NEW AND J J BELFRY tA lrt j On Of of To ICto On NEW GOODS J Main St North p it rioroxr Hoik On the cootie In beat OConnor Monday June A fatal three oclock thia afternoon at the farm of William two of here by the blowing Dp of a engine belonging to while corn In the of son of William Crate Frank Frank Quick Peter White and wagtow aerfOMl A man named drowned Monday night while bathing In the river Sydenham two from Florence The body two later June morn- the tog K moored foot of Van street Mown to Ohio Juno on tho tug at tho time school waa being held In the Oscar Methodist ctfnrcb at Creek cook Mid dick whose couoyon flnndav lightning name it not known were struck building and it partly killed outright Tin- sup- burned Victor Miller aged posed to killl ho and labels Mailer eon of the is ballast scow was horned Cornelius Rock which whs lying along aged rendered tug had tide torn out and went conscious and a in a critical con- to tho bottom It is supposed watchman on whoso name X a not known went with her mofl WOOL lbs ANTED LASKAY WOOLEN MILLS For which th Price la or will paid A LABOR STOCK OF Tweeds Flannels Blankets and Yarns up as wo for long la Ho as Good Qooda eUr on Carding General Wool Manufacturing Dons lib snd Brstelsas workman st lbs Wool sal and mads to order My Wagons wiw a Full Line of Goods Will call all W Ihslr wool or pcjchsas for cash- wool of sad dealt for yoox aoploc to T m of and of Stand m to fau now Into a different line of trade and Mllclu ft ll from x In It Ho of WIMES LIQUORS ALE AND PORTER Bottled or on Draught but of will ilwiji J Corner of tod Timothy n s Star And Provision Store NEXT DOOR NORTH CONTAINS ft stock sod at GIVE OUR TEA SUGAR A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED J McALEER FOR As a lares with roe I this la with m wilt for raj stock soil I lo will find It s4otaga to llotbofri of prompt BULLS I wicri WrtUftl frpod either mit or nt toutmtdchotoi of MAY PRINTING-

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